Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 20, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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I. C BRODIE, Editor ana Publisher.
- tared a wcenl-etaa ntr Ji
oary . at th post aiSoe at Oreea
tltr, Oregoa. undet tha Act or Mm
v ins."
Tans sctsctimoii.
oae Tear, by mall . ....ISM
six M rathe, by Mil f
raw Moatha. ky Mil... l.S
Pec Mi ky eurhf J
urarrta" iato
rTrel Pe. pot ase nre wwn....m
rirX Pan. pat look KM taaartloae. .10
rTeterred poelttoa any pa, aar oa
first aaaarttoa IS
iwi.wAji iMaiiim uv aiii aar kieh
add Ineerttoae Ik
Run papar othir thaa first paca. par Staa
rtnA Inacrttoa Iks
. Rua paper other tkaa first pas, par knk
addea taaaruoaa ... So
uoceJa ike par Una; to ragwiar advar.
users ko Una.
Waate. Par Sala. Ta Raat. -ata.. oaa
eat word flrat toeartlea; aaa-aalf seat
xck eddltioaaL,
Ratee for advartlahw la Aa Weekly
Cnierprta will ka tka nm aa la the
daily, (or adverttaeinenta set eopeceall
for the weakly. Where tha aaTerUeaMent
la tranafarrad rroai th daily to tha weea
v, witnout cajuure. tka rata will ka a
ta teoh for tua ef tha papar. and lk aa
tack (or apaclal aoatUosv .
- Caaa ahould a-mxnpaay arear where
arty la uakaowa ta kuataaaa affloa of
tha ataterpnae.
Lai earertiarag at api aararuauaj
ate. . t
Clrrua advert talne and apeetal traaataet
aJverttatna at no to eo aa Inch, aaoora
ttta to apodal conditions gorarntna; tka
nre sate ana Danarupi awe ww
las meats tto Inch first rneertloa: sddJ
oaal Insertions aajne matter Its boa.
News Items and wall wrlt'ea artiolas
J merit, with Interest to local readers.
will ka aiadly sccept.1. Rejected snaau
aertpts never returned unlesa aorompan
tea ky etajaoe ta prepay poaia
One's Idea of waste or extravagance
Is usually financial and the results up
on the individual spender, according to
whether he lives withing or beyond his
income, hsa never been mors graphic
ally, described than In the words of the
celebrated Mlcawber, "Income, twen
ty pounds; , expenditure, nineteen
pounds, nineteen shillings and six
pence. , Result, happiness. Income,
twenty pounds; expenditure, twenty
' pounds and sixpence. Result, mis
ery." - And yet financial waste, great as It
is, is not the worst. A man may' get to
the end of his money and then financi
al waste necessarily stops. But the
greatest waste Is that of energy,
strength, time and the finer sensibil
ities, ending at last In moral disaster.
That extravagance In money and ex
travagance along th other lines men
tioned too often go together there are
sbundant proofs In this present time of
great Incomes and fortune. One trou
ble Is that a very " large number of
wasteful, useless young men are curs
ed with rich parents. If It were other
wise their lives would be more account
- .. . Ysar-Round Exposition.
While San Francisco will be content
to keep Its exposition open for six
months, San Diego will keep Its open
the full year of 1915. After all when
the climats Is so well sdapted to that
purpose, -why shouldn't Ban Diego
make the most of Its show?
, "
, Home prosperity depends upon home
. ldustry, and state wide prosperity, will
- be greater If factories selling "Made
In Oregon" goods are patronixed by
the local merchants.
' The mall order houses of the East
would not be so prosperous if the peo
ple of itls community would Insist on
having'Made in Oregon" goods from
tb local merchants. The business of
this community would be better con
served if the buying public and the
merchants would help along the "Made
in Oregon" Idea.
Plaasant Far 8haw.
. Ford Madox Uneffer. In bis "Mem
ories and Impressions." says tbst on
' his first romlng to London Bernard
Shaw wrote a pamphlet called "Why I
' Am siiAnarcblHf." which was pub
lished at the' Torch press "Some
time later." relates Mr. Hueffer.
