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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
- - h r 4. I MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1911. - Shoes Men Shoes Ladles t per ly w l" living our CKfords and those away. During our annual CLEAN-UP SALE we ara giving bargalna in hot that will lean wp our stock In, a hurry. ' OCT FITTED NOW WHILE WE HAVE A FULL RUN OF SIZES. T See Ocf Bflfjaio Shoe Window LEVitf J. Scsipension Bridge Cor. Building Terms. floor) wltb a hardwood tiuUb. local PRicrs Libert Miiaheberger, , of Eldorado, k In Ibli city on bualneaa Thursday. Wr. Crool, of Mullno, waa la tbla oily business Thursday, n Latourette haa returned from Ltlde where ba apant several daya. Bcbuebel and dauihtar. of Sbu vera in tbla city Tburaday. lit Manning, of Mullno, waa vlalt- Id tbla city Tburaday. Btto Lyman, of Iteaver Creek, waa his city Tburaday. rbcrt Robblna. of Beaver Craak, i In thli city on Tburaday. nd coffee and taa la our bobby, our 85c coffee and 60c taa. Can't at. Harrla' grocery. 1 B. Ferguson. Iba merchant of Bra, waa tranaaotlng buaineeB In city Tburaday. ha Mlssee Mlnnla and Hattle iib. of Walla Walla, Waah.. after ring relatlvea and frlenda In tbla . Ift for their homa Tburaday. r. Nurrla Pavle, of Portland, waa bis city Thuraday, having roma V to visit ber alatar, Mr a. 8. R. it, who la vary III. In. 8. K. Green, who recently ra id from the ..St. Vincent's Hospl-ahera- ah underwent medical tnmt, la an ill very JIL llholt ataca will laava tha Electrto I aacb day at S o'clock p. dx r. and Mra. John Davla. of Port- M. "ho bava been visiting at tba a of Mr. and Mra. J. Trimble, ra re! to their homa on Thuraday D. Latouretta will spend two pka' vacation In Fossil. Eaatarn Icon, where be will tnaJte a atudy growing raapherrlaa on a large la. rank Klrbyson. of ghubel, waa In city on Thuraday on hi way to Era, where ha will attend lha ipmoetlng held by tha Spiritual you et bread why not gat Royal d? The Wat that money can t Harrla' grocery . lames A. Shepherd and family have lived In thla city from Sheridan. former haa purchased property In ft Oregon City, and will reside prank White, of Redmond. Or., but neriy of thla city, haa arrived In ron City, and will apend a fe a with Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Wil li.. The latter la a alater ln law Mr. White. lla Mavrne nlninn after ten M vlilt with her coueln. Mlaa mle nurna, of Rockwood, returned her home In thla city Wedneaday nlng, ink Rartlett Water. Bold by all (", grocerlea and drugglata. nillam Ortmth, Jr., haa gona to l'y. tiiabo. whera ha eirecta to " tor aome tima. Mr. Griffith ' . . . ... . (ented a noaltlnn with the Mln- II Monni.ilfi Mlnlna rnmnint. letter buy angar now. It'a aura to hlgner, n poiinda for $1, beat gran- tmrriB- grocery. 1r- Hurry Thnmnnnn. fnrfnerl Cnnnle riwlnn nf WalU Walla Mh.. hn haa been vlaltlng har cou- Ethel Green, of thla city. IT her hnma In Dnrtl.. (hla Mra. Thom Halin 'aa vi at rwl mm vga ft'T K)k place at Tacoma. Waah. rn. RamiKil Than .r,.ri ui.i Mr Padrlrk. nt fill. K... nna. PMaa, ha. rrved bera, and la tba ,,' n"r parenta, Mr. and Mra. '. Hpgdala. of tha wear elite Mr. hny will arrita tha lattar part of 10 remain over Sunday at Hegrtale boma Hloateaaen? - hfr1m VI i Wain fPt. haa Ilia mImaJ m 1- nf, I.OflO nnnnil. 4x. .i II.. tMieaw, cream, I and llnmurgar. Fine for lunch. r v., , 7n- A' w- rbrdjrc and "y. Virginia, arrival In nr... rii rOoy from PorUand to maka their r nera. Mra vn,4... ... f ;h. J " !n Kaon, and la the ""Iter Of Mra , A 4 xi.i.nn lv taken v IMI mau ine) Williams I'lfllna on flan.w f., ... . i . 474HU lumir m r. pur " U Connected -mlt. nu. a. vi..,of Poniair - lb. A. Hnmawa... m VITT. hum tnMtfa M V f .aa "Til hlllMlnaw .1.-J M. W. n irni. a a. aW " entertained on Wadnaaday ave Rt a crawflah n.M. . a htfui pmrx'- ' n,0, lto prevent tha fath tlma waa had. Thoaa praaant meal of tha Infanta. NIVERSjAX SHORTHAND Lead all others n.mirVM. fiat.-i . ,. 