UORKDfO TyTERPBISE. FRIDAY. JULY , 191L ! - ' , 'i--. ': .. - ',-( ' ; f c r v; J cztt, omcci . C MOOlC Eevaaw aa MM. ry a. tail, at a. tm. Yr, to - to M 1 rwr Mwa, mmm.,,.....:. MJ ' JMBTCM tCTO PVwt pwa, r aaaa WW aw to rtiaa toaaa -Ka I tto miImMi rt.. . L - rL T ' 1 - tollael aaat aav ' j f ri'HrtmHf it fain aaa to tWt jraat ! i a a ainaiUtaC 1 1 Kto toa aftea 4Ja tm i Jjji Sif eay, to. aitiwtii ! iau i ip i iT i. n t aaaa. Dm veto was to to mm far tmm7mttm 1 1 . a4 Ma a yJtrnr omcut tvswtriuvii, tolhaaTtoVliai to r to" . f A 'A iV 'y'V . . " J Tkar m naatltwaia tn(k to H'jtr. M. X. lmt:- --r. vZT"' - ' J- atota inairtiB fato Cto a9 -mj Ciaiaj in HI OaA. Or- -s- - " " 111 ' total totor-to f 'fgfZr- ' ftoto, aarW ay ftoto 4rt.rto. Wl - T- MtWjatoatoT. X ,,3,. u to k tort to Ua tortoattoa. Saato mt to jSatotoTrafflto aawy toVtol aa4 to4 iartu to L.at.a 1 1h mm, mt tat E to mUmmM to iffi mHarfc.- j TT0 iTi "it f r- itrt latonhara if - rartoto mm a tk afaiaum ta a'to4 aarf ar a grato toto to rto . umk. aa4 iiaaitota a4 attor vMtora a4 ttotr toaiay to ' totttf Oa. to rata, ftoto Mtaw iaarjf tor ttoy ara iaetoil. Taa w twa T t toitoal rtottara ara akaw to Ito aba ptotara. mw mm mmmm tmm mmmm ttay TfTrf Ttot la a w4 mt a cto fr-a AftW. Mr Iaa4ar katw; afcw a U rUM ' 'ar iWtoar. 1. a ator to a ato$jM??t. f!?" rfteto Ttoy a (Mr totfa f-r 4 Mtol farjrv ; toX ttoy to tocart. atotofy a tto '"totoTto to 1W to to fW T'ZJflTZlt . . . ito f I act totoT M UriM. late. Lato k ttonaa af fal gaM "l-"TT rCS a ftamara a. fW toto a toto a4 aakL TW yaajfkl atoato aJ f tto MOtottoaa) ' .yW,y???".'fl!t f T!,?arHS toW M tto ftotoar. to f flto atora, tto , af to. fto. a Ma a.alartat nWtM fTrfrtn YT-TA a"'taJ Ti t Tt y iatoar at if attoca faCy to) tWy toya 1 1 iMag Mto, 1 -t aaA mw T pa--tor tt. 4 TDm 1? "TICCTDV lltfc SftktrmT nnms tWJIffin.tr! a fW tortol S,' JLSrrrTtoiVZ I 1 IV1T A MmdatMt)aM. j rrtoto: twe awy w f ItorWr ,"-'".r"w W mM. W aaWartol i i to , aarrtor to y, f aas. aftoeitraMtr W fifMHitntoft IMTAUOTL fW tolll lii Mm fli hniii f in' . '-" " ' ' - s - - ' I eaMa at Moaul. m naa tttc atom I tofor LIT. . . - 7 7. - 'toar arfVa , ww; to tator toaQam Ttoy'toaiato aayJWaa "jptodtaaaa r to ftaaiuat. ar tW ra 1 eaXM at tW Promorioa Offlc, a W atatoa, W cnaatry aratoiaaal aan4 tofffr aboat laWa a actt M a4aaa4 M4 Oaetaaiaa Comfy to frW4 la tb tor aea7. tor tow m4 ariar, Kt Mrr Palatar ta a &atr aa4 raaiiiaaarli f r fli tTTTl.i i , r I J ' Oto caaai Mtany tor tw toat isteraau of araatfy Clab. a frratert IWa4 In W WaM m4 f IW aanaaJty. 