liATJvrTvn PWTTCnPllTSIL TUESDAY. JULY 25, 1911. It HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BROCHE. Editor and Publisher. Bater4 aa ntal-dui zaatter J aarr . Kit. at tha port emoe at City, toegoe, aria Um Act at 1. im." Tens m anscnrnoN. On Year, by NN I.M Is Sia Moathe. by as Four btoatba, by or at Aivnranc eatb rtrat Fin, par meal nrat tneartioa. ..IM Ftrat Pace, sot tack a4oo4 .las tack ..Ue veteiied aoeitMa aay peg. nrat taaarttan PlriTa4 Doaltlaa an aase. i' (AM taanrttoae la '. Kna paper at btr tkaa drat page. Bar htek eftlwl tttaMXftOBa oaaeaaoeaaaasaaaa -4 eXt) Itaa papar oUm tbaa flrat page, par Saab iacaJa lea . Hears S Baa, Waata. Par gala. Ta Rant. ate., eae aaat a erareVftrat aaoorttaa; paw has? seat eacfc addltloaaL Rataa for eSTerUaian la Weekly DiiiiihIm will bo the eaaee u k Um ally, for adverttaeineata aat aapaokUiy for the waekty. Whare ba aavaruaaaaant fci transferred rrota tha dally to tha a Ita ly, wliaout caaasw. tka rata wtll ba be a back tor row af tha papar, sad lb aa ' lack for apodal poattioa, Caak obouM aceomnaay areer 'a kail i aarty la onknowa ta baitnaaa efftoo af ; tk Batorpriaa. ' Legal earerUstag at local advertbwag alee. "Clreoa aavertlatag and apodal traaataat eevertlelag at She to lbs aa lack, aaeara aa to apodal eondltloaa fovonUna; tka . v nr llaJa- aad Bankrupt bajv aaVar bMsaaatB Xte facb flrat msartioa; addt - joaal laasilliina aaaae asattar laa ktek. i News Hama and wall wrtttea ai BJea . aaerlt. with bitoroat to local reeeera. will bo (tad! anpM. Baioetad amt- aertata aaiia returned I tad by ataaaob to prepay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. July 25 In American i History. 1S14 Bottle of Landy's Law. Canada, between British and Americans, one of the fiercest struggles ever fooght on American soil. 1363 General Sam Houston. Texas pa triot, at on time governor of Ten ' lessee and later of Tezaa. died at Huntsnile. Tex.; bora 1793. 1909 Elizabeth Tajlor Dandrtge, . daughter of President Zaehary Taylor and mlatresa of the White '" Hons during his term, died at Winchester, Ta.; bora 1824 1910 Thomas H. Looker, rear admiral TJ. 8. N. (retired), died; bora 1829. James Albert Hawk, rear admiral TJ. 8. N. (retired), died; bora 1841. ASTRONOMICAL. EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Bun acta 7:18. rises 4.-47; moon acta 8:06 p. m.; 328 p. m, eastern time. mtrw moon, in constellation Cancer, with tha (on t ' ' V 1 LAND VALUES AND STEEL TRUST. '" Herbert Knox Smith, United SUtes . Commissioner; , of . Corporations, has rendered a valuable public service In his report on the United States Steel 1 Corporation. He 'shows that at the . time of the formapon of the trust 'there was back of Its 11,400,000,000 of capitalization tangible values of but 1682,000,000. Of this f682.000.000 only ' $250,000,009 represented - manufactur ing properties. The remainder con sisted largely of mining lands and transportation facilities. So without . counting any of the land values which must have beenlncluded In manufac turing properties, the trust still owned land value enough to cover half of the tangible value of Its assets. If the trust's valuation be accepted in stead of Mr. Smith's, the proportion of land value la still greater, for It valued ore lands at $700,000,000 which ir. 8mlth counts as worth but $100, 000,000. The trust's valuation of this Use Common i Sense In ! Judging Others' Actions In Order to Do This IN TOLERANCE, PASSION. PREJUDICE and IM PUGNING MOTIVES Mast Be Eliminated 0 By Dr.CHARLE5 R. VAN HISE. President of Wisconsin University ONE must remember that among ninetv-tLree million people "of different nationalities there is a wide variation of be liefa, methods and early training which shape the child 'ac cordingly. SINCE OF NECESSITY ONE'S IDEAS AND IDEALS ARE SO LARGELY A FUNCTION OF HIS ENVIRONMENT ONE NEEDS TO USE THE WIDEST KNOWLEDGE AND MOST SYMPATHETIC AP PRECIATION IN JUDCINQ OF THE -ACTIONS