oOKNIINCd ENTEMUSE . WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I5G6 twbeorlptlon for th Morning Enterprise will bo receives1 for only limited time at a epeolal roto. Send In your orator today nd sot benefit of low prfea. Tho only dally wwmw h 4-'. twoon Portland and Sateen) air ) V latao In ovary seeHon of CMko mil County, with a population at a) -. 30.000. Aro you an advaroj f VOL. 2 No. 15. OREGON CITY, OREGON". WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. Peb Week' 10 Crvtb iSiScf PROVES INNOCENCE HtRIFF MASS BACK, DECLARES PRISONER GIVES OOOO AC COUNT OF 6 ELF. TORIES Of FINGERPRINTS SCOUTED oardlng Houao Ownor Fall to Identi fy Potoroon At Man Who Doaorlbad Killing of Archil Coblo And Wlfa. Hherlff Maita, upon returning from klympl Ulo Tueaday night, declared lint h waa positive Han I'oter mi, (ho euapect In connection with tbo laying of Archie Coble and wife It Rainier, Wash., and wa thought to now something of tho Hill tragedy at lnlenwsld Hlatlon, la not tho guilty inn. Tho sheriff said there waa no ruth In tho reports that finger print ad been found In the Mill homo and ftiMl they corresponded with tho prima i the Coble crime. "We made a thorough search for ngr prlnta at the 1(111 home," aald it Knerui 'and rouiu mm none. temon gives a good account of him If, and we found that tho blood in ta room waa caused by a little girl mlnv her finger.. While thero la a rotialillliy that the aamo man commit- d both rrlmoa thero la no evidence connect Peterson with ellhr of ipiii. 1 he day after the l oble wore illcd a man applied - at a rooming Mint at (toy, which la eleven mllea oin Rainier for lodging. Ho gave a flflalled account of the killing, and fca at once auapected of being the layer. Me, however, eca;ed. Wo k I'eteraon to tho boarding house, nd the proprietor and hla family aald he waa not tho man that had applied hr lodging. This, with other clrcum- .'anrra convinced me that ho waa not he man wanted and I came home. lie Colile couple were killed In ldntl iilly the aamo manner' aa tbo 1 1 1 1 Ind the bodlea were mutilated alike. fcherlff to continue Search. "The alayer took more pain to cov- i the bodlea of Mr. and Mra. Coble ian waa done In the Hill tragedy." hlle dlaaappotnted over tho turn In rfalra Sheriff Him declared that he Mild continue hla aearrb for tho alay . and ho la confident tho man will be plurml. "I am aura wo will get him. uld the Sheriff. "If ho la atlll In thla 'Hinty. Of course if he waa a rover, may be far away, and eeoape ar- Children to have picnic. :.rman Lutheran Church Plana Out ing for Nut Sunday. The German Lutheran church of IMk city will bold a chlldren'a picnic M i be Hohnorr park at Willamette on rxt Sunday. Ire cream and cako will l-e served. On Thursday afternoon at o clock a meeting of the ladlea of Hi In church will be held at the home f Rev. Kraxherger. at which time Ifurther arrangementa for tho Vnlc nil lie made. At 10:30 o clock Rev. IKraxlierger will deliver a aermon at I Hie park, and In the afternoon a pro Kriim will bo rendered by the mem bers of the Sunday achool. Vre Up In the Air 3 Air, Too much atock for thla time of tho lyear. We're oolnn to unload In tho blaoest reduction sal of tho voar. It la a genuine pliaauro to give our custom. r tho benefit of the lowoat prlcoa thiy have over known. Nothing roaorvod all mutt go. It'a an cconomv ooDortunltv of a life-time and will not laat long tho tempting reduction will aoon move tho good. Broken llnea W. L. Doug- fan fr laa M and $S Shoe. . Belta SO centa, 79 centa and $1 valuta 35c rice Brothers EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS . Not Like Other. 