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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, JULY, 22, 1911. OUR ANNUAL JULY LEAR ANCE SALE It more beneficial to you than the tain these hot dayi 7HY? Because the big genuine 'reduction! we are giving on all hot weather wearing apparel, make it easy to overcome the hot weather. SEE - OUR WINDOWS J. LEVITT spenilon Bridge Cor. - Oregon City BEAVERS VKJ FOURTH STRAIGHT FROM SEALS OAMI l WITNCtSKO BY JOYOUa FAN 8C0AI 7 TO t. 1,800 Oalf Term. A bartl day oil lb link. LOCAL BRItrS C. F. Welsmandel and baby. II .of Carua, war In this city on and ara guests of. Mr. and kllllam Welsiuandel, of Eleventh nter atreeta. -Gard, ona of tha prominent it furmorif Clack a mat county, hi thla city on buslneas Friday Haxel Mill, attar visiting Is at Heaver Creek, and bar ala- Ulna Mabla Mllla. of tbla city, viurned to bar homa at Camaa, lioll stage will leave th Elactrlo each day at S o'clock p. m. Jrle lloyt, reporter of tba Jour- thla city, laft on Friday evening Vfferaon, where ba will visit ea until Sunday, whan ha will ted by C 8. Jac kaon and family, Hand, who will form an auto n trip to Tillamook. Snider, of Forest Orora, waa city on Friday. Itlrhard Hchoenborn, of thla fill leava tbla morning for New her aha will remain over Bun V. Read, of Cantralla. Wash.. u in IOIB ciJ on I ouraui; auu guest of Mra. Cbarlea Ely. Bba onuianM by bar two children, and Griffin. i Delia Gray, who baa been In Hty for aavaral montba. baa ra il to her homa at Marquam. V N. M. Alldredge and two daugh Mlaa Kdlth and Grace, after vlalt ra. Ell Williams In Portland, for Nil day a, returned to Oregon City riday morning, b Cla Pratt will leava next-8at- for Drltlah Columbia, wbara aba Mull Mlaa Bemlre Pope, wbo la nt a guest of Mlaa Pratt Tba will vlalt Vancouver and Vlo- nk Dartlatt Water. Bold by all groceries and drugglata. Inr Kirk, of Klrksvtlla. Mo.. ha led In tbla city, and la In charge ie volkmar drug aiora on nevenin M. Mr. Volkmar la on bia vaca- Mr. Kirk la ona of the nromln- istructora In tba schools of Klrka- and la spending bla vacation in West. r and Mra. J. L. Aahton, wbo re- to thla rltv from Carua. taken room a at tha homa of Mr. Mra. F. J. Mayer nt Mrs Rrneat flnnther. of Iel. made a bualnaaa trip to. ura cil r on ft aar nit Mra n Bxhiiehal. of Rhubel. In thla city on buaineaa maay fiainna nni of tha well-known rB of Shubel. waa In Oregon City Friday nit Mra Martin, of ClarkM. In thla city on business Tbura- They have just returneo irora county, where they have a land IT A finmmar formerly of Or City, haa moved bla offlc to 1017 ett building, Portland. pprrv. of Reaver Creek, was Biia city on Friday. orge tlolman, of Beaver Creek, In thla city Friday. r. Fisher, of Beaver Creek, waa In city Friday. Illlam Oulnther and wife, of Shu was In thla city on Friday.. .