Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 14, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    o '"" . . liORXIXG ENTERPRISE. FKIDAVVJITLY 14. 1911. -
::o2hikg oiterfrise
t kHjal 1 1 niaaai
Jtiy 14 In Amencan Hstsry-
1S-Gatcal JWIaaM l-aL rtr
OlH. kf. Mai.
c c brooie. iw d Pan j
a aws " V 1 rfe aaaaa aft Ca-aaaa
CHr Oia. Mm Ac as" Ms iO
. im.- ...
Tans rxjcurm
v-wr. ay -j - TU ' .-keeked, charma. wiaWaw
raw nwia, by iB..I..I. L . kVh t
f. . aa HfTW . ......... Jn
fw. )
avtfTwhda VttMtfbHB flHV 0aaaaraa)
. JM
Baa ser eta-rr Oak Brat aa. Bar, '
ma kMrta Xe ,
WW M .
Warn. Fur fta. "
"' Ium tar tlmtPM ha Was
r toilful ma to It mtmm mam
tar fto wiiapr. Wain Cka I a I il
a iaatini ftaas Uaa aaJJr aa tto a
m tar raal af to aj u Baal Ma aw
- rpl'lLaiJi aa "a-aaaaaaafm"ai
Capcws aaaartfaaa-a- tea-a-tal Weaaaaaw.
ISSS-Tfea CryatM raiara xWMOm
aamaii ka ?w Tarfcrtty.
' aaaVk tfcCaVr. Hf&Z MaCB t'fc
( aaj f li 1 1 1 1 -I
ta av am-: 4 bl aa, Xt i
fraaa aa - a tkaf kr. at j
The speech mt Gas htiwiritfd
has Ivtatattoa ta the EUts ta earn
to parOaa.1 fca 1)12. ahoaht
- v-' taia Ash rarav
It la BtH short mi a eta ark Ja this; Mr. aa4 Mrs. Gora UueQe attest
coaianuiity. aa4 the host of It is nVei Chaatawisa last Wedaeadaj.
trath. j Mr. atd Mrs. ShKr4 calfe4 oa
thtra arna this mlaaia
fc "
'" 1 th t
of Qregoay Washagtoa aad Idaho; aad
aa4 their rirsSa scfl has beea
. iaio th
1 hatt flcidl
cf the wwrli; fcmto asscBlficcst oreh-
' ards arodaciBc th heat aad th sweet-
at of S3 th frahs of the earth; -if
a -Jja. . . . ,
w-Mhterfal Mda of aB ki-ds: tnto
augaiftccat Oower rtrdeas aad a fact
tsto everything that Is good aad heaa-
;'. tifaJ.
Oar prinaeral forests containing
th Cneat spraoe, ftr aad pine U tie
Wat are betog raptdiy aaaaaf actared
! lot htmber. aad yet with ail Ore
goa a weahh ta loaher. the inroads
upon her voaderful forests are hard
ly aoticeabl a yet.
This great country is now th home
of a large papulation of good and. krraj
citiieas, aad village aad cities have ! ,
.prwag a. rapidly that ow, country
Is tk wonder of the age. We want
you to cotae and see for yourselves.
lh several of the larger cities In this
Stone Pile
and Not.
Civil Suits
For Trust
By itnmtor J. W. KXRN
of lodians
sa4 assfl
aad sweitcrmc asst.
1 -Wjssr fca hrrite ym a a
wrheso tkoae rurnmhita ar arer
kswwa. Owt af mmr sraat coaairT
TWra k' no prospect for relief until bdiridnala alvtD be beld
. FEKSOXALLY WaTJOtuablo for tbeir riolation of tb criminaJ law.
TTbe dissolving of trtutg baa aot aolred tb moDopoIj problem,
and there k do prospect tbat other disaolation proaeeutiooa to b
brotigbt aginat trBftg under the drO sertHHii of tbo Sberman law
will compel tbo trrasts to GOOD BEHAVIOR.
