Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 01, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Men ' Ladies Children
I . fw days we are almost giving our oafordi and shoes away.
r"nrtna our annual CLEAN-UP BALE we are giving bargains In
ihoas thai will up our atook In a hurry.
ee Our Bargain Shoe Window
Lvosioa Bridge Cor.
Oregon City
gwass Ch ' Diasland.
Ico l a"'! country for tbe
LatUti to fregatbr tu."
Ltt'i tha answer"
hr -ten liiillntttommta an ipolri
J .11. Qolnn la ill at hr bom
V city.
Han DI. f Carua, was In thla
Li Monday.
Loan Howard, of Carua. waa In
Ity pn Monday.
V Eta Kmt spent Sunday In
I. rlstlng friends.
Iry Hughes, of eliaver Creek,
In tola city Monuay.
In. Sunday, to tha wife of Mr
of Mountain View, a 10 I X
k Herman, Frank Adama and
Boyle, of Molalla, were in this
la Monday.
t Bart 11 Water. Bold by all
irocrrlra and druggists.
and Mn. Ernest (Jueniher, of
vera vlaltors at Jennings
on Sunday. v
rlla Vinson returned to her
In St. Johna. after a visit to
li at Parkplace.
W, 0. Hamm and two children,
alt city. aent Monday with
la at Mountain View.
and Mm John Olllett want to
IHra on Sunday, where tbey at-
lb ctropmeetlng.
, Jarob gtelner and Mra. Hrhulti,
ft elty. vlalted frlenda In Jen-
Lodge on Monday.
Irlra Casio, one of tha prominent
Iri of Carua, waa In thla city
j on hlPway to Cortland. -
ii eat bread why not get Hoyal
The beat that money can
t Harrla' grocery.
Mlunle (irare, of Clarkea, baa
d from Corvallla, where abe
era attending aummer achool.
A. (5 Hull, of Cascadea, and
Idiugbtrr are vlaltlng Mra. Wll-
Robinson, of the Weat Hide.
ft Rose Miller, who haa been
l-aeper for the paat thirteen yeara
lbs Frank Huacb hardware and
fare at ore, baa realgned.
rs Joala Maaalnger, of Aberdeen,
who haa been visiting rela-
and frlenda at Shuhel. haa re
rd to her home.
K D. I). Khlndler, of Oakland.
baa .arrived In thla rltr to vlalt
hnother. Mra. J. W. Norrla. Mra.
Wler formerly lived In thla city
and Mra. W. C. Green and aon.
. who have been enjoying the
Ibreezea at Seaside, Oregon, will
m to their home In thla city to
Mllam Wllann, of Portland, naaaed
f'Kb thla city on Monday on bis
to Heaver Creek, where ha will
Imployed during the summer doing'
E. A. Sommer. formerlr of Ore-
iCIty, haa moved hla office to 1017
ptt building. Portland.
and Mra. Chsrlee Parker and
hteri. Ml Ha Martina and Harriet,
nave been camping near Bor-
I with a pHrty from Portland, hava
rned home.
lea Florence and Marian White
on Hmulity evening for River
r. near Kstacada, where they
t" guests for one week of their
Hal lianda, and wife.
Hone Marra. ' Mlaa Georgia
r Mra. William Smith and daugh-
I Mildred, went to tlaavar Prook on
lVlr whr they were gueata of
iruniaine. '
M Martha IJeaman tiaa accented
Mtlon ag clerk In the furniture
naniware atore of Frank Buach.
Mlaa Edith Itoar haa acrantari
flton aa cashier.
'ter buy auanp now ! mn n
I'Mer, n pounda for'$l, beat ran-
Harrla rr.r.
