t . ..A . twfeaorlpllons for tha- Morning s) inwrfHM wilt bo received for 1 anly limited " I r(- vur todey I and benefit of low pnea. .. e The only dally iwwiMM t C . tween Portland and Salemf all SSI e) late In ovary section Of OlaaJo o) maa County, with a population of ) 30.000. Aro you an adverUeerT 4) WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED ISGG VOI, 2 No. 25. OREGON CITY, 0UECJ0N, HUN DAY, JULY 30, 1911. Peb Week, 10 Ce.vtb RVE BALLOTS MINORITY RULES, DECLARES U'REII MARKS ON FACE LEAD TO SUICIDZ MAY TELL STORY FOR BOULEVARD ' PORTENTOUS. I Gov r- - x RESt WEST SIDE WORKS SEVERAL CANDIDATES PREPARE FOR GRAND COUPE AT LAST MOMENT. SPECIAL OFFER IS BIG SUCCESS Thlt It Last Day to Oat as Many Clubt of Five" aa Possible, Par Thara Will Not Ba Such Another Chance, The rnulla of tha special vole of fer tbat hug broil In forca aloco last Tuely bao been blahly gratifying hi lb management of Tha Enterprise for lb number of NEW paid In- ad wire subscriptions received from vr porlton uf Clackatnaa countyj Nearly every candidate In tba raco worked wla a strenuous effort during i h ,( week and aa raault mora lbn two hundred K EW " subscribers ere added to tha dully and weakly subscription Hat and many mora will t aildiHl tu tha Hat before tomorrow light when the offer of extra votes fur "Clubs of rive-' new yearly auu .ncriptlous will cloaa. Irrigation conteata have been eon. ducted In the aat by different publi cation In Clarkamaa County, but nev ,r ha ue met with the support of the iriirrsl public aa tha one now being conducted by The Entarprlae. The nmlla received dally from every MHtlon of the county aa well aa thoae of Oregon City contain the namea of prin who until up to tha preaent time slwsys aubacrlbed for I'ortland papers, but the randldatea who are working with a determined effort lor ihe l.20 In prltra) that la b"lng of fered are converting -them daily and It i a aafe prediction that tha In creased circulation of The Enterprise that wUf be obtained before the close of the preaent content will tiara sur passed the fondeat eipectatlon of Ihel most MURUtnv. A Word ta tha Candidates. Hut one day mora ramalna until the close of the extra vote offer of Irt.fwO extra votea for "clubs of five" new aubacrlptiona to tha Dally En terprise, and 5 .000 extra votes fur "clubs of five' to the Weekly Enter nrise and It la expected that a per fect avalanche of votea will he caal n the next ft houra. Where will roar name appear on tha Hat Tues lay? Thlt la a vital question to con sider at thla particular time. If your friend who have been landing their uppnrt during the aat three weeka think your chancea are aa good aa (he of your com pet I lore tbey will Mill continue to bo aa loyal aa over, hut If when the Hat published next Tueiday shows you to appear hope less loser they will naturally transfer their assistance to ono who looks a winner. There la plenty of time In the next 14 houra to secure ono or two "clubs of five" and that means 30.00(1 votea In addition to what you have already published which wll raise your preaent total to poaslbly ,wx or BO.OOO votea. which would satisfy the most skeptical that your chanres to have your name announced wtih the winners were equally aa good s any. REMEMBER thla offer POSI TIVELY closes Monday at 6 o'clock. Candldatea who reside out of town must have subscriptions mailed be fore that hour ao tho post mark will show the date and hour of mailing. Best Offer of Contest. Aa announced In prevloua Issues of The Enterprise the offer of extra voles now In effect will bo the beat of the entire contest, ao don't bo mis- lea ty raise rumora that you may near regarding offers of ovtra votes that may he launched In tha future. nip this oaracranh and "Din It on the wall." if The Enterprlaa makea BETTER offer of extra votea be tween now and the close of tho con test, a (Jrand Upright Kimball piano ni be awarded every candidate in the race. Thla la proof positive that NOW la Ihn beat tlmo to make tho next f every moment. If you have friends who promised to assist you later, hnve them DO IT NOW when uliscrlptlona count tbo moat.