Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1911)
MOHNINO EKTEUPJII8K, FRIDAY, AUOU8T 4, 191i; 1) ft Li ii 0 o P D 0 Slide Shoes for Ben er few y ,m- living our oxfords and shoes sway, During our annual CLEANUP IALE we ere giving bargain In shoss that will elaan up our atock In a hurry. OIT FITTED NOW WHILK Wl HAVE A FULL .BUN OP SIZES. See Our Bargain Shoe Window J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. - Oregon City guburha Llfa j Mrs. Whltebio After Incubator this (ba limit LOCAL BRICPS Wllllim Bdwarda. of Carua, waa In ii rliy Thursday. Robert Milliard of Carua, waa In Is rliy Thursday. Pan (Jrsves. of Hateldale, waa In lis rliy Thursdsy. George Btevens. of Reaver Creek, m In Ibla city Tburaday. Mra. (Iw.rna Bchroldt. of Bbubel, hit In thla city Tburaday. Dan Craves, of Haxeldale, waa In city on business Tburaday. Drink flartlett Watar. Sold by all hfes, groceries and druggists. Edward Hornshuh, of Shubel, waa thla city Tburalay transacting busl- r. Mr. Ingrsn, ooa of ha wall-known armers or Carua, waa in tbla city tiursday. air. and Mra. Io Jonaa and Mra. K. lone, of Eldorado, war In thla ty Tburaday. Father lllllebrsnd want to Clarfcea Wtdnesdsy evening, accompany. bit Mr. Sullivan. . ' If ymi eat bread wby not get Royal Iraad? Tba beat that monay can M, at llania' grocery. John Evans, of Haxeldate, waa bwmg tha Oregon City bualnaaa vial- fcrs on Tburaday. W. W. Eberhart. of Molalla, waa tha hit Tburaday of Mr. and Mrs. keorge Klterhart. Dr. E. A. Bommtr. formerly of Ore 'n City, haa moved hla office to 1017 orbetl building, Portland. Mr. and Mra. Clyde Ilughea bave Me o 8t. Helena, where they will It-main several waeka. lira ....Vt. In.l.M .1 trua, were among tbe Oregon City laliora on Thuraday. - liettrr buy augar now. It's aura to higher, 17 pounda for f 1, beat gran aiea. itarrii' grocery. Mra. f. C. Tobler went to Jennlnga Udge on Thuraday, where she spent ie any witb frlenda. Roaland Edwards, one of the wall nown farmera of Heaver Creek, waa f idii ruy on Thuraday. Miss Ethel Waiting, of Balem. haa mveo In thla c tv. and la her au f Mint Anna Alldredge. Speclnl Candy Sale. Creamed no- atoea is cenii per pound at Fella oniectionery, Saturday. Mra. Waller L. Little left on Wed- day for Seaalde. where aba will end two waeka at Hotel Moore. Fruit ar( at coat at Bigger aV Bon's rwery, Heventh street, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pol I an i and fan ' will leave todav for Tualatin. P'nere they Will anlov amn tar aev - ral weeki ' ' " flood coffee and taa la mip ttnhhv. fry our 15c coffee and B0 tea.' Can't mm. Harrla' grocery. Mr. and Mra. I.alL Mill., anil fam. I are camping on the banka of the mcKamaa River, near tbe camp Of nev. and Mra. E. S. Bollinger, Wllholt ataa-a will 1.. .V. a-itrl r"i eac day at I o'clock; p. m. Mt ramrwirlan nf atltrrA nt tha fun ur Famnerlan Hon flrowera. r m thla city on buMneae Thura- I 'y. Mr. Pamnerian la mnilnr tn "tain hon Dlckara for tha rnmlna r '" Dellcateaaan! t. i rntit 71 J Main ,',.n" J""t received from Wlacon- ru I.UUU nnnnila tlaat hIium nr.. m f w'm and llnmurger. Fine for lunch. Mri. O. A PaAt n hta olr an. rontnanUd h n d ui.. AMI n, ivt.w "" ranaw, of Fairfield, la., left r- inuraaa morning; for Cannon fJMrn. where heT will aDand two Irl,. n R- H. Tabor hotel. Many Indents of thla city will apend their "'timer Vacation at thla hearh thla yr. The Ate 11 y V raaai. a1 tn f1"1 Praabyterlan church. nn family, have gone to Tillamook 'O Deni .1. - m lliuiliu. , R. L. tinlm.n ... . . Jk i .... i, ui, rviuiuw ii um o P". Where hi Ill.illul onnuantlnn - . ..w inn i.iiiiuii r the Oregon Aaaoctatlon of Under 'Kera. Mr. Hoi man formerly waa """Ident of the organisation. 4 r Mra. p.ima 'a .-j j...k. Rdna, of Walla Walla, are vlatt Mra w. W. Bamaon. who la an ot iwra. Armatrong'a huaband. u Ball u a-orfaltad, Harrv Mnrii. .k . ... u....,i. Ill pll(,'an Cook, on n chaiae of oninkenneae and dlaordeily conduct. M M1.1l an 1.... .t.i..t- w. . 