Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1911)
i ' rV y nOHNIHG EHTERPR1SE 1 I .1 V44 WAWWM C t. RODIE. Editor and Publisher. ''Bn tared aa snad elass nuttae J w eary OH. at tb aest ofcs at Oraa-oa Cur. Oregoa. tae Act of Marsh i im. Ttns r soBcurno. mr Year, h sis Mcatha. by i Pnur Mnntka. by 1 M ' I N I Per wt-ek. Barrier... UTttTOJK MTU Wat Pmar par mea nrat Inaartina. . .lie " . JJII l mm nrmx .Its referred poatttoa any a, par haeti idM rttrvaa Is Sua paper athev taaa flret Baa, par saeh rtn hanrttoa ...Ma In papal ether thaa first Bag, par Baas. doVa aissrttena a uocals lse ar Haa; ta reewlar adTsr-. ttaara is Una. Waata. Far ah. Ta Heat. aat a word flret baellea; aai ' additional Raise for advsrtlshM aa i enterprise will b tha aama ally, for advsrttaemeata set ate.. Weakly i ta tha for tha waekly. 'Vftiare tha aaeertl ta tranafarrod from the dairy ta tha y. - arttheut cnanga. tha rata will be Sa a tach far taa of the payor, aad lb aa inch tar apodal poaltkja . Caah should aceasnpaar ordar waais arty ta unknowa la bwataeas office af ha Ejitarpnea. Lssal adverttatna at laal advsrtlatas . ate. "treua adTartlaina and apaetal treaaaset - -dvarttataa at tfce to loc aa hteh, aooord u. to apodal eoadltloaa aorernliia taa oaoM. vF1ra Sato" and Bankrupt Bala' adror taaaaaata M Inch first Inaertloa; add) joaal laaanioaa aaaw mattar !c atea. Nawa Itaaaa and wU wiit'oa anMos BMrtt. with tatarest to locaJ roadara. arm Da (ladiy aocoptwo. Baicetad aaaau aorrpta aarar rataraad oalaaa a e by etaaioa to prapay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 6 In Amencan History. 1780-Battle of Hanging Kt.k. 8. Cl Andrew Jackaon. then a boy, par- . Udpated. ! 1S0O First execution by electricity at ! Anborn (N. Y.I prison. ' 1884 Austin Blair. Michigan's last j -war governor." died; born 1819. 190o-Ueneral Roy Stone, noted civil j war veteran wbo commanded the i ' Pennsylvania "Bucktsll" brigade ' and a distinguished engineer on public works, died: born 1831 ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to uooii tomorrow ! Sun aeta 7300. rises 4S: moon sets 3 a. m.; moon farthest south and lowest; planet Mercury visible setting after aun. THE CAPITAL HIGHWAY. Forty Oregon City men went to Salem Thursday to persuade the Cap ital Highway Commission to select the eaat aide of the Willamette River aa the route to be traversed by the boulevard between Salem and Port land. ' When' they reached Salem, they found that the Governor and the members of the Commission had In vited them to the Capitol to stiffen j the general backbone of the project The Oregon City delegation had a -good time, and boosted as hard aa anybody else, but they were disap pointed at the attitude of the Cora mission. The highway will not be located on the east aide of the Willa mette, nor will it be located on the o.-Mt .m tt th. mmmiuinn nn. - doubtedly plana to arouse the un thusiasm of the residents of the counties between Portland and Salem to a point where public sentiment , . . . . ... will be atrong enough to Justify the construction' of highways on both sides of ,tfce river. Thls lftl WH d good- We have no objjrJon to the west aide high way. If we get it aa well. But Clack . amaa county should push ahead Im mediately and get to work with some thing tangible to offer the Commls ion for Governor Wert haa Intimated strongly that 150 convicts will be turned over to the community that first algnlDea Its intention of spend ing some money to build the high way. wee) - There will be something new to laugh at If the Nebraska Democrats should denounce Bryan for bolting Dahlman and Indorse Harmon for bolting Bryan. l Present Day Tendency t For Lavishness a I Menace to By Representative 