Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 06, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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For f 41 w ar almost living our ifords and aheaa away.
During our annual CLEAN-UP SALE w ara giving bargain! lit
hota that will lan u Mir stock In a hurry.
See Our Bargain Shoe Window
Suspension Bridge Cor. - ' Oregon City
-Tiini all right, but yon Jnst My
irdie' ui ma sgsln ao'. dog or no
4, i ll ruin clown ao' eradicate ar
ty iiixaiiifiii vi yet physiognomy."
Nli k Imrncll, of Mullno, waa In thla
hy mi Huturday.
Mm lull TrulllDKar, of t'nlon Mills.
U In this city Saturday.
Mr ..nd Mra. Ham Balloy, of Clair
mi, rn lu thla rlty on Saturday.
Huckner and family, of Shu
i, wnk m this city on business Bat-
Mr. Kiid Mra. Peter llohlender,' of
rer fripk. waa In. tbla city. Sat
W 1 1 liul i alas will leav tha Elactrlc
u i each day at I o'clock p. m.
liny tie Howard, tha miliar, of Mu
ni, n umnnn tht Oregon City vlsl-
mi Sulurday.
Mii hui-I Kroll and aon, of Clair
nt. i-rr transacting business In
sou city on Haturday.
luhii Curd, ona of tha prominent
birkiimiiH county pioneer farmara,
it hi tliit pity Saturday.
Mr. I'. K. Hammond, of Eukene,
arrlvi-d In thla city to vlalt bar
i. William Hammond and wire.
MIkn Kthcl Caueld Is spending bar
nth m vacation In thla city with
r pir.ntH, Mr. and Mra. David Cau-
l)rlnk Iiartlett Water. Bold by all
ff, groceries and druggists.
MIxh Itoma Siafford, who baa been
niliiK summer achool at Corvallla,
n r-iuitiid to her borne at Mount
'HKKIIt. .
Hoy ytufford. who baa been with a
rveylng rrew In Eastern Oregon
r M-vrrul month a, has returned to
kii City.
Ilr. a ml Mra. Carl Joehnk and little
"kiikt, Kathryn, left this morning
liwRt'o, Wash., wher they will
p'ticl AllKUNt.
Mr. ami Mra. A I Jonea, of Eldorado,
iv In thla city on Saturday, hav-
k romp to meet their daughter,
ihii', of Portland.
If you put bread why not get Royal
"iid? The beat that money can
iy, i Harris grocery.
Mr. hikI Mra . George Rakel and
Hdr. n, Mra. Dorothy Rakel, left on
idny morning for Newport, where
y HI camp for two weeks.
W. K Murnpower, a well known and
hmln.nt resident of 8tone, waa
Msac-tlng business In thla city Sat
iny, having come her In bis an-
Mr ami Mra. Thomas Cook, Miss
v Itoiike, Mrs. Lnttl Dlllman and
w Cook, of thla city, will go to Van
'iv..r. WiiHb., today, where they will
'rut th day.
Mrs. c. o. Miller, who Is Yery 111
her home on Seventh street, auf
I"k from typhoid fever, remains
M" name. Mrs. Miller has been
for llu past t week.
Or k. a. Sommer, formerly of Ore
'i City, ha moved hla office to 1017
" I l.iilldlng, Portland.
Hyroi Moore, who bas been em-
yciITor the Daat three montha at
" electric light atatlottoon the Weat
'" resigned his position, and
.clerking in Frank Schoenborn's
"cciy on Seventh afreet
MIhh KlHlne Kin, after a ten dava'
H to her parent a, Mr. and Mra.
King, at Ilwaco, has returned
OreKim City. Mlas Merle Keck,
lhl cllv. la imnilln bar vaatfllnn
f'h Mlsa King at Mount Pleaaant.
Mr. ,1. w Mnffatt an tarn ohlMmn
ft on Saturday morning for Colum-
" Ililch nrnnn hM tha will
My 'he aea air for several weeka.