"when Mr. Shaw, having advanced a
stage further toward bis Intellectual
salrarlon. wu addressing In the park
s Socialist gathering on the tiresome
text. The KoolUhnens of Anarchism.
' the rouujr proir1ctrs of the Torch
walked nm nil aud round In the out
skirts of the crowd offering copies of
Mr. Rhsw's ettrller funiplilet for ani
and exclnlmluK at the top oT tbelr
voter. -Why I Am an Anarchist: By
Ihe lcturerr"
' Patronir our advertisers.
If Farmers Would Sell
Direct to Consumers Much
Money Would Be Saved
By B. f. YOAKUM.
fLE trouble with farm product ix that it takes them too long
Jo get from the farm to the table. The vtlue of fnrm prod
ocu in the United States in O.OOO.OOO.OOO. Of this $4,500,
; 000,000 goes to the middleman.
But half of it-ought to be saved. It i perfectly possible to devise
plan bj which half of that total loss could go into the pockets of the
consumer, J What the trusts have done bar been t. ji-ver that vou
can save roooej both in ' MANUKALTITIIK snd in DISTRIB
UTING. The chief saving is in distributing.' ' "'
J Now the soil is a factory. There w mi reason why we should not
apply to tbe soil the 8AME principles that we An to the factory.
- At the present time tbe crops of the eounVry come to $S.000.000,
000, and they will come to $10,000,000,000 in a rery short time. Tbe
distribotiug cost comes to $4,500,000.00 a year..
' Tha thermometer ku .on rangini
from p0 degrees to 95 degree on an
average tbta week. "
Kd Grave U building a bom.
Mia Lucy Mitts visited Mr. 'John
Jess and Mr. L. K. Armstrong tba
paat wck.
Mr. Julia Helm waa burled at tb
Zlon ceraetsry Sunday.
Sam Elmer I hauling bay.
Mr. Sullivan and daughter, Mary,
were Id town last week.
Mr. Dottemlller cut grass for Mr.
Larklna last weak.
Ed Buol worked
tlllsm Mar-
shall last week.
Charlla Henton la helping Elmer
Lee make hay.
Mr. Rose la building a bouse. Ha
purchased part of Lee Parish's (arm
In Highland.
Mr. Batka Is building a home. Ha
purchased part of the old Kirk farm
In Highland.
Mrs. Willie Marshall visited ner
mother, Mr. Kleinsmlth.
Miss Sarah Mclntyre. or roniana,
la visiting ber mother, Mrs. Mclntyre.
Mr. WettUufer hauled hay Jast
week. . I -'
Mr. Hsag Is hauling hay on Monday.
Pomona Grange met In the High
land Grange hall last Wednesday.
Mr. Stout finished hauling hay last
week. ..
Mr. 'Smith, tha aaaessor. was in
Clarke last week.
The Episcopal Sunday school gave a
Joint picnic with the Sell wood Sunday
school at Laturell Falls. They went
on the steamer Monarch.
The Evangelical Sunday school will
hold its snnusl picnic at Island ata
tlon Thursday on the bank of Kellog
creek. 7 "
Mrs. Martin returned home from
New York. Thursday where ahe visit
ed relatives and friends.
Mrs. Jennie Davis who has been ill
I Improving.
Mrs. Ella Msple Is out after a ev
ere Illness.
Carl Soloman has s serious attack of
typhoid fever. Ha la allghtly better at
at thla writing.
The Milwaukee State Grange he:
Ita regular meeting Friday night. The
committees were appointed for the
fair to be held this fall. Let every on
take hold and make It a success.
Ross Swaggert was an Oak Grove
visitor Wednesday.
Remember the dance at Crystal
Lake Park Friday evening given by
the Appeal.
The Boys club wil hold a lawn social
in the Strelb addition In the near rut
nr. -- i r
Leo Johnson and Bart Tschraner en
tertained several boys of Battery A., O.
N. G. of Portland, Sunday with a
launch party. They landed above Ris-
leya and bad a camp dinner.
