Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9, 1911. ::irm:G buerfrise cszooar cmr, orioor C C. tRODIE. tdttae iibnee. aa mil alass mMt Jaav- T a, 111. aA tho tiM Mh M .1?TV' ran w sosscttfTHib imm Yoar, by aaatt ...... w stooiha. sy ma rowe aaaeths. by ul Pse wwo. a earrloe..... ............ J. . ' AltfUIBBN tiTQ PVet fu me tare. iMvtM.. . .10 fijlmPiTn '0' Ml.. .............. .......11M attoa . My S. , pmt kM .. JSa 1H 1.M M seaar ethar rarU tniirtlia w....U ' ai aiaMBi miiTi V"'" nrBt r tSMrB M BaM. Wants. For tktle, Ti'W KnUhM ka obe VmUt IB MM so Ml SB ' MfeCtl aBruMtttfttMsasVL Rates Kxii wta Salt. I toe the wookty. Mm Uh m t toewerorred rress Um dairy o he ' y. llH Ufi, the rmte wta so B roc rwo ef the nmt. sag lea aa n lw BWOOBB1 IMIIM Cash nM iiwiii at-Sio Imw fcijUm at Mm efTta at Lege) tlwtMM at legal II iiIbbwb, WtOS. m-rea itrntMu and saislal 1 M Ml BOS SJ. MM. CS)lt to cwoaitssna swvwrsUBai law Tara aa" aad Banlmia ale" adver iita SVc tac first maartaam; seaa- Mafia) asamBsTsfttasffas) 4sssswy asVewa ttMi anQ tfaTMaaW M Haaaa e4 U writ arrkaUa J llll With ftM IflMl ' Ma astaaae mm aula as CITY OFFICIAL NKWtPAPCR. Aug. 9 In American History. lTSO-rtaacfa Scott Key author; of Tbe 8tar Spangled Banner." bora: M 4l 1814-War wttb. Cmk Indiana ended. 1905 Ftrat sesMoa of the Rum Japa . aeae peace coaiereace bald at sMisnvsuth. N. B. lUO-Mayor William J. Gayaor at Maw Tark waa shot by a dlarharr . ad city employee. Mayor Gayaor other forma of laaact Ma, aaora oytavg tUa tba kovaaTDt f Ua ra aoa that tbay aoaaatimra follow oaa to bad at ttlfbt. It may ba tfua ttat w ar to bava aa aarly talL 8oaaa thlnca, much aaora early lafalllbta tha croakara, ladlcata tbat poaatbll Ity. But wtt ow, ravallng la cloudt after tlx waaka of rafuUraaca, wa would think It aafa for the afflrma lW to call for a referendum on a propoalttoa that It la aa aaay to gat too much sunshine aa It la to get too much of any other good thing. e Chicago la to hava a aoul boaplUL Wa prMuma tbat aurgary will be uaed. .. . Nobody In Vaaaaoala baa been able to aea Caatro and nla army. The first seen of theaa. we believe, was in London. If aa artillery gun baa been In vented to hit a mark outside of the sight and range of tba gunners there may be a chance for the Russian Naty. -e- Mr. Bryan baa printed a long list of Questions to ba asked Democratic candidates for Prealdeat. Mr. Bryan eeema bent on getting some fun out of . Why not Tba Grand today. Little Gir Freek. Hjit-fc, iM. itttu itreas wbea carried aot la white Unco or one of the dainty shades of cbambray. Pink I fll Tfe VitU ' I - . ASTRONOMICAL KVtNT. (Trosa noon today to noon tomorrewj tan arts T2. rhma 8.01: day'a angtb. 14 hoara; noon rtawe 723 p. m.: 10:11 m. an. aastera time, fall mooa la coav ataUatlon Caprtcornas: pUnet Mercary j , rhdbte aetUng after tne sun: Ua.' planet Tenon at greatest brilliancy, i A REVEL IN CLOUDS. . Perhaps there are aoula unsatisfied with the change in weather. For the matter of tbat. there are souls unsat isfied with everything. Change, if 1 too auddea. pats tbem off their men- i tal balance, but monotony, such as rvwn limva inn wtwiui brought to all of us, U unbearable to Is an eaperlaUy youthful color, and the tbem. Sunshine, one of the greatest wnu et itoj moimins mT i of dellghta, sung by poets and pic tured by artists, can. Itka everything