"J '"'' accompanied by tha for-
"rs iiHtPr, of Portland.
Better huv ansar nnar ' Tl'a anra tn
"'"d. Harrla grocery.
lf Jo" Cook nd daughter Dorine,
f "J's d'y, who apent the paat three
r""n t Milwaukee, wis., will re
I'rn to OrnKon city next week. They
" nnu a moat delightful time, and
."ve vlHited many Kaatern cities
' leaving here, -
r. "Ia Mrs. Thomas Myers, Mlaa
va Allnredira mn vi xniian in
V " Monday on a hunting and
np anout 60 mllea from Mo-f-eka
wl11 b gon 'bout tw0
Mrs , riavld Caufleld. after vlaltlng
"n Mra. William n.nnin. nf rr..i
r". forir aevernl daya. returned
fiV 7 on Saturday evening,
,,J " mo,t anjoyable time. Mra.
- many or her old frienda
0r0Y"' om o hom were
T uregon -Ity realdenta.
Shoes Shoes
won won
Ladies Chiidreii
Dellcateaaen: L. A. Noble. 714 Main
atreH, haa Juat received from Wlaoon
aln 2,000 pounds new cheese, cream,
Swlaa and llnmurger. rine for lunch,
C. A. Williams and Henry Salis
bury left Saturday morning for To
ledo. Or., where they will remain un
HI Monday aa gueata of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Williams, the former being a
aon of Mr. Williams. Mr. Wllltama
and hla two aona, W. A. and" Clark
of Portland, are the owners of a 140-
avie ranch at Toledo.
Mr. anil Mra. K. V. UHaet, aftr a
month' visit In Southern Oregon and
Northern California, returned to their
home In tbla city on Friday evening,
after a moat delightful trip. In
Houtheru Oregon they vlalted phoenix.
Mra. Orlsei's old home, and were
gueata of her relatives, Mlaaea Anna
and Marian Towne. the former bar
Ing Juat returned from an extended
trip to the Hawaiian lalanda.
" O'M'fJ CfjffiM1 HllcJ t0 "lsf 1 "Otl " HAS1
Try our Ihe coffee and 60c tea. Can't
be beat. Harrla' grocery.
Juat received a new atock of band
painted Enameled Pins at Ilurmelater
ft Andreaen a.
J. J. Tobtu, 8oda nintam. A. J.
Hurler, of thla city, and Pred Scbafer.
of Molalla, who have been apendlng
several daya In the manntalnoua
region of the Molalla country, have
returned to Oregon City. The party
waa not very surceaaful. Mr. Tobln
waa the only one In the party who
aaw a deer, and thla was Just going
over a mountain, but by the time
Tobln waa ready to Are the deer waa
"out of eight.' Plenty of fish were
canght by the party, and their frienda
were remembered In thla C'ly.
Don't fall to see the window display
of hand painted liar Pins at Durmcls-
ter ft Andreaen s.
Arch Roaa, who recently resigned
hla position at the Portland Railway,
Ught ft power Company'a atatlon on
the West 81de. to accept a ioaltlon
with the Willamette pulp ft Paper
Company, la now connected with the
electric company, having taken a
position almllar to the one held be
fore by the paper company.
II. U Kelly and" daughter, Mlaa
Roaa Kelly, who have been apendlng
the aummer In the Kelly cottage at
7Ung Reach, Waah., returned home
Friday. Mlaa Kelly's health la much
Theodore Osmond went to Long
Reach Saturday for a stay of two
weeks with hla family.
Horn, August 4, to the wife of El
don Rlanchard, a aon, weight nine
Mra. O. E. Freytac. who haa Buffer
ed for some time from heart trouble,
haa been taken to St. Vincent's Hospi
tal. Portland, for treatment. Dr. Som
mer la her physician.
William In gold, of Portland, agent
of the Self-Winding Clock Company,
waa In tb city Saturday. . He will
try to have the clock ayatem of the
company he repreaenta - Installed In
the Oregon City High 8chool.