The Artisans held their tegular
mettlng - Tuesday evening. Several
candidates were Initiated snd refresh
menta were aervrd. -
Rev. Morris Heverllng, of Portland.
fell from a c'le.-.-y tree ;it the Harvn
mann nlaM. and wn. hurt .IniennPy
W. H. Cie' iinnni'-' l w irk
Oak street Tuesday JiOi-ning Toe ce
ment sidewalks will soon be completed
on both sides of Washington St.
Miss Hezel Mullen la working for
udge Kelso In hia store on. First St
Evangelical Church
Quarterly Confers nee will be held
Saturday evening at 8 p. m.
Sunday school 10:30 - m. Services
11:30 a. m. A. Y. P. at 7 p. m. Com-
union servlcea at 8 p. m. Rev. H. E.
Hoenschuch of Portland will preach.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Choir practice Thursday evenings.
Teachers Training Friday evenings.
July 25th Camp Meeting will open at
Jennings Lodge and continue till Aug
ust i there will be no services at the
church In Mllwaukie during Camp
' The English Barber.
I grumble because it is impossible to
get a comfortable bnlr cut or shave In
Manchester and because tbe majority
of barbers there are uncivilized, aaya
a writer In M. A. P.. London. A visit
even to the best burden' sbon ut pres
ent means half so hour of misery.
Tbe tiurber's breu thine on my neck no
longer annuls me; I bare cot used to
it But I was )uite surprised wbeu
last week tbe man who wm intend
ing to me abKtru ted pliieK of i-nke
from bis pocket every uow mid iiKiun
and let bis crumbs full down my Inn k
I am waiting fur uie eutenrtHiig
balr cutter to open u few. decrut nlmim
where the ussistittil nre ut leat rleiio
and where tbey are nnder some ni1
of discipline.
Patient Say. tun I Ixn't the tooth !
want pulled !enili- Never mfnd.
I'm comlns to It Boxton Transcript
Those Dsar Girl Friends.
Miss ftiipluce I hnd m pictures
tnken Inst week, and toUfly I pot aom
of them. Tbey are Just as nuturui as
life 'Miss Parcnrenup My. tint yon
lenr up cheerfully nnder miHfortnne!
Aren't you going to even bring suit or
anything? Baltimore American.
R.I road Magnate
Former Member of Parliament
Phototfraphed the Coronation
v't r ! V..
afIR BENJAMIN STONE made the only plcturea of th coronation of King
George and Queen Mary that' were made. Thla was due to (llrect or
.i win. neimi and the nnusual honor was "bestowed on Sir Ren-
Sk m voi v ke
. ki. ..mvUi. eeMllenr anrb. an historic occasions. BUT
jaiuiu uavauew vi me --y
Benjamin is tb president of tbe National Photographic Record Association or
Great Britain, and he has a Urge collection of photographs Illustrating histor
ical eventa aa well aa local observancea and customs The plcturea be mad
k. tt will ba Dreaerved In tb British museum. Though
snaking the plcturea for th British government. Sir Beujatuln ws Instructed
to giv th newspapers all the prtnte they wanted at a nominal prlc. This
arrangement waa mad so that there would be no grumbling because private
photographers were barred from Westminster sbbey during tbe ceremony.
Had photographers been admitted without reatrlctlona tber would bar bee
llttl room for any one else. Sir Benjsmln'a record Insured that bis work
would be well done, lie haa long been prominent in photogrnpby and was slao
for many years a member of parliament
Club Chat
John R. Newton, of Canby, manager
of the Kellogg Strawberry Branch,
called at the Promotion office on Mon
day. "I have twenty-three acres In
berries,'' said Mr. Newton, "and be
lieve thla to be the largest tract of
strawberries in th county. Tbe soil is
especially adapted or berries on this
farm and millions of plants sre sold
each year. The planta are Irrigated
at nresent bv mesne of s large pump
which Is operated by s gasoline en
gine pumping from s drilled well 110
feet deep. In about another week,
the Irrigating will be done from the
flume taking water from the Molalla
River by the Canby Cairal Co. -
Mr. Newton la an expert strawberry
grower snd represents the R. M. Kel
logg Co., of Three Rivers, Mich. This
company is tbe largest producer of
strawberry plants in the United 8tates.