.We lfUST bar competition. ' Coder all recognized economic
principle eompefitMa k NECESSARY for tbe welfare of tbe
people, geaeimll gpeaAisg. -
. Bot bow can we bar conipetitioa go tone as monopolies are
allowed to exist f It can't be done, and tbe OXLV wgr out of it k
to break tr? tbe trust by jail in? some of tl.clr . RKSPOXSI BI.F
t ";'. .''". . , ., t- , v
. m . .ia
assur evmvnemm. rwiaaara.
laar akx 1
W pa - aaw J i
tU gard f
l.- uWiM tV wwrtd; wvi J
Hi, a hKMI 1-TBTl. N Of
to fortoeorw f tw y
er.rl bosw. a4 WJn . (
th etty 4 Yvt-?l rot 4 " j
rarr l
J If W est? kt fcawr M1
t han t H,uwr t-.w 4 w
tC n e a rra. Pwific:
;tf nca kcMtw tk
kif i F crt
.. - i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 i
Oartr a awjaaM- freaa bt k aiVrM t Gre C&apM m "J
rhastaiiD 5idy. rraotC tar tb I
vfcu Jh aa akuM.
TVf Mm mjtij - mw
Latftxn ai BmoF a4 HkVaa H-
. . i- ,s 'viatV. !
era CaJjforxia tlis cU: -Mak War for tb CkUra. to aw a mi ik ""
lnmCi ad laaft Hara, n! J br U'aa SJairotB: forltatkm. jtkat tk tl ta o far
SaaJe. axr e4rtx as4 otkervis -aul ar rip ta J ."" Etta StraJa: 1 rkarrk bells mill b brr ta ff Til
ar9n2 iktr ranck cc a a2j Wjt4 a&4 aoBf by pt: Tfc lit. for vrryoo to ladinf
i - srjmrvr tsjorzx it UujWimb. "Tk Tkr UtU Bkat-1
3rt to awt to kM
t K C. BtwaAr vas sarreraac roi
( frvai kis piac m tk Jancuoa of Maia
a Cala-ntfTr ?rr.
Mrs. Carira Holaaaa aa4 aBtktr.
; ktaaa Alar, fet taAia a racatysa at
;tk raack.
Mrs. Ciaalsra vaa tAa to Port
. babe Tata day to rcciT trraiaaeai at
; Ta Sckafer Lrakr Campy atart-
: 4 a bare crrv of aa q-b tko rHr
wt-.k a riT of aJ)oa XS. Cms tkia
week. .
Mr. IkntW la cma a aeriea of
, kcraa oa taltlfic la a mH aoa.
GiH Uoooty ta a 0jatl caller
; at tk Cay raack atac to
, tk Essie farai across tk river.
Mis MarpkT. of
ra4 koajt after a eruM vfjit
k kr atajsia. Miaa Bertha BsJr
1 Mr Scheer. f Portlaa. kaa beea
raaakiac her aoo Heary Sheer a Ttarx.
) Mrs. McXaashtoa. of Seattle, mwi
i Mr. E. A- Hiakie. of ParGaatL are
firu of Mx. aa4 htra. A. H. Harrer-
Mrv Geors LaseQe -aa ia Salem
this k TtaitlBc rvlailraa uv4 ar-
-jteacUa; the Cben-r FeatiTaL
Sirs. Jfetaoe aad chiMrea. of
-a- jwit scaiarBrr sva-
, day afteraooaL
We ar sooa to lose Mr aad htra.
Charles Caida-eU. They har xmtj
ylin'1 b1 ahoat a year, mad hare aaad
, eui umtH a ao nrgTei 10 ae taeai
leaT. They hare sold their farai to
, a taarfy froai th East. '
T W J WrtT la. laiaJ tnaila
aaom mi Rmna fcatl- mm.- -r-i..
aot. that ye be aot Jadged.' The dis-
j coarse was worthy of considerab
tV- ifw Tl fort
practiced by each iadiTldaal we
; tA(. Uvfrfrxa of hea
J amonj as. Mr. Wlm expects to lee
,nr' airsin here oa July tZ.
