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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1911)
MORNING KWTERPKI8K. TITKSDAY, AUtiUbT . ln. A Disappearance r; in Be RUTH ft. SEVERANCE cteuoo. UU. S o r1 S qvl.S o) S c Tbere to a rlofi at lb teiepboo. lira. alartlndal answered tee call anl received aa Inquiiy trom ber bus band's fflc asllsf U h wara at bom, lira. VlaniDdal replied that b Til not and whj tba Uqulry waa BiaJ. Tba answer waa thai a (eaUemaa who bad "aa appointiaesit wttb bias waa walUnx tor btm; tbii Mr. Marttndal bad gvaa out to lunch and bad not returned, air. slarUndal did sot coma bom ta dinner. Ills wife teiepbooed to bU club aad to arcry Uwr place wber ba vaa tiketj ta go without Aodios any traca of bias. H did not come bom tbat night. Tba next morula- a newspaper contained aa Item statin;; Ibat a well dressed man bad been aces at 9 o'clock tba prertuos evening to Jump off a' ferryboat. It waa ao dark tbat tboaa wbo bad aee bin Jump could giro eery tittle dacrlptka at bis personal appearance. Vn. Uarrlndal waa fraatlcl She feared tbat tbia aukida waa br boa band. Unfortunately tba body waa noC recovered. ' A body changed be yond recognition waa Ashed up week afterward, but there waa no certainty tbat it waa tbe remain of Mr. Mar tlndal. After tba police bad aearcbed MTaral montba for tba nUaaing man wttbout flnding blm bts wtfa reluc tantly came to tba conriosloa tba he waa tba man wbo bad Jumped from tba ferryboat. Since bla buainesa and oobmUc affair were tn tba dor tat lafnctory condition tt waa supposed tbat be bad committed suicide under a flt of temporary mental aberration. A man ragged, nnsbareau furrowa In bla face Indicating suffering, appeared at tba door of a dwelling and rang tbe belL A maid came to tbe door. and. seeing on wbo bora tba appearance vf a tramp and being alone in the nooso. aba waa about to ah at tba door in his fare when be asked tt Mrs. alartlndal Lb C-? L- J - -No.- waa tba brief reply. "Where Is ebel" In tba country." la Mr. MartlndaJe in tba cityT "No. Mr. MartlndaJe la dead." "Mrs. MartlndaJe hasn't married again, baa she?" tba man asked. -No. What's tbat ta youT" Without waiting for a reply sba abut tba doer. Tba man turned away. He waa Oscar Martlndale. tba man wbo - and disappeared sereral years before Ha stood on bis own doorstep for awhile, looking out on tba passing throng, apparently deliberating what to da next.' Then, starting down tbe " street, be balled a trolley car and. rid lng to tba outskirts of tba dty, stop ped at tbe gate of a cemetery: Enter ing, be walked into tbe Interior and stopped at a lot of winch Be was tb owner. There was a central mono meat with tbe name Martlndale on it In raised letters. Underneath was Os car Martlndale. with the data of birth - But this abaft held Mr. Martlndale'a gasa only for a second: then it turned upon a little headstone on which wa tbe name Edith. Tbe returned man gare a coorsialT shudder. One of his children had gone, bis little daughter Mr. Martlndale walked back lo the dty. Ha bad expended his last nickel Besides, be preferred to walk. Reach- tng tb business center, a turned Into a bank and. going to tba cashier' de-k said: "How are you. Somen 7" ' Tba cashier looked at the supposed trump and asked what be wanted. "FIto hundred dollars." Bomers glared. "For whose account T he asked presently "Martlndale I am Oscar Martin dale." Tba cashier peered into tbe. man's face for fully half a minute: then, arising and taking both of Martin -dale's hands In his. exclaimed: . "For bearen's sake. Oscar, bare yon coma to Ufer Halt aa hour later tbe casbier aent a telegram to Mrs. Martlndale sarin w tbat be . had news of her bosbaad. Mrs. Martlndale replied that the .would be at home by tbe first tram. Mr. Martlndal left the bank with a roll of bills In his pocket, purchased saw apparel and. going to his boose, rang tba belL When tba maid opened tbe door be simply said. -Maggie. I'm Mr. Martlndale." and walked upstairs. An hour later, after baring shaved and taken a bath, be came down, and tbe maid, wbo bad been in doubt what to do In the matter and was about to call tba police, recognised her master. He