William Sheahan and family
r-uwara Bheahan and family and
Klierten left DaftMrilaw mira1n,
th To!) fjnt vh.r. h. .111 ra.
for aeveral weeka enjoying camp
Dalay Ijiraen. of thl dtv. will
f" Monday for Portland, where
J"in a party that will leave
"uay evenlna for a trln tn
rJ?1 vlBlt manT Plcea of Inter-
while on (ha trln iiiA ha
P but Hfteen daya.
r'Uholt ataaa 1..... .w. ai..tJ
I,.. --w "... ism U IW
each day at S o'clock n. m.
lv3lrKr!l.y' of Hoo1 lv"'. but form
I 01 lh, cly. ho la auperlnten-
lent and one of the ownera of Kll
dare ranch, wag. In thla city on ann
uity vlaltlng hla mother, Mra. . U
Kelly, and alatera, Mlaa Mlna Kelly
and Mra. K. A. Chapman.
Mra. Kber A. Chapman haa returned
from a week'a-end vlalt with her
brother ami hla wlfa. Mr. and Mra. V.
H. Kelly, of Portland. Kllxabotb Kelly,
datiKbiwr of Mr. and Mra. Kelly ar
rived In thla city Monday to vlalt
her grandmother. Mra. II. L. Kelly
and Mra. chapman,
lloHwrll I. Hulman will Icava for
Helm thla morning, where be will at
tend the Htate Funeral 1)1 rector a' Aa
MHlatlon meeilug. which will convene
at that place on Tueaday and We.1
neaday. Mr. Holiuan waa elected
prealdeiit at the meeting of the or
gNiilzatlon to aerve for one year.
Mr. and Mra. William Itoblnaon, and
tbe latter'a mother, Mra. Hall, will
iva thla. week fur Park
Hi To Fall on No Fewer
Seven This Season
where tney will apend a month. Mr.
Itolilnaon expectg to have a time of
hla life, aa thla la hla drat vacation
he haa had alnc coming to Oregon.
, Frank Iucaa and two aona. Will
and Charlea, Ixater and Clarence
Itrunner. of Parkplace, left on Bun
day morning for the Hot Springe,
where they will apend aeveral weeka
flxhlng and bunting. They expect to
bring big game home.
(iood coffee and tea la our bobby.
Try our 2.'c coffee and tuc tea. Can't
be beat. Harrla' grocery.
Mr. and Mra. Francla M. Ilrown, of
Mlaacula. Montana, have arrived In
thla city, and are ao well pleaaed that
they have decided to locate here ier
manenlly. The former haa accepted
a noaltlnn with the llawley pulp
Paper Company. They have taken
up their realdenre at 214 Third a'treet.
Mra. C. B. Myera and daugbtera.
Mlaaea Mabel. Annie and Wllma. will
leave on Augifet 1, for Twin Falla,
Idaho, where tbey will vlalt Maurice
Myera and Mra. Grace Iiurdett, aon
and daughter of Mra. Myera. They
expert to remain In Idaho untH Sep
tember, t
Mr. and Mra. Cliff Miller, and two
children, of Iowa, who left their home
In November, aud are making a tor
of aeveral of the atatea, have arrived
In Oregon City, and are the gueata of
Mr. and Mra. K. IX Ilarto. They have
vlalted In Colorado, California, and
will vlalt In Idaho and Washington.
Hellcateaaen: I A. Notle, 714 Main
atreet, baa Juat received from Wlacon
aln I.oon pounda new cheeae, cream.
Rwlaa and llnmurger. Fine for lunch.
J. II. Euaton. of Portland, Jnd S.
S. Ilrown. of Portland, Me., were In
thla city Sunday the gueata of Mra.
(S. W. Grace and Mra. K. W. Scott
Mr. Ilrown la ao Impreaaed with Ore
gon that he baa decided to locate
here. He eavea today for Seattle,
where he will vlalt a few daya before
returning to Maine.""
Mr. and Mra. J. L. Waldron anu
Mr. and Mra. fl. S. Walker, who apent
a, week at Ogle Creek rolnea. returned
to Oregon City Sunday night. The
party went by automobile, and left
the mlnea at 6 o'clock Sunday morn
ing, arriving here .at 11 o'clock, mak
ing excellent time aa the olatanre
la about 65 mllea.