Mrs. Annie Eru aad daoxhten i
mwkw, f-uruaaMi. :
are najting her father. A. Malar at .
their old home at Plrwood. John I
"lay with E. D. Hart's. A number of i
frtends f-.aj the neirltborhood oine4 ! Mrs. L. W Warren left Tuesdav for
tbe rom;r.y and all had an enjoyable a two month s visit to Rochester. X.
in- T, with her daughter.
Miss E-b; Hart came out-from Port- i The Citv Council met Tuesday ve
laad to apeud the Fourth. The family ! c:nr. Bid were advenlsed for tbe
,roir' 10 Rm spend the day. i
Mr- Clark Corey and several others 1
' i reternwted the Fcnrh at tVa Kcme
W. F. richer ;
I Mr. and Mrs. Pbipps. of Cottrell. j
' "J M Uijoin. ot .ncago. visit-;
erameut. Trail, near Mt. Hood.
i )
If . I II 1
r ii
Stories from.
rr-d fcoso Her P-"
ni kT tTr'kf. Vr U
ft. um!M It vacs
Fvn nk t -r :
. . . at.. v mfi k Il '
r ' :.T AW I
l"""" . .
u xm !
jl iit-d at t Ul !
clTw ortH-kt Impror-
Tk -fcildr, ay nerria
rrraona. Ja'y Jl Tb c&apel u rr
) fk-aa. Tk jTocran. of rertt
tiov aa4 N-:r rtnlma
tT tk bttif folk Ti foUoics
tfc TTOcraas of a rrcJ bT tk pti:
tirrf Pnwr aad aocr. JiM Waata
. . dKua - Kv lwa Bi-iKarr
-Knuta Brtyaa.'
rvclUllKMI or I
hr rnai nVkUac Fraactaiont rhrtortoBS la th rae ftlayod at
SaBdatrora a&4 Rab Waroer.
tailoa. -Mamar Not." by Irea War-
ar "Th Storm Beatea BJoasoma." 1
hy flT httie riri. Rerttatlott. -What
th Daisy SaVi." by Raby Waraer.
ftecitatioa, -Oo-aperatkio." by Esther
HTrtxs. scd Jtttl AtSo McFartaa
had th aleascre of tkaaklBf for this
heaatiTal Chi'dreo's Day and a soac
-Jeans Bid V Shia. ' br th ptiatary
ciaaa. dosed the exerciaem.
Oa Wedaeadar afteraooa Mrs. Harry
Pais:oa m eetertata th six boys
who assisted la the Chfldrea's Day i
eniata to ire . rmm at her hoaae.
Oaa EasseH. Arthur Roberts, N
toa Strala. Dtasald VacParUa aad
Georrc aad Clarence Hardy ar gota
to Portlaad alth theai oa htoaday.
Mrs. H H- EmaoBS aill TFBd part
of the ark oa her reach at Lebaaoa.
Mr. aad Mrs. Tibbens ar rejoirta
over th arrrral of a titti daashtr
at thetr hois oa SwUy.' Jaiy th.
There 1I1 he a ipeoial aaeetias
at th rhoot hoose oa Taesday re-
aias. Jaly It. at g o'clock, for the
porpoae of leryia a tax for the com- j
plerioa of a Backer room la th school
bttUdlag. So ataay ew families hare
receatly aoTd to this plac who hare
Children of school are. that the one
teacher bow emplored ess hsrdJy do
Justice to th pupil
Jtr. ao: Mrs. Leoaard Booth, who
hare beea ocrwpyiae Rock Lodre har J
rersnted to Portlaad.