4,w,s 150 to 80. -Higher eta n - I v SHOULD INVTcSTIQATB OUR WORK. Eclectic Btisiaess Univefsity 1 , rhall 1781 v, , Shoes i ten yt- Oregon City wara Mra. H. J. Bigger, Frank Ulnar, A I Illggar. Mr. and Mra. Ouy Heddlck Mra. Har bottle, of Wblta lioraa, Alas ka. A hay ride party waa glvan Thura day night by Mima of tba young people of tbla city, tba deatlnailon balng Clear Creek Park, whera dancing waa Induced In. An enjoyable time waa bad, and aupper waa aarvad. Tba nienibera of tha party returned to their homea at a lata hour. Tboaa attending war Mlaa Anna A II dredge Mlaa Hedonla Hhaw, Mlaa Emma We ber, Mlaa Eva Alldredge, Mlaa llaiel Parrlab. Mlaa Genevieve Capan, Mlaa Lotta Llvermore, Mlaa Edith All dredge, Mlaa Vada Elliott, Joe Shea- han, L Caufleld. Earl latouretta llaba Elliott. Monty Montgomery: Dellae Armatrong, Everett Ureen, Wal ter nan, iiugn noraon. MULINO. We certainly ara having some very warm weather and everyone la wish Ing It would moderate a little at leaaL Tha temperature reached IS degreee In tha abada bera yeatarday Monday, Work la progreaalng nicely on tba railroad at tbla ma or the Una. 1 Tha barbecue at tbla place laat 8at urday waa a decided auocaaa and ev aryona tnniH well pleaeed wlta tba entertainment of tha townalta people There wara aavaral lota aold and MU' lino may ha a city yat. Erneat Davla haa moved Into tbla neighborhood again and la working on tha railroad. Clarence Mallatt haa moved hla family back to Mullno again. Mr. abd Mra. Jot MaJlatt ara tha happy parents of a new baby girl, bom July letb. Mra. Aahby. of Salem, la vlaltlng bar eon, Claud, of thla place. liarveet la here and tha binder ara running full blaat cutting fall grain. Nearly everyone la through baying and have moat of their bay In tba barn. - . - Grant Aabby and family apent a few daya In our burg laat week vlalt lng old frlenda and neighbor. Mra. Danlela baa bean on the alck llat, but la able to ba about again. Adklna lirothera ara putting In a dam on Carlaon'a place preparatory to getting tbelr loga down to their mill. DOVER. 1MM444444 Alfred Shirley completed hla houe Monday, and left Tuesday for the logging camp to ba gone aavaral months, - Mr. and Mra. Loomla returned to Portland tha flrat of tha week. Joaeph De Shaier la hauling lumbar for Arthur Miller. Mr. Thayer la building aa addition to hla bouse. Mra. A. J. Kltimlller la alowly re covering from a aevera alck apell. Frank Johnston made a trip to Pull Run Monday. Ha secured many One plcturea of tha Mt. Hood worka there. EAGLE CREEK. . Mra. Howlett la alowly Improving, Mra. Kltimlller baa been quite 111 but la now aome better. . Mr. and Mra. Ouy Woodle were down tbla way laat week. Mra. Woodle atayed and helped with the care of ber mother, Mra. Kltimlller. Mra. L. Olover and daughter, Mra. Mary Trulllnger, were vlaltlng with Mra. Howlett laat Tburaday. Mra. Viola Douglaaa and Mra. Stock ten and children apent Sunday at Ea- tacada. Mra. J. P. Woodle and children' were over to the old home place laat week camping returning to Eatacada the latter part of the week. They are coming back tbla week to atay for aome time. t Elder J. F. BrowerVaa out thla way Sunday and preached a abort aermon to a email gathering at the home of W. J. Howlett. . - Mra. Stocklen, of Portland, who hat been the gueat of Mra. Viola Douglaaa tba paat week returned home Monday evening accompanied by Mlaa Ulna Douglaaa. Mra. DrUooll and daughter, Mlaa Alice, are apendlng the aummer with Mra. Huntington, Mra. Drlacoll a ala tar. , . . V .i . Arnold Bingham the young English man who haa been living at H. O, Huntlngton'a and W. J. Howlett'a. left laat Saturday for Portland. After a few daya' aojourn In the Roae City he will leave for Winnipeg. Canada, where he will make hla brother a abort visit, then will leave for Montreal, where he Will aall for England. Oeorne Douglaaa, of Portland, la on the bill vlaltlng with relatlvea. r. Dave Hoffmelater la having hla houae painted and papered. It la rumored that Dave la aoon to take un to himself a helpmeet. We heard that Victor Berg waa In the neghborhood Sunday. Dick Gibson waa hauling hay Wed neaday. V Henry Udell bought aome hayof the Douglaaa boya. ' Snakea Saved by Mother.".:'... NEW YORK. July J7. When a batch of 48 boa conatrlctora ware born at the Bronx soo, the mother boa oon-( atrlctor had to put op a terrlflo fight to prevent the father from making a i.. . .i . .v valuta in iwu ana uirw uiuuiue. ndard than buslneaw collegea. W0RCI1TCX BLOCK, Third t., corner Oak ... Portland, Oregon Stories from JENNINGS LODGE. '.Mr. WHUam U Flnley, recently ap pointed State Came Warden, Is now preparing a book entitled, "The