, David Mitchell, formerly of Pendle
ton, who rroeaed the plalna In 1863
vlalted Juatlce of tbe Peace Samaon
Monday, Mr. Mitchell now Uvea at
Manager 'ef Cincinnati Ha th Ma
terial,1 but Ceuld Net Maka Ttim
Pennant Centandar McAlaar te t
elgn Tennty t Cat the Oate.
Tbe remarkable ablftlug of munugrra
In tbe major league two and three
yeara, ago la likely to be outdone at the
end of tbe preweut aeaaon. when uo iea
than aeven aklpwr of ntifortunaio
aecond dlvlalon ontflta will be aaked to
abow cauae why tbey ahould not I
aupilanted. I)laaolntl club own
era are already beginning to plan on
next ycar'e truiua, and at lent two
mnnngera have already made up tbelr
mlixU to n-Mlgn.
Tbla la Jim McAleer'a laat aenaon aa
a major league manager. Although be
U drawing a princely aalary In Waea-
V,. t -v
Tom Sopwith, the English Flfcr,
And His Sister Visiting America
: :f J
Photo by Amartcaa Prea Aaeoclattew.
8wlmmlng and bathing have become
a popular eport In Oregon City, and
many of the young women have al-
raadv laartMtd tha art of awtmtrilnK.
and there la no doubt that before
the cloae of the aeaaon there will be
many fancy awlmmera and dlvera. lha raiilila on tha Weat Side and
oppoalte the mouth of the Clackamaa
river large crowda of men. women,
.Irl. and hnva rather every evening
for the "dip" In the Willamette river.
There are many good awimmera
among the men, who look out after
thnaa who cannot awlm. Life oreaerv-
era are used by aome of the young
women, while water winga are uaeu
iv nthara. rtn Rnndav afternoon and
evening one of the largest crowda of
the aeaaon waa at that point, and
there alao were many at Canemah en
joying bathing. At the latter place
aome of the glrla have obtained a
houae, which la uaed for a dreaelng
room, and on tne oppoaue aiae oi tue
rlvi a Hraaalna- mom haa been COD-
atrucfed for Ur womerj.
. j .
Hotel Arrlvale.
The following are registered at the
Electrlo Hotel: W. 8. Rupert and
atfa Pnrtinndt TL B. Maaon and wife.
Portland; G. Ralney. city; George
Rider, city; M. C. Sprague. paut iwum
nn Anna Mumnower. Maisie
Qubel, H. M. Alderman, Portland; B.
Hurna, Lealle Sprague, Cathlnmet,
Waah.; N. B. Harvey, A. Klunacn, B.
E. Dunn, W. L Fuller. Jaineittown,
N. Y.; Leona Smith. P. P. Ournther,
ifananai n N. nrldenatlne. Damnacua;
ll R. Price, Portland; Joeeph Lauer-
man, Little Falia. Minn.; jonn reiera.
a. Mendv. Canbv. H. M. Gordon,
Juliet, ill.; R. C. Wygart, Salem.
Loda all othera. Remarkable r eaulta In two and three montha.
eniarlea fso to $80. Higher ata ndard than bualneaa collegea. '
Eclectic Business University
0r Marahall J751
WORCE 8TER BLOCK, Third St., corner Oak
.i ' Portland, Oregon
oua a a oairriTM of ciicixatl
lngton and hla contract doee not expire
until after tbe aeaaon of 1012. McAleer
la dlKgtiated over alTalra In Waalilug
ton and will get out. Tbe Waahtugtoo
club runa along with no bualneaa man
agement or ataff of acouta aucb aa oth
er club employ, and McAleer conae
quently fUid blwavlf atuck with a team
of veteran. He to wealthy and lutentta
to buy a minor league club In fact, he
baa already atari ed negotiation.
Clark Griffith baan'U a chance to
atlck In Cincinnati tbe way tblnga are
going there. GrlfT retrial ered a failure
with tbe Itwda. although he command
a team of Individual atara and haa
epeut much money In tbe upkeep of
hla machine. Tbe principal trouble la
lack of good pitching, the aame aa It
waa when Griff boaeed tbe Yankeea.
