Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1911)
MOKNING ENTEUPIU8E, HUN DAY, JULY 10, 1911. r , OUR ANNUAL JULY LEARANCE SALE v ' It more beneficial to you than the rain these hot dayi HY? Because the big genuine 'reJuctium we are giving on all hot weather wearing apparel, make it eaty to overcome the hot weather. 5 E E OUR WINDOWS T.LEVITT ipention Bridge Cor. ' Oregon City Ja the Here Prorn Coming Out' - - r . Local dricps nlng fur llwaco, Wash., whMi Bl spend the summer. They lived at that place. pus orsnae sherbet today at m big fountain. r Lttmirette haa aoit(l a p- )i the Flrat National bank. , CY Thomas and little "Punk" or Portland, are In thla city kta f Mr. and Mra. Harry B. , or Eleventh and Madlaon Strleb. or Mllwaukla. was In r on Saturday on bualneaa. ft llornehuh. or tihubel, wn k-lty on Saturday. tebecra M. Jolly, superlnten- Ilia Nuraes' Training School CinM Samaritan Hospital, ar I thla city Saturday morning 1 Sunday with Mra. K. L. fllre Srherzlnger, after an ab alx weeks, haa resumed her with the V. C. HI ore. in, ii Aioiaiia, ill id mis v"y and Saturday. Will, or Candy, waa In thla Friday. J ' " - - Htewart, accompanied by hla wontiiHirn. wer In thla city v. and were registered at tha Hotel. F.. L. Howe, or Hood Rlvr, waa vlaltlng friend In tbla city on Friday. We take pride In aervlng tha beat soda water and Ice cream In the city, and slop at no eipenae to do It, and yet the roat to our patrona la no blKher. If you are particular. Hunt ley's la the place to -go. J. E. Argo, or Spokane, Wash., waa rrgtatered at the Klectrlo Hotel on Saturday and Sunday. Alurt Bt. Clair, or New Era, a well known frealdeut i that . place4 waa In tbla city on Friday and Bat urday. . Wllbolt aiage will leave the Klectrlo Hotel each day at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr.nd Mra. K. Klrkpatrlck. or ISirtlaud, were vlaltlng frlenda In this city Hat urday. lA-t Flab, or Needy, waa In thla city on Friday and -Saturday vlaltlng rrlenda. J. J. Kdgren, or Portland, waa tran sacting bualneM In tbla city on But urday. -. Bberinan K. Hawley, or Kearney, N-li.. arrlvud lu Oregon .Clty-tia-Frk day eveulng, and Is the guest of Mra. Elisabeth Hulbert and daughter, Mlas Adah llulbert. or Gladstone. Mr. Haw ley la a son In law of Mra. llulbert Mra. lint h Baron and little daugh ter, Nellie, arrived la Oregon City on 8eturdy to remain over Sunday with the former's parenta, Mr. and Mra. K. II. Cooper. Mr. and Mra. Harry Melby, or Port land, were In thla city on Friday, gueata or Mr. and Mra. F. Moore, tf lireenuolnt Henry and Hurley Stevens, or Port land, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mra. It. C. Btevena. Mr. and Mra. II. C. Btevena, Jr., arrived In this city on Saturday evening to remain -over Sunday. Dr. E. A. Bommer. formerly or Ore gon City, baa moved hla office to 1017 Cor bet t building, Portland. Mra. William Hulbert and two chil dren, formerly or Olympla, Waah., who have been vlaltlng Mra. Kllia belb Hulbert and family at Uladatone, have gone to Twin Falls, Idaho, wnere they will make their future home, Mr. Hulbert having preceded them there. Kobert Dullard, or Eldorado, was In thla city on Baturday. Mra. A. Jonea and Panale Irlah, or. Carus, were In thla city vlaltlng frlenda on Baturday. Kobert lirown, or Carua, was In this city on bualneaa Baturday. Thomaa Davis, the well known far mer or Heaver Creek, was In tbla city on Baturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Adama, who have been living In Portland since their marring, have come to Oregon City, where they will make tbelr borne for the aumintir, Mr. Adama atlll retaining his position In Portland. Dr. rred Hedges, or Everett Waah., waa In thla