Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1911)
cow enterprise K. E. BROOtE, Edltee and PvbHafter. " " I Mil aa Siraol tin wltit Jaa- era s, H1L. ml rae poot ok at o "THh"" e act as TEE ST BBCBraM. Oaw Tmt, ky ml at Moaiha, kr ull row atoatke. kr Ml n M . JO AMftinUM UTO rva Pas, par asce fa-at Peg, par lack furaiw poaltasa ..ISe ..Iks taok Bntarprtaa wna Sator. for eili minawti (or ta waaeir. Wbra tk a at traaaf htW from tk Oalftr te the y. wtvkaat caataaw. tke rate M ke So aa Iks aa ' Clrraa aaverttla: and as rial aaverUstac at Ike la toe aa tack. Haws ttoaaa and wan af aaartt. with lataroat to am pa (CkvOir aeMpkaL CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. -July 22 In American History. 1TM Peregrin White, first white child bora la New England, died: turn Not. 20. 1QUl XSSI General Jaioea B. MrPberson, ':. commander of the Federal Army of tbr Tennessee, killed la front of Atlanta: bnra lC9 1883 Central Edward Of ho Creasp ' OrL dMIngntsbed American .sol- 4Vr of the ctrll nr. died Id Ha vana; bora la Maryland m ttttt-Oaeral l"-tn M ny. sntl - alarery editor aad Keatarkr lecto- Utor.dlMl;bnra 110. K)0fr Ttaaf II fUre. the tnanrler. died: bora ltd. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. OTront aoon today to aooa tomorrow J Baa eeta T2L riaea r4.-M: 139 a. bl ; SUPERSTmON DIES HARD. ' '- 8pertitloa dies bard. In rennnber " ta the atreeta la Um baatneaa sectioa of Cbicato tbf 0snr "11" la to be omitted. . Not raaaj people win ova ap to beiac nperatitioaa aiai yet It la . a (act that to a mare Or lean extent toe feeling exieta with alnjoat ' everyoae, whether educated or not. Not every oae la affected alft. People, for whom 12 or 23 baa no terrors may ahrlnk from beginning new work or commencing a Joorney on a Friday. Other carefully abstain from walk ing aader a ladder, aad still others shrink with fear whea a dog bowls. Doubtless the mystery so inseparably aaaociated with life, aad the sense of the supernatural are largely respons ible for this well-nigh universal feel to. There are people who can recite glibly the tea commandments without aa error who manage to break one or , more of them every day aad think I nothing of it. It w not the length of one's life that ' coasts, bat the manner of h. Some people live more and do more good In forty years than others do In eighty. The world cannot be made better by apathy, nor even by good wishes. If ' progress is to be made it must be through wise persistent action. ! Salt anal Tekecee. Many amokera have adulterated their own tobacco. Parr sprinkled bis pti-e-fol with salt to make it last longer. And It does. Parr, one of the most leisurely of smokers and longest of livers, made his tailed pipe lint an boar. There is s faint crack 11ns as th. n knn. K. Atw i - .v.'. u.clo iu i tte. Aod who. dis- aaining aaaiterants. sat opposite and , ear pas, par ftafaiiaa paatttaa any page, par ax UM laanrtlnaa JM K papar at her tfcaa fbat paga, par sack ftnff BaWfOlMB aaaaaaaaaoaeeea a a aa a 1-aeel Saw paper Qr tkaa llrat paaa. par took ' LaceJa ISe par Sao; as raewler eeVar Oaara ta Baa. Waata. rar Bala. Ta tat .. ewe aaat a war flrat tseartkja: a hasf Ml aack aiilttfcaaal Rataa far aavatkrtaa- tm Ate Waakhr Uw aaaaa u h tk aa kek for raw af ffce papar Cash akanlg aceempea arior akn HaioUowi as aastaisa afflak af Leaal a4rrUatec at Mjal advertaakag UK mm ta apaclal coaJlttoao ewrarsins tka ,r "Fire Sal- and Bankrupt Hater m-nr-, mm a kke tack first taaarUow; eddl aaaal laaarttawe atiur loo tarh 1ttaa aiPdaa local raaaara. smoked In furious rlonds. When Parr ' Mr -Mnrphy has been cutting hay asked gently bow be bad attained this J for A,e Baker. fierce dexterity th reply wss charsc- ' . pfr' 