noaniriG EHTERPR1SE ' OREGOH OTT, OREGON C C BROtHE Edit and eMbllehee. 'ntri mw4 olaea Mltor Jaa ury I. I til. a lit bom effloe at OmM viiy. aua, mmmmt ne axi m x. irr.-. TCMS W SDnCtlPTMIIi Cm Tear, by atall .W.M . IN . I . Je . i Month. y afoataa. by by earner. unmans tms rue Pea- ear raoa nrat laaartiea....Ue rrmX Pan aaoll ae taaerttoa. .1 Piefened peeing ear pas, par ktek - nrat kieertlea... lao PirrrT4 paattlaa ay sage, e . aar Htirttnae JO . aapar ether tkaa flret - Sr seek nrat eteertlna Ue " Sua ! br tbaa Rrat aaa. per idM ai Uima at tmaJa lbo er Itae: to reewlar ?' . il re t tat. ' ' Weatz. Par Sale. Ta Meat. eea. eaa vat a word nrat aieertlea; esM-aatf east M-b addiUoaaL Utae for a6rtBht hi fce Weekly CatararbN will be the aajae aa hi ta ally, for adrertteaaMata eat eepeaially for the weekly. Wber the aaTertl t w tianafenaa1 treat the dally t the a nfc y. wttbeat eaaac. U ret wol a at 1 aa tech far ram ef the paper. aaa IS aa atefc for apecau aaaHtias Oaah aheaM aeeeeapeav erdrr party n nnm me ef h Knterarte. Lacml adTerttatac at leaal aduilhaai ate. "?treo edrerttelaa and epeelal liaaalmi ' dverthrtac at lee te Me aa aicn. aaeere . im to epedal eondlttaaa overalnc the : -hr aak and Baaknipt BaJe adrer annate ate tach first baaerttea; addl ataal htartloae aaiae matter St Baca. Km Mama aad weU wrtttea art! ale f atari!, with latereat te local reader. wlU be aladty accepted. Refected aaaau- .ecrist aeerjrtaraed jmjea tnenatpaa' aa ay huih i prepay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 5 In American History.,. 1749 Thomas Lynch. 1T77-Battle of wOrtokany: defeat of ' ; tba British: American commander. f Geoaral Mrbolaa Herkimer, mor tally woondVd. x ' 1S63 Battle of Baton Ron: General Thomas WnUams killed: born 131S. 194-Famr)t'a battle ra Mobile Uy. . 1888 General Philip Henry Sheridan. U. B. A, died: born 1831. l91V-Joaerh Edward Slmmona. flnan eler. -dledt bora 1841. Prenldent . A Tift dedlrated monument at Proe Incetoam. Maxau to the ptlirrlma. ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Son nets TOT. rtaen 47: moon aeta . 1.O0 a. tn.: planet Merrnry befdrm to be Ttolble. aettlnir abortly aCer the tun. and so continuing till 20tn BUY AT HOME. The support of home Industry is ,the duty of every citizen. We live by r-the Interchange of trade. There Is '.' small need indeed for the people of . Oregon to go outside their state for ' the everyday requirements of life, and if the Oregon people would Insist on "Made in Oregon" goods being sold them, retail dealers everywhere would .keep up their stock to meet the de mands of their trade. Cities and states are built np by Ihe pay-rolls within the state. Prop erty valuea are kept up by the pay rolls of the factories. Farm values are kept, np by the demands for farm . products from the cities, the manu ; facturing centers. ' The whole prob- lem is one which even casually stud ' led will prove to any' citizen and to every m;tn, woman and child within . the state that his support of "Made in Oregon, goods means that hla own . prosperity will be greater. It is a ' "wheel within a wheel" proposition. Insist on "Made In Oregon" goods. ee- Instead of continuing as a single organization the Standard Oil Com pany will divide itself into thlrty-flve parts. No donbt, the consumer will find lota of comfort in the change. ee The fact that Indiana is the only state in which snow is reported as bavins fallen this summer makes It i look chilly for sny contemplated pres idential boom for Senator Kern. -ee- Wlsconsln's new Bureau of Home Economics has Just reported thst the women sre responsible for