Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Power of
A Sasry So-W Hew It May I
By Jack Tomlinson
Coprrtcfct r Asaertca hill A.W
Uany peopl nowaday cooskW the
perils af tb sea to I do to th ee
akc TW Uw f piracy being
wrecked oa aher and fa Ilia tnt
th heads ot mv(M or being eatea
by caalbla H ewppoeed bow t be
long to the past. This h not the ce.
Tber are pirate today oa tb coast
of "China and a tb Malay archipeJ
go, a ad as for falling lata to hand
af savage, and that within hnli
Boootba past. I haw aorh a tor? to'
ta auysett. .
I was second officer at th AsserteaB
tramp steamer Evely Hop. W
wer raBBia along tb roast f BriT
Ish East Africa, gtrlag to saw as
w thought a whs berth. beatea by a
high wind sad u off taa
It waa vary tarty la the
that IW wind eodJJy ceased. Aad
k was larky that It did so, for our
haw ran apoa a coral sad sand beach.
W tried to back T. hat aw engine
am aot strong enough, aad wa were
obliged to wmJt for daylight U rder
la ee wrhe w wer aad adofit mac
BUeaaoua means for getting free,
Wbcai th daw an w found tr
JtJtTi 91 Jls ifcira of sa anlnhaMtod
W at oc act above ruttinjc
aar kedg aacaora aad am ting ether
Breparatioeta t pall a aff. I was r
darad to go aahar with a row af six
am aad try for aoaa gam that w
tight bar fresh bmL W found
alary af wUd aafanale aad birds a
th kvlaad aad wer rast getting a eup
ary af hath whea w heard a about
bu w had left aa th
i wh th boat. Harrying to th
" "I aTK wnt a noaa or a-raA."
beach, wa aaw Ore bug caaoea, each
coatalalng aom forty aegroea, polllag
toward th Eretya Hope.
Of coora w got Into oar boat at
oar aad raed with the Marks for th
easeeL Whea tbey aaw that w woald
reach It befar them they laj oa their
t rated thtmailTta with ob-
They watrhed aa all th aneraooo,
aad oar captala coatladVd that they
, war watttag for tb dart Been, whea
' they woald attack aa. aad If they cap
tared aar ship w woald all doabtleas
be mardered. Wc acaaied the ? el
for si laa. and all wa faaad was a ahot
gaa, a rUI aad two revorrera. We
had a dose watt seaaara aboard aad
a aatxtwre of coppar calorad mea. most
ly htalaya. Lat m tb afteraooa tb
blacka aeat a boat toward an. prob
I ably to draw aar Cre and daatoeer how
strong w were. At th sight of th
aegr war Tim a ear Astatic bawvd so
with flight that th captala ordered
them all befcr. We Ud not grattfy
the Macks by Irtng at theaa.
Oar chaar for aar ra looked Tery
woahta't afford
' arhlto crew. A
for th rest, they wees aot worth area
ta. 8addeaty I thsaght of a weapoa
that woald acre aa better thaa pow
der aad ball. We had phnry of base
aboard, aad It ed to me to eoople
tt to th hofiera aad tght the blacks
with steam.
What frtrAtraed oar mea waa tbat
of them nawmtniid that fe-
. eral years ao a fiemh ahlp had gj
asbor a thla or aaother btatad a
this vary part of tb cuast aad tb
aarlTes had naaiai rid all "a board.
- Th octlook with a cocnae of haadred
black deella walUag for algbt to cob
to treat aa th nam way was. V say
tb least, not reaasnrtag. caperlanT
atar oar artartpaJ aaapua was stca'3.
. We cakralatrd that It waM ba t rh
tide aheat clorft la the evealBg. I f
wa wereat enptared before that Cher
i poasfbtEty of oar aSduig cl t&to
iter. Oac free wa eoa!d pot
a ateam and seJl away. wtthcnt aao
lpetarloa. Bat th blacks kaew tbt
aa area aa wa and war aot Uky to
delay tbetr attack tin th tVde h-,-ei
aa off.
