Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 04, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Coprrtfhl by AsMrtcsa Prwa Amo
cl.ltoa. IMk
b t
Ths rwtdencs f ibeCtiuut Van Arw
dal at Rotterdniy. Uollaud. I ry
Id on. lodeod. U Maudum wbo
tbs Brat Duica wiUnt bought Man
tatu Islaud for fctt. In rwvnl linira
DtTld, oiw of tn Van Arsdsls family,
cam to New York to tuak a boo but b did not remain bm(.
Tbera wart twj rraaoua for bis rs
turn to Hollaud. Klrsilj. h was la
lots with a member of aaotbrr brancb
at tb fa lull J. Aouekc . Van Arwlalw.
the daughter of tb mau who held tb
tltl and tb Van Arftdale manor boua.
Secondly. tbr was a tradition tbai
: Darld Van Arsdale was the real rount
Tb tltl and estates bad passed from
Da rid a fTeat-craodxather to an aoovw
tor of Anoekea. sod It bad new beea
clear bow tb transaction ratur a boat.
Darld believed tbat Antwk a father
knew something about It. but tb count
would not admit tbat b did. When
David first cam courting Aniwke ber
father faTored lb auit but a very
wealthy auitor baring aakvd for bf
band, tb count, feeling tbat motier
waa needed to, tb famlij. favored tb
latter. Aank would not wvd aim
and would not accept David without
bar fatbera cooMent.
. Tbera appearing to be no bop tbat
the count would relent. David deler
TalaM lo go back to America. He b4
thar could nor would deprive tbe girl
ha loved of his proa pec tire pumaalooa.
and alnca ah most eveatuajly paaa
another, he did not wish to be near
hr. Tb night before be waa to sail
he waa Bitting In. the great square ball
which waa one naed by th Dutrb
for m Bvlnc room, making bka last vlidt
to Anneke preceding his departure.
Th lovera war very despondent.
"I believe." aald David, "that tbe
reason your father first favored our
anion U that he beUevea m to be- tbe
rightlul heir to th tltl and est a tea be
im now enjoying.'
'"Why do yoaj think that. Davldr
naked tb girt.
"Because tbera are those wbo say
that I am Tbera baa a I way a been a
mystery connected with tb death of
my great-grandfather. John Van -Ara-dals,
and th assumption of tbe title
by Henry. It la well known that Hea
rya mind waa subsequently affected,
and It la rumored that this cam from
"Bat father haa nothing to do with
; that"
"No; but IX there waa fraud In tbe
. chang of th title and estate from
: hia ancestor to mine I am the real
Count .Van Aradal. If I married you
. the two branches of tbe family would
b united and th fraud. If any. would
, not matter. That. I believe is the
reason for your fat ber' a willingness at
. first, because tbera la no other reason.
I am poor, and yon need a rich hus
band." At this moment something singular
happened. Winding about the ball to
th upper story waa a staircase. ald-
, way. where tb staircase turned at
right angles with th lower and upper
parts, waa a window. It waa of rurK
as construction, tbe glass being of
different thicknesses In different parts.
It had been there no one anew bow
long, and no one knew why aa ordinary
window or one-of stained glass bad not
been placed tber la Its stead.
At this rime electricity waa first
converted Into and utilised aa light.
Tb searchlight bad Just been Invent
ed. and some electricians were experi
menting with on of them on th roof
of a neighboring building. Suddenly
- th window mentioned was brilliantly
Illuminated. David and Aanefce look
ed at It In astonishment Instead of
.being ordinary white glass, it waa a
picture a picture in black and white
such aa we now see hanging In win
dows tbat th light may bring out tbe
scene. And the subject, s man In tbe
Dutrb costume of tbe olden time, lay
an hla back bestridden by another
man wbo had plunged a dagger into
bis heart Below were the words:
The Murder of Henry. Count Van
1 Arsdale.-
v A mystery waa explained by a mys-
- xktj. ine winuow tui teat moment
had been a blank. Tbe Invention of
th searchlight bad revealed what It
contained. But wbo many years be
fore bad learned to make a picture on
gtaaaT And what light did be one to
bring It out? For bow could be have
made It without seeing It?