(Continued from page 1.)
campment, and have been promiaed
several trlpa to the Centennial at As
toria. William R. Logua la Firat
Lieutenant, and Lowell Rlanchard.
second lieutenant Part of the Fourth
Regiment will camp at the beacb.
while the Oregon City men are there.
Captain Hldy said, after the drill
Saturday night, that, the company
would have to obtain a new armory.
The lower floor, which waa formerly
occupied by a flour mill company, haa
been leaaed for ua aa a garage.
There Is a rut In Insurance compan
ies not to Insure buildings used as
garages,' and the company would be
denied Insurance on Its equipment
If It continued using the same build
ing. Th Oregon City Naval Dlvialon,
which la being organised, will uae
the earn armory as company O.
A large flow of gas waa obtained
Friday night at th Horn Oil A Gaa
Company'a well at Stone. There Is
a continuous flow" of gas from the
bottom of the well, which Is 1,400
feet deep. Th gas comes through
the water, and bailing has been start
ed. Th men employed at the oil
well and th stockholders are greatly
encouraged, and the work will be
pushed at a rapid rat.
Thla la the third time that gas haa
been encountered In thla well, but
the last ''atrike" waa much atronger
than the former two. At th tim
previous to this when gas waa die
covered" the caalng of th well gav
way, and aom time was lost in mak
ing repairs. As th repairs ar mad
It ia believed that oil tn paying quan
tities will aoon b discovered.
Mra. Jennl B. Nllea, of Walla Walla,
la Quaat of Honor.
Mrs. Elisabeth Warner and daugh
ter, Mra.' Ward Lawton, entertained
at an Informal luncheon at their
home, Locut Farm, Mount Pleasant,
Thursday afternoon. In honor of their
guest, Mrs. Jennie B. Nlles, of Walla
Walla, Wssh., who Is spending th
anmmar at I .non at Farm. Th decor
atlons were unusually attractive, the
living room being in naaturtiuma ann
ferna, while the dining room was In
red rosea, the table decorations cor
responding. x
Th guests were Mrs. Jennie R.
Nllea. Mrs. Dan O'Nell. Mrs. C. C.
Williams, Mrs. M. 8. R. Lawton. Mrs.
W. R. Stafford. Mrs. J. M. Wsrnock.
Mra. E. B. Kellogg. Mrs. C W.
t-iahnUa. . Mra. A f' "Warner. Mlaa
Roma Stafford, Mlaa Merle Keck,
Mlas Elaln King, Miss M. U Holmes.
Sine tb meeting at Salem Thurs
day night In connection with th pro
posed Capital Highway there has
been much luterest taken In th m-o-
jct and Secretary Latourett. of the
Commercial Club, said Saturday that
a large crowd would attend the meet
ing at the club Tuesday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock to discuss nlsna for mak
ing th highway. Ranraat-ntatlvoa
from the following clubs are expected
to attend.
Hellwood Hoard of Trade. Mllwaukal
Commercial Club, Oak drove Com
mercial Club, Jeunlnga Lodge Com
munity Club, Gladstone Commercial
Clutx. Commercial Club of Oregon
City, New Era Community Club, Can
by Commercial Club, Harlow Commer
cial Club, Aurora Commercial Club,
Hubbard Commercial Club, Wood burn
Commercial Club, Uervaa Commercial
Club, llrooks Commercial Club, Salem
Commercial Club, Molalla Commerolal
Blub. Oregon Hood Road Associa
tion, Portland Automobile Club.
Tbe Hoard of Governor of th clu-
will meet Monday night.
W. D. and Emma I. Jennings to
Itertha E. Near, block M. Firat Addi
tion to Jennlnga Iodice; 1793.60.
George L. parrlah et al to Franklin
T. Griffith, undivided 1C Interest
block I, South Oswego; $10.
Frank E. and Mary F. Eaton to
Lnrlng 8. Stlnaon, one acre, Israel
Mitchell donation land claim; $000.
