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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGOaT CITT, OREGON - C. E. SROOIE. Edltee and PwWIefcee. a-alaae Btttar Jeav qtyCfr-aso. oaM tae act e TEEMS W SDBSCnPTMN. On Yaar, by mmO is Montna. DT rwr Moatha. by 1U bjr -' 1 airtrrewc iatd rirrt Pasa, M UN Ttret taHHm .1U .lb nrt pin, par nu uaM fnfinM auairtoa any pa, per aacfe ..Ue first tnaarttan a awr rrd aoaltloa tM tnaartlaoa Je Km paper brr tnaa first pa, par aw firm taaartloa le In paper athar thaa flra paa. Sao a444 til 14 per Mm; t ragvlar aAvar-. itan to Dm. WuU. FW Bale. To Heat. rait a word flm meartlea; -half Ml Mch additional. RttH far adrarttata ! m Weekly Cntarprto wtU be tha U b tM ally for 4nrtlMamti sat larnulalTy tor th weakly. Wtm the uiiflhi at to tranafarrad from Um dally to the wik ty, without cnanaa. the rate will aa a a kaca (or Mia at tha paper, eat It aa lack tar apwdaj peaAtfaav Cash ahould party la tmknowa ta baatoeas efftae the Bnterpnse. IC1 advarUela at la-J advertlsta- rat, Ctreua advertising and apaelal traaaeant avrtlah at lae to toe aa men. aecera Mia; w Vfww yiwmi.ww wwa ...... Tlra Bala' aad Bankrupt )" advar- a Sfc i Inch drat meartioa Raws Itaina and wall wrtttaa artftdes f aaarU. with lataraat to local raadere, arfll ba s'adty accepted. Rejected aana- eertpts war returned natlaaa ao lad by atKaaos to prapay uuataaa . CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. July 28 In American History. 1823 Manaeeeh Cutler, clergyman, pa , trioC pioneer and scientist, died: bora 1742.. : 1835-Comroodore WUllam Batnbridg. - naval officer distinguished In tb war of J81Z died: bom 1774. 1863 William Lowndes Tsncey. "ortg , inai aecaasloaJst." died: born 1814. X891 Samuel Bands, printer, who Brat pat Tb Star Spangled Banner" In type, died: born 1800. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. -'. (From noon todaj to noon tomorrow.) Bon sets 7:15, rlaea 4:49: moon aeta 29 p. m.t 4 JO p. m-. moon In con junction - with Venn, passing "from weet to eaat of the planet. B degTeea Bortb thereof. DID YOU HELP PAY THIST . Th Portland Railway Light 4k Pow er Co. obtained a net Income of $95.207 60 from Its Oregon City line during the past year. The gross earn ings amounted to $194,087X7 and th operating expenses $98,880.47. In 190 . th gross earnings totaled $164,645.51, and th operating expenses were $82, 359.76, th net earnings being $82, 187,76. Th net earnings In 1908 were $63,556.01. Still this great corportlon objects to giving Oregon City a reduction in fares and wants to retain a net of income of more than 60 per cent on the gross earnings. In addition to these figures this company had $28, 408.18 net earnings on Its freight business In 1910, netting nearly 60 per cent on th gross earnings. This gives the concern a grand net total of $123,615.68 for the -year on th Oregon,City division alone. The op erating expenses In the passenger and freight departments totaled $121,083. 78, which Is less than the net . Income. The fight that Oregon City people are putting up to secure a reduction In far will probably be successful. Th company's own figures are a con fession of swollen earnings. On the Cazadero line the net earn ings In both departments on the Caza Ings In both departments totaled $337 904.33, the operating expenses amount ed to $218,863.75, leaving a pet In come of $119,040.58. i The average public service corpora tion will rleld only under tremendous pressure, and It Is now up to the State Railroad Commission to give the Drug Habit Causes In sane Asylums to Overflow By Dr. H.W.WILEY, Chief Chemist of