4- HS surely as death, with its impartial footsteps, approaches the ' doors of palatial abodes and cottages of the poor, so will . the corrupting spirit of LAVISH DISPLAY drag iu WITHERING trail over everr home in the land. THE PENALTY MU$T BE PAID, AND THAT PENALTY IS THE ONE DUE FROM FOLLY TO A DISEASED FALSE PRIDE. AS A ' MAN MUST OIE WHEN HIS ARTERIES HAVE LIVED OUT THEIR DAY. SO A NATION CANNOT FLOURISH JN A HEALTHFUL STATE LONGER THAN THE IDEALS THAT MADE IT GREAT. Iliatorj does not record anything surpassing the sudden and in- ; tensely bacchanalian revel of extravagance and show into which our j simple and serious people have been SWFIT lv the abnormal growth of tremendous fortunes and estates to the DETRIMENT of our j frarost and beat ideals. These grotesque performances invite our PITT rather more than a feeling The most serious and corrupting of our great millionaires, still professing admiration for our rcpub- j lican institutions, to shine in splendor as great noblemen in foreign courts. . In their endeavor to pave the way for such royal status the world has been profoundly AMUSED at the expense of this nation by the so called system of "international marriages," ofttimes secured ty purchase in return for high sounding titles accidentally held by THIN BLOODED noblemen. ; - .: " . "" " REFORMERS. w Every true reform carries with It the element of personal sacrifice. "He tared others, himself be cannot save," la an old and true saying. Joan D'Arc, the sweet maid of Or leans, attending her fat her a flocks la the peaceful, valley, heard the whtspertnga of the angela calling her to the eventual sacrifice. Anna Hutch inson waa banished because ah told : the people that alckaeea waa the re- ault of wrong IWIng or accident, and . mmm a -mmnlfotmtlnn of tha wrath of God. and the cure was by getting In harmony with the law Nature. . She thought Nature and God were one. one waa t reading; on very mm man w as iuikubwihwui u theological tee. and the clergy ban-! Sr department Hela n " Per ished her. aa they had Roger Wll-1 'J mM-f0 m ...Pf ,. ,k! a , to the present position because of his speech In America. Mary Dyer was hanged on Boston Common, a martyr to the cauae of free apeech by "0- ... .... i men. it waa-against the ecclesiastic law for a woman to "preach." The Purttans fled for freedom, and If there were any In their midst thai wanted the .privilege of disagreeing with them. they. too. must flee. A tew yeaxa ago. in the beginning of the present revival of political righteousness, a voice was heard "crying in the wilderness." The voice challenged the right of the money Mnga to oppresa the children of the All Pather. and humanity listened as the voice of Henry George cried. "I am for men!" and demanded a bet ter Interpretation of the word of God. In Charles Dickens we have a re former of similar stamp. Very early In life waa he cast upon the rocks and suckled by the she-wolf, yet he became the most popular author the world haa ever known. Hfl waa g writer for -the people, for that class ; for whose cause he was the life long j champion, sacrificing himself at last on the altar of activity that the great 'brotherhood of man might be uplift I ed and benefited. , a The break in the drought brought with it. logically, a break in the price of corn. There is a great deal more in a shower than a laying of dust for automobUea. A TRIFLE GOSSIPY A letter waa received Saturday from one of the members of a party of local hunters In the mountainous regions of Southern Oregon, where two more weeks . will be spent In search of big game. The letter Is dated August 3. and the name of the camp Is "Camp Delight." The party, which la composed of "Babe" Elliott. T. P. Randall, J. J. Cooke. H. S. Moody and Kent Moody, left here on Tuesday evening. Upon reaching the dent! nation the men at once set to work In arranging the camp. Thomas Randall, the ofifcial bed-maker, was not long in preparing the beds, as the members of the party were a tired lot when they arrived at camp. Mr. Randall haa already established his reputation, and the members of the party have engaged him to fill the same position on every Jaunt taken hereafter. T. J. -Cooke who ta "cook and bottle washer" of the camp, and the packer, arrived in camp at 10 o'clock. After reaching camp some of "Rookies' best malt waa partaken of. and to aay that this waa not refreshing does not express It. All were enjoying the best of health, except Kent Moody, who waa suffering from a severe neadache, but he haa recovered, and ! Is one of the most enthusiastic bun ! ters in the crowd. TJ V. l EMU.. 1.1. W 1 nmirc E.I1IUII, IliUWUKU a brave man. baa a horror of snake bites, and ' never travela In the mountains unless he la "armed." While passing along trail which waa unusually rough. Elliott fell, and losing the contesnta j of the ,oalu, bUe Me. waa one of . the saddest looking men in camp af ter nia arrival mere. The men paci fied him. however, by producing a new supply, so now he feels at eaae In hunting through any of the rough country where huge snakes abound. "After reaching Goldendale on our way here, we made the remainder of the distance by burrow, there be- I Ing eight of them to carry us, our I provisions and blankets." saya the I writer. "Cooke looked great on a donkey. His feet dragged on the I ground, and it will be necessary for , him to send home for mora shoes. provided he repeats this feat. To see him would make a clown In Rlngling Brothers' circus envious with leal- ousv. The party will leive for their homes in this city two weeka from Sunday. Already they have enjoyed some venison. A fine camp has been rstabllshed. and there is no doubt they will have a good time. the Nation t HENRY of Texas of CONTEMPT. aspect of the times is the tendency MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY. AUGUST 6. II. P. CHAPMAII GETS HHE PROMOTION M. P. Chapman, of this city, who has been employed by the O. V. P. Company In Portland, for about all years, haa been promoted to assis tant auperlntendent of construction of the company. Mr. Chapman will still make his home In this city. He Is well known here, and was formerly a member of the Oregon City Council, nf nr. rv ..,. lh no-mon with the a W. P. .Cumn,nv in Portland. Mr. map- efficiency. MYRTLE EWELL AIID OTTO ECKERT WED Miss Myrtle Ewell. of Ellrabeth town. 111., and Otto Eckert. of West Oregon City, were married Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the St. Paul'a Episcopal church, the Rev. C. W. Rob inaon. rector, officiating, the wit nesses being Mrs. W. H. Godfrey and Thomas Hage. The bride waa very pretty in a gown of white silk messa line. She carried a ahower bouquet of pink LaFrance rosea. The Impres sive ring ceremony waa used. Im mediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Eckert left for the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Hegdale. where a wedding breakfast waa served. The table was prettily decorated with sweet peas and nasturtiuma. These flowers were) used In profusion In the dining room. The bride la a daughter of Mrs. Blanche Dutton. of Eliiabethtown, 111., and arrived here on Friday eve ning. She ta an accomplished and highly esteemed young woman. The bridegroom came to Oregon City from Illinois In April He haa a farm of 160 acres In Dakota, but expects to dispose of this and buy In Clacka mas county. LATEST MARKETS HIDES (Buying Green bides, Sc to 6c; Batters, 54c to 64c; dry hides; 12C to 14c. Shtep pelts, 25c to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local prlcea are firm at from 8c to 10c on applea aad prunes, peaches are 19c. SALT Selling 50c to 90c tor-line. SO lb. aack. half ground 40c; T5 for 100 lb. aacka. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Canvia, S1.25$1.50 per sack; parsnips. 11.25 6t 50; turnips, I1.25QS1.S0; beeta, $1.50. VEGETABLES Asparagus. 90c6 J1.75 per crate; eabbage. jew, J2 per hundicdwelght; cauliflower, $L03 1.TS r dozen; celery, California, 75c Q0c per duxen; cucumbers, 11.500 t2 15 per dozen; eggplant. 15c per lb.; garlic, UcfJ12c per pound; lettuce. Mc per dozen; hothouse, lettuce, $1.50 6S2 per box; peas. 9cQllc per nrimd; peppers, 30c 6 35c pr pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb. 14c 93c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes. J?fi$3 25. ONIONS Jobbing prices: Oregon $2 75 per 100: Australian, $3 50 per 100; Texas, $125 per crste- O'lfor nia. $2 rr crate . Oregon City 8tock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted 4 V.wer From 125 Iba. to 150 Iba. 9'4c, from 150 Iba. to 200 Iba. 8 He BACON. LAKH ai-d HAM. are Arm VFL CALVES Veal carves orlng from e to ioc according in grade. BEEF 8TEERS 1el .teen for the local markets are fetching IHe to 8Hc live a-eicM. SHEEP tue Ortta at 4C to 5e lire trelgbt. Quotattena far gregen City, POTATOES Beat, Buying lj cents pound, F!)UR AND FEED-Flour is steady, selling from $5 to 15 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $24, white, from $25 to $26. BITTTSR (Buying) Ordinary ccuatry brings from 15c to 20c, j fancv dairy from 20r to 22?. cream- r . ta Kc EGGS Beat grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good bens arc bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Buv.'ig") Vool prlcea are ranging from 14 to 17 cent a. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled liarley, $31.50 to $32.50: process bar ley. $33.00; whole corn, $39.00: crarked corn. $40.00: wheat $32.00 to $33: oil meal. $53; Shad- Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds.' HAT (Buytog.1 Tlmcthy $18 to $17; clover $9 to $10: oat hay, best, 112: mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, fit to $14. VOTE COUPON. ' GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. - ' '".'., Thla coupe when Jieatly clipped and properly filled In with the ' name of the candidate 70a wish to vote for, will oa coup tad aa one vote. 1 Name of candidate '. w Address 4- Thla coupon Is void after August 19. . Cut on lines. Don't roIL Send la flat. - NOMINATION BLANK. . o ... '. ;- GOOD FOR TWEXTY-rrVK HUNDRED VOTES. - ' . I with to Noralnste Miss. r .....t . . . ' . 1 . -. Addreaa ". ; Nominated by , 4 Address ...j. . ;. . r, .... This aomiaatloo blank, when proper! v filled In aad brought or ma'led to Contest Department of The Enterprise - will count for Z.V vctes. only one of these Minks will be credited to each can- v didate. , '" ' ' - .- v - . rv Wants, For Sale, Etc Mottoes dor these ctaavtftea' in k in4iod at oaa aval a a kni& half a eaat addilloaal ttaaa. Oat tach eard. II ear atlb Inch eard. aaa si pa' "0,," Caah mux aoneaapeav ardar anka em baa aa oaaa accouat with Iba paer- N flaaaolal raaiMmatblUty tot arrure; wkari arrora aeear fraa eatwtrd ae4la will b prtated lor patrwa. Mlnimuaa shares laa WANTED. WANTED Collectors p see my col lection of all aorts of curioa. an tlquea, and Indian trinkets: stamps tor stamp, collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow beads for arch eologlsts, etc I buy and aell all aorta of curioa; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and toola. George Young. Msln. near Fifth street. . . nyavf