Trail of the Plume Hunter," which will be on the market tbla fall. Hla former book a on American blrda and articles which Mr. Klnlry baa written on Pa- clfle Coast blrda bava met with the unlveraal favor of all. Mr. and Mra. Flnley are also aoon to glfe' 10 tbelr publlahera stories of our feathered frlenda which will be of blrda that live around ua, aa tbelr atudlea of na ture are taken from their home on the Willamette at tbla place. Thla work I will be of particular interest to Oregon people. Kd. Mathla met with a painful ac cident on Saturday laat; while remov ing a well drilling machine from tbla place to ltolton hla foot waa aeverely bruised and fractured. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea Seeley, large ranch holdera of Lincoln, Nebr., were vlsliora at the J. E. Seeley home, near Meiarum laat week. Mlaa Carrie Scripture and Mary jane rainiow nave returned from. their outing of a month at Seaside. Mr. and Mra. II. J. Robinson have returned from the Seattle Potlach. Mr. and Mra. Laing, of Irvlngton, are apendlng tba week with their daughter, Mra. Robinson. Mr. and Mra. Sllaa Scripture, of Oregon City, were rallera at tba Hugh Roberta borne on Sunday. Tbe Sunshine Circle met at the home of Mlsa Eleen Warner on Thura day of laat week. The afternoon waa apent In sewing and tbe little girls who belong to tbla circle were delight fully entertained. Waller a and lemon ade were aerved. Tbe next meeting will be at the home of Mlaa Ruth Truacott on Thuraday, July 27. Mlaa Esther and Ruth Heverllng. of Portland, and Mlaa Ethel Flaber, of Salem, visited with Bessie Roberts on Tuesday afternoon. P. D. Newell la one of a committee to call on the Portland Railway, Light A power Company commission for a reduction of fare from thla place to Oregon City. Mr. and Mra. Oould Heatbman will leave on Wedneaday for Allda, Minn., In Clear Water ' county, where tbey have purchased a ranch. Their many frlenda here regret their departure from among ua and the beat of wlabea go with them to their new home. Mr. Heatbman aold hla Intereata In the grocery bnalneaa to hla brother, L A. Heatbman, of La Coo nera, Waah and whoae family will arrive next week. Mlsa Mabel Morae haa returned from seaalde. Ore- where ahe waa a week-end visitor at the Mora cottage She waa accompanied to the aeaahore by Mlaa Ada Hulbert. of Glad at ode. Swimming waa, tbe moat welcome form of enjoyment on Monday when he mercury stood at 101 at tbla place, Mra. A. C MacFarlane, who la a pro ficient awlmmer, chapeYoned tbe younger aet to Cedar Island In the afternoon. ' !f Walter Beckner la building a cot age for Mr. Turner at Covell. J. P. Strain returned from tbe St. Vincent hospital In Portland on Sat urday afternoon and la now able to use hla cmtcbee. The social at the Palntow home .Friday evening brought out a goodly number who enjoyed the Ice cream on tbe lawn which waa made very pretty with different abaped lanterna which were hung, between tne Bra, The long white tablee were decorated with aweet peaa and red carnauona. and tbe cake and cream were aerved by a bevy of young folka. Mra. Bond and Mlaa Eather Heatbman favored with piano selections. . Proceeds were 26 net. Mr. and Mra. Shepoard have re turned from their trip to Eaatern Ore gon. Aa it waa eo very warm inera they returned' eooner than tbey had expected. " The camp meeting opened on the evening of July SSto. Preeldlng Elder Rev. E. D. Hornachuh gave a talk at 8 p. m. Special music waa rendered by the quartette. Rev. Radebaugh of Mllwaukle, will apeak on Wednesday morning at 10:80 and In tbe afternoon Rev. F. C. Berg- atresaer will preach. In the evening of July 26th the pulplfwlll be occu pied by Rev. Straub, of Portland. Mr. and Mra. Geo. A. Nlchola and daughter, Metha, were charming vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mra. Mac Farlane on Sunday returning to their Portland home In the evening. Mr. and Mra. Horace Ouablng are attending the Seattle Potlach. W. A. Mack, of thla place and Mr. Brown, of Oregon City, have gone to the Caacade Locke for an outing. Meadamea Dolly Martin, Jennie Black, Will Bantam, Clarence Chlldera and tha Mlaaea Laura Black, Carrie Boyd, Maud Geraey and Fred Martin, of Portland, were picnic gueata of Mra. Emmona at Stone Gablea Tbura day laat. ' ! Charlea Hod del will visit hla former home at Mill City the remainder of the week. . FIRWOOD. ,The young people gave Mra. Mena Nally a pleasant surprlae Sunday eve Ding at her home, camp "Idleawhlle." Mra. L. Marcelea and granddaughter, Ruth 8enlor, of 8alt Ike City, Utah, have been vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. L. Prldemore. Mra. Marie Wlahon and brother, John Malar, made a bust net a trip to . 