'bodr1 " bu,T th tJ,ey terlsdcally Lsmb'a. "Bv bv t-toillng ! tt hi51tln,e to 'tten? Gr"ge 8V .ftt, o.:.J urr There were only about six Men Would Be Barbarians but For Women Br Senator ROBERT L. HY shouldn't s -woman who makes her own living have a voice in making the law which govern herf I believe in women. They are HUMAN beings, .. sad I believe tbwj thoold hare the rights of human beings. " Men nuke laws that will take the life of a ( woman, snd wbr shouldn't women have a say aa -to who shall ADICDOSTER those law.! There are MORE edaoated women than men. Men aometiraea fancy they know more than wo men, and tbey do about some things. And women know more than men about other things. Women sre more moral than men. They have tauzbt iben aJJ the manners and morals that ,r ,T WERB NOT FOR WOMEN I BARBARIANS. HOOD RIVER RAtXHERS MtlAYHIIHlSUlY BIQ KANSAS GROCERY HOUSE WRITES REGARDING SUFFLY OF FRESH PRUNES. The Hood River Oommertcal Club has written to;the Oregon City Com mercial Club regarding the supply o( grain, vetch alfalfa and bay to be ob tained In this county. -The ranchers have requested me to find out the best place to buy In car load tola." -writes the Secretary of the Hood River Commercial Club. A letter has been received by a lo cal commlasioa bouse from the larg est wholesale grocery house In Kansas Inquiring the prospective supply here of Orecva fresh o runes. The firm probably will buy la carload lots. HIDES (Buying Green bldea. 5e to (e: natters, t4c to 6c; dry hides. ISC to 14c Sbtap pelts, I5c to 7C each. . - DRIED FRUITS local D rices are firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and prunes, peaches are o. 8 ALT Selling 50c to 0c (or floe M lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, tl-25tlfl.M per sack; parsnips.. 1.5 fill.50: turnips. 11.156 ll.M: beets. $1.50. VEGETABLES Asparagua, 0c6 $L75 per crate; eabbage, aew, tl per hundredweight: cauliflower, fLoOQ 11.75 par dosea; celery. California, 75c OMe per dozen; cucumbers, JLsOtr $2.25 per doten; egrplant. I5e per ID.; garlic 10cei2c per pound; lettuce. 50c per dosen; hothouse lettuce, $1.50 C$1 per box; peas, tcfjlie per pennd; peppers. 30e8X5c per pound radishes, 15e per dosea; rhubarb; te Sic per pound; sprouta, pc; tomatoes. $26 $$.26. ONIONS Jobbtng prices : Oregon $2.75 per 100: Austrsilan. $3.50 per 100; Texas. $2 25 per crate: Califor nia, $2 per crate. Oregon Citv Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted He lower. From 12S lbs. to 150 lbs. c. from 150 lbs. to 300 lbs. me. ' VEAL CALVES Veal calves ortng from (c to lec according to grade. . BEEF STEERS Beef steers for the local markets are fetching tftc to tc Uve eetgat. SHEEP auw am at tc to 5e live weights - BACON, LARD sad HAM. are Arm. ILsO. QwUBwa ear gregeai Cty. POTATOES Best, Baying 1H cenU pound. FLOUR AND FEED Flour is steady, selling from 15 to ISiQ; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buyngr Gray, $23 to $24. white, from $25 to $26. , BUTTER (Buyinc? Ordinary cc on try brings from 15e to 20c, fancy dairy from 20r to 22c, cream ery 12c to 25c EGGS Best grade 25 cents. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie food stock offered. Good bens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are in poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, with good demand. WOOL (Bur-ntf) Vool prices are ranging from 14 to 17 cents. FEED Shorts $29 to $30; rolled barley. $3L50 to $32.50; process bar ley, $33; whole corn. $31 to $32; cracked com, $32 to $33; wheat $32 to $33; oil meaL $53: Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds. HAT (Baying.) Timothy $11 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, beet, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14- EAGLE