- ' rens' Dlertngor and wife returned e. after a two weeks' visit with and Mri. Monroe Irish, of Union r'llllam Schats, of Sherwood,-ona pcob Bohlender, of Beaver Creek, in tbla city on Friday. e box of Highland Linen, paper envelopes today and tomorrow at tley Rroe. Co. for 25 cents. he prominent farmer of that aao- waa In thla city on Friday. Mr. kats said that bla crop of hay will more than double that of last year. s Jessie Buckles, who waa called by the death of bar brother. O. Duckies, left for her home at Spo re. Wash.. Tburadav evanlnc. While thla city Mlsa Buckles, waa the "t of bar sister. Mrs. Gaorae B. Ifflth, and her mother, Mra. Ellen kiea, of Thirteenth atreet, AMONG THE CHURCHES first sptlst Corner Main and Ninth streets. lie v. 8. A. Hay worth, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m, H. E. Cross, superintendent. Chris tian Endeavor at 8:45 p. m. atom lug subject. The School of Charac ter.", Evening subject, "The Golden MuKxIe." Catholic Cor. -water and Tenth 8ta key. A. Hlllebrand paator re. 911 Water: Low Maaa a a. ul, with ser mon; High Mass 110:30 a. m.; maas every morning at a. First Cennregatlonal Church. Morn Ing aervlc at 10:30 o'clock. Eve ning service at 7:48 o'clock. Preach ing morning and evening by ur. F. A. Ferris, of Condon, Or. Sunday acbool 12 o cork. Orlat v. Lutnaran Tor. Rlalilh and J, u Adams iirrtit, llev. I', ncnmiat - naalur. raa. H4J.-U Adallil: H. B i 10 am; praachlng ailrmuona oi first and third Hundavs at 1:10 In Knallah. oth r Mumlay arvlce murnlnsa at l.l with preaching In Uermaa. first Church of Christ, Scientist Ninth and Center streets. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evening meeting at I o'clock. Read Ing room open every afternoon ex cept Sunday from 3 to 4 o'clock. Oarman Ivangallcal Cor Klehlb and Madlann straala. Hav. T. Wlavralc baa tiH-. nt, Til Madiaon; a. H. 10 a. m., Harmaji chradar, Mmro atrl. aupt.; in omnia vrvlea II. yovnc naoola at 1 p. m. and praaeblna at 1 p r. Prayer sv m. m. maatlns Wadnaadajf at 1.19 p. Gladstone Christian Rev. A. 1L Mul key. paator, res. Gladatone. Bun day acbool 10 a. ra N. C. Hendricks, aupterlntendent Morning aervlce, 11 o'clock. Brotherhood services at 7:48. Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. 8. t p. m., Mr. J. H. Qulnn, supt.; Bible Study every Thursday after noon. E. C. Dye will preach at 7:30 o clock In tba evening. Methodist Main atreet cor. Seventh. Rev. E. F. Zimmerman paater, res. cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. S :4S a. m., C A. Williams, Olad atone, aupt; morning aervlc 10:48, Epworth League 6:30, evening ser vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thure- day p. m. Presbyterian Seventh atreet cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Landaborough, paator. Rea. 710 Jefferaon; 8. 8. 10 a. m Mra. W. C. Green, aupt; morn ing aervlce 11 a. m. Prayer meet ing Tburaday 8 p. m- asrfcplaae Cenai auawunat Way. J. I Jonas paator, raa. C laokamaa; B. B. 10 a. m., Emary KYanch aupt.; praachmg aarvleas each Bunday, aitarnatlng ba twaan It a. as. and 7:10 p. m Clirla- tlan Cndaavor Thursday evening 1:1 p. m. St PauPe Rev. C W. Robinson, rec tor. Dally aervlcea: Morning pray er, 7 a. m.! Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a m., evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun day aervlcea: Holy Eucbartst S a. m.; morning prayer, 10:80 a. m.: Holy Eucharist and aennon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and aermon, 7:30 p. m.s 8. 8., 13 m.; Thursday evenings, aermon at 7:30 o'clock. Owing to the absence of the paator, who la apendlng two weeka at Sea aide, aervlcea will be conducted at 9:30 o'clock by tb Rev. Powell, of Portland. There will be no evening aervlcea. , ' United SJrethran Cor. Clshtn and Taylor, Kav. u r. Clarke oaator. raa. Portland; B. 8. J a, m., Frank Pnrkar, Mapla Una, supt.; morning aarvlee it. T. P. B. C. B. p. m.. evsnln service T. Wlllamstte M. . No racular praachtn sarvlcae. 