6th and Main Sta. MISS CROSS STILL LEADS IN CONTEST PUBLICATION OP NAMES OF CAN DIDATES OIVES BIO STIMULUS TO EXCITINQ RACE. MORE ARE ENTERED FOR FINE PRIZES Now lo the Tim to Oat In Conttat For Valuable Planot,, Scholar, ahlpa and Stwlng Machine Do Not Delay. The flrat annuoncemeut of naniea of competing candldatea received up to dale waa publlahed Tueaday for the flrat time and more than 15000 rote have lxn pulled for different candl datea In the race alnc that time. Thla la Indeed a remarkable ahowlng and goea to prove what can be done when candidate decide to become active In an affair of thla kind. Several of tbo rontoHtnnt called at tbo office of the Knteruriae vcaterday and obtained re ceipt book and atarted out to ace what they could do, and Inside of a few hour returned with aubacrlptlona received from frlenda and plenty of encouragement to go In the rac In earneat. A candidate never know what ca i lie done until aha trlea. It lof not coat anything to get In thla content, and you have a chance) to win a valuable price. Like a Cold Mine. If somebody should give you a gold mine, you'd be willing to dig a few holea on trial, wouldn't you? You would be willing to give It a fair trial at leaal. You might have a bonanza six Inches below ground. The only way you could test It would be to dig. So that why wo are urging you to get Into thla contest. You don't know t...i v. . ..fvtril h. thm hl-rKt aurreas at thla bualneaa that ever happened. Everybody has to make a start some time. No one Is born a doctor or a lawyer or an artist or an engineer. You cau't tell what yon can do beat until you try your hand at It. u . . .. u In mmn tn tm mii re Rome 1 ..will-' R h ... - - never know that they are at me wrong l.nalnm nr ttrofeaiilon. ao lone a they aro able to make a bare living. Thla conteat la likely to show that you havo a natural talent for sales manship. And the onea who aell thlnga are the highest paid In the world. They are better paid than thnae who make the thlnga they aell. Qlv It a Fair Trial. You go ask aomelMxIy to take "The Enterprise.'" You don't need to aay a word about being In tho conteat If you don't want to. Oet a bunch of blanka and the prop er credential, and aet out among strangers, If you don't feel like asking your frlenda. Make It a bualneaa pro position. You can earn a much aa you chooae. It la likely that some keep out of the contest because they do not like lo let their rlenda know their bual neaa. They want to win a prise but they are timid. Oo rlaht out and take the world by the scruff of the neck. Try a little AJim defylng-thiHlghtnlng business, it will hm nnrlnncK for Vou and you will develop confidence tn your self. ir iriii'll . mf and bIv the business an honest trial, you'll be aurprlaed at how easy It la to do bualneaa on a buslnpMH basis. "The Enterprise" will b ready to A J .'II imcic you up ana neip. Aim juun have behind you thla fact, which will be assurance of fair ply: The In tegrity of an "Enterprise" contest has never been questioned. The prizes that are being offered are surely worth a try. Think of It, a Oiand rprlght Kimball Piano for a few weeks of endeavor, and thla piano la the same one that they charge $100 00 for when you go to the leading mualc house In Portlaird to price thf-m. The New Home sewing ma chlnea are prize that will be appre ciated by anyone who happen to be the lucky one with tho aecond highest number of vote on the closing night of tho contest. Scholarship Ar Desirable. It goes without aylng that the mu sical and business acholarshlpa that will be given aa third and fourth priz es will be hotly contested for. as theMo prize alway appeal to high achool graduates or young ladles who are de slrloua of becoming accomplished mu sician. The gold watches thBl ",'e on dlsplny In the window of Bur melster A Andresen, 019 Main Street, that will be given the two candidates who finish with tho fifth highest num ber of votes, aro surely beauties and It would be worth your while to call at the above atoro