MORNING ENTKHP1USE, HATUHDAY, AUGUST 5, 1911. hoes Men Shoes ' FOR Ladies Shoes FOR Children I . ftW days are almost giving eur oxfords and shoes J During aur annual CLEAN-UP SALE wi ara giving bsrgal shots tn Win up wwr siwh in nwrry, away. ne In lT FITTKO NOW WHILE WI HAVI A FULL RUN OF SIZES. See Our Bargain Shoe Window J.LEVITT tfsprailoa Bridge Cor. Oregon City til rV 0,y Weede. if t103; LOCAL BRICrS A. Miles went to Damascus on frlday. Volt Dullard, of Logan. n in Uv on Friday. ami Mr. Took, of Mutlno, were em City. Friday. k Keorge llollman, of Beaver k. aa in Ibla city on Friday. It jars at coat at Rigger A Bon'a ry. Bevenm atreet. Hart. if Oraion City, made a iu '.rip 10 ti'ii n rrinu. ft, Gourhrr, of Mullno , waa In rlty visiting friends on mday. Dltiirb and aon, Ilarman. ot ado. were In Ibla city on rn- Frank Bullard. .who recently d tu Redland. waa In tola city r. lyde DrUroll, of Union Mllla, waa kicllng bualneaa In Oregon Uy M. . ink llartlctt Water. Bold by an i, gror.rlra and druggists. B. Wler. of Murder. 8ou(h Dsko- kss In thla rlty on Thuraday and lay. lonard l-ageson has gone to Walla' Da, Waiib., where ba baa accepted Mltlun. R. II. Miller baa gone to Wll ahere ha will vUH for a week i-n lays , H. Cwiit nit u Friday wru for Carus. where ha apent tba on Mi ranch. knry Rtelner, of Heaver Creek, one he prominent realdenta of that waa In thla city Friday. pn Just'n went to Woodburn ualnesa Friday, returning to Ore- Ci '7 .Tiitiy evening. ir. and Mra. Follenabea. who have enjoying an outing at Newport, 1 relumed to Oregon City. thorlna Cavanaugh, of Uhvllle. , aa In thla ci.y on Friday and ered al the Electric Hotel. you eat bread whr not set Royal par The beat that moner can at Harris' grocery. -ra. MrCllntork, wlfa of the Rev, Unlock, of thla rltr. la 111 at tha ny home near Mountain View. enry Hoere. one of tba well known mora of Heaver Creek, waa tren- mg business in thla city on FT Hall, of Rock wood, waa In thla on Wednesday evening, having io suenn me counau meetlnc. Mng one of the Oregon City coun- n. Mr. Hull ! now In hualneaa h - - iHOCKWOOd. , fiM.CInra Mltrhen will leave thla 'ling for gundv where aha will Ind Hunday with her parenta, Mr. Mra. Mitchell, and will ba ae pnld home ,y her aleter. Gladys, ! vihh here Tor a week. BK I" K A flnmn... ..1- - n. ... .....iivl, U UIVI i VI CltV. ham nmwait tila in tfllf f ouiidlng. Portland. ii H in and Mra. J T. Annarann. . . . -' -fr r ii ireo Hrnett and Mlaa Ethel l ifii on Thuraday morning for " in ine Apperaon autornoblla. 7 Will vlalt man nf tha rltlea the way and wlll'ba gona bot P weelia coinpanylng tbam to remain two weeka at tha Ilacha cottaga.s j , WUbolt ataga will leave tba Clacirlc Hotel each day at I o'clock p. uX , Mlaaea Cella and Uerlha fjoljamltb lefon Friday evening for Ban Fran rliio, "where they will attend the mil Unary Jlaplaya. and will alao purrhaaa their' fall Block. Ilafure returning to Oregon City tbey will vlalt their brother, Charlaa, at Bacratnento, and alater, Mlaa Lena, of Ban Franclaco. During tba Mlaaea Ooldamltb'a ab Beuce, their bualneaa will be In charga of Mlaa Anita McCarver. lellcaeaen: L. A. Notile. 714 Main afreet, baa Juat received from Wlaoon aln 2,000 pound new cheeae, craam, Bwlaa and llnmurger. Fine for lunch. O. F. Johnaon, deputy aaaeaaor, who baa gone to Btevena' Hot Bprlnga, Wuab.. on bualneaa. will return to Oregon CHy on Monday morning. Mr. ..Ih.r.ln.l.w. It 1 Hel. frlch. haa been undergoing medical treatment at tba Hot Bprlnga Sani tarium, and haa returned to Oregon City, but there la no Improvement In bla condition. Ha will remain here for aoveral weeka before pro ceeding to bla noma at Dnd. ThcmaB J. Mr era, Mra. Myr, Kent WlliMin and M aa Eva Al'Jredo will uo to Milalla Mtnday to ainnd ten layB. Mr, liyere ex porta to devote moat of bla time to hunting 3rd flan !ng. Va nivld Caufleld haa teturnol from Foreal drove, where aha vlalte Mr. W, M. Proc jr John AWiander. of nerkeley t'nl veralty, and Howard Itlgler, of the I'nlverBlly of Oregon, vlalted C. E. Latourette Friday, Tlarney Short, of Maple I-ane, wa lu the clt on bualneaa Friday. waeka. P A. Tllllmun m-A.mA ning fnr Powell River. D. C, wbera nl accented a nnaltlon with tha T mllla. Mra. Dlllman will leava n r hnaband. . Pft l : ' ... J - -. uuy angar now. ira aura to "Jjwr, 17 pounda for 1, beat gran-HarrlB- grocery. frr R. I at.. .... j . uwnw alia iwu uuiuiiii, nenrinla mA iniHu uM h4a.n" nd M," B611 Lon ,'ft ...r wewportr where tbey will "7 tba mam Lrt.L '""y make their haad rr, at the Ocean View Houae. I J. Tobln and' two children, "n anil u.... .nt - - lima, I 'l"Jr- wi iTf ior inair "'n na been vUltlng her mother i onnertlpii n. .v.. . ?JJ-. and will bring with her her Jnn, who haa been vlaltlng grandmother. "d cofree and tea la ouf ' hobby. 7 Our iRn . j , I tL. ana gin lea. van I f t. Harrla grocery. ''Oar Wood fin .h. k.. . n Beach, Waah., the guat of Mr, A Mra nr mm - i w, iiacne, reiurnea io l "n uty on Thuraday avenlng. nllv returned to their i,P4, homt '- 'w y. jj n t0 r"turn to Umg Beach the or net week, Mr. Woodfln ao- PORTUUID DROPS ANOTHER TO SEALS SEATON AND MKIKLE ARE IN POOR FORM OAME DEVOIO OF INTEREST. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. U. (Spec ial). Ban Franclaco took another tame from Portland today, tha arore being 7 to 4. Beaton waa In poor form and the borne team banged out 13 hlta. Melkle alao pitched poorly, al lowing nine aaftlea. It waant an ex citing game for the Bele led from the atart They gathered In three In the firat. The Iteavera got two In the fourth, one In the fifth and one In the aavauth- San Franclaco got two In the fifth and two In the seventh. The renulta Friday follow; Pacific Coaat League 8an Fran claco 7, Portland 4; Vernon . Ia Augelea I: Bacramento S, Oakland 2. Northweatern league Portland 4. Victoria 0: Vancouver S, Taeoma 3; Seal tie S. Spokane Z. American League Philadelphia 5-5 St. Loula 11: Waahlngton 1-S. Chlca go 0-2 ; lloaton 7, Detroit I; Cleveland 10. New York 3. National League Plttaburg 6. New York 6; Cincinnati-Philadelphia game poBtponed, rain; no other gamea acheduled. T ANDI N O. Paelf o Coaat. CT IZTJ3, M CLASSED (Continued from page 1.) with bla getting started at reorgani sation. That waa the and of all work Claaton aver gave n to do or al lowed me (o do. aeked for work on all occaalona to which there ara many wltneaaea. I aaked for a chance to handle the flah-cultural records, to ba allowed to take up Inveatlgatlona and to tie allowed to visit the ata llona. e let me vlalt Bonneville after he had done ao without taking me but that waa all. When I aaked to vlalt other atatlona be said the men would quit If I did ao. I aald then aend me and If tbey do It will be up to the Commission to straighten things out; but ne wouldn't dare. . On July 5 tba Commission, with Flnlev, Clanton and myself, started out on the Houthem Oregon trip. I waa ordered to go and thought I would , be called on for Information relative to proponed hatchery sites, etc. On the trip I waa asked for no advice concerning any of the places vlalted. attempted to talk to sev eral members of the Commission, but waa not allowed to do ao. I have never talked concerning fish-culture with a single member of the Commis sion. I have talked some little with some of them concerning kinds of fish and hablta of some kinds. When It cornea to claaalflcatlona of sdacIm. that la not flab-culture and I am but a layman. While on that trip I sub mitted to Indignities that no gentle man would ask of any one. I' did thla almply through determination to prove that my atand bad been rlxbt and honest and to show beyond dis pute that I had not been and waa not the trouble breeder. When the Commission vlalted the fells at Oregon City I took the liberty of asking tha rif.vartiinant'a rfprflnll W. ' U P.C. Portland M il -550 Vernon .69 56 -552 Oakland .... 