MORNING ENTEKP ROSE Vltla fa th Mamma The only tally newoaaMf fc twn Portias and Salsm; oil 4 lata In ovary eetlen of Clailw mas County, with a BepMlatle of 0) 10.000. Aro you an sdvertteerf a) rerlee will be received for ( limited time t epeelal Send In your order today ' kanafll r4 fkM Ilfffla. lO 1 .... ' " w WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ES'TAULISHED ISGO )L 2-No. M. OHEOON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1911. Per Week, 10 Cemts i ATE UMITS F LECTION UNDS CITY MUST BE GIVEN TO MPAIQN CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES. IES INCLUDED IN MEASURE ira Aro Prohibited From Spend ing Mora Than $10,000 and Congressmen $6,000 In Campalgne, SkHINUTON. July 17. Tha wool f campaign publicity legislation ussed In slither branch of Cou waa adopted by tha Sonata to- Vrat tlcally without a dissenting Lk the nre-electlon publicity bill U by th llouaa of Represent- as a bnals. tha Sonata construct- Lepoaed law wllb thejollowlng rtant toaturoa: andldate fir tba Sonata or stall aiMiud lo tba election mora k aum equal to tun ronta lor each I In bla dlatrlct or at a to. Senatorial candidate a nail epend I of mora, than $10,000 In tbo try and general election, and Do lata fr tha llouaa ahll apotyd iban $5.oou. city Mandatory. I.llclly inuat be (Ivan to all prt campaign oMrlbutlone and ox turaa. general election expenses muat ml public b-fro tba oloctlon, ba nt IS day a before oloctlon and us publication mandatory aach intll election. Iiromlaea of political Job muat mile public. tTbe bill further It Illegal to promlaa political In order to eecure aloctlon aub ur to Influence) tba oloctlon of any iK-r of a Btata Legislature, bill probably will ba tba sub l(f prolonged conference between wo bouaea. It originates id mo - m. nart of i ha Democratic Liiu i.r.rm and u destined Ml ii I re (ha publication of expendi ture atection wmcn 10 nm nr I by tba existing publicity law. tidment Adopted. i- Itopubllcana in tna Mouse un nsfully attempted to extend tha id cover primary oloctlon ex- N-a, in tna Benaie ne pnmmrj i,.m m mmwiAmt1m oniltkled with f radical amendmenta were adopt Ith little oppoaiuon. ,. uonaia amendmenta authorttod ho comralttoa on prlvlloKoa and I - . . - m IS i Uiiia, required puouciiy 01 an pn- lecllon expenses ana an pieages lltlcal loba or favora. . i nhitiiiii vii mad on tha ind that tha primary electtona wore within tha control or pongrese. amendment waa rinaiijr auopiru, ver. by a vote or au to , on- Huron HatlaV. Ttankhead Johna Bryan,' Overman and Taylor Tot- gainat It. SCHOOL DIRECTORS AWARD CONTRACTS J) ACCIDENTALLY KILLS BABY SISTER LDREN PLAVINQ IN ROOM WHEN BOY FINDS SHOTGUN. rothv Dennev. tha three-year-old ahter of Clark Denner. living three to southeast of Eatacada waa accl- tally ahot and killed by her brotn riiora rvtnney. nine yeara old. knlav. Th hov la nroatrated with f and can alve only a dlajolnted ac- liit of tha accident. . ho children wore nlartng In a bed- in wherein hung a ahotgun. Oeorge ibpd u n to tako tha aim front lta ping place and In removing it from lull the trigger caught ana me gun a discharged Into tha atomacb of the lie child who waa atandlng in tna Iter of tha bed aome eight or tan It from hor hrother. 80 clone waa to tha dlaohargod gun, that tba p force of tha ahot entarea - tn lid body. Nelghbtoro ruabed to tna no of tha accident but tha enna d onlv a few mlnutna. Coroner I hi in went to Ktatacaria laat night il will return tbla morning. 1 ., HATS ORDERED FOR HORSES. ' fl he Oregon Engineering Company thin city, compoaed of Chauee T. 