Department of Agriculture IT IS NOT SAFE TO A88EF SANITY IS DUE TO ANY IN JHE LIGHT, OF EXIS 1 TO ASK WHETHER THE ASSERT ARE NOT POTENT INSANE ASYLUMS. CAUSES IN t y All we can do to wipe out this achoola. The real remedy lies with ' with a race that ia entering upon , aa yet uncontaminated directly by any of the so called "DOPES" and ' with whatever heritage of nervoua health the parents can confer on them' To S very great'extent we , . . . o - the children be taught at home to rt J . I 1 J- ,11am i.jli.lM in 11 Vinm I a Caueme auU WUaCOU IIIU UU UVI mvw mem w wuiugo m cuuvn u them bei,xugh ganely the dangers that lie in alcoholic beverage. Warned agamst tooee more common temptations ana msiruciea ad to the consequences attaching to the uae of all stimularAs and nar eoticg, the child'g mental and moral nature la PREPARED to pro- teet it body Iron any beedleea injury oy meang 01 aruga ana pouons. , Ujildren o reared as to the body will grow to be itrong, heaJthy fmen and women, who, even if tempted, will uccesafully ,RE8IST the datars tlrt era frovirj so serious to the minds and Sodies of the ri people of Clackamas county relief from exorbitant chariee. ' ' , Senator Polndexter. of Waahlnston, aad Senator Works, ol California, vot ed for the Canadian reciprocity meas ure.' So did Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon. But Senator Bourn voted agalnat it. presumably to pleas his friend La rollett. Wnll Polndeiter and Works are Insurgent leaders and ar Republicans, Chamberlain showed more Republicanism In his vote thaa did Bourn, who voted against recip rocity because La Pollette. Insurgent, did, and voted tor th Fayne-Aldrlch tariff bill because AMrtch, standpat ter, did. On can never put his finger on Jonathan. He is the real elusive Solon. - ' ABOUT ADJOURNMENT. That th Senate Is willing to ad journ on August T, or soon thereafter. does not by any means give assurance that th House will consent to do so. In fact the House hsa promised to keep on sending in tariff bills for th Senate to consider tor some time yet. so it Is more than likely that Con gress will still be with us In Sep tember.- and possibly In October. Speaker Clark Is plsylng a very con servative game, and be has no reason to fear a continuation of the session because of Its possible effect on his political chances if one may Judge br bis record thus far. The country seems to consider him a strong eandl date, and he has a great many friends outside of the Democratic party as well as in it If Mr. Clark. Mr. Under wood, and other leaders In th House, are not afraid of a long session. It is unlikely that there will be an adjourn ment just to suit the Senate. i YOUR MONEY BACK. We promptly refund money paid us If treatment falls to benefit. Her Is a remedy intended for the treatment of kidney ailments of a more or less chronic nature that has produced remarkably beneficial results In treating great number of cases. In devising the formula of Rezall Kidney Pills, the manufacturers have profited by th experience of genera tions of practising physicians, and the Ingredients contained therein are such aa hav been used by such physicians in satlsfsctorily ' treating kidney dis orders. We offer yon Rexall Kidney Pills under our personal guarantee to re turn your money If the treatment Isn't satisfactory to yon. Sixty Pills In a box, 60 cents at our store The Rexall Store. Huntley Bros. Co... ' i - ' A TRIFLE GOSSIPY "Fred,"' the horse belonging to Hor- ton A Cox, although he has only one eye, "gets there just the same when it comes to running away. Severs! years ago the horse lost the sight of its