'elted f 1111 euiuu lie iur- ' Hkwarm. ' aiOgla Mouin : . K.. -At . Horn, ... i," " . wuiuary ana "in "J"!' f.HNi fevt - ttiii iniiinidiiiii 1- . , '."'Hiif icive h on hi u-.iuiu. oes SLoco Ladies Childrca Commercial Club Chat One of tbe lateat addltlona to tba exhibit In the Promotion Office la 1 collection of ore from tbe Ogle Moun tain Mlnea In tbe aouthern part of Clarkauiaa County. A large collect. loo of mlnerala from thla mine baa been on dlaplay for some time, but tbe ore received Wedneaday Is from tha new tunnel which la 1000 feet deej and waa . taken from the laat ahot fired to open up a new ledge. Tbe ore la of tbe very beat and will net 120 a ton and upwarda. Tba Imily uf ore la large and, in frtl it la dnnlbed by aome aa being a mountain of gold ore. Tbe earn plea were brought here by 8. 8. Walker of thla city who haa been Inepectr Ing the mine and la veiy much pleaaed vntha the Una ahowliax Tbe mine rontalna Telurlum ore and It will re quire a ameltlng proreaa to extract the gold and other valuable tnetala but the amelter will eoon be Install ed and t'.ackamaa County will become famoua for Ita mineral production. e : e B. Rice la another man who came to Oregon to better bla coudltlon aod upon tbe advice of the Commercial Club located In Clackamas County. He formerly lived In Hugo, Col. He la much pleaaed with hla location at Willamette. e e e J. U Mum power, of Btone, waa a caller at the Promotion Office on Mon day and made arranegmenta for a special eiblblt from hla farm. He aald tbat he haa gooeeberrlee aa large aa plums and many fine producta. . - - e ' a e W. L Fuller, of Jameatown, N. Y called at the Promolon Office on Wed neaday. He la tbe flrat of a party of twelve young men graduntea of Ann Arbor I'nlveralty who will locate In Oregon 00 a large tract of land and engage In the fruit Industry. They are well acquainted with be fruit bual neaa, having aaeclallsed In horticul ture at Ann Arbor and will be a great help to the aectlon where they lo cate. Tbey have visited Hooa tuver, White Salmon and other apple aeo tlona tswd are favorably Impreaaed with Clackamaa County. Secretary lAselle, of the Commercial Club, ex nlalned to them that, while theae older fruit aectlon a have' the advant age of a "union" which helpa greatly In the selling of the fruit, tnat Just aa good apple land may be had In Clackamaa county at a much leaa figure and that soon a atrong apple rowers' union will be operating In thla aectlon. The party will Investi gate tbe Med ford country and later may return to thla aectlon. . e e . William Qrlsenthwalte. of Beaver Creek, haa aome fine aamplea of Gol den Amber wheat at the Promotion Office. The heada are Ion and heavy. Thla la the aame kind of wheat that Mr. Orlaenthwalte had at the Lewie and Clark fair which won flrat prlie. p r Pearce. of San Franclaco. rep resenting thexBankere' AaaoclaUon of yat place, cenea mi m? v"..... - Club office on Wedneaday to conault iha aeoraiarr uoon matters pertaining to the proaperlty of the farmera of thla aeclon, tbe crop ounooa. eic. mi. Peart e waa well pieaseo 10 mm financial condltlona In auch good shape In Clackamaa county. RYAN'S HOME RUN WINS FOR BEAVERS BENNY HENDERSON HAS BETTER "OF PITCHERS' BATTLE WITH M08KIMAN. 8AN FRANCI8CO. Aug. 3. (Spec ial.) Henderaon'a remarkable pitch ing and a home run by "Buddy" Ryan won the game for the Beavem today. Benny-allowed - only fourhlta and Moaklman. who burled them over for the borne boya almost aa well. The score waa 2 to 1, nd neither team made a mlaplay. Portland acored Ita flrat run In the fourth when Ryan alashed out a home run. Both cluba gnrned 'n the aeveitth nd that ended the run getting. It waa one of the cloaeat and moat exciting gamea here thla season. t results Thursday follow: Pact no Coast League Portland i. Ban Francisco 1; Sacramento 7, Oak land 8: Vernon 1, Loa Angeles 4. Northwestern League Portland , Victoria t: Seattle 10, Spokane ; Van couver 6, Tacoma 2. American League Boston S. netroit 2: Cleveland 11. New Yok 10; Phlla- delphlaPt. Louis and Chicago-Washington gamea postponed; rain. National League Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia '1; Brooklyn 5, Chicago 2; Plttaburg-New York nd 8t. Louis- Boston gamea postponed; rain. STANDING. v , ) Paclf'e Coaat W. U P.C. Portland 68 61 Mi Vernon ...,.. 