Mr. aad Mrs. Edd Cartia. of Port-
laad. hare receatly moved law their
piarw. uiu( pwrcaaaew tse tiaver-)
camp place. . J
Mrs. Frank Pratt, of Gladrtoo.
srent Monday with her sirer Mrs. J
P. Strain.
The flowers used In the church i
dr" ? s' tkn to. jBg and tk derrick Is sailing sky-
" Jrt" mT V" ! rd- If Ver. I. oil right near our
Welrk s son is ill and to th St. Vln-, rlllage. with our river front snd splen
cent hospital where Mr. Strain has j 4)d electric service, and rich farming
been for th past two weeks. ' laad. there win
Mr. M4one Johnson weot to
CI arses to attend th rrange meet In r
keid there Wednesday.
I George Wlssinger met wiih an acc:
' lent Monday while cutting a rope on
' a bmdie cf papers. The knife sliDprl
aad cut tis hand. Dr. To .-n lev umkh:. ..v IT .
' -
loir tuaiwa in I ur: injurr. i
L W Warren has rented the Welsh
place and will move his family there
in a few days.
improrercer-t of 'he extension of Har-
rison street.
Th u.vK- n.i. . . . :
day evening. c!uh ispasaa to
tit a play in the near future.
Dr. G J Scbottler. of Det'er, Minn
pent Tb'jrvla with Mr. Bo) sled. Dr
Scbottler frr.m Mr. Bolsted s old
home, so they spent a very pleasant
irne tocether. He was favorably Im
pressed with Oregon and Its climate for real estate ar more
, numerous nowadavs owtnr to the tm
j provements in MHwaual.
, rn Sunday afternor.n Mr. A. U. Bol
, !ed took a trip to Rocky Mountain.
r.or?h of Montavilla. Mr. Bolsted
jrlln l the mountain and obtained a
firie view of the surrounding country.
; H ro-jld ee the Columbia river up
.to re t arcades and down to St. Hel
,er.. Kalama and Trontdsle, and ap to
.Oregon City.
j George C. Browned and a friend, of
j Oregon CU; were visitors here Tnes
dsy evening, lor. king over Mr. Brown
j ell's prorerty.
Mrs. Thomas Toats and baby went
to Oregon City Wednesday oa host-
Mr. Ella Maple was a Portland Tts
lrr Tuesdav.
Mr. and Mrs. N aland, of Sellwood.
?re living In a tent on tbe Kennedy
I place for the summer.
vb Lee snd wife snd Mr. aad Mra.
JPntil spent Sunday with Mrs. Brown
! ' f Oregon City.
Mrs. James A. Johnson went to.Sea
s'r'e on account at illneaa la v
ill-. Mrs, t'nderwood Is taklna- ear
of the bouse during Mr. Johnson's
All the farmer ar vry busy with
their bay and garden track.
A few lost tbeir potatoes by th
heavy frost a few weeks ago.
Strawberries wer very . plentiful
and a few can be bad yet hut tb ses
aoa Is almost over for them this year.
Quit a aumber from her attended
tbe New Era eampmeetlng Sunday.
Mra. Sopba Adklna. of Mull no, and
her sister, Mary, wer the guest a of
Mrs. Sam Wllkersoa Monday after
noon. Mabel Burnt and Ethel Thomas
eslled on Miss Bertha Rlgga Monday.
A few from her attended th dance
at Anderson's Saturday night i
Roy Thomas and Lester Rlgga took
In th dance at New Era Satarday
Out of Town
- ak ay iatl t .
of Noooia 4 Urry
- TV. .111 mow
Bnr ftinri cm v- -
.., fro. our TllUW UP"
; w.. . 1. tvmaaa
PT ' fr.U trots port.- Ian
aIl. to vktcb all J cordially toiitW.
orkTls: oa iJv foltowtet Sabbat. r
t.ree o-rtock. at tW cli of Sabbath
Tba krv iatkm at
irt r4 by ta rfn Ectrtc
Co . la goit 'o b Uric bulW-
inc. as th o!4 om I af.rrlr
mxa'a tor lb rrt laoml of ship
pir . krr-
Tfc ckarrfc tmildloK tx-mj erected
lb kttMkodist d-aolot4oa, to
cuil cc4u ateailUT OB. ad tb aUQBd
TW Wnaoavtlr Athlile Oub cam
Jtci-iitou ao Jair 412. i'!HarB tor
rata aas a cloa oa from aiart to
nalsh. Tom Baker as aitcher far the
rillac team. arhU hta brother. Bert
Baker, pitched for th Sherwood Wne-ap-
' -
Mr. aad Mrs. Bars, of Loa Aajc
lea. Cal. raa thromch WllsnoTill on.