8. S. I p. ra.. Mrs. Reams supt Zlen Lutheran Corner Jefferaon- and Eighth atreeta, Rev. W. R, Kraxber ger paator, residence 720 Jefferaon. Sunday - school 9:30 a.- m., Rev. Kraxberger, superintendent. Morn ing aervlce 10:30. Evening 7:445. Luther League 7 p. m. The congre gation will Join the Sunday achool ' class In an outing at Scbnor'a Park where aervlcea will be conducted by the paator. West Oregon City School House Services conducted by J. O. Staats at 3 o'clock, followed by Sunday acbool. The (lavage's Proverbs. . Tba provcrba of oarages are ahrewd and pithy. The Haautoa say. 'Tba tblrf catchea himself;" the Yorubus. "He who Injur another Injurea himself;' the Wotofa, -He fore healing other beal yourself." In Accra they say "Nobody la twice a fool;" among the OJ1. "The moon doea not grow full la a day?' "The poor man hits no friends." A Pashto. provorb aaya, "A feather doea not atlck without gum." Other are, "A crab doea not bring forth a bird." "A raxor cannot ahave Itself." "Crosa the river before you abuae the crocodile." "Perseverance alway tri umphs," "Tbe thread followa the nee dle," and "Preparation la better than afterthougbf-Westmlnatef Gasette. ' Mixing It Up. TJ Com rltrbt In. old man. and aee onr new baby: There! lan't be grenO De-Ob. yea; One! Well, they any bomely bablea grow u to be haud-J aotne that la. yon can be tuttuxru! or well, bow much be looks like hi mother, 1 mean. Toledo Blade. UNIVERSAL SHORTHAND Lead all other. Remarkable results In two and three nonth. Salaries 50 to 180. Higher standard than bualnes collegea. ' . . YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OUR WORK. 1 Eclectic Business University Kne A-6446 or Marshall S751- WORCK 8TER BLOCK, Third St, corner Oak ( Portland,, Oregon PORTLAND. Or, July 31. (Special) In the presence of 3,500 joyous fana the Heavers today won tbelr fourth straight victory from San Francisco and took a tighter bold on first place. Stoen waa In fin form and tha Seals couldn't do much with his delivery. They made three tallies In the aeventh and they were all. The acor waa tied for Portland bad mad three In the second. Tbe borne boy garnered four In tb eighth, sewing up the game Portland made elaht blta off Butor. The results Friday were a followa: Pacific Coast League Portland 7, San Francisco 8; Sacramento 3, Oak land 0; Vernon 8, Los Angeles 3. Northwestern League Tacoma 1, Portland 0; Vancouver 4-3, Victoria 1-8: Seattle 14, Spokane 8. American League Philadelphia 10. Chicago 3; St. Louts 3, Washington 3 1 Boston 7, Cleveland 2; New York 8, Detroit 4. National League Pittsburg 7. Boa- ton 8: New York 4. St. Louie 0; Cin cinnati 7. Brooklyn 8; Philadelphia Chicago game postponed, rain. STANDING. - Paclfle Coast. W. Portland 61 Vernon .... 58 Oakland 59 San Francisco 56 Sacramento ...... . . 64 Loa Angeles 44 Northwestern. -i W. Vancouver 69 Spokane . . . ; . ... ... 66 Tacoma 63 Seattle 47 Portland ....... 46 Victoria ... ...TT..'. 