68 .66 .649 Oaklsnl .... 67 ' . 61 .623 San Franclaco , 61 64 .488 Sacramento ..68 64 '.476 Loa Angeles 61 76 .406 Northwestern., , ' W. ,L. PA Vancouver .... .... 66 4.1 X03 Tacoma Ci 46 .674 Spokane ......,.... B9 60 .401 Seattle.... 1, 6C 61 .619 Portland BJ 64 .491 Vlctorln 4 ,. , . . U 78 - .271 COL.EIF0TiDEf.CE TONE." Your acrlb haa been provoked cou alderably at tba automobllea here, aa they apred past our sanctum raising the dust "to beat the wind." The Clear Creek Park la doli'g a lively bualnaaa from Sunday moniliig until Sunday evening. Judge Hayes, of Oregon City, In company with Oregon City frlenda, raine out on Sunday by automobile, and enjoyed a rest In the beautiful grove. While Oregon. City la ao near, and Portland much farther, the people of tha latter place come out hare In larg er numbera than from Oregon City. Everyone coming to tbe park enjoy tbemselvea. A platform haa been Du!lr. and many enjoy the dancing In the evening. Recently a party of young people went to the park, taking with them their aupper. There la considerable noise at the park on Sunday, and It la hoped by the people residing In that vicinity tbat thla will decrease. Potato digging on a amall scale has started here. My better half wanted potatoea for dinner and tbe ecrtbe aet to work to gather aome. One hill waa dug, and 13 potatoea large enough to eat. and 18 smaller ones waa the product of this bill. Now what d you think of tbat for old Clackamas County T The editor Is Invited to tbe home of the correspondent to eat roasting eira, and see whst Clackaitlka county can produce In tbe line of corn. It might te that the editor of the paper Co- not know what roasting eara are? We can soon show blm If be comet this way The oil company baa not at ruck oil yet. but everyone la Interested In the well, and asking "bow about tbe oil well?" The answer Is that tbe drill- era are dolnar the beat tbey can to strike oil, and It la hoped that It will be a gusher. Servlcea will be held on Sunday at tbe church at 11 o'clock and Bible atudy will be held at 10 o'clock. Tha services will be conducted by D. W. Bummers and J. U Mumpower. All are Invited to attend,1 CANBY. Mra. R. (1. Wlgle and baby, Dt1e, visited tbe former's parenta In Poit- tand the latter part of the week, re turning home on Monday. Miss Beck, of Aurora, visited ber slater, Mra. Lee Bckeraon, laat week. Several of the young people of th!e city went to Wllholt 8prlnga 00 Sun day. Mra. 8. T. Flaher, daughter. Alma. and son, R. Knight, are apendlng tbelr vacation at wniholt Bpnngs. . Louie, Rosetta and Corene Wllkic- son. of Portland, visnea roruana frlenda on Saturday and Sunday, re turning to their home Monday. Mra. Buckner, or tne uucaner Hewett firm, waa In Portland getting a atock of new gooda for the firm. Mr. Tue. of Can by Harness 8toro. wss In Portland on bualnaaa Sunday. The Canbv Canal Company la erect ing a new 10.000 gallon tank to nelp aupply tbe people with water. TWILIGHT. Mra. Henln and children, of Salem, are visiting her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Sharkey. n. L. Bovian ana raraiiy, Mr. h Bcheer and family and Eldon and El ale Swlck attended camp meeting at Jannlnra Indira laat Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Myera nave returned from visit with the latter'a eon In Vancouver. A school meeting waa held in tne school house - Tuesday evening and Miss Alda Coi. of Portland, waa en ured to teach the fall term. She cornea with good reeommendatlona. School will commence-octoner x. Mra. Fred