Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 03, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    ".'.. ; , , ". . . MORNINQ ENTEItPRISK. TIIUInAYQUSTJ). ' . . r.
I A GREWSOME I j i . 1 v nt q II "N II I Y
CopyTlaht by Amrtca Trm Am-
elation. lilL
Ia Uuaola tberw U cuatom auioutf
the rural claiwea In certain regiou!
,whk-a la very curloua. Intwd of i
man asking a girl to ninrry hi in, a girl
who wlhw a man for a huxbaud goei
to bla bountanl aska hlui to niarrr
htHr. If he decllnea and turn her nut
her relative will be rereugetf upon
him, ao ah ma t7 on, If ahe likes,
till b aacrumba or eoneludea to tak
a thraahlng from her bis brother.
' IVter IlatlelTk-h while living In a
region where U waa customary for the
n to propose met a young girl at a
dance and afterward courted her. She
listened to bis lovemaking, expecting
erery day that be would propose to
her. But Peter delayed and. Anally 1
meeting another girl be liked better,
reaaed bla attentions to the first and
bestowed them en the aeeond.
Five yeara later Peter was living, a
ingle man. among those people whose
marriages were arranged by the wo
man's making the first advance. He
bad failed to win the second girl be
bad courted, and bla attentions were
not renewed to the first. Indeed, the
jilted girl. Katherlne Dronsky, gave
1 erery evidence that ff be came court
ing her again be would catch a tartar.
i One day Katherlne, while attempt
ing to kindle fire by pouring kero
teen oil on It caused an explosion.
8 he waa badly burned, and on recov
ering her face waa a mass of scars.
"One day eTefwaa at work on bis
farm In bla new borne when be saw
'a woman1 go Into bis bouse. She be-
lng relied, be could not see ber face.
At once be suspected that one of bis
Belghbora was Intending to make him
, a -proposition of marriage. This dis
concerted hint, for be bad not 'seen
any woman in bis neighborhood
whom be would like to marry except
one, whom be did not believe wanted
him. But the thought that it might be
ahe filled him with pleasure. At any
rate, anxious to know who had fa
vored him, be threw down his imple
ments and went to toe boas.
There, standing in bis living room.
wss Katherlne Dronsky, ' the girl be
had Jilted.
This la what she said:
"Peter, bearing that yon had come
to this country, never having been
able to conquer my love for you, I
concluded to come too. We my moth
er, my, brothers and myself have
bought farm near yours, and I, bear
,' lng of the custom of this country by
; which the girl Instead of the man pro
poses marriage, have come to ask you
i to be my husband."
' .Peter quailed before the look she
five him a look of bate, revenge, trt
mph. It froze the very marrow in
his bones. He stood looking npon the
horrible face confronting him like one
paralyzed by a specter.. He knew
Katherine'a brothers and that they
had been bitter against him for hla
desertion of their aister and bad abe
willed it would have punished blm.
Now. doubtless, they were ready to
support her in this revenge she bad
evidently set ber heart upon.
"Yon don't seem pleased to see me,
Peter," the woman aald scornfully.
Tm not so beautiful aa I was when
you courted me,' but I have the same
heart. At any rate. If there is any
change of heart you have caused It, so
yours Is the fault They tell me here
that when a girl goes to a man's
house to propose marriage she remains
there if she likes till be accepts her.
. I have come here to stay."
She took oft ber wraps and, going to
the fire, sat down before it Peter
; stood for awhile wonVr!ng If It would
do any good to throw himself on her
mercy. But he decided otherwise. He
went back to his work.
He had one hope that since there
waa no one but himself in her bouse,
no mother, no sinter, perhaps Kath
erlne would consider It improper to
stay there with him, and she surely
could not force blm to make It proper
by marrying ber. There waa an out
bouse on the premise ued for the
storage of farm Implements, and dur-
. lng the afternoon he saw Katherlne
carrying bedding and other furniture
there. So this hope died in bis breast
Instead it gave ajm a alight comfort.
He would be free from ber during the
night .