67 62 .619 Ban Franclaco 62 64 .692 Bacramento ... 69 64 .4X0 Loa Angelea ..... .. 61 76.402 Vancouver Tacoma . . Spokane .. Seattle ... Portland . Victoria .. Northweatern. W. 67 62 ..69 . . . 66 .53 ..' 29 L, 79 P.C. .600 .669 .636 .523 .496 .209 Orange Meats Today. ' The Maple Lane Orange will hold a meeting at the .Grange Hall today, when the third and fourth degreoa will be conferred on aeveral candl datea. " A dinner will - be - served -at noon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. T. E. Huxley and Ida L. Huxley to L. H. Durd, 40 acree of- aeetlon 36. township 3 south, range 4 eaat; II. r. F. Hesseltlne to Fred liar greaves, aouthweat quarter of north west quarter of aeetlon 8, townahtp 6 aoutb, range 3 eaat; $1, Oeorge M. Shaver to Laura E. Shaver, land In Boardman'a Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1. M. 8. B. Lawton, Ward Law ton and Helen Lawton to Carl W. Joehnke, and Helen Joehnke, tract 24, Lawton Heights; 1760. George H- ElHceen and Katberlne Elllgaen to Clackamas county, land In n. H M Inkier D. L C. Including 63.21 acrea of aeetlon IS, townahlp 3 south, range 1 eaat; $1, Frank Reea- to Maxwell Telford, land In section 8, township 4 south, rangsj 3 eaat; 360. "feuaene Damoura and Mary C- Da- moure to E. B. and Ida M. Holmea, 40 acrea of aeetlon 80, townahlp 4 aputh. range 3 Mat; $2,400. . Joalah and Amelia Martin to James Shepherd, lotg 1 and 3 of block 3, Windsor; 31. Joalah Martin and Amelia Martin to James Bhepherd, lota 3, 4, 5, of block Wlndaor; $1,000. , George. W. McBride and Laura W. McBrlde to Ora E. Knight, land in Clackamas county; $10. T . - - . .. i, t , Read the Morning Enterprise. tatlve to be present, believing that nia Knowledge or local conditions would be valuable and feeling In visit ing bla borne town the courtesy waa due him. He did not feel be could come unless asked by tbe Commis sion, 'so that he would know tbey wanted blm. I approached one mem ber of the CoinmliMlon who waa not Interested and aald he waa not the prealdent of the Commission. I aaw the prealdent. who regretted he had been thoughtless enough to overlook the matter and auggeated that I try to get him. After seeing tbe consid eration given him I regretted having taken any part In the matter. Dismissal la Kept Quiet With, my dismissal the matter waa kept entirely out of th papers. One of the Commissioners happened to paaB through Medford ahortly there after. A Medford pap-r and I think the one edited by a defeated aaplrant for a position on the Commission was the first to have the news. Economy was the reason given. Why did they not tell me It waa economy? Now as to economy do tbe sports men those who pay for the anglers' and hunters' licensee know that their money eupuorta a puullclty depart ment. I have aaked a representative of one of the great dallies In Port land If they would not gladly print news covering tbe accompiianmenta of the fish and game departments statementa of what haa been done and what Is being done, and If they would not be willing to aend a re porter to get auch new a. I waa In formed tbey would and take It for aranted that any of the papers will do ao. In face of thla known atti tude on the part of the press It haa aeemed necessary to employ a pub licity man to tell the huntera and fishermen and farmers not ao mncn what haa been accomplished aa what may be accomplished. It ' la not a newspaper man who la employed, but a publicity man LwieM. - rieao the man who wrltea the "Bay Ocean" advertisements, etc. Aa to tbe real purpose of auch work those Interested will have to draw their own conclu- slona aa I have done. Take the Eve- nlng Telegram of July 23 and The Oresonlsn of July 23. Remember that Head wrote The Telegram article and part of what waa In The Oregonlan and decide If It la a caae or build Inc un the flab, and game Interests or of building up. an Impregnable per sonal machine. 