1 A V. . N,at t 4lh. v.aW - riustava Stuekl BDent - Sunday at I FlrVoa " Mr and Mra Robert Chown and lit- tla iri Tof Sioux ClU - U aTe vlaltlng tie gin 01 bioux yij, iv, are Mr. and Mra. E. D. Hart. Mr. Chown bought a ranch here a few years ago and expecta to move here In tbe near future. , Ray Howe was down from the mountains Sunday. Victor Bod ley returned from the mountains Monday. - - Lettar Llat Llat of" unclaimed letters at tbe Oregon Clly noatoffice for tha week ending July 21. 1811: Woman's Llat Andrewa, Mrs. Nell: Fraundl, Mra. F.; Turney Mrs. Laura. Men's List Flsk, J. A.; Perkins, Ernest; Peterson, Frank; Wagoner, B. P. (2); Walch, Geo.; White. W. A. ) Llat of unclaimed lettera at the Oregon City poatofflce for the week ending July Z8, . i.-. .Woman's Llat Dougherty, 'Clara; Hargrove, Mra. Anna; 8teadman, Heine. Men's Llat Amon, Frank; Barker, Charley) Cllne, Ray (8); Hart. A. C; HlggtnsM. L.; Nelson, Geo.; phln ney, Harold. , ' - ' Qui of Town MOUNTAIN .VIEW-; Hat weather la tbe main topic here. The mercury went up to 88 degree Monday, There are still quite a number sick in thla burg Mra J It Oulnn waa no ahla in ha rio, S,uld.?SnhnooTs,unT.y,:b, " out Mra. 8. R. Green, who returned from tbe hospital lately, Is In a critical con dition Mr' Ingram, who .. taken to the boapltal In Sell wood laat week, seriously 111. Eugene Gerber, of independence, Orairnn la vlalllna- hare thla ,.7 ' " . M... llaiel rrancl. will .pend the next two weeka among frlenda In Ool- l1at.4luU II' a - W Mis. Ell. Darling I. at Ocean Park tbla week camping with Mra. Retta Reabolt. of Mt. Tabor. wife and daughter drove out to Colton last week. Saturday, and tranaacted Imiiortant bualneaa. Frank Wlnelow la seriously III with pneumonia. Mra. J. Mann apent a few daya of laat week at Orharda, Waah., vlaltlng her mother, Mra. Carrigan, ' who la sick. J. W. 8. Owena returned home Sat urday from Spokane. Wm. Beard returned Saturday from a two monma inp 10 nia oia noma in Wlaconain. 44. 14, . P. . Mra. B. w. cnnuers, oi m. .dqdi, spent Sunday nere, the gueat or B. V. Francla ana ramiiy. airs. j. a. rsimuunn apniii. ouuua; at Boringwater visiting reiattvea. una expecta to go out to tbe Ogle Creek Minea tnia wee a. I air. wiiiouanuj, ui tifui-, la ui- ging a well tnia weex. He nae to blaat through rock. Qujte a number from thla burg attended tbe camp meeting at New Era laat Sunday. Mra. Wesley Reed, or oentrajia. Wash., la Tlaltlng frlenda In this rV clnlty this week. j. Barco naa a aaugoier bick wun typnoia lever. I ney toing it le cauaea by Impure water. I Mr. ana Mrs. W. W. May apent laat nunaay visiunr tneir son, uacar nay and family. I D. Mulligan, of Goldendale. Is vis- iting rrtenaa in tnia vicinity. mania jjicxey is giving nis cottage a coat of paint. Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Mauta were viaiting incur parents laat Monaay. Mlaa uneta uixon apent lueaaay at i Gladatone picniclng with ber Sunday school class. She reporte a On) time. I Tbe Bchwack Brothera are making I hay thla week while tbe aun ablnea. 1 George Evernart made a nuaineaa trip to Kocawooa iaat ounaay. I Mr. J. r. Qulnn, who la working near New Era, waa in tbla burg Tuee- day getting his horses shod. Willie Qulnn apent Sunday at home, 11 WILSONVILLE. . n r.M .. tha. -.... r Mr inH Mrs. Ira Seely on Saturday, and Sun- dg. . I . uitt. atv ..n tn. Ar.ann rt on Tueaday. to have adenolda removed from hla throat, by Dr. Mount, of that Thai conductor nf the. Oreaon elec ,ri mnA via .tra. hawa mnwmA tn tha I n..i liitu cottaea reoentlv vacated bv Mr. Darby, Mr. Lawrence and family left Wll aonvllle Thursday and are not yet sure where tbey will locate. Norrls Toung will start out with hla baling machine next week. Norria haa made aome aplendld tmprovementa on hla own invention. . Marlon Sumner ahlpped a large I quantity of hay from tbe river landing I on Friday and Saturday. I Anna Relaner fa keeping houae at