M. C. and Addle M. Petteya to Ca
milla A. Cole, southwest quarter sec
tions 8. township 3 south, range 1
eU 16(L acre J1Q.
F. F. Jobnstin to Oregon Iron ft
Steel Company, tract In Elk Block
Villas; 1.
Sarah J. 8twart'to Marie A. Drown,
land In Clackama county; $10.
Oregon Iron 4 Bteel Company to
F. F. lohnaon, trsct In Elk Rock
Vlllaa; $10.
Clarence J. Overton to Arch E.
Poleet. CO acrea, section 7, township
4 south, rang 2 east; $10.
Joaepb and Mary Haaa and Eliza
beth J. Schmidt to William Shlndler
and E. T. Elmer, one-acre, lot Whit
comb donation land claim, township
1 south, range 1 east; $10.
Heart to Heart
tVy EDWIN A.prrn
In Marlon. O.. tbe other day Rernard
Norton bemin an action for divorce.
His wife tin In KiiKlnnil.
What cause be niuy buve hud, . If
auy. fur tbe application to tbe courts
la not revealed.
He waa poverty strlckeu: that la ell
we know. And It may be that the
wolvei'of 'witnt bad clamored about bta
elbow until' he bad argued with hla
sou I whether It cared any loucer to
-fardela tenr."
Before the case cam on for trial two
thing bapeiied which changed Mr.
Norton's lt 4f view: -
A relative died and left blin some
money that wss available, and at tb
same time he received bad newa from
bla wife in England.'
She bad becom blind. , ,
It waa then that a gTqnt revulsion of
feeling com-vmlng bla wife cam to
blm. No doubt h remembered many
acta of love and aacrldc on tbe part
of the wife which now that she was
helpless snd blind pleaded strongly for
ne did this:
Ordering tbe divorce stricken from
tb docket, be took bis Inherits no and
started at once to reacu the HMr blind
wife across tbe sea.
Pity opened bla eyes.
He now could see thst be himself
bad been bllud-bllnd to th real things
of bis life.
And we alt of us?
Most of os are blind In th same un
seeing way. Always do w take and
tall to rlre. - .
Blind: Rllnd: Rllnd.'
Blind to tbe toll and tendtrnea. blind
to the aerrlre and sacrifice of those
who love and serve us.
Bo mnnr tender worda and true
Wa meant to y. dear love, you;
Bo many things we mnnl to do.
Hut we forgot.
Bernard Morton forget to say and d
tbe tbliiK be meant to do snd say.
and the nhock of a great pity opened
bis ertm. . i
And so mux! tendernesa nd Kintl-
tjide open our blinded eyes.
IJft the Minting- ueau witn n ring
ing word of ihevr ere the dear head
tie fallen low and tbe ear la deaf tt
bear and. tbe eyea forever sealed.
The Knota Ceuldn't Held It -It
la related of the Rev. Johu Eliot.
commonly called "tb apostle of the
Indiana" lu tb seventeenth ceutury,
that be would gtv to tb red men tbe
moat of hla annual aalary of oO as
soon as be received It. On one occa
sion the imrlMb treasurer put tb mon
ey Into a baudkvrcblet and tied It Into
aa many bitrd knots aa possible, to pre
vent the great preacher from giving It
away before be reached bom. Call
ing soou after on a family suffering
from lllneMM and want th famous
domlul told Ibem that Ood hsd sent
them relief, aud began to untl th
handkerchief, but becoming Impatient
be banded It to tbe mother, ssylng:
"Take It. my dear. I believe tb Lord
designed It all for you."
Walae and Whalea.
"What people are siwrys sure of
finding tb biggest tun near their
coastr '
"Glv It up."
"The Riipllxh. because they cr. al
ways flud Wales
"Oh, pshaw! Wales Isn't wlmlos.
.. .......1,4 II.,. (tun't fritf.
J. VU mu'tv. ..... . '-w
ili-op tbelr b'sf-tJIeveluiid Plain
" Woman Dualiate.