34 L. 44 62 60 67 66 66 L. 38 40 42 46 47 72 P.C. .681 .627 .613 .496 .496 '.400 P.C. .608 .583 .568 .506 .495 .249 OILING OF STREETS TO BE CONSIDERED Aa a reault of many complalnta of dust, the City Council at Ita next meeting probably will consider a prop osition to oil the Macadam atreeta of the city. Mr. Henderahott, of Port land, waa In the city Friday, and spoke to Councilman Burke In regard to oil ing the streets, lie said that the macadam atreeta In Portland were oiled at a cost of $12.60 a block, but that the coat here would be aomewhat In exceaa of that figure. One treat ment of oil, he aald, would be auf flclentJhe pll la considered, a road preservative, and It la aald that In thla way It would more than pay for Ita coat. It knits the rock and pre vents automobile from tearing tbe aurface to pieces. Smaller place than Oregon City In tbe atat hav oiled atreeta, and the residents of thla city think they are entitled to the relief from tbe dust which oiling would give. COUNTY COURT. EXPENDITURES OF ROADS CLACKAMAS COUNTY. IN District No. 10. Eatacada Mercantile Co. $ 13.60 S( urlty Vault Metal Worka. 61.30 F. B. Tbotnaa . . . S. 64.12 A. Yoeman 28.60 L. Yoeman J. Dun .. Desbields (ngllah .. 31.26 18.00 16.75 9.00 Calls.., 13.60 Duncan 19.60 M. M. Klaetach 4.60 II. WooNter 9.00 B. Krlgbaum 4.60 J. H. Tracy 10.60 J. C. Tracy 2.25 F. Khodea 9.00 W. Uhodea F. Crawford W. II. Dwyer S. Ellis je e a 11.25 2.26 8.50 11.26 J. logllsh 4.60 E. Strunk R. kiattoon ; District No. 11 Trojan powder Co John E. Smith .....i Mack Rivers ............ Theodore Huertb . .. 2.26 . . 6.25 I 13.20 4225 30.00 25.00 Otto Kent .' 26.00 C. I'eckover P. Smith . C. Hoag .... O. L. Clyde A. Wlllert .. E. Rivera . Murphey H- Blue ,.. J. Moore ., Thomas Evana Dletrlct No. Scripture A Beaullau . E. H. Gerber... H. Swale W. Rlebhoff.. C. B. Shubert . O. Thompson Under A. Eaden .... H. llageman . M. H. Rlebhoff E. M. Gerber. . B. A. Benson ' ) t t-i ia. t 12. RECIPROCITY TO PASS BY LARGE MAJORITY WASHINGTON. July 21. Tb bit- terest fight for legislation waged by an Administration In many year will com to a cloae tomorrow, when the Oanadlal reciprocity bill will be paaa- d by tb Senat by a declalv vote. That at leaat 60 Senator of a total membership of 91 will vote In favor of tb measure, waa predicted tonight by 8enatora of both political parties. Thla will Include all but four or five of tbe Democrats, and alao will Include a great proportion qf tbe so-called "atal- wart' Republicans. . . Opposed to the bill will be a ma orlty of the Republican Inaurgenta wbo come from Northwestern atatea. few of the Republican regular and a handful of Democrats. Postofflce to Cloae Earlier. Postmaster Randall announced Fri day that beginning on August 1, tbe postofflce would be opened at 8 o'clock In the mornng and cloned at 10 o clock. The closing time haa been 6:30, and the opening time about 16. Patronlxe our advertisers. Real Estate Transfers. Marlam Schwarsenbach to Herman Selbert, 8-4 acre of section 8, town ship 2 south, rang 8 east; $2,300. Ellen E. Clodfelter and H. 8. Clod- felter to Fred J. Wyatt, 2 acrea of plnehurst; $10. Joseph V. Harlesa and Kttle-E. Har- lesa to O. T. and Mary A. Kay, lots 17, 18, block 3, J .V. Harleaa addition to Molalla; $25. William Edward and John Welch to Charlea C. Duncan, block 83, and lota 1, 2, 3, 4, block 81, Oregon City; $900. ' Oregon Realty Company to Charlea C. Duncan east half of aectlon 35, township 4 south, range 4 eaat; $10. M. D. Leabo ana Jennie Leto to B. O. Rue, 47.63 acrea of aectlon 