Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
MORNING BNTBltmSE, THURSDAY, AUGU8T 10, 1911 Me ... a f(w days alnae living our ofords and shea way. During eur OttalfWI ALE we are giving bareafnf (n ihott "hl vHlf aleak) ftp alack In a hurry. " ' GBT FITTED NOW WHILE Wl HAVE A PULL RUN OF SIZES. Ice Our Bargain Shot Window J.LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. - Oregon City 0ltin the M, LOCAL BRICrg lillam Kdwarde, or Carue, wu In city on weflnesasy. , a. J. Wallace, of Salem, la Id rlir visiting friends. t. Hum Elmer, of Clarkes. waa i rlir on Wedneaday. t. Hurst, the millman of Union aa In thle city on weones- sml Mr. D. Miller, of High wit In this city on Wednee- Liiuin Davis, of Beaver Creek, In thla city on buslneee wednes E. Huence. of Heaver Creek. M Lartlnx bualness In thla city on ineaday. Ilbolt stsge wilj leave the Electric I each day at I o'clock p. m. Camming and ton, Bird, of rr Creek, -were In tbla city on tieaday. .1 n Irish, of Union Jlall. and Mlaa ly lrlh, of Carua, war In tbla on Wrdnesdsy. lad Hweek, a promlnant attorney, rtland, waa In tbla city on legal aeas Wednesday. onard Mosler, of Clarkes. 'wee 1 the Oregon City bualneaa vial- on Wednesday. hmk Klrbyaon. of Shubel, on a of kell known farmers of that placa, In tbla city on Wadnaaday, M. Darling left on Wadnaaday Mug for iba mountaina, wbara ba remain for about ona waak. hnk artlet Watar. Bold by all k groceries and drugglata. Mr. and Mra. lllram K. Straight left on Wadnaaday morning fur New port, wbara tbay will atay two weeka. - Mra. Don Meld rum la III at her boma on Twelfth and Waahlngton atreet. Buffering from an attack of appendicitis. Better buy augar now. It'a aura to go higher, 17 pounda for f 1, beat gran ulated, llarrla' grocery, Mra. L. F. Olbba baa gona to Dallaa, wbera aha will visit her eon, Thumaa. Mr. Olbba haa gone to Mil waukla on bualneaa, and will remain for aeveral daya. Mrs. Q. A. Harding and two daugh (era, Mlaaea Nleta and Evelyn, and Mra. Nleta Barlow ,awrence left on Wednaaday for Hood Klvar, where tbey will apand aeveral weak a. Mlaa Clarice Nurawalt left on Wad naaday for Newport, where aba wilt remain for a month. Mlaa Zumwalt accompanied bar grandmother. Mra. M. C Wei la. of Portland. II you aat bread why not get Koj, Bread? Tba beat thai money can buy, at Harris' grocery. Ora Similar, of New Era, waa in tbla city on Wadnaaday on hie way to Portland, where ba want on bualness trip. Mr. Blelther Is ona of the wall known farmers of New Bra. Mra. Wang-- and Mra. Drown, of Canby, aro guests of tba former'a ale ter, Mrs. T. J. Gary at Willamette. Mra. Wang before returning to ber bmie will visit ber daughter, Mra. Allen Adams, of tbla city. Mr. and Mra. Edward Fortune, who have been enjoying a two weeka' out ing at Sandy. Molalla and Wllholt, returned to their home In this city on Tueaday, and report having a moat enjoyable) time. Mra. O. B. FreyUg, of Gladstone. recently went to I'ortland, wbera aha la undergoing medical treatment for heart trouble. Mra. Freytag baa many frlenda In tbla city, who are glad to bear her condition Is not alarming. Dr. B. A. Sommer, formerly of Ore- gon City, baa moved hla office to 1017 Corbet t building. Portland. Mra. C. O. Miller, who la Buffering front typhoid fever M her home on Seventh atreet near Center, la Im proving, and her condition la now encouragiag. Dr. It. 8. Mount la the attending physician, and a profes sional nurse la In constant atten dance. Mr. and Mrs. A. & Wllmot have returned from their two weeka' atay at Newport They had a moat de lightful lime. Mr. Wllmot waa ona of tba lncky flehermea In a party that enjoyed deep-eea fishing while at that resort, and a black cod ha caught weighed mora than 40 pounda. Mr. and Mra. W. B. Pratt, Mra. J. N. Wlaner and son, Nelson, left yes terday far Long Beach. Wash., where May will spen4 several weeka In the cottage tbay have taken for the sum mar. They will be joined later by Mlaa Dllle Pratt and Korbea Pratt, who will spend their vacation there. Dollcateeaen: U A. Nolile, 714 Main atreet, baa Just received from Wiscon sin 1,000 pounds new cheese, cream, Swiss and Unmurger. Fine In lunch. A. I. Mason, of Hood River, one of the prominent and well known ap ple growers of thst place, waa In tbla city on Wednesday on business. Mr. Mason, who Is a member of the ex ecutive committee of the Stale Orange, on his way home from tbe Waldo Hills, Marlon county, where he hss been giving Instruc tions on pruning. Mr. Mason haa a thirty-acre apple orchard In Hood Klver. Miss Helen Smith entertained at her home In Canemah on Monday eve ning In honor of Arch Callaway, who lft on Wedneaday for hla boma In Kansas. Tba evening waa devoted to games and music, and a most en joyable time waa had. Watermelon and Ice cream and cake ware aerved. Those attending were Mr, and Mra. Clint Hood. Mr. snd Mrs. C. Mesaln ger, Mia Cora Coler, Mlaa Ollrs Coler, of Portland. Orrln V. Smith, Miss Helen Smith, Edwsrd Smith, Mr. and Mrs. P, H. Smith. Good coffee and tea la our bobby. Try our t&c coffee and 60c tea. Can't be beat, Ilsrrts' grocery. Ely Stark, of Mullno, was In this city on Wednesdsy. Mr. Stark and bis nephew, of California, who came here on business, are busily engaged In prospecting for gold on tbe Htark place. From all Indications there la gold on the place, and there la no doubt Mr. Stark will make a atake. A. M. White will leave tbla morning for Newport, where he will apend two weeks. On his way to the beach Mr. While will visit his niece, Mrs. Ava Smith, of Albany, and brother-in-law, M. A. Baker, of Sodavllle. A apeclal car from ' Portland brought to thla city the O. W. P. baseball team and the baseball team of the p. It, L. A P. Company on Monday, and tbe two captalna and their wlvea, Captain West, of the O. W. P., and Captain Joe Zlnu, of the P. K., LAP. Company accompanied the tearhe. Tbe party waa met here by Mra. peter 8mlth. and her daughter, Mlaa Helen, of this city, tbe taller of whom Is tbe mascot of the O. W. P. tesm. After tsklng ln tbe sights In this city tbe party returned to I'ortland In the apeclal car and enjoyed a supper. Ralph Ooddard, of Seattle, waa In Oregon City on business Wednesday. Unclaimed Letters. List of unclaimed letters at tbe Oregon City postofflre for the week ending August 11, 111. Woman'a List Berth, Mra. J. W.; Bailey. Cora, it); Carlaon. Me.-Oe-kar; Cottier, Mra. Wm. B.; Kruger, Marie: Valbaua. Maud. Men'a Uat Allen, W. H.: Boylen. Wh.i Black man, F. C: Burg. Peter; Cooper. O. L; Cottam. Colin, W.; Danner. C. B.; Davidson, Wm.; Don ovan, Cleet; Dungan, James; Henry. Thrron L; Johaneson, J. M.; Kennl rott. Jim; Lyons. Ed.;'. McFjrland. Harry; Mulr, John p. ' - Her Oeed feint. Even the most' Impulsive eroaaea have their good traits. ' Aa Irishman, mourning pia late wUe. tearfully remarked: "Faith, aba aa a good wouian. Sbe always Wt we wiej de aoft Ind af tbe broom.' ' - ' we Give servicc we Give SBRVfPC The SupzAoAty Of Electric Toast to the charred, or bttfe, pr soggy kind oxide in the tedious old-fashioned way is rdatircly the am as thesttperiorty of grilled steak to fried steak. For the merest fraction of a cent pe r slice the Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast fast er than yon can eat it. It is Perfect Toast be cause the Radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change in the bread. This insores delicious golden Toast that fairly melts in your mooth. Yott can operate the Radiant Toaster on the finest damask fable cloth. Its neat por celain base and cheerful glowing coils add grace and charm to any table. 