MOKNING BNTEUPttlSB, THUK8DAY, AUGUST 3, 1911. 0 II (I (I II (! (J Ihoes J fon Men Shoes Shoes for won , Ladies Children m Jm. ih ara ilmAM alwlna Aue inffirila iMrf iniiaa liaiu. ap TV W Mmfw w - w ai --.www - " - or a ..I A a 1 LI l i ai m . m I . . I a I I During our innmi vin-iir mil ww are giving Bargains in nose that vrlll oUan up our stock in a hurry. tT riTTIO NOW VVHILI WI HAVI A PULL RUN OF SIZES. S tee Our Bargain Shoe Window J.LEVITT npfnilon Bridge Cor. - Oregon City FOINTED QUESTIONS AREASKED STIPP (Continued -from page l.) .a til Final f Grunts. lilSI ,rf I .III fi-ellng wora. ,,-rr ii You M ill I cured soui LOCAL 5RICrS , M. Jna. of Seattle. Wash., Is ,g In t hi city. Hurst, of I'nlon MI1U, wee In -It Wednesday. . Bullion, of Clarkee. was In t-ltv on Wednesday. . try llugnre, or Heaver ire. in this iHv Wednesday. IJIIIsn (irelasati. of Bellwood. Itlun friends In Uila city. ruh lli. of Carua. waa In Lily Wednesday visiting friends. ok lUrtlntl Waiar. 8old by all groceries ana oruinin. w.itl.tifrr and family, of .i, wr In Ihla city Wdnee- hn E Joues, or .waver i reea. la this city transacting business nesdajr. , larlle Jones, of Reaver Creak, waa ig tha Oregon City vlsltora on kiesdajr. link Buodgress and wlf. of Mu war In Ihla city on bualnaaa lnaxuy. Ie Rrma Millar, of Portland, la IKunt of tha MUmi Took, of ton, Hi ArnrWPonald, of Idaho, baa t-i la this city, and la a gut of lands p. MrOrath, of Topeka, li In this city, and la registered lit Electric llotal. and Mrs. Jscob Orossmllller. of 11, wara transacting bualnaaa In city Wednesday. clil Candy Hala. Craamad po rt 16 centa par pound at Falle l-ct loner y, Saturday, r. Duma, a prominent young atai man of Sandy, waa In tbla on business Wednesday,- flit Jones and aon. Merrill, and Frank Klmmla. of Eldorado. In Ihla rlty on Wadnaaday. Ililllp Llndau, of Clarke, on of well-known farmers of that place, in thla rlty on Wedneaday. r. and Mri. Joseph Beaullau will thla weak fur Ocean Park, Or, r they will apend two weeka. r. Urkln, one of the well-known ilfnl of Clarke, waa among the Itton City visitors on Wedneaday; 111 Helen Pollock, who baa been dlng aome time In California, will urn to her horn In thla city to- I. rt. Volkmar and daughter. Mabel. nave been visiting In Falrvlew, returned to their bom In tbl you eat bread why not get Royal d? The boat that money can at Harris' grocery. timer tonkins, who la In charge I the (Irani Illmlrk farm at Itiib- K In this. city th Brat of th en. Ildrad Jeremiah, the little dauch- of Mr. and Mra. Charlea II. Jere- l III at their home, the Cliff i. ! Nellie flrlmm who haa been Ptlng with Mlaa Kathrvn Roach, of f city, haa returned to her home rortmnd. ve Hrotrhla and wife of Miisca- r, Ind.. were In tbla city on Bun- . Kui-Mta or Mr. and Mm, Loula law. )r- R. A. Sommar fnrmerl of Or- S Clty, hna moved bla office to 1017 wtj Lbwlldlng, Portland. . . li Anna Woodward and Mlaa Weatengard will lear for rllatld thla araak tiara I na will t frlenda. r- W. Irwin, on of the prominent roymen or th county, whoae home "V Aurora, waa In thla city on "' Wedneaday. 1 W. Robblna, Mr. and Ma. Dlckcnaon, of Molalla. were In ' city on Wedneaday, having come " Robblna antnmnl.lU Wrj. Gaorge w. Smalley and daub- ' lUzel. loft Waitnaarf.a .n. Caia. I R"ck, Waah., where they will vlalt a aiaier. mra. jonn rajne. Wa Edna TrlmM Vctci nan "ing relatlvea In thla city, will r T o Medford thla week, wber ahe " resume hr afiMtad at M Academy. L v. v bny ,uar now- H a aur to auJJf a'.17 Ioun' for $1, beat eran r0. , Harrla a-rocerv -, ui ruruano, wno nav oeen vUltlng with Mra. If. L. Kelly and Mra. K. A. Chapman, returned to bar home on Wdueday afternoon. Dellcateaaen: 1 A. Noble. 714 Main at real, baa Juat received from Wlacon aln 2,ooo pounda new cbeeae, creaio, HwUa and llnmurger. 