most of the extravsgance of our rapid Ameri can life. Is this one of the evils that the suffragettes propose to reform? t Australia has enlisted more than 100.000 youths between 14 and 18 !M Business Men Should Observe Golden Rule By E. H. CARY. Chairman of United States Steel Corporation HERE should be established tween business con tietitors a friendship which compels one to feel the same concern for his neighbor that he has for j himself. ' IT IS NO LESS IN PRINCIPLE THAN THE GOLDEN RULB APPLIED TO BUSINESS. IS IT POSSIBLE? IF IT IS, IT WILL BE CERTAIN TO PAY. For example, take any two meu engaged in competitive business, tmt who are sufficiently acquainted to have the entire confidence of : each other. la there any doubt that in the daily conduct of their affairs .' neither would be disposed to do anything unneighborly or unreasons- j ' W toward the other or that the acquaintance would bring to both better results than could be realized if they were unfriendly or en gaged In bitter and DESTRUCTIVE competition t , . If they are In frequent discussion on questions in which they sre ; INTERESTED, jfreely interchanging opinions and frankly disclosing conditions concerning their business, will not the individual conclu , aions reached by each naturally be of a higher order and MORE SATISFACTORY In every particular f Argument, IF SOUND, applies with greater force whenever s large- number of persona are in, the habit of meeting one another with the nme spirit of friendship which exist1 with reference to a mailer yeere aC m U tai beginning' of standing amy. Australia aaa tie Jap oar. There Bight b a greet future for Mr. Hobaoa ta that country. Mr. Caauoa says that perhape the bmt nronunciatloa of "Arkansaa" to as It the nam wars spelled "Arkan-sasa.'- This has been particularly true since JeS Davis has been in the Senate. aet "The Maa On Horseback' should be the hi 11' policeman. AMONG Tflc CHURCHES Flrtt Baptlat-Corne Mnin and Ninth streeta Re. 8. A. Hayworxn. pa- tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 smut Kchool at 10 a. m. H. E." Cross, superintendent, Chris- ilnn Endeavor at 6:45 n. m. The pastor being away on his vscatlon, the Rev. P. C Stanard. formerly pastor at Newberg. and now agent for McMlnnvllle College, will oc cupy the pulpit. Young People's meeting to be led by MIbs Edith Smith. It will be a consecration meeting. Catholic Cor. -eraier aaa Tenth Sts. Rev. A. HUlsbrand pastor, res. 11 Water; Low Mass Un, with ser mon; High Mass 10:30 a. m.; af ternoon service at r4; Mass every morning at t. First Congreuatlonal Church- Morn ing service st 10:30 o'clock. Eve ning service st 7:45 o'clock, Chrlat aw- Uutnerar Cor. Elphth and J. Q Adamartrret. P. Schmidt rotor, rea. SOS J. Q Adama: 8. 8. it a. m : pteachlna aflernopoa ot flret .kiwi B?,na.v. at 1:10 In Enallah. other Sunday aervlce aoornlnss at An. First Church of Christ. Scientist Ninth and Center streets. Morning service st 11 o'clock. Wednesdsyf, evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Read ing room open every afternoon e cept Sunday ' from 1 to 4 o'clock. Morning subject. "Love," German Cvanoel leal Cor. KUMh and Madiaoo etreeta. Rev. F. Wtevealck paa- tor. rr. 711 atadlaoa; . a. iw a- an.. Herat aa Schrader. Monroe etreet. eupt.j morning etrrtce 11. yovn peopleat 1 p. m. and preaehina at S p. m. Prayer ateetma- Wednesday at T:M p. at. Gladstona Chrittlsn Rev. A, H. M in ker, pastor, res. Gladstone, sun day school 10 a. m., N. C Hendricks, suptertntendent- Morning service, 11 o'clock. Brotherhood services at 7-.4S. Mountain View Union (Cong.) S. 8. . S p. ex, Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, supt; Bible 8tudy every Thursdsy after noon. E. C. Dye will preach at 7:30 o'clock In the evening. Methodist Msln street cor. Seventh. Rev. E. P. Zimmerman pastor, res. cor. Sixth aad Washington; 8. 