Saaday oa their ay to the raach
k soars as th Schraeer alac which
Mr. Barnes recectly porckased. Tbey
trareled by aato ail th way from th
Aaei City aad report splendid weath
er aad rood roads, ail the way. Mr.
aad Mr. Dinsmor )oiad th party
at Salem, aad after iaspertiac the
rajK-k her. Mr. aad Mrs. Banaes aad
tbeir rsts west to Portland where
they wlQ rtsit for a few weeks before
retaralait to Los Aaceles. Mr. Barnes
Intends halldlBK s beaatlfal home oa
his farm her ia the asar fatarsv aad
expects to naor to Orejoo t reside
Robert Graham. aecoaipaaid br Mr.
aad Mrs gtrtncley aad sta. of Rerel-
stork, a arriTed oa Wednesday
last to isit for a roW of dsn at
the Graham farm.
Henry Aden's store is sow In Its
splendid new location, and Is well
8 lied with a fin new stork of roods.
! . ' ---
-win"! i" ir. utodsi on ais rancD
sear WllaoarUla.
The Lawrence hotel has chancH
haads. and th sew manacement has
pat ia aa ice cream parlor, which
seeaot to be well pa: roc lied this hot
veataer. . '
The WllBoarUle Oil Co. is tmlMin I
a aftv ton derrick or. inK. -w .
farm, aad drtJUar for oil will be-ia '
Immediately after the rlrrlng is built
Ur m.n i. t. .t. i.
;UbL there will be little left for WiL
' srnvine peopl to long for.
Some of the farmers are taking ad
deerave has charge of the cream route
ts his absenre
Prank Johnston and Russell Frost
a.e d'rf&g svjiDe slashing for Miss Nel
vauai.-a ou aer uover raacn.
Mr ft n rl a - ah
fwaf QwA I
l?h Arthur Miller and wife.
Miss Mary Bew. returned to Port
land Sundar
Mark New ar.H .!!. ar. earner..
a V CUU'Ji; '
at tbe Can s lo-m
Mis. tea ka. a
Ur a i vi a....
Scholia, spent la,t week at home.
Clarence Casaidy was called to San
Mrs. Johnston return to Portland
Monday having spent tk week with
her son, Frank at Hood View camp.
Mr. and Mrs Retd spent the after
eoon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crom
-awif t-v .
vs lvv; u I x wr as
Charles Keith and wife were Esta-
cada visitors Monday.
Mrs. Kittmiller aad Walter wer up
to their ranch th Brat of the week.
Mr. Shaw bat built a poultry bona.
He oset th philo system of brooders.
Fanners are taking advantage of
the nice weather la making hay.
Miasea Edith Borkner and Meda
Hubbard, of Portland, ar visiting Mr.
and Mr. Walter Gorbett, at Colton.
Charlie Swan, of El wood. Is bsaling
shingles to the valley from W. E.
Boo ners shicgl mill at Colton this
Mr. snd Mra. Joha Una aad son.
of 8c appose. Or., ar aJoylng a plena
ant visit wttn the Utters parents, Mr
aad Mra. Boaney.
Philip Putt rt to work at Dix
Bros, saw mill at 8cbubU last Sunday.
Th llltl girls' sewing society was
beld at Mrs. C Stromgreen's last Sat
arday. ; - - ,-. (
George Ball wa a visitor at Colton
last week.
Will Dix. of Sckubl. spent 8unday
at bom with his mother. Mra. Dix.
Mr. and Mra. Gus Gottbnrg moved
Into their new bona last week.
Mr. and Mra. W. E. Bonney called
on their son, d. E. Bonney and family,
at Elwood, Sunday.
