MORNING ENTERPRISE, .TUE8DAY, JULY 25, 19JL . GREAT CLEAN-UP of all our Straw and Panama Hata (or this Hot Weather ONE THIRD off on all Ladies and Men i Clothing, alio jig Reduction in Ladies' and Men's Oxfords. Look us over Wore buying. . '".'" Oregon City J, pension Bridge Cor With a Bang. , Ilo. Onnnlt! What' tb matter your oUV I got flrrd ihla rooming." local BRiers Rno Howard, of Mullno, tu In city on Monday. J. Moor, of Molalla, wu la th Monday on bualnria. iholt stag will laava tba Elactrle 1 each day at t o'clock p. m. K. Stewart, of Carua, wu In Ora lly, Monday. 0itihardt. of Sell wood, wu In city on Saturday.- J. Bowers, of Salem, wu In tola tinday. C. Mott, of Sataop, Wash., wu a oily on Sunday. a Ka Kent spent Sunday with la at Without Spring. k Caaaeday, of Carua, waa In Hy on a buelneaa trip Monday. C. Newell, th Duraxrymajj o( mas. waa In thla city on Mon In tha Intereat of hla nuraery. a Klhyl and Mlaa Melha Kidder returned from Tha Da I lea, wb era bar been visiting frlenda. '. and Mm. Charles 8pangler, of Carua. were in thla city on bualnaaa Monday. ' M. Trulllnger, on of tba prominent farmers of Molalla, wu In tbls city on Hatdrday and Sunday. Dr. H. A. Bom mar, formerly of Or on City, baa moved bla ofnoe to 1017 Corbett building, Portland. II. B. Dunn, of Dull Run. waa among tha Oregon City vlaltora on Satur day anl Sunday, registering at tba Elwtrlc Hotel. 8. J. Ilradford. of Portland, wu transacting bualneaa In thla city on Monday. Mr. and Mra. A. Tl. Buckle and two children motored to Wlibolt Sunday, where they a pent tba day. Mra. A. J. Wllaon and alater. Mlaa llattle' Wllaon. went to Berkeley, on the.Katacada line, wbera they vlaltad their alater, Mra. Cfaarlea Stark-. Mlaaea Charlotte and Julia Dakar went to Portland Sunday, where they were guests of tbelr eoualna, Mr. and Mra. E. O. Imberton. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Keating and two children, Rodney and Virginia, of Port land, apent Saturday and Sunday In thla city with relative.. Hurry S. Slefert, Sr.. of Cincin nati O., and II. S. Slefert. Jr.. of Se attle, Wash., are In thla city, and are curat a of Mr. and Mra. E. T. Fields. Philip Btoiner, one of tba prominent farmera of Beaver Creek, wu trana acting baalneaa la tbls city oa Mon day. - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Rddaway. of The Oallee. have arrived In thla city and are gueata of the latter'a parenta, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Warnock. Tba Artlaana will go to Mllwaukle thla evening, and will attend a meet ing In a body that will be held by the Mllwaukle Order. fleoraa Caaaadav. of Kentucky, waa Kin thla city on . Monday on bla way to Carua. where be will viait bla aon, Kirk Caaaeday.. You don't pay tb eipena of a de livery wagon when you buy at Harrla' Grocery. ur 25c coffee la a wonder. Lou Hendoraon, of Hood River, and Thomaa Wood, who are spending the aummer on tha lower Columbia river, were in thla city Sunday vlaltlng frlenda. Harry Klrbyaon, a well-known young farmer of leaver Creek, wu In thla city on Monday on hla way bom from New Kra, where ha baa been 'attend ing the campmeetlng. r. A. Ely and aon. Duane Ely. went to Caxadera on Sunday, wbera they viewed tha workings at tha large dam NIVERSAL SHORTHAND Icada all other. Remarkable reeulta n two and" three month. Salaries 50 to 80. Higher atandard than bualneaa college. YOU SHOULD LWESTIQATE OUR WORK. Eclectic Business University one A 6448 or Marshall 1761 WORCE8TER BLOCK. Third St.. corner