J. Melndl, of Portland, anent a week at Mountain Ash Farm. H. Murphy, of Portland, made hla sister, Mrs. Bullard, a Tew days' visit. George Laielle attended aplrttual Ist camp meeting at New Era laat Sunday. x Miss Marie Harvey made a business trio to Portland Tueeday. C. E. 8wlck la hauling lumber from Cummlng'a aaw mill to build barn Mr. and Mra. L. J. Hylton'a daugh ter and her children, of Eugene, are vlsltlna at their home. Frlenda from California are guesta of Mra. Frank Black. FIR WOOD. rhe picnic given by the Flrwooi people Sunday at Alder Creek, waa thorouahlr anJoyu by aa. About seventy attended. They amused themselvea playing gamea, swinging, and wading. ' W. J. Wlrta of 8andy attended the picnic, Sunday. Miss Oladya Deeaon of Portland, haa been visiting Marie Koenicaa. Ed Elllnga and family are occupy ing their aummer home for a few weeks.. E. D. Hart and R. A. Chown, drove to Molalla last 8unday. ' Mra. A. Malar. Mra. W. F. Fischer and tha Misses Ida and Bertha Stuckl were out for & horseback tide laat Wednesday. They, rode to-. Arthur MHler'a of Dover. Mra. Marie Wlshon left for San Franclaco last week. Mary Moteyl and Charley Lenhart went to the top of Wild, Cat mountain Sunday to look for huckleberrlee. They report that huckleberrlea will not be ripe for a month. O. Vackrow and family and N. P. Blasen of Portland visited Mr. and Mra. W. F. Fischer lsst 8unday. Mra. John Malar, of Astoria, la vis iting the Malar family. . Mra. A. Malar apent a few daya In the mountains the flrat of the week. W. F. Fisher has finished painting hla barn. ' Clntr Corey made a buainess trip to' Portland tbe flrat of the week. Walter Frost of McMlnnvllle vis ited over Sunday at K. D, an a. M. Howe who haa been viauing hla family for aome time, reiuroea to California last week..- 1 DOVER. Jim Wolfe la working for the Mount Hood Company. - i Mark , New and family moved to Boring last week. MIps Agnes Udell entertained a rew frlenda Monday afternoon In honor of her ninth birthday. - Mr. and Mra. Miller, Mra. Shaw and Joseph Deflhayer were Portland via Itora Mood ay. . Mr. and Mra. Evans are entertain ing friends from Oklahoma. , Mlse Johnston ana nroiner rrsns. of Hood View Camp, entertained a number of the Dover , young, people Thursday evening. ' - Mrs. . Fttxrad'a grwidson, and daughter were out from Portland laat Carried Dullet In Now It Serves Photo by Aasarlcea Preae Aeaasisqsa. D B. JAMES ROB IE WOOD, who Island, pne of tbe boroughs of age of eeventy-tW', thongs be of Gettysburg. Dr. Wood waa geon took blm Into the thick of the fray, and he never considered danger whs attending the wounded. One of the wounds Dr. Wood received at Gettysburg waa made by an Iron ballet of tbe canister type. It entered baa knee and re mained there for a third of a century. About fifteen years ago It began to pain him, and a surgeon removed it. Dr. Wood had It mounted, and be now see It aa a watch charm. It la clearly shown la the above picture. The bullet la about three-fourths of aa Inch In diameter.. Dr. Wood la a native of Georgia, and bla war experience waa In tbe Confederate army aa a member of a Geor gia reglmeut. ' At Gettysburg be waa In A. P. Hlll'a corpe. - Dover people are busy harvesting fall grain. Russel Frost returned to Portland Saturday. . JENNINGS LODGE. The camp meeting now In session Is being quite largely attended. About fifty tenta are on the grounda besides the three cottages which are occupied by Rev. Myera and family, of Ealem; Rev. Gueflroy and fanlly are at Has elwood Inn and Mr. and Mra. Lucas are pleaaantly located in their recently-built matlc cottage. Rev. Culver haa charge of the dlnrng hall and waa prepared to feed five hundred on the Sabbath day. Tbe nsual sun rise prayer meeting la held at 6:30 a. m. Friday evening Clarence True Wilson, of Portland, spoke on "World Wide Vision of tbe Temperance Cause," Rev. Wilson spoke with great elo quence and power and we learned that the