'Kin for luncb. Oacar W(Md0n la viattlng frlenda In Portland, and from that place he will go to lOiig Iloarb, Waah., wber be will vlalt frlenda. Mr. Woodfln la taking a month's vacation. Mlaa Veda Wllllama, who baa been a gueat at the borne of Judge and Mra. W. II. Conyere, at Clatakanla, arrived horn today, having -been atimmoned by the lllneaa of her ale- tar. Mra. C. O. Miller. Wllbolt alage will leave the Rlectrlc llotal each day at S o'clock p. m. Rverett Downey, of Willamette, who haa been connected with th rlrat N'atlonal ftank. of Portland, for the pant two yeara, baa realgned hla poaltlon Mo aaalat bla father In th management of th Willamette water worka. Mr. and Mra. William Rowan will leave thla week for Portland, where they will vlalt with Chief of Police Rlovcr. and wife for few daya. Mra. Hlover la Mr. Rowan's mother. After vlaltlng In Portland. Mr. and Mra. Rowan and children will go to Halem, whore they will apend the remainder of the aummer. (liMid coffee and tea la our hobby. Try our tic coffee and 5oe tea. Can't be beat. Harrla' grocery. Arnold P. Schmidt, of Pamaacua. waa In tbla city tlje flrat of th week on hla way to Cottage Orove. wber he will enter the grocery bualneaa. Mr. Hcnmldt haa been for th paat two yeara field deputy aaaeaaor of Clackamae county, and baa many frlenda In tbla city aa well aa In many parta of th county, wbo wlab him aurceaa, Frank Hrancb Riley, who la con nected with the Clackamae Title Com pany, waa In th city Wedneaday. JUDGi BCATIC MARRIES COUPLE. Mr. and Mra. A. a Wyland Will Live In Wllholt Mlaa Molll Bird and A. O. Wyland, of Wllholt. Or., were married at th Court llouae on Wedneaday after noon. Judge Beetle performing the ceremony. The young couple left tor their future home at Wllhelt. They are well known at Wllbolt, where they have many frlenda. put of any kind with either at th, gentlemen before, and never met elih. er of them In-fore In my life. My Drat Introduction waa when th younger im iiuar greeiea m With a long- handlud. round pointed shovel, raited In au attitude of striking me with the sharp blade and with which ha atrurk at m viciously, t waa not bla fault mm ne am not split my bead open with th shovel point. Th only thing that prevented this from hMllhanlni was the fact that I waa somewhat athlollr. and with a email board which I picked up, wa able to ward off the blotjs. so that no extremely sartmia damage waa aon. Tbla attack waa followed by the continuous efforts on the part of the younger Illchner. to atrlke me with the shovel, and while uemg engagea in warding off bla at lacK, i leit blow from behind. On turning around, I found the older Rich- iht with a ciuh raised to strike a sc ona mow, A'Ung upon an Impulse, I administered a blow on the old entletnsn'a head, and while In th act of doing so, the younger Ulchner waa again at me from behind, atrlk ing witn trie shovel blade again. It waa fortunate that Mr. Hansen hap piied to he by and warded off th mow, receiving the blow on hla arm, In order to protect me from receiv ing it on the head. Denies He Knew Them. Aa far aa I am concerned, 1 never baa any disputes with tbise people over properly, and never knew them before. When they attacked me, I did not know whether their namea were Ulchner or John Doe. The younger lilrkned la a strong, husky fellow and bla attack with the shovul waa certainly a cowardly and das tardly act, A great many convlcta are In the penitentiary today aerv Carter Ovlea Bond. AI Carter, who waa arreatod on a charge of disorderly condct by Police man Ureen was releaaed Wedneaday on 15 bond. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. T. and Ada Alexander to M. O. Mynn, lot I of block 19. "Wind sor"; 10. J. T. and Ada D. Alexander to M. a. Flynn, lots S and 10 of block 10, Windsor; also lota 3 4, 6, 6. 7. block 18. Windsor; land In blocks 19 and 20 west of Bussex street, Wlndaor; $1.00. Hubert 8. Blmmona and Mary E. Hlmmona to Jullua 11. and Will A. Irwin, land In D. L. C. of William Strickland, townablp 4 south, range 4 east; f 10.360. Oeorg Derry and Ida A. Derry to John M. A. Lane, 80 acrea of section 7. township I aouth, range 3 east; $10. WalUc and Louis C. Col to Al exander C. and Nancy C. Deaullau, part of lota 1 and 3 of block 38. Ore gon City; $4,200. Onnla L. Farr to H. H. Hughes and M. A. Hughes, lot 3 of block 68, Ore gon City; $4(10. Paul and Emma Mertachlng to O. W. plmlck, tracta 18 and 19. Clair mont Acreage Tracta No. 3; $100. Rudolph Koerner to Mary Koerner, lot 1 of block 10C, Oregon City; also lota 6 and 