Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
MOftNlNO ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, JULY '27, 1911 3 1 i GREAT ; CLEANUP , .... . . e -, Vi ' 0f all our Straw andt Panama Had for this Hot Weather , ONE THIRD off on all Ladie'i and Men's Clothing, alio gig Reduction in Ladies' and Men'i Oxford. Look Us over before buying. . ' t a s J.LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. - Oregon City D.....i.raglng the Bey fit) be swful glad when I am old bafB 10 00 t pieaaw. oaiuui US Ilinvr. hnr " milled his fsther. about souo 7u ft '-h r Wig) So local matfS;. in. K- B warren, or oakorove, .. it. .1,1- rltv on Wedneaday. Horn, July H. the or Mortl- ,r Corkrell. a aaugmer. Mr. sd Mra. Stark, of Clarkea, ar ihii rlt the iiimii or Mn. ina. Mr. IJnd.ley, of Carua. wit In Ibla iv Wrdr.e.lay. Mr. Doll Trulllnger and daughter, Union Mill., were in ima euy on Ldnwday. lohn 8. Jonea. or u.vr trn, was Marling bimlDfaa lo thia city waa- nd. -i letter buy auger now. Il l aura to hither, 17 pounde for II, beat gran- Uird. Harris' grocery. Mr and Mra L. Jonea. of Eldorado. k-re sroong the Oregon City vlaltora HdnMday. h llirrlxin. of Med ford.. Wll IB Ibla r Wednesday, and waa reglatered III Electric lot el. :barla Htewart of Carua, una or II known residents oT . that kre. a In thla city Wedneaday. UKrhrll Story baa gone to fort M, where he will aoeud hla week' L-tkm with frlenda. . S ' IVIh Mable Francla, who hat boon kiting frtanda' at St John. ha re lrtdd to ber home in thia city. r. B. Dsvidson, a prominant Duai- ness man of Oswego, was In thla city ou wntiiess Weunasdsy. Horn,, Tueaday availing, July lb, to inn wire or Marry Uoyiaa, of Kirtanu and Monro trmla, a ulna pound aon. Mr. and Mra, K C. Maad, of Port land, wara tha Kiiaia of Mr. and Mra, William McCord Haturday and Hud day at Maul Lawn farm. ' Mr. and Mra. lAtiranca Manti, who bava jiiNt raluruad from Ooldan Dal. Wuti , ar tba guoata of Mr. and Mra. William MrCord. ' Drink Uartlett WiUr. Bold by all caroa. grocanaa ana aroggiata. K 8. Ilakar and dauihtir, Mlaa Julia, wrnt to lluiavllla on Wadnea day, whr tbay pnt tha day, tba forniftr going on bualneaa. Mra. J. W. Norrla, who recently un dor went a aurglcal operation for ap pKiidlt lila at tha Bt. Vlnrrat HoapKal, I'ortland, la Improvlac. If you ant bread why not get Royal llrrad Tha bra that money can buy. at llarrla' grocery. - Attorney Van Taaaell, of Albany, who baa hn at Olndmone vlaitlng V. A. Kly. and Mr. Ely'a aona, ot thla rlty, left for hla home at Albany on Tuenday evening , . Ilradley Woodward, who reoantty waa Injured while working at tha car ah-ipa at Mllwaukle. la able to be out fn cratchea. Ilia left leg waa rruahed. Mr. and Mra. Bert Roaka and aon leave today for Portland, where tbey will vlalt Mra Roaka'a parent. Mr. and Mra. Slovar. tha former being chief of the J'ortland police. Wllholt ataga will leave tba Electric Hotel each day at t o'clock p. a. Mr. Rubbing and Mlaa Clara Moray of Molalla, were In tbla city Wednea day. having come In the Kobblna au tomohlle. Mra. Robbln,a la one if Clackaaiaa county automobile enthua lanta, and can drive her own car. Mr. and Mra. Edward Schwab and little daughter, Ueraldlne, who have tx'en enjoying a two weeka' atay at their cottage at lnr Beacb. SVaab., returned to Oregon City on Tueaday evening. tiood coffee and tea la our hobby. Try our JM- coffee and 50o tea. Can't be beat, llarrla' grocery. William Kletcher. formerly of thla rlty, but now of Portland, waa In thla city on Wedneaday vlaltlng frlenda. Mr. Fletcher will leave today ror Till amook, where be will a pond aeveral weeka vlaltlng relaiivea. Mra. Ralph Miller and aon left the flrat of the week for Cannon Fteach. UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND Lead all other. : Remarkable reatilta In two and three montha. 8alrl-a $50 to 80. Higher atandard than bualneaa college. YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OUR W0RK. Eclectic Business University ' "bone A-M40 or Mamball ITS1 WORCESTER ULOCK, Third St.. comer Oak Portland, Oregon ..