8. ' 1:45 a. m.. C. A, Williams, Glsd- stone, supt.; morning service 10:45, Ep worth League 6:30, evening ser vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs day 8 p. m. Presbyterian Seventh street cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor. Res. 710 Jefferson; S. S. 10 a. m- Mrs. W. C. Green, supL; morn ing service 11 s. m. T. P. S. C. E., 7. leader. Ambrose Brownell; eve ning worship, 7:45. Parknlaea eenareoarsna1 Rrv. J. Tu. J on re paator. rea. Clackamas; 8. 8. It a. m., Emery French aupt.; preacblna , aerrlcea each Sunday, aJtrrnatlng te iwn it a. m. and 7:lt D. m Chrit ttan Endeavor Tburaday evenlns 7:10 p. m. 8t Psul's Rev. C W. Robinson, rec tor. Dally services: Morning pray er. 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m.. eveulng prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun day services: Holy Eucnantt s a m.; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a, m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m.; S. 8.. 13 m.'; Thursday evenings, sermon st 7:30 o'clock. United Brethren Cor. lhtn and Taylor, Rev. U F. Clarke oaetor. rea. Portland; B. n. It a. m.. Frank Pirker. Maplr Lane, aupt ; mornlns eenrlce 11. 1. F 8. C. E. t n. m.. evenina aervlce 7 Willamette M. E. No reiruiar preachlns - arvlrra. 8. 8. I a. m.. Mra. Ream aupt. Zlon Lutheran Corner Jefferson and Eighth streets. Rev. W. R. Krsxber- ger psstor, residence 720 Jefferson Sundsy school 9:30 a. m., Rev, Kraxberger, superintendent Morn ing service 10:30. 'Evening 7:45 Luther League 7 p. to. West Oregon City School Hout Services conducted by J. O. Stasts st 3 o'clock, followed by Sunday school. Hotel Arrivals. The following are the arrivals at the Electric Hotel: E. H. Hunt, Se- attie; F. S. Parrett, A. R. Klrby, Ed win Claussen, C. E. Dunlap, H. Witt, F. T. Wlthraw, Robert A Knew, Frank Gardner, M. Cury, E. A. Doollttle, L. Riley, George Smith, E. M. Wil liams, IX K. Bill, Gladstone; H. D. Kelly. E. E. Williams, Portland; W. S, McOonegle, Tawn ton, Wash.; J. iD. Howard, Portland; W. A. Hall and wife, Seattle; Mrs. N. Ludwlg and children. H. E. Wler, Hurley, 8. D.; Catherine Cavanaugh, Lobvllle, la.; A. J. Sanders, Clackamas; Paul Mum power, W. E. Man (tuna George Staten, H. Hendricks, Tacoma. and crtntinuonsly maintained be i MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY. AUGUST LATEST MARKETS HIDES (BuylnsOreen hides. Se to c: saltars, IHe to (He; dry hides, lie to 14e. Shvep pelta, S to Tto sack. DRIED rRUIT Local prices are Arm at from So to 10c on apples aad prunes, petcbes are Its. 8ALT Belling too to pOc tor flae. SO Ih, sack, half ground 40e: 75 for 100 lb. aacka Portland Vegetabls Msrksta SACK VBQETABLE3 Carrots, tl.ISOSl-W Pr ack; parsnips. I1.1J f11.60; turnips. l.t50fl.SO; beets, VEQETABUsa Asparacus. 90cO 11.71 per crate : bl4re, new. l per iwwwiuu ,, ! I1.7S per doien: celery. California. 7c 'OfWc per doten; cucumbers. $1,400 $1.15 per dosen; egplnt. 15c per lb.; rarllc. I0c312e per pound; lettuce, SOc per doien; hothouse lettuce, 1.50 fits per box; peas. t01le per pcimd; peppers. SOcQSSc nr pound; rsdishes. 15e per dosen; rhubarb. le IfSe per pound; sprouts. c; tomatoes, ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon 12.75 per 100: Australian. $3.