CREEK. Ms. Howlett is on the sick llsL Mr. and Mrs. 8tocklen. of Portland, came out Sunday to visit with Mrs. Viola Douglasa and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Da mascus, were visiting with Mr. and Mr. Howlette last Wednesday and Tnurvday. Myrtle Woodle waa over the first of last week and is over this week staying with her grandmother. Mrs. Howlett ; Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglasi and ' Charley Sweeney made a tr"p to Esta . cada last Friday. i Mrs. Ralph Gibson rikited with Miss Bins Douglass last Saturday. ; Relds', of Springwa'.er, and Udells of Dover, took dinner with Jam-s Gib son Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gibson, of Barton, ard children. Miss Dora. Haj.el - j .. V. ' ..X V uu r i ii mi ii, auu Mils, naipn UlDSOn I were op to H. S. Gibson', one day last wees picking cherries. : present OWEN of Oklahoma Illl1luumi by Amerteaa tress Associativa. . they know. BELIEVE THAT MEN WOULD BE MORNING .tcvttcrpriSE. SATURDAY, JULY 22, Glitterintf Paifcant When Klntf Geprtte Rode to His Coronation jaSiaiW'-rt finite YT7y Tilts a -'- ' 3 1 - -1 i a., aiae. - Photoe eoprrtght by aaftvaa Press E IGHT horses were need to draw c7tf 1 -r. i j r .. v t . ( and Qoeea Mary wrat to and frees tbetr caronatVai In wretminatrv sbbey. la the picture above this royal equipage Is shewn proceeding aloes- the Mall with the king sad qeeee wearing the crewas that bad last been sdjusted and tryln te took as If they eejoyvd tt sad were acres, tomed to the pomp and ceremony, la the ether picture King George, seated beside Queen Msry, Is shown ss be received the pearl sword from the lord mayor of London. This ceremony, which took place at Temple Bar. signt fted that the king bad received the freedom of the city, ta this esas meaning the dry of London proper. comparatively small port km the Lao don ef today. The king merely touched the hilt of the sword ss a tekea Ukit be bad accepted it. and it remained la the custody ef the bard mayor. EALLOTS CAST PI AJUZTX CTK (Conrlaued from page I.I know .that her chances to win are as good as that of any other In the race. Ambitious Canddste Liked. Everybody likes to vote for aa am bitious candidate, and when yoa vote for a contestant in the Enterprise cam paign, yo make no mistake. Too can close your eyes aad draw a name from the list and cant avoid picking a fav orite. Tnoee who are not in this greet strurgt for ballots do not aader stand bow much a candidate appre ciate it when she meets someone who presents ber with a ballot good for several thousand votes. - She will apeak of this remembrance for a month and she won't forget it - dur ing her lifetime. She'll always look on ber locality as the one In which she had the truest friends. A certain candidate has repeated It over and over again, "I never thought that the people bere would be so kind to me when I entered this race. ' There isa t a candidste in the race that does not feel the same way. If there is any irttre reciprocation that you owe to a candidate In tbla race; if yon ever felt that you would like to have the time come when yoa could do something for a person that may be in this good-natured and excit ing battle, both the debt and the time Is here. Vwtes Reveal Friendship. The debt of reciprocation can be paid, and the favor that you would like to do can be done by presenting this person with votes. Rest assured when ithe drops tfiem In the ballot box this will be her thought: "This Is a token of friendship never to be forgotten." And oont Imagine your votes will go to waste, whomsoever yoa vote for. There isn't a candidate In the roll of honor who is not as confident ss' the other, and there In't one In the race that has not as good a chance aa the other. Don't think be cause your favorite Is not at the bead' of the list that she Is not strickly in it for one of the prizes. She may have enough votes to put her away ahead. You giv her the votes snd she'll man are the campaign. Don't putt off subscribing or renew ing yo'ir subscription until the last ! minute of September 2. Do It today, ariu in your remittance ty man or otherwi and we will w that aha i 'h? Jott. 