to Inspect them STANDING OF CANDIDATES IN CONTEST CANDIDATES IN DISTRICT NO 1- MIHri MISS MltH. MIStf MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MIS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS - MISS e MYIITLR CROSS AIXIK WAKE LENA 8TOHY '. . K. K. ZIMMERMAN. . . . TtLLIE MEYERS...... EVA KENT KlAJi WHITE MAIVJE HRIOHTWLL.. ROSE Jl'STIN It ETA CAROTHER8... GERTRUDE WILSON.. rUJRENCE WHITE... IJIXY UJNO ROSE MIIXEIl ANNA WOODARD JENNIE SCHATZ .' EVA ALUKEJm;E.... LKTHA JACKSON VEKNA MEAD i Votea. Oregon City , 6005 Oregon City 390 Oregon City 3910 Oregon City 3K03 Oregon City 2513 Oregon City 2916 Oregon City , . . 3615 Oregon City 2605 Oregon City 4.0 Oregon City 3911 Oregon City 2504 Oregon City 2513 Oregon City 3413 Oregon City 1506 Oregon City 3916 Oregon City 2612 Oregon City 2906 Oregon City 2902 Oregon City 2918 ' 700 THROWN OUT OF WORK BY FIRE ENGINE-ROOM AND BOILER HOUSt AT BIG POWER PLANT ARE DESTROYED. MRS. W00DR0YV WILSON. Late Photograph of Wife of New Jersey' Governor. BLAZE STARTS AFTER INSPECTION CAh'-'DATES IN DISTRICT NO. 2. MISS MISS MISS MISS MRS. MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MRS MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS JENNIE HI. MARGARET ORIESSHA DEN A I'ROSSER.. ELJ.EN MOE1INKE M. T. MACK HAZEL. TOOZE ADA LARKIN FAY RATDORF EDNA HUTCHINSON.. ADA DRISTOW MILDRED REAM ADA CARES LILLIAN HOLT NORA KIM RERLY. . . . Jt'LIA HOLT (3EOROIA EDMONDS. . INEZ KNOX KI.8IE 8HOENRORN. . ETHEL CLOSNER IIUJDWEN THOMAS .. Mulluo ....... HEH'JIadslone ....Onwegj Shubel . . . .f'anby , . . .Cladittone Mllwaukla ........ West Oregon City .Cviby Mllwaukla Willamette . . . .Sandy . . . .Sandy . . . . . Boring i. ; . . . . . . Oak Grove ....... ....Willamette ....Boring Carua ... .Spring water Beaver Creek -ft---- 4 Votea. . 2916 . 2506 . 2519 . 3916 . 2910 . 4504 . 2512 . 2407 . 2504 . 4412 . 3514 . 2525 . 3404 . 2508 . 4403 . 2512 e . 2920 . ' 3525 . 2501 e . 2501 (Continued on Page S.) HOLD NAVAL MEETINO'TONIGHT. E. C. Dye Will Address Prospective Members at Willamette. A preliminary meeting for the or ganization of a naval mllltla will be held thla ovening at the city ban in Willamette, at which about 30 young men, who have aigned to become mem ber will be In attendanc. E. C. Dye will be preaent, and wilt address the young men. As soon as these boys are enlisted tbey will embark on the Boston and, go to San Francisco. f To Preaeh Pioneer Funeral. The Rev,. Mulkey, of Gladatone, will go to Vancouver, Wash., today to preach the funeral of Bradford Sar gentbrook. who waa a resident of Ore gon City for fifty year. Mr." Sargent brook waa eight yon year of age. Ho waa a brother-in-law of tbo late Rev. I. D. Driver, of Eugene, a prominent Methodist minister and teacher, and tho father-in-law of E. E. Boyd, former ly station agent In thla city. Patronlzo our advertiser. Cable 160 Foot Above River Causes Much Excitement When It Fall Fir Delay Work On Railway Plant. Seven hundred men were thrown out of work by the fire In the $1,500,000 power plant being erected at River Mill, about a mil northeast of Esta cada. The boiler-house, engine-room and tower were destroyed, causing a los of several thousand dollar. Tho plant ia being Installed by the Portland Railway, Lignt A Power Company, and President Josaelyn and other official of tho company bad left the new dam an hour before the Ore occurred. The work ia being dona under contract by the Pacific Bridge Company. Chief Engineer Fletcher ha charge of construction work. A spark from tho boiler flue la be lieved to have caused the blaze, which within five minute after it atarted bad consumed alt of the construction building on the west aide of the rlr er. The aerial cable that at retched across the river from tower on either side fell into the atream. - Sawmill I Saved By connecting