Oak Portland, Oregon YOUR VACATION Will Be Incomplete WITHOUT THE- MORNING ENTERPRISE . '. . .. . ' . - , . . WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR 25 CENTS A MONTH v It's worth the money. It's Mike a letter from home every day. It will keep you fully informed about the happenings of your city and county during your absence. i ... - .Yotf can place yoor order by telephone. ThelMorntng Enterprise is the only , daily newspaper between Pottland and Salem. - It is steadily growing .m poptilarity. ;;., ;, . ' Yots get all the ncwiworth while in : The Horning Enterprise that la under construction for tb Port land Railway, Light 4 Power Com pany. R. R. Alldredg. who ha been on an outing for tb paat two waeka In the vicinity of Bandon, baa returned to Oregon City. H waa accompanied by Mr. Dunn, or Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harley stevana and two aona, Harley and Henry, were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Harley Stev us and Mr. and Mra. Henry Meldrum on Sunday and Monday, having com to this city In their automobile. Mrs, Fred Martin and daughter, Mildred, of Bpokape. Waah., who have been for the paat three week gueats or Mrs. pan O'Nell and Mlaa M. L Holmes, will return to their bom on Tuaday. Harold Swafford and John Mulkey, who hav been apendlng tbelr vaca tion at Lta Angelea and San Fran Cisco, returned to Oregon City laat night. They made the trip by ataam- m mttA tial a 4rinat anL.v.hlA I m a. Dr. II. A. Olenn, of Lawton, Okla homa, arrived here Saturday night. and la a gueat at the horn of Mr. and- Mra. P. A. Mil. Mra. Olenn and little daughter preceded Dr. Gleen three week ago. Tby hav decided to niak tbelr bom la Oregon. William Btokea and Harry Young, who have been on a trip to California, returned to Oregon City Sunday ve- Ing. While in California they v lulled man of the cltlea, including Oakland, Herkeloy, Ua Angelea, and other. They returned by ateamer. ' M. Rlcen, who formerly repreaented the M. Seller Company, of Portland, and who la Jtiat recovering from In Jurlea received In a fall from an ele vator, waa In thla city on Monday, the flrat time alnce be met with the accdent. Drink Bartlett Water. Sold by all cafea, grocerlea and arugglata. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea Maker and daughter, of Lenta, vlalted Mra. D. E. Ftottt Sunday. Mra. Maker and Mra. Front are alaiera. The party left Sun day nlKbt to vlalt Mra. Baker' father. T. J. Kirk, of Highland. Mra. J. B...,lledgea baa gone to Marker, Waah . to - vlalt ber alater, Mra. H. V. V. Bean.. Two other ala tera, Mra. Franklin Pierce and Mra. J. C. lewla, of Loa Angelea, will vlalt Mra. Bean at the earn time. Mr. Hedge will be gone about five week. Try a loaf of 'Good Health" bread "good to the laat crum" at Harrla Grocery. Arthur Smith went to the North Fork of tb Molalla on Sunday, wber h enjoyed flahlng, and auc- ceeded In catching aom of tb finest flab that hav been caught In that aectlon, many of which meaaured more than II Inchea In length. He vlalted Mr. and Mr. Reddaway, who are ramping at that place. William Nlrbolla. after enjoying a month'a vacation, part of which waa auent at the horn of Mr. and Mra. E. O. Seeley. of Summit, baa returned to Oregon City, and'reaumed bla peti tion with the J. E- Seeley grocery autre. Mr. Seeley formerly realded In thla city, and la now owner of a 180-aore ranch at Summit, Mr. and Mr. William 8. Rider hav nurrhaaed th E. Mattblea property on the corner of Sixth and Jackaon atreetar and have tjtken poaaeaalon. Mr. Rider recently eoM hla farm, where he lived for tl yeara. for $7,000. Mr. Matthlea and family are apendlng the aummer at their cottage at Sea aide, and upon their return from that reaort will move to Portland, wber a beautiful bom la under conat ruc tion. BADGERS Will FIRST FROM ROADSTI TONNESON HIT HARD AND GAME GOES TO VANCOUVER 10 TO BY PORTLAND. Or., uly J4- (Spec ial t tmuimmi aot bumDed nretty hard today and th Roadater loat tb .