- - s ',' 'i YOUR VACATION Will Be Incomplete v- WITHOUT THE- MORNING ENTERPRISE WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR 25 CENTS A MONTH It's worth the money. It's like a letter from home every day. It will keep you fully informed about the happenings o! your city and county during your absence. ' You can place your order by telephone. . The I Morning Enterprile Is thejonly , datly newepaper between Portland and Salem, It 't steadily growing in popularity. You get all the newtjworth while in The IWorning Enterprise where they will vlalt tba former parent, nr. and Mra. R. h. Tabor Mr. Miller will )oln hla family on Bun nay, ana win pena bla vacation. Mlaa Mary lielle Meldrum waa matnlMtr of a party from Portland cooipoaed of Mlaa Oenevlev Tbomp- aon. aieaara, Anaeraon and Johnaon chaperoiMd by Mra. U. P. Thompaon that mada a trip by automobile to Hay ocean, returning to Oregon City i ueauay evening. Mra. H. K. Straight, who haa been vlaltlng her parenta, Mr. and Mra. T II. Hauklna, of How River, returned to her home In thla city Monday eve ning. Mr.. KtraiKiit. ,wno anent a few daya at Row River, returned aeveral oy ago. Dr. B. A. Bommer, formerly of Ore gon City, haa moved bla office to 1017 Cor bet t building, Portland. Mra. R. g. Urown, whoae buaband received painful Injurlea recently and waa taken to the Bt. Vincent lloapl- tal In Portland, where he la recelv Ing treatment, waa In tbla city on Wedneaday, returning . to , Portland Wedneaday evening. Mra. Rrown ex porta to bring ber hilaband to thla city In two weeka. Mlaa CI Pratt left on Saturday for Victoria, li. C, where aba will be the guoat of the Mlaaea pope, Mlaa Ber nice I'oie, who waa a gtieat at the Pratt home, accompanylug her. Ml Pratt will vlHlt In aeveral cltlee of IirltlMh Columbia and with frlenda at Seattle, Waah. Mra. Pope will remain In tbla rlty for aeveral weeka, the guent of Mra. W. K. Pratt and Mlaa liarolay. Rev. Mr. Chapman, a Melhodlat mlnlater, who preached for many yeara In the Willamette Valley, but whoae home la now In Babatha, Me., waa in Oregoi City on Tueaday and while here waa the gueat of hla old mend, U O. Eaton, of Canemah. It haa been more than 11 yeara alnce Rev. Chapman left here .and he la now making a tour of! the Pacific Coaat, vlaltlng relatlvee and frlenda Mra. W. II. ' Haaa and Mlaa Story of Bt. IMila. Mo. who wore In tbla city thla week,, the gueata. of the Mlaa Clara MJIIer and Mr. and Mra. Kred Miller, and who left for Ban franclaco on Tueaday, were very much Impreaaed with OreKon, and thought It the beat' elate -they have viaited alnce leaving tbelr home state. The former la an eKtenalve property owner, while the latter la principal of one of Bt. Louie' echoole. Tbey ex. pect to return to Oregon before lea v. Ing for Mtaaourt. LOWER FARES TO PORTLAND URGED (Continued from page ).) Commuter all along the Oregon line further complicated thlnga by complaining that the people on the Cazadero line were riding on a lower fare baala than the Oregon Cttyltea, that la on a mileage baala. R.adluatment la Tried. " Following thla tue railway company tried to readjuat thlnga by ralalng the farea S to 10 centa for each of the following atatlona on the Caxadero line: Wataon, Lent Junction, Gil bert. Ratea, Wllaon, Sycamore, Jenne, Meadowbrook, LJnnemann, Brunner and Iiaae Une. And, what a roar that atarted all along the line. ' The comnanv not only had tha Ore gon City oommutera on It a neck, bul tba Bprtngwater suburbanites started on a rampage, and acored a prelim inary skirmlah by obtaining a auapen alon of the advanced ratea until the Railroad Commlaalon could have a chance for a complete Investigation of the whole tangled up situation. Heart to Heart Talks. hy EDWIN A. NYE. MILLSTONES ABOUT THE NECK. Laat mouth Jow'U to tbe value of 1130.000 belonging to a New York wo man were lout or atolen. Wblcb point, a moral. Doubtleaa you have eeen an Indian woman decked lu ber trlukctaof warn pnm and bniaa. gewgawa believed to add to tbe peraonal cbarma of Ia. the , '. . , . , . . ,.the Queenaberry game. .. Her clrllUed .later prlnka heraelf AI,VbonnH, 0Jp t0 Wo1t,,t out in coauy gema wim a iikc purpoxp, AD VOLGAST'S NEXT BATltE; LlghtEelglif Cliamplon fo Eat McFarland In Frisco Sept. 7. . WEIGHT LOW FOR CHICAGO BOY Making . 