- t is understood that savers! candi dates are holdlna votea in reaervo to pring at the last minute. These ballots are factora that must be reck oned with. They way decide the con- EASY, is assy tailing for you In Straw I'''!?11 "oHqm Shlrta. Thla weak m.. . L 8AV'NQ In Shlrta and Straw I," Nothing raservadl A broad range of styles. A kr.rf . Ptterns. " 14 "d $3 Hate at 2.35 1-50 to $2.50 Shlrta . ', ......... .$1.15 thJhi Word ,n clothing Just now Is fourth" 8y,Um cloth. reduced one- a ' e PfJcfe. Brothers EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Like Others. 6th and Main Sta. C ITS ar4-Srf I . cf2?C , , I -nf.V V rIlfri a?ES I VMS ENTERTAINED 8Y REBEKAH LODGE INITIATORY PLOOR WORK OP Of- PICERS ONE OP IMPRES SIVE FEATURES. One of the moat enthusiastic and enjoyable meetings ever held by the tteoeaan uoage or thla city, was held on Friday evening at tho I. O. O. P. Hall, when alxty members of Acme Lodge, No. 11. of Portland, and twenty members from tbo tiladsloue order, came here on a special car. Ono of the feature of the ovenlng was the impressive Initiatory floor work by the following: Mrs. Viola Godfrey, noble grand; Mrs. Elisabeth Flnne gan. vice-grand; Miss Ada Ie1 well, past noble grand; Mra. Mary Bradley, chaplain; Mlsa Anna Wllebart, con ductor; Mra. Mlnda Church, warden; Mrs. Rachel Scripture, recording sec retary; Mra. Jeanetto Scott, financial aecretary; Mlaa Myra Oaborn, right supporter of noble grand; Mlaa Anna Fisher, left supporter of noble grand: Mra. Harsh Miles, right supporter of vice-grand; Mra. Clara Jack, left sup porter of vice-grand; Mra. lienors Cooke, Mra. Flora Morrla, Mra. May Falrclough, Mlsa Mary Rcolt, bannor bearers; Mlaa Delia Uattley. Mra. Eva lclghton, color bearers; Mra. Addle Ely and Mra. Martha Hunter, altar supporters; Mrs. Jamea 8hannon. In aide guardian; Mrs. Callahan and J. J. Cooke, mualclana. Miss Lulu Miller, of this city, waa Initiated. After th business of the order waa transacted tho remainder of tho eve ning waa devoted to social time, and delicious refreshments' were nerved by tho local order. The decorations of the I. O. O. F. hall were very at tractive, a profusion of flowers be ing used. Shirt Waist Party Planned. Fred Hogg and John Buacb, of this city, will give a shirt waist party at the Dusch Hall on Saturday night, August 6. Parsons' orchestra of Port land, kas been engaged to furnish tbo music. Tho shirt waist party recent ly given by Frank Busch. Jr., and Mr. Hogg was a moat delightful affair, and the ono to be given on next Saturday promises to bo just aa enjoyable. I STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN o MISS MYRTLE CROSS. MISS ALLIE WARE MISS LENA 8TORY MRS. E. F. ZIMMERMAN MISS TILLIE MEYERS MISS EVA KENT MISS ELLA WHITE MISS ROSE JUSTIN MISS LILLY LONO MISS ROSE MILLER. MISS ANNA WOODARD MISS EVA ALLDREDQB CAN""DATE8 IN DISTRICT NO. 2. 0 Votes. MISS JENNIE DIX 4 Mullno 8780 MISS ELLEN MOEHNKE .Shubel ....1(1562 MRS. M. T. MACK Canby ....,. .23204 MISS ADA LAKIN Mllwaukle 93fi5 MISS FAY BATDORF West Oregon City 6437 MISS EDNA HUTCHINSON Canby 7521 MISS MILDRED REAM Willamette 20935 MISS ADA CARES Sandy 2525 MISS I J I. LI AN HOLMES Sandy 12201 MISS NORA KIMnERLY Boring 2508 MRS. JULIA HOLT . . . Ofk drove 76.18 MISS INEZ KNOX.... i Boring 2920 MISS EIJIE 8HOENBORN Cam ., 84(!0 MISS ETHEL CLOSNER Sprlngwater HfiBO MIS8 DLODWEN THOMAS Baver Creek f.37476 MISS MAY JOHNSON Clackamas 8(170 MISS ETHEL DB HOK v.. Willamette 6342 MISS ANNIE GARDINER Meldrum 12.170 MISS HELEN SMITH Csnemnh 54808 MISS HELEN RABICK Stafford .'