- J MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY. AUGUST 1. 1911 r,- MOSniNG ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON . C trftODIE. Editor and Publisher. "sintered aa wenl-olua aaattar Jaat urr , llll. at the poet oAles at Orocoa City, Oroa. Bade IM Act of Maron i im." TBtW f KttCtlrTIOIt. On Tw, by Btall ix Moo tha. by snail Four Hoot ha. by Mil Par wa. by tiiloi ... ...... ...W M ... IM ... I N ... a. Flrat Paa, par mca tlrot tnaartioa....lS rtrat Pui, par tuck) ad dad Inaarttooe. -lac ftarwied pnaltxa any paaro. par snc first htaartkn ..IM eVfi-rrnl poaittoa aay pac. par aoB added raarrtlooo la turn paper other thaa drat pam. par Bach rank Inatrtioa 11a Haa paper othar tbaa flrat paaw. par aaeo. taa paper advied aa Laxmla leo set- Owe; to rcewlar advar Uaars ic ttae. Waata. Far Bala. Ta Rant. ate.. eoa ml a word rtrat fcasorUoo; oae-hojf eant ' wrd addtttoaaX Hmtmm for edTarttelwa. at ba Waakly Eaterprtaa will ba tha aana aa ta tha daily, for advorttaements aat aapocially or tha waty. Wriera tha aarartiaa nan t ta transferred from tba dairy to tha woek ty, artUioot cbaaaw. tha rata wUI ba as aa bca (or nut af tha papar. and laa aa lac for spoctai poslrksv . Cook should aeeoaapaay order wbara party Is uwkwovra la bwatneea efrtca of ke Katorprtae. Lacal advertising at less) advertlatna eaieo. T Circus adverttalmr and apactal traaalant advarttainc at lie to Me aa Sneo, accord -mt ta apodal conditions gotoraing tba and Bankrupt BaJa : Inch ftrat fnaartioa; addl- jasMu aamtoaf aat matter ate tocfa- Raws Itrana and aral! wrtttaa arthstaa of aaerlt. wtth intaraat to local raadara. arm bo gladly aocoptwol Rejected suaau- amlpU aevor returned uwkme lad by atuaoa to prepay pian CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Aug. 1 In American History. 1801 Jonathan Edwards, distinguish ed metaphysician, died; born 1745. 1903 Mrs Jsne Bock ("Calamity Jane"), who achieved fame as aa aid to Generals Custer and MUes In their battles with the Indians, died at Terry. 8. IX ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.! Boa sets 7.11. rises 423: moon sets 1025 p. m.: 6 45 p. m eastern time. - aaooa at Oral quarter In conoaeUarloa Libra; 2C p. la, moon In conjunction with Jo.lter. passing from weat to eart of the planet. 1 degreex sooth there- j of. Halley's comet In conjunction with the nna In AngUKt. having been telescoplcally risible thus far. but now disappears for about 74 years, rianeta Mars and Sstarn this month In Arie. approaching a conjunction so near that they wUI appear like a double star. Encke's comet doe this month st peri helion, period of 33 years: also ftsrn ard's comet, period K.4 yesrs; perseid meteors visible till 28th in nortbesxt. Constellations visible, SO p. m, dur ing August: Owerbesd. Hercules. Lyra: north, Draco, TJrsa Minor v northeast. Cassiopeia, Andromeda. Cepbeus. Cyg Bus; east. Pegasus. Aquarlns, Delphi Bus; southeast, Capricornus:' south, Aquila. Ophluchus. Serpens. Sagittari us. Scorpio; sooth west . Llbrs; west, Virgo. Corona Borealls. Bootes; north west. Canes TenatlcL Drsa Major. We hare factories In this state which today are struggling for exis tence, nd which would be running along smoothly. If each man, woman and child In the slate would Insist on having the home prod net. It Is hot asked that onr people buy "Made In Oregon" goods in preference to goods made elsewhere, unless the home product is equal In quality, ap pearance and price to the same goods made elsewhere. But even the casual investigation of our citizens will show that our manufactories In most lines are turning out goods today the equal of any In th country, and the Manu facturers' Association only aska that when sack goods are offered that they be given the preference. : a : J The Oklahoma courts