eye. but this does not Interfere wltb Its appearance, as the animal Is sleek and clean and fine specimen of horse flesh. "Fred" has an idea he must run away just so often, but al ways stops when some on calls "whoa"! no matter who It is. If the horse is running at full speed, and If this command Is given him he will stop Instantly. A few days ago "Fred" ran away on Center street, throwing Earl Horton out of the wagon, and on Wednesday took another run with the wagon filled with ice. No one wished to be the Ice man then, although the day was extremely warm. Earl Is looking for another- driver, aa this Is the third runaway he has been in during the past month. On Wednes day the horse became frightened while L. P Williams and Earl Horton were delivering ice in the Seventh 8treet Hotel, someone turning a horse on It The horse wss stopped by George Ely. Old Baseball Star Die. OCEAN CITY, N. J., July 27. John Radcliffe, famous ss a baseball player 1 the '60s and early '70s, died sud denly at the Ocean City Yacht Club. He was 63 years of age. Radcliffe waa a member of the celebrated Ath letics, of Philadelphia, as pitcher and shortstop. He was regarded ag one of the great bare-handed catchers of his time. Radcliffe lived in Camden, N. J., and after retiring from baseball became a poultryman. THAT THE INCREASE IN IN- ONE PARTICULAR CAUSE BUT, EXI8TINQ FACTS, IT MAY BE WELL DRUG HABITS OF THE NATION THE OVERPOPULATION OF OUR at t condition is preach in our public the COMING GENERATION the duties and the strain of life can start afresh with them. , : , dread the insidious POISONS of MORNING ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. JULY 28. INSPECTS ROADSrOMOSROW Members of tb Stat Road Commis sion on Saturday will go from Salem to Portland on th eaat side of th river and from Portland to Salem on th weat side of th river In outomo- biles to determine wblcb is the moat feasible rout for th Capital Highway between th caDltal-and ' Portland. Judge Dlmlck received notice of th proposed trip Thursday, nut, Because of other business, will be unable to accompany the party. The commis sion also will Inspect the grade and examln th roads thoroughly In or der to get acquainted with tbem. STAMP-SELUHG BOX , FASTER THAN CLERKS Huntley Bros. Company, for the ac commodation of their customers on Thursday installed a stamp vending machine in their store. It is tb first on ever put Into operation in Oregon City and it gives quicker and better service than the most expert clerk. The" machine takes only nickels and dimes. The coins are dropped Into it the same as any other slot machine and the stamps are delivered In en velopes. No profit is mad upon tne stamps, snd it is not required that persons obtaining stamps from the machine shall be customers of other departments of the store. - - Real Estate Transfers. J. A. and Flora McKlel to T. R. Phillips and L. O. Thompson, lot 3, block IS, Windsor; $10. Joseph Cartman et a to L. Shank, 58 acres, section 6, township S south, rsnge S east; $1. Annie Shank to Herbert G. and Ed ward P. Stewart, 58 acres, township 3 south, range 3 eaat: $1,000. - H. U. and Princess Louise Keats to F. P. Morey. 31.64 acres, sections 15 and 21. township 2 soutn, rang z east: $1. C D. and Sedonia Latourett to Christina Swanson, tracts 26 and 27, Ellda; 81.375. - EEmma F. and Daniel. Nettleton to Robert and Ellen Orr, land In section 25, township 2 south, rsnge 2 east; $2,100. 