....18021 MRS. DELIA ROBERTS Innnlngi Lodge 2525 MISS ItOXY COLE Molslla 2S01 MISS VERNA MEAD ..Gladstone 26090 e i t a t t MISS HAZEL HUNOATR. ii SSlv X&lZZ ANGELS WHITEWASH HAUGHTY BEAVERS KOESTNER AND HALLA PITCH REMARKABLE BALL GAME GOES 11 INNINGS. LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 29. (Special) It took eleven Innlnga to do It, but Portland go a drubbing to day at tho hands of tho lowly Angels. Il waa ft battle royal and tho Beavera were outroyaled. Neither team made a mlsplajr and Kuaatne and H alia only allowed five hits each. Notwllbstand Ing Portland lost there la still some balm In Dllead for McCredle's men and If they play all tho tlmo like tbey did today they 11 win tbe bunting un der a pull. The results Saturday follow; Pacific Coast League Loo Angelea 1, Portland 0; Sacramento I, Vernon J; Oakland 3, San Francisco I. Northwestern League Portland -6 Vancouver 0; Tacoma 7. Spokane 0; Victoria 13. Seattle S. American League Philadelphia 11, Detroit 3; Washington 7. Cleveland 1; Chicago 10. New York t; Boston 6-4. St. Louis 0-5. National league Pittsburg 17-10, Boston z-Z; Brooklyn 9. Cincinnati 2; Philadelphia 4. Chicago 3; New York 8, 8t. Louis 0. STANDING. Paclflo Coast. W L. PC Portland 64 47 .576 Vernon 64 55 .638 Oakland 65 58 .528 San Francisco ...... B 61 .492 Sacramento 66 61 .479 U Angeles 47 . 73 .392 Northwestern. W. L. P.C. Vancouver 63 41 .606 Tacoma 69 44 .673 Spokane .... ....... 68 46 .658 Seattle 62 49 .515 I'ortland 48 63 .675 Victoria 28 75 .272 DISTRICT NO 1. Votes. Oregon City 12275 Oregon City 10751 Oregon City 13730 Oregon ICty 11220 Oregon City ; 15BBO Oregon ICty mo8 Oregon CHy 3526 Oregon City 6546 Oregon City g5f,8 Oregon City 4912 Oregon City 3936 Oregon City .10340 Molalla 7812 ) . A CONCERT BRINGS OLD FRIENDS TOGETHER "tt., SIMON MfcC DONALD MEETS MEN WITH WHOM HE WORKED IN SCOTLAND. Simon MacDonald. the Seventh street fish, man, attended tho Scotch concert maay night and later waa talking with, ft friend when bo noticed couple of strangera who appeared to him to be 8001s s well aa himaelf. Speaking to, ala friend In Gaelic, Mr. MacDonald iept bis eyes on tha stran gers who. look the bait and soon drew near to Vln in the' conversation. It being seldom that Gaelic of tho genu ine triple brand la heard In thla coun try. After talking for a time and com paring notes Mr. MacDonald identified tho atrangers aa brothers named Mc- Sween with whom be had worked at Peolewo In tho north of Scotland. These old friends are tho first ac quaintances from tho old country that Mr. MacDonald has met in thla coun try In three yeara. Tho brothers McSween left. Scot land about Ave yeara .ago and Mao Donald arrived in Canada about aix years sgo. He has been homo several times since then, however. VEREIN TO GIVE BIG PICNIC AUGUST 13 The German Vereln 8oclety of thli city will hold a picnic at the Schnorr Park at Willamette on Sunday, Aug ust 13. Thla will bo ono .of the larg est events of tho season', and tho lodgea of Salem, Eugene, Portland, Macksburg, and many other cities will bo extended an Invitation to at tend. The picnic will be an all day one and program consisting of musi cal selections by members of tho Turn Vereln of Portland, Salem, and this city will be given. The committee having charge of tho affair Is composed of H. W. 8tre big. L A. Nobel, August Schnoor. general arrangements reception, Frank Busch. Sr., Rudolph Seller, Chris Hartman. D. M. Klemsen and Richard Pctxold; floor committee, Will Kroger. ALLEGED HORSE THIEF A warrant waa Issued Saturday night for Edward Zellers, of Portland who Is accused of hiring a horse and buggy from Hodge's livery stable, ftnd not returning them. Zellers is said to have driven td" Portland where, according to tho police, he tried to sell the outfit. Deputy Sheriff Miles went to Portland and recovered tho horse and buggy, but as tho warrant had not been Issued at that tlmo, ho could not arrest Zellers. Tho warrant will bo served today. Zellers Is said to have told the I liveryman when be got the horse and buggy that ho de sired to drive to Oswego. . MRS. THOMPSON ENTERTAINS. Delightful Tea Is Given at Sellwood aoif Links. Mrs. D. C. Thompson, of Portland, was hostess of ft tea given on Friday xfternoon at the Oolf Links, Sellwood, In honor of Mrs. 8. D. Pope, who Is a guest of Mrs. V. E. Pratt and Miss Barclay In this city. The tea was most enjoyable one. Tho tables were on the veranda overlooking tho Willa mette river. Tbo decorations were of red carnations. Those present were Mrs. D. P. Thompson, Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. D Arcy, Mrs. M. O. Moore, of Portland;. Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Miss Katlo Barclay, Mrs. Henry Meldrum, Mrs. H. L, Kelly, of Oregon City; Mrs. 8. D. Pope, of Victoria. II. C. LAWYER SAYS- fHAT 18 WHV "OREGON SYSTEM" IS BECOM ING SO POPULAR. BRITISH GET QUICKER RESULTS , SMSWSBBBBBBI Oregon City Man Speaka On Initiative and Referendum at Banquet Given to Socialists In Seattle. SEATTLE, WaahH July 29. (Spec ial). In a speech hero tonight on tho Initiative and referendum, W. 8. U'Ren declared tbat tbo American system of government Is controled by ft small . minority Instead of br a plurality of tho voters. The speech waa delivered at the referendum dln- nernrhonor-Tf-8tdne-y and " Beatrice Webb, of London, the celebrated writ ers snd lecturers. Mr. and Mra. Webb and C. E. 8. Wood, or Portland, also spoke. Mr. Webb Is an associate of William Morris and Bernard Shaw In tho Fabian Society, and is an Influen tial member of London's Central Body Council. Ho and hla wife aro lead ing authorities on Socialism, co-op eration, municipal government and trades unionism In Great Britain. Mr. U'Ren spoke in part aa follows: This dinner seems to be sort of an International gathering to discuss some phases of tbe Initiative and referendum and the reasons why a free people should want that 'power. In doing thla it ia fitting that wo should consider tho difference be tween what ia called self-government in Great Britain and what paaaea for American selr government. Perhaps the most striking differ ence at first glance is the results ob tained by 'the people under tho Brit ish system within tbo past ninety yeara aa compared with what the Americana have been able to get in the same period. About ninety yeara ago the Americana began agitating for change in tbe natonal constitu tion that would allow the people to elect their United States senators. Tho agitation atill continue, within tho past month such an amendment passed tho Senate for the first time, but tho two Houses aro not agreed on Ita form and therefore the amend ment la not yet aubmitteu to tho atato Legislatures. House of Lords Powerless. Hardly more than a year ago tho British House of Lords refused to ap prove a bill that provided for ft be ginning of the single tax on land values, though It waa ft very small beginning in ft very smsll wsy. Tho Lords refused to do this, until after tho people elected a new House of Commons. Tho chief Issue In the campaign being shall the Lords be deprived of their power to reject a bill passed by tho House of Commons? Today the House of Lords is practi cally without power to prevent any bill paused by tbe peoples' representa tives from being law. . During the time the Americana have been agitating for power to elect their United Statea aenators the British have abolished ft rotten borough sys tem for electing members of Parlia ment; and the system waa worse, if that bo possible, than the American 'Legislature auction block" system of selling seats in tbe United Slates Senate: Abolished tho corn laws ftnd "Pro tection for infant Industries" aa ft theory of government ftnd removed more restrictions on foreign trade than any other great nation. Dis-establlahed tho church In Ire land. Repealed by statute ft decision of the courts which would hsvo destroy ed tho right of employees to organise and atrlke, being tho same thing: in substance aa government by injunc tion in the United States- Made an effective employera liabil ity and workmana compensation act Reformed tbo courts .ana judicial system. Made a national old age pension law. Adopted the Pllmsoll mark for pro tection of aallors lives from excessive loading on ocean-going Teasels. British Quicker to Act. Tho British not only have parcels post rlghta at homo but also In tho United Btates. , Tho Americans have not. The British and the Amerlcaas wanted government telegraphs a long tlmo ago. The British have them. , Tbo British wanted to abolish tho corrupt use of money In tbe election of members of Parliament. Parlia ment passed tho act, and since then some members of Parliaent have loet their seats after