foreign countrtea have done more for prohibition than we hare In Amer ca. Iceland taking the lead by hav ing 87.000 population, haa no saloona. and only one inmate In Ita jalla during the past year; also haa one of the beat public school systems of the world. This la what prohibition haa done for Ireland. On Sunday morning the pre siding elder, of Portland District, Rev. H. E. Hornschuh, spoke from Jer. 6-16. The tabernacle waa very comfortably Ailed and many enjoyed the able dis course. In the afternoon at 2 p. m. Rev. Wleve8lck. of Oregon City, apoke In German and the choir from hla church rendered aome beautiful selec tions. At 2 P- m. Rev. J. A. Ooode. of Lents, waa listened to with marked attentton. Rev. Plumer, generkl mis sionary, took for his text on Sunday evening. "How Shall we Escape It We Neglect ao Great Salvation?" Thla waa listened to by an appreciative congre gation. On Monday afternoon waa giv en to the Woman's Missionary pro gram. The devotional service being led by Mrs. Myers, of Salem, who la vice president of the Oregon branch. At 1:30 Mra. Bradford, of Lenta, had charge of the Mission Band and Cradle Roll and an excellent program by the little folka consisting of recitations. Telling the Story," by Hannah Mllea, and "Mary's Investment," by Minnie Spring. "Whisper Song," by Esther Myera. "Small Potatoes' by Dorcaa Conklln, and a duet by Paul and Har ry Bradford closed tbe Juniors part tn the missionary program. At 2:30 a solo "Carry tha Newa to Our Brother" by Mra. Entmel, of Mllwaukle. "Proa and Cons of Foreign Missions" by Mrs. Lillian Clark and Mlsa Olive Clark. Discussion. "What Shall I Render Unto the Lord " Mualc by. the choir. "Reading a Mtaslonary Barrel" by Mlsa Minnie Emmel. 80I0, A Beggar," Mra. Una Klpllnger Yatea. Tbe Eunday gcnooi League program waa held on Tneaday. Their motto: Keen on Keeping On. Their aim: Every Pupil for Christ Their con vention aong: "May I Be Faithful." The tabernacle wan very tastily de corated with flags and pennants from the various schools of the Portland and Puget Sound dlatrtcta. In the forenoon of Tuesday the devotional aervtce waa led by Mr. Armstrong, of Tacoma, Paper on "Waya of De veloping Competent . Evangelical Teachera, Louis Mwrdock, of Mon mouth. Ore. Discussion, "Rural 8. 8. Problems.' Mra. O. B. Malmsten. of Vernonla, Ore. "How to 8tudy the Bible In - the Sunday School," Mlsa Kmmel. 'of Mllwaukle. "How to Ob tsln and Retain the Interest of par- efts In Sunday School," Nina Farrell, Little Falls. Waah. In the afternoon of August lat an address, "A World Wide Vision of an Open Bible and an Uplift Croas" by Rev. Chaa. A. Phlppa. general secretary Oregon State Sunday School Association, of Portland. Thl waa a most Interesting address and many points of Interest were hurried- ly totted down In the delegates' note booka which will he taken to thelH respective home schools. . This after. noon waa filled with ao many good things. amon; then being' three pa ners "The t'H Fro--.", T" " Led 3d Year. as t Watch Charm ' V "j v,V A,: s a' 4 Jr.. V ; 11L la still practicing medidne on BUM New York city, la hale and hearty at the carries six scars received at the. battle not la tbe ranks, bat hla work aa sur been aald of the boy problem of age of eleven to fifteen and so little of the girl tbat tbla waa of special Interest to Sunday school teachers of glrla of tbla age. "Tbe Sunday School Fi nances" by Mra. Bradford, of Lenta, and "How to Cultivate Reverence iot God'a House, Hla Servanta and Hia Day." by Martha Blrkeraeler, of Mll waukle. 