1 to. t Wa aattoa tWt aoaw avtrrlaot fa MWr eftfaa ara aalag coaaMaraM i p a4artMaf "Ma In Oirm" VmU, TWt ku tVmM b. TW toartWat wraat kaow Oat Ma fii4ir)4a. at prtopwrlty tatoa crat extant to ar fyroia M a Urr dagraa of of tW aula at UttArtM tt Otn I aaafactarara ara Mtronlzad, tbat ft! wilt tnaaa graaUr aayroUa, tod frt-1 ; ar aro0la laaa a lartor torn of i Mnat tim mmr mmn wnm.a Pt'1'T Wtmn , " Oragon. ,';'.'' . ' ' ' ' Card af Thankt otolra to M(o4 ont ulncrra . . . . - -.MI tbaoka to tha many frli1 and rafibbora for tbatr kl4r aympaihy luring our rananl bareavatrant In 'ha tfaatb of out wlf and mothor. WILLIAM HinKZ AND CHILDRBN. Patronlia oar Bdartlan. Honeymoon Over. A if , The Newly wedsf By lutld JOHN fOBO of T HAS SEEN MY OBSERVATION THAT THE DANGER TIME IN THE LIFE OP MARRIED POLK IS THAT ERI00 WHICH COMES IMMEDIATELY APTER THE HONEYMOON. '' - A jouiig nun sod s girl srg pretumiblv vrv much io lor with aach otbtr wbdn lhr Ositt. Their engtement hu heeh on long lots song. Tb go swsj oa their honeymoon to tha tame tpiriL ' Tbojr bars ,' NO troubles, NO osrts. He Is awtr from bis btuioeM ) sad bss BANISHED jt from fab mind. 6bt bas no bontebold dutie ; sad nothing diss to W0IU17 sbonL ' .. , ' ; Then tbtj ooms back to s osw snd ttrsngs bomo of their own and to tbs asw sod strange ides of liriog together for tb rest of their LIVE3. Tbs womaa fiads tbst theman bss OTHER bureau ; which are7 blgblt Importaot to bim, and be shows 801LE faalts tbst de bu D.r.r seen before. ' -'.':' v ' '.v' v" :' . Commercial Club Chat 21 wl atoe assay - mm Omm aator 1 tarn SM ret hw wKA raaaid anagav -Ttor ta iM Otot w-S tote ito mt ta cr weary ' va a aa f fW far to wwr to definr aad ear to B mU ewadry a to a fttotWM W Or-Ut City sad W srewre j ito& um K h i i Twr : jfvtoer M ee to rw a ( rry flto rial , rVr arda ttraa ( to wrald eraars a aa : aarr ' efff c lry bM UM to WW1-' f to kto ato Mat aaar ana - r atoa1 - ' ( to OrKa CSTy to winnai vy a SaasL W Bvaa to Omto fClry at to a tana at Caatnl Pto ffraw OvatPMi City, towi a at tW mmmMkm Offte a fW Waatara R wWat Ffea aVraa tW araanrtnaaaa af (W mrM em fala Itom. -TW Vt 1H to WaWta," MM Mr. 1 - f tUalr It I tk toat Imi to I'nM to ftoa aatfflM" Mr aaa-iaiaa to a auayto f vary UO ry VK Mtmiy maaa. nm a wiaaaja a aiaya vr i waraar Crca MM1 at fW Owtof Fair ta imWr, Waraar Oraax to wo tW Or rhw lor tw ymr aa4 1I1 a a gnr4 araJMt tki ymr aJttoajxk O araca eewttottUML w,. u A. I. floefe!, of Bohoa, wW to on of 'W arratlarat Wrtlealtarallata of tW mmtf ha tm dhiplar arm of n (amoa Wrriaa as4 Laabrt etorrVa John J. HrcfWI, M lxan, baa on tflaplar a gfnpl of the varVma klndi of grain gruwn on hln farm. Ha aaya fbat bl mtn crop ta oU, whlcb be kaa XiimA tary profltaMa, Tb flmf imhlWt ff tar.h h rrrni Thr r. rf tb "Hal Ear I" rarity nl r t a flna riUr, ' Th7 f KfH Vjii (',. Kln4r. f nutan. !r.b. Tb. to pbaa rlrn at leant two w-k rtrlinr tbun lthr va rVt t L. 8. OAVIt ESTATE 1750. r Ara Widow And Cnlldrafl of Teatator. Th r.f ljuran B. f)vla baa Mn admlttad to probata In tba