(0 per 100; Texas. $1.15 per crate: Cattfor nls. $3 per crsts Oregon Cltv Stock Quotations. HOG8 Hons are quoted He lower. From 115 Iba. to 150 lbs. He, from 150 lbs. to 100 lbs. IHe. . BACON. LARD aad HAM, are Srra VEAL CALVES Veal calves' Ming from 8c to oc sccordlns: w grade. BEEF 8TEERS lee! steers for the local aiarketa are fefchlng Vc to 64c live wetgat. -' SHEEP tiw nrtn at c to 8c live weight. Quotarten. ear oredon Clt. . POTATOES Best, Buying IH cents pound. FIjOUR AND FEED Flour is steady, selling from $5 to $5 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyng) Cray, $23 to $24. white, from $25 to $28. BUTTER (Baying) Ordinary country brings rrom ic to , fancy dairy from lOr to 11?. cream ery 12c to 16c EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POCLTRT (Buying Finn with Ut tie good stock offered. Good hens are hrinrinr lie. Old roosters are tn poor demand, broilers bring from 10c to 18c, with good aemano. WOOL (Bur.'i prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled barley. $31.59 t0 532.50; process bsr ley. $33.00; whole corn. $39.00; cracked corn. $4000; wheat $32.00 to $33: oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.; Timtnny tie to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, beat, $11; mixed. $10 to $11; alfalfa, $11 to $14. C0UL0N GOING ABROAD. Claimant of Bantamweight Champion ship May Tackle Digger Stanley. Johnny Conlon. who claims the American bantam - cbsmpionsbip. la plsnnlng s trip to England, where be hopes to srrsnire a juau-h with Plgffer Stanley, the British title holder. If Coulon m&kes the trip he will find that Stnnley will Inslttt on the English limit. US pounds at 2 o'clock. 1 Conlon always bs Insisted u 115 rinp side as the American limit, though 110 is the generally recoicntzed weight in this country. At thnt It is believed that the little Chicago man can whip Stanley st the letter's best weight. Btst ftea'er Tske Short Lead The licst stealers In the American lea roe do not get the blfjreM lead off flrot bae. German? Srhaefer gets farther off first than sny other plsyer. Bobby Wallnce snd Wld Conroy lead farther off than Cobb. Collins or Speak er. ' Iaan.v Hoffman, former Brownie, got as far off first as Scluefer. Food snd Strength. Remember tbsi the rood you tske one day MupplleM ibe xirt-ngtn you put forth the next. It Is iu-un mltske to take a henry mesl vu the dsy of heavy work. The time to tuke It Is the dsy brfore. Wlxe Nlnblrnieii know this, sod vbeu a Dor- ban a loug day's drive before blm tbey give bltn only what is i-alled a "check feed." a very llgui meal, to be followed at algbt with a heavy one. So there sre two good reasons for a man s not eating much on tbe day of straws, it sdds nothing to his strength on that dsy, and the process of digestion cells tba blood to work at the stomach when ev ery ounce of It la needed at tbe brain. New fork Post. Why Hs Psled. Wife-Wretch! Show me thst letter. nusband-Wbat letter? WifeThat one In your hsnd. It's from a woman. I csn see by the writing, and yon turn ed psle when yon saw It Ho"bsnd Te: here It I. It's your dresemsker's j NIL New. York ,Mntl. 't Ht4'tttvvv4Tt41irvvivvH : VOTE COUPON. . . 4 . o . . i COOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupe vhen nestly clipped and properly filled In with the name of the candidate you wish to vote for, will oe countsd as one vote. t " . ' Name of candidate ,.,' 4 '" Address , .. ........... ' ' This coupon is void sfter August 10. Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat, ' H4MvTvtftv'tvffvvvVvvv t v e e ' 4 NOMINATION BLANK. GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Miss Address ..... a Nomlnsted by Address This nomlnstlon blsnk, when properly filled In and brought er mailed lo Conteat Department of The Enterprise will count for X.5O0 votes. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each can- v edldste. ' . ' .' ' ' ;- ' " Wants, For Sale Etc wlU be tnetrd at a f leaertlaa. hall a eil .t4ulor,aJ tteaa. oa bteh ear. If per ateata toteh ear. t naee ti per avJaia. Caah aim aceuaipaar erSer anlree an aaa aa aaea aceaant with thepaper. Me am , . i.i u am art of a: wnert - - - - - - anla Will w) print rd tor pair, atlalieum ehare lee WANTED. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of ail sorts. ot cunoe. an tiques, and Indian trinkets: stsmps for stamp collector"; coins for numismatists, arrowaesds for arch eologlsts, etc. I b.v sod sell all sorts of curios; also U klpds of second-hand furniture snd tools. George Young. ( Main, near fifth street. WANT-aaaii advartlaements for this column, prices ery reason able. . See rates at bead of ottma. Read the Morning enterprise. WANTED Tou to hno thet the En teprise Job prlnUof dtpartment Is the most complete lu 8tata. outside Portland. Try It for your next printing. WANTED Position by experienced) nurse, or as, companion for elderly lady or housekeeper for small fam ily. Inquire at EnterprUe or tele phone Main 2353. . j, WANTED One energetic man oi woman who la 4otaiiy innuenuaj at every shipping pol-tt In Oregon ana wssnington to irprwrm mi Farmers Society Or Equity, tjott al ramunaratlnn aaanred. O. W. rl and Harry T. Miller, district organ isers. Oregon City, Oregon. FOR SALE One South wick hsy press; one 10-horse power gasoline engine. $1400.00 outfit for less than half. Will sell or trade. Address Enter prise office. FOR 8 ALE One riding pony, three . years old. for $30. Mr. F. D. Miller. Dover, Or. FOR 8 ALE Good two-tested spring wsgon, $36r-Iowa dairy separator, good as new, $37-50: new snd used t-sewing machines, $4 to $35. J. H. Mattley, 1010 8evsnth street. Ore gon City. FOR SALE House, two lots on cor ner; bouse recently built, 12x28, brick flue, fruit trees; other Ira - provements,- fine, view, near -Win-" kle's store. West Side. Price $475. Harvsy Buck, Oregon City. . FOR SALE At hslf vslue, easy - monthly payments, store building on Msln and Ninth: 2 years' lesxe; store for rent or will divide. Cm price, for some months. See r iret National Bank. FOR SALE Space In this columo Sell that old plow or harrow; yrm don't as It since you purohssad your naw one FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck at Dltnlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTOPNEYm. O n ERT. A ttorner-at-Iaw. Monti loaned, abstracts furnished. - Isod tit Ins exsmlned. estates settled, gen eral isw buslnesa. Bank l Orecon mv C'RBN SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-st Law, Deutscber AdvokaL will prac tice In sll courts, msks collection snd settlements. Office In Enter prise nidg., Orecoa C1V Oregon. BUILDER AND CCT ACTOR. H4RKT JONES Builder aad General Contractor. Estimates cheerful!? rtven on sll clssses of building work, concrete wslks ana reinforced concrete. Kea. Phone Mala 111. INSURANCE. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance snd Real Estate. Let us hanM your properties we buy. sell snd eschsnge. Office In Fn'erprire Wdt.. Orepon CI'T. Oreeon IEGAL NOTICE. Notice of Acceptsnee of Street Im provement. N"tloe Is hereby given thst the City Engineer of Oregon City, Oregon has filed his certificate of the com nletlon and approval of the work done by H. Jones,, contractor for the improvement of Taylor street, Oregon City, from the north side of Seventh street to the south side nf Twelfth street, and the City Council of Oregon City. Oregon, will consider tbe acceptance thereof. snd sll objections to the acceptance of saldlmproyement, at the City e e , . i a , s. lim. rounril of aald city, on AugTit i' 1911. at I o'clock p. m. Any owner of any property with in tbe assessment district of ssld Improvement or any agent of such owner., may at such, time or any time prior thereto, appear and Hie objections to the ecyeplsnc of such Improvement., and such ob jections shsll be considered snd all the merits determined by the coun cil at the above named time and place. ' This notice la published In lh Morning Enierprlae and the lime and place were fixed by order of the City Council of Oregon City. ;t L. STII'P. Recorder. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Trig, STATE OF OREGON FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ettle Coales. plaintiff, vs. Albert J, Oowles. Defendsnt 1 To Albert. J. Oowles. Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required te ap pear snd answer the complaint filed sgalnst you In the above entitled suit, on or before the Ind dsy of September. 1911. ssld dale being the expiration of six .weeks from the first rubiest Ion of this summon, snd if you full to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to- It: For a decree dissolving, snnulllng snd setting sstde the marriage con tract now and heretofore exist lug between plaintiff and defendant. This summons la published by or der of Hon. J. V. Campbell. Judge of the said Circuit Court which order waa msde and entered on the list day of July. 1911. nrat publication to be made July 12nd. 1911. . WHEELOCK WILLIAMS. Iortland. Oreson. aa Heart toHeart TaJks. By EDWIN A. NYC AT THE CENTCaU For 8 tboumind nr sMlronniuers hsve tried to Oud Ihe venter of tbe uul verse. Where Is tbe ceuter? You are the center. Also I iui the center of the nnlrerte r-of my universe. Wblcb Is to say there Is more one center of tbe universe. There sre as many ceu'ers ss there sre M-ntleni beings. lu a siibconaclous sort of way we sll recogulxe this fact I'uconwlmuly each of us draws aliout him certain circles. There Is tbe small circle which rep' resents our relation lo our Immediate family or friends, and there la the Isr ger circle wblcb stsnds for our rHu tlon to our iielKhlMirluNNl and city, ami so on. And flnully, with Its great sweep, there Is I be greet circle whom- .sre only we may know-that . repre sent a tour relation lo Ibe wide nnlvere. Out alwsys In tbe center of these concentric cir cles i3 you. , Tou sre the hub. And thst Is no egotistic view, tie csuse, outside Cod hlDittelf. I bore is no blinrvr thing In tbe uiilrerae thuu s man. '. You are Ibe axis on which turn ull things, and sll things are made for you sir, sunshine, day. ulylit. xinr planets Just Ihe ssme ss if you were tbe only man In tbe world. ' Is It not so? Even the Cod of sll things Is In s very res I tense your God. The great trouble with us Is Hint - often gel sway from the center wMicre we belong. Then there Is trouble mid friction, luck of harmony. Instead of staying at the center we try lo get to one side, thinking we may And a bet ter position. You know what sn eccentric Is? In mecbsnli-M It Is In hnvlng a point on wblcb tbe wheel revolves st one side of the center. That makes the wheel run unevenly. It wabbles. 