A celebrated duel took plac In 1808
between Couutesa d Pollgnac and
Unie. de Nale. "
At the Portland Theaters
"-"ir -7"..-"
9 t
'.' r'f; -' - 'A
;' ''
Clever young juvenile actor with th.favoeit comedian. Max Fig
man, at th HIHg Theatre, Seventh and Taylor atreeta, Portland, for four
weeka, beginning Sunday night, August 6, during Mr. Flgman's popular
price summer engagement Th opening , bill will be the comedy suo
ceaa, "Th Mart on Th Box.". Popular price matlneea on Saturdays and
bargain price matin on Wedneadsyt
J. M. Cady sold bis Mlnthorn prop
erty, consisting of eight lots and a
small house, to L W. Frailer, of
Portland. The deal waa mad through
J. R. Kelso and th consideration waa
11 100 Mr. Frailer will build an ad
dition to th house at once and move
his family to their new Home as soon
aa convenient.
In th apportionment of achool
funds for the various counties, Just
completed by State Treasurer Kay,
the total apportionment being $347,
1144. divided amonr 180.794 chil
dren. Clackamaa county will receive
$19,340.16. There ar only tnree om
er counties in the state that will re
ceive more than Clackamaa from thla
Mrs. M. W. Knight returned r,rom
Seaside last Tuesday.
Mlsa Elizabeth Streib Is spending
her vscatlon at Seaalde.
Mrs. L. L. Buckner went to Inde
pendence Thursday morning. .
Jamee M. Andereon. of Portland, Is
In our city looking for a business lo
cation. Dr. and Mrs. Fenton.haa returned
to Portland on account oi Mra. Fen-
ton's health.
O. N. Barker lert Tnursaay nigni
for New York on a months vIbU
with relatives snd friends.
Th buildings along th west side
of Front street are being moved back
so that the atreet can be Improved.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson return
ed from a two weeks' vacation to
Seaside. Oregon, and Kalama, Wash.,
on Sunday.
Mrs. Csevlscher ana cnnaren were
at the . home of her Darenta,
Mr, and Mrs. F. Blrkemeler, arriving
Saturday and returning Monday.
. Mlsa Kate Caato and ner aister,
Mrm rr iianrv Andrews and children.
of Portland, departed Tuesday for
a month's visit with relative in an
Francisco and Oakland. Cal.
f Hvini Hov. of Buxton. Oregon.
and - Annlce - Slmms. of . McMlnnvllle,
were married at th homvj or Clarence
Young, a cousin of th bridegroom at
Hlllaboro, last Tueaday.
Mr. Roy la a son of Mrs. J. W.
Phillips, of this city. .
a u rtowllna- returned from Eu
gene, Saturday, where be . went on
Evangelical church Th Rev. E.
Radebaugh. pastor. Sunday achool at
10:30. m.; preaching at 11:30 a. tn.;
Y. P. A. at 7 P. m.: preaching at 8
p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday
.n.nUM- ohnlr nr art Ire Thursday
evenings; Teachers' Training Friday
Mrs. Jessie Keck and daughter
Daisy, apent Thureday with Mrs. Wil
liam Cederson, of Oak Grov.
Died, at 9:30 p. m., Friday, Dorothy,
daughter of Bernard J. and Mable E.
Brltherton . ' Funeral notice later.
DnUrl rmirl waa taken tn the
hospital In Portland Wednesday, Buf
fering from a sever case of typhoid
Mlaa Kennedy waa a Rlsley visitor
Dr. and Mrs. Feiblg entertained
fvlAfuta trnm Port lanil ' WHnaitav
evening at their beautiful home on
the river The mwn waa aecoraiea
vl.k r-V In... 1 a n t Ara Rf reahmanta
were served and a pleaaant evening
enjoyea. . -
Dr. J. H. McArthur returned horn
from Alberta, Canada. Thursday eve
ning where b went on business two
weeks sgo.
