; , ' , , " ( ' "' i V ' v ' y ' A- n In n , fnYfvv ; onn no v. ,, :. ! -- I I I' I I I II 111 I Ml. III! ':. , . V I II I I I I 711 I . GOU; V II I I I I M W I I I 1 JUU " ' ' ' ' , . "' .'." ' v: - ' ':'''' . , , ' " ' '" . ' - ' ' " "' ' . - - . MK. MMMH A B -wii'' ai .! . . - '...; . . .... , CULES THATWLL GOVERN-COEST .? rj , ..Jv.-. - '. ; ';; Contest opened Tuesday, July 1 1th, and wOl close Saturday night, September 2n&, at 9 o'clock. Any lady resident ia Clackamaa County ' it "eligible to compete for die;ptiv,;;-4V;; J , . ' '' ' . ' a '' vVi '.' ';-;'':'" , ' ' Any employee or unmediate relathre of an employee of this paper will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest. 'a; ..'. f vi,' 5 V:'! ' ' " -- ' '. ' v The contest manager resems the right to reject any nominations for candidacy in this contest The contest management will not W responsible for typographical errors in the counting of votes except to make correction in the fol lowing v. All receipts from subscriptions should be turned in to the Enter prise office at least twice a week. , ... ii- Candidates are permitted to secure iwbscriptionsuiywhere. All subscriptiona must be paid-n-adyance in order to secure-rotes. This is neither ji popularity nor a beauty contest, and the prizes ,will be awarded solely on the merit, '."t ; ; ' I' i .:- a r ! s, .. .. ... . ' . .y '' Should any question arise as to the proper interpretation of the r foregoing rules the decision of the contest manager will be final. . ; ,- . PS VALUE $400 Each J VALUE . : Each ' 1 Vil "i '-V v; v. : "20th Ccntefy" Scvrinff Macbioies (latest model) Nexr Home Drop Head r-' " VALUED $75.00 EACH ..::'. .'." ' Potchased' from Portland's Leading Hlcsic Hcs PU RRS' & CO., 7th aad Aldat Sts. Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL "EDUCATION! l.iuipu o BUSINESS EDUCATION! " ' v" i ... " ' Fout Ptitis be Awarded The E-nterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes, and has secured scholarships in two of the A c forernost educational institution 'in the State of Oregon. How The Prizes Will be Awarded For. the purpose of this contest Oackama County hu been divid-1 ed into two districts as followsJ - - District No. I All territory within the city .limit of Oregon cry. ' .,.:,. . : " "r-:- " ' District No. 2-The remaining portion of Qackamas County. . ,; ,v. ; !rst prizes. ' The two cand-ites polling the largest number of votes in "each J district wul be awarded Urand ajprtgM ' Kunmui nano, value $400.00. . ; T " ", ', , v " ' SECOND PRIZES. ' , The two candidates polling the second largest number of votes in each district will receive the latest 20th Century Model drop head New Home Sewing Machine. , 7 , . ' . THfllD AND FOURTH PRIZES. A musical or business scholarship, optional with winners (rout in all) will be awarded to the candidates polling the next highest number of votes. Two in each district. - - FIFTH PRIZES. , TV two candidates polling the fifth highest number of votes in . each district will be awarded a Lady! Solid Gold Watch.' - FoWir is tkt tektJmli " thai will ht Mwuti pmi-in tivemct tmbtariptnnst i:m 1 Six months' subscription to The Daily Enterprise (by carrier) $2.00, by mail) $U0, 400 votes. . One year's subtcripGon, $4 (by carrier), $3 (by mail, 1,000 votes. Two years' subscription $8 (by carrier), $6 (by mail), 200 votes. - - : : -. ' 7 ' ' Three yean' subscription, (by carrier) $12, (by mail) $9, 5,000 votes. ' .,..-. , . ; . Five years' subscription, (by carrier) $20, (by mail) $13, 10,000 votes. ,x : ' ". t One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 500 votes. Money must iaccompany all subscriptions before vote) will be issued. ., ' FIFTH TVO plH QOW i PcsTchuei A J ' K-iv-l Butmzistct ft Anittzzn The Leading Jeweltn V of 619 Main St Oregon City, Or. , I : : ' : - . ' ...:.; '. " . 4 1 , In ach Jssoe of the Daily and Weekly Enterprise will be printed k nomination blank to be used for noaioatine oarnesei TJ.. UUU ' when propetly Wled in and broht ot mailed to the Contest-Department will be MSisteted to the ctedit cf candidate nine toexsca. Aa cact nomination counts tor UU votes, only one will be credited to each candidate. Secure a nomination blank at once and fill in vc, nmc x some young lapy wno yew wui neip win one ot tne valuable prizes. , DO IT NOW. ' r" - ' . . . -r ; ' . . ' . . . ' j- ''-'''. ' . . . . . 7T , .... ,. . . , ... ... .S -.'' . .-.(' ; .' .., ..'5" ;. v .... ' ' . - '., ,.''. ' , .' ,, ' ' . I. i,, . :;.,........' V'. :' ; ..,"'','''i' ' , .; , . ' .''' . ',.' '' " .' ' '" '' -. . ' ' ..' .'. ; .' ' ' v v k Contest Opens Tuzsday, July llth loii,at8bdcctiArt i captions , Contest Bepartmsnt, '' ' ' -i", '" ' '. "'. '- ; . OREGON CITY, OREGON City Enterprise Ion test G!2S Saturdsy, Scft 2nd ' ".' '. .. ' .... . M-v, nrv I0H rtOn