AND PURPOSES OF OTHERS. for one who would go to a high place there is nothing MORE necessary and nothing more difficult than capacity to deal with his fellow men in a FAIR, REASONABLE and CIIARITABLE way, for this involves capacity to appreciate his point of view. I fsaa'ea Wll 4 SJ BT a a an a a saj sfbCscr lllrAla a u Ma a. a aa, A SHOULD ALL BE ELIMINATED. To credit s man with good motives is a LONO step toward judg ing him with CHARITY. The very fact that a man in met on a high plane is a POTENT factor in his living tip to that plane. In suggesting that other men shall be credited with honesty and their views respected . there is no thought of intimating that one should not adhere strongly to his" own convictions, but that be should eon-ider SEPARATELY the man and his ideas. or land accounts for snoot of tha capitalization that outsiders would consider but "water." Mr. Smith further reports that since 1901 tha tangible values have increas ed to $1,117,000,000. This seems to Indicate In tha absence of other In formation that the trust's valuation baaed on earning capacity waa not far from wrong under ezlattng condi tions. The concluding part of Mr. Smith's report Is aa follows: -Thus the Industry Itself rests physically on the ore, the corporation based one-half Its capitalization on the ore. Its profits on dre, as will later be shown are large, and fn the ore Is Its highest degree of concentration and control. The ore therefore Is of primary significance In the corpora tion's dominance, and In that resource chiefly are Involved the Industry "s problems of ultimate public interest" What la the obvious moral to be drawn from these facts? Is It not that the way to break the steel mo nopoly Is to break Its grip on natural resources? Why should not these ore lands be assessed and taxed at the trust's own valuation? o If a man has reached the Ideal that he once set before him he should at once set up a still higher one and seek to attain It. The climbing neces sary will mske for the strengthening of his character and the broadening of his vision. Nearly thirty thousand million dol lars have been the cost to Europe of the armed truce of the last twenty five years, and to this country the post has been proportionate. What a parody upon our vaunted Christian civilization. e Notwithstanding the testimony of five experts to the contrary, a bank wrecker haa been Judged sane and must stand his trial. That la one of the sanest decisions in such cases that has been rendered In a long time. Real Estate Transfers. Jsmes W. Mill to E D. Olds, lsnd In Clackamas county: $1. Otis ' O. and Johanna Morris to George A. and Ella Bliss. 35 acres of section 33. townshp 3 south, range east: $3,850. Jsmes Forbes- to Fritz Niklas and Albert Herbert. 15.81 acres of sections 9 and 16. township 2 south, range east: $5,000. A. P. and Blanche M. Garrison to C W. Michael. .89 acre sections 20 snd 21 township 2 south, rsnge 1 east; $3,000. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE ts on sale at the following stores every day: Huntley Broa.Drhgs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars ' Seventh and Main. Secrest Confectionery o Main near Sixth. a M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug 8tore Electric Hotel. Walter Little Confectionery 614 Seventh Street M. Volkmar Drugs v Seventh near Center. -. Schoenborn Confectionery 4 Seventh and Q. Adams. 4- A Deadlock. "Burton's man-tape with tbat heir ess will never come off." -Why notr "She won't marry bim till he's paid all his debts, snd be can't pay bis debts till she marries him." London Telegraph. V;.;r ,t.