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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1911)
In Chancery By U IIXIAM D. CARTER Copyrih fcy Amrk-an lra Am- elation. l'JU. Wben the utorm of the civil war broke over the i-ouutry In 11 John AbwromWe, a jtouiik tnna of twenty two, who bad twvu rpHirtug hinwWf to tako bU father's 'ltT as president and owner of the coutndllnjr tnteret In the Abetrotubie M.inufaeturin company, like joott youuic wen of plrlt at that period. Insisted on Join ing tb Cnlott army. Ills father, who . wm preparing to retire. ho dlsap pointed and angered . at thia course tbat he told hla aoa to go to tbe war and he hoped he would never cooie bark. "I aball keep Jane Wetherell here with me. aaid tbe old man, "to take rare of the house and be a comfort i in your atead and shall lea re her ev ery cent of my property." "Do so," replied the on. "and yon may count on me not trying to break tbe wflL I aball claim nothing of yon or what yon leave behind yon." Jane Wetherell was not related to the Aberrrorobiea. 8he waa a connec tion of Mrs. Abercrombie, who had brought her Into tbe house for a com panion and nurse, and when Mrs. Aber . crombie died her husband had contin ued to rely on the girl for varlon comforts, Including reading to him. nine bis eyes were weak. Wben the old Bun saw John's name published among tbe killed at the battle of An tJetam his heart softened, and he re gretted his past action toward his som Tortwer yert Jihe WfiereinT I ear of the old man. He said be would make her comfortable 'after bis death. . and it waa generally supposed that she would Inherit all his property, though no on kvew of tbe parting scene between him and bis aon and the father's threat There were indications that Jennie Wetherell bad had a love affair. She never accepted any marked attention from any young man, and she appear ed to have suffered a blight These were tbe principal reasons why those ' who knew her said that she had been , crossed in love and would not marry. Wben Mr. Abercrombie died every ' on waa surprised at two things Orst that he left a much larger estate than tt was supposed he had possessed and, secondly, that be had made no will. The latter of these surprises waa the snore a surprise becanse by not mak ing a will he left his estate to be con tested for by a host of relatives. In none of whom he had taken any inter est, while Jennie Wetherell, in whose reins there waa none of his blood, was left out hy the law of inheritance en tirely. An account of thia condition of things got into the newspapers and among other things stated was that the body of John Abercrombie had never been recovered and waa sup posed to lie either in a trench or under one of the mute army of headstones marked "Unknown." Instantly there sprang up as if from the grave three different men who claimed to be the said John Abercrombie. One said be had been badly wounded, taken to a hospital and, recovering, had deserted; another that he had been hit in the bead by a mlnle ball and the mem ory knocked oat of him till recently. The third declared that he had been captured,, taken to a southern prison and on being exchanged had gone west, where he had since lived incog nita Any on of these men It he could , have established his Identity with that of John Abercrombie would have in herited the whole estate. But they were all working on a very small pros pect None of them had any papers to show that he had been in the army, and only one manifested any familiar ity with military affairs. Jane Weth erell at once pronounced them all Im postors. Had ahe had any legal claim on the estate her word would have counted for little or nothing. As it was, it counted for a good deal. Since the settlement of the estate was In, a Jumble Jane Wetherell was left by tbe chancery court in charge of the house in which she had so long lived. A year elapsed, at the end of which 107 names of relatives of the de ceased Abercrombie were handed in to the court as claimants for a share of his estate, and there were more to come. It began to look aa if no one would be rich from tbe estate unless one of these men who bad risen up out of tbe earth could prove himself to be John Alierrrombte. One day there was a wedding at the Abercrombie bouse. Jennie Wetherell was tbe bride. Who the groom was no one seemed to know. There were no cards, no invitations. Only a few wit nesses were present, and they were servants. As soon as the ceremony had been performed tbe groom went to the chancery court and presented dis charge papers from the Union army and other proofs that he was Sergeant John Abercrombie. Tbe case of tbe relatives collapsed. John AberrTomble had gone to the wor partly because Jennie Wetherell had refused to marry him. After his de parture she had discovered that she loved him. Finding his name had been reported among tbe killed after the battle of Antletam, he had taken advantage of tbe error to disappear from the world. Being badly wound ed, he was discharged and went to Colorado, where he had lived till in a newspaper he had seen an account of the clamor for his father's estate, when he had returned and learned from Miss Wetherell of her mistake In refusing him. Aeeeptlng the Inevitable. Wonderful are tbe Hindus for ie . ceftiDg the inevitable. Tall one of these tbat be must tako caator oil. and he will drain the oleaginous cup to the . dreg and smack his lips. Tell him that bla leg must be amputated, and he ; will present the limb for dismember ment and smile as ho sees It severed. Tell him tbat ha Is to be hanged, and with no touch of amotion whatever" be will reply, "Jo hookra" ("whatever is ordered"), just as if bo bad been told tbat be muit have hla corns ' cut Blackwood's Magazine. There are a number of ambitious candidates competing for $1,200.00 in prizes to bo awarded by the MORNING ENTERPRISE on September 2nd; who are anxious to get your support. You are no doubt acquainted with a number of the ladies in the Contest, and would lend your assistance in the matter if asked to do so. If you will select a favorite candidate and notify her or the Contest Department of The Enterprise your communication will receive prompt attention. The prizes as described herewith will be given away absolutely free, and your subscription may be the means of making some candidate the happy recipient of either the :Graiid-Upright-Kimbaim Musical Education, a Business Scholarship or a Solid Gold Watch when the names of the wining candidates are announced. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS Do it to-day and you will encourage the young lady whom you have selected to win. VOTES ALLOWED ON PAID-IN-ADVANCE SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Six months' subscription to the Daily Enter prise, by carrier, $2.00, by mail, $1.50, 400 votes. ; One year's subscription, $4 by carrier, $3 by mail, 1 ,000 votes. Two years' subscription $8 by carrier, $6 by mail, 2,500 votes. Three years subscription, by carrier $12, by mail $9, 5,000 votes. Fivd years' subscription, by carrier $20, by mail $15, 10.000 votes. One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 500 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE $400 Each esOTEjra VALUE t fil $400 j Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SUBSCRIBERS Fill in the name of candidate fo whom you wish to favor wU your votes with remittance to your subscription or renewal to Contest Department The Enterprise. Add Name of subscriber. reis. Month. For M Veto Candidate. District Second Pfffces Two "20th Centtiry" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Df op Head $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Four Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes.and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD AX7 A TVTTr?o J1LL V.nCO (Ladles sUe) Purchased J at S K-I02I Burmeister &, Andf estf The Leading Jewelers of 619 Main St., OregonJCitf, Or- The above prizes will be awarded Saturday niqht Sentemh o . . of your favorite candidate is not .entered in ih5pbep 2n(l- If the name 1V- ,cu send it in tn-drw . . - - r - ' . For further particu lars addrocQ thd m