Geo. Todd'e while Mra. Todd haa been taking oateopathy treatment In Pert- land." .4 r Mra Geo. Todd returned from the Roae City on Saturday, somewhat im- Droved in health. Mra. Peterson ana eon. or rortiana have been apendlng some, time visit ng tbelr relatives, Alison and Ed. Baker. Mrs. Halley visited In Oregon City during tbe teachera' examination, and waa one of the slice-ens rui applicants for a certificate. Dr. and Mra. Chance, of Portland apent last Sunday with relatlvea In Wllaonvllle. Mrs. Gould entertained frlenda from Portland on Thursday ana returnea i with them to the Rose City on Satur day. ' - ' '. Arthur Chase, of Omaha, Neb., and hla wife have been visiting nr. inase s father and mother at wuaonvuie, while making a tour of the elate by auto. 1 Rev. Exon, Mr. ana Mra. m. sum- ner. Mr. and Mrs. G. aumner, Aima Sumner, Dora Beely, Jasper Seely, EV ale Seely. Mr. and Mra. White. Mrs. Crow. Mrs. WUllama and others at- tended the hoi Inane camp meeting near Portland on Sunday. , Wm. Brown, one of the college boys from Corvallla, waa tne guest or Dons Youna on Saturday. 1 The little Jonea baby waa severely Injured on Wednesday evening iaat aa be toddled out and untied the horse from the hitching poet, the animal waa frightened and lumped around kicking the baby boy on the leg and fracturing one of the bones near the knee. Dr. Sailor, or Sherwood, waa I called and aet the broken bone, and the little child is aotng aa wen aa eou,1 b" IPc,e1- . ' Arthor Draper, ol 8 ant a Paula. Cal., rrlved on Saturday last to Join hla no la visiting her brother.. u.Trv o... . Mr. Drater Norman and Harry Bay. Mr. Draper Is very much pleased with Oregon. CLARKES. The merchant of Clarkea, Mr. Lar- klna, waa in town on Monday. Ming appointed paator In charge, will August Biunm waa cutting oaia in Beaver Creek the flrat of tbe week, Mr. Baurer Is helping Elmer le to hsul hay. Rev. 8mlth's son, from Southern Oregon, preached In Clark ea Sunday evening. - , t ' - " ' There was a surprise party given on Willie Klelnamlth'B birthday laat Frt- x Mra.- Zella - Surfua . Oetrend. from day. There were 40 preaent and all I Seattle, . is visiting her mother, rela hsd a fine time. ' tlves and frlenda. She and her hue- Fred Stelner has been cultivating hla potatcwa. Edward Hettman and Albert LAf klna went out blackberrylng on Mon- day. .w-v Mr VVattlanfar la rlaarlna- land. . I Mr. Grace 4. waa In town on Hon-1 day. Mra. Ellta Kleinamttb has been ill. Mr. Buol haa purchaaed a new bin- der,- - - r - -: Otto Buol has been cutting oatalRav. 'Wai In a protracted meeting fej COIlEGE EXPERTS ti it. I -J h STRAWBERRY SLIGHT HA Av PEARED AT MAPLE LANE AND DESTROYS FOLIAGE. I ' - l PH paioo- -if-f 1 is T 4 . . I . . . W.U",.SS""'4 Aealataut Bailey, waa here Wedneaday La tnvaalla-atav. . that ilrtwharn t,llarH lJ tI " SiJii? Hia.iivK j aa-a iwv vf-Bn -vei wvav vaaVrUi V I m.A .ta A f 1 Asula I. U ljr era eo aaa. wuui 1 1 Ul 1 I If apoctor, and visited Mr. Lewis', farm I "u" lu" - w. Dwauuw, a ni L. a. War aB M I Ryal, Downer and Kuppenbender. P. 0'Jhpl"lW?. wa lema 9 w wmJW A ivicnavi Jackaon believes that tbe roots of the l' , hT.. "ZfVu"?. The result la that tbe foliage turns black and dlea before the maturity of tbe fruit. Tbe college men went to Can- " ,n.I"t'K"- . . 'IT'.IT. by Mr. Cummlnga, a grower of that place. MILWAUKIE. The United Artisans held their regular meeting Tuesday evening In W. O. W. Hall. Two candidates were InlllatMl A lara-a r-marri Mini frnm nrecon Cltv. and after rerular routine i bnalneaa refreabmenta were aerved, I followed bv a a-ood nrorram and danc- I " W nc Xn) Artisans will give a dance at rrvatal Lake Park Saturday evening. j o m,m wnman'a work rinh win mect in Grange Hall Thuraday and serve dinner to the men members wno donated their work and are build- a tbe aldewalk. koj., held their regular club me4Sting Monday evening. BUI Large wlu .ne)jp lnem in tnt)ir wori qjing ,ha summer montha. . The Alumni of tbe MHwaukie Hlith School will bold a social at Crystal ukt Park Friday evening. A good program will be given. Mr. and Mra. B. C. Weaver are re- Icelvln the eonxratulationa of their friends on tha birth of a aon. July 20. Mr. and Mra. 8eavy and Mlaa Rea- can wara called to New York on ao- count of alcknesa of Mrs. Beavy's and ui.. Reaaan'a father. Georae and