'f : ; . . - i PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO MAIN OPPICe 7lh and Alder Streets we Give sbrvicb we Give seRvice Photos eopyrtght by American Prtat Association. Kit TWO s via tors. Harry N. At wood and a J. ("Bud") Mara, recently played Important parte In tbe newa of one day. At wood completed bla re markable flight from Boston to Washington sod after taking luncheon with tbe Aero Club of Waahlngton went to Potomac park, where he had left bis aeroplane, mounted It and flew to tbe White House. After flying directly over that historic structure he aalled to tbe Washington monument, a quarter of a mile away, circled around that abaft aeveral limes, occaaioiuUly going so close that It eeemed, his machine would h!t tbe monument, then aalled away, rose to a height of more than a thousand feet, passed ever tbe monu ment and dropped easily snd gracefully to tbe White House lawn. He shook bauds with President Tsft, received a gold medal eommemeratlng' hla flight from Boston, then mounted hla machine and aalled away. One of the pictures above shows him Just as be had pasaed over the White House. Mr. Mara had an accident the aame day At wood called on the president. Mara was flying at Erie, Pa., wben be lost control of his machine snd dropped a hundred feet to the ground. Three of hla ribe ware broken, and be Buffered other injuries that It waa thought would be fatal, but a few daya later it waa aald that be would recover. In one of tbe pictures above Mr. Mara la abowa seated In bis sere plane with bis wife beside him. YOU might think that there is Kttle to choose between varieties of vinegars, spices and and mustards. But there IS and it willl surprise you to know that more dif ference exists between them than amongst aradea of meat and brands of flour. 80, Just aa you pick out the beat In meat and flour, you should get tbe very finest In sypices and vine gars. All tbe flavor and pleasure of eating may depend on that cbolce. ' It will make the difference between a good meal and a bad one. .''' Come In and let us sdvise you. We carry the most varied and best selected stock in town. Some prices and suggestions for this week: Pure Cider Vinegar, not. ....15c Malt Vinegar, boU .YllOc. Pickling Vinegar, gallon ....40c Pickling 8 pices, mixed, ready for nae, package 10c J. E. . SEELEYj Grooor Oregon City Wefnhard Bldg CORRESPONDENCE CLACKAMAS. The hay baler operated., by a crew of ten men, la making tbe rounds in Clackamas and vicinitgr. Mr. Iaaao Johnson, with his team. la kept pretty buay hauling powder to tba magazine for storage, and also to town. ' ' Mr. Charles Chicken, of Dumfrle- sblre, Scotland. Is visiting at the home of hit cousin, Mrs. Hary Jen nings. Mr. Chicken made an exten sive tour in China, Japan, Australia and New gealand before coming to the. Coaat. ' MTs. Mary Da v lea Jonea. wife of the pastor of the Congregational church, returned last week Thursday from the 8t, Vincent hoapltal. Mra. Jonea la recovering nicely from the eertoua aurglcal operation necessary. Mra. Ray more returned Uat Friday from Tillamook, where ahc spent three weeka with frleada. Laat week Mr. Frank peebler hitch ed hla team to tbe spring wagon, and, with hla wife and two children, start ed for tbe Coast, expecting; to camp along the way aa suited their con- cenlence. Tbey will be abeent three or four weeka. Mamie Louenberger la apendlng the week In Portland. The Wittenberg family recently removed from Zli-Zag villa, to Lenta, Mr. Wittenberg having aecured work In Portland. The. owner of the villa haa aeveral men at work Improving the place, by putting up a new front fence, bleating rocka and atumpa, and Dalntln the house and water tower. J. Thornton Btrlte started last Mon day morning on a trip Bast. Mr. Strite will visit friends and relatives In Montana, Kanaaa, Idaho and In diana. He expecta to be gone about four months. K A man waa In town last week looking for hopptckers to go to hie yard near Salem. . ne secured thirty. A crew of fourteen ere going to K. W. Smldt's yard near Aurora. ' Fred Patterson and partner have gone to Butte Creek to get out stone for building purposes. They took a tent along and will camp. ' Several aalea ot property' are re ported about town. Miss Annie Gardner and her sis ter, Mrs. Blanche Walker, were In town lately, looking up subscribers for The Enterprise. . Sorry you did not cell on the scribe, glrllea. E. E. Elliott brought up a party from Eagle Creek in hla automobile laat Friday. Oeorge