'Just so do men sod women often wsbble. They get away from tbe cen ter of things. Thnt Is what Is the mat ter with tbe odd. the Irregular, the erratic Is eccentric. If he Is eery eccentric he tiei-omes Insane. , Stay In the center. Do not go wn billing o(T after this fud and that Into. So Ioiik um voii ata.r l;i your rltrht plm-e there la ,4 In you and harmony about jmi. mid all ihln are yours. nl nnneht run bnrm you. Stand fast In the renter. Telephoning In Chins. In China nln-n the siilci,er rlnes up exchange the oiernlor tuny be ex (lec.ed lo SNk: W'bBtBumtr-dei-the-h(inoriim.r son of ihe uiiNin snd stars de-irey 'Tlohl. two three." Pllence. Then tbe exchaue resume-.' "Will the honorable peron gradoiM ly forgive the luadi-quncy (,f Hie in sljnilflcsnt service snd eriult thlx bum led slnre of tbe wire to lu'o m nm, thsf the never-to-be-suOlclenilr-i-eiHwr ed line Is busyr-t.levelnnd I's'lu Dealer. Qsy Birds ef the Olden Time. Extravsgance tn dress prevailed In the reign of Edward 111..' who ascend ed the English throne early In tbe year 1327. Men then wore silk hoods, psnliol red coats with deep'sleeves snd nar row waists, short hose, long pointed shoes, bushy ben rut snd1 talis of hair at tbe back of their heads. TT Tbe Isdles." says s poet of thst period, "are like pescocks and mag pies." Tbey were attired In turbsns or loftsttalters, with ribbons floating from tbero like stresmers. tunics. bslf Of one color anl hair .. ' ...... . ...... v. aiiuioer. and i ur-M, emoiasonea tones or belts from the front of wblcb daggers wer sus pended . Dlslectt In Chins. There are ss many different dlslectt spoken lo Chins as theie sre In tbe whole of Europe. rSHheerib for the Dally Enterprise. GOOD MANAGEMENT ,i Yu hsve noticed thai those who set ahead in th werii nsnsrslly thots who are feed msnsgsre whs hsve Isarnsd t car ef thslr Inoemee, . , It Is senosdsd the world over thst the best way te taks ens's leesme snd hsve a frewlna "- kak Thsre sre Just ss msny rsssena why YOU should bsvs m eount st this bsnk ss there are why any ef eur hundrsds at u fled depositors should. ' Corns In and 1st ua tell thsm te you. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BARK III THI COUNTY IBM- LU H-J--K l.W-W- - O C UTOl'METT- PreaMeot THE FIRST NATIONAL BAH; of OREGON CITY , OREGON I reneoel s 0sl Bsnainf Susie HOLD CHAUTAUQUA The Ilosrd of Directors of the Willa mette VsjU-y Chautauqua Assembly will meet "if t o'clock nrat Tuesday afteriKHin to settle Ih unnuisneu buslueaa or tbe recent meeting at (iludntime I'ark. There Is little bust aess to give sttentlon and the meeting will not Inst long. The rct-eul assent bly was one of most succesful ever given, snd plaus sre siready be Ing uiade for Ihe one next summer. Ataursnrea hsve been received thst several more buildings will be erect ed on ihe ground, snd .other Improve ments will be msde. "The WlllemeUa Valley Aaaenibly It one of the most succeantul chautauuua orgalilxatlona on tbe t'ei'lnc Coast. PREDICT PASSAGE OF BILLS OVER VETO WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 - The sight of a Democratic House sud a Kepub lican Senate psaalug tariff revision bills over sn expected presidential u la predicted by leailers In both Houses of Congress today. It is be lieved thst the t'uderwood cotton re vision bill will not pass ihe Senste because the Southern Itemocrst there are diHliirlliieil to tske It up at this time. It Is freely predicted, however, that the coalition of lieiuut-rata and Insur gent Republicans which wss formed n the heimieTor Ihe pssasge of the wool tariff revision bill snd ihe farm ers free list bill will be held togeth er snd probably will be sufficiently strong to psss these ineesures over the veto that la generally expected. ' it mis la a contingency that actu ally threatens the standpatters Is evl ut.t iiMisy from the action of regular leiders who sre csnvsatlng the llouae and