are resolutely refusing to give recognition to "near beer." And yet there ' have been many pilgrim patrons of Oklahoma bootleggers who haven't had a chance to recognize anything at all near whisky. The Democrats of Omaha, In con vention assembled, have denounced William J. Bryan as a bolter. Well. - If Mr. Harmon should be nominated On Entering Politics Woman Loses Respect and Dignity -to Which She Is Entitled Er CARDINAL ITT should a woman lower should a woman leave her rrw plav the came of politics into contact with men at the polling places! Why should he long to rub elbows with men who are her inferiors intellectually and morally t Whv should a woman long to go into the streets and leave behind her a happy home, her children, a husband and every thing that goes to make up the ideal domestic life? I think he AV ERAGE man and woman will admit that it will be difficult to find REASONABLE answers to these questions. - I am HOSTILE to woman snffrage. always have been and will continue to be. Some one ia always asking me why I oppose woman suffrage. I am always wondering why they ask me that question. I have written about the subject for years. I have preached about it, and I will CONTINUE to urge that nothing be done which will take woman out'of her PROrER SPHERE. WHEN A WOMAN ENTERS THE POLTICAL ARENA SHE GOES OUT8IDE THE SPHERE FOR WHICH SHE WAS INTENDED. SHE CAINS NOTHING BY THAT JOURNEY. ON THE OTHER HAND, HI LOSES THAT EXCLUSIVENESS. RESPECT AND DIGNITY TO WHICH SHE IS ENTITLED IN HER HOME. . . 1 I ill for President, Mr. Bryan might be nominated for vice-president to make tbe ticket harmonious. -aes- Senator Stone gave nolle that hi "alliance with tha president" would terminate m soon as tha reciprocity pact passes tha Senate. Tbe Missouri senator In this mat, no doubt, express ing the feeling and poller of his party. Milady's JMirror Whitaning tha Skin. There Is nothing better th.m lemou Jnlce for whitening the sklu nml ni;ik Ins It smooth and soft, but It niut never be applied uudlluted. It is oiucb too strong. Tbe best lotion to mis with It arben It Is to be nsed on the fsce t rose wster. To three parts of rwexter dd one part of lemon Juice bli! with soft Unen rsg dab thin alt over tbe face, Then rub It gently Into tbe vfcin BDtll all tbe moisture Is slworbed. To obtsln tbe effect you desire yon should wash your fsce thoroughly la tepid water In tbe morning and then apply some of the lemon Juice snd rose water lotion. Instead of usluc i soap and water for cleansing during the day, Junt wipe your face over wltb -the lotion, which you. wi ill Cud tjuitt effectual In removing sll tbe dust. At night, before retiring, wssb your face thoroughly In hot water which has been softened with toilet oatmeal (or ordinary oatmeal tied up In a mus line bsgi. dry well and then apply some cold cream. Leave this on your skin for Ave or ten minutes, then wipe It off gently with a soft rsg. Care of tha Lips. Sometimes Ftrla with good tips spoil their beauty by csrelens little habits f which they are unaware and no one baa been kind enough to tell them A faulty closure of the nioutb will alter tbe entire exprewlon. It gives a look of heavy vacancy and stupidity and Is often due to Improper breathing. Biting or gnawing tbe lips or con stantly moistening them with tha tongue Is a bad habit, due sometimes to excessive nervousness, but often to a desire to mske the mouth bright red. Such treatment not only makes the Up thick and colorless, but tbe deli cate muscles become distorted and twisted, or a protruding mouth Is tbe result. A few ' minutes" study before the mirror a-ill show Just bow to hold tbe lips In order to preserve their free, delicate curvea. Unwisa Naglect. Tbe girl who tans or freckles easily most never neglect her complexion for a