city the flrat or the week vlaltlng hla brolbers, J. E. Hedges and Gilbert I j. Hedges. Dr. Hedges form erly resided In this city, Dr, Thomas Fog, rormerly of this city, but now or Portland, was In this city on profosMlunal bualneaa Friday Mra. J. C. Heaullaii and elater, Mlaa unan l rem bain loft Hut urday morn Ing for Balem, where they will spend two weeks aa the gueats or Ml a. Kit-hard Wallace. PRICE BROS. WIN; CAME PROTESTED (Continued from page J.) BEAVERS KEEP UP WINNING STREAK RALEIGH NOT THE "BIQ SMOKE" r LIKE SIR WALTER Of,. TOBACCO FAME. PORTLAND, Or.. July 15. (Spec lab. Hap llogau'a bunch got another drubbing todayat the hands or Me Credle'e champions. The game waa an errorleaa one, which la all the more to be commended, considering the ability displayed with the wlllowa. Italelgh waan't the "lilg Smoke" like hla ruinous predoceaaor or the same name. Sir Walter, for he allowed 13 blngiea. Koeatner had his bot weath er wage-burner working well In plnrbes. The score waa 8 to 2. Two tlioueand fans sweltered In the grand aland, some or them eating hot pea nun, roaated In the sun. The reaulta Saturday were:, I VERSAL SHORTHAND Hs all othera. Remarkable reaulta In two and three months. Snlarlea 1 50 to f So. Higher alandard than bualneaa college. YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE OUR WORK. Eclectic Business University A m WORCESTER BLOCK, Third 8t., corner Oak Marshall 2T51 - Portland, Oregon I. I fOUR VACATION 'ill Be Incomplete -WITHOUT THE- JORNING ENTERPRISE WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR 25 CENTS A MONTH It's worth the money. Very day. r. I It will keep you fully informed bout the happenings of your city LJ .1 , county ouring your absence. .... . . . . - Yocr can place yoar order by telrphonc. '. . ThelMornlog Enterprise is thefonly . . . daily newspaper between Portland . ' and Salem. It' is steadily growlog4 1 . in popularity - Yotf get all the newsjworth while in The Morning Enterprise Pacific Coaet league Portland 8.' Vernon 2; Ban Kranclaco 6, Oakland 1; Burraraento 8, ls Angeles 3. ortnweM(ern league Bpokane 8. Portland 4; Vancouver 5, Tacoma 4; Victoria S, Beattle 4. American League Cleveland 13. New York-4: Detroit 9, lioston 4: Philadelphia t, Ht. Lou I a 0; Chicago 9; Waahlngton t. National league Philadelphia t. Plttaburg 1; Urooklyn 2, Bt. U)uls 1: lUiston 17. Chicago 12: New York 4. Cincinnati I. STANDI NO. Pacific Coaat. W. L PC Portland 67 4 - .570 Ban Franclaco he, 51 '.523 Oakland 66 53 .514 Vernon .... 64 62 .509 Bacramento 49 63 .480 Los Angelee 43 63 .405 . Northwestern. ' W. L. P.C. Bpokane . . 64 3d .COO Vancouver .... ..... 54 . 36 .600 Tacoma 61 38 .673 Portland 42 45 ' .477 Beattle 41 45 .477 Victoria 23 65 .261 24 ENTERED IN BIG PRIZE YOUNG (Continued from Pag 1.) Inated either by hersetr or by rrlenda will be notified next Tuesday, and upon receipt of the notification should communicate .with the Conteat De partment at once and obtain subacrt tlon books and any Instructions which may be neceaaarf to make a success ful campaign. Start out with firm determination confident that you will win and the rest will be eaay Bailing. The prUea to be awarded are' as follows: The two candidates receiving the largeat number or votea In eacb dis trict will be awarded the two Kim ball Upright Grand Planoa, valued at $400 each. The next two highest can dldatea (one In each district) will re ceive the two "Twentieth Century" (latest 'model) New Home drop sew ing machines, valued $75 each. To the two candidates (one In each dis trict) who rintsh with the third larg. eat number or votes a musical or busi ness education (optional with the win ners). Theae scholarships Include third and fourth