E. A. Lelghton, of Willamette,
called at the Promotion Office on Mon
day and reported that the hot weather
had done much damage to hla black
berries. Mr. Lclgbton generally pro
duces about 1000 crates a year.
Tbe Ladies Aid Society, of Canby,
will operate a cafeteria at the Clack
amas County Fair, Sept. 27-28-29 and
30. They will serve good meals at all
hours during the Fair.
.. .
R. L. Badger, of Beaver Creek, has
on display a fine sample of side oats
s it grows in Clackamaa County. Mr.
Radge;- is an enthusiastic supporter
of this county and will have other
exhibits later in the season,
George DeBok, of Willamette, who
his had more exhibits in the Promo
tion Office than any one else since tbe
fflee was opened, has on display a
branch of his famous dewberries. The
branch l about eighteen inches long
'tin ha i hundreds of berries on It.
Some are green, some are red and
others black but the sample shows
how abunclfin'ly dewberry vines yield
In Clackamas County.
Mr. DeBnk also has on display a
head of cabbage weighing eight
pound", and he says this la a sample
of the tons of cabbage that he grows
each year.
4 i
Mrs. A. H. Harvey, of Twilight, has
kept the Commercial Club office sup
plied with flowers such ns grow, nrj; I
where but In Oregon, ever since' the
opening She has on display a col
lection of tbe various kinds of roses j
ind sweet pens. . I
A, .
Fred Schwartz, of Oregon City, han
'n dishy some line Burbank potatoes '
The potatoes sre not so large as they I
would .hava been had they been dun j
later, but are of enormous slr.e for
his time of the yeir. Mr. Schwartz
's s good farmer and Ilk many othera
has found that Clackamas County la
ihe greatest phc In the world to grow
'he tubers.
The fact that Clackamas County
produces mors potatoes than any other
county In the atat verities this state
Nest to the sunlish if kesven n
tbe cheerful lace. ' M'bn ha not
M HecTrfvins influence ) ' One
ghnce at th lace Mt us out ol tho
mists and tirJov into the heata
Kit, hnvhl and warm within. A host
evil Damons mav Hirr around
the door but try nevet, enter and
abtoV there. The cheerful laoe
will out them to shame and flight.1
: -:
representing bast itirmingiinn.
Quiet Tons In Wool With Price Rang.
Ing From Fourteen To Seventeen
Cents Peaches Still
Holding Firm.
A big aupply of potatoes received
Wednesday caused tbe price to drop
to 1 W Mnli with nmr ftemenit Tha
apuda are full grown and of good qual
ity. Farmers are anxious to sell and It
Is probable that the prlc will fall even
lower. .
Loganberries sr being offered
mor freely and price are declining.
Salea were made at $1.65' Wednesday
compared. with $1.75 Tuesday. There
still ar some strawberries on the
Whlla eirffllartt nrl are etlll Ah.
talnable for fancy peaches, some small
fruit is a drag on tb msrket. '
A very peculiar situation has devel
oped In the California peach situation.
Elberta variety Is ripening this year
before the Crawford", .,.
There Is s very quiet ton In the
wool market locally. On account of
the unjatlsfactory values received oo
eastern shipments borne buyers are
not inclined to bid so high aa former
ly. Beat valley offering ar going
generally at 14 to 17 cent a pound.
While the generaf-market for poul
try la allowing no changea aome sales
uemg mnae ai tower prices on; ac
count of the warm , weather and the
lack cf desire on tbe pirrf the big
buyers to take hold unlesa values are
shaded. '
Ouotartcna ear oregrn City.
POTATOES Beat, Buying I cents
s'esdy, selling from C to $5 30; Very
little of cheaper grades. , ,
OATS (Buyns;) flrsy, $23 to $24,
w.ilte, from 25 to $2C. . -
Itl'TTEU (Usytngi Ordinary
ccontry hrlngs from Ur to 20c,
fancy dairy from 20e to 22', cream
eiy 22r to z5c.
EGOS Best srsda K 'rents
POfflTRY ( Muylng Firm with lit
tie good stock offered. Good hens ar
brlngtns 12r. rM mmtMl eve In m.n.