- J x i rA: ' v KIBITlllSmiN CLASS WITH DOCS (Continued from pate J.). health of sickly souls but proposes to spiritually Invigorate sickly souls so that they can withstand the rough places snd detest their temptations. "It is this experience which muzzles the enemies of Christianity and de monstrates the practicability of re ligion. "The restraints of spiritual religion are aa sufficient a muzzle If worn to prevent Individuals from indulging In the lying habit. A muzzle, figurative ly speaking, prevents from utterance and no one can deny the moral neces sity of truth speaking. Kvery He told for purposes of deception is a sisb at society. The good of one U the good af all and the Injury of oue is the hurt of all The solidarity of human society Is a Christian truth. A dry goods salesman who falsifies concerning quality of the teztute ou the countr for the sake of maklug a speedy sale, is guilty of a crime against the human family. There are no white lies permitted in ihe realm of truth. The liar, whether white or black shall have his portlou with the lather of liars which ia-tba, devil. Pygmies 8oot From Bfhfnd. '. "This golden muzzle Is 'needed these days in order to prevent backbitiug. Tbe pygmies of Africa arj said to be the most deceptive beings alive. Tney shoot from ambush their poisoued ar rows snd their victim peiUtiea with out knowing or seeing bis destroyer. Modern backbiters are more cruel than the Arican pygmies. They shoot, st their neighbor behind hi back vile insinuations which tend lo destroy bis reputation as a citizen and which in jure his influence for good. Back biters are classified by St. Paul in the same category with hater. o( IRki. Dogs which bite and snap at travellers are muzzled by the Uw or' else shot on the ground of be tig a nuisance. But human beings ar allowed to go scott free no m alter bow destructive their tongues are in th-J deally effects of persistent and satanlc biting behind the bark of ther neUbbon. The Spir it of the Golden Rule if applied to these backbiters would prevent them from continuing their cruelie-t of speech. "Tattling la a form .if speeca which should be and would be muzzled if tbe Christ Spirit prevailed. This is a sin described by St. Paul as being committed by 'busy bodies, silly wom en' going about from house to house, idlers speakng thiuKs iilca they ought nut to speak. They are also des cribed as 'whisperers'. By their busy body method, banks have t-een wreck ed, strong men injured in useful re j forms snd a whole community aronsed to strife and bitter hatred fomented amongst celgbbors. ' Behold bow great a forest a Htfle fire klndleth! And the tongue Is a fire which when used for gossip and tattling, starts the flames of Gehenne, according to the testimony of St. James. (See James 3; 5 6.) Drinking Churchmen Scored. Mr. Hayworth at this point applied the subject ss related to the drink ha bit and said. "Any church member who goes into a saloon and emerges therefrem wiping his mouth gives evi dence that he like tbe sow has returned to her wallowing In the mire. Church members, who have discarded their muzzles of Christian vows and church covenants and faith pledges to decency and temperance, by so doing bring disgrace upon them selves, hinder the work of Christ snd are the worst kind of stumbling-blocks to the non-cburchman. Tbe non churchman has respect for Christian ity only to tbe extent which he sees it exemplified in the conduct of those who profess it.'' Mr. Hayworth proceeded to excori ate the habit which many young men have formed In loafing around the cigar jtores, pool rooms snd skating rinks. These places he said, "are as a general rule, haunts where tbe In dolent snd tbe vile resort snd consti tute poor company for an ambitious CRUCIAL TLTT IN RACE IS AT HAND (Continued from Page li) A word to the leaders of the mo ment: Don't get the Idea tbat because I you are a Ittie ahead Just at this min-1 ute, that you hsve a patent on tbat i position You know It isn't always the "pole horse ' that wins the rsce. ! You may imagine yourself to be a sure , Inner because you lead: but keep , in mind this special vote offer for (his ; weeK. Kirne or your com petit tors may , get three or four clubs and you only, two or three then you would not feel quite