'kor, R. C. Parker. J. W. Moffatt I C. A. Schram, have ordered atraw a for Ha noraee during the hot ather. Two hoaee have been pro- red with tha head gear, theaa being " only hate that Frank Croaa had on nil. Mr. Croaa haa aent In an order hata for tha other horaea. Tha hata p the aunllght from hurting tha ea of tha animal. ' A. Erlckaon, of l Clnckamaa Tavern, alao haa pro- ed hnta for hi horaea. POPE A CO. TO FURNISH MATER IAL FOR MANUAL TRAIN INO WORK. ASSIGNMENT Of TEACHERS HADE Harry Jon Goto Contract For Con atructlng Concrete Baaomont In Tha Eaatham Building. Aaalgnmnnta of teachera for tba approarblug acbool year were made Monday night by City Superintendent and approved by the board of direc tor for manual tralng material to tract or manual training material to !'oe A Co., and tba contract or con- atructlng a concrete baeetnent lo the Eaatham bulldlug waa given to Harry Jmiee, whoae bid waa below that of ArBtmmoni and the Orrgon Engineer ing A Construction Company. Several boura were taken up In bearing tba advantagea of an electric ball-clock ayatom explained, but no doflnlte action waa taken looking to the pure ha no of eurh a ayatom. Bid for Furniture Opened. Tbo board opened bid for folding rhulr In tba high echool auditorium and tha contract for tbla furniture will bo awarded later. 8badee for tba new hlKh achool building will bo obtained through the local dealera, providing a aatlitfactory ahado can be furnlahed. Tba following grade aaalgnment were made: High School 8. E. Duff, A. It., prin cipal, blMory and latin; O. Evaa Todd, A. H.. matbometlca and dormau;' J'earl O. Cartlldge. 'b. U., Engllah; Uoorge pflngaten a 8., acleuco and mathmallca: Ixifa H. Kuna, A. I)., commercial and aclenca. Ha relay building Helen Grlaea. flrat grade; ()lh Mickey, aecond grade; Nlota Harding, third grade; Kuth Not 1, fourth grade; Qiiaale U Hull, fifth grade; lluth Lole. alxtb grade; Katella Sallabury, aeventh grade; A. O. Free), principal, eighth grade. Aadgnmont In Eaatham School. Eaatham building Chrtatabel Jew ett. flrat grade; Marjorle Caufleld, aec ond grade; Anna T. Smith, flrat and aeoond gradea; Maude Maaon, third grade; Marcla Romlg, fourth grade; Queen Adama. fourth and fifth gradea; Ethel Park, fifth and axth grade; Roma Stafford, alxtb and aev enth grade: N. W. rtowland. princi pal, aeventh and eighth gradea. Manual training Petcu- Forbe. Domeatlc Science Lulu M. Porter. Drawing Bffle McDanlela. MISS RICKERT AND PORTLAND MAN WED BRIOE HAS BEEN HEAD MILLINER AT LOCAL DEPARTMENT STORE. . Tha marriage of Mlaa Agnoa E. Klrkert. of thla city, and Edward W. Zlrbol, of Portland, waa anlcmnixed on Sunday at Portland. After the cere mony Mr. and Mra. Zlrbel left for their honeymoon, which will be apent at Yellowatona Park, and upon, their return, which will he about Auguat in, they will make their home at 938 Cleveland avenue. Portland. The bride haa made her home In thla city for the paat year, being the head milliner of the John Adama at ore, and ahe baa made many friend 'by her pluaaliiK mannera. Mr, Zlrbel la a well known bualneaa man of Portland, having for many yeara been traveling aa lea man for the Lowengardt Com pany, and la well known bora by many of the bualneaa men. 1 MRS. TODD INJURED III FALL FROM CAR Mr. Andrew Todd, of thla city, while returning rom the Chautauqua Sun dny night, waa aerloualy Injured. Mra. Tood waa alighting from the car at Eleventh and Main itreeta when the oar. nidr'enly atarted, throwing her to the ground. The Injured woman was pirked up by S. S. Walker and C. H. Dye and waa taken to tha home of her rixiightor, Mra. Harry Jonea, of Ninth and Jefferaon afreet. - Dr. C. H. Melaaner waa summoned. Belde re ceiving a severe ahaklng up, Mra. Todd 1 Buffering from Injurle of hr knee and ahock. , Patron our advertiser.' The Star Spangled Banner , THE GRAND PERPETRATED BY .WALT Ac DOUGALL : YCHJ'P.E NO! WORKING 1 1 rr . WrjOY t4 CtTSOMt r" .SURE IMC RIDING ' Jt lVHJJ!rZJLOON GJNKANp BOOB THE IMPULSIV CiNK"FALLS INTO AVERY NATURAL ERROR uftT v;y Twit. SAMPLE-TAKEN FROM COLD STORAGE -THIS. WKy docs a Chicken cro$i the Rodd ? ( Dont Shoot!) TO GET IN FRDHT C.c