Pro hat (Umti of L'larkama (Umotf. Th valiMi of the tat l $7S0, and th bflni aro Mraj Kmma L. I)aTl, widow; BtA ItavU, tifd 10 yaara; Jomph ravla, k4 H yanr, all of Kal Creek. a imnIt'ub C" CK Ciwi CMl -Oiewa OCT iiw1 to a wary to ee to tW toat tovawea Ok tm aad mtmr (MMitalMirantMiWkaKNiti f mm QM iaihi KlWf Thto torts ta .t a. in atf alt kaaa trait aad toi iVe Troubles Begin New York auorema Court , ; The World Attended CoronMon ft . . . . ... ..r - CWrte MlekJar a4 Bc TWaa at rwrUaaV u K. T. Faddav V P. CUnrt aa4 Edward Rtoar. of tkta any, foratot party that ift Wra Satarday araatoc for tW Toat Watt eaMa at MtaJ. a tWy wat to Motaila rrrar to ftoa Moaday. TW fiah atortea tWa avra ara utttac atoea ttotr ratara voald fUl a book, aad atoay of tWtr frlcad Wra ara Wrtortog aoaa of ttotr utaa, wkll atWr go abftaTdl O of tW fa tare of tW day waa tW me&tUmt tWt Wfafl Mr. rtatd. wW bariata haprb i toe which W Wd at. totoptod to ellaih aader. Hta frVntoa raw to hta rea. bat all war pmty wefl fattgaad by tW Ubm rtaM W4 to avtrtcatadl. TW flabtag waa ae4iagly good, accordlag' to tW tarty. Aft partak-a- of a Warty braakfaat tb riabcr atc waa tWIr way dowa tW atoaatala, aad tb ftoa eoaaatoae4 Mttog a aooa aa tW Haw vara thrown la. Mr. Ctltott, mm of Oragoa CUf ebamptoa riaWratoa, wW bad coa detndd to aeonipaay tW party, took It a poa hlflaaaJf to act aa gward. aod ao man la tW party waa allowed to catrk a flak waaller tWa als IncWa rn lenarb. TW largaat flak waa eaacht by Mr. Rackner which waa IS Inrbea In lagrh d fW amaltaat, by 130.CC3 VOTES AKE POLLED (Con'lnood froa Pag 1.) It will not be Korptialng, however, for aome r-andidai u ran away from tW field before man day So far a real big leader baa not developed and It would t, a bard matter to gdeSia from 'be preaent outlook junt who the ten lorkv onea will be. KEMKMBER the name number of votee are allowed on old aobacrtphon. thet are gtvep for new onea, and old ulrriber are alwaya ready to lr,n up far In advance to help their candi date. You have a clear field now, and the tact that the Enterprla ha a large gulHf rlptlon Dot la no handicap to yon; It give your friend who are taking tha paper a chance to betp yon, aa well a people who are not ub acriber. Everyone ba an even chance now, and remember the prize will be awarded aolely on merit. V ;", :,'V i .. l iivlHvvvvvtvf 4tyvTtvM VOTE COUPON. GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. J - . ' '' " ' Thla coupon whan neatly clipped and properly filled In with the name of tba candidal yon wlh to rote for, will be eoaatod aa one vot. . v , Name of candidate Adtrea Thla con r on la void after July 2Cth. Cut on line. Don't roll. Sand In flat. NOMINATION BLANK. . . ,'' GOOD FOR TWKNTT-nVB HUNDRED V0TE8. 1 ' . t v. '. I wish to Nominate Mite .....:.; .. a , w r v e j.....' ....... ..i a Addrtot - 0 ........ Nomlntttd br... t j , j t . Addreas ... Thli nomination blank, whswi aV. aH.fi. a . . fc ' I ' .r" . iPnniot of The Enterprlt will count for 1 2 A00. T0," 0nlr on ot th, bln, w credited to each an- v , oidate. . . i ........ 4 4. A110v- ' aa Snott aaw w watar by rMaa. W bairlad to tW oaot aad toeaawrad tW aaotted haaaty tor4 wrar PPotft aaoaldara a tW lanr waa naaaalac tW flak, a broad all iUwBtaatiag tW foraaar'a faea. kavw at ao that dear wr oa E3Bott, cniott aapocy of rXda waa altowad to amok aoaarml flak. TW atoo -aay- tWy caaghr ta ah. Wt tW wtto of tW Orvgoai City aot aa aay mm thorn, aad tW lormor aBg they gar tw to ttotr Portlaad trktoda aad fWa aot glvea tWaa war apollad by tW tateaa heat. t'awa tWIr ratara to tW BeoU cab- ia. Mr. Scott had a totoJ prapaxed for tWaa, which waa aoaa d roared by tW "hosgry ftva." TW htoaa eoo elat ed of potatoea. rinjiaaaoa bear, raceat. ly aaot by Scott,' hot biacvita. flab. eoffa. pi. Mr. Ptald. ta peaking of fbla ateaa. aaya they ate bad cora oa tW cob or aoawthtag kxrklag Ilk fbla. TW party waa dtay4 at Molalto. owtag to tW lllnea of Mr. TWcspaoa, wW wta overeoato by Wat la climb ing tW moaatala froa tW atraam wber they bad bfl flablag. SUma lantd were oaed aad Rachar aad MckJr proved hero of tka day ta bringing tba man to tW, eaMa. where W waa given tW beat of car, aad a poo hla arrival Wra waa abl to pro ceed to hla borne la Portland aoaa tb wore for bla expwtoac la tW nsoaa talnooa region of tW MoUlla coun try. Aid to Perfect Hearth. That the body may W lo a perfectly healthy, normal condition. It to Becea tary that the varlou organ perform their natural function la the regnlar maanr. Tbla la particularly trad of tb Liv er, the principal work of wblcb I tW Reparation of varfoa poteonoo ma terial from tb blood. Unlee the ar withdrawn and dlapoeed of( tbey ara re-a tutor bed into tba ayetem, re dltfng In a gradual polaonlng of tb whole ritem. Retail Liver Salt baa proven re markably efficacious ta .aiding the Uver to properly perform It func tion, and for thla reaaon we moat highly recommend tb ue of tbla prep aration to you. W have It In two aizea, 25c aad W)c. Huntley Hroa. Co. 'a Pharmacy. The Reiall Drug store. ........ 1.. ...... v. i. nrorMiri - timA u a kMnah. :r a-eM to a to aa vugM W hft n iTf n nni Wl v.1 lU.-llll.. a?,iiiB$i,a ka fihai a Cvarf larwaga hta ar a Ceatoa, of Parvbiad M allagaa Oat whlU U Kltor Mill Claakaatoa ewaaty. aa ity 4. MIL. Kara, wttbowt eaa. vtulaatry aad atoArtoaaly aaiaalted htm aad Wag aad etraea kl I threw a aarn wkkra atrack klae mm tW nght aM af tW Wad. aaatoac a eealp wwaad w aad taree toarta tocto aaoat Soar tar be abwaw tW toft ar. TW atatatlff aaya W toat awreraJ day rtwai work a a rwaaJt af tW wwaad. tb aaka SI.M daxnaato