0 of block 167, Oregon City; and other land In Clackamas county, aectlona 27, 28, 33, 34, town ship 2 aouth, range 1 east; $1. Rudolph Koerner to Mary Koerner. lota 1 and 2 of block 108, Oregon City; 1. Mary Jan Dlcken to Charlea E. Aspllng. tract 18, Outlook; $1. Mill M. Wallace and W. A. Wal lace to Denla Donovan, 48.17 acrea of Exra Flaher P. L. C, township 2 aouth, range 2 eaat; $10. "ENTERTAIN FOR" DAUGHTERS Mr. and Mra. J. B. Jackson Have De lightful Card Party. Mr ami Mrs J. It Jackson 'enter tained a few of their frlenda at cardi at their home at Clalrmont In a, most delightful manner Tueaday evening, tha affair helnar In honor of their two dattghtera, Misses Letha and Oils. Songa and Instrumental seiectiona war rendered and games wr play- ea on me lawn, wnicn waa iiioh.ii Illuminated with Chinese lanterna. Th prlr.ea were won by Mlas Mamie Wourma and Piero Beat. Tk frtllnalna, wara nrasent Mill Antoinette Knppenbender, Mlas lit tle niuhm, Mlsa Rutn Kuppenoenaer, Mies Ethel Ball, Mlaa Mamie wourma. Mi.saa oils. ftha and Edith Jack son, Mrs. E. F. Rechnar, Cbarlea Ed ward Rechner, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. n arm Plaraa fWals. Av Klin- penbender, Walter Brenner, Harry Conrer, Roaco Clark, Henry Brandt. Wallace Lewis, Lyman Derrick, Clif ford Crawford, Ralph Caplea. UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND Lo"t " ot Remarkable results' In two and three months, salaries $50 to $80. Higher standard than business colleges. , .YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OUR WORK. Eclectic Business Uoiyefslty H A-K44A . . - ' U.V nr ... , nunvunun ubutft, i mra 01., corner usn Marshall 781 Portland, Oregon nitf lire si'iubiicfi fur crlm mittea .that war not more serious than hla. for, aa above elated, the iuci that my head was not cut ouen waa not due to any fault of bla, but to the fact that I ha opened to be able to ward off the earn and pro-' teci my in. Whan the ai'fack waa made by the younger Ulchner there waa nobody present within the property line, ex cept myself. Mr, Henry Clans, and Mr. J. M. Hansen. When I entered the property a few minutes prevloua, thnre waa no on present excepting Mr. Cans and M. Hansen. I aaw a string stretched acroaa the lot and fclso aome posts planted. I broke the tin which waa stretched, and at that moment the younger ' Dlckner came through a bole which fie had broken through the fence, with a abovel raised and mad an attack on me Ilk a wild man. Several able attor neya, with whom have conferred, Inform me that If I had knocked them out completely, that I would have been fully Justified under the condi tions. Explanation Asked. I desire to bave an aiDlanation from you. and will appreciate very much if you will anawer th questions which I have asked above. Flrat, regarding why you did not explain to us that you had already dismissed the surt that morning, and without any Investigation whatsoever, and second, bow you can confuse a crim inal aasault of tbla kind In any way with a dispute over roperty rights. if. after hearing the atory from Mr. Illcbner'a attorneys you had deemed It best to annul the action filed here, please advise me why you did not first summon witnesses, at least, to determine, whether any. criminal as sault had been mad against m or not? I - am basing this letter and ques tions to you on a letter received to day from tbe local Oswego Justice of tbe Peace, and which reads, aa fob Iowa: Oswego, Or July 28, 1911. Aman Moore: I called on Deputy District Attorney titlpp on the 26th day of July, 1911, and asked him about prosecuting tbe case of Stat of Oregon vs. Joseph Illchner and Henry Ulchner. He told me b had beard of th controversy and that It would be hard to con vict, aa both parties would claim that they were defending their own prop erty, aa both claim to hav deeds for the earn piece of land, and asked me to dismiss th charge, as he did not feel Ilk prosecuting It On my requeat from him to put thia In writ ing, he gave me th following letter, to-wlt: In th Justice Court. District No. 2, Clackamaa county, Oregon. Stat of Oregon, Plaintiff va. Joseph Bichner and Henry Blchner, Defendanta. to E. L. Davidson. Justice