1 In reading over the great amount of such matter In The Oregonlan of the aaje menuonea, re member that "State Superintendent of Hatcherlea Wiener" did not aelect any site on Spring Creek and did not discuss the matter with the Commis sion. That at a banquet In Klamath Falls he almply stated without any authority from the Commlaslon that the alte "could be developed In a doen waya." RemembeV alao that "State Superintendent of Hatcherlea Wiener" and "United 8tatea District Warden O'Malley" were not conault ed relative to, the flah way at the falla In Oregon City by R.JD- Clanton. maater flah warden, and aee bow much real newg you bave.. Canoe Tiltintf and Water Push Ball Are Summer Resort Sports i ' . t "v. 'jZi 7 c Fbotoa by American Preas Association. ANOE tilting, a variation of a sport popular In medieval times, bas been revived at summer resorts. Tbe conteatanta ride In canoee instead of on boreee. Armed with long poles instead of lancea. tbey try to upset tbelr opponents juat aa knlgbta'of old tried to upset their rivals.'. Aa the upneta are frequent tbe conteatanta wear bathing suit ao that no damage la done, and they have only to right their canoes and climb aboard again to be ready for another encounter. Water puah ball la another game that la popular. It la tbe same aa posh ball on the ground and la very simple, consisting of one aide trying to force the huge globe In one direction, while the other aide tries to posh It tbe other until a goal la reached. The pictures of canoe tilting and water pneb ball shown above were made at the Larchmont Yacht etnb on Long Island sound. Tbe other picture abows a game of puah ball aa played by tbe etudenta at Colombia college. New York. CARMEfrS PICNIC IS HELD NEXT THURSDAY LADIES' AIO HOLD MEETING. Delightful Entertainment - Given at Home of Mra. Hendricks. About 60 of the ladlee of the Chrle tlan church of Gladstone met at tbe borne of Mra. N. C. Hendrlcka at Rlv ervlew, Parkplace, for an all-day meeting, and to attend to the regular business of the society. Arrange menta were made for a "awap" aoclal to be held at Gault'a ball on Wednea day, Auguat tr One of the feature of the day waa the dnnner, whlch.had been provided by the Isdlee. This waa partaken of at noon. The Mia alonary Society began Ua meeting at 3 o'clock, the Rev. A. H. Mulkey con ducting the devotional exerclafa, and Mra N. C. Hendrlcka conducting the business session. Rev. Mulkey epoke on "The Life of Jacob Kenoly, of Af rica." Mra. Cartmel introduced Mlsa Weybur.i, a vlaltlng missionary, who apoke ery entertainingly on "Eaat ern Women n Eastern Landa." Before the departure of the women for their homea their picturea were taken on tbe lawn, wmcn win oe -remembrance of one ot the most auc cesaful mcetlnge ever held by the Ladles' Aid Society of the Chrlatian church. There were about 60 in at tendance, many ot wnom were irom Parkplace. . ' - Davis Marries Couple. M-y Koenlg and J. F. Koenlg were married at the Baptlat parsonage on Friday afternoon. Owing to the ab sence of the paator,' Rev. 8.-A. Hay worth. Rev. 8. P. Da via performed the ceremony. ' x The Teat Madge 1 refused Jack eight tlmee before flnaDy aaylnf "yea." Ethel Why did you change yonr mlndt Madge-I didnt I waa merely aee Ing If he would change bla.