AN AUTOMOBILE . (Now3nK,horctout rt ?) JOKES RenovoT.AeroTed.Kil n -dried and UphoUt ereA for IheTrtldo fi, Short Nuce :A A Jresa The Outlet . TERMS CASH . COURT HOUSE HEX WILL COST $14,000 OFFICES TO BE ENLARGED AND COURT ROOMS WILL BE ON SECOND FLOOR. Tba County Court, at a meeting Monday, decided to erect an exten aion thirty feet long, at the rear of tbo historic Clackamas. County court houae. A vault twenty-one by thirty- two feet will be built on the flrat foor and the offlcea of the county clerk, sheriff and recorder will be enlarged. The Circuit Court room will bo on the aecond floor and tha County Court room will occupy pari of- the apace of the preaent court room.- Tha of flcea of the county aurveyor and su perintendent of ennty schools and one r two other offlcea will ba en larged. An office also will be pro vided for tha county Judge on the second floor. The Improvement will coat from $14,000 to 115,000. Judge Ileatle said that the court bad not de rided whether It would supervise the work or advertise for blda. The de cision to have the annex In the rear waa made after numerous protesta agnlnat extending tha front of the building had been received. E HURT AS AUTO PLUNGES OVER BANK TREES KEEP CAR FROM FALLING INTO CLACKAMAS NEAR BAKER'S BRIDGE- An automobile containing a party from Portland, compoaed of two men and two women while paaalng along the Clackamaa river this side of lta ker's bridge, plunged over a cliff. The automobile was going at a fast rate, and It was whll paaatng tha automo mlle driven by Robert liaker, of thla city, that the accident happened, at a sharp turn In tha road. Mr. Dakar as well as tha party from Portland gave the signals, Mr. Raker slowing his machine, but the man In charge of the other car did not leaaen his speed, which caused the machine to skid from the rood to tha canyon be low. Had It not been for two large trees which atopped the automobile, the entire party from Portland would have been carried Into Clackamaa river. Non of tha occupants was In jured, but all were severely shaken upt The front wheel of the machine was broken, and the party waa brought to this city In another auto mobile. Mr, Baker offered them the use of his machine, but said he would have to go up the river several miles to bring a party of picnickers to this city. The damaged machine wa left lodged In the trees. Mr. Norrl Improve. Mra. J. W. Norrla. who was operat ed upon at the St. Vincent's Hospital on Saturday afternoon of appendicitis, is getting along nicely, and her rapid recovery Is looked forward to. HENRY G. DANF0RTH. Congreaaman en Committee to investigate Steel Trust. PRICE USING BROS. DENY MANAGER DECLARES TEAM HAD RIGHT TO ENGAGE BERGER. Tha athletic committee of the Chau tauqua probably will meet thla after noon to consider the proteat of the Dllworth Derblis, of Portland, to Price Bros." team, of this city, being awarded the purse offered by the assembly for the winner of tha series. Although the local team won the last and decid ing game by a large score, the Der bles have protested .on the ground that Berger, a professional pitcher, waa used. Price Bros. contend that Houck, the pitcher for the Derbies waa onre a member of tha Northwest ern League, the same aa Berger. The following statement was given out Monday by Hurry White, manager of Price Broa.: "The varloua article regarding the protesting of the championship game say. that our pitcher, Berger, Is from the big league. 