13 Peuftde Pee B.ut Wilt Lauin . Hie Chanoa ef Winning "Michigan Wlldo.f Ought U Be Fa v.rit. Ov.r M.F.H.nd. y TOMMY CLARK. MoFarlaud and Woljca.t that' the battle ttrtiy've been waiting for and will probably aee on Iibor day la Ban FratM-Uco If nothing occur, to cbaiiK tbe plana of the California promoter. Tbla match ' em bodiea ao, manyvlw menu of dbnbt that niauy of tbe wla eat of fight critka arff aldeitepplng any prediction In tbe matter. At tbe am. time It afford, keen interest, which alwaya. arise from tba match lug of a atnrdy little lighting machine agalnat a poll. bed boxer. . . . Some time ago when there waa talk of McForlund meeting Wolgaat tbe battle waa ridiculed by the wise one. In fact, when Wolgaat'a name wa aa eorlated with that of the Chicago boy It always received a good laugh, but Inre tbe "Michigan Wildcat" got Into bis stride and waded through the ao Called near cbaniplona aa IT tbey were made of. papier mar he thlnga have taken on an entirely 'different complexion. Wolgast ' la no longer a . "choene champion," aa Battling Keleon dubbed him. Neither la be a counterfeit, lie la not overrated and baa demonstrated that be 1 one of the bcHt legitimate lightweight,, that the rloir baa evef developed."" Till fact waa apparent to cloae etudente of boxing when he knocked out Owen Moran In tbe thir teenth round recently. Though be beat Nelson and every one elae be baa met. there bare al waya been some doubting Tbomaeoa o far a tba Michigan la da real abili ty waa concerned. Tbe fact that he made aeveral poor showlugs agalnat "Knockout" . Brown after recovering from an Injured arm awmed to create the Impression with eome firflowere of the aport that Wolgast'e victory over Kelson waa nothing more than a fuke and that there were aeveral hoya In hla claaa who could beat bint. But by bla rlctory recently Wolgaat al"ointe ly eatabllabed himself a. ln-ltiK at tbe head of bla claaa. There may be sev eral llgbtwelgbta who In a snort bout could outpoint him. but aa a fighter he la even more sturdy than was Nelaon In hla palmiest- daya. Punlxhment aeema to hare no effect on Wolyaat. and he virtually leta hla opponent fight himself out bitting bin. There la no question now. in view or Wolgaat'a great vlctoriea and e-eeial-ly hla quick win over Moran. that be will be an even money bet If not fa vorite over McFarland when tbey meet.- - racky la naturally a big boy, and tba weight of 133 pounda wblcb be will be compelled to make will atrengthen Wolpiat'a chancea material ly. McFarland Is tbe cleverent mau of his weight In the world. But will hla exceptional cleverneea avail him when be goei agalnat tha irresistible power of tbe rugged champion from Cadillac? Wolgaat Is aa etroog aa a young bull, and when he get a In cloae and tart working away It la almost Im possible for a man to protect himself. McFarland will not atand much more of a chance to beat him than did Mo ran. because, like Moran. be lacks the stamina necessary to stand off Wol gast for any length of time. Wolgast. like Nelson In hla palmy days, seems to be able to overcome all obstacles. When he starts bis rush ing tnctica hla opponents have no tlma to exercise tbelr scientific training. The very force of thla fighting en gine brushes nsldo tbe very thlnga that precedent hns made most desirable In WHEN PLAYING TENNIS. The Cestume heli Be and Attractive aa Well 'aa Both follow tbe brut ctvution mive In thla: Among tba animals It In the male who seek to impress the femnle with bis personal charms. However The women are not ao much to be blamed. No writer has better drought out the foible of tbe newly rich In thlx respect than David Grabs in Phillips, tbe Isle author. ' - lie brings out tbe fact that The costly baubles worn by I he wo men of t.lils set are largely fur the pur pose of urn king known, the tiiiimi'liii ability of their male supporters, This Is how they iidvertlxe: ' Rut ber Minn pay a sandwich mint to parade the atreeta he thnt wants It known he la rich londa bla wife with biasing gems. Society, seeing tbe mon ey valhe thus displayed. Is apprised that there goes the wife of a million aire. Well, you say. one bus a right to do aa be will with his own. lie baa not. , Ethically no woman haa the right In a city where thousnnda live on the verge of starvation to go about useless ly adorned with a hundred and thirty thousand dollars' worth oftdl wealth. Morally she bua no right. Morally. 