adrtlsementa for this eol'tmn. pnees ery reaaoa able. tWe rated at head of oinae. Read the Morning rtnterprtae. WANTED You to know that tha En terprtsa Job printing department ta tha moat complete la tne State, outside Portland. Try It for your nest printing. WANTED Poaltlon by stenographer Phone 1414. city. i poR 8 ALE One 8outhwick hay press; one 10-horae power r"1ns engine. $1400.00 outfit for lea than half. Will aell or trade. Addresa Enter prise) office). FOR SALE Good two-seated spring wagon. $35: Iowa dairy separator, ,mn'luI,S$ "f1$3ndJlJ Mattley, 1010 Seventh street. Ore gon City. FOR SALE At half value, easy monthly payments, store building - on Main and Ninth: S years" leaae; atore for Tent or will divide. Cut price for some months. See Flrat National Bank. FOR SALE 8 pace in this comma Sell that old plow or barrow; yon dont uae It alnce you purchaaed vottr new one.' LOST, LOST Red wallet, containing letters and papers. Reward for return to Henry iJtrsen, 1W J Q Adams street. Oregon City. FARM LOAMS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlck. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTOPNEYaV O. D EBY. Attorney-at-lAw. Money loaned, a hatract s furnished, land titles examined, estates aettled. go era I law buslne. rwr. Rank Oregon Cltv. (T'REN SCHUBTBICL,' Attomeye-at I .aw, Dautacaer Advokat. will prac tice) la all cotirte. mane collection and aettlementa. Office In Enter prlae Bldgu Oracqa Cltv. Oregon BUILDER AND COsiACTOSl HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfullr aiven on all claeaea of building work, concrete walke ana relBfnrcec roacretd. Kea. Phone) Mala III INSURANCE. t H. COOPER. F Flha Insursnet and Real Estate. Let na handle your properties we buy. sell and exchange. Ofrtre In rnerprt Rldg Oregon City. Oregon 1ECAL NOTICE. Notice of Application far Vacation of Alley. NOTICE la hereby given that the un dersigned petitioners have petition ed the City Council of Oregon City to reduce the width of the Alley in Block 66. of-Oregon City. Oregon, from 26 feet wide to 10 feet wide and that said matter will be heard and determined at a special meet Ina- i: - Council to he held at the Council chamber, la Oregon City, Oregjb. im tae 10th day of August, 1911. at the hour of 8 p. m. of aald ay. Dated. July 11th, 1911. ALMA C BROWN ELL. C. G. HUNTLEY, H. L. PATTERSON. Partition Suit Filed. Edwin M. Morris haa Bled a parti tion suit against John B. Jackson and a large number of 'other defen dants, for the partition and sale of 79.70 acres of land In ' the France Johnson donation land claim. Three of the defendants have as little aa one-third of one-flfty-eightha Interests In the property. Patronize our advertisers. it..k.i 19U. HUSBA KDSAYS YIFE AND BOARDER ELOPED Frank Lavlgne, of Fifteenth and Waahinaton at reels, employed by the O. W. P., haa complained to Chief of Police) 8baw that his wife baa eloped to 8dttle. with Mack lloman. who 'boarded, at their home. II says that they left hla home night before last, and went to Portland over tha Southern Pacific. Chief Shaw learn ed that the couple had checked two trunks at the station on the night of their departure. Before) going they are alleged to have attended a picture ahow together. Lavlgne aald that sometime ago his wife auggeat ed that all their boarders be told to leave except Homan. Ilia wife, he asserts, waa very attentive to the boarder. He aayi that he always gsve her his money, and that aha had a deposit n a local bank. Lavlgne round that the deposit had been transferred recently and .he thinks that hla wife took all the money with her. He consulted George C. Brow nell In regard to obtaining a divorce. REV. FERRIS ACCEPTS COuCREGATIONAL CALL