Otto Sorenaon mad a trip to Sliver
too to visit bis family a few days last
M. A. Bergluad was a business visit
or In town Monday. .
George Wallac hauled a load of
lumber to his homestead from High
land on day this week.
V. S. Dix and R, Putx made a trip
to Howard'a mill at Mnllno. Monday.
Mr. and Mr. L O. Dig are staying
with the bitter's parents, Mr. aad Mrs
Joha Ersas, at Mullno this week.'
Ar yoa a subscriber to th Morn
ing Enterprise? If aot yo should call
and let ut put your nam on tb uh
crtptlon llrt Immediately.
Beat Speaker M Messsgs Brn
- Obtainable Hav tcwrd
foe Big IwMwBst Wh'h
Cls Auowst .
NEW ERA. Or. Jaly 11-Th thlr
ty akath acspmtt of th New t.r
Camp mel oi-aed Us itstes to tk
teaeral pablic Uat Satsrdsy, Th
camp wiU roatioo Bl11 Aaiaat th
Last gsadsy there was aa audience ol
two haadred or more people ho lis
leaed with wrapt attention to th
mornlBg and arteraioa lecture sad
aanBsa. Lctr. roofereoce sad
mojtajrrt " 1m e"rT
thrmKhont th fK
of tb sessloa. Dsnces Tharsdr ad
Satarday ereoln of th week. Srtrit
aallsts are th happiest sad taoti coo
teated peopl tm th fac of th earth
tor throuxh thetr phlloarhy and rn
aometva of spirit retara ha com the
proof tkat -U a man die shall he lire
arsis" m the aiTtrmative. Th peo
pl of Oreron showM o tall to Tislt
New Era camp this session for at no
tlm la It history has th profram
keen so reinforced with th best
speakers and messac bearers obtain
able. Among 'h leetarers aad psy
chics sre: A- Scott- Bledsoe aad Etta
8 rtWsoev of Kansas 0y. Mo.; Col.
J.' t.1 nudea. of jy A acele.
Mr Da, the educsted Hlnda Wtarer.
of IndU: Mr Alike V. Bailey. Mr.
M. A. Cocgdoa and Mr. Lsdd Flanl
can. of Portland. Or. and txher. A
Scott Bledsoe Is an ex minister of
Ortbodoiy. a forcefal and haBvaroos
lecturer. He has been speaking for
th spiritualist colt for th Pt fl frees
years. He la also a most xcllet
Message bearer. Mr Bledsoe la aa In
teresting speskerand carries eonvlc
tka to tb ltnirc of her andleac
by a dramatic Impress to her remarks
Sb Is also a message bearer of rare
merit Col. J. U Drydea knows the
Bible from Genesis to Revelations Ilk
aa open book. If has beea lecturing
spiritualism for th past seventeen
years and In his logical, all-convtncing.
more thaa pleasing lectures he proves
that the Bible -prove' th phenome
na of spiritualism from lid to 114.
Mr Bailey. Mr Congdoa and Mrs
Plnatcan are too well know a to Ore
gon la a for comment.
Mr. Das. the Hindu lectnrer, will fc
In camp next week.
L. E. Betttley left Tuesday morning
-;fo, Msrouam to Tlslt his parent, for
. k
Wtll little Arlet Alexander was
ptayiag with his brother Monday eve
ning in th yard b bit his tongu ,
Dr Grimm was called and took -a
stitch la his tongue.
Mr. J H. Riley was an Oregon City
The Modern Woodman of American
1, -
F. W. Green was out Tuesday eve
ning looking after his Interests here,
Maud Toats spent Monday with
Mary Rice
Mr. and Mr Brown. Duaald Brown.
. Misa Kllgore and Miss Cook took a
rar ride 10 Oreron City Wednesday.
jtrturnlrig by host to Portlands
! Oak Grove baseball team defeat.!
i the J C. Bayers team f Portland.
' Sunday at Oak Grove. Score 27 to 12.