Informed ber tbat her mistress would aooo be at bom and later tbat be would go out and order something for dinner. At e o'clock tba table waa act and a good dinner prepared, while Mr. Mar tlndal awaited the return of bla fam ily. Presently a carriage drove up to - the bouse, and there was a ring at the belL Aa Maggie passed through tbe ball to answer tb summons ber mas ter directed ber to ask ber mistress to step into tba dining room. Mrs. Martlndal entered In a state of excitement foCowed by ber chU ireu. "There's a gentleman la tb dining room." said the maid. Mrs. Martlndal led tb way to tb dining room, and there stood ber hus band. So fen Into bla anna. At tb family reunion dinner, which waa later brought la. tb husband and father told then that be bad andoubt edly Buffered oce of those sudden la pees of memory tbat are not of In frequent occorrenc. His Gentle )Rt bwfce.- ' - -, Fenlmore Cooper gave a' friend a copy of his last work. InarrlMa a tb lyleaf Im words: ' "T0 Jobs Biaak. with tb sat bar's affect ion aad esteem." A few montba later Cooper rame upon tbia aam book at a secondhand dealer's. H bought tt In and aent It back t his friend again with a serood InacrlpUoa: . ; "This eotoaau, purchased at sec ond he ad a boo, ta re-presented to John Biaak. wttb renewed affection ud re iterated axpwaona of eeteem." That Extra Special Off ei GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS (HOT CHIPS! HERE IS THE PLAN: To the contestant in each district sending in the largest number of Subscriptions, new or old between now and 6 P. M. August 14 will be awarded one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS, purchased from and now on display at Burmeister and Andresen Oregon City Jewelers. Subscriptions for the Daily Enterprise will be counted as double those for the weekly. The winners will be announced and Prizes awarded Sept. 2 the closing night of the contest. Should the winners of the Capital Prizes; the $400 Kimball Pianos be the ones who send in the most subscriptions under this offer they will be awarded tn tho TifiTt hieheat in fianh district. This will eive each candidate an eaunrchance to wira ny sar aa ta, u Bma, UsT sV FJ ww n w - w UW emn-ems prize, and surely these beautiful rings are worth making an extra effort to win. Under this offer eachjrearlysubscription tojhe Daily Enterprise. will count 2,000.votes and each yearly subscription to the Weekly Enterprise 1,000 votes." Sow you who are at the bottom of the list get in and work if you can't win one of the Capital Prizes your chances are as good as the next to win one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS. VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS DURING DOUBLE SPECIAL VOTE OF FER ARE AS FOLLOWS: Six month' subscription to the Daily Enter prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail. $130, 600 votes. One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3 by mail, 2,000 votes. Two years' subscription $8 by carrier, $6 by mail, 5,000 votes. Three years subscription, by carrier $12, bymail$9. 10XX) votes. Five years subscription, by carrier $20, by mail $15. 20.000 votes. One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50. 1 .000 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE $400 Each " 5P3 VALUE h?$400- Purchased torn Portland'sLeading Mosic House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS Fill in the name of candidate fo whom you wish to favor with your votes with remittance for !". 4tan44,k!a4tstaB t eat taAs aikibI tMfklr io contest Department ihe tnter prise. Name of subscriber. Add resi. .Month. f, Vot For M. District. Candidate. Second Pvhes Two "20th Centtfy" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Dfop Hea l VALUE $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Font Ptizes to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes.and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladies sUc) Porchased at j Burmeister & Andres The Leading Jewelers of 619 Main St, Oregon'Citr, Or The above prizes will beawarded Saturday niqht Sentpmhor onn . of your fayorlte condidate is not entered ff!,: For further pariicu iara eddrooo tko m ine (