Rev. A. Frank Ferris, of Condon. Gillian county, Or., will be the new nasVor of the First- Congregational church of Oregon City, to succeed the Rev. William M. Proctor, wbo re signed a few months ago to go to Forest Grove and become a member nf th faeulty of the Pacific t'nlrer- slty. The pulpit committee of the Con gregational church haa been looking tor a successor to Mr. Proctor for some time. Mr. Ferrla preached here laat Sunday . a week , ago. and. also on the previous Sunday and hla ap pearance and hla sermons were so pleasing to hla auditors that he was given a call. Colonel Charles H. Dye received Mr. Ferris' letter of accep tance laat Friday. Mr. Ferrla la married, but haa no children. He haa been very success ful In the ministry In Eastern Ore gon. VAurlng August the pulpit of tfce Congregational church will be occupied by the Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, pastor of the Highland Congregation al church of Portland. Mr. Bollinger waa formerly pastor of the Oregon City, church. There will be no eve ning services In the Congregational church in August, on account of the union rtr vices In the city park. AMONG Tflc efiURCHEi First Baptist Corner Main and Math streets. Rev. 8. A. Hayworth. paa- . tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:41 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. aa. ft. E. Cross, auperlntendent. Chrla- lion Endeavor at e:4S p. m. The paator being away on hla vacation, Rev. Mr. Parker, state missionary, wiir preach at 11 a. m. Evening service in union with the other churches In the city park. Seventh and Adams streets. Catholic Cor. -erater and Tenth 8ta Rev. A. HUlebrand pastor, res. 911 Water; Low Mass I a. m., with ser mon; High Mass 10:30 a. m.; af ternoon service at 4 ; Masa every morning at - First Congregational Church. Morn ing service at 10:30 o'clock. Eve ning aervlce at 7:45 o'clock. Rev. E. S. Bollinger will preach at morn ing aervlce. Subject. "The Ada mnt and Fragrance of the Master's Teachlnga." Christ B. Lutnersn or. ElgMn ond J. g Adams streaia. I'.ev. P. ' Srh.indi paator. rva. SOS J. Q Adan.; M a a. m ; preaching afternoons of f rsi aad third Sundays at t I la EnalUh. other Sunday aervlees atoralnas a IS 4 with preaching In Oermaa. Flret Church of Christ. gclentleL Ninth and Center streets. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Spirit" Wednesday evening meet ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room op en every afternoon except Sunday , from 3 to 4 o'clock. Oermaa SvanllcalOor. Eighth and Madison streets. Kav. V. Wlevrrlcs pan lur. rs. TlMadlson: 8. 8. IS a. m., Ilermaa 8erikdr. Monroe street, supt-; mnin ns service II. yocng panplr ai 1 . m an prearh'na at S n m. Prayer vtasilag Wednesday at t :SS a. av Gladstone Christian Rev. A. H. Mul- key, paator, res. Olsdstone. Son - aay acnooi iv l m , n. u. tienancaa, supterintendent. Morning aervlce, 11 o clock. Brotherhood services at 7:45. Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. 8. 3 p. m., Mrs. J. H. Qulnn. supt.; Bible Study every Thursday after noon. E. C. Dye will preach at 7:30 o clock in tne evening. MethodistMain street cor. Seventh, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman pastor, res. cor. 8lth and Washington; 8. 8 9.45 a. ox, C. A. Williams. Glad stone, supt.; morning aervlce 10:45, BtiDject, 'xnristian Perfection Junior League at 3 p. m. The eve ning aervlce will be held In the city park, In union 'with the other ennrcbes or the city. Rev. James Moore, of Salem, will preach at ser vice at 7 p. m. Presbyterian Seventh atreet cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, paator. Rea. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a, m.. M;a. W. C. Green, rupt.; morn ing service 11 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E., 7. leader, Ambrose Brownell; eve ning worship, 7:45. aarkplaca Cenar ausniial Res. J. L. Jones pastor, res. 'luckamu: 8. 8. la a. m.. Emery French supt.; preaching wteee each Sunday, alternating w twsen It a. m. and J IS p. m it, m. Man Endeavor Thursday evening ;: P- av ... St Paul'a Rev. c. W. Robinson, rec tor, uauy services: Morning pray er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:80 a. m., evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sua-: nay services: Holy Eucharist 3 a. m.; morning prayer. 10:30 a. m.; Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m.; S. S.. 13 m.: Thursdsy evenlngv. sermon at 7:30 o'clock UnKaS esthrsn Cor. Klghtn mni Tayw - i OarSe oa-ior. ere. port I n't , - a m. Frank P-.rser, Marl, Kane, supt ; morning serrice 11 V p C a a m Miu - Wlltamm at. C Ko resular i.e. a. hint Zlon Lutheran Corner Jefferson and B.iguin atreets. Rev. W. R. Kraiber ger pastor, residence 720 Jefferson Sundsy school t.30 a. m.. Rev. Kraiberger. superintendent Morn ing aervlce 10:30. Evening 7:4$ Lather League 7 p. m West Oregon City School House services conducted by J. o. SMata . followed by Sundiy GOOD MANAGEMENT Vu have noticed that those whs ft shssd.ln ths world 1 oeneraMy those who are good rnagers-he have lea.-ned ts l M VuS-slE""!. werld ever that the bsst y t. tak, Mf, t oas-s income and have a growing hslsnoe k aese.aT There aKe Just as many reasons why YOU should have aa Z count at this bank aa there are why any el eur hundred. f Had depositors should. Come In sad let us tall thsrn to you. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAIfX IN THE COUNTY 1 D 0 LATOt'KrrTE Pra-ideot f- J MCT,tH- C THE FIRST NATIONAL BAK; of OREGON CITY r OREGON CAPITAL, i.4hUtu a t. s Haea-ns aaleeea HlYiilftRSTO " LURE PREY WITH SONG A hunting party, composed of Clay ton White, Nine Uuig. I'cte Long, Dick tng. Frel Freeman. Ilea Cole. Louis Hinlth, will leave this morning for Table Rock., where aevvral weeka ill be apeut In hunting big game. There (a no doubt there IU be plen ty of deer meat, bear meat, and all Kinds or meat brought to ramp by ihi.iM hunters, aa several 111 the Darty are noted shuts. Clayton White, who has the reputation tr baring auieu at leant one deer, will no doubt be JUT lie lif lite siirelul weml'ers ui tne party. Nine Ixing. Pete Ung. Fred Freeman and Louis Hmlth. the Cane mah quartet, who estalllhed an en viable reputation as song birds In thla city, will no doubt lure the wild animate to their doom by their aonga. Itea Cole, the surveyor, has been en gaged to make the trails through the woods, lilrk" Ung. the noted chief of Canemah. has beeu engaged to act as superintendent of the culinary de partment. Thla poaltlon lng will no doubt nil to perfection. There will be plenty of hardtack, spuds and ba con taken along, and It wilt be up to the boys to furnish the meat. A Ion of ammunition haa been supplied, so-there will be no exruae for the party not bringing their friends vetil son. ' . NEW MT. PLEASANT TEACHER ELECTED At a meeting of the Mount Pleaa ant school board held on-Thursday a teacher was elected to have charge of the new room that will be added to the echoothotiae before the open ing of the school term In the fell. Mlas llowctt, of Portland, will have charge of the room. The other teach ers, who were recently elected by the board, are Miss Grace and Mlaa Genevieve Capen. Bids for enlarging the building, for new floors, the Installing of folding doors In the auditorium, and a gen eral overhauling of the Interior of the building were received Saturday. KNAPP BUYS WELLS' PHARMACY IflTEREST Walter Wells, who