' rVrtaaataty th waathar. wbVh bad
: beea. thirk whoa wa atrark acj co
tmaad thhrk. cleared at saraa and
i a thro , Barter mooa ta th
Wa had coasted
aa thai ta holp aa
ttda. far with Its
Bght wa coold aa
at tt they eowid
a aar darks
$100 a yecr fcr a daily newspaper by mail
$3X3 a year fcr fcily navspaper by carrier
' vev wm eiirme mm .
tt: ycj AFFcn to ce wrrnow IT?
under ever f th darfcaee aad ef
power as by fore of uuubeca,
. Our luckiest Sad la tb way of d
feas was aom barbed wlr fencing
stowed away U tb cargo. YV
etretrbed tt around tb rua a. W
didn't consider It u:Vleol t keep fi
aa MN, bat exce-lent for pun
f delay.. vV put two row, oa aUtr
th other, from stem to midship la
order to aiate It vaster for tb black
to attack a aft. thtu cvoceatratiug
them to x advantage.
We bad tw cou&ac oa the boiVr
aad bos enough te reh aar pert of
lie alp ftva bwih coaioK. lif
sunset w bd all ar dlovaikNis
aaad. Tb raptaia was la coaioiaad.
Tb ftnt odVer was to work the port
aad I the starboard hose. Tb arm.
dirtbted anOB the white
. Tb JLtiatk were kept ta tb
At tb treeing appruached theT be-
gaa to cry t b Wt at. ot reUsblag
betag aiardered Ilk tats la a ln,i
Aad they aim feared that tb Na. t
Biigbt set tb ship aar or let tb wa
ter ta oa them to drowa theoa. We
paid a attrattoa to tbeax aad tbey
Caally becaaa aaor qviet.
toag befor tb ana sarreadered tb
day to th atooa w had rrrjhinf
la raatlaraa to repel board. Oiea
tac were left la th fencing. wh h
was rtcaety woTea, with a barb oa
top, a that w eoald fir at our o
aaies as well as keep theoa front get
tlag at a. War there was oalf
aasoalight a dark eload roiled oeer oar
big roand ktatera aad bVl IL As at
waa betog obtared w saw erery ra
ao paDed farioaely toward aa.
It aeeeaed to aa that w tfteea
whit aaea eppeord to aaore thaa three
ttaw their aaatber f strong aaea
araaed with spears tbey wer ased to
haadHng. beaidea probably soaae fl re-
had Tery saaaJl chaar for oar
by faith la aar arrangements fur tbetr
reeeptioa. and If w could reach them
wkh car atoam )rta w had coafldear
la Its power to harm them considerably.
Now aad! agala whn oar amWa
war palliag toward as a thla part of
the doad passing eer th aooo woald
glT aa aom BghC The coming cr
aoaa aad their aoads wer black a
Erebaa. thoagh her and tber w
wwald see a Sash whea th moonlight
arrack a ahietd or a steel weapoa.
Kearar cam th black death tin the
canoes reached a point a cable"
length from a. Two paEed to port
to starboard aad one toward th
I woadered how tbey proposed to
board a, for we had been rarefnl ta
lea re aothiag banstoc for them to Hie
hold of.. As aooa as tbr came be-kit-as
and aader onr stem w learjd
their method. Tbey nrer prorlded
with ropea of tbetr own Dr. tin; of
what material I did nut know and at
the end of each wa a sort of V
aaad from a firU& I no b. one side
being free to- f-m "Hy no
aooaer came aerr cnojxb tix thty
began to throw tliee V' to ratrh ea
th gaawale. Bat here oar wire fenc
ing stood aa in jrood stejid. Tb blacks
foaad It ljnrosatible to ret aa attach
aaeat except at lb openings w had
parpoaely left for oar own actioa.
Standing at my poet with my Bos
nia. I aaw on of tb canoes com to
ward m. aad its crew, erring a single
maa apparently anarmed to defend the
opening, palled directly under me.
On of them threw a T. which caught
-aa tb gunwale, and a black came
aaickty ap. dimblng band orer band.
I gar him a doa of steam right In
tb far.
With a wild shriek, be dropped
into tb boat. I dared aot remain ex
posed to a spear thrown from below;
bat. sighting tb posttJoa of tb boat.
I reached oat with tb nozzle in my
band and poared a stream of hot Ta
per bate tt. Knowing by their yell
that tbey wer ta diatreaa. I made bold
to leaa orer tb ship's aid and tara
th stream from on cad of tb canoe
to tb other.