single day In summer. Summer freckles are not so bad ss the perma nent variety, but both can ami should be svoided. It In advisable to go collarless In Rummer both to give the throat a little freedom from restrain and nlso to al low tbe neck to tan. ho tbut tbe dread ful line between sunburn nnd white skin Is safely avoided The present pretty fashion of col larless frocks Is a boon to the girl wbo wishes to develop a well rounded throat Linen collars will line the neck. Any tight or stiff collar will spoil the contour unless constant massage with a soothing cream la persisted in. Puffy Eysa. PuSIness under the eyes Is usually caused by late hours ' or eye strain. Apply tbe following eye wanj to tbe eyes twice a day: Ten grains borax, one ounce camphor water not spirits of camphor. An outward application to tbe skin beneath tbe eyes wUI also assist in removing tbe pufflness. To this mix together twenty grains of tan nic acid with one ounce of pure glycer in and paint the skin beneath tbe low er lid. nsing a fine earners hair brush. Accompany this treatment with a course of gentle massage to tbe skin around tbe eyes and in a short time all traces of the trouble will bsve dis appeared. Hoe First Attempt. Mr. Toungbride This coffee, my love. Is er . Mrs. Youngbrtde I know thst It la not very good. desr. but I've boiled It for over half sn hour and the kernels haven't melted one bit. Boston Tran scriot. e I CIBBON5 herself to sordid politics? Whr home and go into the streets to I nr should she lone to come Mi , - . .i . . - ' I m wmm as.- . f LATEST MARKETS HIDES (Buying Green hides. So to 6c; aalters, SVc to tc; dry hides, 12c to 14C. Shtep pelts, 1S to 75c each. DRIED FRUITS Local prices are Arm at from So to 10c on apples and prunes. Reaches are Ivc. SALT Selling SOo to 90c tor floe. (0 lb. sack, halt ground 40c; 7S for 100 lb. Backs Portland Vegetable tfsrkst. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $114611.50 per sack; parsnips. $1 !4 OIl.BO; turnips, 11.250 M50; beets, l-o0. VEGETABLES Asparagus. 90c IL75 per crate; eabbage, uew, 12 per hundredweight: cauliflower, Sl.oOO 11.75 per dozen; celery, California, 7ic ft 90c per dosen; cucumber. Sl.SO 13.25 per dozen; eggpianL 15c per lb.; garlic. 10cC12c per pound; lettuce. 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce. 1.50 6)1 per box: peas. 9c 11c per pcttnd; peppers. 30c25c per pound; radishes, lie per dosen; rhubarb, l"c iSc per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes. !;t? 13.25. ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon i 12.75 per 100: Australian. 11.60 per 100; Texas, 12.25 per crate: Califor nia, 12 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotations HOGS Hogs are quoted He lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. SS. from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. me. BACON. LARD aiid HAM. are firm VEAL CALVES Veal calves ortng from 8c to luc according to grade. BEEF STEERS Beet -leers for the local markets are fetching IHcto 6Hc live a-elgnt. ' 8HEEP nrtn at e to Se live weight QH6tlTBfJiPorrjreg6n City. POTATOES Best, Buying IH cents pound. . FLOUR AND FEED Flour Is steady, selling from 15 to 15 30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buvng) Cray, 123 to 111, white, from 125 to 126. BUTTER (Buying? Ordinary ccantry brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 20c to 12?. cream ery 22c to z5c EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tle good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c Old roosters are ia poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to ISc with good demand. WOOLr (Buy-.bg) A'ool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts 129 to 130; rolled barley. 