The Y. M. C. A. Boys' Brigade came
: 'i .
; f.(:..' ' --fi ; 'VV
f ,-4.
up the river In launches and camped
rrldsy evening. ,
Charles Rlsley attended tbe good
road meeting at Salem Thursday eve
ning. Mra. B. Lee Paget was a Portland
visitor Friday afternoon.
E. C. Warren attended the Elka
lodge in Oregon City Friday evening.
Tbe people Interested in good roads
met in Green's Hall and discussed
the question Friday evening.
Mrs, Leonard May berry and Miss
Carrie Smith, of Portland, spent
Thursday with their sister, Mra. Wil
liam Cederson. ,
Mra. William Cederson and daugh
ters spent Saturday with her sisters
In Portland.
L. E. Armstrong received the ce
ment for the basement of his house
Saturday morning..
SAN FRANCISCO.' Aug. 5. (Spec
ial). Portland made only two hlta
off Sutor today, and San Francisco
whitewashed the visitors. Steen waa
effective in the first four Innings, but
alter that San' Francisco found his
curves easy. The Seals made one In
the fifth, one tn the alxth and two
In the seventh. Aside from being
unable to bit the ball Portland played
a poor game. The men seemed to
lack ginger. t
, ,.
The results Saturday follow: -
Pacific Coast League San Fran
cisco 4, Portland 0; 8acramento 5.
Oakland Or Los Angeles 3" Vernon 1.
Northwestern League Portland 4,
Victoria Z; Seattle 5. Spokane 4;,
Voncouver S. Tacoma 1.
American League Detroit 1, Bos
on 4; New York 8. Cleveland 7; 8t.
Louis 4, Philadelphia 1; Chicago 8,
Washington 7.
National Leagwe Pittsburg S, New
York 1; St Louis 7, Boston 4; Brook
lyn 8, Chicago S; Philadelphia-Cincinnati
gam postponed; rain.
Paclf'e Coast.
W. L. PC
Portland- .... 66 S3 .555
Vernon 69 67 .548
Oakland . 67 63 .616
Pan Francisco ...... 3 64 .496
8acramento 60 60 .484
Los Angeles ....... 62 76 .407
Northwestern. .
W. L. P.C.
Vancouver .. 68 43 .613
Tacoma .... 62 48 .664
Spokane 69 52 .632
Seattle ...... 57 61 .628
Portland 64 64 .600
Victoria .... 29 80 .2G6
. A Mean Inalnuatien.
-Why," writes one of these pro
pounders of unanswerable questions,
"does a girl always shot her yea when
a man klsse berT"
8end u your photograph snd per
hnp we csn tell you the rennon.-Tc
ledo Blade, . ,'
CONSIDER well before you buy veg
etables. Think for a moment of how
they are bought and kept. Vegetables
should be fresh and moist with the appear
ance of having just come from where nature grew them. That it,
when they are well kept the way we keep them.
This Is th reason why alt
"Just arrived1-with atf that
Ilk so well. And we take
kt in their delivery to you.
Oregon Cfty
I ..... .... - .1 Rheumatism Can be 1
-v.1-?" " Cured Nature's : 1
-'V-WaaWa)A.'" ' j
..rrt- vvay. ... ,
Write For Booklet
natural iot mineral Hot Lake Sanatorium
Club Chat
Tllke Oregon and all the people
in the state," said J. J. King, of Mo
line, 111. He was certainly saying a
great deal for this country, but such
was his opinion after seeing the fine
crops of grain, hay, fruit and vegeta
bles growing near Oregon City. Mr.
King has extensive real estate hold
ings tn Illinois, and will return to
settle his affairs there before locat
ing In Clackamas county. He aald
that after looking over the Northwest
that the best of land could be ob
tained at the most reasonable price
in Clackamas county.
M. Kroll, who Uvea on the Molalla
road near Clalrmont, brought to tbe
office some fine samples of Shade
land oats, showing what the variety
win do tn the productive soil of
Clackamas county.
