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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1911)
CCoMKG EliTERPRISE L K. BRODtE. Editor ad PaMlafcac. Marat aa a. IU. at tlx at City. On . irr- Act af two w toschfti. .... M .... IU .... ia Mmtht, Vt w Pleat Pas par i rim rin Frrtmmi aoalt, . ftrat aw . al ' mm ray" ethae thaw fleet : wtil a. ta aM kty. ftr the aa Wa fan- fraaa the dally e Uw ry. altaaat ran ay. ut rata wm aa as Bach far raw a( tbe aaaar. tat laa aa acti far apttal pairliB, Caah BhanlS iniaint tarty hi aakaawn ti ttta gntirsrtai , . arnee tcal a4Tartlstac at fweva ttTMllau aa i rial v attain at Ma ta laa aa taak. mM ta apaclal cawdltioaj Nawa Km aa wall at ajarlC wltk tatmt ta (U aa 1al atcaaaal. Mi ta Mnf lafiaaa iiniiaa a ay atuaaa ta CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 10 In American History. 1814 Commodore Hardy fleK of , three Bew-of-war a ad a bomb ehlp wan repulned by amall force of Americana at Steolngton. Conn. ' 1821 Missouri admitted to tbt CnJon. 1881 Battle of W1toon" Creek and . tragic death la action of General Nathaniel I-joo. C. 8. A. 1890-Joha Boyle O'Reilly. Irish Aroer- Iraa poet, died: born 1S44. tBOS Louie Chandler Moulton, an ther, died; born 1829. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Fraaa noon today to noon totBotrow.l San. aeta TOU rlae 5C: moon rlaea 1M p. aa.; planet Mercury vlalbl et - tins after tba ana: 8 JO p. m, eastern time. Jupiter foor principal satellite arranged aa fotlowa: No. 2 cloao on west of planet. px 1 below tba saaaa; No. X on east and No. 4 farther east; soa's decHnatlon. 15 degree 34 mln ntas aawtn of celestial eqnarnr. CANT READ THE PAPER. The Washington office of the Paaa . ma-CaUfornia Exposition recelTea n paper called the Rocky kfountaia Times, of Salt Lake City. The Wash ington Commissioner recently wrote to the Times, saying: "If the editor of the Rocky Mountain Time would be good enough to mark the notice ' be print In hla valuable and interest ing Journal, It t would be very much appreciated, and hare the time nec essary to read the entire paper." ' Aa the Time is printed in Chinese, the time required to read it woud be considerable. PLEASES CURTISS. Glean Curtlss the eminent aeroplan 1st and inventor, when la Washing ton last week, expressed satisfaction over CoL D. C. Collier's announce ment of a 10,600 prize for a fllgnt from Panama to San Diego, to take a message announcing the opening of the Canal, which probably will be In 1913. He declare the feat to be per fectly - feasible. eae a -am pa. er hat t .. 1M toa-aa par aiarr tSaa flrat paga, tar tack rtloa Ma I acale lae ar Mm; ta ravalar aar -Win Ve tea. Waata. Far Bala. Ta RaaiL at, aaw rat a war flrat atearttaa; aaa-kmif aaal Rataa far athrartJafcut ka ate Waaktr Catarprtae wilt I t Jalrr. far aaiarriaanw areaht. Para taa aartB ltaa arttatoa lecat faaaar. Salraaat awnr- The New York stock market I do-, Carlsborg, Clackamaa county; $200. lag lea business all of the time. The Moore C Gregory to Caroline Greg late Wall street cry of -let a alone" j ory. 20 acre of sections 23. 29. 30. 32, seema to have been taken bv the country more literally than Wall street Intended. e- Under a new Illinois law, ao rail road company caa allow liquor to be drunk aboard any of It tralna, nor permit an Intoxicated passenger to board aay of them. Ia this blow at next year Democratic campaign? People Once More In Control By Cormior WOODROW PUBLIC OPINION HAS AT "LAST FOUNO ITS VOICE. AND THERE IS A FCELINQ ON ALL HANOS THAT THE. PEO PLE HAVE AGAIN TAKEN CONTROL OF THEIR OWN AFFAIRS. Bat aome men put s FALSE interpretation npon this. There ia a certain UNREASONABLE fear in tbe air. as