a line of hose with the liver and attaching a auction pump the fire waa kept from spreading to the sawmill, a short distance from the boiler-house. The Portland Railway, Light k. Pow er Company Intended to have the new plant completed by October 1, but the damage will delay the work at toast ten daya, according to engineer em ployed on the work. - The cable which fell down wa one of the Interesting sight of tho sur rounding country. . It ran 160 feet above the bed of tho river, and waa operated by a hoisting engino In tho wooden tower. The extent of tho dam age done to the boiler and engine will (Continued on Page 3.) PERPETRATED BY WAIT Ac DOUGALL SUDDEN SHOCKS. Opera muiic can olwrtys be known lyllie fet Ifiolyou cnrrl wliistle il. SiLlV BtLL . ANSWERS. Jesse; Buttle Creelt was so named on nccount of 1e breakfast feuds oridiiKstind tn?re. V. THtSt LAUNDRifiTv Si J 1 CAA rUT A MANS T. S4 1 !iiJII I THE FATHF RS DAY AFUR v ADAM'S WASH fttejCity C lri3 buy ortlficfcll ice krnenvind iti not tlie real tbinr Ifwpytf he p. nil ritffJ. CUR MOVING PICTURE THE. FIRST ATT " T O 013P05 OF P0RFI RIO. THE NOISY MUTT officers bfst preservers UVITUrtA t U B A aiT A EttAa TS gB ww w w aw i - wr r swjb j DRUKXFNFSS OXF Of KK fJflK . Llfo-ftavlng Device For Passenger Inferior To Thoao Provided For Matea Probe To . Bo Continued. s BABY GIRL'S DEATH DUE TO LOVE OF MUSIC DOROTHY DENNEY'8 BROTHER HUNTING VIOLIN WHEN HE SHOT HER. Her fondnes for mualc wa indirect ly the cause of the death of Dorothy Denney, the three-year old daughter of Clark Denney who waa accldently shot and killed by her nine-year old brother, George Denney, at their home-near Estacada Monday. The children were at play In a bed room and the mother was at her work In the -kitchen adjoining.--- It was cus tomary for Mr. Denney to keep a 'vio lin near the dresser, hanging on the wall. Ater the little gin had called her brother to get the violin for her so she could "play" he climbed on a high . chair, a both children were email and unable to reach the musical Instrument. Lately many of Mr. Denney'a chickens bad been caught by an animal, and he had load ed the gun, which waa hanging near the violin, not dreaming hla children would ever take down the heavy fire arm. Mrs. Denney waa shocked to hear the report of the gun, and, rushing to the room, found her little daughter un conscious and blood streaming from a terrible wound In the stomach. The child lived but a few minute. Neighbor rushed to the bouse, and Coroner Wilson, of this cty, wa called by telephone, but upon investigation found an inquest unnecessary. . George, the little brother, does not ae,m to realize the dreadful result of the accident, and la only able to give a disjointed account of it. Mr. and Mrs. Denney are prostrated over the los a of their little daughter. The funeral was held Tueaday after noon at 3 o'clock at Estacada. and the Interment waa in the cemetery there. Ever Have "The Blues Most persons will immediately re spond, "Yea," to thla question, but few of them probably could give you any satisfactory Idea a to the cause or reason for thi despondent, low-spirited condition. - - - - Physiologists have discovered that thla condition Is brought about by the seeming Inability of the Liver to sepa rate poisonous secretion . from the blood, and, a a consequence, these are taken back Into the system. In the treatment of such cases, we strongly recommend Rexall Liver Salt" because of the success so many peo ple have experienced In using this preparation. Rexall Liver Salts are manufactured In two sizes, 2Rc. and 50c., and we have the exclusive agency. Huntley Bros. Co. The Rexall Drug Store. LOS ANGELES Julylg ''I was told by officer of the Santa Rosa that' thoy did not uae the Ufa preservers pro vided by the steamship company, which were made of tule, but