Cincinnati la down on tbe old frx, tbe
paper are burning up the team every
day. and nerrmnnn la dlaguated.
Other manngera who may be aaked
to more are Palay Donovan of tbe
Boaton AmerlCHna, Bob Wallace of tbe
St. Loula Browne, George Stovall of
Clerelaud. Fred Tenney, Boeton Na
tlonala. and poaalbly BUI Dahlen of
Brooklyn. - . 1
Aa long aa John I. Taylor owna the
Red Sox John I. Taylor will be tbelr
manager. He may not bold the offi
cial title, but be la tbe boea. Taylor
travela with the team, calla down tbe
atbletea. plcka the -pltchera. handa out
auapenalona and engtneera all deala.
He baa picked to plecea the good team
that Fred Lake left him. Donovan
abouldura tbe blame, and Taylor la
looking for a new acapegoat. Jimmy
Colllna, George Huff. Bob Unglaub.
Jim McGuIre and Fred Lake could not
ault Taylor, and neither can Donovan.
In 8L Loula It la believed that Bob
Wallace will voluntarily realgn tbe
management of the Brown a, but will
remain with the team. Fred Lake will
be bla auc-eaaor If there la a change.
Fred Tenney'a daya In Boaton are
numbered. , It la officially denied, but
nevertbeleaa It la a certainty that
Johnny Kllng baa been promised the
management of tbe Rustler.
Harry Davla haa been offered the
management' of the Cleveland team
and prolwbly will accept next winter.
George Stovall. the present leader of
the Napa, la willing to liecome a pri
vate again. Stovall'a appointment to
eucceed McGuIre tin never been con
aldcred aa anylbfng but a temporary
Bill rablen haa hrtd, aome bard luck
In Brooklyn Thla la hla second year,
and If tbe Dodger foil to finish high
er than eeventh Dnhlen may be asked
to quit.
Cincinnati fana would like to aee
John Oanzel bnck there, because they
believe that Jobn never waa given a
ahow In tbe year thnt he worried
along with the Red. Ganxel bna won
two penoflnts at Rochester and baa an
excellent chance t capture a third.' .
Concerning Frank Chance. Hngh
Jennlng. John McOraw and Connie
Mack, we venture the opinion that
tbey will he fonnd doing bualneaa at
the aame old atand In 1912. no matter
who wlna the world championship
next fall. '
According to Rule.
"Why. you abHcntmluded man, are
you atartlng out with an umbrella on
aucb a ablny dayf
"I am bound for the art gallery."
"But you cannot exhibit an umbrel
la T
"Of courae not but a notice on tbe
catalogue aaya that one muat leave bla
cane or umbrella outalde before be
can enter." Puck,
It We Poor.
"What the worm silK-e you erer
got?" "A friend tout me in n uiy own
Judgment." I tHetlo MiiiO
"'t fry n Pr. laanclatlfln-
TOM BOPWITH.- the young English aviator who recently came to
America, baa been doing aome remarkable feat In hla aeroplane. ' Ella
reputation waa made In England when be won a prise of $10,000 by
making the longest flight from Engliah soil acrona tbe channel to tbe
continent. He landed In Belgium, making bla flight only two daya before the
date aet for the cloalng of tbe competition. He afterward flew In bla aero
plane to Windsor caatle, where be waa received by King George, n and hla
alater took luncheon with tbe Engllab ruler and hla family. Bopwltb hn
recently Ix-en flying around New York and baa carried aeveral passenger,
notably Timothy L. Woodruff, former lieutenant governor of New York, and
Mra. Woodruff. He made aeveral fllghta with Mra. Woodruff, taking her long
distances and to a considerable height One day when Mr. Woodruff waa
wanted suddenly Sopwlth flew oat on tbe golf llnka. fonnd the politician and
brought blm back In bla machine. In the picture above Mr. Sopwlth and bla
alater appear In tbe center of the photograph, bla manager belngr on bla right,
with hla mechanicians to his left and nn the rrmtnd before blm.