so safe. An ounce of prevention Is worth a "ton'' of cure; better keep at It every minute this week. Now Is Time To Work. i A word to those who appear to be 1 behind (We did not bear from a few i of the candidates in district No. 2 ' Monday). They may have enough to put them in the lead. Don't Imagine that because your opponent Is a lit tle ahead that you are a loser. I Par from it. You may be more suo-1 cessful this week than theyf you can ; it j'ju kiii iry , go ai u now lor near life. Your chances are as good as tbe rest Work hard this week and rest, next If necessary. JJUT DO IT NOW. v HtTMivVVlTltt . VOTE COUPON. - ' GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. ' This coupe when neatly clipped and properly filled In with the name of the candidate you wish to vote for. win h ,. .. vote. Name of candidate Address This couron Is void after July 29th. Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat e4 4 nwainnnun GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Miss. t Address .. Nomlnsted by. Address .. -.nT?1. nm,n,l0,, Mm, when .r"1 lIMata -- ' w uui. uii. ( 1 1 inmmm nr.ii and dean hearted youn man. iae pool rooms and bimara Dans ne saiu. are Brat cousins to the saloon and the saloons art vestibules of helL The minister closed his remarks by telling the story of a travelling sales man who was selling jewels. He be came careless In the care of his own person, his finger nslls were not mani cured, his linen wss soiled, his hands jm. Tha nouae- ror wnirn travelling noticed a falling off of sales and Inquired Into the reason and dis covered that their representative was exhibiting their Jewels in ine repuls ive background of finny " "u neraon. He was dismissed. "How much more necessary Is It ftf the bearers of rellgfon to be clean nrallr and unspotted from the world. in ordr that tbe enimtes oi ren'n may be won and tbe cause oi v ori strengthened?" asked Mr. Mayworth. LATEST MARKETS Hints (Buvlnx-Green hides, Sc to c; salters, 6Ve JHc; dry hid. 12C to HC Sbltp peiia. ZiMJ ec each. nRiEn FRl'lTJh tocal prices are firm at from Sc to 10o on apples atyl prunes, peaches are ieo. 8ALT Selling 0C to oc zor noe. 50 lb. ssck. half grouno o; t ror 100 lb sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.150110 per sark; parsnips, S1.2S (Jl 60; turnips. ii :0?i ; oeeis. 1160. VEGETABLES Atpsragus, . fOcfJ I1.T5 per crate; esbbage, sew, ft per hundredweight; cauliflower. SLaOO 11.75 per dozen; celery, California, 75c frtOc per duaen: eucumoera. si.ftuu $115 per dozen; eIPant 15 per lb.; garlic, 10C13 per pound; lettuce. 50c per dozens hothouse lettuce, fl.50 till ear box: peaa. ecu lie per pound; peppers. 30efJ!5c Pr pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, Xe 03c per pound; sprouts, sc; tomatoes, 2e22&. ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon $2.75 per 100;' Australian. $3.50 per 100; Tezaa. $2.25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 perorate Oregon Cltv Stock Quotations, HOGS Hogs are quoted lie lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. ,e, from 150 Ilia, to 200 It. ISc. VEAL CALVES Veal calves orlng from Sc to loc according to grade. BEEF 8TKERS "eet -teem for the local markets art fetching Hcto 6 lie live weigat SHEEP uVnna st e to 5e live weight BACON,' LARD and HAM. are Arm Quotations ear Oregon City. - POTATOES Best, Buying 1H cents pound. ' FLOUR AND ' FEED Flour is steady, selling from $5 to $5 30; vary little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buvsgi Gray, $23 to $24. white, from $2$ to $2C. . BUTTER (Baying) Ordinary country brings from 15c to 30c, fancy dairy from 2 Or to 22c. cream ery 22c to 2Sc EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters sre In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c, to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Bur.ngl ool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled barley. $31.50 to $32.50; process bar