Among th visitors to th Promo
tion Office were Dr. Charles F. Dodge,
of Denver, Col., and J. C. Chrlsney,
of Shawnee, Okla. They are travel
ing through the Northwest country,
taking special notice of details re
garding business prosperity and ag
ricultural conditions. They were com
plimentary In their remarks about
Clackamaa county and intimated that
this would not be their last visit.
Clackamas county Is offering a good
Held to the Investor and those In the
East are finding It out.
The largest cabbage that has been
on display In the Promotion Office
arrived on Saturday morning by the
early express from the Green Point
gardenB." It Is of the Wakefield var
iety and weighs thirteen and one-halt
pounds. It was grown by Wing, the
veteran. Chinese gardener.
' .
Ood lev Yermy, who lives on the
Clackamaa river, has a branch of Lat
Duke cherries on display which are
attracting a great deal of attention
on account of their size snd number
on the limb.
Mrs. Eamst Mass has a display of
her famous dahlias which are exceed
ingly large and attractive. Mrs. Mass
has placed flowers at different times
In the windows of the Promotion Of
fice, which have added greatly to the
attractiveness of the little bungalow
of which the Oregon City business
men are bo proud.
Young Woman Meets Friends on Eve
or Her Departure.
A farwell nart waa tanderait MISS
Florence Bectel on Thursday night at
the home or Mrs. uaueaux, wnere
Mlas Bectel . has been making her
home. Games were the amusement
of the evening, and delicious refresh
ments were served. Mr. and Mrs.
Slyde assisted Mrs. LaDeaux.
Those attending were Misses Re-
glna Heu.rth. Mary Heurth. Blanch
Davenport. Grace Davenport, Minnl
Johnson, Maud Johnson. Ixanna
Munger, Marl Holme, Florence Bee
tel. Henry Fraser, Harry French and
Leslie Clyde.
Read the Morning Ecterprlae.
I u I.",, ,,1 II CaeVVisf ta
II' Q si G wa.fc.Va,
our vegetables took as If they.4iad
deltcluua, fresh, natural flavoryoa
good car that not a moment Is
Send a trial order.
Welnhard Bldg.
Oregon's Popular Beach Resort
An ideal retreat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing.
Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Au lo
in g. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moss agates, moonstones, carnelana
can be found on the beach. Pure
mountain water and the best of food
at low prices. Freeh fish, clams, crabs
and oysters, with abundance of vege
table of all kinds dally.
Camping Grounds Convenient and At
wth atrlct sanitary regulations
from all points In Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho on sal dally.
from Southern Pacific points Port-,
land to Cottage Grove; also from al!
CAE. stations Albany and west
Good going Saturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C. k. E. Agent
for full particulars aa to fares, trains,
schedules, etc.; also for copy of out
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Or
gon," or write to
Wm. McMurray
Portland Oregon.
Wlfa of Victim of Collapsed Building
Sustains Fracture of Lag.
Mrs. Peter Borwick, while scrub
bing her porch on Saturday morning,
fell, breaking a bone in ner leg just
above the knee. Dr. C. A. Stuart set
the fracture.
Mrs. Borwick Is the wire of Peter
Borwick, who recently filed suit
against Mrs. Lanalng 8tout, of Port
land, and a Chinese laundryman, for
Injuries received while passing along
Main street, when a building owned
by the former collapsed.
Necklace Attrscts Crowd.
' '
In the show window of George
Young's second hand store is a bead
ed necklace, recently purchased by
Mr. Young. The article Is valued at
$50, and is a beautiful piece of work.
Tbe necklace is similar to a collar
of the "Dutch" atyle and four atrlps
of beaded 'work about 12 Inches in
length complete the artistic design.
The necklace la the handiwork of
the Sitting Bull tribe Of th Sioux
reservation. Thla collar, aa well a
the other Indian relic In th stor
window of tb Young store, hav at-.
traded a great deal of attention.
Snbacrl for th Daily Catrpr.r