-Boaton Transcript V , . pauonne our advertlaera. . Streetcar patrons have noticed for several aya tha conductora carrying In their hands red tickets with some considerable printing upon them. Many have wondered what these mis sives were for, and anon Inquiry the conductor baa Informed the. patron that they are tlcketa to the annual picnic of the carmen who are banded together under the name of the Broth erhood of Electric Railway Employes. He tendera one of the tlcketa to the Inquirer at the price of ten cents, which will admit the bearer to The Oaka. A program baa been arranged for next Thuraday, consisting ot vaud eville stunts and numerous other thlnga which will lead to a happy day. Th recelpta from tbe sale of tlck eta are placed In tne alck benefit fund of the aaaoclatlon. In Portland the brotherhood haa a membership of 1,400. It takes care of Its sick mem bers by giving a benefit of $10 a week for twenty-alx weeka, l.f necessary, and alao levies an aaaeaament which amounts to $1,000 for, each death. The annual picnic' haa been a source of profit to tbe brotherhood, and Manager Cord ray not only do natea the use of The Oaka for the occasion, but tbe company contributes $500 toward the expenee of holding the picnic. The entertainment com mittee haa been working for eorae time to arrange a program which will be worth many times the ten cents charged, and an attendance of from 15.000 to 20,000 la anticipated. -The public la cordially Invited to Inveat Ita spare change In a ticket or two to help ao worthy a cause. CAMPMEETING ENDS SUNDAY. Mra. Klrbyson Elected Prealdent of Spiritualise. ' The Splrltuallstf campmeeting, In session on tha grounds at New Era, will close on Sunday evening. Thura day waa ladles' day, and there waa a large attendance. Several prominent women apoke. A cbicKen dinner waa served at noon. v The election of officers and bual neaa session waa held by the Wo men's Unions at 2 o'clock. The fol lowing were elected to aerve for the ensuing year: Prealdent. Mra. George Klrbyson: vice-presiaeni, Mra. con- don, of Portland; aecretary. Mra. L. Irwin, of Barlow; treaaurer, Mra. uoi llns. of . Portland. ' In the evening "The Old Malda' Convention" waa pre sented, and there waa a large and en thusiastic audience. Dancing follow ed in the auditorium. Pleasant ' L Child Mamma, what la a common person? Mother A common person la a per son that we do not aaaot-late with. Why do you sk T ' Child-Tnuw Mr. Nextdoor said you was a coMiniiiii tTon - CORRESPONDENCE EAGLE CREEK. . Mrs. Howtett la ateadlly Improving and we hope she will soon regain her usual good health. H. 8. Gibson, having received word thai hla half-brother, Albert Garrett- eon, waa very 111, left laat Friday for San Jose, cat., wnere ne win apena a few days with his brother and family. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Woodle, Mr, ana Mra. Ray Woodle and Baby Leslie. Myrtle, Nettle and Joey Woodle vla lted with Mr. and Mra. Guy Woodle, of Dover, Sunday. Mr. Clark baa started out with his hay baler and la baling for those farm era' who wish their hay baled. Mr. Jones bad some hay baled on Wedneaday. Fd. Douglass waa vlaltlng In the Molalla conntry over Sunday. - Walter and Will Douglass and Peter Paul Peschel have gone to the moun tains on a hunting and Ashing expedi tion. ... .. Noah Stingier, Ben Jaaquea, Ben Anderson and a man who la .staying at Mr. Wllbern'a, have gone on a ten daya' Jaunt upon the Clackamas. Mlsa Bins Douglass waa calling at the borne ot H. G. Huntington laat Thursday afternoon. Mra. Murphr called on Mrs. How let t laat Tueaday afternoon. E. E. Elliott and wife were np to Jones' Saturday evening. The Roberta boys were working for H. Q. Huntington. Mrs. ITdell and children apent Sun day with James Gibson. MILWAUKIE. Hazel Drlscol. of Portland, spent Thuraday and Friday with Hazel Mul len, s Judge Kelso waa In Oregon City on bualnesa Wedneaday. Tbe Alumni aaaoclatlon met at Crystal Lake Park Friday evening. An interesting program was given. Refreshments were served and gamea Indulced In ill! a late hour. . Muril Lakln was taken seriously III Tuesday evening, but waa some bet ter