aad K whata waa tw aatoaat of tW ahr awiaaa Sao wW attaadad htav . Dara TaL Aa tinea Wa IUd tor dtvwrc aaalaat Andrew & Aadwr- a to whoaa W waa aiarrlad at Saata Pdrv Cat. tttoaiwr t. I tot Mr. d Wr wttaoac caaa aa Octar IS. ItoC SW to rwpraaaatad by Oeorg BieetoOL . So tW Dally CM VIAL e m o:i up mi HOT WEATMC INTEKPEHS WtTM - SHIPMENTS AMD THEJtE IS SHOtrTACC. . TWr I a ttotarml rat real a la tW auwagth af tW i'toiia I triil tW deanatid to fy af a tatted aatar. Sot weacWr baa toterterwd with ahlaaiaar aad Sir that toaaoa a tanrttg ha toe mmrnm Atoa with tW better ahe1ag ta tW driaaid Wa; trad. tWr to aa prof a at iWaa tar raacy tota of veaJL - ordlaary racafpta af draa vwai ar aot brtagtaa aaytklag above pravtow aaotadoaa bat aelactad lota ar gwalag tW arewUaaa. Muoa dwamad to atort laatWr Ito bat armala do aot tarry kwg at tW prtr 0td. RIIIKS Bvytng- Grwea hid, ta dc: aaJtora, SH to : dry hjd. 11C to ItC, Ituy ptRj, ZM to TM DXITD PXriTT Local prtcto ara Bra at froa to to lea oa aaawa aad ara Ito- SALT dtainag SO to M tor la U lb. aack. half groaad 4c; T for 10S lb. aacka. . - . . 4 Pert lewd yeaataato htartceta. SACK - TKGETAB1X3 Carrot. ILSSetLte) par aack; paraalpa, S1-2S tmw. taralpa, ILUOtLM; Wet. ILSO. . - .... TEOETABLJf aaparaaaa. QcQ tLTS per rrat; eabbaga, aew, tl per baadrdwtght; ; eaanwwer,. fLea Sl.TS par dowa; eatory. California, ?Sc esse par duaea; eacrmoer. ilmo IXXS aar aoaoa; aggptoat. lt par lb.; garlto, 10cO12 per aoaad; tottaea. tee per aoaea; hothowa tottaea. tl.M OSS par bog; paaa, refill par ponad; pepper, SOcOtM Mr pound; radtaa. It oar do; rhabarb, le OSs per aoaad; aprouta, Se; toavatoe. t?OU2S- ONIONS Jobbtag prtoea; (Oragoa I17S par 100: Aaatrallaa, 1M Pr low; Texas, flu par crate: Calif or tissz par crata. ' Oroa City Stack Qaatatlaiia. - HOOS Hogs ar eaoted He lower. Prom 12 lb, to 1M lb. Ic. from ise iw. to oe ib. m . VEAL CALVES Veal ealraa arlng from Sa to loe according to grada. BEET STEERS Beet jirt tor tha local market ar fetching (He to SHe lira waigkL ' SHEEP nrm at ae to S lire weiskt. BACON, LAKD aad HAM, era firm ILSe. ' " 1 Ow90MrVft orSgfOfi iJHy POTATOES Best, Baying 1H cents pound. . rLOTJR AND ' PEED Plour - U rteady, wiling from $S to IS.iO; rary little of cheaper grade. . ; , OATS (Buyng) Gray, f 2 to $24. wbita.Trom Z5 to ize. B I 'TI ER (Bnyugl Ordinary eeantry bring from lie - to 20c, fancy dairy from 20r to 125, cream ery 22e to 2Bc . ( EGGS Beet grade 25 cents. POTJLTRT (Buying Firm with lit tl good atock offered. Good ben are bringing 12c. Old rooster ar In poor demand, broiler bring from 16o to 18c wua gooo .aemaoa. -WOOL (Buying) foot price are ranging from 14 to 17 cent. , . PEED Short 129 to 130: ' rolled barley, $21.50 to 1 3 2.50; procea bar lay, 33: wnoie 1 corn, 131 to 132: cracked corn, $32 