' VEL- -; - , v j
. .v mm She.;
demand, broilers bring from ICc to ISc
with good demand.
WOOL (Btiy.,r rfTool prices sre
ranging from 14 to 17 cents.'
FEED 8horts $29 to $30; rolled
barley. $31.50 to $32.50; process bar
ley, $33; whole corn, $31 to $32:
crscked corn, $32 to $33; wbest $3"
to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook
dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounds
..IUT."'(B"'"-' Tlmihy $1 to
c o HO; ost hay, best.
Jit: mixed, $10 to $12; alfalfa, $1$ to
IIIDE8 ( Buying areen hides, 5c
o c; aaltera, HC to Hc; dry hides.
I2 to 14c. 8hiep pelts. 25e to 75c
DRIED FRUITB-t.ocal prices sre
nrm at from 8c to toe on apples snd
prune, peachea are joe.
LT ",",,,n' o 0c lor flr.e
o lh sack, half ground 40e; 7$ fot
loo lh. Hacks
Poitln4 Vegetable Market.
CK VI50ETABLES - Carrot-.
M.?vrfl.M er sack parsnips, $1.25
rVflKO; fnrnlp $1.2Bf$1.50; tMeta
1160,. .
...a . :
V icq ETABUcs Asparagus, IOcO.
t ee iwe ersle- oahhasa. SSW. II DOf
hundiwdwelght; oaulltlower, ll.aOO
$1.75 ptr doaen: celery, taiuorniB, i
eau. na ifna.n ouclimbsra, si. 60O
11.15 per doaen; eggplant 15o per lb.;
garlic. lOcfrlXO per pouou; ,r,'Vvi
0 per doaen; holho.iM lettuce, 11.50
Oil ooi ras ,Cfllo P(
pound; peppers, aoewjoo pt iui
mJUKu ma nar loaan ! rhubarb. t
CISo per' pound; sprouts, fc; tomatoes,
nutnua i.ihMne nrlMa: Orsion
11.75 per 100; Australian, 1B0 pr
100; Texas, 1115 per crate; tP'un
nla, II per crat
Oregon Cllv Stock Quotations.
iinniiinra are nuoted Uc lower.
From 115 lbs. to HO Iba. Ie, from
150 lbs. to 100 lbs. me.
wit. r- t Veal calies orlnt
from He to uw according to grade.
I1EEF STEERS wi -tesrs i"
the local markets r fetching Voto
JHc live a-eisbt
SHEEP ma nriu at e to oo
BACON, LA UP and HAM. ars firm
Whips! Whips!!1
We Give 'Em Away
Dtalars In Wool, Flour, Hsy,
Grain, Feed, Coal, Salt, Sugar
I Commission Co
Orsgon City.
, Real Petata Transfer.
v u and Kllen Ads Lawrence to
J. C. Dean, acrea, action 13, town-
ahlp I aotitb, range 1 west; siuuv.
V. D. and Helen Jelllaon to Bher
wood Williams, lot 10, block II, Wind
sor: $
Aririla K snd 8. B. Ormsbv to J. 11
nirkenn 1 ?.1 acres In ChamDlng Pad
dleton donation land claim, township
1 nnih rima 1 aast! t29(M).
K. W. and Lauretta U Haasaltln to
Fred Hat greaves, southwest quarter of
northwest quarter, section g, township
0 south, rsnge I esst; it.uu.
i t hnd Ada r. Alexander to W. D
Jelllson. lot 10. block XI, lot It. block
18, lot 5, 6, and 7, diocr is. wmasor
till no
Jnaenhln M. Rerrv to C. M. Le
lots 13. 14 and 15. block 12. Oak Grove
Park; $975.
New Dressing Cewns In the Simple
Empire Style.
Sweet peas III llielr ilelli Hie bill.-,
lavender and pink HliuileM iti'e I. f I
aftemoou huti.
