MORNING ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY, JCLY 1ft. 1011 aasassssssj -Ttt! i- 7'"' ' " ' E GIVEN DY TO f .V"-". A CIT Y AS- FOLLOW ENTERPRISE . , v RULES TOAT ML GOVERN CONTEST Contest opened Tuesday, July 11th, and will dose Saturday SeptoeTZndTat 9 o doc Any ladrlent in Clackamas County eligible to compete for these priaes. Any employee or immediate relatire of an employee of this paper will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest. .. The earnest manager reserves the right to reject any nominations foe candidacy in mis contest. . The contest managanent will not be responsible for tj-pographical errors in the counting of votes except to make cmiectioa m the fol- All receipts from subscriptions should be turned in to the Enter prise offkx at least twice a week. "' Candidates are permitted to secure subsciiyUuns anywhere. AH subscriptions must be paid-in-advance in order to secure votes. ' This is neither a popularity nor a beauty contest, and the prizes will be awarded solely on the merit. ' Should any question arise as to the proper interpretation of the foregoing rules the aVrwion of the contest manager will be final. Sscofld PAzes Two "20th Centofy" Sewing Machines Y (latest model) New Home Df op Head VALUED $75.00 EACH PRIZE S Two Upright Kimball Pianos IV v' . V ' . ... 1 VALUE if" y VALUE $400 $400 Each - Each Purchased from Portland's Leading Mnsic House EILERS' & CO., 7th and Aide Sts. Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION liUlfU 9 BUSINESS EDUCATION " lilt II f Fotir Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes, and has secured scholarships in two of the foremost educational institution in the State of Oregon. How The Prizes Will be Awarded " Far the purpose of this contest Clack una County has been divid ed into two districts as follows: District Jo. I All territory within the city, limits of Oreo "Cty. '; .. , . ; .... District No. 2 The remaining portion of Clackamas County. FIRST PRIZES. - The two candidates polling the largest number of votes in each district will, be awarded a Grand Upright Kimball Piano, value $400.00. . . ' SECOND PRIZES. The two candidates polling the second largest number of votes ia each district will receive the latest 20th Century Model drop head New Home. Sewing Machine. THIRD AND FOURTH PRIZES. A musical or business scholarship, optional with winner (rout iw ALL) will be awarded to the candidates polling the next highest numbers of votes. Two in each district. FIFTH PRIZES. The two candidates polling the fifth highest number of votes in each district will be awarded a Lady's Solid Gold Watch. F llouic u ikt $hJmU tr tksf wilt aV llwti fmU-im' mJrmnc iwkicriftnmri . Six months subscription to The Daily Enterprise (by carrier) $2.00, (by mail) $1.50, 400 votes. One year's subscription, $4 (by carrier), $3 (by mail, 1,000 votes. Two years subscription $8 (by carrier), $6 (by mail), 2,500 votes. Three rears' subscription, (by carrier) $12, (by nuul) $9, 5,000 votes. ,r - ; " 1 '. Five years subscription, (by carrier) $20, (by mail) $15, 10,000 votes. , One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 500 votes. Money must accompany all subscriptions before votes will be issued. FEFTH PRHZES TVO SOLID GOLD VATCHES .(Ladles Ut) Patchistd ' l Btif mehtcr & Aodrcscn , ; The Leading Jewelers of 619 Main St; Oregon City, On In each issue of the DaUy and WecUy Enterpnse will be printed a nomination blank to be used for nominating pnrposes. The blanfa when properiy idled in and bronght ..or mailed to the Contest Department will be registered to the credit of candidate name thereon. As each nomination cofints for 2500 votes, only one wiU be credited to each candidate. Secure a nomination blank at once and fiU in voti Vrie ...r.. . ..Tr' M4 3umt wno you wm neip win one ot tne valuable prices. . DO IT NOW. sssssssaaaaassaaaaaaaaiasaaaasaasaaMMMMMiii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mmmmm"mmam . a Thio contest ia for tha ladiso (botvjean tko croo oMO cl cuitotarjAs couuty. v: Contest Opens Tuesday, July llth ipiLctao'ciccsyiri Contest Address all commtintcations and subscriptions Apartment, Oregon City Enterprise OREGON CITY, OREGON Contest Clozes Saturday, Sept. 2rJ