Alma Brownell. of Ore- Iron City, aold four acres of land ad- joining Mllwaukle, to Cbarlea D. Tar or, j0hn Scott sold one acre of land to psrtiea who are building a three thousand dollar houae on the same. . The Evangelical church la holding camn meetlnc at Jenninca Lodge UU August 6. Judre Kelao. Judge W. A. Hanson. iui, Campbell, Mayor Strelb, Fred Lehman, and aeveral other prominent people went to Portland to attend the 5-cent car fare bearing. Charlea Council la on the alck Hat Mra. Ella Maple. Mr. and Mrs. X U Kixina ana cnuaren were Kortiana vleltors Thuraday evening at the home or Mra. unzseiu Fred Lehman was given a birthday surprlae party Thuraday evening, July a 7 i ma ir.uu. w Edward Olda was an Oregon City visitor Wedneaday, MrB Maggie Johnaon waa in Port- ! land Wedneaday on bualneaa. ELWOOD. You may talk about the future, the nreeent and tha nat. Qut the finest time In Elwood waa night before last, When the Dartv Invltatlona were ac- cepted by a crowd To meet and play games a swinging, dancing not allowed. The crowd waa late in garnering, ior m cnoree nrat muat m aone. And cakea were baked in milk pane to feed the merry onea. tniny-nye '"'. "U,UU"OT l tnis gmtnenng m bhv altiKlng waa aubllme. They surely all enjoyed the evening, or the swinging games at leaat. For they scolded when told at mid night the playing now must cease, a Wo hear Mr. Granatzkl had a pe culiar experience laat week while try ing to save hla geeae from being the prey of an eakle. The intruder waa knocked around by a club, by a club, then ahot. but neither Droved fatal H aoared away Mra. Repkte lost her houae and barn by fire. The flames started In .he harn.. which waa tuat filled by tbe season's hay crop. Cauae unknown. Mr. Cox haa on. his farm a tree which would be a clone rival to the large treea of California. They were sawing all day doubled handed to rail the monster. Tbe Rullaford'a wood gaw i00n told Ita worth people are somewhat anxious about a forest fire near here. All decline on seelng another fire as raged In 1902. Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Cornvallls Came out to look after their Intereata i timber clalma here. Tn alt on a chair without reclining u 1. a clause In etlaalte some must iearn by a "total recoil.. . Tbe woodaaw left T. W. Header- Bon and went to Lewis Vallen Mr. and Mra. Phvberc. from Port- i.nd. . ara vlaltlng Bentenea. the old home of Mr. Stromgreen. They were vlaltnra at United Brethren aervlcea tnd Sunday gueata of their frlenda. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Henderson have at their father'a where they wm -i8t until wanted plana are de- velop.d. Th.y ,,, to make their k cvnl.ih Mra aiir Han- home at Philomath. Mrs. Alice Hen- derson, former graduate of that Inatt- tutlon, and having cnarge or tne uor matorv aa well aa being chapefone. faaia her dutv atronaeat to thoae llv- in there. Rev. A. S. Henderson be- take up wholly the miniateriai worn. we know their work there will ba helpful and appreciated, yet we as relatives and friends, will miss them .sr. much. We heartily extend to them our best wlabea. . Mr. Mellkie le cutting Mr. John- aon'a grain-hay today. band apent a delightful year In New York, having Juat arrived via C. P. railroad, -stopping to visit Phliader Dnla. Whahlngton, D. C., Pittsburg. nhlcaao. and v a tea reutives at nr Ia im Mra Oatrand atndlaul art while Mr.,- Oat rend, apeelallted In Wo- logy at Columbia university, in pre- naratlon for hla position in the Uni- veraltv of Waahtngton. Rev. v A. -8. Henderson la helping STUDY LAW Nothing will give you more power and Influence la the world tkaa a taor Ofgb knowledge of the law. "It la the combined wisdom of the agec." Three yeare' oouree with degree. SUndard la equal to tbe Eaatern law ecb-oole and the work la most thoroughly done. Fully preparee for the Bar eiamlnatlons. , Tbe school is In aeealon all the year In both day and night claaae. En roll at any time; do It now. . . LA PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL IRVING E. RICHARDSON, LL.D Prealdent-Dean Phones, Marshall 2761. A MU. (31 Worceater Block, aa,rtlanal. Or. Unliod Brethren quarterly meeting at i ML Home church Saturday and Sunday next, Rev. Cocking officiating. Ail cordially invited. -MOLALLA. There waa a apeclal telephone meet ing laat Saturday