Tbe binder can be beard every
where and everybody la working early
and late.
Mr. Hlnlnger la building a large
barn. eGorge Kernea la the carpenter.
N. S. Oldhauaa la setting timbers
for a barn on the D. H. Mosler place.
Mlaa Margaret Bateahaa been hired
to teach an eight months' terma at
achool No. 70.
A. M. Kerch era la at borne and la
much Improved la health. .
A large crowd attended the Sun
day achool picnic at Little Clear
Tbe atork mad a vlalt to Mr. and
Mra. Hlnklea, July 29.
The Redland braaa band entertained
a large crowd on Mr. and Mra. Hol
Ungworth'a lawn Saturday night ,
Rev. Smith, an evangellat preached
at the Methodist church Sunday and
will preach again on the 13th and
every two' weeka until conference.
Mr. Smith la a good talker. All are
Invited to hear him.
tl la reported that George Kernea
and family are golnj to Cook county
tbla week.
' It la reported that the Edward Mor
gan place haa been Bold.
Victor Wlckland and brother are
cutting grftln for their nelghbora.
Mr. Shearer haa begun cucumber
picking. He la the only man near
here who grow them for a Portland
' Frank Haberlach haa purchaaed a
gasoline engine. He will Irrigate bla
celery planta with water drawn up
from tbe Clackamaa river.
Anton Helnrlrh haa bought an auto
mobile. Mra. G. Haberlach and her two
daughters . and grandchild apent a
pleasant Sunday at Gladstone with
Mra. C. Parrlsh.
Mra. V. Conway, of Jennings Lodge,
apent Sunday with Mra. Dechllda.
Mr. Daywat la building a barn. ;
Mlaa Regtna Hetirth, of Parkplace,
entertained a few -of her frlenda at
her home on Saturday evening In
honor of the eighth grade graduates,
she being one of the membera of the
class. . The party (waa In the form of
a lawn fete, aud the lawn waa bril
liantly lighted with Chinese lanterna.
Refreshments were aerved, and a
large cake with the wording "Eighth
Grade Graduates of Parkplace," adorn
ed the center of the table, and taeted
JiiBt aa good aa it looked. Mlaa Heurth
waa assisted In the entertainment df
her guests by Mlaa Helen Urunner.
Gamea and mualo were the features
of the evening's entertainment
Those present were Mlaa Qladya
Wyman, Mlaa Minnie John aon, Mlsa
Blanche Davenport, Mlaa Laura Brun
ner Mlsa Helen Brunner, Mlaa Marie
Holmes, Mlsa Mary Heurth, Mlaa
Sophia Gray, Will Lucas, Charlie Lu
cas, Willie Maple, Lealle Clyde, Willie
Maple, Lealle Clyde, Willie McMann,
Dan McMann, Harry French, Lester
Brunner, Henry Wyman, Guaale Rivera.
The day are ever divine. They
come and go like muffled and veiled
figure t seth from a distant friendly
party, but they ay nothing, and if
we do not use the gifts they bring
they carry them at alently away.
Ralph Waldo Emenoh.
LOS ANGELES. Cal July 31.
(Special). Loa Angelea beat Port
land again today and Vernon la crowd
ing the champlona for first place.
No one seems to be able to figure out
tbe cauae of the Beavers' audden
slump and unless tbey play better
ball tbe bunting will not be theirs
thla year. Both Seaton and Diiscoll
were hit hard each team connecting
safely with the lapbere ten times.
Two errors were made by each team.
Portland mad one in the third and
two In the seventh. Loa Angelea
stored one In tbe fifth, four In the
seventh and one in tbe eighth.
Tbe resulta Monday were aa fol
lows: Pacific Coast Leaue Loa Angelea
. Portland : no other gamea schedul
ed. 1 '
Northwestern League Portland 3,
Victoria 2; Tacoma 1, Vancouver 0;
Seattle 6, Spokane z.
American League Boston 3-2, St
Loula 2-3; Chicago 13. New York 0;
Waahlngton 5. Cleveland 2; Detroit
6, Philadelphia 3.