KIttmiller waa around last week taking orders for R. F. D. mail boxes. Miss Lulu Roberts entertained a few frlenda Monday afternoon In hon or of her thirteenth birthday. M. M. Fead went to Oregon City Saturday to take the teachers' exam ination. The neighbors surprised Mrs. Cupp Friday evening, it being her birthday. ira neia spent a couple 01 aaya Isst week with her aunt, Mra. Crom nell, of Deep Creek. FIR WOOD. ! EAGLE CREEK. Mr. and Mra. A. W. Cooke, of Da maacus, were up this way laat week, calling on relatives Mrs. Jones Is on the sick list ' Dr. Adlx called to see her last Friday. Miss Ruby Elliott, of Powell's Val ley, waa the guest of her uncle, B. BL Elliott, last week. V ' Mrs. R B. Gibson and Miss Myrtle Woodle called on Mra. Huntington and her lady guests laat Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Pease snd Miss Alice Dris coll were entertained at dinner Sun day by Mr. and Mra. Howlett Mr. and Mra. Charlea Murphy, Miss Meda Murphy, Perry - Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson took din ner. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodle. . . W. J. Wlrta will not lecture a week from 8unday unless notice Is given later. There will be no Sunday school on that day unless the lecture Is given. George Kelsecker's little girl, Tbel ma. was sick last week, but Is much better. C Stressor, of Portland, visited tbe Stuckl family over Sunday. Mlaa Bessie Badman, who haa been spending the past three weeka with tbe FTey family at Camp Idleawhlle, haa returned to her home In Port land. Henry Kelsecker and aeveral oth era were hunting on Wildcat Moun tain laat week. Mr. and Mra. E. D. Hart. Mr. and Mra. R. A. Chown and Miss Fannie Searlea drove to Marmot Saturday. Mr. and Mra. DeShaser were Port land visitors Monday. Mrs. B. F. Hart and John Sinclair drove to Montavtlla last week and brought out a load of furniture. Mra. John Malar left Saturday for Portland, where abe will visit a few daya and then return to her home in Astoria. ' " ' Mra. Nina Malar and Bertha Stuckl drove to the Mountaina Tueaday, re turning; Wednesday. Mrs. C. Meng la visiting her .father A. Malar. s David Johnston and Elmer Berg' strand, of Portland, visited at - the Elllngs' 8unday. Mra. W. F. Fischer and Ida 8tuckl rode horseback to Zaata's at Snag Camp the first of the week. Mr. Hyten and family, of Sandy, are ramping near Camp Idleawhlle, Mr. Hyten la building a bridge for M. Wal ton. .. . Mr. and Mra. Thomas Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Miller drove to Bull Run Sunday. Mr. and Mra. R. A. Chown, who have been visiting the' pest few weeks with E. D. Hart, returned to their home In Sioux City, la., Monday. . Fred AH, of Portland, haa beenl visiting relative the past week. Mrs. P. Haltt. of SL Johna, visited her mother, Mrs. O. M. Howe, over 8unday. DOVER. - Dover la to have a rural mall de livery after September 1. Mr. Root, from Bull Run, haa pur chssed the Bennle Hsrt . farm and moved In laat Thursday. Mr. Moxley moved to hla own home last week. ' Mr. Shaw and family leave this week for Portland, where they will spend the winter.; Mr. Rens Is cutting grain for some of the -Eagle Creek people thla weak Is COLTON.- Harry Wordenr and Henle Warner left for Portland the latter part of the week to visit relatives and menus. J. A. 8tromgTeea had the misfor tune of losing a fine young calf. Mr. Swansorr, the road supervisor, of District No. 20, Is hauling lumber for the Mill Creek bridge, which to be built soon. Mr. and Mra. C 8tromgreen and children called on Mr. and Mra. Gus. Got t burg last Sunday. Mr. and Mra. I. O. Dlx have moved to Mullno. Mr. Dlx la going to sell his place here and Intenda to go Into store business with his father-in-law, Mr. John Evana at Mullno. W. E. Bonney waa a bualneaa visi tor In Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. ChArlle and Miss liasel Free man, of Blwood, were callers at Col- ton last Sunday. ' The board of directors of School District No. 73 met Monday and hired for the coning term