1 ay, no woman haa the right In a place where thousands of little children go , breakfastless to school to go gadding about glided with a fortune, of unproductive wealth wealth that 'has coat aomebody' toll and aweat and blood. Moreover Blnce the time of Blacketooe lawyera have debated the legal side of lb ques tion whether on hns the right to do aa he cbooxes with bl own, but to a Chrlstlau sense She who. ull handed, withholds the cup of water from "the least of thee" haoga not gems, but a millstone, about her neck. . ' , who hns proved himself, after getting off with a bad start to be the greatest little fighter of the rescnt day. Brasnshan Still righting. Roger Brcsnnhan'a arbitraments ot fists on tbe ball field have been brief, and they have not eubauced Roger renown nn exponent of the manly art lie has bad fleeting battles with Arthur Devlin. Bob Bescber and Bill Klem. ' CURRENT SPORT NOftS . Ottawa' (Canada) artificial Ice bock ey rtnk will cost flOO.OOtA and aeat 6,000. Tha Tale corporation has approved tha plan of erecting a ateel and cement stadium for all sports. Wisconsin has re-engaged Rowing f onch Vail In recognition of the show ing of tbe Cardinal craw on the Hud son, i", Dartmouth haa tba largest college gym. All event can be practiced therein except the hammer threw. Baseball and football guinea can be played within the Inclosur. E. R. 8weetlnnd. Cornell, will coach the Miami university . football team next fall Bweetland 1 tbe old Syra cuse. Hamilton, Ohio Stat and Kea tucky Stat gridiron Instructor. . ' . I - V Swiss Cow Melts. It la the custom of Swiss mountain eers to hang bells on tha necks of thetr cowa, and so accustomed and attached do the animals become to these bells that the deprivation of them la felt aa a punishment ' If any cow haa been guilty of straying or unseemly behavior, a broach of dloclptUi or any vicious trick the displeasure of the herdsman Is not testified by blows, but by temporary deprivation of her bell, and this seldom falls to reduce her to order and to prevent a repeti tion of t oe,n; -1 . ; fj . S r - . , - . tj' , jr' 'VV.- . 1Wt, ... -.rwH-Jt'aB I A V' A . 1 , .... ,. i. , . . link tuisi oowa. Tennl is Increasing Id popularity. Probably one reawn for Ibis hi tbat the girl who plays golf can seldom dress the pert attractively or rem hi ber trlmnee Hng upon tbe links if she playa a tolerably good game. Teonia toga are distinctly fetching: The smart tennla gown may be made of one of tha coarse linens that come In a dot- ao natural abadee. It may be of pique or percale, of cbambray. of lawn or even of pongee. It la cut low in tbe neck and Bnlahed with a -round or a ullor collar of white or some contrsst-. log material '.The aleevea cotne to the elbow. The gown may be a one piece arxair, nut oramnniy it Das a sep- arate blouse and skirt Tbe blouse Is generally cut on peasant lines. There Is . a patent arrangement by . wblcb a gore la set under the arm tbat gives plenty of play to that member. The klrt la cut moderately short for con venience. Tbe gown Illustrated here waa of pal blue linen trimmed with white. Tbe bodice waa fastened at tbe left with large buttons, which were con tlnued on tbe ' panel en the front of tbe skirt A sailor collar, closing In a point In front, and turned back cuff finished the blooa. A white chip bat trimmed with plumes, a rather more elaborate c ha pea a than most tennis girls choose, wss worn with this frock. The coetumc would be equally soluble for walking, boating, croquet