(rat ram nn tha ham CrOUttda. 10 to 5. Nick Wllllama' men. however. played Ilk tbey wanted to win. ana th defeat could hav been worn, n.iimniun nltched rood ball with th exception of the fourth when Port land grabbed four. Thirteen bita war made by Vancouver, and nine by Port land. The former mad two error and th homo boy on. Tb reaulta Monday wr a roi- lows: ', ; Pacific Coaat League Vernon 3, Loa 'Angelea 2; no other gamee acheduled. 1 Northweatern League Vancouver 10 Portland 5: Seattle 5. Victoria 2; Spokane 3, Tacoma I. National League ruiBDurg a, Brooklyn li Now York 8. Cleveland s. iinia io. Phlladelohla 1: Boe- ton-Chlcago gam poatpond, rain. American league au-bwtb , CleveUnd 3 (benefit for family of AddkWoaa); no other gamee acheduled. STANDING. Paclflo Coaat. ... .... w , Portland . ...63 Vernon ....... 61 Oakland .... ....... 3 San Francisco 57. Sacramento &4 Los Angelea ... .... 45 Northweatern. W. Vancouver Spokane .,.'57. Tacoma 55 Seattle 50 Portland .... ...... Victoria 35 L. 45 68 5 68 71 L. , 39 43 43 46 60 73' P.O. .670 ,635 .635 .498 .483 .388 P.C. .606 .676 .661 .631 .479 .365 HOME SAVED BY FIREMEN. . .Ira. alarm waa turned In MOB day morning at 10 o'clock at th Seventh street nn iiuuo, . im uiw a. oaa ui nrffl II All and IIIVU ,vavr.. " - ' ..... mahed to th homo of th Rev. Wil li. m irrKWnr. iciahth and Jafferaon lie in ar.. - " v w- - street. Tb roof wa allghtly dam- . my m.Jt Ka aged by a aeiecuve nuw, . a.n nnn tlniilahed. With alight damage. At thla tlm of tb year veryitin ia very utj, waa only th good work of tb fir. men that th building. BUNGALOW IS ATTRACTIVE. ' Th bungalow of John Albright on ot-.v i . u . Katvaan Jefferaon and eiiAiu on - Madison atreta, which baa Juat'Deen completed, la on of th moat attrac tive llttl noma in me ciiy. lu" nil tha lower floor and on tb aecond floor ar two Bleeping apartmenta and an conven lencea. Ther 1 bath, wliit enamel- a si 4lll ASt.tV.Atl t haaement. two ver- !.. it,, nn. In ttie rear belna en a 1 1 i m -.. ... v ... . t closed with latUc. Mr. 4iDrignt naa "mpleted lmprovemnta to hla other two houses on th property adjoining. He will occupy the new: residence. The bungalow waa built by Wllaon A BOY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. . Roland ' Wllaon and LRtl F Hen da Hav Enloyabl Tim. Tb fourth birthday anniversary of Roland Wllaon. tb Httl aon of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wllaon. was cele brated on Saturday afternoon at the Wilson home, 909 Fifth street. Tb young folk had a moat enjoyable time, on of th featuree'of tb afternoon being tb automobile rid In tb Wll aon machine. After they bad gon aeveral miles in the country tbey were returned to th Wllaon bom wber tb remainder of th afternoon was apent In games and ftatlng under th shade of th treea. Tb lawn was prettily decorated with Chines lan terna. Tbe little boat waa tb recipi ent of many pretty birthday gift. Mra. . Wllaon was aaalsted by Mlaa Ktta Long, Mrs. N. 8wanaon and Mrs. O. Howell. Thos present were Veta