afternoon, about 40 members being preaent. A motion to incorporate the system waa defeated by one vote, whereupon three trustees were elected and given power to pur chase a lot and build a home for cen tral office. Very likely when aald trustees see where tbey are at the matter will be dropped until the next annual election. Saturday waa a lively day here for thoae who did not have time to take In tbe new "Townalte" at Mullno. The grange transacted Important matters relating to Its annual fair this fall, which will occur on the fourth Satur day of September one week previous to the county fair. Tbe grange hall la to be painted next month with two coata of paint by Loula Dougherty. - Monday waa the hottest day of the season here 100 degree In the shade full and atrong. No sunatrokea re ported. - Harvest rin soon be past now. Clover-hulling begins at C. W. Her man's tbe laat of tbe week. - - Carpenters will commence on the Wood's residence this week. Fredricc Bros, are putting In a larg er boiler In their creamery plant. . The Molalla Irrigating Canal Co. haa a good stream of water flowing through their ditch which looks good these hot days. W. P. Herman and wife. J. M. Mel ton and wife have returned to Pleas ant Farm for the summer, hailing from Lenta. Railway Promoter Swift and others are soliciting stock subscriptions here about with good success. . W1U be go ing by rail soon. Mra. EngllBh, of Colorado, and Mr. and Mra. Clifton, of Idaho, were vlalt lng relatlvea a Oak Point Farm laat week. ' Mia Vada Watte, telegraph oper ator at Roseburg, and her slater, Mia Elsie Watte, of Stone were vlaltlng old frlenda and relative in thla vi cinity recently.- Autolst are favorably impressed with the great tmprovementa made on the canyon road to Wllholt on the water grade- What a fine drive that would be If that road did not Jump into the hilla at both end a. Mlaa Veata Har lea I still under the .dctors care for. appendicitis. with a good chance for recovery. HARMONY. : i Make hay while the aun shine I tbe old adage but ! la almost too hot to make hay. -- Misses Iva and Chattle Cbapmaa, of Cornelius, are here vlaltlng their sister. Mra. C. G. Millard. - Mra. Alexander ana square Jtiuara are on the alck list. , The Ladies' Club meets thla week at tbe borne of Mra. H.. Battin. Mr. W. Kanne, 8r haa gone to Sheridan. Or., to visit with her broth er and family. Mr. Boatman visited In thla burg laat week. Mr. and Mra. Bell wood of Mllwau kle, visited at the home of Mrs. H Battln laat Sunday. ' Mlaa Pearl Clarke la alck In the hospital. Avra Hayman haa gone to Wilson- vllle to work. Ben Rosenan. of Sheridan, la help ing Duncan McNIchola during the hay season. v-.r- . Quite a number of young ladles and their cbAperone called at the home of the Mfllarda last Sunday night. Robert Rosenau. who haa been alck, Is able to be up and around. . Are you a subscriber to tha Morn ing Enterprise? If not you ahould call and let ua put your name on tbe sub scription list Immediately. COUNTY COURT NOTES FOR JULY . TRM In the matter of the Report of the District Attorney on the Petition of A. Hugel et'al for a County Road, said report being unfavorable, IT IS ORDERED- that aald Petition be, and the aarae hereby dlamlased. . In tbe matter of , the Petition of Jesse Bagby el al for a County Road, IT IS ORDERED that said petition be laid over until the regular August Term on account of the Insufficiency of the Bond. In the matter of the Petition of E. J. Swank et al for a County Road. , Tha report of the County Road View- era being,, unfavorable, IT IS OR DERED, that aald Petition be, and the same is hereby dismissed and Peti tioners pay the cost of the viewing of said propoaed Road. In tbe matter of the Petition of L. Francla et al for a County Road. The"' report of the County Road Viewer of Washington County being unfavorable, . V IT IS ORDERED that aid Petition be. and he earne la hereby dismissed and that all cost ol the viewing be paid by the Petitioner. J IT IS ORDERED, that the Petition of Ed Ringstad et al for a County Road, be laid over until the Regular August Term, 1911. ' In the matter of the Report of the District Attorney on the Petition of B. F. Johnson et al for a County Road, said report being favorable. . ' . . IT IS ORDERED, that aald Road be, and the same hereby la declared to be a county road and ordered openedw The report of the District Attorney on the J. . George Nagel Road, being favorable, e i U : .1 , IT IS ORDERED, that said Road, be declared a County Road and Ordered Opened. 