'The laat paper being on the "Temperance Work," Alvln Matxke, of Everett. Waah. At the ten minute Informal discussions, such subjects aa "Shall we Have Graded Lessons In Our Sunday Schools and the Import ance of Having a Cradle Roll In Ev ery Sunday School," by Mra. Hever llng. Mualc being furnished by the orchestra and choir. Mlsa Beatrice Palmer, of Portland, la the guest of Rev. H. N. Smith and family. Mr. and Mra. John F. Jennlnga left on Saturday for Seaside. Mr. Jen nings returned on Monday, having disposed of their pretty little home and la busy making arrangementa to build on Jennlnga avenue on hia acre age overlooking the river. Mr. Jen nings expecta to return to Seaalde eoon. Mra. West, of Eugene, was visiting with Mra. Laura Newell laat week. Wedneaday evening la the regular meeting of the Community Club. A full attendance la desired aa the club needa the assistance of each of Ita members. A fire destroyed the . home, near Covell, of Mr. Upton, a Portland at torney, early Tuesday morning. Noth ing being aaved but a cheat of silver. Among the contents destroyed waa a valuable aet or law booka and a new piano. The origin of the Are waa from a gasoline atove. - Miaa Ruth L. Travera, of Portland, haa been the guest of Mlas Ruth L. Truscott this week. MrrWlll Varney left laat week for Seattle. Miss Maude Nelson, of Portland, la the gueat of Miaa Aleen Warner. Rev. Gueffroy and wife and Ruaaell autoed down from Monmoutn to at tend camp meeting. , Rev. Noah Shupp, of Tacoma, haa returned to hia home after a call on Lodge frlenda and also attended ser vices at the camp meeting. Mra. RIcketta and family, of Port land, were over night visitors with her sister, Mrs. Grant Lewis. ' Mra. Anna Kruae, of Oregon City, waa a luncheon gueat of Mra. L.' Wil cox Monday and" was -accompanied home by Mlsa Culver, daughter of Rev. F. W. Culver, of Portland. Mrs. Ed. Roethe, who haa been In California for aome time, la much Im proved but expecta to remain a few weeka longer since the climate aeema so beneficial to ber. Calvin Morae la enjoying hla yaca tlon with hla family on the farm at Yamhill. The Boy Scouta, of the Congrega- tlonal church, of Oregon City, wbo bave been enjoying an outing near Oswego Lake, broke camp Tuesday. Master Shelby Shaver and Wendell Smith, of thla place, report a delight ful time. Among the Lodge folka who were their gueata were Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacobs and little Dorothy. Mra. Shaver, Mra. Howard Smith. Misses Anna. and Alice Hester and Beatrice Palmer, and Mr. Harold Smith. Mrs. Geo. A. Shaver haa returned from a fortnlght'a atay at Molalla, Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Redmond and a party of frlenda will enjoy their vaca tion at Newport, going the latter part of the week., . Geo. Williams, recently from Mia aonrl. purchased five acrea at Covell and Hs Just completed a Ave room cottage wUh all modern conveniences. The little child of Mr. Garlic, two yeara of age, near Meldrum. waa taken suddenly 111 Wednesday evening. A physician waa hastily aummoned and at thla writing la aome Unproved. SANDY, Weather hot but good for haying and ripening of grain. Hay crop waa very good. , Grain cropa look extra good. The ht waMher hasn't dolTany tari in HI TOUCH Vml FRIENDS tnd HELAT1 Vi ii A GRANDMOTHER may noj be as spry as she used to be, but she is in close touch L L--- 1J t 11 al a Willi I1CI wujiu IUI dll llldl. The telephone enablea her to make aa many calls aa she pierces, and In all aorta of weather. Formal gatheringa have their place, but it la the many little Intimate visits over the telephone tbat keep people young and Interested. ' . ' Crandmotber'a telepbore visits do not stop with her own town.. The Long Diktance Service of the Bell Telephone take ber to other towns, and allowa relatives and frlenda to chat with her altbouarh hundreds of mllea away. -PacifiC-Ielephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone I tbe Center of the System -Wild blackberries are ripe and large rrowda are flocking to the burnt aec tlon looking for these dellcloua ber ries, which are quite plentiful thla season. Cberrtea are puentlful and the mahy housewives are very busy can ning the royal cherry and other de llcloua fruit a that grow ao plentiful In thla section. L. Lemon, an extensive fruit grower of Hood