Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 06, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Svl o) Vcp UaI
Proposal Rock
Ooarrtaitt hf Amrtrta Praaa Aaaa-
CUtkMk. INI.
They dawtllinK about on a
baach, Tha girt waa iboufb
burned brown by lb ua. Toal
at br,dr or bf aralai or aatvc
It vm -r rotlvd u ruler to ahova hf
aibowa, Tb fihw was ta tonnta ra
-Do jou that rock out lbrr
bo aaktd. potodiut to a protuberant
from tb watr about a boodr! yard
from ahora.
"Yaa. I a ft."
"Da yoa fcuotr wbat it la vallvdr
"Ifa rroHwU rw-k."
Why do tby eali U tbatr
"Wait, ibey aay tbat If t trt w-'
eatraa rropoaal oa tbat rock aha
caat rafuao.'
-Not If tbo fellow la a radr
. "Ob. tbat Uat what tbo aaytnj or
tha leseod ta. Hi kind of rvmaattc.
you know. Tbora aro no rod la ro-
Tbrtt'i asually a rtllata bo rv"
to brine out tbo rtrrooa of th bero bv
"It aooaaa tbat If a girt rwlw a
proposal oa tbat rock tbero la a auMI
taftotec that tbat dbpo-
"Hr to tbe ma who tirofwoea."
"How uDsoDtlmeatal yoa aro. ah
aatd. with a pout.
-Go on: I woat ioterrapt yoa arnia
Ttia legend la tbat aa Indian Baidti .
called Jilnna aomethlas or other w ,
krred by aa lo41aa-aa IndUa"-
-Buck." j
6b reraaed to go aay further Tb t
legead waa a beautiful ooe. hut (
aada Tua of rerrtbtn. !
"How could ooe get out oa th-!
rockT bo asked. j
Why. la a boat of course."
i TVy night pot oa bat bint anft i
. and walk or awim out"
1 aeror knew a maa ao atatter of '.
' fact Ha wouldat think of pro(olni: '
to a riri la a bathing cult"
"Why aotT
I doat know; I aerer beard of auob
"Tbo girl at toast would certainly;
know better what abe waa go' ;
get Take tbo mi'i feet for tnstaaco
8ho could aeo tbo bunkMta"
Sba put br bands to her oara.
"Toa doat like to look at things a
they aro." do youf '
"No; not tbo way you do." !
"Wbea yoa are married doat you
'-" expect your husband to aeo yoa ta curl ,
- "How funny! I aeeer thought about
Or aeo yoa tako tho balkoM aad
rata out of your hairy
Tn aot talking about after they are
named. I fa too proposal tbat later
. oats mo. But doat let's talk aay more
about It; yoa stab all sentiment I
doat boiiero yoa bar a sentimental
hair oa yoar head."
-I woat bar aay kind of a bair oa
tbo tip top wbea I'm thirty. It'a pretty
thia tbera already."
-Ob. dearr
-ril go and get a boat and we ll go
at oa ro Proposal rock."
Sbo aeither aaamted aor demarred ,
to thia Ha left her and. going to the
pier nearby, came pulling back la a
boat It waa a thia oa with out
.. "Good grerteoa! Toa doat expect
me to get Into that topply thing, do
"It'a the oaly oa 1 could get"
"I coatdat think of going oat oa the
waier w it.
1 rfoa I euppoaa we cast go to
rraponitlna rock."
"lpoaal rack. Wo might go aa
other tima."
"Xo. fm gotng away aooa. There'll
bo ao other otpartanlty."
She atepped oa ta tb boat aoat
ttag tmmedtatoly to prevent aparttlng
Do palled away from the abwo. the
boat daactag oa the Uttio roiiera that ,
were coating la. She held tho gua
wale oa each shW tight aa though she
ceald hold N aprtct. He pointed for
tho btlaad. bwt autre from that direr
tma the waeea cams obttowely bo wa '
obtlged to polat ta another. This ttok
aim oat of bis way. and wbea he
tamed airaia toward tbo rock be got
' a worse aea thaa before. larger
ware thaa the otbera apaet tho boat
. and they both were spilled taro the
water. He waa a good swimmer and '
carried her to the ruck without dim
raity. Tho girl waa very angry.
"Toa did that your." aba said.