131.50 to 132.50; process bar ley, $33.00; whole corn. 139.00: cracked corn, 140.00; wheat 132.00 u 133; oil meal, 153; Shady Brook dairy feed, 11.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.) Timothy 116 to 117; clover 19 to 110; oat hay, best, 112; mixed, 110 to 112; alfalfa. 112 to 114. CATTLE MARKET IS LOWER. Demand Good For Fat, Smooth Steers and Cows. The Portland Union Stock Yards Company reports as follows: Receipts for the past week Lave been as ofllows: Cattle 1915; calves 288; hogs 902; sheep 5077. and horses 33. While receipts In cattle were com paratively liberal no choice stuff was offered with the exception of two or three cars of cows and heifers. This preponderance of thin and half finish ed stuff makes for a lower market as much of it has to be disposed of for reeding and grazing purposes. De mand is good for fat. smooth steers and cows, as buyers are always ready and willing to pay the price for that class of stock. The veal market Is steady to strong with tops as 17.25 for best light will finished calves. Bulls are selling from 13 to 13.50 and stags from 14 to $5. The hog market continues to ad vance, best swine weighing around 200 pounds, now selling for 17.65, while smooth heavy hogs bring as high as 7 cents. Supply inadequate to tbe demand. The sheep market showed unexpect ed strength when ML Adams lambs brought 15.75 with lighter offerings, bringing from 15.05 to 15.35. A large bunch of wethers sold for 13.35. Ewes all the way from 1.50 to 3 cents for the best grades. In the horse division drafters and drivers continues to head the proces sion in point of demand. 177 Steers 1180 15.75 33 Steers .1225 5.60 93 Steers 1159 5.50 80 Steers 1080 5.35 127 Calves 216 7.00 28 Calves 306 5.25 10 Bulls 1140 3.60 3 Stags 1200 6.00 89 Heifers 933 6.15 70 Cows 980 4.75 121 Cows 1040 4.50 86 Cows 965 4.35 123 Hogs 190 7.65 I 80 Hoks 207 7.25 2 Hogs 285 7.25 3 Hogs 333 7.00 483 Lambs .. 82 5.75 157 Wethers 97 3.35 579 Wethers 94 3.25 552 Ewes 93. 2.70 VOTE o GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled la with the name of the candidate you wish to vote for, will oe count ad ss one vote. 4 Name of candidate a Address ? , d a) This coupon Is void after August 4th. Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat. 4, a f. NOMINATION GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE 1 wish to Nominate Miss Address d Nomlnsted by Address , . This nomination hlank whan - . i ... ' - u i u oiiu unjuRDi or mailed to Contest Department of The Enterprise will count for 2.500 votes. Only one of these blanks will be credited to eecb csn- dldate. 4aa4 4d. xddddddd Wants, For Sale, Etc Mobtoaa ondar tba olaa alDad hiaai will ba lnaaid at aaia east a word, nbaS Inaarttan. hall a aa aaiUkauU baaar ttona. iM tech oar. II par oioaitb. hJf toil aord. I naaaj l par walk Cash atuat aaapaar ordar aalraa ana has aa open account with tba papar. Ha financial raapaoalblllty for ermro; whart arrora eomr fraa oarr.atrd noUoo will b prlalad for potroa. Minimum anara IK WANTSO. WANTED Collectors to T col lection of all sorts of curios, an tiques, and Indian trinkets: stsmps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow baada for arch eologists, etc I buy and sell all sorts of curios; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tool a. George Young, Main, near Fifth street. WANT-aniaii advertisements for thla column. Prices "try reason able. Bee rates at bead of eoltmn. Read tbe Morning enterprise. WANTED You to hno thst the En terprise Job printing department Is the most complete to tne State, outatde Portland. Try i'r our next printing. WANTED PoaiUon by npn-lemcd. nurse, or as companion (or elderly lady or housekeeper for small fam ily. Inquire at Enterprise or tele phone Main 2353. WANTED One hundred hopplckers for John Waiting's hop yard. Fine mountain water, fruit free, and one of the beat places to camp In state. 