prises. Two solid gold watches (ladles alxe) will be awarded to the two candldatea (one In each district) who rinlsh with the rifth hlghet number of votes. Other Prises Offered. From time to time during the con teat special prlxes will be offered to the candidates who make the beat ahowlng between certain dates, but these prlxea will not Interfere with the dlNlrlbuilon or fhe ten prlxes that will be awarded on the closing night to the wtnnera according to the number or votea polled. Think thla matter over and figure out the name of some friend or ao qualntance who you know would ap preciate a valuable prise, then clip the nomination blank published here with, and send In the name and start her ln'the race with the other candi dates already nominated. , - Introduced by O. D. Eby, devoted most of his sddreaa to tb penitentiary. He declared that the admlnlatratlon needed the backing or tbe people in the efforta to reform the Institution and explained th . workings of tbe old and new aysterns In handling the prisoners. Governor W'eat told a num her or humorous anecdotes. Illustra tive or th prt-sent parol system. The address a liberally applauded. Chaplain Explains System. ftev. Philip liauer, chaplain of the penitentiary, gav an Interesting drs orlptlou or the dally ' routine or tbe prlaoners. He told bow the religious workers reached the prisoners and deacrlbfd tb work or th Prlaoners Aid Society. Mlaa Kdltb Wells, soprano, sang In the afternoon, and Mra. Kdlth Bmlth Olivia, of Milwaukee, Wis., sptke on "Rductttional Work at Mom and Abroad." Mrs. Davis made a strong plea for temperance, enlivening the lecture alth numerous btimoroaa anec- dotea. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation tntertalned a large crowd at night with th following program: Dancing, girls of Chautauqua class; solo, Lloyd Btllles; fencing, Takaha take and partner; club swinging, Clar ence Spragul; solo, Mra. Elsie B. Dischoes; parallel bara. Y. M. C. A. at-nlorx: aolo, Dr. McMichael; Roman rings, W. Daley; posing. W. Penaon; advanced gymnastics, Penson and Hale, and pyramlsls, T. M. C. A. team. The athletic work was especially fin, and all the performera were lib erally applauded. Miss Florence Por ter, of Portland, who baa been tbe accompanist for most or the alngent, was complimented by many or tbe visitors today upon ber work. Sbe has been more successful thsn my of tbe accompanists at the meetings heretofore. - Anoihwr faatur or tha evening jn gram was th fireworks on the athle tic field. Mrs. Fox Hss Large Class. Mrs. Emms A. Fox. of Deirolt, Mich., haa been on. the chuutauiiua grounds during tb entl:- meeting conducting most successfully s large claaa In parliamentary work. 8h I well known among club women, hav ing aerved four years us recording secretary or the General Federation or Women's Clubs and later aa sec ond vice-president of 'he same or ganization. Mrs. Fox Is a guest or the Oregon Federation of Woman's Clubs, she became Interentea :n the subject of parliamentary usage twenty years ago snd waa a member or Ibe flrat claas ever orgsnliel for tbe ex clualve study of parliamentary law. Thla claas waa taught by an attorney In Detroit rrd from ttat-tlT.e to the preaent Mrs. Fox baa been a devoted student of this subject so l Las given Instruction to many orranl.iitlona throughout the country The riasa at Chautauqua hla been lei chrnugh tbe maxea of rank or motions, committee reports, the correct uso of parllVueu- tary terms, and th previoua ques tion and nnder th abbj leadership A the Inatruclor, th metpbert of the claaa, round tbe subject not -oly lu- terestlng but raaclnatli.g. As a member or the Detroit. Hoard or Education, the prealdent or a club or 300 members In her iome city nnd tbe president or the M'f! .. tu'e Federation, vie has hsd nmol) pf -r- tunlty to became proflcleat n tV set" Ject In which, she Is s recognised authority. "Parllamentr.ry Usae r r Wom.