ewe. grow wearisome by staying too long, says the St. Louis Globe-Demo crat It cms be said, of course, that wa bava neeer wearied of aunjltgbt but only of sun heal, but tbat is only dissecting the fly in the ointment again. Nothing is surer than that uninterrupted sunlight, with the mer cury at degrees, would grow mo notonous and we wouM sigh for clouds. Changes lo weather are among the rx rnrg nuiuT. by tba yard, which slmpliflca the Bask ing of this woe piece model PaiHBHIS RAISED THREECfllTS Tba Portland creamery men on Tuesday raised their prlcee on but ter, and la some Quarters tba advance was S cents. This pat standard local make batter up to So to 31 cents a pound, la bos lota. Outside maka was raised accordingly. At the aew quota ttona, local makers aad dealers report ed tba output working off la tba beat of shape, and there la little doubt that the market will continue Ita upward course during tba fall. Cheese of all ktnda waa firm In the extreme, but no changes In prices were noted, flats holding at It t-l cents aad Young Americas at 14 1-1 It la believed that the borne supply will ba vary nearly sufficient to run the trade up to the end of the year. Shipments now coming la from the Tillamook country are taken about aa fast aa they come. " HIDES ( Buytng 0 reen hides, le to Cc; saltera, 5He to,Ctc; dry hides, lie to He Sbtep pelts, t&e to T&c sack. DRIED FRUITS Local prices are firm at. from So lo 10c oa apples aad prunes, peacbea are 10. S ALT -Selling tOe to c tor floe. SO lb. sack, half ground 40c; TS tor 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, SMSetl.M per sack; parsnips, SMS f?Sl.Sr turnips. S1-SSOSLS0; beets, S160. VEGETABLES Aaparaaua. : SOcO I1.TS pefcTkta; eabbagn, tl vi huodivd weight; cautlllower, SLeOO S1-7S per dosea; celery, California, 75c etOe par dosea; cucumbers, SLSOO tl-IS per dosea; eggplant. lSc per lb.; garlic, loc Olio per pound; let t ace, SOe per dosea; botbouae lettuce, S1.S0 OSS per box; peas, c011e per pennd; peppers, SOcOSSe per pound; radlahea, lSe per doaen; rhubarb, tc pSc per pound; sprouts, tc; tomatoes, t?OS3. ONIONS Jobbing pf1ce; Oregon IS.7J per 100: AustralUa, fS.SO per 100: Texas, $tlj per crate: CaHfbr ala, SS per crate . -Oreoon Cltv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted H wer. From 1XS lbs. to 150 lbs. 9r. from ISO lbs. to 500 lbs. I He. BACON. LAKH and HAVI. are Arm VFAL CALVES Teal caKaa ortag from Sc to tuc accordiag to grada. BEET STEERS Jeel wteers for tba local markets are fetching SHcto 44e Hve weigu SHEKP 4mw arm n w w la live weight. Owetaiaan. eer ore aew City. POTATOES Beat, Buytng 1 cents pound. FIjOCR AND FKED--FVxir Is stesdy, selling from St to SS30; very little of cheaper gradea. OATS (Buyng) Gray, 23 to SI.ICo,,BtT POUD TAX ROLL TO BE $260,000,000 PORTLAND, Aug. 1 Thla city will bava aa aaaeaaed valuation of proper ty or approximately l.