8. R. Green, 'phone B-i:6. FOR SALE One South wick hay press; one 10-horse power gasoline engine. 11400.00 outfit for less than half. Will Bell or trade. Address Enter prise office. FOR SALE Space In this column Sell that old plow or harrow; you don't uae It since you purchased your new one. LOST. LOST Sunday, between Presbyterian church and Mr. Yoder's place, a black handbag, containing pair gold frame glasses and two hand kerchiefs. Return to Mrs. J. P. RoehJ on Pearl street snd receive reward. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck A Dlmlck. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNaTYS, O. D BTBY, Atioraey-at-Law. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles exsmlned. oats tea settled, gen eral law business. Over . Bank al Oreaoa City. U'RKN A 8CHUa7BEL. Attorneys-st Law, Deutsche? Advokst, wttl prao Uoe In all courts, make collection and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg Oregon Ctty. Oregon. BUILDER AND CO"""! ACTOR. HARRY JONBS Builder and Genersi Contractor. Estimates cheerfull given on all classes of building work, concrete wsiks ana reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Main 11L INSURANCE. !. H. COOPER, foe Fire Insursner and Real Estate. Lot ns handle your properties we bay, sen and exchange. Office la Enterprise Bldg.. Oregon City, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. Notice of Application for Vacstlon of Alley. NOTICE Is hereby given that the un dersigned petitioners have petition ed the City Council of Oregon City to reduce the width of the Alley in Block 66, of Oregon City, Oregon, from 26 feet aide to 10 feet wide, and that said matter will be heard and determined at a special meet Ing f' aM Council to be held at the Council chamber. In Oregon City, Oregv. on tne 10th day of August, 1911, at the hour of 8 p. m. of said y. Dated, July 11th. 1911. ALMA C BROWN ELL, C. G. HUNTLEY. H. L. PATTERSON. TREA8URE CHEST, full of hundreds of dollars In hard cash! The TRAIL, to It, any wideawake boy can follow. Don't worry any loager where to ret real money or whatever article you want. Come to me and get It. Parents Investigate! for this self-same ROAD has led many a boy to a bank ac count. Come with your boy It you choose. Come early. Huntley Bros., Oregon City, Of. COUPON. f , 4 4. a, , , d d a BLANK. HUNDRED VOTES. nmn.,1. mii.j i m , v. . M i- ..I 11 II a FOR YOUTHFUL BELLES. Charming PlaiUd Freak s Blue and Wh.ta Parsala. OIBL'B rtHCAI.B riHBna. , Thla rharnilnir drtwa for B llttl girl Is of One percale. led with a plulu bapd or nlue. Tne Mouse cioaea m the front at the left and Is adortied with a t""tla row ..f viry tiny but tons. Tbe nek Is finished ..with s round collar of the mslerlnl piped in s double Hue. Tbe elbow sleeves have turned back cuffs. The plaited skirt and blouse are In scarate pieces, the former being finished with a neatly piped belt. FRIEND OF AMERICANS. Crewn Princsss ef Rsumsnls, Wbe En joy Maating Tham. Crown Princess Mario of Roumsnla, daughter of tbe Iste Duke of Kaie- Coburg;.tba. la the friend itT Amer Iran a Km-entlv society lesders In Bucbsreal let It be known thst tht Americsn women ' la tbe Kountsntsn capital need not eipect sorlnl recogni tion. About this time Invitations were sent out for a social at which. It was ei pected Princess Marie herself wss to be a guest of bot.or. According to cus tom, the nsmes of the proposed guests f Photo by American Praaa AaaoclatloA. rHINCBBS BLUAHBTH P BOUMANU to the function were submitted to the royal lady. She scanned the list snd then remarked: "I see the nsmes of So-snd-so are not here." "They are Americans, your royal highness." was the reply. "They ore dlstlnguiched guests in our capital. If