if the proc eaa we Lara been going through wa in aome degree VINDIC TIVE - if there had been bitter feeling in it and the intention to discredit ilioeo who opposed it. Men bare spoken of party split nd diriaKUU) and factions and hare talked aa if it were warfare among peraoo rather .than among IDEAS. I For mj own part I regard this a an entire false interpretation. There need be no fear connected with thew things except the fear that those most iro modiste I j concerned will not nnoVrstand. Tbe enwh of organuationa has been only the crush of those that- did not COUFREIIEND, but reaisted when there wa bo right reason for resisting. " My own hope a thht the men who hare withstood these reform srill not le rruabetl, but CONVERTED; that the- will aee that they werej figr.ting against their own interest in figbfing again! tie interest ' ', , ! v -in intrnMed theui witb it eonfidcttc. Commercial CI Mb Chat A glaa factory be Vocated eooa in Oregon City. It I Independent nropoaiuoa and the factory will be located her If the advantage are what the promoter believe they are. The company contemplating starting the factory owns holding of Mile and In Washington, but fuel being o high there the sand muat be moved to a place where fuel I cheap. It re ouiree three times the amount of Mel aa silica send In the maaufacrare of glaa and. as the company hea been informed that wood may be obtained aa cheVp or cheaper ta Oregon City thaa any other city, wun ine '"' age here of shipping facilities. Oregon City evidently would be a good lotw tlon for the plant. The plant will manufacture plate glaa. window glas and all Made of bottle and jara. George H. Savage, of Portland, one of the promoters, will com w Oregon City In a few days and will be ahown over the city by Secretary Laxelle of the Commercial Club, a a a The Publicity - Department of the Commercial Club will Uke up th matter of operating the Urge sawmill and amah and door factory In the northern part of the city. Thl plant haa a capacity of 73.000 feet of lum ber and 250 doors and la a good prop osition lor person who know how to operate the buslne. The property may be obtained at a reasonable ng nre or a lease may be obtained and the plant operated with a limited a ...wmlll will nay well In Oregon City- and all that Is needed J la the right manager. George A. Ro. . of Leominster. M.. way be prevail-1 ed upon to operate tne ptanu a a -a Seven Headed Siberian wheat I the latest curiosity to be brought to tne Promotion Office. Thla wheat wa grown by Jacob Groaamtlller. of Beaver Creek. The need was fur nished by a K. rreytag. of Oregon City. Thla seed I scarce and the first that was ever In the county was one hesd obtained by Mr. FTeytag. The grain la not different from other wheat, but the heeds are large. In fact several growing together. The prospects are that the yield will be a record-breaker. a a a I. D Taylor, who ha a farm at ' Crescent Ridge, but who Is employed In the store of Pope company, m this city, brought to the office on Wednesday a grape vine fifteen feet long. The entire growth wa made this year. This shows that grape win do well here. There never wa a place that will grow a greater var iety of crops than Clackamaa county. The people in the East are beginning to realise thl fact a well a the peo ple at home. a a a Telephone peaa grow higher than a man'a head on the farm of Henry Boege on the West Side of the river. At least the sample brought to the Promotion Office tndleatea that this section la especially adapted to grow Ing pea. The vine re large and the seven feet high and well filled with pods. Mr. Boege also brought a fine sample of White Side osts. The Promotion Office haa samples of al most averr kind of oats that grow. Mr. Boege aay that be learned how to grow a large rvitty of vegetable In Germany. He will exhibit samples of his prod nets t the County Fair at Caaby. September 27-30, 1911. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Christian and Christiana Kraft to Mathlas and Hellene Olson. 10 acre of section 3. township 4 south, range 1 east: 11.000. United State of America to Henry E. Noble, 40 acre of section K, township 2 south, range; patent. Orvllle W. and Lucy Boring to Wil liam H. Boring and Sarah E. Boring, land In Clackama county; $1. W. H. Boring and S. E. Boring to Lucy Boring. 3 ache of section S, township 2 aouth, range 4 east; $500. W. H. and 8. E. Boring, to O. W. and Lucy Boring, 5 acres of section C. township 2 south, range 4 east: $500. , & C. Fletcher to D. C. Bates. 3 acres of section 32. township 4 south, range 4 east; $10. John P. Peterson snd Charlotte Peterson to E. P. Stromgren and Catherina Stromgren. 3 acres of ' ' $1,000, Hilda Tooxe to Allle Ware, lot 8 of block 16. C. T. Too i Addition to Ore gon CKy; $100. G. C Fields and Lena Field to Belle Butler, lota 4 and 5 In block 11. Cane man; $130. George Hleinbotbem to George P. Hldnbothem. 35.71 acre of section IS, township 3 south, range 3 east; $1.00. WILSON of New Jersey BIG CIIEAK HI FRUIT : MARKET EXPECTED There are Indications that a break will be shows la fruit price within the next few day. Offering of early peaches are ao heavy that the trad Is overlooked. Dealer are beginning to shade price aoatewhat, but the cutting of values I not yet uniform, and aome carryover may therefore be expected. The Quality of the fruit is unusually good, and for that reason the movement I better thaa would have been the case had only ordinary stork been showa. Sales of selected Elberta are be ing made la a limited way a high as 11.13. bat the general trade I not sktn this much for thl same class of fruit - Market for cantaloupe ta again In bad ahape for aaythlag except se lected goods, and even some sale of thla quality are being made down to $1.75 a crate. Berries are arriving generally In a leaky condition and thl I hurting the sale soma hat . HIDES (Buying Green bides. 3c to c: Betters, me to 6Hc; dry aides, 12c to 1C. Shiep pelts, 23c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local price are firm at from So to 10c on apple and prunes, peaches are 190. 8 ALT Selling 30c to 90c tor floe. 30 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 71 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK " VEGETABLES Carrot, $1.23(7 $1.3 per sack; parsnip. $1.25 C$130; turnips. $1,250 $1.50; beets. $1.50. VEGETABLES) asparagus. 90c O $1.75 per crate; eabbaxe, new, $2 per hundredweight: cauliflower, $L0f $1.75 per docen; celery. California. 73c 09oc per duxen; cucumbers. $1,309 $223 per down; eggplant. 13c per lb.: garlic. lOcglZe per pound; lettuce. 50o per doxen; hothouse lettuce, $1.50 C$2 per box; peas, 9cGllc per pennd; pepper. 30e635c Pr pound: radishes, l&c per dosea; rhubarb, Zt Z3c per pound; sprouts. 9c; tomatoes. $;6$3.25. : ONIONS Jobbing prions; Oregon $2.75 per 100: Australian. $3.59 per 100 Teiss. $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotation. HOGS Hog are quoted He lower. From 126 lb, to 150 lbs. 9 He. from 150 lb, to 200 lb, mc BACON, LART and HAM. are firm VEAL CALVES Veal car?ea nring from tc to me according to grade. BEEF STEERS Bee! teer for the local market are fetching 5Vac to 6Vie live relent. SHEEP ia arm at e to Je live weight. Ouotariena tw oca yon City. POTATOES Beat, Buying 1H cent pound. FLOUR AND FEED--Flour I steady, selling from $5 to $5 30; very little of cheaper grade. OATS (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $24. white, from $25 to $23. BITTTSR (Buying? Ordinary ivultn hrtnaa fi-Aia IKa In . fMey dllrT from to . CT Jfcc EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRT (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hena are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Bur-ngl Vool price are ranging from 14 to 17 cent. FEED Short $29 to $30; rolled barley, $31.50 to 332.50; proceaa bar ley. $33.00; whole corn, $39.00; cracked corn, $40 00; wheat $33.