"Wd whatr
Tpset the boat"
"Right roa ere."
"Why did yoa do ttr
"Oa tho aw prtartpia that a aaaa
should propose ta a bathing salt that '
tbo girl anlgat kaow better what abe i
rotng ta get . I wanted to bar a took
at your temper. WUI yoa amrry mer
The lock aba gar htm waa terrtMa
"I woaidat marry yoa tf yea owaed
the globe and www aa aareTs hake
araaad yoar head."
"Vlea doat wear baloa: yoa gUia do
Chat le aeea ob a bargam not
-Win yoa kmdty go oat aad brlaac
V thH boatr -
- It waa eem that she bad got be
yoad the Irceed of rtiOMil Htaad. an
bo awam oat for tbo beat St got ta.
aad he palled be to the nhtfr.
She dXat apeak to him for a week:
the he rwaiag agala ta a aaOder
faahiaa. aad aho accepted aiav
There hare beea a good anaay he-
trothate oa the rock, bat tbo other
bar ah beea of the raaartaaal typa.
This ooe a too waa auilqaa.
Aa Aa .
A fcartr Oawaiiaa weama raHed oa
the atteracy geaweal at HeawTa'a the
other day ta reaaplata of the ie4 mm
gmre awl by the ehild of a aetxMwr
la the of bee owa tor. "Hew
wC la year aetxbhor'a .aidT Ht
the artoraey geaerat "Jkhwat re
plWd tho weaaaa. "I ba4a1 Jhi(R
that a child of that age roa 4 aw much
bod Mngaare." remarked the atteraee
lateral "Toa aaght to bear himT" ot
tmbaid the w i a iia. "Way. he raa
I LJ LJ L J W I 1 i i i 1
I II . am
HERE IS THE PLAN: To the contestant in each district sending in the largest number of
Subscriptionsnew or old between now and 6 P. M. August 14 will be awarded one of these
GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS purchased from and now on display at Burmoister and
Andresen Oregon City Jewelers. Subscriptions for the Daily Enterprise will be counted
as double those for the weekly. The winners will be announced and Prizes awarded Sept. 2
the closing night of the contest. Should the winners of the Capital Prizes; the S400 Kimball
"Pianos be the ones who send Tnthintubscriptions
to the next highest in each district This will give each candidate an equal chance to win a
prize, and surely these beautiful rings are worth making an extra effort to win. Under this
offer each yearly subscription to the Daily Enterprise will count 2,000 votes and each yearly
subscription to the Weekly Enterprise 1,000 votes. Now you who are at the bottom of the
list get in and work if you can't win one of the Capital Prizes your chances are as good as the
next to win one ot tnese iJiiiJN uuNje. uiArauriD iujnuo.
Six month subscription to the Daily Enter
prise, by carrier. $100. by mail $130. 400
One year's subscription. $4 by carrier, $3
by mail, 1 ,000 voles.
Two years subscription $8by carrier, $6
by mail, 2300 voles.
Three years' subscription, by carrier $12,
by mail $9, 5.000 votes.
Pivd years subscription, by carrier $20, by
mail $15, 10.000 votes.
One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise,
$1.50, 500 votes.
Money must accompany all subscriptions
before votes will be issued.
Second Prizes
Two "20th Gmttiry"
Sewing Machines
(latest model)
New Home
Drop Head
The above prizes will be awarded Saturday night, September 2nd if k V
of your favorite candidate is not entered in thePracl; send it in
furihor particu
lars sddraoa tfco
hat Extra Specis
Two Upright
$400 : - ly $400
Each . ,ry Each
Purchased from Portland's "Leading Music House
EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts.
Third and Fourth Prizes
Fotif Prices to be
The Enterprise has used every care
in the selection of these prizestand has
secured scholarships in two of the fore
most educational institution in the
State of Oregon.
Kimball Pianos
WATCHES (LadJes sUe)
E at e p 3?
Fill in the name of candidate for
whom you wish to favor witfi
your votes with remittance for
your subscription or renewal mail
to Contest Department The Enter
prise. Name of subscriber.
..Months V5SI.,
For M.
District .
Btirmeister & Aodrcsco
The Leading Jcwtltn
of 619 Main St, Oref City, Or.
t s e onty
rat aa aowd as baa ra:ar.-Ks