Erlckson, Ruth Bwaneon, Margaret Landsbor- ough, Grace Alldredge. Elols Ely. Raymond Howell, Richard Howell, Everett Swanaon Ruby Long, Alton Morris, -JCennetb Swanaon, Roland Eby, Marion Miller, Alt Howell. Gor don Wllaon Margaret Simmons Ro land Wllaon, Catherine Landsborough. FINE CHICKENS ARE STOLEN. Mount Pleaaant Raaident Suffer Again From Night Prowler. Chicken thieve bav again mad their appearance at Mount Pleasant. Tbe resldenta ar on their guard, and If th Intruder ar caught they will be severely dealtb with. Many prix chickens war stolen laat winter and the thieve were never apprehended, but th people ar now determined to rapture them. George Young, on of th prominent residents of Mount Pleaaant, bad gone to a great deal of expense In the aprlng and purchased eggs from blooded fowls, and had prided blm- If on having some of tbe finest young chickens in th county. After tbey had gon to roost a few nlghta ago, tblevea visited tb ben bouse and took 70 of tb chicken. On Sun day afternoon, between 3 and 6 o'clock someone vlalted tbe poultry yard of Mr. Brown and took forty chickens. ; ' ' , " ; . NEWLY WEDS ARE ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mra. Juatln Give Reception For Mr. and Mr. Johnson. Mr. and Mra. Matthew Juatln en tertained at a reception at Knapp'a Hall on Sunday afternoon and eve ning In honor of Mr. and Mr. W. C. Johnson, whose marriage took place In tbla city on Wedneaday, Mrs. John son being a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Justin. Many friend of tb family were In attendant;, and on of tb feature of tb afternoon wa th banquet served by Mr. and Mra. Justin.' Vocal and instrumental music and games were tbe amusement of th afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are popular young people. Tb bridegroom waa a member of tb Eighteenth United State Infantry during the Spanlah American war. - and took an actlv part In battlea in the Philippine. He has been connected with a - rubber company In Portland for aeveral yeara. Mr. Johnson wa formerly Mlaa Agne Juatln, of thla city, and la a well known and highly esteemed young woman. . ; ', COUNTY COURT. EXPENDITURES OF ROADS IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ray Mitchell 4104 E. 0. Jon-r.. 38 60 Auatln Taylor '39.50 Emery James 10.50 Edwin Jackaon 10.60 Mike Rowell 31.00 8. M. Long Sam Hyd J. 8. Yoder J.60 L H. Judd 42.60 District No. 43. L 8. Baker . The Giant Powder Co......... J. W. Cablll R. S. Clark VT. C. Myers E. Qulnley Tracy Clester ,, 0. W. Judd Cba. Murpby S. T. ROwcllff H. Balou Fred Hoffmeiater Roy Dougla . . . . B. F. Forester Albert Rotber 31.00 Dan Broeber ................. 19.00 Ed. Wolf ,. 33.00 F. A. Tboma ., 37.00 Glen Garret 30.00 B.F. Rector. ,. 18.00 I B. Dv1 36.00 A. D. Burnett 41.26 District No. 44. ' Scripture A Beaullau $ 2.60 Wllaon a Cook 34.50 17.60 3.00 30.07 34.00 12.00 36.00 66.00 13.00 66.00 100 20.00 36.00 MOO 20.00 00 Cba. Rider .. W. a Randall D. McCormack Cba. Rider .. C Rues ar ......... N. Norton W. P. Jacks ....... ' Davo Jon . . W. H. J one . . Geo. Hamilton Walter Owen District No. 45. L. N. Vallen ..., Amoa Vallen Erneat Vallen Otla Vallen John Scott W. T. Henderaon Albert MelUke .....; C. E- Surfu - District No. 46. ... a.. X-9.5 24.60 34.00 34.00 41. CO 1.50 4.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 l.oe 4.00 8.00 2.00 248- 67.00 73.75 79.00 30.50 20.50 28.00 12.00 16.00 34.50 20.00 8.00 8.00 ,,,., 8.00 2.00 L. D. Mumpower Frank Hattan . . C. V. Smith .... Lester Smith .. M. L. Smith Owen Hattan .. C M. Philips ... J. R. Carr , Will Ivle P. Wleamandel M. T. Whitney . . J. 