of the Peace: I hav examined Into the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon agalnat th abort named defendants, and find that tbe controversy arose over a tract of land which both they and Moore claim to own and feel that It would be Impossible to de termine In a criminal action wbo waa In tbe right. I would, therefore, ask that you dlamlaa th charge as I do not feel Ilk proaecutlng It. Sincerely. L. 8T1PP, Deputy District Attorney. E. L. Davidson. Now, I want to state briefly to you the facta In connection with th land transaction, although - th - earn can in no wis effect or alter the fact that a criminal assault with, a deadly weapon waa committed by th Blch nors and which cannot In any wis be confused with a civil controversy regarding title of land. Title, la Defended. The house and land which 1 pur chased for our 'company la located in South Oawego. and la Intended to be tiaed for occupany by one of our employee with hla family. Thlg property haa been In the poaeeaalon of Mr. Henry Oana, an old pioneer, for something like 35 years. About 19 yeara ago he aold the adjoining property, Including store hul'dlng to the Blchneds. He continued to oc cupy th houae, and states that ouly a few weeka ago tha Blckners ad vlsed him that the rioed conveying the adjoining ator property 19 years ago, also Included a atrip Including part of hla realdence property and which he had continued to occupy, using It a ft garden continuously during the 19 yeara, as wU as many previous. ' Mr. Oana requeated the Blcknera to rectify th error, if any. mad 19 yeara ago, by giving him ft nultcuim Ceed for tho amnll atrip of ri in-den which thoy now try to cl .lm rmardleae of th fact that the Itiwi provide that If tiu.'ispittfd ror ..n!i.ii Im retained for r,:v 'en' year the tltlo will becom pj.ieasory and binding. Th Blchners refused to execut auch quitclaim !! to Gana on requeat, except upon nnreaaonabl demanda of eompenaatlon from Gana. whereupon Gans, In couveylng land to our corporation mad qulttlalro ,' v . , ; ' - -;t ; Twenty-five Thousand Men Were In. Elks Atlantic City Parade r - m Try? " 'if "ai . Mlflltl La a W.t 9? Hi T lholos Or Amarlcaa Press Association. ' WENTT-FIVE thousand members of th Benevolent and Protectly Order of Elks took part In tbe parade which formed tbe principal feature of the receut Elks' convention at Atlantic City. Tbe parade was seven mile long, and It required two hours for It to pass tbe reviewing stand About fifty bands furnished music for tbe marchers, and 75.000 spectators wttneaaed tbe pageant Every atat waa represented In tbe parade, and many of the lodgea bad costumes and floats that were unique and sinking. Th Trenton (2X. J.) looge, anown in rn pi crura, auracrea macn attention. Tbe member wore blue serge anlta, with whit cap and aboea and carried blue and white parasols. The lodge from Coiumboa, O., also shown In the picture, carried a huge American flag, and they stopped at times while their well trained chorus sang "Tbe fur Spangled Banner." 1 1 ' 1 1 deed for tbe email atrip of land, and wblcb quit-claim w accepted, because of the fact that Gana' posssaory title which could not b disputed, sine Gana had undisputed pot-eelou for over 35 yeara, th law requiring only ten yeara. Gana Gave Deed. Gana' sal of th property to us waa conditional that-ba retain poa aeaalon until August 1. IfUl. About 10 o'clock Tuesday morning last, J jly 25, Mr. Gana rushed to our office, requeatlng our bookkeeper. Mr. Han sen, to axlvla me to corao over to hla place forthwith. Mr. Hansen con veyed th message to me on our fac tory grounda wber I was busily en gaged. I could not leave at that mo ment but directed Hansen to proceed to Gana' place to inveatigati th trou ble. About twenty mlnutej later I concluded that I would Jao go per sonally, to determine what the dif ficulty waa about. On rescuing n.ina' bouse, I round him anting on the porch with Mr. Hansen. 