-n's Clubs" is in title or thi I .oak -vi.'t- ten by Mrs. Fox and Is eMrinllt adapted for beginners M v!l es belnq a comprehensive v'nk tor use or the advanced. It Is the authority adopted by th Genertl vr'clcrrtilon or Wo men' Clubs, the Oregon Federation and man othsr tate and rmtlo.-nr rjr. ganlxationa. Mrs. GIHespl Hm 2'n Cl.tsv The Claaa In Exirel-)i. at chiitituu- qua whlctt '8 ii1h.,'h1 by Mrs. fcrr.a Glllesp'le, - r I .iri!.niJ, haa rrre;i ed dally In .tn-..t un1.'1 It -come the of u . mori'irg claasea on the cr iiiiK Interest In the work la marked. Mrs. Gillespie's method of teaching consists of no set system, but her endeavor Is to bring out Individuality In ber pupils. She discourages both copying and "cramming." . The program for tomorrow la as follows: MORNING. 10:00 Sunday 8chixil. 11:00 Address. Selected. Mra. Edith Smith Dsvls, Milwaukee, Wis, AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert, Naval Reserve Band. 2:ft0 Music Quartet. Sermon Rev. 8. M. Martin, Se attle. "Manhood of th Home." 4:00 Sacred Concert under direction of Prof W. H. Royer, Portland. 7:15 nand Concert. Naval Reserve Band. . . 8:00 Sermon Rev. S. M. Martin, "Popular Amusements." TWO JAIL PUS ARE G1VBI PAROLES JUDGE CAMPBELL. AND JUSTICE 0 PEACE SAMSON EMU LATE OOV. WEST., Charlea Ilroxlle, and bis brother, who were recently fined $150 and. In default of payment were sent to jail for 76 dsys each for selling liquor Illegally near Eatacada, were on Bat urday paroled by Judge Campbell and Justlc of th Peac Samson. Justice of the Peace Samson, , befor whom Charles waa tried, let him go Upon hearing that th man's mother waa 111 and needed bis assistance. Mr.. 8am aon gave Broaile s lecture, and told blm ir he engaged In tb unlawful ss I of liquor again be would have to serv bis full sentence. , Judge Campbell paroled the other, man at th request of s mill owner who prom ised to give him work and aee that he paid th remainder of th fin. Tbe men bad served about 30 dttys. Carpet Mills. The' first carpet tulll lu America was not established nntll after tbe clone of tb Revolution. It wss In 1701. at Philadelphia, that carpet making aa an Industry was born In tbe United States Sine then, however, this country hna become pre-eminent in carpet making. OREGON POTATOES COMING IN FREELY STRONG AND ACTIVE INTEREST FRUITS-GENERA PAST WEEK. Patronise our advertlaers. NOMINATION BLANK. ' i o ' GOOD FOR TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED VOTES. 1 wlnh to Nominate Miss. ;.. B Address . . Nominated by Address ...' w -$ 4 4 iuib iiiiinuiBiiun uiana, wnen property niiea in ana. orougnt or mailed to Cohtest Department of Th Enterprise will count for ' 2.600 votes. Only one of these blanks will b credited to eacbvcsn- ' dldate, t ' 4' 4t.4 VOTE COUPON. GOOD FOR ONE VOTE. This coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled In with th - nam of th candtdate you wlah to vote for, will be counted aa on vote. .. Nam of candidal.,...,. .......k ' Address . ; This couron Is void after July 22. .',' 4 ' Cut on lines. Don't roll. Send In flat Oregon potatoes sre coming more freely now but quotatlona on shipping stock remain firm. Th reported break In tbe markets In California hare left no effect ber and dealers are Inclined to believe that early pota toea will continue to bring good prices. In fruits generally there was a strong snd activ Interest all week. and this bids fair to continue through th hot seaaon. Tb peach supply, Oregon s and Californlas. was th