'He haa beep pitching for the Pendleton team for the laat six weeks. Long, who waa signed the flrat of tha season, aa one of our pitchers, wss Injured In the arm and wsa unable to pitch. The matter was taken tip by the committee and It agreed to our getting another another pitcher. I waa told not to get any of tha Pacific Coast or the Northwest League playera. Berger la not from either of these leagues." GRAZING COWS SUFFER FOR LACK OF WATER APPEAL IS MADE TO HUMANE SO CIETY TO AID SUFFERING ANIMALS. Several complaint have been made to the Clackamaa County Humane So ciety that cow belonging to realdenta of thla city which are staked ont to graze have not been provided with water. The case of one cow staked In the sun without water was reported by a woman who aided the cow. The cow waa trying lta best to make it want a understood by bellowing. The woman whose home waa near car red three bucketa of water to the Buf fering animal. Tha member of the Society aa well a It friends, who are interested In the dumb anlmala welfare request that all who can place water In dishes or pans where the birds may quench their thrtst during the warm weather. In the yard of a prominent cltixen of this city a pan of water is rilled every morning, and -hundred of birds visit It dally to drink. A few days ago a sparrow waa seen near the hydrant on Main Street near Tenth trying to quench It thrlst from the -few drops of water that were falling from the hydrant. - " , WIFE'S DAUGHTER HAS RANCH MAN ARRESTED ( W.M.HARDIN SAYS ACTION IS RESULT OF HIS TRYING TO COLLECT DEBT. 37 ENTER BIG CONTEST FOR VALUABLE PRIZES ENTERPRISE TODAY PUBLISHES HIE NAMES OF ENTRIES IN RACE 0 HISS MYRTLE CROSS LEADS WITH 4,501 TO HER CREDIT CANDIDATES IN DISTRICT NO 1 0 . MI3S M TRTLE CROS3. . . Oregon MISS AUJE WARE Oregon MISfl LENA STORY Oregon MRS. E. F. ZIMMERMAN. . . Oregon MI8S IDA MEYERS....... .Oregon MISS EVA KENT Oregon MI88 ELLA WHITE Oregon MISS MADGE BRIGHTBI1X. '.. . .Oregon MISS ROSE JUSTIN Oregon MISS RETA CAROTHERS ..Oregon MISS GERTRUDE WILSON .Oregon MISS FLORENCE WHITE Oregon 1 MISS LILLY LONG Oregon MISS RO8E MILLER Oregon MISS ANNA WOODARQ Oregon MISS JENNIE 8CHATZ Oregon MISS EVA ALLDREDGE...?.-.. .Oregon MISS LETHA JACKSON... Oregon MISS VERNA MEAD Oregon .. . " Vote. City 4501 '- City 2501 City 3504 City 2501 rn ifioa e City 2510 City 3503 City 2505' City 2906 City 2609 City 2504 city rrnr. 2503 City ) 2909 City 2506 4 City 2910 . City 2512 City 2504 City 2902 fM . : : ?50g o CANDIDATES IN DISTRICT NO. 2. . a ". o Votes. MISS JENNIE DIX Mullno MISS MARGARET GRIESSHABER Gladstone MISS DENA PROSSER Oswego MISS ELLEN MOEHNKE Shubel MRS. M. T. MACK Canby 2508 2506 2512 2906 2508 .Gladstone 2503 . 2512 2905 . 1504 . 2910 ' 0) . 2514 . 2520 . 2904 . 2508 . 2903 . . 2513 . 2515 . 2520 MISS ADA LARKIN Mtlwankle MISS FAY BATDORF West Oregon City MISS EDNA HUTCHINSON Canby MISS ADA BRISTOW Milwmukle MISS MILDRED REAM Willamette MISS ADA CARES Sandy MISS LILLIAN HOLT Sandy - MISS NORA KIMBERLY Boring t MISS JUUA HOLT Oak Grove MISS GEORGIA EDMONDS Willamette MISS INEZ KNOX i.... Boring Miss FM-Sirc shoenborn Cama Couple Granted License. License to marry was granted Mon day to Elizabeth Ann Stone and Har vey M. Bnlder. . . ' ' W. M. Hardin, owner of a large goat ranch near Ames, will be tried In Jus tice of the Peace Samson'a Court next Saturday on a charga preferred by bis stepdaughter, Mra. Eva Phelpa, of Ames, i The woman'a husband alao Is a oomplalnant. Hardin was given a hearing on the same charge about three years ago when the complaint waa dismissed. At the time of the alleged attack the stepdaughter was under 16 years of age and lived at home. About a year later Phelps married her, and haa fie betli active In working up evidence against Hard in. Justice of the Peace Samson re leased Hardin on $500 ball which was furnished by J. J. Tobln and L .A. Nobel. Hardin and Mrs. Phelps' moth er deny the charge, and the former allegea It wa made after be had In sisted upon his wlfe'a son-in-law pay ing a debt of $55. Ho aays he will be able' to prove that Phelps and not himself Is the guilty man. a. . a ' ' ' WEATHER INDICATIONS. . Oregon City Fair and cooler,, westerly wlnda. Oregon Fair west. thunder storms east portion; cooler, ex- cept