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Tlnu4hy $18 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, beat, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $13 to $14. Fetlewing a Caatam. An American tr refer in Kaaala -earthed a retir of Catherlue the Great, which amusingly HI out rates the con ervatism of the Ruaalana. One day la crossing a bridge she noticed that the half docen wooden Image npon pedes tals which ornamented rt were weather warn. The starae mast be repaint ed." ah aakd. The next day a painter wa act to work, and every year after ward while the empraa lived a gave order to have them repainted. At aer death It had become an established aa nual ynstofn. and ' today the poor tatoe. covered with more thaa a bun dred roar of vermrlloo paint, have ne resemblance to anything bat ungainly blocks of wood. The Heedy One Hay. guVnor. there' a fly oa your eoee. Old Gent-What t be d li ken baa that to do with you The Seedy One-Not bin, net bin'; ojy I thought It would get Its wings fore hed. Kxrha age. v4tH4ft4t(44tM4t4M VOTE GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. . Thl coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled In with the w name of the candidate 70a wiah to vote for, will be countad aa one vote. - " . Name of caadldate ". Address .' v, a Thl coupon 1 Void after August 19. a. Cut on line. Don't roll. Send la flat NOMINATION BLANK. V - GOOD FOR TWENTT-FTfa? HUNDRED VOTES. . . I wUh to Nominate Mis...... ; . g. Addre ...... a Nominated by ,. Addre ....i....1. .,. ' - - Thl nomination blank, whea properly filled ta and brought er mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will, count for t.SAO vote. Only on of these blank will be credited to each caa- v didst. . , , ... . ' - . kaaf4VV4t44444444f444a4 POPE GROWS WORSE; SUITERS fROM HEAT ROME. Aug. . The report of the Pope condition tonight were leas aaaurinc than thoae earlier In the day. HI temperature, while not Increased. remain about. 100, and th heat or the day. which reached 9$ degree Fahrenheit, exhaust the paUenr strength. Th mot disquieting aymu tom I th progrea of the tout at tack, the pain from watch have ex tended from the knee midway to the thigh. The Pontirn bedchamber, wnicn haa a full southern expneur. la mall, with a Wva ralllna. Th doctor de cided to move hla holiness to th floor below, where he will occupy a large mnm nait tA hla nrivate library and looking wt on th rouit of 8aa Damaao. rw aaiarel and Tw Marrhiafavn, haa tka vtatta1 tfca Pontiff togeth er, were not satisfied with hi condi tion, aa they found his orgAnism tea ready thaa before to resist tne attaca. For thl. and because of the heat, they ordered him removed to a larg er, airier and cooler room. STRUT tCIDSCO TO LOCAL EO (Continued from se 1.1 finance. A protest & fit accep tance of the work oa Sixth street wa read, and W. W. Myers made a speech opposing the asacaament for the work. An ordinance providing for the Improvement of . Monroe street from Second to Fourteenth, waa ordered published. The council passed an ordinance providing a license of $:0 annually, open fronts, etc.. for "near beer" place. Th City - Attorney