'ill .!.. SCOTCH GIVE GRAND IT HIGHLAND FLINGS, BAGPIPES AND SONGS TO BE SOME OF FEATURES. The Robbie Burns Club will give a grand Scotch concert tonight at Shlve ly Opera House under the direction of the famous Colman family, recent ly from Scotland, asalsted by a com petent company of favorite Portland artists. The entertainment will be on of the finest given in the city this season, and will appeal to per sons of all nationalities and extrac tions. Reserved seats, which will cost thirty-five and fifty cents are on sale at Huntley Bros. Company's store. General admission will be twenty-five cents. There will be Scotch dances, flings, bagpipe music and songs by artists in costume. Those taking part In the program ar as follows: D. 8. Colman, Sr., one of Scotland's favorite tenors; D. S. Colman, Jr., the Juvenile Harry Lauder, who has just finished a ten-weeks star engage ment with tb Oregon Grill, Portland ; Miss B. Colman, in songs and Irish dances; Tootsle Williamson, the smallest Highland dancer on the stage, in Scotch songs snd dances; the Pottage Sisters, In Sailors' Horn pipe, and other dances; MIbs Ferg'to son, one of Portland's most talented pianists In Scotch selections; Pipe Major John Smith, late of the famous Seaforth Highlanders' Band, Fort George, Scotland, in bagpipe selec tions snd dances. Major Noble, City Engineer, will preside. Bernard Fined $5,. Pete Semard, who was arrested for intoxcatlon and leaving his horse hitched in the sun for several hours was fined $5 and given a severe lec ture by Recorder 8tipp on Thursday. Semard said that his home was In Portland, and he had hitched the horse, thinking that his brother who lives on the South End Road would come for It. Maine Man Weds Here. May Huey snd Levi A. Guptlll were married by Justice of the Peace Sam son. The bridegroom said his home was in Cumberland county. Maine. fr 4't'w4t'4)$4444!-a44$ VOTE COUPON. 4 . o GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. 4 I 1 11 . 4 This coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled In with the t name of the candidate you wish to vote for, will pe couDtsd as one vote. 4 Name of candidate 4 Address This couron Is void after Cut on lines. Don't roll. -44w4444444444444 NOMINATION BLANK. GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVB HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Miss... Address ,, Nominated by. Address )' This nomination blank, when1 properly filled In and brought or mailed to Contest Department of Th Enterprise will count for 2,600 votes. Only on of these blanks will be credited to each can didate . nnfiTA niinTiTime rUIHIU UUUIHIIUl STILL DECUr DIGGING wVl NOT BCCOME CC ERAL UNTIL AFTER RAINS BEGIN. Potato prices ar being generally re duced her. ven though there Is a temporary showing of strength in Cal ifornia, due to th continued hvy withdrawals for outslu trade. Only a nominal amount of local stock Is coming forwsrd In condition good enough to ship and for that rea son th California offerings are com manding tb hlghst prlc. Digging will not becom genersl In Oregon un til after tb rains set In. A touch of moisture Is said to be seeded.- Th potatoes ar generally of fair sit but small slie ar scarcely wsnted at any prlc. ' c HIDES (Buying Green hldea, 5c to 6c; salters, SVie to 6e; dry hides, 12c to 14c. Shvp pelts, ioa u c each. rumen FmT local nrlces ar firm at from 8o to 10c oa apple ana prunes, peach ar 190. ' 1 , SALT Sallina- 60c to 90c (or fin. so lb. aack. half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sack Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrota, $1.25?$1.50 par aack; parsnips, $1.25 $1.60; turnips, $l.X6Ci.ou; omm, $1.60. ? VTCGETABLJcm Asparagus. 90c 0 $1.75 per erat; cabbage, new, $2 per hundredweight: cauliflower, $1.0 $1.76 pr doxen; celery, California, 75c 690c per dossn; eucunDrs, si.svv IMS nor dosen: eggplant. 