election, for "spend ing Ave shillings In their campaign contrary to. tb Corrupt Practices Law. How much must ft United 8tates senator spend In his campaign con trary to law, before he loses his seatT Ask Lorlmer of Illinois, or Stephenson of Wisconsin. But this will do for tho contrast. Now let us see why this Is so, and we will begin with tho British. Both the British and American govern ments aro built on a aystem of checks and balances. Tho British system makea one politician check another and the people more than balance all the politicians. The American sys tem checks tbe Senate against tho House and President, and tho Su premo Court, ft good deal more than balances all of them. Including to people. Both systems are supposed to bo government by political parties, and tho British Bystem Is. One election for members of Parliament, or two at the most, always decided an Issue and the decision la almost as direct and final as a' referendum vote by the people In Oregon on ft state law. One or the other of the great political par ties Is alwaye In control of all thai law-aklng power of tho British govern ment, and la responsible for results. "(Continued ou Psge 3.) GRAVE DANCER THAT CAPITAL HIGHWAY WILL NOT PASS THROUGH OREGON CfTY. RESIDENTS HERE SLOW TO OFFER AID i Members of Commission Traversa Both Routes and Postpone Mak ing Decision Favoritism Not to bo Shown. Tbo residents of Oregon City and the East Side of tho Willamette River In tho county had better bestir them selves U they want tho proposed Cap ital Highway between Portland and S&lem to traverse this territory. There Is no certainty that tbe commission will decide to locate tbo boulevard on tbla aide, and,-ia-fact at this time. tne other side baa much In Its favor. Tbe residents there have offered to subscribe liberally to tbo fund for building tbo thoroughfare, while vir tually nothing In thla lino has been done by the people living on the East Bide. George F. Roger and C. T. PralL members of tbo commission. lasDect- ed the proposed routes on 'the East and West side Saturday. Tbey were accompanied by Frank C. Riggs, who, naa aonaioa ino use or nis ouiomoolle ic th preliminary work. They wont rrora Portland to Salem over tbo West Bide route and made tho return trip over the proposed rout on this side. Grant B. Dimlck. another member of tho commission, because of other bus! ness. could not be a member of tho party. West Side People Active. Messrs, Prall and Rogers were seen by a Morning Enterprise reporter aa they passed through Oregon City upon their return to Portland. "Tho trip has been a fine one, said Mr. Rog era. ' "snd no matter which route Is selected tho road will bo ft credit to the atate. . Our speedomter showed tho West Bide route to bo (5 1-10 miles and the route on thla side 52. Tho people on tho West Side aro working hard for tho boulevard and have promised substantial financial aid. - The commission will bo largely Influenced in Its selection of ft route by the "money -offered" by The counttes trsversed." Tho commissioners decided to post pone final decision as to the route until all members could bo present The decision probably will bo made this week. Convict Isbor will be tho chief fac tor In building thla Important high way. Governor West will lend the services of from 150 to 180 convicts to the authorities of tho various coun ties the road croeses, but tho com munities benefitted aro expected to furnish materials, supplies, machin ery, etc. There will bo no direct ex pense of building tbo road borne by the state. To Be Trunk Highway. The benefit to the Northern Willa mette Valley from this road will be great, ft will provide ft good trunk highway north and south that will bo a model In road construction. '. and from It lateral roads will branch, serv ing tne various communities between this city and Salem. Tho commissioners who traveled the roads running In the desired di rections to find tho most practica ble route for tho highway will recom mend tho best road for the proposed Improvement, regardless of tho In terests of any' section. Tho towns along tho way