For a whO th blacks war to para
lysed to act; then eery one who bad
aot beea aererely acalded Jumped Into
tb water. leering tb wounded In tb
boat to drift away. Of course as soon
as tbey wer pat oat of tb flgbt I
keen while th first ofDcer was bar
ing a almCar experience with tb
Uack oa tb other aide, aa I well
knew from th yell coming from' thai
dlrectJoa. I had no sooner driren off
my enemies thaa I waa ordered by the
captala to tb stern, where arTeral
biacka bad already climbed ap and
were uaaptng dowa on the deck. I
did aot need to go to them. I aimply
tamed a steam jet oa them. Rome fell
on the deck; others managed to get
over tb taffrail and down Into their
canoe or the water.
Aad ao at every point we achieved
aa easy Tictory without Crier a shot
Great is the power of steam. Store
oar trtamph oa th African coat with
ao other weapoa I bar woadered
why military mea aLooid aot plare
boiler with boa attar kmeata la fortl
flrarloaa for th close work, blight it
not be made a effertrr as a Gather
Aa w aaw th caaoea paHlsg away
la get rid f th dreadf3l hot Vater
w-e fp;t ear Mp eliding eff the reef
A cheer both for oar eVtory aad 1 rr
be rrleadly L'd that tad freed
west ap. doobUea the greatest aree
ti the miegUag of betnae voire
that had erer beea heard oa that 4
)ot ebcr. Ia a few m!3ate we were
la deep water, and !ated f aainr
ear cteao to or Id aegmee we mored
away aader rt toward a frVat'y port
rr beea rhroogn brrrVasee and
beea wracked ea a deorted Wand, bat
aeear ba an my aaCor Ufa bar I been
a acared ai whea three black were
alttjaT for derknea to cae aboard
Club Chat
Wald Mll!r. f Helena. Moot. fco
maa formerly ia th meat businesa In
that citT. la her and will bay a farm
ia Clackamas coaaty. He la a thorough
stockman aad will eagag In the dairy
Dr. R. U Walton, of Keeae. N.
called upon Secretary LAselle. of the
Commercial Club on Monday, to ob
tain Information about rOeoa City.
Dr. Walton Is rery math pleaaed wij
th city and will locate her as aooa
aa h can ecg a auit of room.
J." Thomas, of Stafford, cam to thla
section from South Dakota, four year
ao and bought th farm where he now
tiT. He ears b 1 wU pleased au4
baa made more money thaa he ever
mad before. II keep cows and sell
th cream d also find poultry rale
lug to b rery profitable. H also
dec Urea that thia ta th greatest cher
rr sectkva ia th world. On tree oa
Mr. Thomas' place I fifty feet In di
ameter and produce a ton of Royal
Ana cherrte a year.
Th tallest vetch ever sees In
Clackamas county Is on display at
th Promotloa Offlc. It U ala feet
high aad was grown at Clalrmoot,
three mile east of Oregon City by
Fred Maarma.
Mr. Waurma la a dairyman aad
has his land in the highest stage of
Clarke Fuge. of Oregaa City, grow
big rhubarb in his garden. At Wast
th sample la th Promotion Offlc
haa leaves tare feet la dlamenter and
stems J I S feet long. Thia illustrate
the productiveness of Clackamaa coup-
Mrs. L J. Ewalt. of Logan, who
called at th Promotion Offlc, said
that th poultry industry In Clacka
maa county had proved very success
ful la her cas. Th prefers th Rhode
aland Reda aad haa several hundred
of thia breed of fowls. r-
Sh will bar aa exhibit of poultry
at th Clackamaa County rair thia fall
ao that all may bar th opportunity
to see Mr. Ewalt s fancy poultry.
E C Ryai. of CUlrmoat, will build
a factory for maaufactariag Ilm-aul
phur apray material. A groat deal of
this apray la aeed In Clackamaa coun
ty and ao doubt this enterprise will
b successful.
Clackamaa county ia well adoptad
to fruit growing and It la omy a Ques
tion of time befor it will be famed
aa a fruit sect ion.
I . .k. . 1 : . . . . t
uua m i aimnic cnurca oy JlOttl KCT.
Arcbbiahop Alexander Christie. aait
ed by the Rer. Thomas and tb Rev.
rrowin, of Mount Angel, and the Rev.
A. HUlebrand. pastor of St. John's
church at 10:30 o clock Sunday.
Three masses wer held, low masse
at 6 and S o'clock aad high mass at
10:30. at which Archbishop Christie
delivered tb sermon. Special music.
was renuerea oy u choir.