And so the two entered upon a new
life, the one of endurance, the other
of revenge, Peter never spoke to ber,
and after her proposal she never spoke
to him. She cooked her own food In
the outhouse, and Peter cooked bla in
the farmhouse. Peter grew lean and
haggard, and bis eye after a time had
the look of one whose mind Is on the
' point of giving way. He worked on
u bis farm from early morning till as
late as be could see,, never going into
bis bouse except for bis meals. Kath
erlne kept In ber own quarters except
for about an hour after Peter quit
- srork, which ahe spent In the farm
house with him.
One night tbe neighbors aaw a lurid
glare In tbe direction of Peter'a bouse
and, going there, found It on Are. Kath
erlne rushed out of ber quarters and,
seeing the fire, called on Peter to come
out He came to a window, and she
begged plteously for forgiveness. Aa
' soon as he aaw her be disappeared and
. .was seen no more. Katherlne ran to
the building and. tried to enter, but
those present held her. Then the roof
fell In, and all knew that Peter Hazlel
rich bad perished. "' 'V
Katherlne. was taken away from
that region and waa never again heard
of In those parts.
' Paeal Per Infante,
friend Tbe examination yon andesw
go for the position of teacher la very
ever, la It not?
Scribble-Tee, Indeed.
"What are the branches!"
"Well, today wo were examined In
psychology. Integral calculus, ma tho
rn sties I astronomy, polemic divinity.
BBetaphyalcal analysis and Greek yersl-
, cation." ' ' ' ' '
"Indeed I What position sr you com
Mtlng totV ' J " '"
' ""Instructor of tbe Infant class. "-Tit
1 M SKftM
. I ... ...... t. , , '
I" y . . , , .... , .
There are a number of ambitious candidates competing for $1,200.00 in prizes to bo awarded
by the MORNING ENTERPRISE on September 2nd, who are anxious to get your support.
You are no doubt acquainted with a number of the ladies in the Contest, and would lend your
.assistance in the matter if asked to do so. If you will select a, favorite candidate and notify
her.or the Contest Department of The Enterprise your communication will receive prompt
fVi Trriii Viv cnvfiTi nwav absolutelv free, and vour
avvouviuui auu a iiuq co i,vjkjva iuuva v yv vm o " " "
subscription may lpe the means of making some candidate the happy
Grand Upright Kimball Piano, the "20tb Century" New Home Sewing Machine, a thorough
Musical Education, a Business Scholarship or a Solid Gold Watch
wining candidates are announced. DELAYS ARE DANGEROU
will encourage the young lady whom you have selected to win.
Six months' subscription to the Daily Enter
prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail, $1.50, 400
One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3
by mail, 1,000 votes.
Two years' subscription $8 by carrier, $6
by mail, 2,500 votes.
Three years subscription, by carrier $12,
by mail $9, 5.000 votes.
. ' Fivd years' subscription, by carrier $20, by
mail $15, 10.000 votes.
One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise,
$1.50, 500 votes.
Money must accompany all subscriptions
before votes will be issued.
Second PAzes
Two "20th Century"
Sewing Machines
Df op
The above prizes will be awarded Saturday niqht.Sentemiwn
of your favorite candidate is not entered in the S 2nd lf tne nam?
For furtkor partiou-
iara aaaroao Mho
u t
Two Upright
$400 .r fj. $400
Each. KJiN i '
m . J. tJ -TZXTtm
Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House
EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts.
I """"" '
Third and Fourth Prizes
Four Prizes to be
N Awarded
The Enterprise has used every care
in the selection of these prizes.and has
secured scholarships in two of the fore
most educational institution in the'J
State of Oregon.
Kimball Pianos
WATCHES (Ladles titt)
1 1
" " -
recipient of either the
when the names of the
- Do it to-day yand you
Fill in the' name of candidate f:
whom you wish to favor" wil
your votes with remittance lr)
your subscription or renewal n:
to Contest Department The Enter
Name of subscriber
Months !?X
For M.
District ...
Purchased v,
Burmeistef Cl Andrei
The Leading Jeweleri
of 619 Main St., OreonJCity, ft
send it in to-doV