wa In st rue ted to prepare papers providing for the Singer Creek culvert, between Madiaon and Monro street. , " John Bittner. O. D. Eby and John Loder were appointed a committee to value property for aaement pur poses on Taylor street. Th owner contend that th asseaament made are too high. -The City Engineer was Instructed to furnish a detailed statement of the cost of the improvement of Jeffer bob street. Action on the franchise of the Clackamaa Southern Railroad waa postponed until the next meet ing, which will be held Friday. ' W. C T. U. Holds Meeting. An Interesting meeting of the Ore gon City Woman a Christian Temper ance Union waa held on Tuesday af ternoon In th Baptist church. Thl union haa about thtrty-flv member. It I planning to hold two meeting each month one In the af ternoon, to accommodate the older member, and-on In the evening (or the younger members. Every one I Invited to these meet Ing. One of the moot interesting ad dresses delivered at the recent Na tional Education Association In San Francisco, waa by David 8tarr Jordoa of Iceland Stanford University. Dr J or don said la part: 1 am bar today to represent the work of the Worn a as Chrlstlaa Tem perance Union. There 1 not a single thing to bring yoa oa the subject of alcohol, bat we must train the chil dren la order thst the men and wo men of the next generation may know and feel what we know and feet We are here to discus temperance, which Is moderation: but the only moderation In alcohol 1 to cut it alt out. aa scientific men hare clearly proved." 1 The Wrene Intarprrtatlan. 'Robert Henri, tbe well know New Tor It painter, waa condemning a at pld critic. "HI Interpretation are alwaya wtrng." Mr. Henri said. "He alwaya mtaunderataBda totally aa artlat'a eon ceptlon He reminds me of the Clnna mlnajiQ woman before Millet's 'An gelua. "When I be Angetns was oa exhlbl tiou st Earie'a, in rhlladelphl. a wo man dropped la fe eee It She gaxed with lively Interest at the two peas ant tadlng reverently la the sunset glow la the unlet meadow. Then he aid: "'A court! n coop!, hey: Seem bit by. donl they?" Ueed Maxima. Good maxima are germ of all good firmly iaiTvi''d uu tbe memory, they aourtah the will. Uuula-rt. WRONG BELIEFS. Hosts of young men are reck lesi because they believe that by and by thry caa be what they wal Ho of oU men are bopeJeat be cause it sretm impossible that they caa ever be aitythiaf but what they are. Both ate . vrvong. PhtHip Brooks, - COUPON. . L!snaer o.St Louis Cardinals 6ets Everything Oat of Ptayrs. HIS METHODS DESCRIOED, 2" PlteHar Obey Oraar and Work In Retatlan Selitve In Putt." Sail Over Plat and Inspire Man With CanSdans HI Catching a Faetar. Critic who have studied the Kl Loula Cardinal thla year aay tbe re xnarkabl ueceea of th ten in I due to heavy, ceaalstent batting, fast ba running and teady;6eldlng-a coiubl aatloa that ha more than offset aa ordinary quality of pitching. Hut prac tical baseball men-player en otiier National lea rue learn wbn cjn apeak from actual experience aay lhat Brea nahan'a catching, which ruean tbe ex pert handling of young pitchers, Ihe Phot b Aaiaikaa Praaa Aaaorlatfcm. aooKB aaaaaaaaa, oaanwau' nairruia LiAXaa. direction of defeoalv tacib-a and the breaking p of tb opponent hit and run game, ha worked wonder. "Breanahan la nalng a beadful of gray nutter." ld prominent ball piayer tbe ether day. H learned la Id baaeball when he caught for the Giant under McO raw's management and he haa gradually drammed the prltK-lple of that style of play into hi pliable team. In tb flrat place Roger has Impreesed Upon hla pitcher tbe fact that tbey must follow hla Instruc tion to the letter and that tbey must work la