15o per lb.; garlic. 10CC12C per pound; lettuce, 60c per dosen; hotnous leuac, ii.du 612 per box; peas, 9cUo per Dound: tenners. SOcffSSc per pound; radishes, 15 per dosen; rnuoarD. ia 3c per pound; sprouts, k; tomatoes, $2$3.26. ONIONS Jobbing price; Oregon $3.75 per 100; Australian. $3.60 per 100: Texas. $3.25 per crat: tauior nla, $2 per crat. ... Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hog ar quoted He lower From 126 lbs. to 150 lbs. 9tor. from 160 lbs. to 200 lbs. SVie. BACON. LAKD and HAM. ar firm VEAL CALVES Veal cal7a oring from 8c to luc according to grade. BEEF STEERS Beet steers for the local markets ar etching SVie to 6 Vie live weignt. 8HKEP nrm at to to -So live welghL , Quotariana ror gregen City. POTATOES Best, Buying 1V4 cents pound. - FLOUR AND FEED Flour Is stesdy, selling from $5 to $5.50; very little of cheaper grades. OAT8 (Buyng) Gray, $23 to $24 white, from $26 to $26. . ' BUTTER (Bnyingi Ordinary country " bring from 15c to zoc, fancy dairy from 20c to 22c. cream ery 22c to 26c. EGGS Best grade 26 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c with good demand. WOOL (Bujr.ntf) ool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled barley, $31.60 to $32.60; process bar ley, $33.00; whole corn, $39.00 cracked corn, $4000; wheat $32.00 to $33; oil meal, $53; 8hady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Buying.! Timothy $16 to $17: clover $9 to $10; oat hay, best, $12; mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14. Thrown Off Load of rlay. FOREST GROVE. Or.. July 27 An drew Allen was thrown off a load of bay near this city last evening while hauling hay for one of the leading farmers; and was seriously injured. Whips! Whips!! . We Give 'Em Away WITH EACH S5 PURCHASE WE WILL GIVE YOU A $125 RAWHIDE BUGGY WHIP. Dealers In Wool, Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed, Coal, Salt, Sugar l.l V,"i Oregon ' Commission Co uth AND MAIN STS ' Oregon City. ' 4 July 31st. Send In flat. n . . . . . to 1911. EAGLE CREEK GETS NEW RURAL ROUTE a rural delivery rout, twenty-six and lhr-fourths miles long, has been established at Engl Creek. It will be known as Route On. About igmy families will b benefited by the er Ire. Th residents bay urged me establishment of the rout for some time, and many applications wet mad before It was onisinea. m rural delivery servlc In tne county Is uelng Impiovod as rapidly as pxil- t.le, and the Indications are irai u 111 soon have as gooa serv.c as an county in th state. BEAVERS WIN CLOSE niiir rnnii iiinnc uuAnL IliUn HnOLLO LOS ANGELES. July 27. (Spec- lal.l. The Heavers played fine bail aalnat the Angela today and too one of the best gamea seen at awaning ton street park this seaaon by a score of I to I. . There was something doing every minute, nartlcularly In tb fielding line. Sensational ratche were the order of the day. Beaton and Delhi. pitted against each other, put up gooa exhibitions, allowing only scattered hit. that flsured little In the scoring Krueger obtained a freak bit in tne fourth that brouRht a laugh from the fans. He threw his bat at one or Delhls wide ones, knocking tb ball down the first base line and then beat Ing It to the bag. ; The results Thursday were as fol lows: . J. Pacific Coast League Portland 2, Los Angeles 1; Ban Francaco 1. Oak land 0: 8acramento 2. Vernon 1. Northwestern League Vancouver Portland 1: Seattle ll. Victoria 4; Tacoma 4. 