ley. $33: whole Corn, $31 to $32: cracked com. $32 to $33; wheat $32 to $33: oil meat 153: Shady Brook j dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. mat iBnytng.i Timothy IIS to j $17; clover $9 to $10: oat hay, best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12: alfalfa, $12 to ,n. If ! Whips!! We Give 'Em Away WITH EACH SS PURCHASE WE WILL OIVE YOU A 11.23 RAWHIDE BUGGY WHIP. 0 Dealers In Wool, Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed, Coal, Salt, Sugar Oregon Commission Co uth AND MAIN STS . Oregon City. . . i BLANK. . . . properly filled In and brought or f Th Enterprise will 1 cS hr -- w iw cacu . will via a r. i a . a. can- Wants. For Sale, Etc. - - - - - alaaaaflod rtU bo BMoMas at oae seal a woc t at. half a oaat a.ia.wo . te laoh ear. M bar ataalh. He bea oars. aaao ( r" r"m'm. . Caah aaaa aaoaaaaar arSor aalaae S" baa aa oaaa aeeaaat wllb tbe aaeor. t4 flaaaolal roooaaalWHtjr tar arTa. errara eeeur frao earraotad saU-o eHU b rsabad for paroa. bnnimuai ebarea II WANTED. B0Y8 ONE SHARK Or TWO thous and dollars I shall give to every boy who sella to ten of his friends a standard live-cent arti cle each week Ihla summer. In ADDITION lo Ihe big prize A RKUl'UAR INCO.MR Is assured. I'll tell you how. Make a list of the ten names and addresses. Bring It with you. You needn't miss ball game or fishing trip. Bring your parents If you choose. Come early. HUNTLEY BROS.. Oregon' City. Oregon, WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of sll sorts of curios, an- . tlques, and Indian trinkets; stamps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow heads for arch eologlsts; etc I buy snd sell all . sorts of curios; also all kinds of secondhand furniture and tools. George Young. Main, near Fifth ' street WANTED Eight to ten hesd of est tie to pasture at $150 per head, per month. Address, W. F. Harris. Oregon City. WANTED You to know that the En terprise Job printing department Is - the most " complete la tne State, outside Portland. Try It for your nezt printing FOR SALE Pianos snd Organs In the store of tbe defunct A. 11. Sturyrs furniture store; will be on sale t the highest bidder beginning tujty and to be miitlnued until dlspoiad of by sVTrWAKEFlELtt. WK are offering several Gladstone acreage tracts at very reasonable figures for outside clients. It will be worth your while to see us st once. Cross A Hammond, Beaver Bulhllng. THERE never has been a disappoint ed purchaser of Gladstone property. A general and healthy growth and rise In values hsve satisfied all. The last sale of acreage was st $1100 per acre cash. This same property was purchased only a few years ago. at about $250 per acre. We are authorized for outside clients to sell ten acres on main Portland road at a very low figure. Terms might be had. Better see us without delay. Croat A Hammond. . FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Umiek Dlmlck. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. O. D EBT. Attn rner-at Law. Money i loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, eetatee salt lad, gwa eraj law business. Over Bank 4 Oregon City. ITREN A 8CHUKBEL, Attorneyet Law, Deutacker Advekat will prac tice In all courts, make oollectloat and settlements. Office la Enter prise Blda. Oregon Cltv. Oregon. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. KARKT JONES Builder and Genera) Contractor. Estimates eheetfutl) given on all classes of building work, concrete walks ana ret a forced . concrete. Res. phone Mala m. INSURANCE. K. IL COOPER, Foe fire Insursnef and Real Estate. Let us hsndls your properties we buy, soil and exchange. Office In Bnterprtse Hiag., Oregon City. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. I TAKE this means of notifying my patients and the pubic that I will be absent on my vacation from July zm until snout September 1st Dur Ing that time I will be In my of fice every Saturday from 9 to 4:30. Those wishing to make appoint ments may do so by mall, address ing to Dr. louls A. Morris, Oregon my, uarciay iiiock. CITY NOTICES. Notice of Application for License to Run s Poolroom. NOTICE Is hereby given thst the tin aersigned win apply to tbe City council or uregon city, Oregon, at tbe Council Chamber thereof, on the 2nd day of August, 1911, at the nour or s p. m. of said day, for license to conduct a poolroom, at No. 217 Seventh street, riraenn ' Oregon, for a period of three months irora saia aste. I E. CARAS. Notice of Application for Vacation of Alley. NOTICE Is hereby given thst the un dersigned petlUoners hsve petition ed the City Council of Oregon City imiiiri mo wmm or tne Alley In Block CO, of Oregon City, Oregon from 20 feet wide to 10 feet wide, and that said matter will be heard " ueierminea at a special meet ing rf aid Council to be held at the Council ehamber, In Oregon City ?W'm?n v10th da3r ot August,' 1911, at the hour of 8 p. m. of r. Dated, July 11th. 1911. ALMA C. BROWN ELL, ' L. PATTER80N. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONOS. . .r0" City, Oregon. Sealed propoaafa will be received by the undersigned Finance Com- n,. UVof th Councn o' Oregon City. Oregettat the office of the Recorder of aald city, until tbe Bth itir0,' ml' O'ClwS p. m. for the sale of not less than par value and accrued Interest, of Improvement bonds of Oregon City mm mo same nave been authorized I shout year meney matters are a depositee here. ' Your hlHa are all palo Yen shook, when raw.' omse a receipt Ne treuble about shanH, ne dlssvtas meets, no eueatlen as where rmf iawy has tens, M "JJ you hsve received. Your pass seek and th stubs ef yr abZ' always m aw r " St ON THE SAFE BIDS AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon City ' OLDEST BANC IN TBI C0UHTT an a nil in i ii I I D. a LATOURXTTE Preeldeot THE FIRST NATIONAL D of OREGON CITY OREGON . CAPITAL, SbOOOS-Oft Trsnsarte a 0arel Saab leg aWelnee Open Iron, Ul i"-.'.-.m" aCMOiRMaini Bseoaiiooavs to be Issued, for Ihe sum of $3C04.2I. - Said bonds have len Issued In the following denominations: One for $l0t 2 snd eleven for $500.00 each. Said bonds sre dated April 20ih, 191 1. and will mature In ten years after date, and bear Interest el the rate of per centum per siirW, from dale, payable semi an nually said Interest to be evidenc ed by coupons sttsrbed to said bonds, Interest and principal "pay be Id V. S. r,la tM,lB' ml lnco of the treasurer ot Oregon City, at Oregun- atyOregwnt Oregon City reserves the right to lake up and cancel said bonds or any of them upon tbe payment of the face vslue thereof with sccrued Interest - to Jale st anysemlannusl I coupon Interest paying period, at or one year from the dale Iheroof. Kald bonds are issued In pursu anre or art of the legislature of tbe state of Oregon, known as "The Bonding Art" ss tbe same haa been amended, and are Issued for tbe payment of a portion of the coat of ihe Improvement yt Center street In Oregon City, tm-gon. from tbe north side of Seventh street to tbe north tide of Ninth street, snd shall not exceed the sum of $5C04.2 In . tbe aggregate. . The right to reject any and all bliU Is reserved by the underelgned Committee and Ihe Council of Ore gon City. By order of the Council of Ore gon City. WM. ANDRE8KN, F. J. MEYKR, R. L HOLMAN, Finance Committee of the Council of Oregon City ' . PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Oregon City, vTt gon. Seeled proposals w Iff be received by tbe undersigned Finance Com mittee of tbe Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at the office of tbe Recorder, of said city, until lbs 9th . dsy of July. A ix 1911, at 4 o'clock p. m. for the sale of not less than par value and accrued interest of Improvement bonds of Oregon City, as the aame have been authorised lo be Issued, for the sum of $9Ki3 41 Ssld bonds hsve been lasued In , the following denominations; One for $253.44. one for $250.00 and eigh teen