National league Chicago 4, Phila
delphia 2; Cincinnati 1, Brooklyn 1;
New York 3, St Loula 2; Pittsburg
8. Boston 1. '
Pacific Coast.
- W. U P.C,
Portland .. , 64 SO .562
I Vernon 66 . . SS v .646
1 Oakland 66 69 .628
San Francisco 60 62 .492
Sacramento 66 63 .471
Loa Angelea 60 73 .407
W. ( U P.C.
Vancouver ..... 64 , 42 " .604
Tacoma . ., 61 44 .681
Spokane .... 68 48 .647
Seattle .... 63 50 .515
Portland 49 64 .476
Victoria 29 76 .276
Oregon City. July 29, 1911.
Editor i Morning Enterprise!
The writer wkahee to voice the sen
timent of a number of citizena re
garding the unsightly manner In
which aome atreeta have been treat
ed. Reference la made to the manner
of breaking grade on aome of the new
atreeta. Attention la particularly call
ed to Sixth atreet, between Bluff and
Center, and Waahlngton atreet be
tween Elgth and Ninth. Did any
one, anywhere, ever aee a street,
where it became necessary to break
grade, treated ao abruptly and.un
alghtly aa these?
The cement aldewalka are conspic
uously noticeable, coming aa they do
to an abrupt point and breaking as
abruptly down on the other aide.
To the approaching pedestrian
these points loom up not .unlike the
dome of Mount Hood, but not quite
so picturesque, however.
Were a man constructing a private
walk where It waa necessary to break
grade, he would undoubtedly be coa
aldered a man with utter lack of
aesthetic temperament If he brought
hla walk to an abrupt break Instead
of rounding It off In pleasing contour.
It coata plenty of good hard cash to
Improve the atreeta of Oregon City,
and since It la no greater expenae to
make them pleasing and attractive aa
well aa more easily traveled, let those
who have Buffered poor work Insist
on It being rectified and more care
will perhapa be taken In tbe future to
have the plans right In the first place.
No property owner ahould be com
pelled to pay for auch so-called lm
provementa aa these mentioned.
H. B. C.
.OO-Kl.HT tif k7- C. . - '-H-l-K.ri r ri CO.
WE sell only tip top quality in groceries
so that we may fcet your trade-and re
tain it. - Every item we end out is an adver
tisement of the quality oflhe others Ifwe
did not maintain tip top value always, our business would not con
tinue to grow as rapidly as it does. Inspect our extensive stock
or telephone a trial order.
Oregon City t "Weinhard BMg.
Nothing will give yon more power and Influence In the world than a thpr
orgh knowledge of the law. "It la the combined wisdom of the ages.
Three yeara' course wltb degree. 8 tandard Is equal to the Eastern law .
schools and the work la moat thoroughly, done. Fully prepares for the Bar
examlnatlona. ,
The achool la In ae salon all the year In both day and night claaaea. En
roll at any time; do It now. ( :
Phones, Marshall 2751, A-6446 631 Worcester Block, Portland, Or.
PORTLAND, July 28. (Special).
Six arrests and convictions In Waah
lngton, aeveral more In the ' other
Northweatern atatea, and auch deci
sive organised work on all fires by
the aeveral public and private agen
cies that little loss has been sus
tained, mark the openln of the 19i
forest fire season. Advicea received
today by the Western Forestry and
Conservation Association from nearly
all Btatea, government and private
protective agenclea are that the re
cent hot weather haa brought danger
ous conditions almoat' everywhere,
and that amall fires are already num
erous, but nearly all have been ex
tinguished or confined to slashlnga
and old burns. There has been con
siderable Iobs of settlers' Improve
ments and logging equipment care
lessly left surrounded by Inflammable
material, but comparatively little In
Jury to aUvndlng timber.