best for the season to date, though only the early sorts have as yet appeared. and dealers report a very satisfactory bualneaa at an extreme rang of 75 centa to $1-25 a box, according to quality. Quotation rer Oregon City. POTATOES Beat. Buying $2.00. FLOUR AND FEED Flour la steady, selling from $5 to 15.30; very little of cheaper grades. OATS (Buying) Gray, 824 to $25. white, from $26 to $27. BUTTER (Baying? Ordinary country brings from 15c to 20c, fancy dairy from 20c to 22c, cream ery 22c to 25c EGGS (Buying) Ar ranging from 20c to 21c, according to grade. - POULTRY (Buying Finn with lit- tie good stock offered. Good hens are bringing 12c. Old roosters are In poor demand, broilers bring from 16c to 18c, wiin gooa aemsna. - WOOL (Buying) ool prices ar ranging from 13o to 15c FEED Shorts $29 to $30: rolled barley, $31.50 to $32.50; process bar ley, $33; whole corn. $31. to $32: cracked corn, $33 to $33:-wheat $32 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per hundred pounda. HAY (Buying.) Timothy $18 to $17; clover $9 to $10;. oat hay, best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14- HIDES (Buying Green hides. 5c to 6c; aaltrs, 6Hc to 6c; dry hides, 12c to 14c Shiep pelts, 25c to 75c ach. DRIED FRUITS Local prices are Arm at from 8c to 10c. on apples and prunes, peaches sr 19c. SALT Selling 60c to 90c (or fin. 60 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 tor 100 lb. aacka. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK "VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.25f?$1.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 fr$1.60; turnips, $1.25G$1.50; beets, $1.60. VEGETABLES Asparaaus, " 90c C $1.75 per crate; cabbage, new, $2 per hundredweight: cauliflower, $l.o0 $1.75 per dot en;, celery, California; 75c G90o per dosen; cucumbers, $1.50O $2.25 per dosen; eggplant. 16c per lb.; garlic, 10c 12c per pound ; lettuce, 60e per dosen; hothoua lettuce, $1.60 C$3 per box; peaa, 9cllc per pound; peppers, 30c S5e per pound; radishes, 15c per dosen; rhubarb, 2V4 3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoea, $?$3.25. ONIONS -Jobbing prlee; Oregon $3.75 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per 100; Texas, $2.25 per crat: Califor nia,. $2 rr crate. , Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs ar quoted c lower. From 125 lbs. to 160 lbs, vc. from l.M) lba. to 200 lba. gvtc VEAL CALVES Veal calvea orlng from 8c to uo according to grade. BEEF STEERS lee! -teers for th local markets ar retching Sftcto r.o live e-eignt. SHEEP kis orui al to 5e live weight .. . BACON, LARD and HAM. ar firm $1.60. Whips! Whips!! We Give 'Em "Away t WITH EACH $5 PURCHASE WE WILL GIVE YOU A $1-25 RAWHIDE BUGGY WHIP. Dealers In Wool, ' Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed, Coal, Salt, Sub' Oregon Commission Co 11TH AND MAIN STS , , Oregon City. ; ,; 'sssass ti,. uu '.. 4jX Did you ever stop to think how much of the happiness of your home is due to the groceries you buy? ' A bad stomach will rain the best dis position and poof quality food is tbe surest way to ruin your stomach. Use tbe finest food only and be SURE oLmakingjyOURbomebappy,IlLis the kind of groceries we sell tbat are creating bappy homes around you. J. E. SEELEY Opposite Court Hoose . Oregon City STUDY LAW Nothing will giv you more power and influence In th world than athor-. ough knowledge of th law. "It is th combined wisdom of the ages."' Three years' course with dgre. S tandard Is equal to th Eastern law schools and the work Is most thoroug bly don. Fully prepares forth Bar r examinations. Tb school Is In session all tbe yea r In both day and night classes. En roll at any time; do It now. .:.'' f PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL ' '' ' IRVING E. RICHARDSON, LL.D, Presldent-Oean Pbonee, Marshall 2751. A M 4 6. 