'L. Hendry Chaa.- Hattan . . Carl Mumpower J. C. Halcom . F. Good son . . . .rrV. Elton Mumpower ........ .. W. E. Mumpower District No. 49. Estacada Mercantile Co f 18.78 J. F. Snyder 58.00 Paul Saner ... . F. H. Davla ..... Geo. W. Collwell 4.00 4.00 4,00 20.00 4.00 68.00 48.00 George Hamilton .... , A. Thompson Charles Rider ................ A. O. Achlllls G. Prlester E. Kuppender E. A. Pugh j. m. Eiiot C WIesmandle ............... J. Bcboff H. H. Smith Ralph Caples Thomaa Evans Frank Jaggar OtlsMorice F. M. Foumal T. Miller H. O. Lieu Hana Lieu C. A. Caaedy Roy Baker J. B. Jackson Albert Scheonborn ...... .... ; Georg Brenner - District No. 40. D. L. Davla Harvey Gibson L. ' John Anderson ................ H. Hendrlckaon ' Floyd Lake George Forman Earn Douglas ... ,4 . 1 ....... . J. J. Judd Earl Gibson W. H. 8tone Sherman Stone William Cox ....w. .......... Wm. Hammon ............... W. 8. Craft Janea Cooper John McCracker . . Orover Judd .... , Harvey Gibson District No. 41. Paul R. Metnig George 8awtellr; Arthur Evana Ernest Evans , John Affolter a K. A. Thalr Web Roberts H. H. Udell Lee Cooper ....... ...4. ; Yancy Cooper Wm. Upedgrave, .............. Harry Sawtell Morris Qrofenhan George Robert G. R. Woodle C. A. Keith David Miller .............;... Don Bodley .................. H. Cupp ....... j.. Harry Morrison . , Paul Magnola John Bewe George Kttsmlller ,' John Roberts J. A. Shaw ...... 1..... ....... 0. R. Woodl . . Dlatrlct No. 42. . A. E. Taylor 2.00 2.00 2.50 32.00 39.00 40.00 32.00 56.00 54.00 44.00 72.00 22.00 41.50 26.00 6.00 45.00 62.50 52.60 36.00 24.00 24.00 18.75 60.00 24.00 56.25 31.25 31.35 6.25 25.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 12.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 1.60 20.00 8L75 22.00 7.00 23.00 19.50 11.50 16.00 42.00 65.00 24.60 4.00 13.00 10.00 -2.00 46.75 .38.00 68.00 15.00 8.00 16.00 6.25 85.00 "80.60 4.00 1.00 17.00 Curthi WHcox 26.00 W. W. Porter . G. H. Sanford . H. O. Sanford . M. J. Anderson Ben T. Rawlins A. T. Hunt ... Geo. Hathaway li J. Iaraelaon H. H. Anders . O. T. Hunt .... District No. 60. M. C. Colson $ 16.00 Geo. Durgan 15.00 E.Reed... 17-50 42.00 27.00 36.00 22.00 32.00 26.00 2600 26.00 26.00 47.50 W. Hubbard . . J. E. Davis .. J. D. Davla .. E. W. Miller . Miller. Mowrey Lumber Co Dlatrlct No. 61. A. N. Will ...'.$225.00 a 2.50 1.50 36.00 6.46 13.10 P. Ry L. A P. Co Albert Boea Ernest Boese . . . . .-. . . . v ?M Goed fried Boeee Albert Welsh Leonard Pitner Jake Lofgren E. P. 8hedeen . . . '. Albert Pier August Pier John Donnaho ..... J. E. 8eifer...' Carl Shattock J. W. Root a Co....... J. C. Elliott a Co. Dletricl No, 52 Will Ulrlch C. F. Zlnaer H. Heier ..." Walter Baker Gus Kanno . H. W. Kanno Geo. Held . . H. W. Kann Aug. Geppart . Frits Oappart . Chaa. Rebatock 175.00 .(H. '6.00 12.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 4.00 . 12.00 ' 8.00 35.00 5.25 5.25 , I 5.00 . . . . 19.60 17.50 15.25 1.75 7.60 10.00 45.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 22.60 J. Locher , Dlatrlct No, 52. J. Bowera -6 12.50 Mr. Rphr ... Chaa. Bety C. E. Hall '. L Phillip T. Wrinkl Kern Park Feed Co............ Forrester a Sharer District NO. 63. Poison Implement Co. I 11.25 2.5.0 15.00 1S.00 28.40 4.75 .76 George Palmer . ,.. A. Neuenschwander Edward Jackson John Low 8. P. Low .....'.. Joseph Conrad Ernest Conrad C. Neuenschwander .......... C. A. Baugl ...'