! On t,f the Oak Grov ioyt was hit
j bv the bail on the arm. breaking the
, ligimeuta.
The Junior baseball team was de
I feated by the Brooklyn team Sunday
. U "Tr,.,B f 8uT'
: ill.'Z K tJ nU, . !bL"
' ,!r, tri "p ,h visiting 8a-
l"m! A!l. Other plSCeS.
' 6r" Vanordstrand and family
; Uf J "h fTieBds. Mf. Van
Tdstrand la located In Portland for
1 present.
j 'r "d ? , Row.,r- ,V P2r,,"n,L
i ?Z u t "X"" 8U."dm',
' "J..'?
Wh.h.,. ,a awod ihm d, . h,
sin. Mrs. Edna Hurst. Monday.
Mrs. J. H. Vorbls and children, of
ttaPttaMil ssauaw "ffHaaa aa.lV Uaaw
I villain, s-ui ui wiidi J una mie.
: .
orhlss sister Mr. Vondreha. Mrs.
8 her ley Adams also spent the dsy with
her mother and aunt, Mrs. Vonderha.
la. E. Armstrong. E. C. Warren, and
some of the hand girls went up tot
T. R. Worthlngton's to practice tbelr,
band lesson. j
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and altter. Mist j
Kllgore. were Portland visitors Toes- ,
Hemmed In by foot bills and canyons
Such as busters delight to climb;
Guarded by the snow whit sentinel
Of ML Hood In her grandeur sublime.
Lies many fertil and tilled acres,
"Indian Klckspoo," reads tb legend
of old.
More recently styled "Elwood." tbe
region of gold.
Tb patter of th welcome rain
heard upon th roofs over th sleepy
farmers canned pleasant dreams of
more abundant crops.
Tb fruit crop wag hurt by frost.
Cherries are about one-half crop
wbll pears, apples and prunes are
scarce, ,
Th train oa aa average u rood
Lewis Vallen realised $175 a sack
for potatoes. This anrely makes tb
seller laugh at th buyer's scowl.
Mr. Fester Cadlnao Intends to build
a boas near Estacada. His wife and
children are rlsltlng John parks her
father. '
Matt Dibble and family visited rets
Uvea last Sunday at tb ahlngla and
pool mllla on Clear Creek.
A dam baa beea const meted on Lit
tle Clear Creek for floating bolts of
cedsr and alder to th shingle nd
pool mills.
A few neighbors aided Mr! Msllkle
the'lr bay" ,h flM ",hr T ttlnf
Mrs. w. P. Douglass, accompanied
by her brother. Charll Sweeney, rw,
tnrned horn laat Friday from Steven
son. Wash., wher she visited bar oar
etna for a few days.
t E. Elliott, on of tb
of Fart Creek, purckased aa auto r.
hwt yswr matters rHv
i ar dplr her.
TaSiJf M U Tr. X" M. g, r bw
..e.rit.lllMtW., TH M.g 0g AN0
The Bank of Oregon City
ft C UTOURXTTI fr-tismi f J MRTtn. Cs.
at a frral aahlof
ORKQOm OUT nu. nvr
g. eeJOl"K
Mr and Mr II. T. Glb-a. of Bar
ton. were visiting James Gibson San-
4Mr. and Mr. Henry I'd.U 4 eh
ren, of Dover, visited at th horn of
James Gibson Sunday.
Claud Mslrolm. Myrtl nad Mary
Woodl. of Estacada, Mis
IN-rtland, and Roy? Sturtevsnt, of Cor
nelius, spent Sundsy at the forf
horn of th Wood I.
Mrs Viola Ihrnglass. Miss Plna aad
Ed. Roy aad Carl DougUss wer
chautauqua visitors Tsdsy.
Read Ihe drotight Bews In other
states then be thankful yo v In
Clackamas county.