carried private ones constructed of cork." So testified Tbeodor Lafayette, of Lo Angeles, a minute clerk In the State Senate today, before Govern ment Inspector Bulger and Boll, who were conducting; the Investigation of the wreck of the vessel otf Point Arguello, July 9. The statement of Lafayette, who waa a passenger on board the) vessel, concluded the hearing here, and tho In spector left tonight to resume the Inquiry In San Francisco. The wIUmm aid he had cat a life preserver open and found that it was made) of tule. Lafayette said that several officer of the ship seemed to have been drink ing the day before the wreck, but up on being "pinned down," Lafayetto could say positively that only: as bad shown sign of Indulgence tn liquor. That one, he said, was tho third officer The witness thought tho flrat tfflcer ' also had used Intoxicants. Robert Hewson, father of tho second mate, who was drowned, was pr ont today, but did not testify. It had boon expected that, one of hla son, EL W. Hewson, a newspaper man of Pasa dena, would testify, but the latter ent word that he did not care to do so. MISS JUSTIN WEDS TODAY. County Clerk Mulvey granted the following marriage license on Tues day: Catherine Hall and Roy Holman, of 681 Third Street, Portland; jygnea M. Justin and William C. Johnson, 552 Clay Street, Portland. Miss Justin is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Jus tin. She will be married thla morn ing at the St. John' Catholic church. 4.i WEATHER INDICATIONS. Oregon City Ealr and not so warm; westerly wlnda. Oregon Fair, not ao warm In- 4r 9 tenor west portion; westerly winds 00;0l)0000003j0000a04000('0'000000000tn000 1-4 Acre" Tract All in crop, close to school and Electric car line, 4 blocks from store. We will sell this at your own terms. If you want a home come and see us. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 612 Main St., Oregon City. o o o o c 0) o o o o o o O00000 OOO00O000OHOOO09009O00O0000 ' . , I I I I BBSBSssssssssBSBSBsansaSBSBssssBBs;ri The Grand TODAY Only THE WORLD'S MOST DARING DRIVERS .. -rr no.iTfKT RACING F ILM OF 1911. THE INSANITY OF AUTOMOBILE SPEEDING. IS STRIKINGLY EXEMPLIFIED IN THIS WON neariM r r MATH O E A 1 1 N Q SPEED 8HOWN WITH SENSATIONAL REALISM. THIS TERRIFIC RACE WAS WITNESSED BY 100,000 nfo,Ur aa r Api L ?NErI UP AT THE START FOR A S40.000 PRIZE THIS FILM SHOWS EVERY IMPORTANT EVENT IN THIS RACE. AND r.e2SmVT WTH THRILLS AND EXCITINO SCENES ALL OF THE MOST FAMOUS OF THE DARING DRIVERS ARE SHOWN IN CLOSE-UP 1W? YOUR SEaJ AT THE GRAND WILL BE BETTER THAN A BO X AT THE SPEEDWAY, NO CHViOE IN PRICES. 10c AND So. VIEWS. YOUR 8EAI R l ' " n opf-rn OF 7J MILES PER HOURI THE WINNER COVtneu I nc ow mii-to-. .. - The Grand TODAY Only T A lln U I Li A I U " ' - mx 11 -m. m - wart - T-kT?T Ua TU T 'i " THR wriMNRR COVERED 500 MILtlb AT MlitlU ur J miLti rcn nwuix RIM HEAT BO ICE FAMR1E ill CITY TWO CARLOADS RECEIVED FROM PORTLAND HOMES ARC NOT 8UPPLIED. . Owing to the Intense heat and the great demand for ice inthla city, the Oregon City Ice A Cold Storage Com pany s plant at Twelfth and Main Streets, I kept busy with shifts, work ing day and night. Many of the real dents of thl city will have to wait until tomorrow for Ice owing to the scarcity, and the managers, Messrs. Horton A Cox. sent to Portland for two carloadj, which arrived Tueaday night. By the time this supply Is exhausted the Oregon City Company will be able to furnish all its patrons with ice. Only the merchant of this city aro being supplied and their supply is limited. Never before in the history of this city has there been a greater demand for ice than at the present time, and the delivery wagon is kept going from early In the morning until lato at night. The local plant is making from four an4 one-half ton of Ice to flv tons daily. 1 i 1 asSaBlg