(HW.0O0 when County Aaaeaaor Slgler completaa kls assessments for this yer. according to conervatlva eatlmatea. Thla meana tbat the total Increase In taxation of the assessment thla year (er that of last will approximate SlS.OWi.iXHV This wltr yield additional tax of apprlxl mately $530,000. County Aaaeaaor Slgler baa Increased the sasesaed val uation of practically all the real prop erty from tba center line of the blocks between Fourth aad nfth alreeta west through the aew uptown shopping dis tricts and from Buraaide street aouth to Harrison. Vpper Alder street is the pivotal point from which the Increase Is made. On tbla thoroughfare the In crease la 10 per coat from Fifth. atreetJ west to its intersection oi naaamr toa street. Oa all other parallel streets from Buraaide to Harrison the increases are gradually leeaeaed to about I per cent The reason as signed for levying the greatest In crease on tba real estate on Alder street Is due to tba rapid strides this thoroughfare baa made as a business district As an example of the Increase In the assessed valuation, the quarter block occupied by the Yeon building lsst year It baa bean Increased to S360.000. Tba quarter-block directly west acroaa Fifth atreet. on which the Upmaa c Wolfe department store Is for S2S5.000. while this year it baa been aaaeaaed for S170.000. or an In crease of SIS. 000. The southeast cor ner of Sixth aad Alder, occupied by Meier A Frank, laat year waa aaaeaa ed for S230.0O0, while ihli j ear U baa been Increased to SSSO.oOtt.- The Sell ing block baa been Increased from $158,000 to $270,000. Like Increaaea have been made la other property la thla vicinity. Tba quarter block at tba southeast comer of Fourteenth aad Aider last year was assessed for $36,000. while this year it Is assessed for $42,000. The quartet block on the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Alder baa been Increased from $23,000 to $36,000. ' . The Increaaea oa upper. Washing ton. Morrison aad Yamhill are slight ly leas. Tba lacrease on Washington street, nowever. reaches ss far west aa Twenty-third atreet. A considera ble advance has been made on the East Side, particularly in Central East Portland. Tba Increases, however, are not so heavy aa on the West Side. In residence districts where many im provements bava been made during the past year, the aeaed valuation baa been raised allghtly. I am of the opinion that the total Increaaea oa real property over the entire city will approximate about S per cent more than last tear." said Aaaeaaor Si (tier today. Geed and Bad Corsets. The good corset Is laced about the alps and hold Ita place Independent of garters or strapel It has a straight front It Ss only form fitting or loose white, from $25 to $24. BITTTSR (BoytnCT Ordinary -j ccuotry brings from lSc to XOc, fancy dairy from 20r to 22. cream ery tic to Sc EGGS Beat grade 2S cents. POULTRY (Buytng Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good heas are bringing 12c Old roosters are In poor demana. broilers bring from lte to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Buy.?ig Vool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. . FEED Shorts $2 to $30; rolled barley. $21. SO to S32.S4; process bar j Icy. $3X00: whole corn. $35.00: crariteo corn, xwao: wheat xj: 00 from below upward by means of two it more Ufe string. X bad corset ex ercte Its greatest compression about the wsW and dlmiaKbe Ira measure from two to .four tnrbe. It is looae sboct tbe blrw and he'd 4w by gar- most kladly ot all the dispensations , ten or by the right lactrg above. of Provldeoce. But the voice of the , mourner U beard to complain thai REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. the drop la temperature in the middle of July is a certain and Infallible la-1 about the waist ana bot it ooe not 0 $33; oil meal. $S3; Shady