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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1911)
J MORNINO ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY. sTULY 22, 1911 liiiil iffl ill TO BE OVEN &jnj&Y BY TIKIE OREGON CITY ENT ERPM RULES THAT WILL GOVERN CONTEST Contest opened Tuesday, July 1 1th, and will dose Saturday night, September 2nd, at 9 o'clock. Any lady resident in Clackamas County b eligible to compete for these pritet. Any employee or immediate relative of an employee of this paper will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest. ' The contest manager reserves the right to reject any nominations for candidacy in this contest. , ' " "V , The contest management will not be responsible for typographical errors in the counting of votes except to make correction in the fol lowing issue. '.,..... ... iPSZ mcv S i :" ' -. , All receipts from subscriptions should be turned in to the Enter prise office at least twice a week. ,- Candidates axe permitted to secure subscriptions anywhere. All subscriptions must be paid-in-advance in order to secure votes. This is neither a popularity nor a beauty contest, and the prizes will be awarded solely on the merit. Should any question arise as to the proper interpretation of the foregoing rules the decision of the contest manager will be finaL FIRST PRIZES Two Upright Kimball Pianos VALUE $400 . Each- Second Prizes Two "20th Centety" Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home D op Head VALUED $75.00 EACH m- l & r rmi) value hf $400 Each- ;tw - ram. ' -SI Purchased from Portland's Leading Music House EILERS' ,& CO.. 7th and Alder Sts. Third arid Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION liUf u 9 BUSINESS EDUCATION) ""1111 1 Font Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selectiorT of these prizes, and has secured scholarships in two of the foremost educational institution in the State of Oregon. How The 1 Prizes Will be Awarded For the purpose of this contest Clackamas County hat been dii - e J into two district a follow; j District No. 1 All territory within the. city ' limit of Orera City. " District No. 2 The remaining portion of Gackamai County. FIRST PRIZES. The two candidate polling the largest number of vote in cad district will he awarded a (irand Upright Kimball Piano, valit 40.00. . SECOND PRIZES. . The two candidate polling the second largest number of votei each district will receive the latest 20th Century Model drop heal New Home Sewing Machine. THIRD. AND FOURTH PRIZES. A musical or business scholarship, optional with winner (roll IX all) will be awarded to the candidate polling the next higbat numbers of votes, 1 wo in each district. . x FIFTH TRIZES. The two candidate polling the fifth highest number of vote it each district will be awarded Lady' Solid Gold Watch. Follouing it ikf nktJuU 0 fui jkat wilt V mtltwti uJciHCt $uhscrtftnf ' ' Six months' subscription to The Daily Enterprise (by carrier) 52.00. (by mail) $1.50, 400 vote. . One year' subscription, $4 (by carrier), $3 (by mail, 1,000 rota Two year' ubscription $8 (by carrier), $6 (by mail), 2.50C vote. Three year' subscription, (by carrier) $12, (by mail) $9, 5.O0G votes. . Five years subscription, (by carrier) $20, (by mail) $15, 10,000 votes. ....... One year' subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 500 vote. Money must accompany all subscriptions before vote will k issued. , FIFTH- PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladles site) Purchased at K-toai Bofmcistcf & Andreses The leading Jewelers of 619 Main St., Oregon City, Or. In each issue of the Daily and Weekly Enterprise will be printed a nomination blank to be nsed lor nominating purposes The Mac! when properly filled in and brought or mailed to the Contest Department will be registered to the credit of candidate nam A.' a v w yf my oue win cfeoueo 10 cacn candidate. Secure a nomination blank at once and fill or the name of some young lady who yoo will help win one of the valuable prises. DO. IT NOW. in yotif nac: .emeu erf n Thia contest io for thol adieo (botvjocn the ages of W 6nd OSl c wwwaw mam .' ' " ' ' ' ' - ' ; . I I .'"'" , Ml'aisjijjji1MisMssMiiMMM MIiMMaiiS!',MMWMliMiiiiiissiijiMM' 1 : ' : I ' : '1 Contest Opens Tuesday, July Jfth 191!.at8odod(A.r.L iiii ; t j .? r Address all communications and subset ipt ions 1 Contest Department, Oregon City Enterprise OREGON . CITY, OREGON Contest Cose: Saturday, Sept. 2d IPILatpo'cIcciPj: 1 :iO'l