regular rotation. II b made them practice control until at least feur of them, Sallae. Harmon. Golden and Steele, liar It down fine. Breana han call for more balls over tbe plat than any other catcher. II bellere In putting a bat ft man la tb bole as quick ly aa possible, for be sa that if th Brat ball to a atrik the t-onldeaee ef the hitter I decreased much a tb pitcher' con fldrnce la trengtbened. Confidence I watchword with th Cardinals manager, and he play that game to tbe limit "By making hi piubers work the corners and tbe middle of tbe plate, at tbe aame time wasting a 111 now and then at bis direction. Rresuaban ha aocceeded In developing ol work that I a big factor In th tea ma victories. Aa a student of batsmen's wesk point be has no superior.' and by enabling hi" pitcher to work them be ta (et ting result. Roger lao keepa an er peeled for oppoalng bnar runner and la pegging tbera out with aome rveat throwing, n has tauKbt his nie.i how to play tb bit and run game, not nuly from flrat to aecwid base.- but a Ian from second home, and tluit is hy many game bar been won. "The Cardluala hare becom infect ed with Bren9han' conildence and energy, and tbey actually bellere tbey tin win the pennant Brea his point 1 out to them that tbe world' aerie mean nearly $2,000 .piece. tnd ,h, men are ready to fight to a flnlah Every man ou the St. Lonl team re gard Roger a fair. o.uar leader who k them nothing that b cannot de himself. Th discipline I perfect and the whole team la hannonloo " Nanemahee Snowing Up WsIL Nwnamakr. the catcher who 1, snowing p o well with tb Red Hox Waa one tba mi.i. . 1 . . - - r " ioe l ana. . tnrned back by them Tue Boetoa American got him by draft fieapeaaf Psiata. The principle adopted la tbe miking of fireproof p,!,,,, to to in,,,, with the other ingredlenia or tbe paint an ammonium salt which nnder iu tafluenre f beat will gi,. o(r ,B. xMila and ao produce an tm.-pher anfavorabl to cembuatlon. Tht sola MMty ef mt ammoolnBf a.lta r,.,, Jtod1 ILT.lUba thk Wtpe-e. tnt ?-nia.iB P't oble ammealum m meat an pboapbateand s WW medlam eonaUoT,, of Uad U OU of tnJnZ n r ft, i Chi ''V, I GOOD WANAGCTTENT you hv 'ntlod tht th who l the war), w 0nriiiy tnoe wh are fed man9r-wne he larnd t wrld v.e thai th. seat way te t.k. Thr r Ju.l "" rns wrhy YOU hewld hv, aount atlhl. bnk th.r ar why any ef wr hundr.. ",d eTKJiS. U.. th. y The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IH TBI C0UJITY D. C LATOURarrTTi Ft at dent THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIE of OREGON CITY, OREGON j CAPITAL, aAOOO.Oa X a r.l Sanklng S..n Oeet. Iraen A M. t .,' Wants, For Sale, Etc WaUiai aaSar taaee taaafa WIM laa ia ai mmm a . . k.Li a aaat a4itloMl Uaaa. m larh oar. --mik nail Btrh ear. l naaai ar " Caah muat aeraaiaaar tar anWaa ani baa aa iaa aeeauat b tba aaaar. Ha ttaaaelal rP-aalblllty ! errora; wKari . ..annua naura wlU Bi artata for aalraa. MtaHauni vt laa WANTED. WANTED Collector to my col lection of all ort or cuno. an tique, and Indian trinkets; stamps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow heads for arch eologlata, etc. I buy and aeil all aorta of curio; alao all kind of second band furniture and toola Oeorg Young. Main, near Fifth treat. WiNTl-wui dartlaeniaU fo this column. Frio vary reason able. See rat at head of eti-rma Read tb Morntng Cntrpri. WANTED Ton to know that th En torprlaa Job pnnUag dapartmant I th most compieta la ta But, ontald Portland. Try It for your ast printing WANTED Position by stenogrspbrr. Phone 2411. city. WANTED Girls at Oregon laundry. Call for foreman. City FOR 8 ALE Space la tbl colama Sail lhat old plow or barrow; yon don't ua It tine you purchaaad your aaw on. IX) R BALE (kmkI Gonn launch. 