Brook diminish tbe waist measure. It laces i dairy feed, $1.2S per hand red pounds. mat tKuyieg-i Timtby 111 to $17: clover $ to $14; oat bay, beat, $12: mixed. $14 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14 Had Improved. Tbe Princess Charlotte, daughter of ( George IV.. waa a young Woasaa af t great spirit saa originality. Uee day one of In Thia will amount to Increase round figures of about $15,000,000.' There will also be increases in the personal roll and la Improvements. which bava been takea Into conaij eratioo la tbe estimste of the Increaaea. Life of Moses today The Grand aer. t earners rbabred la oaie Jsson C. and Lena Fellows to Oh- j tbe room wbra tbe princess waa revO- ' ver aad Bertha MrClure. 1? acre nf ! In eoe uf a- attMuiMt it i- - dk-atkw of aa early frtwg which will action tomnshlp 4 south, range 1 j wrath, aad. after giving brr a tenure clesa up whatever of crops and of eaw; $1 SWt I an hasty peecn. be pre -a led sec with vegetation tbe drought may hate left. The Shaw-Fear Company to Calvin ' a book oa tbe aobWt trw .n more tanuaa tbe sabjtrt. fiHind her still Stale Bread. It M generally u4Wed tbat the stal neoa of bread irW frvm lis tie coming art sally drier by tbe gradual aoea of water, bat ibis m out tbe -ae Stale bread contain slauuet exactly tbe same projniou f water an new bread after it ba become rom4Heiy cold. Tbe change ta merely is tbe In temal arrsngeoieiit of l be mi)e-Uir of tbe tead A rvuf of this is thai If we pot a atstc luof lalo a rtuoej coverrd tin. exjwr W for half aa bmr or aa boar to a lieat Dot ex-erdiiij: that ef boiling water anil Ibra altvw It to root It win he rMund la ap pearaare sod ioiwimv -r-ik-s!ly to tbe stste ef tbe new bread. Ex cbsnse. For the Children - HaUia.Iajsrng V Hae Daily SatK. ,Vr i "A 3 IfU l , iav Photo by AmoHcaa, rreaa Aawiatmn. Elephants, as most young people know, are very fond of .bathing, -and la their aaflva Jungles frequently seek tbe rivers and lakea to enjoy a water frolic. Down at Coney Inland the pachyderms take a awtui In the surf ad greally enjoy buffeting the all billows.-, When bathing si the bench the bag beasts re accompanied by trainers, who alt oa their necks and guide them from tbe water wbcu their time la up. Tbla hi nereaaary. for tbey are show animals and ninat lie In their places when the performance begins. If left to ibemeelven tbey would prob ably forget all about their engage ments, Tbe elephant In tbe picture l llattte. tbe famous performing ele phant In tba Central Park son. The photographer caught her wa hc was getting ber dally bath from a now tier expi ft hugely loo ahowa she Is enjoying la the midst of the magnificent March Mor Louie D. Morae. lot ' later be weather of 1914 a voice waa beard to . "pe. j sod adi kaoguage eveu more votmL w. iv. saa r-ie noroett to Jons w. i - am orrv to find rwmr rural airs- exclaim: "Rejoice not at the early spring, for verily it will bring the bowaefly earlier than of old.' And the next saoath brought a killing saow. Aad here are still those who revel ed throughout at of the March of 11 without a thought of the untimely advent of insect life, and who would extract from the bliuard in the MOBta fiYlViwin tti mAoolatWiA tbat it had given tbe quietus to an such Insects as had come too soon, and a Sboberg, 1 acre of section 24. town- e la x-ti a paiow.