EKPK1SE TH mtf earfty mmmmm lata an every seels) ad OaaB ma CMMr. wH a pissasWi ef teVOOB. Are yew an MrsTaasr , iimlM opeeUl ' 21 mU in your WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 15 6 0 .1 - VOL. 2-No. 22. OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911., Pn Wki, 10 Ckww U1ER SUES FOR (I0,000DMGES VnAN M00t, CIMtNT COMPANY HIAO, SAYS HI ACTIO IN IILF DEFENSE. m FROM BOUND, HE DECLARES lion' AIM Suae to Have Company fjtctad Prom Land In Dispute (on Said to Havo Start d Flht Juhn Illchnor, tbo pioneer. Of Oa weio, who wae beaten on th head la L ir'ul with Auia Moor. preel- Unl and gaoaral manager of tbo Port- kit Cement Company, Wedneaday ViM ault for $10,000 damages agalnat Oloor. II alay aued the I'ortlaod t'tmtnt Company tor i7 ana Baked hit ib company be ejected from tit plK of land over which th al rcatlon elarted. Moore, at Oewego, wore out a complaint agalnat Blea ker and bla aoa Henry. Blrbntr, in ma sun ror oamagee. Vied br tSeorge C. Bronell( alleges hat there waa no provocation for tbo khe attack made by Moore. Ho aaya hat be la permanently Injured. Moore, f bo aa In Oregon. City Wedneaday. Waved fin tie fsa struck with thovfl bv-tuewry lilchnor, and that he wlitd a piece of plank with which ho it! mi A hlmaelf. While bo wn de- Totlni bla attention to tbo younger nun, be asserta, the older one ap proached from behind and atrock him with a club. It waa then than bo nursed and atrurk John Dlchner. Aalde from being seriously bruited Moore, loat diamond ling valued t :S0 during the Ogbt. Tbo ault of clothing which ie wore waa also hiitntd. Moore declares that Henry Rlchner Nrled to kill blra. and that bla bat probably aaved bla Ufa. Ho aaya ha acted In aelf dafenao. Moore aaya rchat Henry Oana, who conveyed the property In dlaputo to tho Portland I'ement Corn pan1 unquestionably bad a title to II. 'II SHAH'S ESTATE IS $15, The will lit the lata r'antiln J Phlllr. H h n nnn mmu aH mitt t n nrAtikl Wednesday. The estate la valued at IIS.OOO. and J. K. Hedge la the at torney. Waeco Shannon, a eon, la bequeathed tl and la named aa execu tor of the will, he having already re ceived hi share of tho eatate. Tbo III devlm-s $3,000 and tbo property In llhe Ramtlill lliiwha A,w m I lin ln1 claim to Wraley K. Shannon, and tho remainder of the emato la left to three (Uimhlfni, Mra. 6lrd Oleay, Kdlth Shannon and Manie Shannon. Juttlce Marrleo Couple. I Norma Klmliley. of Damancua. nd Uiule Hltier, of Boring, woro mar rled Wedneaday bv Juatlce of tho Ire Bamaon. Tho bride la a daugh ter of rtenlamln Klmbley. Mr. Rltier a a farmer. Today! AT- THE GRAND Pain's Goreous Spectacular SARDANAPALUS Nero And The Burning . Of Rome DON'T MISS m DON'T MISS IT! While It Is Here Don't have some one else tell you how good tt was One day only AND TJIAT IS TO DAY SPECIAL OFFER STIRS CANDIDATES CONTIIT FOR VALUABLE PRIZIS GROYVft MORI IXCITINO IACH DAY. ALL FIGHm FOR "ROLL Of HOW Indloatlont Are That Swecoaoful Ir tranU Will e Onea Who Work Hartfeot For Votoa. Tbo apoclal offer In tho big prlto voting oonteat contlnuea only four daya more. Kvery conteetant abould take advantage of tho remaining time, aa It meant 10,000 oitra votea for each "club of five' new dally aut arrlptlona. and 6,000 eitra votea fur each "club of five" new weekly aub acrlptlona. Tbal ovory candidate la the con teat la working bard oa tbla apeolal offer la ahow;o by tbo fact that few cbangea wero made la tbo Hat yes terday. Tbey ara ao buay tbat few bad time to aend la their votea. Tbat'a right, make every minute count dur ing thla week. There will bo eurprlaee for every one when tbo "Roll , of Honor" la publlehed after tbo a pec la I VH eV Offer. la? bnated. ReWgbor you muat turn In your aubecnptloria' by 6 o'clock p. m , Monday, July SI, or If you live outaldo Oregon City you muat havo your letter In tho mall ao that the poatofftce mark wilt bear wltneaa that euch mall waa placed for delivery to Tbo Rnterprlao before 6 p. m , July 11. It lao't noceaaary tbat you poll all your votea. If you wtah to bold aome In reeerve, but the management muat receive etiberrlp llona by tbat time. Cootlnued oa pag two, EMBEZZLER