8pokan 3, American League Cleveland I Philadelphia 3: New York 6. St Louis 4: Detroit 7. Washington V. Boston 9. Chicago 4. ' National . League Pa-M-wpM 4 St Lou's 3: Chicago 8. Boston 2 Pittsburg 7, Brooklyn 0: Cincinnati 7, New York 4. STANDING. Pacific Coast. W. L PC. Portland 63 46 .677 VVnon 63 64 .638 Oakland C44 67 .6 'J Han Francisco EV 60 ,-42 Sncrnmento tb 60 .478 ".i s Ans.ia . . 72 3 Northwsetern. W. L P.C. Vancouver., 63 39 .618 Spokane 68 44 6C0 Tacoma 67 44 .564 Seattle 52 47 .523 Cortland - 46 63 .405 Victoria r 26 75 .257 COUNTY COURT J. C. Bradley 6.00 Charles Hattan 20.80 E. Gelbrlch 23.80 W. W. H.'8amson 4.40 John Aden 22.00 John F. Jennings 19.20 Christian Kocher 23.80 Michael Knoll 19.C0 R. W. Zimmerman 23.60 W. E. Bonney 19 00 Willamette Hotel 6.00 Frank Ferguson, Jr 2.70 Dr. Thomas J. Fox 2.50 A. P. Todd 12.20 Lester Smith 2.30 A. J. Hobble 2.00 P. Swanson 5.60 Frank Ferguson 2.70 F. C. Burk 2.00 E. F. Qlnther 22.00 S. B. Berg 22.80 D. C. Yoder 25.40 L J. Palmateer 35.00 W. H. Kan die 35.00 O. C. Whltten 20.80 H. T. 8hlpley 84.20 Justice of th Peace. W. W. H. 8amson 21.65 Geo. A. Brown 7. William Hodge 1.70 Charles Peterson 1.70 D. E. Frost ,25.60 W. H. Faubtan .' 10.80 Mrs. Mary Strucan" 4. so Jess Shewman , Ed. Fortune , E. E. Bums John Bradley W. W. Bradley , 4.60 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.20 F. D. Cox 1.20 B. Kuppenbender 1.20 Hewthorne 5.50 Newthorne 6.C0 Geo. A. Brown , . , 1.90 D. B. Frost I6.75 Shsrlff. Charles Ely 10.00 104.00 60.00 10.00 29.90 E. T. Mass .... Cls B. Pratt J. O. Staats F. A. Miles .... F. A. Miles John O. Staats 29.25 13.50 Clerk. I. M. Harrington , 1.20 Th Irwin Hod son Co, 1.93 49.00 10.60 3.00 M. C. Mulvey W. L. Mulvty Th Irwln-Hodion Co '. , Typewriter snd Supplies Co. . ! Records r. Edith Smith L. E. Williams !!!.!!.!! Treasurer. Jess Paddok Coroner, Thos. J. Fox .,' R. W. Baker . . . . . Reswsll L. Holman R. O. Young John Adams , ' Harry E. Draper ......... jl",' H. 8. Moody F. W. Larlson 2.00 60.00 5.00 27.00 68.85 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 4.60 4.60 4.50 10.00 S7.8C U9 a. w. Hawkins James O'Mara , Dr. A. Mount . .... No Guesswork about your meney matter are aepeslter hsr. Your bills ate all paid by Mak. Yyr heek, whn munw . com., a rclpt N trwibl sbwit haBv r sleputse kwTT menta. no questlen as t whr yoyr ha gar., r haw you hsvs received. Yur pass Seek and th atub of your h, Z always tell th story. ' always ' " tt 0N THE SAFE SIDE AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN TILS COUHTT v THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL. TreU a 0-"ral tanklna Sl- R. L Holman II. B. Draper . John Adams . Max Uollack . . 1.10 1.20 110 1.30 1.20 6 60 660 4.10 4.10 16.00 10.00 1.20 Harry Kellogg Gerald Wilcox Guy Wilcox .. J.. A. Suter D. Burnett Dr. E. A. Summer Dr. II. 8. Mount ....... II. L Bownss Elmer Antes .'. 1.30 1.20 1.20 II. C. Dletrlck Geo. Cross C. II. Spencer ........ 1.20 R. W. Baker 6.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 10.00 20.00 1.30 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.70 1.70 1.70 4.20 J. K. Ward D. Hutchinson C. Collins Dr. R. E. Watklns.... Dr. H. 8. Mount Herman Loedlng .... Wm. 8colt Jsmes Snyder Wm. Hanson Fred Layman Homer Mullan N. a Harvey Sarah Mathews R. A. Delk '. Arthur II. DowUng .... J. R. Kelso 4.20 20.00 $.60 II. 8. Mount Fashion Livery Stable Schools. Viola Godfrey too 9.00 00 Emilia C. Shaw Brenton Vedder Asaessor. W. L Starkweather M. B. Oaffney 67.00 ...-63.00 C. E. 8 pence ' 37.60 E. W. Randolph 16.00 L. H. Klrchem 37.00 D. Engl 16.00 J. O. No 46.00 Arnold Schmidt 69.00 Clara Mitchell 40.00 Edith Jackson .... 