to $32; wheat $32 to $33; oil meal, $61; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pound. HAT (Buying.) Timothy " $18 to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay, Wtt, $12; mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14. ' ; Whips! Whips!! .We Give 'Em Away , WITH EACH $5 PURCHASE 'WE WILL GIVE YOU A tUS RAWHIDE BUQQY WHIP. :" . . .. . ' ' ' . . "' ' Dealer In Wool, Plotir, Hay, Grain, Peed, Coal, Salt,' Sugar '-VH. Oregon'-: Commission Co- AND MAIN STS, ; 0tmaon city. ' , ; wtrs CHAJtccs ocsEtrrioH. , Dwra to. Aadiraia Saaa tor Otoea rroto A. E. Aadarto. Vwr a"to ar aq paid ay tWaa, Vwar aa, mmmn rrad, t atoaya toN ta gatry. a C LATOrRTTB THE FIRST NATIONAL DATC CAPITAL. T LET UO DRILL YOUn WELL S. aXatotamaamX " ' Waits, For Sde, Etc WANTED Male Hala. WANTia WANTED Collectors to we toy cot- toctloa of all aorta af carlo, e tto. aad ladlaa trtnkeU: ausipa tor stamp eolieetor; cola tor aamlsmstlsts. arrow-heads for area eologlsta, etc. I Wy aad aell all arts of cwrtoe; also all kind of acoadhaad faraltar aad too la. Ceorr Toaag. Mala, ar Plfth wakt: adtarttoamaats for aw rata at Wad of eartaia tW Moramg Caterprta. WANTED To to kaow that tb Ea terprtae tok prtattag depart meat ta tW tosat oomptat la tw Stata ' eatalSi Partlaad. Try It for your aest prtauag POR SALE. FOR SALE Piano and Organs In tW store of tW defunct A. H. Bturget faraltar stora; will W oa sal to tb highest bidder beginning tuday aad to W continued until dlaposad .. MBS. 8. L. WAKKPlELli WE ar offering aeveraj . Gladatone acreage tracu at very' raaaonabl Sguree for outald clients. It will W worth your wklke to a at oac. Croe A Hammond, Bearer Building. FOR SALE Portable steam angina. Till, wtb boiler cheap; Drag aaw without power, $10.00; Cast Iron fly wheel 52 Inch. $12.00; Gymnasium turning bar, $9.00; ltfL gasoline launch, cheap; Uncalled for drag and croas cat saws, cheap. . OREGON CTTT MACHINE WORKS . 12th and Mala fits THERE never has Wen a disappoint ed purchaser of Gladatone property. A general aad healthy growth aad rise ta veluee hare eailafled all. TW last sale of acreage waa at $1100 per acre cash. This same property waa purchased only a. few year ago. at about $250 per acre. We are author! ted for outside client to Mil tea sera oa mala Portland road ' at a vary low figure. Terms might W bad. Better see u without delay. . Crota A Hammond. FOR SALE Space la thla column Bell that old plow or harrow; yoa don't ua it since yoa purchased your new on FARM LOANS. fajui LOANS Dtmlck A nimi,k "("i wagon viiy, or. ATTORNEY! O.. D. BBT, Attorsey-at-Law. Messy "Ined, eetatee settled, gwa- Bank to UTUBN A BCHTTEnvi. I-T LTT eolleehloaa 7 umee la Eater srta Bldg. Qragoa City, Oregon SUltOBR AND C0Tb)act0r! " If HV TAlTM r . . ' oiuiaer aaa aenarsi v-raasor. gwumstaa eheerfnU) S'rwa oa all etaasae of wnstn. ark, emirate watts sa rMaforced k. raoaa Mat itt INSURANCE. 