............. ! DlBtrlct No. 64. . Geo B. Oglby 10- w.H.v jtrm 10.60 36.00 19.00 14.00 20.00 800 14.50 10.00 6.00 83.75 8.60 DID YOU EVER HEAR THE RE mark. "Put all tKe hie armies on ton ' w . & 1 tr w ohnMwhich meant that the small and spoilt ruit was underneath. Even If we wished it, that could not hap pen at 6ur store. Our customers demand the closest inspection. " I Bealdea, It does not pay us to buy any fruit but th beat. On bad melon peach will apoll a whol box, basket or barret W aretherfore juat a ansloua to aeeur good melon and fruit a you are. " Our buying I don t pieaa you and our giiarante I that w will gladly replace any spoiled fruit, that w may unwittlngty U you. ' Here are some of oa offers for the cut t ent T7eelii Watermelon .... Muskmelons . Black be rriaa . ....... 3e lb. ... So each . .$U5 crat Loginb.rrlsa . .f. . . , . , Strawberries ....... Red Raspberries . .. . . . 10 crata $1.20 crat . 1140 arat jr. E. SEELEY Opposite Cotsrt Hotfse Oregon City YAQUINA BAY Of egonfs Poptilat Beach Rcsoct An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastime of all kind. Hunting, Flshlnc, Boating, Surf Bathing Riding. Autolnx, conoeing, Dancing and Roller Skat ing. Where pretty water agate, mou agates, moonstones, carnelana can b found on tbe beach. Pur mountain water sod th beat of food at low price. Fresh flab, clam, crab and oysters, with abundance of vegetable of all kinds, daily. 1 " ' .... 7 Camping grounds Convenient and Attractive. wtb strict sanitary regulation LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKETS from all point in Oregon, Washington and Idaho oa sal daily. ., 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKETS from Southern Pacific point Portland to Cottage Qrov; also from' ail C. A E. stations Albany and west Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Minday. . ' . ' Call onany 8. P. oiCtE. Agent for full particular as to faros, tralne ached ulea, tc; aso for copy of our llfuatrated booklet. "Outing In Ore gon," or write to .. . 'k '"' VRL McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, ... Portland Oregon. LAW Kn4hln- will aive tou mor power and Influence In th world than a thor ough knowledge of the law. "It la tbe combined wisdom of th agee." ; a a. M id Aaala 1 laa aMHl 8)aV wtkaai If miiaBilTal I A af Thre yeara" course wiin aegre. a u, w ....... achools and th. work Is moot thoroughly done. Fully preparea for tb Bar Air! nations k '! '- . 1 i'-' t i , 6XTh achool is In session all th yea r In both day and night class. En roll at any tlm; oo It now. . . " ' PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL IRVING E. RICHARDSON, LL.O Prldnt-Dan Phone. Marhall 3751. A-5446. ..... , 631 Worett, Block, Portland, Or. NATURAL HOT MINERAL" I BATHS. Rheumatism Can" be Cured Nature's Writ Fr Boklt ' ' . ' , '. .,. .... Hot Lake Sanatorium ' HOT LAKE, OREGON. K w. o. wolf w. cook . . A. Thyker .......... ........ J. L. Stanton H. A. Leonard J. Cook A. Drescher J. Drescher , K. Gregeron ................ A. Nelaon .C........ QregerBon Bros, .............. ateger Bro. W. F. Stanton 22.00 6.00 3.00 ' 4.00 3.00 5.50 3.00 ' 8.00 13.60 7.50 83.86 17.75 .. .. ' ; , . , ' General Read. . W. A. Haltnes a Co, .....f ' 125 Wm. S. Flynn . .'. 8100 Peters fiardwar Ca ...;.... 108.8 J Panl Pracer "-60 ' C. E. Smith 750 Elmer Dunn 55.60 Allfl Brown ............... 53.51 H. A. Iderhoff 4S.C3 C U Brown 30.03 H. T. Turner...... .. 8S.C3 W. W. Smith 71C. Wilson a Cooke , 1" "ij Hughe. .19.25 C, Alnsworth