1 also no ticed a fin stretched across -he gar den and aome new fenc post in stalled. I broke th line and started to remove the timber that had been propped from on poet to another. At thla moment strong husky look ing mail rushed through hoi that had been broken In the fenc? between tbe Gana and Bickner pro pert lea. Ho had a long-handled, round-pointed ahovel In hla band and looked like a wild man aa he charged me with the abovel blade raised to atrlke me. 1 had no alternative but to defend my self, and to do so I picked up a amall board which I used to ward off th several licks which th attacking man aimed viciously at my head. While thua engaged I suddenly felt a terrlflo blow from behind,, which for a moment dazed me, I wheeled around and aaw another huaky, heavy-set man aa vicious looking aa the flrat Ith ft club raised over me In the act of striking second blow, but before he could strike, I wan able to wield th board In my hand on the attackera head and to ward off further attack, although t did not aucceed In knocking him down or to render him unconscious, aa be con tinued to come at me like a mad bull, until aome ladlea appeared through the hole In the fence and In duced him to throw down bla club and go with them back through the hole in (be fence. While the aecond at tacking party waa receiving my at tention the flrat continued hla attack with thi shovel from behind and at that moment Mr. Hansen rushed in and received a blow from the ahovel blade, wblcb had been Intended for the back of my head. The flrat at tacker seeing' th blood coming from a. wound In th scalp of the second at tacker'a head, at thia moment also stopped his vlcloiia attack and later, after my commanding him aeveral tlmea to leave the premises also dis appeared through the hoi In the fence. Whereupon, th posts were removed, the holes filled, and th hole In the fence boarded and nailed. Gana Seea Attack. Mr. Gana later 'informed me that the flrat attacker who had made the aasault with the ahovel waa one Henry Bickner and that th aecond attacker who had atruck from behind waa the father, Joseph Bickner, and that by endeavoring to fenc part of hla property as they were doing, tbey were trying to steal the piece of land, Including the, Improvements which he had a few yeara before erected thereon, including ahed, out houses, etc, also hla garden vegeta bles which were growing In th soil. Thla la my first and only Introduc tion to the Blckners. As I returned to my office, I informed them aa I passed by their store, that I would certainly hay them arrested for the villainous assault. Later, they hur ried to Oregon City, related "a pack of falsehoods" In an effort to excuse their villainous action, and also trying to appeal to tbe public because th older Bickner waa an "old man," 71 yeara of age" had been "ft pioneer." was the "father of th preeent Mayor of Oswego," to., to. . ., - It waa unfortunate that be happen ed to b an "old man "pioneer," etc.. but that cannot excuse hla daa tardly. cowardly attack from behind with a club, mad at th moment when hla husky aon was already ad ministering blows aimed to kill, with a ahovel biad from th front. When be atruck from behind, I had no time to aak hla name, hla age, or whether he waa "a pioneer," lunatic or an escaped convict. I had only time to protect my life, regardless of who tbe aasailant was. Messrs. Qans and Hansen were wit nesses to this brutal attack, from th moment young Bickner cam charg ing through th fenc until th finish. Other wltneaaes aaw th final wind up. Now, Mr. Proaecutlng Attorney. I hav aaked you, how you can confuse with or attempt to merge Into this daatardly criminal assault, any civil suit or controversy over tltlo to property? If I had been a weakling and not able to have warded off th blows of young Bickner'a ahovel biad and If on of these blowa had apllt my skull, causing Instant doath, could you have merged that Into ft civil controversy Instead of prosecuting for murder T Calla It Serloua Crime. Doea the fact that murder waa not committed, leaaen the offense of crim inal attack? Why did th proaecut lng attorney except ft one-aided false tale of the elder Bickner, and proceed to dlamlaa thla criminal charge, with out summoning wltnessea or making any attempt at Investigation It la because of auch lack of en forcement of th law that auch Crimea are encouraged. Every cltiien haa a right to th protection of