1. H. COOPER, For Fir lasaraae ascaaaga. Office la Batarnrtae Bldg, orago, city. OrVgeT , Rl Eruta TranafarsC mmmmmm (. A n 1 a . ". D- nufflM 10 Birn l Hualiaa. lota $l."3.,'f VWtotofc'n! onlo Vltca. l.nd In w-SS 2rls? . . . . .... "a niimg to L. W. Ml lev ,7 ' "r Airrea and Hiima Johnson, 8 1-2 gcrea nr IT.i "llm" town.hli 1 ao,Ttb f. ct.,n .30, William and Agn-a bmb7, ' JL . M Ai. t. , . "."""a Bhlndler to J tn n;;w,'L W. R. Telford waaMSuiV o7ctrnt7bat,own.,h3lUth; touth rang $ eaat; $i. ' t0WB,nlP $ art to aMMeted to eae a war. fwi laimna hmJt a it aatiial awe uea. ua hath aara, St 9- to ato ear. aaeaaaeraeto. to aa aeeeeM aM tto aaear. Ma np Ml raaweaaMtoitr tor errara. wtort arrara mm trmm mm rtfd mmt wto . artotot tor paarwa. aHaar t T" ' No Quccworl; r r:L.to .-r. aj'aa toTaTaM i aT SatoWra ymmr momf aaa aaaa, or WeV y aoao dL Vta pmm boom aad WW atwW af ywr Wab , ON THE SAPt SI OS? AND OPtN AN ACCOUNT AT TMS The Bank cf Orccca City OLDEST Bin Dl TBI CCU3TT r. J. METES, fc of OECOK CITY. ORECOn i frm S A. M. hi t ozsc our txzz cxz YSPtAtT. BASE BALI RECREATION PARK, Car. Vewejba and Twwtyfora SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND July IS, 19, 20, tl. tt. tt la Weekday atteV ley. t:M P. M. . I' OAY FRIDAY. Qeie jag' Weekday at t a Sundays, , LADIES' Boy C4e It FT to Bleat waoaday UGHT RUNNING "VCftr" t atttor a Vlhrattna Shwlll. b loratMngieTtinwd (t'toiaank towtag Harbla wrtla w ) Til I iv siai siwiii Asitn itr M eta awMmai niiatMll rmm a lnr,toitow Matoatoiii Umiwhmwmimi aid by ankartaad dial ea . W. L. MARSHALL, 190 Morrtoen St Prtlae Bay a Hoae While Paying Rci ' ! 1100 down and fit a m tab thla comfortable Big-res houae aad loL House' la win for electricity. . Lot stslOt far Some fruit oa place. Well cated oa Msdlaoa 8L (' A snap at.. a.!.. v t E. P. Elliott end S: 7th aad Mala Bts., by Suim sloa Brldga, KEEP OUT THE FLU TBEY ARE DANCECCUS PET Btst Screens at Lowr Pf lets' . I - : f ; f - . t Ready-made Paints, lead, I Oil, Varnish, Shingle 6ttt . ' " . " v I Ckrence Sim.7.ons ' CONTRACTOR 4V EUILC: Ninth and Main Street. Pbene PaeMaln S221 , i : e teaed THE MORNING aTNTERPRlC e .v?1 w snowing twr w every day: , , , Huntley Bros Drugs w McAnulty Ogars Seventh and Main. Secrett Confectionery ' m Mln ar Sixth, . B. Dunn Confectionary ttmxt door to P. O. City Drug Store ' . wr.t. ?otrt HoteL Walter LltUe-Confectlonerr M4 8eventh Street -,M- Volkmar Druga . a v",Tn near Center. I ; sonoenborn Confectlonarf W IllMlk ..A . . . d ------ u , Aaami. a . e w w ' - A Phi VMM at 1 a. a M- mLf uO-JCnDeJf tO tM I SaiWjL. marinMnm r i,T vur nam on m oripgoB Hat Immediately.,, ITvwawaa SbalU V . f satotoasas lead the Morning rrryrlM.