The new in irllireeH s'hiw Hip :imi'
cburH-teriM(V a u drtnei-w 'ilieiiielrii,
tbe more rliilxTate Iteluir In empire mi
straight line efTetts, v.-l!i fit :;t
sleeves tint ilrsperlea snd tnnli-s of &
nnliuiiDUx miiteriiils.
Tbe Intent drelttt (.-nrrnw nre nr ft
In simple em) In- ntyle ir with u U:
Joined bfxllie fnteiicd ul lb' s'.tl-v
Materiiili lire lipht lull lute, mitxiln.
waNhliiK imi, fmiliird mid hiiiiii
richly trl mined with Imnd etuiiroUlery
and big tin collars.
This gown, wbli li i-onxlHts uf u
blouse nod skirt. Is fantiloued of two
materials, in tbe UltiMtratifiii It Is of
plain and u striped fabric. For n more
elaborate f ns k all over lac might lie
used with xlik or voile. The hlou-t
Is lu three sectlnna. tbe edge f wlib h
overlap and nre stltchi-d Into iiosltlon.
Tbe skirt Is fashioned with nix gores
tb front and back tormina pnncls.
This Msy Msnton pattern Is rut In sixes
for m lasts Of faurleen lllm miA .l-k..
years of sga snd Is also suitable for
email woman. Bens io rents to this of
flea, giving number, 701, and It will be
promptly forwsrded to you by mail. If In
haata send an additional two cent tamp
for latter postax. which Insures mar
prompt delivery.
A Stern Father.
Titus Manilas Torquatus fought a
ol with g gigantic Gaol. Uettlus O.
Bilnusf la the war of 861 B. a and
alw the Utter. Torqustus bad been
challenged and engaged In tb contest
contrary to an order ln1 by bis fa
ther, the Roman comma stef. forbid
ding; single .eti-onnters with tb en
my. For vhilntlng this mandate tbe
parent U4 bis sun tH-iiesiti'd
" Ml
. -
. about yur wny matter wntn ,
ar a dposlte htr.
Your hills ars all paid by ahsslu Ytwe hsk whsit rstum.d,
eom.i a rlpt N traubl abt shang. a dispute .best p,
msnts. ns susstl- as U wher your sny haa fna, sr hew mM
Jw i hav rosWd. Yur pass kk and tht stub f yr hsR best
slwsy. h. stsry. Ht SAFE .IDE AND
The Bank of Ofcgon City
i m ma i mi 1 "
O C LATt)UHs:TT President
TrnaaUae-ersl snhlnf wsln One frve t A. M. la t
,,,, fir ri--Jrr-h-
Flehu-llks Wraps f Fins Chantlltr
Naluntl' feutber iulll sre seen
tlald mid umber c r.
Klcliu like wraim nrMin k . huntHI'
or soft InffelS are eunirt 11 ml iiHinet
tlHb. .
All Idea for linen Slid u lle f ra K I
to plm-e a twelve to alllei-il III' ll
onil blind nlotiud the IhiIIoiii of tti
skirt and Ihfii IiiiiimIuis h lotuU uf tin
color In Ihe waist
, This dolgn rsn 1 out lu r
variety f iiiiiti-rliils. t'oll-ir tiliun-e'
wltb black or wltb lilm-k nnd wtiJt
are very clilc. lnle blue linen trlmcieit
with bias bund of 'bliiik nnd 'iMf
would Imp smart. Flla-.k nnd white eliL
trUnwed with plain Mai-k sud pl"'il
with greeu. i-erls ur cherry color would
be attractive. Pongee would do for
this dress; so would any uf the t'lilii
striped or rbet-ked silks now on the
market. Tbe blouse, which might Ix
made to go wltb it plain skirt. Is worn
over a lac gulniie.
Thae Mar Manton naiierne ere i.
slscs front 14 tn 42 bual m r. ....
blouaa and a to U waist measure for th
skim, nend 10 cents to this office, giving
numbers !WS for l ha blousa sud (Ml tot
tha sklrtl. and either of then, in k
promptly forwarded to you by mall. Band
m cenia ana ooia or mem will ba for
warded. If In hast sand an additional
two cent alaniB for letter neelee wkuk
Insures more prompt delivery. ' ,
Safe Frem Ostsetlvsa.