River, waa investigating the fruit section of the Sandy River Val ley and expressed himself very much pleaaed with the future fruit growing proepecta of Sandy and will buy a tract of land and establish a commercial orchard. Howard Bros., who lately purchased through the 8andy Land Co, a fine farm, are planning;' a commercial or chard, one of the finest In the county. Theae men lately came from Michi gan." ' - -. ' v Charles Swarts haa Juat completed a fine residence on a four-acre tract on Sandy Bluff. Mr. Wendland and Gus Lndwtckson bave eecb purchased four-acre tracts on Sandy Bluff. Each will build a new home. Charlea Wilson, a Portland real es tate man. will build a handsome aum mer home on hia 10-acre tract.. A. C. Baumlech la hauling lumber and doing tbe building. P. R- Meinig win at once move tne old hall and store building Into town near hia new store, now, almost com- nlte. The new building will be uaea aa a modern department atore while the old building will be naed aa a hall and warehouse. Zeek Beer's bungalow, a fine resi dence, la complete and located on Center atreeC T. D. Phelpa Is busy building an ad dition to hla residence. Gua Dahrena la building hla resi dence and making many other Im provements on hla place. Mr. Smith, who purchased two lota a Melcig'a addition, la putting np a handsome residence. Martin Mlckelson'a cottage la com plete and painted a splendid little home. . German Soclety'a hall la complete and waa dedicated Saturday evening, July 29. The affair waa attended by a large crowd of German people. Howard Bros., ownera of Hood View orchards, are building a large barn and also remodeling their home. Jarl at Co. are buay with a large crew building an up-to-date sawmill on their extensive timber holdings west of town. They will aa soon aa possible saw lumber. , A. Melnlg haa hla big new nun com plete and ready to saw lumber. Several saw miUa have temporarily shut down but will resume business very soon. Work on the Mt Hood power house la going; on day and night. The build ing la Immense, built of concrete and ateel; even all doora and window saaha and framea are ateel. The two tunnela. to receive tbe two big ateel Dlpea, nine feet In diameter, are be ing put in place. Theae monster plpea take the water from the big reservoir 450 feet above the power plant to tbe wheel below, generating thouaanda of horse power. - Mt Hood Railway la now running regular passenger and freight business between Portland and Bull Run The line la run by steam at present; will be run by electricity aa soon aa the power plant la done, Work Is pro- grelng rapidly on the tunnel through Backbone hill. Thla tunnel la 12x12 feet and 4200 feet long, through whtch the water of the Big Sandy will take through to the flume, thence to the big reaervolr. ' A new aawmlll haa been put In near Bull Run 25,000 feet capacltx; by Mt. Hood Ry. Co. The big excursion on the Mt Hood line brought out over 2.000 people Monday and the woods for miles around Sandy were full of people. Travel to the mountains la greater than ever before. Laat Sunday over lOO autoa passed through Bandy up to the numerous mountain resorts, among which were two large auto trucka "especially fitted np for excur sions, one carrying 45 passengers and their picnic outflta. Sandy waa considerably stirred by a robbery, when aome thlevea entered the saloon of Peter Dolrer and $35 waa atolen. Several young men were arrested for the crime and trial aet but when time for trial the prosecutor failed to appear and the prisoners discharged, no one appealng against them. Sandy had two weddlnga the past week. Tbe contracting partlea were Mlsa Emma Miller and Fred Holts, and J. E. Pomeroy and a young lady from the Eaat. Mra. Pomeroy was given a grand tin can concert. t . WILSONVILLE Mra. Stringer and daughter, of Port laud, came by auto from that eity on Thursday to spend the day with Mr. and Mra. Aubrey Wood. 1 ' ' Doris Young and couain. Mix Whar