'w.Th ' vr 'Wnll! the rotes with : merits. I That' all for today. ,. I Take a good re-vt &unaay, ana Monday, at rising or I the sun. get your brass band ready to mae uw nae voies. I VOTE This coupe when neatly clipped and properly filled In with the name of the candidate you wish t0 vote for, will be count! aa one vote. Name of candidate Address This couron I. void after July 2Cth Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat. a- 4 44f,sfsa,4?,?t NOMINATION BLANK. . GOOD FO.H TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. I wish to Nominate Miss . " i Address Nominated by ' Address msllL to rJL? ri'"i' wb.,n vnptAy filled In and brought or mled 'f. C""'"' Department of The Enterprise will count for 1.800 votes. Only one of these blanks will be credited to each c.a- f.j V - ,-. . " A. I a ' ?r " the eta l ewarb ta wbleb Klnr Oerge A TRIFLE GOSSIPY A Portland baslness man a few days ago waa coaferrlng with D. C. Rob bins, of the Oregon Commission Com pany, reganding hay and how to eetl tt to the beet advantage. .The visitor said he Isteaded to add it to bis stock. After getting the desired Information he pointed to Dr. A L Beatle. who. dressed la overalls, waa working In the rear of the big storeroom aad Why cent yoa kt that young fel low come dowa and work with me a week or two antil I learn how to beadle the new Use. I U give blm $10 a week and board." Mr. Rob bin said he would think the matter over aad hi friend left without learning that the "young fel low' whose services he desired, wss one of the proprietors, the owner of the gaa franchise for Oregon City, a school director, a retired doctor of dental surgery, aa expert st boxing e berries and last, but not least, s brother of County Judge Beatle. o a a A foreigner of this city, who Is em ployed aa a mill hand, was looking recently for a bouse, the rent of one now occupied by blm and ten of bis countrymen being considered too high. t'poa being asked a boat the rent, be said they were paying 111 a moat a He was told of a boose oa the bill, but this one only having three rooms. w. not thought Urge enough for the party. "Oh. that, large enough tor us." said the man whea told of It. It was explslned that some of the men sre employed In the day and some st night and the five beds are always oc cupied. YOU TAKE NO FINANCIAL RISK. We Mske This Offer ta Every Person in Oregon City Who Suffers From Kidney Disesse. We want every person la this city who suffers from kidney disease In anv form to have personal knowledge of the merits of Reiall Kidney Pills. To this end v.e offer them to every one who has looked for such a remedy with the definite and distinct under standing that. In the event tbey shall not prove of any benefit In the treat ment of your case, we will promptly refund you the purchase price. Put up In boxes contsning sixty pills: price. 60 cents per box. Rexall Remedies can be ooiaineo only at our store The Rexall 8tore. Uuntley Bros. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllsm LaSalle. of Glarf.tone. entertained at their borne at Gladstone Mrs. Edith Smith Davis ,d her daughter Miss Mary Davis, of Milwaukee. Wis. Mrs. Davis was one of tht noted .peakera on educational work , Chautauqua. vvv44 . .. COUPON. i....... a. - . ' li tiaa aaT. J Vv 'i I AaaockrtV. 