Senate for pledgee against the lilll. CANDIDATES WORK HARD FOR GEMS I' o'iilnue.l from paKel. N"o doubt each of you has numerous promlNta from friend, to give you a subscription Ister on. Now a the time to presll upon them to msks good that promise, for hot only will It be the means of helping you to win a genuine dlsmond ring, but win go s long way toward winning one of oe inner vaiuaote prices ss subscrip tions count doubl from now until 6 p. in.. August it. pon't waste a min ute of your time from now until the close of this special offer. If you I follow this advice you will march on to victory HepeVmber j and be ibe' happiest person In all Clackamas I county. . raising Chickens, When Jsne essayed to rslne m,mm Ctilrkena Her husband thousht to "rae the! MEETING TUESDAY It. i.. t .. . I BIO REWARD uiraens. a. At.dHcrai h .,t .n y oi any parson ot persons, ,)dB ) " "V saruen uniswrully remove copies of Ti For tho'ohn rabiedi both. audit TJT i grain. He sometimes tinik to "ralxlng Cane With his wlfe'a plans-like many a man; ' ' Women must tlo aa Ix-st they cun. Jane wished a gi.od house (or her chicks;' John Khook )., Ik-h.I H,,n answered, "Mi, So Phe fixed up the old ptg-ahed (1 he. boss were butchered, aold or dead), With roosts, a place f,- scratching, Jno! - i- . .. , ' ""wnflll?;" Mhi"1 ,h" When whiter ralnt came wandering Her ciil.ks were sheltered "in the dry." jHne her""1 Krn'" ar-'' ,n Thepulle't. thnnkci ber. filled the Th nrio. T " s"'ierea in: Tbe price aoared upwrd day by a j Th-HWthaKh ' ft'l'lnt say. Dickens' "KOt hed "r""d ,h "MOregrar0.4b,e'" "U ,,n nWnenddnri l "' mm'. When prices fal If he'll thunder!" r e BAMANTHA OF CLACKAMAS CO. Hew Wheat r... .. A clssslc account of the distribution of wheat over the primeval world hows that Ceres, having taught her fsyorite. Trlptolemus. the art of acrl 'ora snd the science of breadmak ing gav hlra ber chariot. . celestial ehlcle..d(,,ith)tMltrlr.le(J brendry;iBa",trlbU,lnr tb,, etrth ' "n0n, na,loni 01 th r. J MBYBJC Caa, capital, lo.ooe.ou Oven tevrM f A. ta. sH B AS E BALI RECUSATION PARK. Cos. Vaughn and Twentylssra VICTORIA I PORTLAND August 1, 47 1, 4, a, l Oam ss Bsgln Weskdayi at I si Sundays, :M p, m. , LADIES' DAY Ml DAY. Boys Udf It Free to Bksr ''"Sdnesday. THE WORLDS 6r,UTlSTSEWII8t: LIGHT RUNNING; Urea went rlthr e Vtfceatln ShettV a euullleor aaiiif leThnewl ICteaSM Mrwliis Marblue wrilrle I TNI lit ROM! IIWIII MaCMIItter Oranfja, Maa. ktaar wlnt mm h( et mmm mti9nm autlitr. PKliaeKew II eee m a . tiatrananwwnaHl ' eld hy Mla-arlee4 a. alert at i - rua hum sv . ! W. L. MARSHALL. JiO Morrison St. rortltl Buy a Home While Paying Ret' . , 1100 down and $12 a smst tskes this comfortable sli-rts bouse and lot. House Is rW' for electricity. Lot etilOl V Some fruit on place. WeU I cated on Madison 81 t" A snap st yh. E. P. Elliott and !'' 7th and Main Bts., by Busy slon Bridge. hesds ' n UU'lr bl,M ! roT -"eat an- convWt paper baa been placed there I carrier, i THE MORNINQ ENTERPBlf Is on ssle at the following it every day: j Huntley Dros. Drugi ' ' Main Street. . ' ' J. W. McAnolty Clgan Beventb and Main.., j Secrest Confectionery Main near Sixth. M, E. Dunn ConfeotlonstT Next door, to P. 0. , City Drug Store Electric Hotel. 8cnoenborn Confectlopsrr j nsventn ana Q. aosdis I CLUCK! CLUCf The Hens Know. Correct Chicken Fc: Makes Hens Liy , Bssf Sorsps and Oat Qrosti - - - 7 uni, m--- - tie. in rveoi, ri'i rsin, Feed, Coal, Salt, wnr .,1 Oregon Commission C 11TH AND MAIN " Oregon City, Are you a subscriber to ng Enterpriser If not you no"', and let as put your ntaie oa criptlon list Immedlateir