631 Worcester Block, Portland, Or. Natural Hot Mineral Baths. Hot Lake Sanatorium ..-HOT LAKE, OREGON. . A HEALTH RESORT CURES . RHEUMATISM. STO MACH. BLOOD and KIDNEY - DISORDERS. Writ for Booklet. Hot Lake Sanatorium Walter M. Piece, Prca't Wants, For Sale, Etc Notice under tswo. euaetfle luaStii. wlU bo blM'ird mt oao Mat wor. flrat Innrttoo, balf a oat additional law tlona. sJm Inch oar. II or moaitK hajr Inch car. ( anu SI por month. Cuh muat aeeooiauv orar unwa on haa on opm aeoonnt with Uto poeor. N flauoUd roopoatolbtUtT tor orroro; whmn rrora amir frao mtmM aoUeo wHi W prlau Cor patroe. kUnlmua oriajwe lSe. HELP WANTED Fsmal. WANTED Youag lady stenographer by week to write form letters and attend to office duties. , Address "J K-" Enterprise office. WANTED. FOR SALE. FOR 8ALE 8pac la tbla colama 811 that old plow or harrow; yon don't ua It sine you purchased your nw on. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlmlck a Dlmlcx. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. i ATTORNEYS. O. IX aTBT, Attorney-at-Law. Meaey leavnod, abstracts fnrnlsa4. land title xaanlaejd, eetatee settled, gen eraj law bualneM. Over Bank at Oregoa city. -. WANTED Collectors to see my col lection of ail sorts of curios, an tiques, and Indian trinkets; stamps for stamp collectors; coins for numismatists, arrow heads for arch- eologlsts, etc. I buy and sell all sorts or curios; also all kinds of! second-hand furniture and tools, j George Young, Majn, near . Fifth . street.' I TTRKN a 8CHUEDEL, Attorneya-aV Law, Dentacber .dvokat. will prae tlo la all courts, ataa cUotoa and sntUenienta. Office In Inter srla Blds. Orecoa City, Oregon- ' MONEY TO LOAN. WANTU oTuaii advertisements fo- thla column. Prices ery reason ; able. See rate at bead or roliron j Read tbe Morning Enterprlae. ' MONEY TO LOAN On first morv gage; $500 and upwards; on year or longer. Apply at once. Cross a Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver. Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND COT ACTOR. WANTED You to know that the En terpriae Job printing department la th moat complete In th Stat, outside Portland. Try It for your next printing " ' LO$T. LOST On Molalla Road, English set ter bitch, color bluish-grey, eight months' old. Notify J. N. Elliott, Route No. 3. Box 162, phon Farm ers 143. Reward. HARRY J ONES Builder and a en era! Contractor. Estimates cheerfully 1 given on all claaaea ot building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Res. phoa Mala 111. '' INSURANCE. ASTRAY OR STOLEN. THREE maree of th following des-: crlptlon end nranas:. i diu roan pony, whit fac. cropped mane,, shod with plates; 1 dark colored, cropped mane, no shoes, branded V ' on left hip; 1 bay colored, cropped . mane, bob tall, branded 71 and J.I F. Taks tb mares up. Notify the undersigned, owner, by phone. Oak Grove Exc. Red 696, or mall Jennings Lodge P. O. Liberal T-., ward for amenae and trouble. H. 8. . H. COOPER, For Fire Insuranef and Real Eatat. Let ua handle your properties w buy, sell and cng. Offtc la Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon 1 : V ' "I JB Real Eatat Transfer. ; O. W. and Daisy Eaatham ia E. II. Bear. 20 acres of section 8 township ; 8 south, rangs 1 west; $10. ' O. W. and Daisy B. Eaatham to Lout Warner, 20 acre of section 18, ; township 2 south, rang 1 west; $10. WIIH.m OhinjflM tn int.. Bhlnftla acre of section 25; township ' 1 south, range 1 east; $10. ' Otto Naef to O. H. Naef. 1 acre of D. L C, No. 37, township 2 south, range X east; $1.' ..' Smith.' Jennings Lodge, July 13, mt St Patroms our advertisers. j ..