- atd te -fowr ship 4 south, range 5 east: $1 . tfc. k- J H. and Mstlie C. Keith to Ben F. ! - aevvoeatl tbe book I jiii. .nj u.i.i. i mi. i.j , gave you. - LilUa and Uinu a I J1H lnwi i. sectloa IS, township 2 south, range 1 ( 10 -T ,or-" she tempers east: $1M. 1 ewaly "I herb read It and pcoereo' by A, G. Jacob to Gaston G. Jacobs ' It Otherwise I abnald have arratcbed 148 acrf of IX L. C Xa 70, townshis ; br eyea oat.'" 2 south range I east; $1. Edwin Hedges et al to Emil E. Goo don, lots 2. 4. S. block IS, Gladstone: :. , , M " j-- Air Censwmed lw a Miauta, la one minute in a state or ret rne Joseph rasrhal to Annie Peters Paschal, i acres of sectma 34. tows- average man takes Inte his lane hp 2 south, range S eai : $1. j sboat S liters or 4&S rohfc- Urhe of ( tTUOMI-A Hnl fl A Alhr- m . . ... . . decided setback to all other, wholtnarts 4k 41 44 II K 2 it I-' ws.mwt ae aeexia w. liters or have sarvivrd tbe drought and tbe Prwnelaad: T 4 cubh-in. be., la climbing S Uter rot winds of this summer, and are 1 Franks and Metises Hoult to Henry . r 14,13 "bir lacbew. la riding at -a tww Is full eajovment of another of "ATJ A 3 "cf,f of , trot S3 liter, or VH caUc larbea aad ,w. , . v , . . , . w'" "'"'H wiib range 1 . -r I iwrmi m m TWIHfn. mnnM eSSt ; SXjOQ. , lrpetaal ewnshine bave also perpct naTty tbe taraatwla, the centipede, aad in kvng distance running 57 liters cr S4T-ewWr So feet st Tbe Grand. S Reels at The Grand today. CfTOITB ULIT fllCS TO JUD (Coatiased from page Ll - ting in their best effort a. Tbev know that the one who gets tbe diamond ring will stand tbe beat chance of winning the piano and every owe in tbe race is working ber hardest to be tbe whs aer of one of tbe awoole-r-entarr rriaes that Is to be swarded August 14. Hard Work Necessary.. The beet of this contest Is that the work vou do in sa effort to get the sapplementary prires dors not go to waste whether you get ooe of the dia mond rings or not Tbe work tbat voo do between now and Septem ber t win also he added to your credit for tbe piano and other prlrr. P"o1 Ve an b"cr betwrea sow aad Arat 14. and see that you vote early aad ftea in ibis battle for ballots dor. 'rg tbe nrxt femr weeks. If .tMMrtltt44M VOTE COUPON. a Federal Law Needed!: to Put an End to Trusts Jtf IX GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupon wbea neat!; clipned and properly fined la wttb tbe. , - 'M -amw ami, itw3 jnviwi iy n.wm is wns tne. e i name of tbe candidate yen wish t- vote for. n ne cowt3d as one vote, vr,, I", I" Name cf candidate. . 7 :: . " ; $7 JAMtS j; HILL RtUraad Magnate e A: This coupoa la void after Aug 1 ' - Cat on line. Dost roll. Send ta nt. 1 4MMfOtH fMMitr4MM tjjl B4k BvSja, am 4-4w4e 4a4 4 4444444taa444 p9HERC WOULD BE NO TRUSTS; IN THt ACCCPTCD MIAN. A INQ OP THE TERM. IP WE HAD A PEOCRAL LAW RE. Viy 4iU4RINO EVERY CORPORATION TO PROVE THAT ITS CAPITAL TOCK IS PULLY PAID VP BEFORE IT IS AL. LOWED . TO DO BUSINESS IN ANY OP OUR STATES. . ;'-Tnat''awtU RETXT;flarJt f ralocs a&3 tb wSda sal of rtock ta mterprve tkat are not scJidlY foaaded. - Tbe re is PLENTY f OHwwfY in th conntr sjhI it U heitg cf fcrr.1 at a W rate of interest for sacrt tim loan, but Btt?t of it : crtr to U p int.v the of NEW UL'SIXESS ENTER- s ' ' - r- -trr, rnneh of out tcortcT it fflr j tott'gn a 4 0.0 a e e-4wsdv4s444 ew-4444 4 a This roT.isastoa l.Unk. wbea twe-w-rr