1111. 1911. Wants, For Sale Etc - - - -- miflai wttt ko kaaor M oae a waraV feat tourn kaif a toet aoeiltflaal kaar ETlVTVl-tk ears, tl so --- t awooi par aw-- rul mhm aruaaisiaT kaa aa aae eraaaat wiik Iko flaaailal I 1 1 1 n -""r fur orrwrs. wkori rat area ra aMrrted " raatoA far patraa. MUiibiubi ekareo WANTED, WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of all sorts of curtoe. an tiques, and ladiaa trinket. : stamps for stamp collectors; colas tor numismatists, arrow heads for arch eologtsts. etc. I buy aad sell all sorts of curius; slso all kinds of second band furniture and loola. George Toting, Main, near Fifth street. VANT-waau advortleemeau for this eoiiBM Pieea vary reasoa able. See rates st swad of eolima Read Ike M orate g iCnterprtaa. WANTED Tou to know that the En terprtse )ob prlnUcg department la the most complete la toe State, outside Portland. Try 'It for your aext printiBg - ' . FOR SALE. FOR SALE House, two lota, on cor ner, bouse almost aew, 12-2$ two rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees, garden in. other Improvements, beautiful scenery. Close to school; fur locstioa Inquire Winkles store. West Side. Price $494.00; cash. Rev. Hervey Duck. Oregon City. Or. FOR 8 ALE Pianos and Organs la the store of the defunct A. H. Sturyve furniture store; will be on sale to the highest bidder beginning tujay and to be onntlaued until disposed F. L. WAKEFIELD. WE are offering several Gladstone acreage tracts at very ressonsble flruree for outside clients, .It will be worth your while to see us at once. Cross 4 Hammond. Beaver Building. THERE never has been a disappoint ; etf purchaser of Glsdstone property. A general and healthy growth and rise la values bsve satisfied slL The last sale of acreage was at $1100 per acre cash. This same properly wss purchased only a few years ago, at about $250 per acre. We are authorised for outside clients to sell tea acres oa . mala Portland road , at a very low figure. Terms might be had. Better see oa without delsy. Cross A Hammond. FOR SALE Space la this columa Sell that old plow or barrow; yon eoa't use it - since yoa purchased yowr saw one. - FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck DImlck. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. 0. D. KBY. Attoraey-at-Law. Money loaaed. abstracts furntahed. laaa titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law bnsisao.. Over Bask al Oregoa Oty. CHEN A 8CHUEBEL. Attoraeys-st Law, Deutscber advokat. wtU srs ttee la all eourta, make eolleeUoaa sad settlementa. Office la Enter prise Bldg, Oregoa Citv. Oregoa BUILDER AND COTw ACTOR. HARRT JONES Builder aad General Contractor. Estimates chew fa lit given oa ail classes of building work, concrete wsiks aad relaforced concrete. Kea. pboa Mala 11L INSURANCE. C. II. COOPER, Foe rirs lasuranee and Real Eststa Let as handle your propertiee we buy. sail aad eschaage. Office la Enterprise "'ag-, Oregoa City. Oregoa. CITY NOTICES. Notice of Hearing of Sixth Street Aa . essment. Notice is hereby given thst the acpumunment or toe cost Ol the 1m provement of Slth mrt rir..,.n City. Oregon, from the Eas't line of man sireet to toe East line of Jackson Street, baa been sscertalo ed and the proposed assessment has been a portioned and Is now on file In the office of, the Recorder of Oregon City and subject to examina tion. Any obbjectlon that may be '' wriunn to ine said city Council of Oregon City and filed with the Recorder thereof within ten days after the first publication of this notice will be beard and de termined bv the Council k passage of any Ordinance assessing the cost of said