Mlaa Nora Wil son, of Q9 City, who was out FIFTH AKXUAL OREGON STATE FAIR 3 A LEU, Copiombcrlf-W, 1911 HOME GOr.llUQ VJEEU LIVESTOCK, POULTRY AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS. RACES, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS. FERULLO'8 GREATEST BAND, r -i.t.' REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. SCUD FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS. FRAUCt MEREDITH, Cporcthry OALEa, Monday, accompanied by Mia Elliot and Mr. A. O. Freel, also of Oregon City. Grandma Dlx and son, U. 8., were visiting at Dlx Brothers' sawmill at SchubeL. last Sunday. Mr. Swanson purchased a cow last week. John Countryman made a trip to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Handle and some friends from Highland, who had been at tbe form- time, returned laat Friday. IT. 8. Dlx and Charlea Freeman purchased a threshing outfit from Mr. Henderson, at Ellwood, and were busy repairing the engine the last part of the week. They Intend to start out 'threshing next week. Phgllp ..Puts waa home from Schu bel to apend Sunday with hla folks. There would have been quite a fire at Hult Brothers' sawmill, last wek, If It hadn't been for Mr. Laf ferty, who awoke "In tbe night and aroused the owners and others, who assisted In putting It out. The slab convevor had caught fire from a slab pile which waa on fire, and waa al ready burning quite close to the mill before It waa noticed. Mrs. W. E. Bonney and daughters were at Dodge for blackberries Wed nesday and found quite a large quantity. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY PMM! P BOTH DEFEATED PORTLAND. Aug. . (Specie 1). Oakland beat Portland today by a score of 3 to 1. Vernon also lost so the relative atandlng of the leaders Is the aame. Pernotl la the man who waa responsible ' for the loss of the game by the Beavera. McCredle'a men were powerless before the Oak's twlrler. Stein pitched good ball, but he waa no match today for his husky rival In the box. Oakland made two In the sixth and one in the ninth, Portland scored In the fifth. Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing. Boating, Burf Bathing. Riding, Anto ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agate, moaa agates, moonstones, carnelana can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the beat of food at low pricea. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of Tege tablea of aU klnde dally. Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive. wth atrlct sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKETS - - ' ? from all points In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on Bale dally. - 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific point a Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all C. B. atatlona Albany and west Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. ' Call on any 8. P. or C. at B. Agent for full particulara aa to farea, trains, achedulea, etc; also for copy of out Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Qr gon," or write to Wm. McMurray GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. Portland Oregon. The results Wednesday follow;' Pacific . Coast League Oakland 3, Portland 1;- Loa Angelea 2. 8an Francisco 1; Sacramento 4, Vernon 3. Northwestern League Portland ' 7. Seattle 5; Vancouver 8, Spokane 4; Tacoma 8, Victoria S. .. American league Washington f. St. Louis 4; Philadelphia a; Chicago ?; Cleveland 8, Boston 6; New York 3, Detroit S. National league New York 11, Chicago 5; Pittsburg 7. Philadelphia I; St. Louis 4. Brooklyn 3; Cincin nati S. Boston 3. STANDING. Paclf o Coast. .. , W. Portland . Vernon . . Oakland a..... San Francisco Sacramento . . Loa Angelea . Vancouver Tacoma . Seattle .. Spokane Portland Victoria U P.O. 68 68 .653 '. 71 . , 6 .64 .... 69 66 .616 .... 66 ' 66 .604 .... 63 66 .484 .... 63 7 .403 t Northwestern. i W. L. P.C .... 69 46 .600 .. 66 48 .87 .... 60 63 .634 ., ...... 61 64 .630 ,6a 66 .194) 39 84 pT Read the Morning tata1a. . ... -7. , rrjBMw!eWBaw