On fact of Its being there at a II might
be explained by tbe fact that the mur
derer brooded over hla crime until be
lost his reason and .placed tt there
while a monomaniac.
While the lovers looked tbe picture
disappeared aa Instantaneously aa It
" had sprang Into being. Then Anneke
covered ber eyea with ber bands
I am descended from a murderer,"
aba said. "All that father possesses is
David did not sail for America tbe
next day. Workmen came in. took out
the glass In the window and replaced
It with a stained one. Then came a
wedding between David and Anneke.
and the count, having no male Issue,
surrendered bis title to hla son-in-law
and bla estates to hla daughter Hav
ing done thN. be sailed for America.
and Holland never saw blm again.
, He burled himself la tb wilds of Can
ada, David and. Anneke still live In tb
house tn Rotterdam where th picture
was revealed to them, but where tb
picture Is kept no one knows,
say It haa been destroyed.
L 1 J.,.
' la Friealand. It seems, there Is a ens-
toot that tb newa of a birth or death
to anoouDced verbally by a man wbo
calls at every boos la th Tillage for
that purpose. If be brings tb newa of
a btrth he- wears whit gloves; If of a
death they are black. Some daya back
a child was born dead In a FTleslaa Vil
lage, It was necessary tbat tb usual
announcement should be made, but la
what colored gloves? Tb harbinger
waa a maa of resonrce. He went hla
ro-i'! firlt -" wt glov aad
hat Extra Special. Off ei
HERE IS THE PLAN: To the contestant in each district sending in the largest number of
Subscriptions, new or old between now and 6 R M. August 14 will be awarded one of these
GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS purchased from and now on display at Burmeister and
Andresen Oregon City. Jewelers. Subscriptions for the Daily Enterprise will be counted
as double those for the weekly. The winners will be announced and Prizes awarded Sept. 2
th doffing night of the contest. Should the winners oi the uapitai rrizes; ine owu xLimpau
Pin nra h t.Vift nnpR Tjh n send in tha most subscrintions under this offer they will be awarded
to the next highest in each district. This will give each candidate an equal chance to win a
prize, and surely these beautiful rings are worth making an extra effort to win. Under this
offer each yearly subscription to the Daily Enterprise will count 2,0Q0 votes and each yearly
subscription to the Weekly Enterprise 1,000 votes. Now you who are at the bottom of the
list get in and work if you can't win one of the Capital Prizes your chances are as good as the
next to win one of these GENUINE DIAMOND RINGS. . L l
Six months' subscription to the Daily Enter
prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail, $1.50, 400
One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3
by mail, 1,000 votes.
Two years subscription $8 by carrier, $6
by mail, 2,500 votes.
Three years' subscription, by carrier $12,
by mail $9. 5.000 votes.
Pivd years subscription, by carrier $20, by
rnaQ $15. 10.000 votes.
One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise,
$1.50, 500 votes.
Money must accompany all subscriptions
before votes will be issued.
- -
Two Upright Kimball Pianos
' v. . 'A
- Hf $400
i f!j Each
Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House
EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts.
Fill in the name of candidate f:r
whom you wish to favor wtl
your votes with remittance to
your subscription or renewal nd
to Contest Department The Enterprise.
Name of subscriber.
Months 5rx
For M
Second PAzes
Two "20tli Centtify"
Sewing Machines
(latest model)
New Home
Dt op Head
Thirdand Fourth Prizes
Four Prices to be
t. The Enterprise has used every care
in the selection of these prizes.and has
secured scholarships in two of the fore
most educational institution in the
State of Oregon.
Burmehtcf fit Andres
The Leading Jewelers
of 619 Mln St, Oretoo'.CIt
The above prizes will be awarded Saturday niaht Sentpmho
of your favorite candidate is not entered in i the rocndMiyioiy
For further particu
lars aaarooo tho