for $500.00 earh. Said bonds are dated April 2utb, 1911, and will mature in ten years sfter dste, snd besr Interest at Ihe rate of 6 per centum per annum from date, pay able semi-annually, said Interest to be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds. Interest and prlnclal payable la U.8. gold coin, at the of rice of the Treasurer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Oregon; Ore gon City reserves the right to tske up snd cancel aald bonds or any of them upon the payment of tbe fare tbem upon the payment of the fare value thereof with accrued Interest to date at any semi annual coupon Interest paying period, at or one yesr from the date thereof. Said bonds are issued In pursu ance of act of Ihe legislature of the state of Oregon, known aa "The Bonding Act" as the aame has been amended, and are Issued for Ihe payment of a portion of the cost of tbe Improvement or Twelfth street In Oregon Cliy, Oregon, irom a point 106 reel westerly rrom Main street easterly to the east line or Taylor street, snd shall not exceed the sum or $503.44 In me aggregate. The right to reject any and all uius is reserved bv the iinilaraian.H Committee and the Council or Ore- By order or the Council of Ore gon Liiy. WM. ANDRE8EN F. J. MEYER, R. L. HOLMAN Finance Committee or the Council or Oregon City. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT anuria .. Oregon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received 3!..tb A,n1"rBn'd Finance Com mittee of the Council or Oregon City. Oregon, at the ottlce of tbe Recorder, or said city, until ths 9th ' Muly A. D. 1911, at 4 o'clock P. m. ror the sale or not less than psr value snd accrued Interest or Improvement bonds or Oregon City, as the same hare been authorized J r, J""uw1, for th- um of 16259 63 .1.- i ,,boVd" nare bw,n lued In the rollowlng denominations- One iTnn ,259 M nd 'or IK fin nsiii amtA a. . . . Kaiu ounai art dftttxl iApr.,,2oth' i9u' and "ir. In ten years after date, and bear Sr( f or e per ce" turn, per annum rrom date, payable aeml annually, ,d ,10 & wsisl s-nn r-i rT urTon dty, at Ore riaht io',.0'0" CU' '"the nod- el!l,".tt?w,'nd ""C1 ' - -"7 vi wirm upon the par ?t,rJ ? fc value there. n,"a -rwst to annus, Sin said bonds are Issued In nursn of Oregon, known as "The """'r" Act" a. the same has been payment or a portion of the coat of the Improvement of WaahlnrJnn No Guesswt; .r. j httr-. J LET U5 DtllLL YOUR WELL SntMmotkm wmmmntmwt. tartoWK orcoom oirr mhoc mnop the south aside of Seta' and shall not ex read tt 10269.113 in the aggregata The right to reject at bids Is reaerved by the a Committee and the Cow gon Cicy. ) By order of Ihe CoeV goo City. WM. ANDREj; P. J. MEYKl. I IL L IIOLMa)' Finance Committee of & or Oregon City. I "a RECREATION rV Cor. Vaugha and TweatyA SAN FRANCE PORTLAND July IS, It, .20, 21, 8 Games Begin Weekdays s Sundays, 1:30 P. I LADIES' DAY FRIfc, Boys U1ef IS Free ts I wsdneaday. mmuuriATiSTSEt: 55: Al Ifrea awnl eltbava Vlbmllna HbuUJeoraHinr aThm. let Hrwlnc Marhloo wrtk-a Til ItW I0MI ItWIII MACHir. Orange, Mavaa. I Maar ayolaf atarHI wa, wt mrnd la aW aaalur, aw lha J) aw II oaaa a mm iimt gotrmmw sa i waal aieM by MiatoHsea 4aates rva sua sv s W. L. MARSHALL $50 Morrison St ; -Pert Boy a Home While PayiogR J 100 down and 12 takes thla anmfnrahla -house and lot House h i for electricity. Lot I2zl Borne fruit on place. Wt cated on Madison St ' A snap at 4 E. P. Elliott and i 7tb and Main 8ts, by tv slon Bridge. ; J KEEP OUT THE R IHEYAREDAXCEBOUJr. Best Screen at Lor PflCtB .... ( Readr-mada Paints. W Oil, Varnish, Shingle f Clarence Simm:: CONTRACTOR Ninth and Main trf Phone PatvMaln 'I I 110 REWARD ' . ' ma arrest an" of any prsoa or persoat. unlawfully remove copies a! Morning EnUrprlse fro 1 promises of subscribers ' Paper hag been placed 4 eaniar . Am Ton a' niliniia tn ( ' lag Enter prise r if sot yon i as put your asms crlptloa list Immediately AIGHT RUNNir V7. af J