Improvement. The property assessed for said Im provement lies on both sides of the part of said Sixth Street proposed to be improved and the line of lot. . SDuiung on said part of said Sixth Street fartberest from oit nrt aid Sixth Street and said part of am Bixio mreei. TblR notice la nnklltl Im ,k- f - -M im UC Morning Enterprise the first publl- "'"g Juiy zznn and the said City Council has set August th. 111. at S o'clock, P. M. at the Coun cil Chamber In Oregon City, Oregon, as the time time and place of the yaaaiag on saia objections. U STIPP, Recorder LEGAL NOTICE. RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, pursusnt to an order of council ,oi Oregon City, Oregon, heretofore made the City Engineer of said City hss submit ted hi. report snd tiled la the office of the City Recorder, plans and specifications for aa appropriate improvement of Monroe Street, ssld City; from the South side of Third 8treet to the , South side of Four teenth Street, snd estlmstea of the work to be done thereon, and the cost thereof, and WHEREAS, such plans, specifica tions snd estlmstea are satisfactory lo the City Council of the said Ore ton City, therefore. The plans, kpeclflcatlons and esti matea are bereb approved aad be RESOLVED, That It is the pur pose and Inteatloa of the City Coea- beul yaf money matters sre aepesltsr hare, r- veue bills are all pale fcr $. Vane besk, whan rwhirnai k msntl na aweetlen aa ta s" or hew m? rSerfw-eiM Yeur pass Saek .as) tn .tuba af yeur .bsekt; -1 . a.ll Ik. aMTW. " ( ON THI SAf SlOt OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BAltr HI THI COUNTY D. C LATOL'RJfTTB PraaWaol THE FIRST NATIONAL BAR ol OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, BsOiSO&ta. TrwiaemaftaneralBanklea Bualatea ' Open frees A M, tj j LET US DRILL YOUR WELL SMtlmimotlom ammmmi4. Immvm OfUttJOM OITY SHOC SHOP s scNesHNBiM - . . aeMioav s nm i ell of Oregon City to make the said Improvement, bang described as lol Iowa, Itvwlt : The Street shall be brought to the subgrsde the full al.lth tterw of betaeen the South line of Third Street snd the South line of Four teenth Street. On the roM-rd macadam shall be plare4. nut leas than six Inches at the curb snd D"l leas I ban nine Inches thick al the center of street eomplet rd. the said roadbed sin II be I rbiight to the grade adopted In Ordinance ttaaaed St Meeting Of the City CoiiH- -cti; oa-July.UavlSll . Said Street shall be proieviT pro vided with drains, eatrb basins, and gutter necessary to pne'vs I be grsde. embankments. tnl aurlare of the Streets, snd provide ll proper drainage. Sidewalks will be Of concrete eicept bere on sppll cation to the Cit C amril. owners are permitted tt have wood walks Uld. All sldewslks ahtll lie sit feet wide nd laid t the prop-ny line. Curbs shall be placed 20 feet from the center line of the street where the TuaJbad Is forty wld.. Curbs shall be of concr e anl set vertie eally to sub-grade of street. Cross walks shall be of wood and not less than 2 Inches thi-k sit -f tin) 'm provement shall 'e n.t le according the piaaa n.t srec'festion filed on the IJth day ! July. Ill I. The Iraprotemenl almll be rta-ad as -Ma-. i"n ' and shall. Ie iusib tained by Ur4M City l r a full perk od of et year. fnm dale of the ftc cepL; i v ine't , Ht i.e v nec l eet-i.y ecled to cause this resolution and notice to be published, as required K th rkartar of Oreaun City. Published br order of the City Council of Oregon Oty, Oregon. July. If 11. I BTIPP. Recorder SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Ettie Cowlee. plaintiff, vs. Albert J. Cowles. Defendant. To Albert J. Cow lea. Defendant: In the name of the State of'Ore pn, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or .before the 2nd dsy of September, ill I. said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publretlon of this summons, snd If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt : For a decree dissolving, annulling and setting aside the marriage con tract now and heretofore existing between plslntlff snd defendant. This summons Is published by or der of Hon. J. IT. Campbell. Judge of the said Circuit Court which order was msde and entered on the 21st day of July. 111. First publication to be msde July 22nd. 1I1. WHEELOCK tt WILLIAMS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. C02RESP0NDENCE STAFFORD. Thlo iiart of the worlH ha bait Its share of warm weather the past week and grain Is beginning to turn to a golden yellow, snd the field In and sround Stafford promise a besvy yield and there ta hardl room onnnvh In the barns to contain the hay already being hauled. Mrs. Aernle's daughter, Josephine, was taken to a bosDltal In Port land last week with an scute case of ap pendicitis, where she underwent an operation and at last account doing well with a fair chance of com plete recovery. Another daughter and husband are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. AeraL Mr. Zack Elllrsen haa inm K. quite sick, but able to sit up some and walk about a littu. ant t... friends hope to see ber entirely re- mni era long. Louie Nemlc let 11 ! (Miff run mammas and jump the gate and his team took a hike and raced ss far a. the fence where tbey were stopped snd ha also hss a bad hand caused by a allver he thinks. Onita . . . - - ui acci dents for one boy. Mrs. Brink ha. been having plaster ing done In her hnnu mrA .v. - - ui. wurn- lTr t the same time put up in iui iDvmaeivrS. Mr. Gsee'a arm A Am.w .i.v n . and little girl, came Saturday la their 7'" returned to their home n eki ' . Wfln'r. They mraed and nut rimm ..a - T'.uuif m cner- !jr a?rUr'1 tnT """ before sun- mnewl.1 T" .V,n," IBS COO! tlVOrfllBr f rVahfTtlnaw M laL. v . . Mis. Julia Keehel I. . . Keealrterthronrt h.yl'ng " ." M Mr" 'oSS " CWM pfe ',n br1ni" wnta The mw (4t Place have neeV movl Patxonite oar advenieers. No Quessworl; AND THI r.j. MBTU.Cc ' m.nj. BASEBAL RECREATION PASK, Cor. VsuQhe snd Twenty-fssn SAN FRANCLSCC porttLand July la, II. to. Hi 22, t Oamee B.(ln Weekdays at undaya, 1:10 P. M. I LADIES' DAY FRIDAY I Boys U-4etf II $rree- lo- W wdneaday. nEWCSLDUATUTJEWlSS h AIGHT RUNNIN Ifywa want ett her a Vtfceallac kkaaik ' MiuUiooeaKlnlaTbej4 (' atrwtns Marklaa well tu i Til IIW 10111 (Will aUCailt IT . Oretmaw Mfaataw I kliiailtaii.i.aikli.fwai saalar.kx ta Paw HaMlii OauMMranWM' esd by Mlfeerteaw doalera I W. L. MARSHALL, 150 Morrison St Portia Boy a Home While Paying Re - a 100 down and fit a aw takes this comfortable sliW house and lot House la air: for electricity. Lot BXxlos f Some fruit oa place. WsD I caied on Msdlsoa 8L A snap at V"vj L P. Elliott and 5: 7th aad Mala 8U., by, 8uK sioa linage. KEEP OUT THE FLIa THEY ARE DANGEROUS PET Bist Screens at Lowr Prices Retdy-msde Painta, Jd Oil, Varnish, Shingle SU Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR A BUILD Ninth and Main Strssta Phone PacvMaln Sl THE M0RNINQ ENTERPHlC Is On aala at v. aiaf every day: Huntley Bros Drug Main Street. W. McAnulty CIgari Seventh and Main. Becrest ConfecUonerjr ' Main near Sixth. M. B. Dunn Confectionary . Next door to P. O. City Drug store Klectrlo HoteL Walter UttlfrConfectlonerj 814 Seventh Street, M. Volkmar Drugs . Saranth near Canter. Ichoanborn Confeotlonerf Seventh and .1, Q. Adam. a Are n a V In (VM....I... . ...ij iihh u got you ido"'" and lat Ma Mi .v. ' : . - f mir name o wlptlon list Immediately, I Pruaa nf il 7 11 Raad the Morning enterprise.