86, town ship 6 aouth, range 1 eaat; $2,600. Oregon Realty Company to Estaoa- da Orchards, land In aectlon 36, town ship 6 aouth, range 4 east; $19,810. Mary McBeatn to Charlea J. Foaner, 14 acrea of aectlon 16, townablp 3 aouth, range 1 eaat; $5,000. T. 8. Mullan and Mary M. Mullan to Francis F. Mullan, 6 acrea of D. L. C. of Hector Campbell, township 1 sooth, range 3 east; II. William E. Welch and Jennie Welch to Roy W. and Annie M. Glbba, lot X, 7, block 4, Deer Park, aectlon 9, town ship 8-aouth, range 7 east; $75. William E. and Jennie Welch to Frank K. Gibba, lota 6 and 6 of block 4. Deer Park, aectlon 9, townablp I aouth, range 7 eaat; $66. Marq E. Chapman and Fred Cn sp in an to O. I. caikina, 30.03 acrea or sections 4 and 6, townablp 8 aouth, range 1 west; $3,100. ' P. O. and Emma Wells to Almon Johnson, 40 acre of section- 1, town ship 4 aouth, range l east; 110. W. E. Flnxer and Louis Flnxer to National Guard Rifle Club of Port land, 3 1-3 acrea of aectlona 9. 10, township 2 aouth, range t eaat; $690. Read the Morning Ecterprtae. 28.00 20.00 26.00 59.00 60.00 60.00 62.00 60.00 60.00 6.00 $ 2.50 4D0 37.00 71.00 21.25 20.50 20.25 2.76 13.60 12.00 81.00 ' 32.00 Wm. McCubbln 28.00 H. Shelby , (3.26 Q. Strong 81.31 Tom Myrlck O. May Mr. Roettger 62.28 84.00 84.60 Charley Jonea 60.60 45.00 49.60 68.80 67.50 70.60 t. D. Carmlr Willi Egglmao 0. It. GfIHm H. Olson F. II. Henricl Fred Eggimann 30.60 George Lamm era 61.76 Eugene Lammers , 45.00 Henry Hemic! ,,...,,........ 62.60 W. Hughes 38.00 L. Danes .'. 128.00 George Eggimann 40.50 Abe Tnomaa 96.75 Tom Blackburn 64.00 Frank Henricl 96.75 Christ Rlcbter 94.50 W. r. Hamtnell........; 28.2$ O. Shockley 66 25 Henry Henricl 75.25 T. L. Sinclair 60.38 Wm. Stuart .68.00 District No.' 15. Scripture & Beauliau $ 3.23 Wilson c Cooke W. Buckner . .. W. R. 8nook .. C. E. Black .... L Mat toon Nash n n w .. - u. u. jnvviu.v.... H. L. Senear W. McLeord 2.65 60.00 78.00 60,00 I 68.7 40.00 62.50 62.50 40.00 Geo. Lazelle 28-00 F. Way E. E. Parker . E. A. Bly Allen Edwards John Irish . .. Even Lewis ............ Rob. Scboenburn Otto Striker Cllde Dreacol .......... Norman Howard ....... J. A. Ellison . A. Wilder W. Raney ... Earl Mattoon A. C. Warren Tom Evan . H. Scheer Tom Kelland Dlatrict No. 16, Aug. Staebley Wm, Stahlejr District No. 17. Carlton A Roaenkran Co. 30.00 30.00 61.00 36.26 22.50 22.50 25.00 22.50 4.00 4.00 16.00 16.00 22.50 6.00 17.00 6.00 6.00 21.00 2.60 . 3.00 .$ 3.65 O. Benson .................... 33.00 James Adkin 9.72 H. W. Hageman 13.00 G. M. Jonea , 26.75 E. C. Gerber 85.00 8. Latourette 22.75 R. Fredericl 28.00 Ed. Roop 18.00 O. Strain 27.00 Jake Kraft 26.00 H. Tachopp 4.00 Jame Adklna 23.00 JSchuttl 13.00 D. R. Dlmlck .'.'.. 67.75 M. Babler 6.00 E. M. Ball ;....... . 7T77. ..... ' 18.00 J. Walxak ..;;.T.."i.-".r.. 6.00 Perry Bnrna ................. -13.50 W. F. Haberlach.... 11.00 A. Tic 13.60 J. C. MeMurry 3.00 Wm. Tic 9.50 L. Funk .... .... lroo John. Bobbin , , 6.00. '. District No, 13. A. Baney 2.00 Kerr Bonney $675.00 District No. 18, Welsmandl A Nelson 3.30 Wm. Daniel. f 9.00 Don Allen 60.00 Wm. Thomaa .9.00 William Baum 28.00 R. Edwards 9.00 Gottfried Snelder 34.00 H. Staben 9.00 John Potter 41.50 F. Kamrath 14.60 Chaa. Wlcklund 73.00 L Duffy 4.50 Gus Leasch 30.00 L. Buckner 4.60 M. G. Thruston 31.00 G. Roberta 4.60 A. L. Allen 34.00 a Robert '. . 