nilew w ar.d'browrht r waiVd to Cortesl rrrtwet of Tre CMerprise w I I ooant for a I y vr-es. Only ore ef these tlaks win be rr-diTed rverh ra d.dato. . NOMINATION BLANK. ' i sfh an GOOD POR TWEXTT TTTE Ht'NDREU VOTES. I wlh to Nominate Mla...;. ....k. Addresa .Mnmlaated by Add: An Old Timer. Turtles are oco of a few kinds of a Imala that lire longer than men do. Tbey look their age too. A turtle that bad a date mark on him. though not tba date of bla arrival In tbe world, was found a few days ago In New York, aot far from Poaghkeeiwle. whets the boat races are held on tbe lludnon river In tbe early-summer. Tbe turtle, which was a land tortoise, was, fj"d by David a Weight, wbo lives' on the farm where bla father llvedfor many years. On tbe turtles tuck, but In tbe bard shell.' Mr. Sleight found his fa-ther-e Initials. A. W. K. and the date 1S4. cut deeply and still plainly vis ible. He added bis own Initials aud tba date and turned the Utile creature loose to live perhaps until another gen erattoo of Bleigbts come along GOOD MANAGEMENT Yso have noticed that those wha tel ahead la the wen .rsM those whs ara aaad maaa9ara-wha bava laaraad t, kT r tbat the aeat way ta tak un at ng aalanaa la ta ksep a bank t7)L 7 oansrallv those ".'lar; . . - .. hawa a arawlna " Thsraara luat ss many reasons why VOU sbevld bay, count at this bank as hars ars why any af tar hundr.d, W -T"r.:hi u.,, , The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAlfK W TBI C0USTT i) v. LATouRrmi THE FIRST NATIONAL BA112 ol OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, IMjS0S.SU Tr mcIs a 0sral Sankirifl Suaioaaa. Ooea ra' a. m. m f $ ,, Wants, For Sale, Etc NoUoes s4r Ihoas xm4TT will bo mi4 at mm e r maailtui half a ol adlltluo -r llona. Inch esfd. II ' "" her ...b u i usaai at sor svana t-sab siual seMOSeB orSac snlMS S saa aa open aeoount wllk lk V na.nrlal rp..lbllU lor .rtnra. wkert rrors oemr fto ewrwteS "Of wis aj srlaied lor eatroa atlmiMi okoree lae WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of all sorts of curios, an tiques, and Indian trinkets: stamps In ulamn r..llectnra coins for numismatists, arrow beads for arcIT eoloRtsts, etc. I buy and sell all sorts of curios; slao all kinds of secondhand furniture and tools. George Young. Mais, nesr rUtb WANTi; advertisements la this oolnma. prleea ery raaaoa able, bee rates at bead of roHma Read tbe MoraTng iCnterprtae. WANTED You to know that lha En lerprlse Job printing dspartment Is tbe most complete la Ike Htata. outalde Portland. Try It for your next printing WANTED Ponltlon Fy stenographer. Phone 1414, city. rOR SALE Spare in -this col urns Sell tbat old plow or harrow; yo" don't use It since you purchased your new one. POR-MAl.B cheap for cah: Inquire R4 enth Stri-t, Dregon City A Bathtub by the Saa. A . few miles below Del mar. On!., there may be seen lu a rocky , ledge a peculiar baala cut out of solid r-k. It measures t by 4 feet and Ita d.