Wedneaday morning. Dorothy and Mar gory wiaalnger are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Charles Bell, of Hood River. A. L. Harper opened a butcher ahop In tbe O. Wlaslnger building Auguat 1. Tbe aide walk In front of the grange hall waa finished laat Wednesday by the men members and tbe ladlea fur nished the dinner. Mra. Jennie Davis, who went to Aberdeen, Wash., la 11L She will re turn home aa soon as ahe la able-.'' Claud Rider, of Portland, purchased the Fred Roberta cottage on tbe Fos ter road and wilt move hla family In thla week. Mra. Maggie Johnson made the eale. A daughter, waa born to Mra. Row ley, of Qulncy addition. ' - Fred Piper la building a bungalow In tbe Shlndler Kerr tract. . '. Clarence and Marcua Maple went to Canby Saturday, staved all night with their uncle, W1U Maple, and on Sunday morning they walked to tbe Molalla river to flah. They were caught In the rain and fonnd only auckera. Mr. Kane, of South Dakota, who re cently purchased two acrea of John Scott, la building a two story dwelling and rushing the, work ao as to get his family aettled before school com mences. ' -Glen and Ruth Elking were vislt lfigT. E. Maple In Portland Monday. Mra. J. C Elklna la ill. 8 he la plan ning a trip to the beach In a few days. Mra. Williamson and Mra. Orr, of San Diego, Cel., were vlaltlng Mrs. Maggl Johnson .Tuesday. Hazel Wyman, of Gladstone apent Friday evening with Mrs. Ella Maple. Grading atreeta In the Strelb addi tion la being done slowly. v . OAK GROVE. Sam Alexander rftrd family went on a picnic to the Sandy River Bunday with the Order of the Knights of the Rose. Sam Alexander and Roy Blackerby were Milwaukle visitors Wednesday. Charles Douglass, of Dufur, Oregon, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mra. E. C. Warren. A flr destroyed the house of Jay Upton at Risley station, Tueaday morning. A gasoline stove exploded and atarted the blaxe. All the furni ture waa burned and everything de atroyed, only a few plecea of allver ware were aaved. Mra. Upton waa away from home. The Methodtat Sunday echool held a picnic on the river Wednesday af ternoon. ' ' l' Iaaao Hill and wife, of Courtney, returned home from the beach Tuea day. - M. Montgomery and wife are mov ing to Albany, Oregon. Earl Suter, John Weber and Floyd Hanaon went for a two weeks' outing near Ranler, Oregon. Dr. H. N. Rubs, of Montavllla, la visiting hla daughter, Mra. E. C. War ren. ' . Mlsa Laura Warren, of Baker, Ore gon, la vlaltlng her mother, Mra. M. Warren and brothers and alater. - Mr. Mitchell baa opened the butcher 1 "' ' .' a : ' rJ X I" 1T '1 ITl .'CaaV II II II mU a .. foeS ME aAa CONSIDER well before you buy veg etables. Thinkfor a moment of how they are bought and kept. Vegetables should be fresh and moist with the appear ance of having just come from where nature grew them. That is, when they are well kept the way we keep them. -1 1 1 - s W - . Tnje 'a the reason why all our vegetables look as If they had IJuet arrived with' all that delicious, fresh, natural flavor you like ao well. And we take good care that not s moment la lost' In their delivery to you. Send a trial order. J. E. SEELEY Oregon City " - . ' " Wetnhard BUg. Spend Your Vacation AT t, CLATSOP BEACH f; The Pacific Ocean. First class hot els, -cottages and camps at 8eaalde and Gearhart. THE North Bank Road - Runs fast trains through to the Beach parlor observation cars and , modern coaches. , RotfndTrips " , $4.00 dally, season limit $3.00 Saturday and Bunday, limit Monday. Special folder will be Bent on requeat. W. L Coman, G F. & P. A , S. P. & 5. Ry. , PORTLAND, ORE. v shop' and will pay the highest cash prices for dressed pork and veal. Give him a call for fresh meats. GLADSTONE. Garland Halmwell and Mlaa Nina Hollowell, with their parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Hollawell, left