Reversing last year's experience,
fires serous enough to be alarming
began first In Oregon, where In Linn
and Clackamaa counties about $70,
0X worth of logging equipment and
the property of aeveral settlers have
been destroyed by slashing flrea
which were, however, soon brought
under control by a large force em
ployed by the Forest Service and by
private companies. Many other flrea
throughout the atate which cauaed
exaggerated reporta also proved to
be chiefly onvopen lands. - Organisa
tion of tbe state'a patrol system under
the new law la practically complete,
there being state fire wardens In 22
counties. Timber owners connected
with th Oregon Forest Fire Associa
tion have abont 250 patrolmen. In
response to petitions from property
owners, some of'the counties are also
hiring patrolmen. The state has ap
plied to the Secretary of Agriculture
for $10,000 under the Weeks law,
which authorizes the expenditure of
this sum by the government In co
operation with ' any state which will
add a like amount.
Summarized, the reporta show that
the recent hot weather has brought
hazardous conditions more suddenly
than la generally realized' and that
from now on no fire la too Insignifi
cant to be dangerous. . Settlers, camp
ers and loggera are urged by the
association to tak every possible pre
caution and to lose no time In notify
ing the proper authorltiea of any
flrea they are unable to extinguish
quickly without aid. Timber ownera
are advised to perfect their systems
of patrol and report so aa to permit
getting labor and auppllea to flrea
without delay.
Oregon's Popular Beach Reaor
An Ideal retneat for outdoor pas
times of all kinds. Hunting. Fishing.
Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto
Ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller
Skating. Where pretty water agates,
moas agates, moonstones, carnelans
can be Sound on the beach. Pure
mountain water and the beat of food
at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs
and oysters, wltb abundance of vege
tables of all kinds dally. . ,
Camping Grounds Convenient and At
. tractive.
A . -, - :
wth strict sanitary regulations
from all -joints In Oregon, Waahing
' ton and Idaho on sale dally.
from Southern Pacific polnta Port
land to Cottage Grove; also from all
CAE. stations Albany and west.
Oood going Saturday or Sunday and
for return Sunday or Monday.
Call on any 8. P. or C A E. Agent
for full particulate as to fares, trains,
schedules, etc.; also for copy of out
Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Or
gon," or write to
Wm. McMurray
Portland Oregon.
A Warning H !. . -
"I once heard your wife recite 'Cur
few Shall Mot Ring Tonight.' " aald the
reminiscent friend.
'Yes." responded Mr. Meekton. with
a smile vf confident approval. "And
I take notice that the curfew haa gone
out of business "Washington Star.
M. A. Linden to the Shaw-Fear
remnant Int 9$ - nukrdmftn'a A ll ll I- .
tlon to Jennlnga Lodge; $1.
. Alfred Horn and Florence Horn to '
Jamea Wilkinson and Henry Howell
Hughes; $100.
-John Thompson to Sarah A. Smlto,
northerly half of lot 2 of block 140,
Oregon City; $10. .
George S. McVey to Sarah A. Mc
Vey, northeast quarter of southeast
quarter of section SO, township 2
south, range 6 east; $10.
William and Vanda Walters to Jane
W. Oathout, 10 acres, section 6, towns
ship 4 south, range 1 east; $3,000 .
Harry O. and Grace Field to John
Kubik, lot 13, Coolridge Home Trncte;
John and Mollle Stormer to C. E.
Dubois, lot 6, section 29, township 3
south, range 4 east. 20 acres; $1.
John II and Rosalind Gibson to
Theodore and Lena Sericko, weat half
of tract 25, Olbaon's subdlvialon of
tracts 10, 11, 12 and 12, and west 480
feet of tracts 1 and 12 of Igu4
tracts; $650. -
Ia L and Martha E. Andrews to
George andTtfellssa Oaborn, land art-"
joining Spring Branch; $360.
Trustees of Clackamas Cemetery
Association to Eliza Starkweather, lot
J, and south 15 feet of lot P, Clacka
maa Cemetery; $20.
Phllatnea Claae to Meet.'
The Phllatnea Clasa of the Baptist
church' will meet at tbe borne of Mra.
Olmstead on Thirteenth atreet near
Main atreet tomorrow evening, when,
bualneaa of Importance will be trait?"