ton, wft to Portland r NEWPORT " YAQUINA BAY Oregon'a Popular Beach Resort An Ideal retreat for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing, Riding, Aoto Ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agates, moaa agates, moonstones, carneUna can be fonnd on the beach. Pure mountain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of vege-' tablea of all kinds dally. Camping Grounds Convenient and At tractive., . wtb strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON ' TICKETS from all points In Oregon, Waahlng ton and Idaho on aale dally. S-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY f TICKETS from Southern Pacific point a Port land la Cottage Grove; also from al! CAE. stations Albany and west Good going Saturday or8snday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C. E. Agent for full particulars aa to fares, tralna, schedules, etc.; also for copy of our Illustrated booklet . "Outing in Ore gon," or write to Wm. McMurray GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, ' , Portland Oregon. . ... . Sunday,' taking the trip np the Colum bia to the Cascade Locks. - Mr. and Mra. Lawrence have pur chased five acrea of lad from Mra. Prawl. consideration being $250 an acre. . Mr. and Mra. Joe Shull are enter taining their niece. Miss Eva 8hnll. thla week. The new freight depot at Wllaonvlll Is the longest one on the line, being 113 feet In length, and la going to be a great convenience to shippers, aa there la a great amount of freight ship ped in and out from our village. Mr. and Mra. Joe Shull and family attended a ; family reunion at Mra. Shull'a father's laat week at Canby. the occasion being the 72nd birthday of "Mr. Terry. Mra. Marion Young chaperoned a Jolly party of relatives to Seaalde on Tuesday, for a -short camping trip. 1 Partlea from Portland purchased 11 acrea of land at $200 an acre here laat week through the agency of Mr. Harta horne. " Arthur Draper and wife and daugh ter Louise, left Wllsonvine on Monday to sal! on the steamer Beaver for Loa Angeles, on Tuesday, from the Portland harbor. Mra. Norman Say accompanied them as far aa Portland. - Mra. Marion Young entertained de lightfully on Friday afternoon, July 8th, in honor of the birthday of Mlsa Wharton, who haa been their aummer guest from the East Mlsa Wharton la Mr. Young'a niece. The church la being built very rap idly and will be a fine building, seat- , Ing 200 persons when finished. It la expected that the building will " be -dedicated by the last of August and Dr. Homan will deliver the address at , that time. . 1 -The Odd Fellows lodge la In a flour ishing condition and will take In some new members at the next meeting. The officers of the lodge are putting forth every effort to have the Wll aonvllle lodge second to none. The following la a complete Hat of the of ficers: Barney Cronln. N. O.: E. Mul loy. V. G.; C. M. Melvlo. 80. J J. L. Seely, Treaa.; H. D. Aden, Chaplain: T. -C. Biggs, Warden; T, 8. Mulloy. I. O.: F. Rodgere, O. G.; A. H. Haa eelbrink. U 8. N. O.; C. Giles. R. 8. N. O.; F. H. Darby, R. 8. V. O. nl O. E. Gould. L. 8. V. O. : The Wllaonvllle OH Co. la still drill ing and are down 260 feet with good Indications of oil so we are Informed by the drillera on the well There will be a dramatic recital giv en In the A. O. W. W. hall by Ocean Jolly and Helen Campbell Jeselon on Friday evening, August 6, at eight o'clock. Rev. Exon recommends these ladlea ao highly that he aava If any one la disappointed he will refund their money. Ice cream will be aerved by the Ladlea' Aid at the close of the program. The uanal price wlH pre vail adult 25c; children from t to 14 will be 15c. Mr. and Mra. Malcolm Bay and family arrived In Wllaonvllle on Tues day, having, come all the way from Santa Paula, Cal., a dlatance of 110ft mllea, tn a camp wagon. Mr. CAy saya that Clackamaa County looks rV ter to him than any other prt of 1 go and that Mr. EUneVa at wrw',", '