dVDI SDH OF 25 DAYS II. A. Cain, wbO pleaded guilty to a charge of embeulenient, waa aent enced to twenty-five daya In jail by Justice of (he Peace Bamaon Wednea day. The chatue waa preferred by R. IX Powell, who alleged tbat during the recent raco meet at Canby, Cain, who bad charge of expenae money, abaconded with $27. Ho waa arreated at Albany, and at flrat entered a plea of not guilty. When presented for trial, however, bla lawyer announced that he had decided to change bla plea. Tbo money la aald to havo been atolen on Juno 10. HUMBLE ANGELS TUMBLE BEAVERS LOS ANGELES MAKES 12 HITS OFF HENDERSON AND WINS 7 TO 3. U8 ANGELES, Cal., July 28. 8pclal). After a long trip on which they almoMt got loat, the Heavera ap peared In action today, If they wero not In their uaual form. Lob Angelea won by a acoro of 7 to 3. Henderaon waa bit hard by the home boya, 12 blnglea being recorded agalnat him. Yatea allowed 10 bits, but waa steady In plnchea. Portland acored on In the first, one In the aecond and fbo last on In the fifth. The Angela got two In tho aecond, two In tho third, two In tho fifth and one In tho aoventh. Tho resulta Wedneaday were aa fol Iowa: Pacific Coaat League Ia Angelea 7, Portland 3: Vernon 9. Sacramento 4; Oakland 3. San Franclneo 8. Northweatern League Vancouver 7. Portland 1; Seattle 5, Victoria 3; Tacoina 6, Spokane 2. American League Philadelphia 6. Cleveland 5: Washington 12, Detroit 5; New York 5-6, St. Loula 1-7; Boa ton 3, Chicago 1. National League Chicago 4-7, Doa ton 2-2; St. Loula 7. Philadelphia 8; Pittsburg 12, Brooklyn 1; New York S, Cincinnati 3. STANDING. Paclflo Coaat. W. L. P.C. Portland ...82 46 .574 Vernon 63 63 .543 Oakland "3 San Francisco 57 60 .487 Sacramento 54 60 .474 Loa Angelea 46 71 .304 Northweatern. W. L. PC. Vernon 62 39 614 Bpokftiie 68 43 .574 Tacoma 66 44 .620 8oattle 61 47 .520 Portland 46 62 .469 Victoria .... 26 74 .260 Foreman Quito Mllla. Ed F. Bheaban, for many yeara gen eral foreman of mill C, Willamette Pulp A Paper Mill", baa gone to Pow ell River, nrltlah Columbia, where ho will take charge of a large plant. T. I Warner aucceeda Mr. Sbeahan aa foreman at mill C. ... WEATHER INDICATIONS. Oregon City Fair; northwest- f erly winds. Oregon Fair; cooler east por- Hon; northwesterly wlnda. LOWER FARES TO MAYOR BROWNELL FIGHTS BE FORE STATE COMMISSION FOR REDUCTION. ESTACAOA ALSO SEEKING RELIEF Mlrwaukle Damanda FlvO-cont Rate To City Coffimlaalon la Prob ing Ratea on all Linea In County. Mayor Urownell appeared before the State Board of Railway Commlsalon era In Portland Wedneaday In the In terest of the suit Instigated by him against the Portland Railway, Light k Power Company to obtain a reduc tion of fares between Portland and Oregon City. Mr. Urownell repreaeot ed M. E. Dunn the plaintiff In tbo action. . The commission beard part of the evidence in Oregon City on February 22. The plan also Includes a reduction of ratea between Portland and Bata cada. Mr. Brownell la confident tbo dealred relief will be granted. Fare Increaee Oppoaed. Another matter the commlaslon con aldered la whether the Portland Rail way, Light It Power Company shall be allowed to Increase Ita fares from Portland to a doxen or more polnta on the Caxadero line. The commission haa atispended tho pro posed advance holding It tn abeyance since last February, and It la now up to the commuterg to show wby the ratea should not be Inflated. Mllwauklo people are also fighting for a 5-cent fare. The peoplo'a vic tory In thla case, which la now on ap peal before the Supreme Court of the United States, touched off the big gest bunch of low-fare fireworka in the history of Interurban tranaporta tlon In Oregon. (Continued on page 3.) PORTLAND URGED STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN o MIS9 MYRTLE CROS3 Oregon City . MIS8 ALLIK WARE Oregon City . MIS8 LENA STORY Oregon City . MRS. E. F. ZIMMERMAN Oregon City . MISS TILLIE MEYERS Oregon City . MISS EVA KENT Oregon City . MISS ELLA WHITE Oregon City . MISS ROSE JUSTIN Oregon City . MISS LILLY I1NO Oregon City . MISS ROSE MILLER Oregon City . MISS ANNA WOODARD Oregon City MISS JENNIE 8CHATZ '..Oregon City MISS EVA ALLDREDGE Oregon City . CAr'DATES IN MISS JENNIE DIX MISS DKNA PROSSKR MISS ELLEN MOEHNKE MRS. M. T. MACK MISS ADA LAKIN MISS FAY BATDORF MISS EDNA HUTCHIN80N MIS8 MILDRED REAM MISS ADA CARES Sandy MISS LILLIAN HOLMKS Sandy MIS3 NORA KIMBERLY Boring MRS. JULIA HOLT ,....Oak Orove .. MISS INEZ KNOX Boring ...... MISS EL8IE SHOENBORNi.. ...Carua , MISS ETHEL CLOSNBR Sprlngwater . MISS BLODWEN THOMA8 ...... Beaver Creek MISS MAY JOHNSOKf Clackamaa .. MISS ETHEL DE BOK ..Willamette .. MISS ANNIE GARDINER MISS HELEN SMITH . MISS HELEN RABICK. MISS DELIA ROBERTS MISS ROXY COLE Mia ixmjimk nii.Mt ....Moiaiia . "i MIS8 RET A CAROTHERS... I. ..Canemah i 6915 . ... " ' hi a. ftafln MISS liOUISE 8ILKR MISS VEKN A MtBAU PLAYS MANY PARTS. SPURNED, HE KILLS GIRL O IS SLAIN MAN, TURNS PISTOL ON CROWD AND ENGAGES POSSE IN EXCITING BATTLE. VICTIM KA3 LMD U FEAXOf HJUft Slayer Fleea to Woode Where Ho la Riddled With Buekahot Girt Stenographer For Ex Governor. SACRAMENTO. CaL. July 26. Anna Dudley, former stenographer to Governor Glllett waa ahot and killed today by a man believed to be Sidney E. Cole, of San Francisco. Mtsa Dudley was on ner way to the Capitol, and aa she passed an alley Cole opened fire. Her crlea quickly attracted a crowd, and Cole calmly re-loaded his revolver, and, leveling It at H, H. Potter, who waa the first to reach the acene, told film to "clear out. Potter started to run and Cole ahot him In the knee. A negro, 8am G. Mickey, waa shot In the arm. Cole stood over the body of the woman, firing an occasional shot In the direction of the approaching crowd, and then turned hie revolver on the prostrate form, firing four shots into the body. Then ensued an excltlag revolver battle. Cole crossed over the north levee and disappeared In the bniRh on the opposite side, near the American River. Deputy 8her1fTs Thlsby and Moffett shot at him after be bad re fused to surrender. Captain Pennlsh, with a short-barreled pump gun loaded with bnckshot, fired Into the thickest part of the brush. Cole gave a yell and tumbled over. Deputy Moffett ran to the man and found him dying. The motive for the crime Is a mya tery. The theory la advanced that Cole waa Infatuated with the woman who spurned his attentions. DISTRICT NO 1. v Vote. .. 98f9 .. 8730 .. 8724 . . 6380 . . 8040 . .10059 . 3515 .. 6141 .. 7165 - .. 4912 .. 3936 . 2512 .. 5336 DISTRICT NO. 2. Votes. .. 7760 .. 7039 Mullno Oswego Shubel 8002 Canhy , 15655 Mllwauklo 7944 West Oregon City 6434 Canby 6RI8 Willamette 18530 2525 . 9345 2G08 . 6134 2920 . 6450, .12544 . 6446 . 6265 . 5524 , 6940 .11398 .14500 . 2505 . 2501 Meldrum . Canemah ...... .Stafford Jennings Lodge .Molalla .Molalla 7004 .UiaaaiODO t vnsv NAVAL DIVISIOH NEAR FORMATION APPLICATION FOR ORGANIZATION TO BE FORWARDED AT ONCE. DOOSUSTK KEETHG IS HELD More Than Required ' Number of Namea Obtained E. C. Dye lo Elected Acting Inalgn Tem porary Officers Chosen. Tbat Oregon City U to havo a di vision of tbo Oregon Naval Militia la an aasured fact. A temporary or ganization waa effected at a meet ing held Wednesday i night In tho Commercial Club roomk. A band of fifteen plecea, organized especially for the occasion, rendered several aelectlona and E. C. Dye, who baa been promoting the organization, spoke at aome length on a numUr of the drills tbat will be practised by the division. Mr. Dye explained In detail twelve drills and tbo much more Interesting work that cornea In the regular routine of ship duty. Tbat the Oregon City Division will bo en abled to go on this year's cruise is assured. 60 Young Men Attend. There were about sixty young men and a. number of members of tho Commercial Club present Before tho division can be mustered In there baa to be a temporary organization to apply for admission to the militia. Of the three offlcera elected, presi dent, secretary and acting ensign, on ly the acting ensign la recognized of ficially by the heada of the Oregon Naval Militia and Mr. Dye, who waa elected to that position, was Instruct ed to forward the application for the organization of a division and carry on the regular routine work. When the division la mustered In Mr. Dye will be required to take the Naval Board examinations at Bremerton, and will be the official head of the local division. Harry Y. Miller and A. . Fredericks were elected president and secretary respectively of the tem porary organization. 