'j ' The report of the Dlatrict Attorney ott the George Qurnsey Road being fnvorabr, NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon' Popular Beach Reeort An Ideal retreat for outdoor paa tlmea of all kind. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Aato Ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agatea, moaa agatea, moonstones, carnelan can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the beat of food at low price. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oyaters, with abundance of vege table of all kinds dally. Camping Ground Convenient and At , tractive. wth strict sanitary regulation LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKETS . , ,.. from all point In Oregon. Washing ton ana iamno on sale a&ny. 8-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS . from Southern Pacific . point Port land to Cottage Grove: alao from all CAE. elation Albany and west. Good, going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or. Monday. Call on any 8. P. or C. E. Agent .v. . u ....ui.. m m m j v, 44M. schedules, etc.; alao for copy of our Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore gon," or write to I ! -t '!... .. Wni. MtfJurr ay GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Portland Oregon. First aAnntea.! Picnic ol Knights of the THE MT HOOD ELECTRIC ROAD . Cars Leave 'Oregon City at . .7:30 AND 8:80 . ( SUNDAY, JULY 30th TAKE MONTA VILLA CAR AT PORT LAND TO MT. HOOD DEPOT. IT IS ORDERED, that aald Road be declared a County Road, and Ordered opened. ,-' , ; , In the matter of the Petition of M. SUuber et al for a County Road. 1 ; On motion of Attorney for aald Pe titioners, IT IS ORDERED, that aald Petition be laid over until the De cember Term. ' , ' . ; , The report of the Dlatrict Attorney on the A. F. Eyman Road being; fav orable, ' ,. ' TT I ORriRRim. thai aaJd road ba declared a county road and the aame 1 hereby ordered opened. ; IT IS ORDERED. THAT THE PE TITION OF . FRED KAMRATH et al for, a County Road, be laid over until ' the August Term of the County Court, and. that the motion to dismlaa the aald Petition be denied. ,. The Couny Road viewer having re , , ported on the Wm. ChynoweUt road, the Ben T. Rawlina Road, and. the; Herrlck Road, M IT IS ORDERED that aald Road be referred to the Dlatrict Attorney for hi opinion. - 1 The following Plata ,nnng been innmvat hv tha CnnntT luaunr and County Surveyor, were ORDERED FILED. Gurley Addition to Canby. Sellwood Gardens, Woodmont, Bland Acres, Bonlta Acres Extended, Mullno, and Clalrmont Acreage Tract. ' ' IS THE MATTER -OF THE AP POINTMENT OF C E. RAMSBT aa Deputy County Recorder, "" IT IS ORDERED that aald appoint ment be and the same 1 hereby con firmed. 1 . It 1 ordered, that George Ogle. O. F. Wltte. M. J. Welsh, J. A. Keck. M. A. Magone and S. B. Cooke be and they are hereby appointed 8pec1al Deputy Sheriff for Clackamas County. IT IS ORDERED, that the Petition of E. S. Womer et al asking; that the corporate limits of Eatacada. be do- .1 n mA m wrt I r4 m TT, nnltl nt - mrtA 4im V. J. 4J. .VMaaa . . V. , W, 4U1 4).W same I hereby denied, for the reason that the same la not In accordance with the law. , ' ."' ' 1 IN THE MATTER OF, THE PAINT ING OF THE SUSPENSION BRIDGE, and the report of H. L. Hull, Inspector of said work, being In all respects, sat isfactory, v IT IS ORDERED, that the Clerk draw a warrant on THE GENERAL ROAD fUND. for the sum of 2698.70 In payment thereof, aa per contract. IT APPEARING TO THE Court that It la for the best interest of the Coun ty that tba Bum of $35,000.00 be trans ferred from the ' GENERAL FUND of Clackamas County to the GENERAL ROAD FUND.' ' V " ' ' ' IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that the County Treasurer be, and he I hereby directed to' make the said transfer In accordance with, this Order. la the master of tba resignation of ' Thoteaa ' It Fox ' aa County Coroner, and thrBppotntment'of a man to fill tbe vacancy caused thereby. ' ' , IT 18 HEREBY ORDERED that aald Resignation be ccpt4 a4 that Wnv I. Wilson, be a4 he' m -Wrtby v- iwiavaii w v i r i - ...