for Long Beach where tbey will spend a two weeka' outing with friends. Mrs: Horace Ruasell and her son, Henry, Horace Hamilton RnaaelL of Waahlngton, la., are visiting at tbe home of Grant Olds. ' ' Miss Hasel Toose gave a picnic to her Sunday school class, the Loyal Sons of the Gladstone Christian church. The boya met at Mlsa Toottfa home and then proceeded to Rock Island In the Clackamas River where refreshments were served The boys present were Willis Rockwell, Dale Olds, Harold Rockwell, Archie Davis, Clarke Hughes. Ralph Johnaon, Wil bur Wilson, Charlie Carothers, Clyde Morrell and WUUe Davis. John Dann haa resumed his duties with the P. R, L. 4k P. Co., after a vacation of thlrtr daya. ' ' Mra. P. D. Hull went to Portland on bualneaa Wedneaday. Mlaa Cecil Miller, of Portland, la vlaltlng at the home of Mlaa Hilda Toor.e. ' Horton N. Graham waa In Gladstone on bualneaa Wednesday. KELSO. Kelso people were much alarmed over a forest fire In the wooda near here laat week. - Mr. Jllller haa completed a fine new residence for Martin Mlkkleaoo and la erecting a large meat store for L E. Hoffman, of Sandy. .- Leo Rath went to Portland Sunday to vlalt hla alater, who haa Juat moved from Idaho. Ed. Hardee, of Georgo, la building a large sawmill for Jarl Bros. Jfc Rath, Joel Jarl la pleaaed over bla hay crop. Hla big barn la filled and he haa more than 20 tons for Bale. ' John Nelson .got tired of farming ao be haa purchased a half Interest In a atore at Orient and will move soon. He haa rented hla farm here to Gus Ludwlgson. Mlsa Emma Miller and Fred Hoist, of Portland, were married at tne brlde'a home last Saturday. A large crowd of frtenaa were present. The young couple will make their home In Portlcd. - R. E. Jarl aold ten tone of hay one day last week. . A young woman relative from New Tork la vlaltlng at the Nelson borne. Cherries and blackberries are plen tiful. . . SPRINQWATER. Rev.'Peaple Is giving lessons every Friday evening from 7:30 to 10:30 In vocal training and explaining the composition of mtinlc. Twenty-Bve per sons are taking advantage of thla f-p-portunlty. ..,''' The farmers sre Improving the school houae, church and parsonage The buildings are being painted, and new fences are being built Mr, Mulkey, of Rose berg, la vlaltlng bla brother-in-law. Earl Shlbly, this week. NEWPORT .". YAOUINA BAY Orsgon'a Popular Beach Resort ' An ideal retreat for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing. Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Auto Ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water a galea, moss agatea, moonstones, carnelana can be found on the beach. Pare mountain water and the beat of food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oyatera, with abundance of vege tablea of all kinds daily. J.-J, , ; Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive. wth atrlct sanitary regulations " LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON f TICKETS. - -.' from all points in Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on eale dally. 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKET8 from . Southern Paclflo .points Port land to Cottage Grove; alao from al! Oi- sr E. stations Albany and west. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C a E. Agent for full particulars as to fares, trains, schedules, etc.; also for copy ot our Illustrated booklet, "Outing Is Or gon," or write to ; . . ; Wm. McHurray - GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, , Portland Oregon, SHIVELY OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, Sunday, Aogost 2P A CORKER IN CORK! Richards' & Pringje's FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS 40 KINGPINS OF K!NSmLSY-40 Seata en eale at Jonea' Drug Co. Reserved Seats 75c and M;e Chll BAND CONCERT AT I P. M AT CITY PARK' ON SEVENTH ST.