v MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1911, . ... 1 1 . Bggg!sS!SSSSSS!SISSSS j .. , s Hi si ': wiM li i if: TO BE OVEN. AaY HJY TIHItl . -....,,.... - .,- --v., , . ,. ; v ... 1'"'.' t . ' - ' ' A' 1- v., -A"'. IIIGONQTY . . i i i i i i ii in ' 1 T Vf.:.-A v- RULES THAT WILL GOVERN CONTEST . f . ... !. .. -I.- . . ' . 1 Contest opened Tuesday, July 1 1th, and will close Saturday night, - September 2nd, at 9 o'clock. Any lady resident in Clackamas County ' it eligible to compete for these prizes. A: V . y ? J Any employee or immediate relative' of an employee of this paper will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest v"c. The contest manager reserves the right to reject any nominations for candidacy in this contest. 1 ''.;' ' " : v. The contest management will not be responsible for typographical , errors In the counting of votes except to make correction in the fol-' .'. lowing issue, a V ' ' ' .v.-. " ' ', ' . All receipts from Subscriptions should be turned in to the Enter- ' prise office at least twice a week.' . . . ;. fi.:: . , ' ' ) Candidates1, are permitted to secure subscriptions anywhere. V;t "T1, .;' '" . . ' - All subscriptions must be paid-in-advance in order to secure votes. ' , ; This is' neither. a popularity or a beauty contest, and the prizes .; will be awarded solely on the merit ". Should any question arwe as to the proper Interpretation of the foregoing rules the decision of the contest manager will be final. MftTsT'Jr IV 1 IX es ,i ... ... Sewing Machines (latest model) New Home Dt op Head Parchased from W. L. Mar stiall 350 Morrison St. Portland PTDT) TTT)TTT) TTTn , i . . . ;, , - .. I ..... . I S Gandl Upright EOmball IPiAllO i either Oak Of Mahogony Vale $4Q0o0Q Each Purchased from Portland's Leading Mtrsic House EILERS; & CO., 7th and Aldet Sts. Third and Fourth Prizes MUSICAL EDUCATION jliHlfH? BUSINESS EDUCATION ( ""It II I - Font Prices to be Awarded The Enterprise has used every care in the selection of these prizes, and Has secured scholorships in two oftKe foremost educational institution in the State of Oregon. How The Prizes Will be Awarded For the purpM of this contest Clackamas County ha been divid ed into two districts as follows: . ; . . District No. 1 All territory within the city limits of Oreipm t-Ox : District No. 2 The remaining xirtiun of Clmiama County. : FIRST PRIZES. The two candidates polling the larett number of votes in each district will be awarded a Grand Upright Kimball Piano, value $400.00. ; , SFCOND PRIZES. ; The two candidates polling the second largest number of votes in each 'district will receive the latest 20th Century Xlodel drop head New Home Sewing Machine. i THIRD AND FOURTH PRIZES. A musical or buine scholarship, optional with winner (rul'i' IN all) will be awardrd to the candidates polling the next higher numbers of votes. Two in each district. ' FIFTH PRIZES. 1 The two cxnJidates polling the fifth highest number of votes in each district-will be awarded with a I-ady's Solid Gold Watch. Following it the trktiult rotrUktil will bt allowtJ pH i advumctubscriftkiBSt. 1 . . : Six months' subscription to The Daily Enterprise (by carrier) $2.00, (by mail) $1.50, 400 votes. , , One year's subscription, $4 (by carrier), $3 (by mail, 1,000 votes. Two yean subscription $8 (by carrier), $6 (by mail), 2.50Q votes. '. : i, ; " ' ' Three years' subscription, (by carrier) $12, (by mail) $9, 3,000 votes. ' ; . Five years subsrription, (by carrier) $20, (by mail) $15, 10,000 votes. " " : -' , One year's subscription Weekly Enterprise, $1.50, 500 votes. Money must accompany all subscript iofTf before votes will be issued. '' . - FIFTH PRIZES TWO SOLID GOLD WATCHES (Ladles site) Purchased - at I I ' I - Q19 Main St, Oregon Cltf, Or. K-IWI j i w t 1 j.' i r '. t . : I .V I? each issue of the Daily and Weekly Enterprise will be printed a nomination blanic to be &ed for nominating purposes. Tti blanfa when properly filled in and brought or mailed to the Contest Department will be registered to the credit of candidate name thereon. ; As eact flommatipA comts tor zouv votes, only one will be credited to each candidate. Secure a nomination blank at once and fill in yoor name, ?? Jte f me ?tf some yan8 Ia,r wto yo will help win one of the valuable prises. DO IT NOW. ' ' ' ,f . ... . , 1 riio contest io for thp ladioo (between tho agco of 16 and ct UUUiJi Ym .......... . .:.'...-. -.1 Contest OP? ns t i.-,,v i-w;(i jew j t ft Tuesday,-July I Ith l9lUt8o'do'ckn.M. Contest Address all communications and subscriptions Department Oregon City Enter OREGON CITY, ; OREQON . I- Con j ( . l k-k Minn I ... . . . 7. ..-....,., ." TT '"w y ! ,,k'"" nui oi acorn. , r fcitr pn buaiWaaitorid4y.,,Tt',,,,,';