4.50 Joel Hlnkle ....... y. 2100 A. Trafton ', 1-00 Gilbert Courtwrlght?!t........ 24.25 C. F. Baker 4.50 Andrew Snelder ...7.......... 32.00 - - Dlatrict Ne. 19. - Ward Nelson 1.75 Fred Howard f 12.00 George Gill ..... 48.00 Delbert Howard 4.50 William Bruce ' 8.00 A. L. Larklna 8.00 Leo Huelatt 17.00 Wm. Boblander 8.00 Gottlieb Snelder 24.00 Arthur Johnson .' 4.00 E. N. Barrett 32.00 Richard Johnson 4.00 U. 8. Oldham 30.00 H. A.,Trulllnger 2.00 L. Funk , 8.00 Frank Buach 8.00 B. W. Oldham .. 8.00 D L. Trulllnger 8.86 O. Welch 76.00 W. J. E. Vlck.... .50 J. T. Fullam 50.00 D. N. Trulllnger 16.25 Dlatrict No, 14, Max Huaa 4.00 Everhart & Hall $ 6.70 J. C. McLaughlin 4.60 Francla Welah 3.25 J. W. Loder 4-50 Wllaon A Cooke 68.45 Dlatrict No. 20. A. R. 8tephen 60.00 J. Put ..........$ 7.60 Josl A Sbureble 93.15! Otto Soresen 6.00 A. Shlnburn 40.20 Dave - Shureule L. Derrick L. A. Schmlt ... G. F. Glbba C. H. Smith .... 8. D. Barney ... J. W. Linn .... Alf Linn , B. F. Linn Wm. Crawford . C. C Glbba C. C. Glbba .... G. F. Glbba A. Splinter .... C. Crawford .... Geo. Roser L. Mautx ....... P. C. Davidson , . M. Foumal D. J. Thorne . . D. J. Thorne .... C. J. Clark Geo. Roberta ... W. Brenner L. Georgia .. C. Bullard ,. C. Croher . . . J. Barto .... E. D. Barto . T. F. Stlllwell W. J. Croker John Gaffney . C. O. Stinnett Frank Schmite ' Chaa. H. Hornlg F. W. Sherman Erie Linn . .,. Fred. Peate Al Mautx , ........... ........... ............. 70.00 64.00 74.00 102.00 76.00 68.00 79.60 72.00 72.00 72.00 96.00 18.00 70.00 67.50 48.75 8.00 11.00 8.00 15.00 65.00 12.50 8.75 65.00 62.50 62.60 62.60 62.50 50.00 61.25 32.00 86.00 32.50 45.00 -42.00 60.80 57.60 22.75 43.0O 60.00 Ed. Homnhuh 67.50 John OlUett . . Curtis Shelby F. Busbee .... Vf. H. Qulnn., Kenetb Barto Wm. Everabed O. A. Pagencroff . C. A. Wlllcock ,.. E. Hughe i.. .. a I . 18.00 62.60 15.00 6.00 . 60 8.00 30.00 ; 6.00 66.23 C. Stroragreen 11.00 F. Baurer . 6.00 E. Berglund I 12.00 P. Sullivan R. Puts ... U. 8. Dlx .. O. Dlx F. 8hute .. B. Sullivan Dlatrict No. ft Chaa. Johnson 13.50 13.00 12.00 6.00 3.00 11.35 .$ 20.00 k - John Wall Walter Gorbett Louis Hubbard , . . Ben Chlngren .... Alfred Swanaon .. Frank Countryman Joe Carlson Ter Westberg P. E. Bonney , Ertck Asplund Herman Chlngren Elmer Petteraon Evert Erlckaon Claude Wlnalow Andrew Johnson E. A. 8 wan son.. Oacar Patterson G. Asplund Milton Chlngren v. . Pet Dooghe ....... John E. Morris W. H. 8chlffer Alex Leeaon . John Erlkaon August Dahlatrora Ben Anderson U. 8. Dlx ... t 3. A. Jobnaon August Forsgren Nela Nardgrleat 8.00 Lara Nardgreat 8.00 B. F. Bonney 8.00 Alfred Danlelson -5 Hult Broa. H.70 , . . - Dlatrict No. 22. Bob Elklna i..r,. 14-60 W.. W. Elkln "... 35.00 Otl Engl .: 600 W. A. Beck i..; 7.B0 ........7... 30.50 14.60 19.00 12.00 28.00 30.50 20.00 8.00 18.75 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 21.26 17.75 25.00 3.75 6.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 7.00 800 11.