haa been a member of the firm of the Jones Drug Company has sold his Interest to John Knspp, son of the late AI bert Knspp. of thla city. Mr. Wells haa been In business In Oregon City tor the past two and one half years, being a graduate of the pharmacy department of the Oregon Agricul tural College, the aame as his suc cessor, Mr. Knspn. While In busi ness here he haa made many friends. Mr. Wells haa not yet decided upon a location, but It Is probable that he and hla wife will take tip their resi dence I" some other city. Mr. Knspp Is well known end highly esteemed In this city, and has 1 n(j experience with several larae city firms. PARR START TODAY The union service of the Protes tant cntircnea for the summer will oe inaugurated thla evening In City Park, 8eventh and Adams street. 8er vlcea will be held In the churches In the morning aa usual, but at 7 o'clock tonight tne members of the various denominations- will guttler In the park. The Rev. James Moore, of Sa lem, will conduct the services. It haa been the custom for several years for the eongregatlonH to unit in at. tending evening aervires In the sum mer. MINSTRELS ARE COMING. Richard, A Pelnqle's Famous Caarnla W.... u. ... ... ""i" nrs msai eaturday. The rnerrv, merrv mlntr.i. ' coming to town! Not one of thosa eti n. i nlyht organisation rlimi' .... and irWIng little, hnt the old reliable ' " nirnrna a PrlneU'. ... Georgia Minstrels: the one your fath- 1. pln1ll,,. n la fnther berore f'' " '. Is their custom they bring you a show replete with novel surprises. atm?.lW?" .'nd r Kin m -ZL H fu? ,0"n'n. ssslated lnterlr rn.,her mk' funmrs of International reputation. There I. shoral of twenty, sn orchestra of iTrnl! !Jd vua'''"' nroaram un-m..T'- T,b "'""V or. neclsllv for thla comnsnv. The rt-. :,V-uWJ'Jr.v!"- "Tin-Ins. J ' .""r r"T rtromntlv s l 1 i - V - Wmnson Chtl ..II " "7 .wl" T long an Tt ' of this company, ar, Sunday, August 10. sAaaoOOo ObON Iran A. M u , BASE BALI RtCMIATION PARK, ! Car. Vaughn and Twenty.feura VICTORU PORTLAND August 1, t, s, 4. ft, . Oamao ogle Weekdays at I r( gundaya, :M p. m. LADIKg' DAY FMIOAY a Doys U"def 11 Free to 01m dneaday. i TKEWORUlStrilTUTSEWIKSL: K J.IGHT RUNNING If ran want either a VlhisMnt Shuttle, R PnutlniMr a eioels thread " tvatiig Marhlee wriurm Til ItW NOMt IIWIII MaCllst etc. Oranoe, Mateus. M m vHf m ! rm mm4 twU tnet fcui taa s w llaaae i -it a ihm uaraatr ae( rat ui 814 by aalbarlsed aWalera as W. U MARSHALL. 350 Morrison St PertlaM Buy a Home While Paying IW 100 down and 13 a moJ takes this comfortable alx ro.j house and lot. House la wlr; for electricity. Lot 2xl0i ret Some frolt oa place. Well I rated on Madison St. tUP A snap at t" E. P. Elliott and Sc 7th and Mala Sta., by Susps sloa Bridge. 1 110 REWARD I For the arrest an convicts of any person or persons, wt unlawfully remove copies of T. Morning Enterprise from t premises of subscribers aft PPer haa been placed there I carrier. a. THt MORNINA B-MTSaPRlK Is on ssle at the following stots every day: ' Huntlsy Bros. Drug 1 ' Mala Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars 1 w i Seventh r and - Main. ' Secrest Confectionery , 1 Mala near 8lxth, , M. B. Duna Confectionery 1 Next door to P. O. City Dreg store Electrie Hotel 8rhnen bom Confectionery ' Seventh apd .t. Q. Adam. , 4 ' i'cLUCK! CLUCI3 ...... . The Hens Know. Correct Chicltt:n Foc.J Makes tli?.s Liy Baby Chit OHt, Mat Mi't Beef Scrape and Oat Croats f sale. , Dealers In Wool, Flour, U1 Oram, Feed, Cost, Bslt, Bug" Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN BTS, Orefloe Cly. Are you a subscriber to the K Ing EiterprlaeT If not you should snd let us put your name on ' scrtptloa list Immediately. I m IHIL Jl