1 - . l 1 . mrt . I rneap iur caan. inuna uvi wi enth wtreejj. oreson t ity. IIARDINO-WALDEN Tracia. Acr trscta. garden and fruit land, level, fin view, ouehalf mil to rarlln t Gladstone, aold oa Installment or term to ault. Inouu 1003 Main treet. H 8. Clyde, agent. For bargain In bouse, lot and land, aea H. 8. Clyde, 1003 Main Street. Oregon City. ESTrTy NOTICE Arrived at my place on Highland road, near IIn rle! choolhouie. Saturday night. Aagut (. 1911, on red roan horse and on brow hor and op big , bitckikln horse, long manes, not hod. Owner can regain poaaea ion by paying chargea. Mr a. Mary Egglmann, Oregon City, Or.. R. F. D. No. 3. FOR KENT Th Walden home on tb bluff at Oregon City. Thou Portland Mala SZ6S. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlck, Lawyer. Oregon City, pr. ATTONSVS. O. D EBT. AttorMMl tav. Mof loaaed. ahatraci NrnUbad. la title iamlod. aatataa settled, gs eral law baataeaa rta Haak ai Oeeeo fitv VHW.S A SCHUETIEU Attoray-t I-". Dentsrber Advokat, will pre te", all court, mak eotlaetloai and eeutemea' Office la Enter prls Bldg.. Orgn C1t. Oragoa 1 sun PER avp ce-'TaacTOSj HARHY J0NE8 RulMar sod fi.era Contractor Fstlmil rhrifull g're on all eHaaee of hnlldint work, concrete walk sn rata forcer eoncreta, Hea Phone Mala III INSURANCE. R. H COOPER. For rir tnear.aer d Real F.atat Ut , h,n41, or properttea-wa bny. sail "'dr. Oregon ctiy. Orwgna When Itonntne t,. ,d Kn, bcl. to death .11 p.n, fftf , mmn horror at ,e event ,h,t ,hr)lf,. , the tyrsn, fr,,bM A enter rev,,,,, Uoo ws. rioted ,nd would mo.. EtfUl L "k'n " " DOnanarta nt.. t ... 1 "' a new l rt u .,111 . .. "' nartia.1 i th grsnde., .,,r ho uhlblted ihar. ti.7 ever th.t ,b BirtJ TiTr1. n"EnghelB to,7 I lM"" hothln. bo Vs. a?" "0 ofc w w uiknJ elllr ' 1" '-'"l".- "Id SIP"'": "'youth Wlth.mb,r . At th beginning of ,b ceramony I said to him; ?? V 10 r,pe,t m.' A-l Prtur 10 Grinning th Vlaratloa I whispered: ,4 -Tk her right hnd.' ' tJlo?khtiuW,JIlhl bn4-' ,b tP" .b-thto1-'- Vrid.B,dn, whlapared. bafAS,urn' 00 be put needed ,b riftc f. i. KEYtlt. CaK BASE BALI RECREATION PARK, i Cr. Vsu ha and Twenty fears OAKLAND PORTLAND August S S, 10, 11, It, it Oan 9n Washday at I Sunday, f :S0 P. M. LADIEV DAY FRIDAY. Boys Udf 11 FT to Blav ' ' waaBaaday. mWCClTtT5EWlI8C KAIGHT RUNNING Ifyw wast a)ihr a Vlta-tlnf hnl Kbauiaar aninttathiaa (f-aawA twalua Marlilaa WW U - Til ItW IBt ItWIII MACIIIt IT Orange, Mae Mar mhf mi h m M a tut wlW, mU Maw Mais h aata tMa lafwi mm eaat H I SWM a? Mtataetaeal aweln f " ' am UU BV j W. L. MARSHALL, I SM Marrlaon St Pr a" j Buy a Hone . j While PavlnrRr: 100 down and fit s take this eomfortabl tli-rt house and lot. Hon Is tlx' for electricity. Lot 12x101 Some frolt oa place. Was I fated on Mad I ana ' 8t f r A sasp st..k .. 1,1. E. P. Elliott and I 7th and Mala 8U, by Suf sloa Drldga. J liT9f f M'I " S10 REWARD For the arreat aat oarkur of any person or persons, unlawfully remove copies of" Morning Enterprise from premise of ubcrlbrs lb psper has been placed tbrrtt carrier. I H w - ) THE MORNING ENTlHWf I on aale at the following it every dar: Hualley Bros. Prutt Main niraef 1. W. McAnulty Clgsri t Bevnth' and Mala ; Secreal Con feet lonert J Mala near Sixth. j M. E. Dann Confecllooel j Nit door to P. 0. Clry Drnf Stor , ' - - Electric Hot). 8rhoen born Con fectloaT 8vnth and X Q Adta j CLUCK! CLUt! . lit Cl Knojf. - . Correct :;Ct!cken Kiiti Csas Liy he -Chit Ortt, M K f Scrap an) Oat 0rn esie, -. :' 1 i' " Dealer Waal, FIwf,Jf Qrsln, peed, ceal, 8 Coccifcston C ( 11JH AND MAIM iT pren VM Are yoa a rabacrlDer Ing DaterprlMT If not y nd let us pat year asm sertpdon Uct. fcraedUt!." mm