-plh U about Ave feet. At bigb tide the basin Is filled: at low. It sod the ur roondlng rork ledge are laid Iwre. Above tbe basta are gutters, which al low tbe eacaps of mtrploa waters. It Is supposed that tbe balb ws naed by tbe Indians In early rimes and that they heated tbe sea water by meana of heated stones, ll Is nt Improbable tbat the sick redskin oblulued relief J farm liANS-Dlmlck a Dlmlck, BAS EBALI MICMIATION fARR, Car. Vaughn and Twenty-fa ( OAKLAND PORTLAND August I ty 10, 11, it, n. O.antas ieala Wsskdsys at I at vadsys, I: 0 p. M. LADIir 0AV PRI0AY. Boys tHaf It rree to Blase wsdnewde.,. nEtcaiettaTiJTJEwisst: hUGHT RUNNING a a o'aaa asa saw wai a - - ewnuh ESTIUY N OT I C E- A rr I veil at my place on Highland fulid. near Hen rlrl sthiMilhoune. SalurJay night. Atigua(S, 1911. n ted fosnTKirae; snd oiie lirvng horae and one big Iimi kKln home, long manes, not hid. Owners csn regsln ws- ion by paying charges. Mrs. Mary Kggimann, Oregon City, Or , R P. : D. NO. 3 ' 1 1 NJ L FARM LOANi. from skin dlseaaea ami other Ills by balba In tbe hot salt water nf ibia ie cullar baln. It to quite well tnnde and shapely and would have been very convenient for such a purpose. A Deirs Silver Set. A set of sliver for tbe doll's dress ing table can be made from tinfoil. e It to a good plan to aave all Ibe tinfoil that comei around candy. Ho., and smooth It out nicety. You msy make s mirror for tbe drawing room or the doil'e boudoir of the tinfoil with a bor der of gold paper. Cut out a piece uf cardboard In any shape yon desire and then rover It with tinfoil. The gilt border should aot be plain, but should be rut Into ornamental corner i-r uaed to cover a ralaed frame of cardboard If you are going to oae the mirror for tbe dining room or library of the doll's bouse make I bo mirror In tbe same manner with a double ratlbnard frame around tbe ede and rover this frame with dark paper In the wood tones. Conundrums. Why are gtod U,t like clotizhT fte- 1 cause wo need tbem Why Is It tmpnoxIMo for s lioy who ttps to lielieve In the etlmenre of young ladle He take eierv ml f..r s myth. Why are printer to bndrolda? Because tbey alws.ts ue ilmiip sheeta. Why Is sa empty dininiMe like s solid one? IWan-e It la all amind. Captain Kit's Cruiats. WHien Capiain Kit In leliintr yarna To Tim ar! Ted nn, -y A soot the Craft Otrlvmphrr Aad sil Ita i-ruiwn nii Hal lively tnl Cf rhartns sr.nlra 1 snsgiy ".itfm tm Lawyers. Oregon Oily, Or. Ifroa waalollbeea VINeatlnt HhattK itaaUioorariinloTtrnMl l km awwlos MaclilMwnieai Til itw Roai .twit. Acmii etc Ovoinee) Mooav oakw.MlMhta Moose tH Uar s ' r- oav tsM by SMStswrtsoo) oVoJeta W. L. MARSH ALU ISO Msrrlsen SL Portia ATTOrNtra. O D EtlY. Attorney-at-lAw. Moaei . loaned, Set r acts furnished, lass titles ei mined, estatea aettlad, gea - r I law buatnesv. Over pank ol Oregon City ' P REN A 9CHUEDEU Attorne)a-si lw, Deutsrner advokst. will prse tlcs la all courta, maka roliertiont and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg.. Oregon Cltv. Oregon BUILDER AND COtaCT0 HARKT JONES Builder sod Geners Contractor. Estimates rhearfii given on all claaaes of hnlMtrt work, concrete walks ana rainforre' concrete. Kes. phone Msla III Buy a Home j While Pay ingRe 100 dswa aad i2 a m lakea this eomfortable ali-ror house and loL House is k for electricity. 'Lot 4ZI10I ft Soma fralt oa plsrs. Wsfl I csted oa Madison SL i" A snap at..... INSURANCE. J. H. COOPER, rvi' Plra Ineuranc and Real Estate Iot us handle vonr properties we bnv. sell and etchings Office In Ea'arprlae Kldg., Oregon C'y. Oregon E. P. Elliott and S: Tth aad Mala Sta. by 8ur etoa Bridge. Where dnlphm flav mm nyins tiray And waves diner In the t.tmr et sll their tin I, n ,. To safl at onro la ihrlr lrll And Tim will he the uHnln And Ted will fe thr And Pcltr 11 w tho lookout "o na aloft in ltal, But wts h tell of howlinglrTi,,! To Tim and Ted ni Pom Aad atl th t;hrlMo hrr a AdTenturea meUnrholv. 