aro expected to come to the front ftnd aid In every way tho accomplishment . of this permanent highway. MAN 92 STARTS Oil LONG RAILROAD TRIP J. J. Burgess, of Glsdstono, left on Thursday evening via. the North Coast Limited for Butte. Mon., where he will visit his grandson, Ralph Par ker, formerly of , Gladstone. After visiting there for several weeks Mr. Burgess will go East, where he will spend three months with his daugh ter, Mrs. M. Whltcomb, of Minnea polis, Minn. Mr. Burgess is the fath er of Mra. A. F. Parker, of Gladstone. He Is ninety-two years of age. He Is enjoying the best of health, and was delighted with tho prospect of his Eastern trip. He came to Oregon nineteen yeara ago, and this Is his fifth trip East since that tlma. WOOL POOL SELLS OUT TO OREGON CITY FIRM Mrs. C. E. Stewart, Davy Jones, tohn H. Lewis and Thomas Davis, of Beaver Creek, who with other resi dents of that section, pooled their wool crop this season, brought large quantities of wool to tbe city Sat urday which they sold to the Oregon Commission Company. This company has contracted tor the entire pool and already has received more than 1.700 pounds. Tho heads of tho pool were visited by representatives of various houses In Portland, and several of the growers called on the Portland firms, but the prices offerc-d hero were high er than those received from any other place. Are you ft subscriber to tho Morn ing Enterprise T If not you should call and let us put your name on tho suit scrlptlon list Immediately. MARY GERTRUDE ILG WORRIED OVER BLEMISHES CAUSED BY "BEAUTY DOCTOR." ' l' If . THEORY IS REJECTED BY Of Detectives Declare There Is Nothing To Confirm Belief That Girl Was) Slain Physician Is ;' . Indignant. SAN FRANCISCO, July 29. That Mary Gertrude Ilg committed aolcld because ner face waa marred by su perficial blemishes that preyed oa bar mind Is the theory now held to Ac count for tho strange disappear an est of the girl whose body waa found la tho ocean, near hero. The parents and brothers of girl refuse to admit tbeir belief that she committed suicide. They base tko refusal on their knowledge of their daughter and sister, saying that abo waa temperamentally Incapable of committing suicide. . At tho Bamo time they admit that she waa alwaya cheery In expression and demeanor, no matter what aho might bo secretly suffering. Tho occurrence has started a wavo of public sentiment against "beauty doctors." Tho detectives who were detailed on tho case refuse to enter tan tho family's belief that aha waa murdered. The absence of her ring and purse they attribute to tho ac tion of the waves and can aeon o evi dence, of robbery in their loss. INSAflEMANALARIlS BOLTON RESIDENTS A report waa made to tho police tbat an Insane man had been wander ing about on the west side of the river Friday night Jamea Shaw," of Bolton, telephoned in that he had a crazy man ia hla barn. Deputy SherlftT Miles went out bat when he arrived . at Shaw's, his quarry had escaped. Af ter bunting for about an boar, the quest was given up. A close watch was maintained for the man. Several persona residing in the vic inity of Willamette saw a reported wild man," supposedly tho time fel low aa tbe Bolton people saw. , TWO COUPLES ARE MARRIED. 8. P. Davis Officiate In Aboonoo of . . tho Rev. Hayworth. The Rev. S. P. Davla, on Saturday, In tbe abaence of tho pastor, the Rev. Hayworth, married two couples In the Baptist parsonage. They were Orace Walton and Roy Stein aad Ollne Car lisle and Claire UlshoeffeL WEATHER INDICATIONS. . ' Oregon City Fair, westerly winds. Oregon Fair, westerly winds. QUESTION NO. 4 Is The In fluence of Picture Exerted For Good Or Evil? 1 ...., ANSWER Wholly for good, subject only to tho imperfections and limita tions of human nature, Tho following Is from an edi torial -In Tha Oregonlan, July 27th: "In our opinion the mov ing picture shows will prove by and by to bo powerful educators of the public." ' Today's Show at THE GRAND k COURAGE OP SORTS (Extra good.) DAD'S BOY. 1 HIS LEAP FOR LIFE. JIGGERS BUYS A WATCH. DOG, The MoVing ' "4 t .,0 '-.V 0: 1 ..- ! I 1 i iussi rvr