and golf. In fact It xa a good all round outdoor dress. DID YOU EVER HEAR THERE ;mark, "Put all the big apples on top, John--which meant that the small and spoilt fruit wai underneath. Even if we wiihed it, that could not hap pen at our store. Our customer demand the closest inspection. y ( . , ..;; .. Besides, It doea not pay ns to boy any fruit bat the best. . One bad melon peach will spoil a whole box, basket or barrel.' Wa arc therefor Just aa uloua to secure good melons and fruit aa you are. ' ' ' ' -' ..... . , . - k. . a Our baying la dona to please you and our ' guarantee la that we will gladly replace any epoll.d fruit, that we may unwittingly eH you. RIBBON , BANDEAUX. 5 Theae Farm an Important Part af the Cv.ning T.ilrt. Seldom baa there beeu a season when ornaments for tbe balr bsve been so pretty and so odd. The picture shows a cbarminit effect In gilt ribbon drama over a satin band and gathered at tbe alda to form a loop rosette. It was designed by Ora Cne. There ar many sorts of ribbon ban deaux and little flower wreath. To met. ... . " - : -v jf . .. .. , - ' ... . i ' s,.: - 9 " OUT RIBBOW BA1IDBA0. wear with tbe bordered cotton votlea. for example, with pluk or blue lu the banding, a rbaplet of tiny pink buds or minute roses would be effective If marquisett gown are worn and these show a touch of green needlework wreaths of Ivy leaves would be beuutl fill, while soft colored ribboua or tin seled bands would go with any white scheme. ' When buying tbe ribbon remember tbat the soft crusbahle weave are all more becoming to tbe bead tbnn tbe stiff satin or gros grain ones. A wide ribbon that can be folded, too. la far more becoming than a. narrow one put nn plain, for the plaiting and twists follow the undulatlona of the balr. Tinseled ban 3a abowlng gleams of pale blue or wild rose pink under the gold threads and with two hairpin loops for fsstenlng them on are aold lo the shops. Wreaths of baby rosea, leavea, wheat and fjeld graaaea and also the wide loulalne ribbons arc to be had. ! ; DEEDS THAT LIVE. Each ray of light from a distant star haa been traveling on through the ether for hundreds of year. Yet it th'l remain pur and strong enough to affect the negative plate .of the astronomer's camera. , So with a good deed. Set it going and who know the end of it) Not the world of thit century or the next, for its influence will travel on for ages to come. .. Here are some 61 out lot the cWf ent week ts Watermelon Mu.kmelon. , Blackberriea . "TZ?-$"" n .t..3c lb. . . Be each .$145 crate , k. . . . " - .4a (. i-t ..,:', i ...rfir'.c3 erwa -V--' Loganberriea . . ji.. $10 crate Btrawberrlea ........ tlO crate Red Raapberriea ...... $140 crate '. '-' T: '' t J. E. SEELEY r. Opposite Court Hoose Oregon City STUDY LAW ,. Nothing will give you more power and influence in the world than a thor ough knowledge of the law. "It la the combined wisdom of the axe."'- Three yeara' course with degree? Standard la equal to the Eaatem law . achoola and the work la moat thoroughly done, rally preparea for the Bar examinations. i ' ' - - ' The school la In aeasloa all the year In both day and night classes. En roll at any time; ao it now ' . , , . v - . PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL , IRVING E. RICHARDSON, LL.D, Prealdent-Dean '" "' Phonea. Marshall 2751, A-544S. 631 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. Commercial aubChat Jacob Groaaml'ller, who Uvea on the iiiirhiand road, called at the Promo tion Office on Tuesday and said that he la arranging a collection or grains for the State Fair, which also will be taken to the County Fair at Canby. Mr. Grosemiiller will exhibit horsea at the Clackamai County, Fair, at Canby on September 17-30. ; ... -1 F. D. Crafta, of Stockton. Cel., waa a visitor at the Commercial Club headquarters. He la here to inveat in iinH and was interested In the new townsite at Mulino mt the Clacka- maa Southern Railroad. "I am well niuud with thla aection." said Mr. Craft, "and will locate here." ' WWW J. C. Edmunds, of Willamette, ha km'nirhi tn the nrfiee