near . the coast, westerly winds. Published above is a Hot of name of candidates entered up to date for the $1,200 in prize to bo awarded by The Enterprise on the night of Sep tember 2. Doe the name of your fav orite candidate appea'f If not. ooe t that it la published in the next Issue by clipping the nomination blank, and bring or mall it to tha Contest Depart ment so she wilt have an oqual start with the others. Among the candidates who are en tered It the above list are young la dles who are worthy of all the mater ial support you can offer to place their names among the luqlty ones when the prlxes are being awarded-r-and a sub scription given now at the start of the contest wll be appreciated more than later on. In a contest or this kind a -little encouragement at the start of the race Is worth a barrel of consolation later on, and candldatea require a little encouagement now. Candldatea From All Sections. There are candldatea entered from nearly every part of Clackamas coun ty, and more namea will come in as the contest progresses; and, remember you will receive as much courtesy and consideration by m HI aa you would at Tho Enterprise office In Ore gon City. Nominate your favorite candidate at once If ber name does not appear In the list above, and tbo minute It Is received you get an even atandlng In so far as co-operation and fair help goes- This Is a business matter, pure and simple, and must be treated as such; vote are votes and one Is as good as another and your Interests will be pro tected you can rely upon that. There will be a lively battle for votes 'between now and the closing night of the contest and you should get your votes and subscrtptona a fast as you can. If your friends see that you are (n the race ln earnest and that your name Is well up on the list you will stand a much better chance to get a subscription than if your name appears among the lowest In number as the leader always baa the better argument to get more votes. Do Not Wasto Time. Everybody loveo a winner. YouH see how much easier it will be it get everybody to give yon votes) and aub- acrlptlona If you look like a aure 'in ner. , . . To the contestant we wish to say that an hour that can be spared should not be wasted now. . Get, every possible vote that yon can. See that all your rlenda kno r you are In the race. Call on them personally and dont let them escape without promising their votes and promising more sub scription. . . If you do they will surely give a subscription to some other friend If, the other friend makes the first visit The early bird Is going to get the votes In this contest, so don't delay In getting your friends into the race with you. Enterprise Readers Are tta Friends. Don't Imagine that because you find a good many people taking The Enter prise now that you are handicapped. Remember that every other contes tant finds the same condition. That'a no handicap to getting votes. The vote value of renewala and ox tensions are the same as new sub scriptions. So the fact that The Enterprise has a big circulation Is really a help rather then a handicap. It means that you are working among people who already take The Enterprise anyway and will continue to do so, contest or no contest. It nveana that you are among the friends o The Enterprise, people who know lta value and don't want any other paper. All you have to do Is to get them to give you their renewala or exten sions. . , . ask mem u u ia not irue inai mer (Continued on Page J.) eo4oe-ao4vooooo-eoe'0oeooe.o-oe-ooe.ooeoeooor.e.oe r . . . '.'' ! 1-4 Acre Tract f All in crop, close to school and Electric car line, 4 e blocks from store, We will sell this at your own terms. If you want a home come and see us o ' o t o - ' ij Mii gt Or son Cltv ....... , . v . -v. nv oooo) Qooeooo4ovoeoowcccoo44o-' W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. r pso