45 Namea to" Petition. The petition for the mustering In of the Oregon City Division clrrlea 45 names and the local bandsmen are expecting to come In also. This will place Orefcon City on as good a footing as any division In any place of the same size In the country. All the boys who havo signed are en thusiastic and there will be some fine drilling under the efficient drill masters who will be In charge. MRS. HG TRIES TO DIE; RECOVERING GROCER'S WIFE CUTS ARTERY IN ARM HE BANDAGES. WOUND. Mrs. Frank Koenlg, of Twelfth and MadlBon streets, who cut an artery In her left arm Tuesday night waa much Improved Wednesday, ant Dr. Stuart, the attending physician, said she was In no danger. The family live In the rear of Mr. Koenlg's groc ery. Mrs. Koenlg has been despon dent for sometime, and, It la thought, cut her arm while suffering from mel anchollt. Mr. Koenlg, upon hearing her screams, rushed to her assistance. With the assistance of several young men, who were In the store, he band aged the wound before the arrival of Dr. Stuart. Mrs. Koenlg Is one of the best known and most popular wo men In her section of the city. Read the Morning nterpr1a. POLICE PROTECTION GIVEN HILL SECTION OWNER AND HORSE THIRSTY TOGETHI FARMER LANDS IN JAIL AND HORSE IS TAKEN CARE OF IN STABLE. Pete Bernard, who Uvea oa tho South End road near Mount Pleasant, bad on kind of a thirst and bla horse another kind , Wedneaday morning Bernard aaw that his own waa quenched, and Chief of Police Shaw aaw tbat the horse got all It war ted to drink. Bernard's thirst landed hint la Jail on a charge of drunken noes and disorderly conduct. Tho horse's thirst landed It in a livery stable with all tt wanted to eat and drink. Query: Which would you rather bo, Bernard or Barnard's horse? The horse which Bernard purchased from " rader early Wedneaday morn ing had not been well cared for, and the new owner desiring to aaend set oral hours la Jfco cHy. hitched the animal In the '-mm faoar tbo htguao of tho Cataract Hose Company. Mrs. Henry Tendrickson complained to tho chief that the animal waa suffering for lack of water and tho chief put it In tho stable and starred a search for the owner. Mary A. BeckAsks Divorce. Suit for divorce haa been filed by Mary A. Beck agalnat John C Beck, to whom ahe waa married Decern oer 16, 1908, at Portland. She charges desertion June 15. 110. . Suit to Quiet THIe. John Romlg haa filed suit against Carrie M. Bennett to reform tho des cription and quiet the title to one mr-rm In aaM-tion 22 townshlo 4 south. range 2 east. Croaa A Hammond arc Romig's attorneys. DSCRAZED MAN FIGHTS P0LICQ1AII After a desperate struggle Police man Green arrested Harry Clark, the half breed, late last night Mr. Green waa assisted by a barkeeper In But ler's saloon. Clark waa intoxicated and when Mr. Green approached Mm began striking at the policeman. Tlie latter had to use hia club freely fce fore the drink-crazed man submitted to being taken to Jail. Clark recently served thirty-five of a fifty dnys' sentence In Jail. He escaped while he waa sweeping the streets. HOUSEBREAKERS FLEE WHEN ALARM IS GIVEN Housebreakers entered the home of J. E. Vvard at 1005 Tenth street. Tues day night, but fled before they ob tained any booty. Charles Schram, who Uvea next door to Mr. Ward, heard the men and gave the alarm. When Mr. Ward rushed to the rear of the house where the intruders had entered they were gone. A door, which had, been bolted early in the night, was' open. It is thought the men entered through a window. Mr. Schram gave the alarm with moving picture celerity. PIONEER OF COUNTY DIES AT ESTACADA After an illness of more than two months. Henry Dubois, aged 78. one of the pioneer residents of Clacka maa county died at his home In Esta cada Tuesday night. Mr. Dubois came to Clackamas county In the early '50s. He Is sur vived by his wife, two daughters and six