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 Did you evef .stop to think ' how much of tKe happiness : of your home is due to the ; groceries you buy? : , : ' A bad stomach will ruin the best dis position and poof quality food is the sorest way to ruin yotir stomach. : '.' . - ' . : ''a y' ... Use the finest food only and be SURE of making YOUR home happy. It is the kind of groceries we sell that are creating happy homes around you. J. E SEELEY Opposite Coort Hose Oregon City Spend Yotif Vacation ; CLATSOP BEACH i ON . The Pacific Ocean. ' First claaa hotels, cottage and camp at Seaside and Gearhart. THE North Bank Road ' Run fast trains through to the Beach parlor observation cars and modern- coaches. " . : RotmdTrfps 34.00 dally, season limit $3.00 Saturday and Sunday, limit, Monday. Special folder will be sent on request. ' j W. E. Coman. G. F. & P. A., S. V. & t Ry. PORTLAND, ORE. ' STUDY LAW Nothing will tdj rou more power and Influence in tb world than .thor ough knowledge of tb law. "It la tha combined wisdom of tbe age."" Three yeara course with degree. Standard la equal to tb Eastern law schools and the work is moet thoroughly done. Fully preparea for tbe Bar examination. The acbool Is in session all tbe year in both day and night classes. En roll at any time; do It now. t PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL IRVING E. RICHARDSON. LL.D- Prealdent-Dean Phones, Marshall 2751. A-5446. 631 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. P. 8. Noyer Chaa. Glenn .... Geo. Ball Godlob Feyrer . Mra. A. J. Milln R. P. Cooper V." Frank Cooper . O. J. Kay D. E. Pendleton Clay Engl ... F. J. Painter . . Jack Freyrer Mort Baty A. Engl A. Engte .... Elbert Reed . Elbert Reed . J. Callahan . Clay Hungat Mark Ilungate Jaa. Lay . Ira Boyer J. Bahrndt M. M. Jameson Ira Steminger Ben 8teinlnger Walt Beck.u.f. H. Bahrndt l......r... G. Hungate H. J. Rastall Billy Freyrer Carl Freyrer ' v Dletrlct No. 23. J. H. Kraua Chaa. E. Ogleaby J. J. Taylor Carl Potwln Wm. Flab Ray Fish Fred Bachert M. Blsans D. A. Neff ........ Jamea T. Ogleby.. Henry Deets .... Ceo. E. Oglesby .. A. 8, Thomson A. Kocher .... Geo. Hartwlg Lois ft Berkey Geo. B. Oglesby 8. 8. Miller ... Dlatrict No. 24. E. B. Miller ........ 20.00, 10.00 1.00 6.00 35.00 4.00 -1.00 2.00 .67.60 65.00 56.00 60.00 62.00 45.00 30.00 52.00 25.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 38.00 29.60 25.00 25.00 18.00 18.00 31.60 35.50 26.00 25.00 12.00 6.00 19.00 8.50 15.00 15.00 10.00 . . 12.00 t . 23.00 16.00 10.00 10.50 16.00 16.26 1.00 .76 2.75 10.00 8.25 12.00 f I 1 8.00 Melton Armstrong W. D. Miller . H. Hilton ... J. Eglie ..... Abe Jones O. Kyllo . . .... m ........ Lee Fish ........I Geo. Brockart .... John Rogie ...... J. M. Nosier Jordan Rood Roy Seely . . C. RaddaU . Lao Aakln . Gua Stuewe Albert Eyman C. E. MlUer C. a Miller . Dlatrict Ne. 29. Joe Wilson 8.00 4.00 1.50 6.00 10.00 -4.60 6.00 6.00 2.00 16.00 8.00 ' 8.00 11.00 1.50 100 100 18.17 10.00 Fred Malch Wles Eby . F. Stlea ... A. Harnack A. Wllaon : J. W. Eby . H. Oartler . J. Carbener ...... .s ... . . W. A. Winder J. a Mitt Ed Keobel J. A. Mitta 3. Wllibroad Eugene Keobel G. Oatea ..... ) DUtrlct No. 26. A. Cutting 8. A. Douglas J. C. Vaughan Otla Engl R O. Col P. Kayler , E. May S. Echerd ..t;v. .. ....... R. Echerd . U McNulty W. H. Engle O. Douglas v J. R . Vlck C. lck .. T. A. McFaddln T. C. Rldlnga . J. l.allatt ..... ........... $ 6.00 17.00 . 13.00 10.UU 11.00 28.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 60.00 57.25 a aa ' 7.00 ' 8.00 11.00 13.00 I 8.00 86.00 32.00 12.00 8.00 46.00 18.00 20.00 6.00 10.00 at m ' 10.00 ' 24.00 UOOj l.M 4.00 4.00