their names are not Included In this list of guests I shall not attend the reception." declared the princess, returning the lint with sn sir of finality that bad Its effect. Every American woman of any social stand ing at all was Immediately Invited to the affair, and the princess made a point of singling out tbe unpopular Americans for gracious attentions. Like Queen Mary, the beautiful Rou manian crown priiH-ess Is n woman of remarkable intelligence. Moreover, she Is extremely tactful and clever; It Is said If Ferdl.iHbd ever comes to tbs throne of Roumnnln she will l the power behind the throne; Her daugh ter, the Princess Elizabeth, who in lerlts lunch of her mother's beauty, la ow seventeen, the same sge as the belr to tbe English throne. A msr rlsee between the two would not be onplesslng to the English people and would certsinly be desirable for Rou msnla from a diplomatic standpoint. The suggestion that a match be ar ranged with Princess Mand Alexan dra of Fife, second dnughter of the king's sister. Ioulse. duchess of Fife, has not been received with much en tbuslnsm by the English people, wlih whom tbe Fife connection la .not very popular. However, rumor now nays that the lovely Princeaa K'lml.eih Ix engaged to Prince fSenrue. eldi-st son of tbe crown prince of !ree e . Ins Same Hols. An Ineaperieui-ed jouug fellow sat railed upon to make a speech at a tmn quet at which Speaker Cannon wu proept In fact, tbe spesker sat nexi to the young man. "Gefasemen." began the young fel low, -my opinion Is that the generality f mankind in genersi Is disposed to use advantage of the generality of" Tbe spesker grabbed the boy by the arm and. pulling him down to hlni said: "Fit down. son.. Too are coming ont of the as me bole yon went in." Ex Vj':' ' ' ' 7 I n i No Guesswork about your money msttsra whsn y. art a depositor hsra. v..r hills are all "X ". Veue ahesk, whan rsturn.a. k., soT.s a rscVpt. No trouble .bout .h.nBe. n. dl.puts. sbou, mania, no qusttlon as lo wh.ro your money hat eon., or h, yoU rec.lvd. Your p... booh and th. .tub. of your lwy. t.M b awry. (M a,nq OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IR THE COUNTY ll C LATtM'HieTTC PrUrt.uV r. J- mm J EH, Cu, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, S60.aoa.0a Tr.,oU s 6-e.r.l Ssnhlng --slneas. wm HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE Mr. and Mrs. r'red Ileidermsnn. of Kedtamt. were In this city Monday, purchasing household gmtds, tnelr home having b-en ileatroyed by fire on Sunday. The only arllcles saved were the bed clothes, stove, and a few pieces of furniture. Neighbors were attracted to the scene ot tne Ore by the slarm given by Mr. llnlder miinn snd his wife All the dUhes, food, clothing snd bedTooin furnitureT snd msny trinkets ers destroyed. There sa no Insursnce on the bouse or furniture. Tbe fire started from a stovepipe, snd ss soon ss the roof bsd been Ignited the flames spread rapidly, and the houae was consumed In a short time.' The outbuildings were saved by hard work of the neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. lleldermann, while In this city purchased a tent, and will camp until a new house Is constructed. KNIGHTS AND LADIES TO GREET OFFICERS The Knights snd ladles of Security of this city will go to Portland by special car Monday to attend a meet ing at which arrangements will be made for the big gathering to be held on September n, at the W. O. W. Hall In Portland. There will be BOO candidates Initiated at the meeting lo ! September, which will be alven in I honor of the visit of the national ot-! fleers. During the past year the local or der Initiated many members, and holds the record for new members this year. Many nieinlvers from this city will attend the meeting In Sep temlier. and already