Hay making Is tb order of th day
now. m
The-hall gam between Logaa and
Weona wss 7 to in tb latter s favor
The long legged bird seems to hsv
a preferenc for this locality hi lat
st galls being at llewey . Swales a
new son. and J. W. Watts, of 8(oa.
new daughter.
air Frwwierirk'a team ran away on
day tbla week, but no serious damage
Is reported. .
Clear Creek Creamery patron r
led for th month of Jun 2c net
pound fr butter fat. Number of lbs.
cream received for th month. liJS'i :
butter msaafartured. 21.HI lb. To
tal proceeds. $L13 77
Miss Mary Frederick Is visiting her
parents this week.
Willie Marshall is making hay.
Mr. Cummins rut hay for Mr. Stuart.
Edward Bool sowed turnip d lal
Mr. Marquardt went to town Usl
Charlie MarshaM bauM oats in
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. liaison and Mia. O.
Man In spent Sunday with Mr. at.!
Mlta. aLewM
Mrs. . Rottemllier baa returned
Mr Elliott, from Elwood. rsme
Ihrraiah rlarhaa rtm Monday.
Otto Elmer went ap to naiem to
pick cherries.
Mrs. Washburn via'ted Mrs. tsenn-
ner last week.
u. itoiiemliler la hoeing hla po
tatoes. Mr. Bergman ta kalping bid
sir u. ettiaurar la riesrius.
Mr. . libera called on Mr. Mclntyr
o 8unday.
Pster Hover pnrrhased a horse from
W. O. KHenamlth.
Edward Mclntyr was on the sir
Mr. Sullivan la hauling lumber
Miss Erma Loony Is visiting 7clma
Mr. Sullivan son and da-nters
went to town on S nVuy to b mi.
firmed by th bishop of 'he Catholic
Mercury stands around from &) to"
M degree but th Inhabitants ar not
suffering, aa w guard against over
Gus Gebhardl. hat. sold his. thrift r
little farm. of it acres to a Mr. Fletch
er for the neat sum of $3WXj.
Mr. Wiseman and others have been
picking Royal Anne cherries. al Fred
Bakers for half.
The sect, eslled the Church of God.
which tat been holding meetings In
Monday, July V J U
Largest 0J B;t Minn,,! Show ia lh. WotM
No Guesswork
- OP 'lt
a Urge tent ar Mrs. Brink a, W
folded their tenia and departed. T.
ar going to onatlna I heir a
monthly meetings sad Sunday at
1n the grov aatll their Cueieaas
new church la road? for ores Mar;
Mra Joha O. Uag and rhUdraj
staying at tb old boas. Mra. C
health la not lh beet yet. k 1
seems slowly Improving.
Grain hwka fla. vet c baa and
ar almost too heavy to car gnat
If this weather coatlaae thsrti
a splendid crop secwrad.
All small fruits ar lat. cbv
now being ptckeA Hop f h
fla aad promts a heavy yiaM
good prtc. .
Mr Schwartx. of Port U ad, bj a
lag old friends her. )
Mr. Swop boaght a cow frog I
bert Moebnk on day last wi
Wlllam llettmaa to ' worklaf I
Charley Mochake I
Joba Heft Is dotag earpaatsr w
ta Oregoa City. - I
Making bay Is tb order of tkt
Bora, to Mr. Robert Glatket. k
, girt.
110 RIWARO j
' For lh arrant aa ooaytcds
of aay parson or persona, r
anlaw fully remov topi of TV
Morning Enterprls from 0,
premise of subscriber aftr
paper ha been placed there h
Cr. Vavia ana Twnty-faji-th
July It, 12. 13, 14, 1k. Ii.
Gam Begin Weekdays at t a.
Sunday. t:S0 P. M.
Boy U"df II Pre to Bleart
. WalBad.
are tbe popular style la hot
architecture. I gpeclallrr
dealcnlae aad baildlag bos,
alow that are con yen lent k
arrangement, homelike in tr
At Moderate Cost
If yon are thinking of bat
log call and see me, er phw
for an engagement.
Clarence Simmons j
Ninth and Mala Strwets.
Phon Psav-Mala S29Z '
I j
Vast, mra