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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
',1. 1 4 MORNING ENTERPRISE. THITHSDA, JULY 27, 1911. , ' - ?J MUM TO In collevr w wera dl Tided Into food. Indifferently tooi Dl1 I rSrrt to uj that I was of tna third class bad. Tba badness In college bojt la usually bat a superfluity of health, youth and spirits, and when I look back upon my elf at that period 1 simply a boy paaslLg Into manhood. A.S soon aa 1 was graduated I sought tha freedom of the wild west Ranch ing waa my vocation and cowboys my associates. Tna only tnlnir that I can remember creditable to my self while a rancher was falling in Jots with Kleanor Warfleld. a Tlsltor at a neighboring ranch. This occur red during my first year In the west and some time before I had been transformed from the grub, youth, in to tbe superior be Inc. man. Miss War fleld returned my proffered affection and consented to be my wife, bat on eoe condition, I moat be approved by her ancle. lie was rich. and. being: a bachelor, she waa to be his heir. Nev ertheless she was aare that If she mar ried a man displeasing to htm he would leave his property elsewhere. My nance, havlnc flnlahed her vlalt. left for the east. She waa to announce star en fa cement to her uncle and cre ate aa favorable an Impression with rears rd to me an possible. Tben. the way having; been made smooth. I was to go east myself aad present myself for Inspection. Mlaa Warfleld wrote m some time after her arrival that aha had Inform ed her uncle of her engagement She waa not verhopeful In the matter, for he had asked a number of questions aa to my antecedents which she knew very well would not pleas a critical old gentlemaa who had a ever sown his Wild oata and whoa Ideas of a bus fcMd for his niaee lac lined to the cler ical prof season. What troubled Eleanor waa that he aaked at what college 1 had studied, and from my career at the university aa I had frankly given It to her aha waa quite sure he would bear mo good of me. She waa agreeably disappointed In this, however, for the faculty spoke very well of me. a clr . cumstanco which surprised mo and led an to believe that these gentlemen consider un meritorious students more aesttTnl of encomiums than those who are meritorious. At any rate. 1 have found tbetn far more lenient to my faults as a graduate than tbey were to as as a student When the time cam for my Inspec tion I wrote my fiancee, giving her the day and train on which I would ar rive. On the way I fell In with an old gentleman who waa the only person on tbe train I cared to talk to and whom I engaged In conversation. Be waa one of those men who have more sympathy with young ' people than those of their own age. He talked horse, and I waa delighted to talk horse with him. He smoked to excess and drank whenever It pleased him to do so. We hadn't been together half an hour before be brought out a flask, cigars and cards. I waa not personally averse to any one of tbe three and pre ferred them together. Having Im bibed and lighted weeds, we proceed ed to play. I found the gentleman the beat eucber player I had ever met Possibly my reason for so considering him was because before we reached oar destination be had taken out of me all the money I had brought with me for expenses. "Well," I said. Tin cleaned out" "Come to my bank tomorrow morn ing," he said, "and I'll cash a draft for you." Blnce I needed money from the start the first thing I did after my arrival was to call at the old gentleman's bank. I found him a very different person there from the man with whom I had traveled. He waa dignity itself. He cashed my draft without the slight est reference to tbe manner In which we bad whlled away the time on the train, asked a few civil questions and dismissed ma with the remark that this was his busy day. . I felt a trifle groggy, and I feared I looked groggy. Therefore I took s long nap. deferring my call on my fiancee till evening. I was anxious t see Eleanor, but I feared to present a dissipated appearance to ber uncle. At 4 o'clock I took a Turkish bath, dined, and at 8, quite freshened. I rang the doorbell at tbe Warflelds. Eleanor received me lovingly, of course, and told mo that the account the profes sors had given of me st college had made her quite hopefuL After chat ting for some time she led me into the library to be Inspected. An old gentle man rose from an easy cbalr, and well, I was appalled. He was my fellow traveler. Ha told me to alt down. Tben be aid that Instead of making the In spection of me In his home he bad gone west for the purpose of seeing what I really was by taking me off my guard. Ha waa very well satisfied with ma and considered me a much hotter man than I bad been represent ed by tbe professors under whom I had atudled. "or. rather, had not stud ied," he added. "What did they say of me V I asked. "The reputation yon left at college waa far better than the one I left my self. I don't belong to a studious fam ily myself, and I donbt If you do. I dfscovered on our trip that you are honorable, your Impulses are good and you will turn out all right" WE AS8UME THE RISK. You are not to Ky us ona cent unless benefited. Persons suffering from chronic kid ney ailments are asked to call at our store, purchase a box of Rexall Kidney Pills and. In the event that tbey do m prove of benefit to them, we agree promptly refund the purchase price. Our experience In selling Rexall Kid ney Pills has been such as to demon strate to us the promptness and cer tainty of their action, and wo want every sufferer from any form of this peculiar disease to accept our offer. Rexall Kidney Pills may be bad only at our store The Rexall Store. Billy Pllla In box; price, 50 cents. Bote nrri inclnrlin thfl datea Julv 25th. and July 31st, 10,000 EXTRA VOTES.will be alio. ed for every "Club" of Five NEW Yearly Subscriptions secured and turned in to the Enterprise oW Here-to-fore for five one year subscriptions you received rive tnousana votes auuu.uiuB Buuj schedule of votes, but during this special vote offer you receive three times that amount, 15000 in all Same increase imDlies in nroportion on "Clubs" of Five New Yearly Subscriptions to Weekly Enter- prise for one "Club" you received in . the past 2500 votes, during the coming week for the sac amount of subscriptions you will be allowed 7500 votes. If you secure two "Clubs" of Five for Daily or Weekly you are entitled to two Extra Vote Ce tificates, and same increase for Three, Four or Five Clubs. THIS SPECIAL OFFER WILL POSTIVELY BE THE BEST CHANCE OF TH E ENTIBT RACE TO SECURE ENOUGH EXTRA VOTES TO WIN THE FIRST PRIZE TO BI AWARDED TO YOUR DISTRICT. MAKE -THE BESTi OFE VERY SPARE MOMEEFTs ! 0 SPECIAL OFFER OF EXTRA VOTES STARTS Tuesday, July 25th at 8 O'clock A. M. FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos si i ' a m w . - I HI VALUE $400 Each r 1 Hf 1 $400 Each r lK sssmnssssmsmm VALUE Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Alder Sts. SPECIAL OFFER OF EXTRA VOTES 1 1 -4 CLOSES Monday? July 3 1 st at 6 O'clock P. M. Second P?Ues Two "20th Centory" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Drop Head $75.00 EACH Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION BUSINESS EDUCATION WHICH? Fotif Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes,and has secured scholarships in two of the fore most educational institution in the State of Oregon. FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladies sUc) Purchased at K-loai Burmeister & Andresen The Leading Jewelers of 619 Main St., OregonjCity, Of. 1 The above prizes will beawarded Saturday night, September 2nd If thr nme of your favorite candidate is not entered in the ran T-i ne nam nt i ace, send it m to-day- For further particu larafjaddrooo tho M o skin g Enterprise OISSSSr.