tb law and you. aa prosecuting attorney are custodian of th law and of Lb people'a rlghta and llbertlea. In thla instance there waa a serloua crime committed either by myself or th Blcknera. If their false statements on which you aeem to bave baaed your action of dis missal, were true, then I should be Indicted to the full extent of th law and aent to prison. If. on th other hand, my statements as above matle are true, then tbe Blcknera are guilty of a serious crime and ah all be proa ecuted to th full extent of the law and aent to prison. It la your duty, air, aa ft public of ficer, receiving ft aalary from the taxpayers, to summon witnesses, and determine who la and who la not guilty of this crime.. It Is by such lax enforcement of the law that mob rule and Crimea of tbia nature are encouraged. I expect to be ft cltlaen of thla county and hav large Investments In property. All I want to know Is that I will receive the full protection of the law agalnat cowardlywlmlnal attacks, such aa waa made upon rne the other day, and furthermore I de slr to know that Justlc and law will apply to all citizens equally, re gardleea of whether, they ar pio neers, native-born, or new-comers. 1 do not mean to say that auch Jua tic -will not be granted, but your as surance of thla matter will be ac cepted In the right aplrlt and your word In th affirmative will be auf flclent. However, I feel. -under th clrcumatancea. as abov stated, that I am entitle to recelv an an awe; from you to th abov questlona. Yours very truly, . AMAN MOORE. Hotel Arrivals. The following ar registered at the Electric. Hotel: Cecil Fox, Sa lem Mra. Fermell. Erie Head, Port land; A. B. 8n1der. Forest Grove; M. L. Collins, William Londen, Port land; Mra. Maml Jackson, BoIm, Idaho; E. M. Bondll, J. R. Moor. Sid ney Herman, James Baaye, Portland; C. C. Cannon, Spokane; M. Schwartx, Portland; U Larson, Willamette; George StabeO. C. Llndqulst, R. W. Ward, Mra. P. Haley. Portland; Roe L. McGrath, 1 Portland; Francla Mo Orath, Topefca. Kan.: Erie Head, Portland; W. H. Mattoon, Mr M. Jonea. 8eattle. Wash. Earl Byrd, Molll Byrd, A. O. WyhemL Myrtle Wyheml. . . Oldest Reyal Dynasty. Th oldeMt royal flynastry In ; the world la that f Japan. ' which goes back unbroken for 2.000 year. . Jefferson. . Thomas JetTeraiiu was the flrat n our treMlrtrntft to l inuuiEurMrU , WaabiiiKiou , " ... , . , , , CONSIDER well before you buy veg etables. Think for a moment of how they are bought and kept. Vegetables should be fresh and moist with' the appear ance of having juat come from where nature grew them. That is, when they are well kept the way we keep them. . . This is th reason why all our vegetables look aa If they had -j.. ..ri..A .-it, .ii ha aHffiom, freih. nitursl flavor you like so well. And we take good car that not a moment la loat In their delivery to you. 8nd a trial ordsr. J. E. SEELEY Oregon City WeinfiArrJ Bldg. SAN FRAtXISCO BEATS PORTLAND IN HIiiTII BEAVERS GET A LEAD OF FOUR, BUT ARE OVERHAULED IN SHORT ORDER. '. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL. Aug. 2. (Special). San Francisco . won an exciting game today from Portland, the score being S to 4. Both Koest ner and 8uter were hit hard, eleven aafe drives belDg made off tb Port land twirler and ten off tb Bay City man. Portland scored S In the third and 1 in the fourth, and It looked as If victory wa assured. But San Francisco got busy with one In th fourth, two In the sixth, on In th eighth and one In th ninth. Th reaulta Wedneaday "were as follows: DaLyslflai Rail FVS.IV. clsco 5. Portland 4; Sacramento S, Oakland 0; Loa Anelea 3. Vernon Northwestern League Portland S. victoria Seattle 4. Snokane S: Van couver S, Tacoma 1. American League uoaion i-s, trolt 8-2: Waahinton S-J. Chicago 1-4: Pniiadeipnia i, uouie v; leveiAuu 10. New York 8. National League New York S, Mtiaknr. A fhlravn 1. Rrooklvn 1: Boston 5, St Louis I; Philadelphia Cincinnati gam postponed ; rain. STANDING. . eBBSSaBi Pacific Cos at. Portland Vernon ...... . . Oakland San Francisco .. Sacramento .... Loa Angeles .... W. L. P.C, .... CS SI .566 .... 7 . B .54i .... 67 60 .627 I... 61 63 .tn .... 57 64 .471 . .. 