the tersest kgan and mammoth blackberriea that have been received. These berries are oi enormous slxe and show what may he grown n the productive soli of Clack- amaa county. . M. F. Marston, of Portland, who has real estate interests In thla county, was caller at the Promotion Office on Tuesday and waa very much pleee ed with the enterprise of the Oregon City people In erecting a building which shown to auch good advantage tbe reeourcea of the county. . . Fred Gilbert and A. J. Oaka, ot Spokane, who had heard of Oregon City through the efforta of the Oregon City Commercial Club, arrived In Ore gon City on Tuesday and will apend several days in looking over farina In the county with a view to buying a place near the city. . Secretary Laxelle of the Commer cial Club I In communication wtth the Iwan Brothera Tool Manufactur ing Company, of Streater, III., who will locate a branch factory In the West. Mr. Lazelle will make every effort to have the factory located In thla city. Frank Andrewa Will Build. Frank Andrewa la having hla land near the, plank road improved, and la planning to build. ' J. M. OlUett I blasting the rock and atumpe. Thl Is a most attractive location. . 1 Cornea Hare For Treatment Mr. and Mrs. L. Stewart, of Hepp ner. Or., are In the city. Mra. 8tewart has been 111 for some time, and came here for medical treatment. Dr. Stuart la her physician. , ' ' ' ' , . r POPE HAS BAD NIGHT.' ROME, July 26. The Pope bad a restless plght, due to fever, hut today hla throat la not ao sore rand the hoarseness bad lessened. ' - AddresHlng Monslgnore Blletl, ma Jordomo of the Vatican..' the pontiff said he hoped to be able soon to re sume his audlencea. . v , ' Are you a subscriber to the Morn ing Enterprise? If not you should all and let ua put your name on the sub scription Hat Immediate ?J i . NEWPORT YAOUINA BAY ' Oregon's Popular Beach Reeort ' ... " ''. ' ' ' An ideal retreat for outdoor pas times of all kinds. Hunting, Fishing, Boating, Surf Bathing. Riding, Auto ing. Canoeing, Dancing and Roller Skating. Where pretty water agatea, moaa agatea, moonstones, carnelana can be found on the beach. Pure mountain water and the beat of food at low prices. Fresh fish,, clams, crabs -and oysters, with abundance of vege tables ot all klnda daily. . Camping Grounds Convenient and At- tractive. ,': - i wtb strict sanitary regulatlona LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKETS from all polnta In Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho on Bale daily. 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKET8 v , ,. from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all CAE. atatlona Albany and west. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. , Call on any 8. P. or C. A E. Agent for full particulars aa to farea, trains, schedules, etc.; also for copy of our Illustrated booklet, "Outing In Ore gon," or write to Wm. McMurray GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Portland Oregon. LITTLE GIRL HAS PARTY. Anna Reed Calabrataa Seventh Anni versary ef Hr Birth. Little Anna Reed, of Centralis, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. E. Reed, who haa arrived In thla city with ber mother for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Ely, wa tendered a surprlae party at tbe Ely home, at 724 Jackson street, Tuesday afternoon In honor of her aeventh birthday an niversary. The little girl waa talcen completely by surprise when the lit tle guests arrived. The afternoon wa devoted to gamea, Including tbe blow ing of aoap bubble, and Ice cream and cake were eerved by Mra. Ely. The table waa prettily decorated with carnations. Those present were Dorothy Han. Burnette Han, Eloise Ely. Florence McOeehan. Gladys Christiansen, Mar vel Ely. Stanford Ely. Dewey Kruger, Anna Reed, Drlssen Reed and Ruth Mason. Hotel Arrlvala. The following are those registering at tbe Electric Hotel: Mra. E. B. Stromgren. E. Stromnrsn, J. Harrison, Medford; J. A. Oreen, city; J. . Rcheurtch, Portland ; A.- H. Behrendt, San Franclaco; M. J. Laselle, city; B. Butler, Leeswrd Brown.