"Do you know." Im-kiiu the bnrlM-r aa
be laid tbe littlier thickly over bis ell.
ent's mouth, "that we're the only fel
lows i know of that could commit a
crime and nt be deiei-ted through the
tierllllon system nr whatever It Is fhut
rilm-hes tieoHe by their thumb prlntsT
The victim moved tinensllr lu his
chair, but clrcnmHinnces oir which
be hnd no control sealed hN lips. He
trru n led Interrocntlvely iiii! politely. ,
Yes, sir; Ihe renson s slinnle. We
iln't got no thumb prints. We get em
ill worn off nilililiig our tlmmlia over
roil fellers' . bins. Fact! I'll allow run
when I let roil out of the finite "m
'htinih pre pretty near n Ironed onl
Wklng ss roue face will ! hen I
I nlwh with vu"-New Tnrk Press.
m a
. Selsntlfls Mansgamsnt
The general mnniiiri-r of n irrest In.'
dustry In passing through one of bis
shops was suddenly strvck with the
lues that a way might be found n
otlllx tbe dally tons of waste from
timber ami steel, anys the Woman-a
W.irld. Shortly afterward ha emnlnv
sd a yonng cbemlat to enter tbs plant
i.u oevot nis time to experiments
wltb these chips snd scraps and shuv-
... Airuongn at work less tlittn on
yeiir salvag totaling mor. th.n tr... .
(nk has resulted from the scientist's Iri
vesngniions. a fw years ago the
business men held lbs atn.tuni i
tempt and ridiculed bis "theories." To-
any ney .re MrKt.,y (1riruiinR apon
"ui io enm inelr tllvldeiuis .,
""ssBassaB mmmmmn m
, .Munry si me o ymnls
- T. " snnnT iri I be ran-
6r '
ifwak ml
i'i ,w I It
No Guesswork
am .liraaH '
r. . MB.I-.A, KU
1 at
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth
July IS. It. 80, II, 22. .
Oam Begin Weekdays at I p. d
Sundays, t;S0 F. M.
Boys U"dr 1! Fro to lllesrt;
Tttt aVABI nt eeCITTtT trWIHO Ulf'
Ifreal want eltbera VIHralll.hollle. M
lite, IW
MbuUlenr aHlnieTim4 I'Maan
QUUie or a TtineMl f "eMa tfift
ewiug M
lug Madilua writ lu I
ue mm h .hi .lei., tit.yml aeefft
is eaait'
Orangi Mauttav. 1
Meerevvtesaiei-nieet eve aieeeleapllrererrfle
mm e er,i reveiw
MS it aieUe le eei
it reee ant 1
aealera aadr
aealiV. eel Iba I
Uur (ueteeir aever
rua aus sv
$50 Morrison St. Portland,
Buy a Home
While Paying Rent
100 down and 12 a monUi
takes this comfortsbl alx room
house and lot. Hous Is wired
for electricity. Lot 62x105 feet
Some fruit on pise. Well Io
rated on Madison 8L tffAA
A snap nt yllUv
E. P. Elliott and Son
7th and Main Bts., by Suspen
sion I) ridge.
Bsj Screrm t Low-ft
Ready-made Paints, Lead,
011, Varnish, Shingle Stain.
Clarence Simmons
Ninth and Main Strta.
' Phons PaeMaln S2.2. ,
Is on sal at tba following stnri
svery dayw, , -
Huntley Bros Drugs
Main Strset. .
J. VV, MoAnulty Clgsrs
Rsvcnth and Mala.
8ecrst -Confectionary -
Main near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn Confootlonsrv
. Next done n P rt.
City Drug 8tor
Eleetrlo Hotel. :
, Waller Llttl Confctloni7
6U 8evnth Street.
. M. Volk mar Drugs ' -4
Seventh near Center. '
Baventh and X Q. Adams. '
1 a
Jasiss. m. 1. Tl. .7 M
Ar you a aubacrlber to th Mo'
lag Enterpriser f not yon sbonls
snd let Qa put your nam on th
scrlptlon Hat Immsdlstslr
RM Morn.nsi Trm v