51 74 .408 Vancouver Tacoma . . Seattle . . . Spokane . Portland . Victoria .-. Northwestern. W. 65 . . . 62 54 59 ... 61 29 L. 43 45 61 49 54 77 P.C. .602 .673 .514 .546 .486 .274 9? tramni wtri arrested In July and 19 prisoners were prosecuted. The One collected amouniea to zou, largest amount ever collected In one month. Forty-aeven meala were nerv ed to prisoners In th city Jail at coat of $9.40. Th chief reported that aeventeen dog license were lsaueu during the month, for which $19 ha I k ra.alva1 Raventeen docs were ntnpaui . tha Anm catcher, fourteen of them wer killed, one was sold and two were reaeemea 07 xne own- era. J. A. Confert waa re-elected aexton of Mountain View Cemetery. Mr. Huntley, representing th school dl rectnra asked that th board be al lowed to build a retaining wall on Twelfth atreet from 8 to 10 incnea na. ih. nirksnf The matter waa referred to tbe engineer and com- mttte on atreeta. Tha tVanrhlaa nf the ClackamS Southern railway was referred to the commit?1 on atreeta and th' City Attorney. - iinn. ih. .iiaaeation of Mr. Meyer th committee on atreeta was empow- . ,, ... . V ered to represent tn council i iw maattnv at flalem tonight to urge that th Capital Highway pass .through Oregon City. . ' 'TtwCUek, 1, Ma -Is th clock running. WQnf 'Willi No, ma; It'a Juat standln' still a' wsggin' Ita tall.Judg. s: I ':. .. 1 ..-, .';'. : . . .1 I ' NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Popular Beach Rort Aa Ideal retreat for outdoor paa tlmes of all kinds. Hunting. Fish log. Boating. Surf Bathing, Riding, Aut Ing, Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agar, moss agate, moonstones, earnelana can be found on th beach. Par mountain water and th beat of food at low prices. Fresh flan, clams, crab and oysters, with abundance of vege tables of aU kinds dally. . Camping Ground Convenient and At-' tractive. wth strict sanitary reculatlona , LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON ' . TICKETS from all point In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho oa sal daily. 8-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all CAB. stations Albany and west. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C. ft E. Agent . for full particulars as to fares, trains, schedules, etc; also for cosy of our illustrated booklet, "Outing In Or gon," or writ to' , Wm. HcMurray GENERAL PA8SENGER AGENT. -' Portland Oregon. YOlliiC FOLK BUOY DANCE IH BIG PARK One of th most enjoyable social eventa of the season waa held at Schnoor's Park at Willamette Wed nesday evening. The young people who composed the party wer mostly from Oregon City. Th muslo for th dancing was furnished by an orches tra composed of Loyd Rlchea, violin; M. J. Laxelle, cornet and Miss Marian Money, piano. Luncheon was served by tbe ladles after which th guests departed for their special car, thank ing Mr. and Mrs. Schnoor for the very enjoyable meeting. Those in . attendance wer Nora Hannlfan, Frances Brownell, Wynne Hanney, Margaret Brown, Lorene Par ker, Nieta Harding, Dolly Pratt, Eve lyn Harding, Haiel Toose. Lillian Orleasen, Mae Smith, Madge Bright bill, Miss Walling, Vada Elliott, Lot ta Liver more, Eva Alldredge, Anna -Alldredge, Kathryne Slunott, Marian Money, Eddie Buach, Tom Stnnott, Charles Parker, A. F. Bernard of Portland; M. J. Laxelle, Lietael Gor don, Harry Gordon, Dr. Murdy, John Buach, Earl Latonrette, Lloyd Rlchea, Victor Qault, Walter Hart. Oerald Warner, Lee Caufleld. ' . '' BOYS HAVE FINE OUTING. Thirty-four boys, who ar members of the Sellwood Young Men's Chris tian Association, In charge of W. C. Moore, secretary, passed through Oregon City Wednesday. The party camped Tuesday night at 8ucker Lake where th boys had ft fin tint swimming and fishing. They waked to, thla city and after looking- over the paper mills went by boat to Sell wood. W. M. SMITH BUYS -HOME. ' W. M. Smith, the real estate man, has purchased the Thompson place on John Qulncy Adams street, be tween Seventh and - Eighth atreeta. Mr. Smith will move his family to his new home on Auguat 20. Mr. Thomp son and hla two danhters, Miass May and Ethel, hav taken up thlr resi dence at Thirty-fourth and East Sherman street.