62.00 Surveyor. D. Thompson Meld rum 158 30 Bud Thompson 103.30 Paul Dunn 103.30 Harry Gray 75.80 E. J, Swank 2.00 George Eaden 6.00 W. M. Daniels 3.00 8. A. D. Hungat 14.00 Kllbam Stationery A Printing Company i 17.50 Fruit Inspector. A. J. Lewis 17.00 H. II. Dauchy 14.30 W. J. Wllaon 7.60 Wants, For Sale, Etc Netlene under thaa malllil will aa Insula at aaa eanl a war, firm maaruoa, naii a eat aiaitlmal - Imar waa. una men aar. II aar taontl. Kat: aian eara. M rmaaf ti aar month. Caah muat aaaaaiaaar arr untraa an haa an aen aeomia with tha m flaaaetal ivapanalbllttr far arrars; whan errors ocenr fraa earrveta aotiaa will k. sriaiaa lor patron. Minimum eharce Uc WANTED. vVANTED Collectors to see my col loctlon of all sorts Of enHoa an, tlques, and Indian trinkets; stamps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow-heads for arch wjioaisis, etc. 1 huy and sell all aorts of curios; also all kinds of mumi-nana furniture and tools. uwrBB roung. Main, near Fifth WANTED Eight to ten head of cat tie to picture at $1.50 per head, E! l"n:.AddrPM. W.F.Harris: WANTii advertisements for this eol'imn. PMoes very reaaon abl B rtM ,t Rwd the Morning Enterprise. WANTED-Tou to know that th En ?!? a? J.b prlntl0 department Is i . .mo,i oon,P'e In the Stat. WANTED Femal Help. ' G7V,f IF Oregon j wu"m , FOR SALE. FOR SALTS One South wick hay press on 10-hors now M":'Vr""' pr1iomc.:,trt,e- AMTWt Ent- Sell thst old plow or harrow; yon dont use u tne von ,,,;. vour new on r wajsa-l fARM LOANS-DJmlck Dlmlck Lawrera. r..- u,mica, ' ATrnaftisrva a. ! IV-.. I , r. j. ,v SftO.000.aa Open from 9 A. M. a) J rrBJSN a scuuamau Atunr Law, Deals ah if Advokat, q . la all aowrte, make oast U as. OtlWa hi I prte 2nd. Or Cttt. One BUILDER AND CO T"CT0; HARRY JONBS Bufldar aa n Coa tractor. BaUmates ikes' given o all etaa , of work, eoaerete walka aa rsa. tea. raoaa Mala m, MISCELLANEOUS. , NOTICE On of tb handsoBM best running launches on rtn be bought for leas than cost tTlal, or will trad for teal ; Addrea II. 8. TteU. uoi U, 1 , gon City Or, , B AS E BALI RECREATION PARK, j Cor. Vaughn and Twnty-ort VANCOUVER PORTLAND July 24, 25. 86, 27, 28, 21 Gamee Begin Weekdays at Sti In Weekdays at $ m day. 2:90 P. M. I S . DAY FRIDAY. 13 Free to Blew i Sund LADIES' Boy Uadar vadaaday irvaaamntattharaVlbmllnsrihaltlaRav HIiuUiauraHlnclaThraad f'AoM m , ffewluc MiM-hlne wrlla to J TNI IIW lOWI $IWIRI MACIIIRt C$aK Orange, Maatav. I Mnr wvlni aiM htM n mmAt la wll rir" nalur, but th Haw llama li bm Our tmn ar nia aut Bald aikarlad Jara sS OB tAUl av s W. L M1R1M1LL. $50 Morrlaon SL Portlani,, J Buy a Home While Paying Rent . 1100 down and $12 a men" takes this comfortable slx-rooa nous gnd lot Hous Is !" for electricity. Lot 62x105 fa Bom fruit on plae. Well cated on Madison St. ((V) A""P at,7" y. E. P. Elliott and Sen 7th and Main gts., by 8usp ' slon Bridge. THE MORNINO VMTKRPRlM Is on sal at th following nor1! every dav: , ! very day: Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. J. W. MoAnulty Cigars , Seventh and Main. Becrest Confectionery Main near Sixth. M. B. Dunn Copfectlonsrf , Nx door to P. O. , City Drug 8 tor Eiectrlo Hotek Walter LltU-ConfctIon7 614 Seventh Street ' VolkmarDruiti -8erenth near Center.- 8okon born Con fctlonrf Seventh and X Q. Adam. INSURANCE. . U. COOraaL, For Fir uk aad Real Bat. Let ta k ywr bco parties w bay, salt issbisa. Ota la aW 9m- Orswtw Olty. Oregoa, THE WORLDS 6RHrE5TSEWlK8ir K hUGHT RUNNING; TOM ' 110 REWARD For tb arrat an ncf! of any person or parson, , unlawfully remov copies of TJJ' Meniint JCnterprlaw from premise of subscribers paper hag bq plaod tbar r carrier. Gilbert U Hedges 3. rr JJ.. ....... A444a'