arrangements are being made to charter two extra cars to carry them to Portland. COOS BAY AND EUGENE PORTLAND. Or.. July 31. (Spec ial (.Immediate construction of a railroad from Eugene to Marshfleld. at a cost estimated at Is.Ooo.OtHi, was authorized by the Southern Pacific Company through J. P. O'llrlen, vice president and general manager In this city today. Preliminary surveys slresdy have been made and six engineering parties sre In the field locating the perman ent line. Although the definite course through which the new rosd will he construct ed has not yet been selected, Mr. O lirlen said that the general . route RAILROAD TO CONNECT will be along the Siuslaw River. I tha.n.k oW t . ...i.uRu me voasi rtange to the roast thence south to Msrshfleld. where It will connect with the Coos Hay, Rose burg A Eastern rtallrnari m.u, ,..,... Ing a line two miles long from Marsh- ; 1 fle d In M vrlla I..li " .--J... I Willi, Z FRUGAL EILI rHIPIfC a pr,,n,lHr, of .ubscrlbers aft i, i PPr haa been placed ther. M " 1 1 carrier. wmana managar Bankad Hit 8a. j . . ary Until End ef Scaton Sklp-r I'.ill S.hl.ke. imin sger h ml rii,ti(; i, ,,( lnt. (),. hs club. I imii-il fr ha frugnl Ity and slo f,.i nix .kill a h hunter nnd frii.r The first enr Krhlpke wh In Omnlm he drew ulxmt lUl fr()1 ,,B i.xiirke tor ei t.,e innn.M id .! iei tne riM of In-, wilnrv remain In the hiindx of the owner of the 2 Omahn teum When i,H was - bnnded to him at the end f ,,e esson Kklpiwr Temnrked;- "V.-T ' that's more money limit ever j saw. The flr-t thing I will do Ik t to go rlwlit home un.l bu, enmiKi, I eonl to liiHt uioiher all winter" : .... " J auu tie did i a Ths Ordor ef th Shall. Employee, of the Kn, work. In Germany csn earn, be dlstlngnlshod '-n when st.lred In Sund.iy clothes Every workman In hi, enrollment Is 1'iraeilica WIIU R Cllrlo...!. ....... "oorfpln corned of ,, ,p ".ery se mnde of ,..,i, ,,d set In sliver After in. . , be receive . Ll ? S Teflr" "rvl ne receives , second pli,. moiled In i the same Mnew ,.,, J 1 eluding the engineers and th-iso -m Ployetl in the counting I 'm ...f;rt;,r,':7S'',lbo:! Mrs. Hlnao-I ... . Open from f A. M, W f $ k BASE BALI RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn snd Twenty fourth VANCOUVER PORTLAND July 24, 28. 2e. 27, 2s, 21 Qamss Sag1" Ws.kd.ys at I a Sundays, 2:10 P. M. LAOIIft' DAY FRIDAY. Hoy. Udo.' II Free to ni wdneaday. THE WORLDS GREATEST 5EWIN6 tti LIGHT RUNNING trrsjan winlrllhrra V thrall it MltuMl. ifcuU.ir saHtiifUs Thnrntt A ns'WlliK MiM'liIlt vriu la TNI IIW MOMC ttWIII MACHIIl C Orangt, MBsm usUlir. ut Hit .IVtV II la Mta. avwsaj Skald kg Mthartaeal Aawlara sas rca mu v W. t. MARSHALL. '350 Morrison St Portlanil Buy a Home While Paying Rent $100 down and $12 a montl take thla comfortable slx rooa bouse and lot. House I. viral for electricity. IM 82x105 ft Borne fruit on place. Weil s cated on Madison $1100 A snap at. . E. P. Elliott and Son 7th and Main 8ts.. by 8uip slon Iirldge. 10 REWARD For the arrest ant convlrtlot of any person or persons, ski unlawfully remove copies of TV Morning Entemrlse from tbs vv4vdt THE MORNING ENTERPR'M Is on sale at the following stor r every any: Huntley Dros Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Clgsrs Seventh and "Main. Secreat Confectionery Main near Sixth.- M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. T Walter Utile Confectionery J KM Ravanlh dlvaat ' M. Vol k mar Drugs j Seventh near Center. j Schoenborn Confectionery J Seventh and .1. Q. Adsms. . J vM..,..H CLUCK! CLUCK! The Hens Know. Correct ChlcRcn Food Makes Hens Lay Baby CMt Grit, M.t MM Beef Scraps and Oat Coats fr Dealra n Wool, Flour, Hs Or.ln, F..d, Co.l, 's.lt, SuJ' Oregon Commission Co- 11TH AND MAIN ST8. Kb. I i Oregon City. Ps iron it. onr advertiser!.