sons. Masons will have charge of the funeral. OFFICIALS OF ROAD . INSPECT BRANCH LINE A party of officials of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company, in cluding President Josselyn, Vice-President Fuller, General Superintendent Coldwell, Traffic Manager Hunt and Field Engineer Hewlns, made a trip of Inspection over the Sprlngwater branch of the road Wednesday. They visited the construction camp known as the Upper Dam, two and one-half miles above Cazadero. After lunch at Estacada President Josseiyn with F.R. Fisher, resident en glneer In charge of the River Mill project, went to River Mill to Inspect the rebuilding of the properties partly damaged by fire about a week ago. The officials are bending every effort to have the River Mill plant In opera tion tn a short time. Snnacrlbe for tho Dally Enterprise. s BREAKERS' REIGil STIRS MAYOR. Col's IFfuTU B EXFiClQ EXECUTIVE DECLARES THAT CIT IZENS MUST BE SAFEGUARD- ' ED AND EXPENSE SHOULD NOT BE COMSIDCREO. Stirred by tho racont roboerieo and attempt ,rateerio m the Mil amo tion of the city, whr two-third of the citizen live, Mayer Brownell, late Wednesday afternoon, decided to safe guard the live and eraeerty of thee residents by appoTntlna; ti "pjlKUmmn t do night duty,thr. Wsiio i his election the Mayor faa worked for the appointment of a policeman far that part of tho city, taut certain mem bers of tho City Council have appesad auch action because of the additional expenae it would Involve, ft le bo- I loved now, however, that ovory mem ber i In accord with the Mayor, and tho appointment of Policeman Fro will bo approved by th board. , Mrs. J. M.'. Volkmar, wife of the druggist, surprised . a burglar, who waa tryln" to enter a window of Tasar home, on Madison street Monday eve-' ning. and Dr. C. A. Stuart, who Uvea at 302 Washington street, waa aroused , . by housebreakers the cam night A young woman H halted by a high wayman at th head of the Seventh street stairs at dusk th --na day. A few night before thievea entered the atore of Whiter Littl oa Seventh street Jack: Frost, who waa appointed by th Mayor, haa - been a substitute policeman In the city for several years, and Is regarded aa a very cape- ble man. He began work at once. People Must Be Protested. "Outrages of this character muat come to aa end," said the Mayor Im mediately after making the appoint ment "A question of money, revenue . or expense moat not be considered for a moment when it comes to protecting the lives and property of th people of the community. The peopl Uv Ing above the bluff are residents of the city, tbey are taxpayers and are entitled to the earn protection as the residents below and Main street property. The facta ar that two thirds of our population live above the bluff, and have bad no police pro tection whatever." Mayor Brownell after appointing and swearing in Mr. frost said that the appointment waa permanent, sub ject to the action of the City Coun cil, and tbat If It refused to confirm It he would renew the appointment every flve daya. Almost Self-Sustaining. "But I am satisfied." continued the Mayor, "when the members of the City Council consider that under the administration of Chief of Police Shaw, the police department haa been nearly self-sustaining from the Col lection of fines and licenses that wr not collected to tho aame extent here tofore the council will be tn favor of giving the peopl adequate pollc protection." WTtile the Mayor has no desire to do anything contrary to the wishes of the City Council, and does not ex pect to be compelled to do' so, he has fully determined that th hill section of the city shall have police V, protection at night and will do all In his power to grant It. II realizes tbat the residents of that section are at the mercy of housebreakers, and murderers like those who killed the Hill and Cobl families. plectric Theatre GREAT PICTURE TODAY BOY SCOUTS OF -AMERICA TO THE RESCUE" Dont Mlaa TMa Picture, Boys, For It 8howa Tbo Sport and Camp L'fe of the Order of Boy Scout. Mutt and Jeff on the Job! EXCELS ALL COMEDIES. ' . .'V What the Tide Tc!d ANOTHER BIQ SUCCtti, 'Hi . 1 'A 'V i j i s ft