1 Inky rfnvd Ard Irv vhrrml, Ard waves that rrp ih rlrrk f nralnir.g nr. ' AM faJirig ho,.. And rrks ih.i w.u , ,,k pea all their llltlo rh.e. rr, Mlfc And they 0lo. ,M ,hr, Thw will t tiw rahin tor Ad Ted will r the ror.k And PVlly - to a 4rnrr Tacked Is soma shelter nMk -Touth rsniponloe. Rwstisa Justice. - ,v ,mposll, to oMatni IN THE CIRCUIT COURT or state Or OREGON FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY SUMMONS. Helen M. Qulnn. flnliiflff. a Ritchie t;i.'in IMcrnliint. To l,ii -'. . (j'tinn. the si. . .. r ,.c' ilt fi-iulnnt: S TIIK NA.MK OK THE STATE OK OttECON: You are h.-rehy requir ed to nopear nnd anasiT the rnnv plHllit flli-d Kg itnst jou in the above . entitled suit, on or ,rfre the Ism ln.r of the time prescribed ,y frtler of puhlicntlon of aiimmnns of t ils ...It. to.i,: ,in ,lr Mnn thfl Uh ilny of Sriilomher. . n 19M hnl being ,1V nf:..r 11... lotl of ix iL. rr.,. .1.. ..... Mii.liri.tlon of thin summons. Bnd if you fall so t., ,,,,,., p Nlmw,r for ws.i thereof, the pUlntiff will apply 'r In s.UI compla'.nl. hvtir Fr 'Inrre dlsHolvii.g the marrlnae l l'lii'lff from drfeminni. and for ' h "i. r and f, ,hrr n, m . n.iltiil.l.. ,(,,d j,,, 1 " This aiimnii.ns la aerv,.d MBOn .... .ka in tv. Motnlns Knterrrlse - !-n J:;::;im.:hcoy- Date of firm Milillraiin Ulnlri.i.. 1. 1..1 . .. . '"'" " "" "" ip Aiiviiai mil. , .. .. ?il. .1. M4 i.44444-'' -- 4 fit) RIWARO THE 1MI. rr ths arrest and "oorlC of aae parsoa or persons, 4 unlawfully remove copies oft Morning Eatsrprlse from ' premises of subscribers a paper has been placed tksnl carrier. : w i 4 THE MORNING ENTl'.r': la on sals at 104 .following svery day: Huntley Broe. Dro . Main Street. - J. w. alcABBlty-0r Seven tb and Mala. 4 ' 8ec rest Con fedlosrry Mala near 8litk. M. IC Dunn ConfwiloW'T Ksit door to P. 0. " , City Drug 8iorS Electric Hotel. Re boon born Con feetloe Ssventk ard Q Ada"1 a Hotel Arrivals. The following are those rrl I the Electric Hotel: James Kllroy, Mrs. I- Marahrield: Holla Wells, rW,r ti , ' . rkrta H i. vii am. :-jnwuu; H MinniR-Triv AHorney for rialntiff, Jce in KM- saW . T1" - "I'llOllimlty , aad etpetience there. "and how clear, I K tk t)-:.- . " rroveri mow tble! . T..n a prayer, l.nt The miIimm ' Mlier ,,f Slccn Is Rohharf ";,,:,'!i"..J""'. . j5r--r -...... o.isssr-J -.air: Mllillioll... .1. . - n..lilll "n'..on U AB1 :r " oia rwiiaad; F. H. Kims, t-" wlfo. aiiM iv-iiiiama Vorl". N. IJrtngatoa and wife. T. ,r , ...a, n . ". tvings vaney. o 1 city; j. Browa. U Bran, t J , l Eatarada: D. Pbale, ! tjulst, R w. Wsrd. C. IClty; oeorgs F. Ba", 8l'rt Raih snd wife, Portland; Du.aih; Ilarrv . Clsne"1- ' rer. Wash.; M. If. C"" , rout or, Waaa.: John horn: 8. R Watners, rwtlJ me, t.HUy only, Krhf la .v.. -- xTi.1 wZT ,wn',B, of M. IVrk. Im. W.w rv.i. u.eeiet C"" -7Wh. rnr ,,f l"a bull, i 'I :Z J ' The marriage of Mr. R U?L rpJLw,,n'"ko..w1,a !" ,h,");," f,,, ik ' inland, and. Emma t, Iwdgv-r 4, , lv,or,iH.r, ,.r,r,, .J'; , Elfuna g,o m.frmairi,. narkamia county, w.s e.i. ,o, . n, t fnd ,h; B " ,he Mire Tuewdst. Ihe Rev. S. P. 'r"-,W.,..,, fl T'; ' ln. Tha altnesoea ' '''' Tie r. V.T ' llai worth. Mr IJSIlatl II' , I be f.rai.,1 i.y ,, . ....... Irak !!.'