The sacrament of confirmation was
administered imediately after high
mass. Thia waa th largest class that
haa erer been confirmed In Oregon
Tb Rer. HUlebrand la to b com
plimented on th success he haa
achieved ainc taking charge of this
pariah. He now has on of th largest
congregations la th state. Tb con
flrmatioa services were moat Impres
sive. The Tmf Electron.
A striking dearrtpUoa of that laron
carrabiy minute parrsrte the etertrua.
which within recent years has 0V
thruoed the at" a the aniaiat rwea
Poaeot of sua iter, wae givee by lree
dent K. If. Na-aws. Its oeaartor.
he aald. -fa taut wt aa atom wi nega
Or esectrtclty pew ana simpte. its
form m epoenrai a so out spoerotaat.
It six a probably anas tnau oue teu-mllliua-aaiiuwath
or aa tut-n. A neo
revo4vug onaAly eoough u aa uruu
wlthla the atooi it giva ae iwurrO
ttgbt of higtMmt parity. hen viwieut
iy jostling irregularly abwvt N gnm
u while light. WHhual I be emUwu
all Litt would be impvsslbl. a.x
cbaoge. i
Piose L9enoa.
Tb Meaoa. wau. m urtsrv. are
tb aorsmurs ot the uuVni I'm aiua.
are in ceatr ot auaa eyrato. I tto
Phsd Piper ot HaBMstta was a vYeoa.
tm also ih to vnmrr wt ine ttara
moantaiaa. woo appeared ao many
daya a year and ptajrd aoearthly
lane, aod waoswrver feeard si mat
few iai a frwoay troea which there
waa ao rapiac. Aa thee pled end
weird pipers aaaeaabted oore a year
at th Brvrkea. where tber waa a
-ral raralval. th arch arwd seed
k th raarert a a rtofla. am he
roliirg aroawd sad SddMag a the
kali of oxrwea and ta pipers sddUg
to the 6eodth dtt th eoaeert of rhetr
aahsvy iQu-aesw;a Cheat bare Jar
I Whew th Dv Aesssa.
Oe:y ta ewaacry stear raa faay fM
K. ihto dytag ml Bags wtth th htrrh
I I tTaaalrtaa trwan may a tway Bs-ac. rate
awya aUr r the 'atoev'ar atga.
Pa fraw aarkaia. a af a ghwat
ram aaaaat T al eartha eterVw agate
hwaha. far th ay k ewaedi-K.
BL Arr te "!re Kaarkand njtaae
I inn We,
j A etsra af ayramn wd te aa
i tB years ed
It is as Tte in Ota? Bttsifaesd
Steel Die Emfeossing .
There are larger plants in Oregon but none
better equipped than the
Oegojffi City Ektoffiffigg
Heart to Heart
Bwrswin A. NYU
On of the bra rest mea who ere
Bred died In IV. Mola recently.
In the year l7 N. r. Miller, then
mall clerk on the Burlington road
peaeed through a direful wreck.
Ia a collision he waa thrown to the
Ooor of the mall car. aad a redbot
atoT fell over ea his face. TVedged
b by th furniture, b waa una Me to
te. Oa ear waa barned off and
aa eyeball destroyed, whll th Bash
and bone of oa aid of tb far were
roasted and hie brain seared. It seems
lacredlbi. bat n waa aa hour before
hlUler waa eitrV-ated.
Whea th doctors finally got to him
oa remarked: "A: I we ess do Is to re
Br him. He caaaot Mve.
Whereupon IfDler retorted. "I .wBI
Br longer thaa yoa doctors." And he
H my ta th hoaprtal for tw year
aad suffered aaaay dctlrat peratiuo.
tefaaUg all anaesthtlra.
Th great aargeoa of hm time. Fa ea
ter, wa Uerame mtawwstad U afIUera
raa. ptirw bm1 aaaay of th opera
". aaaklag aaly a aommal charg
forfeea that thrwle would bar
far tw years th caareh beOa ta th
rtelalty of th hespttal did aot rtag
f Minra eVOcata eoadldoa.
II Ulaiaed I hm aaan tr mmA m-m-
e4 twerr yeara. faalty. recocalxlag
has latarWa and sarrtm. ,.xm
at4 the posttioa wt wpertntendent af
mail at Dee M ernes aad gave Mr. MT1
asr th rtf paWea. a ptac h BUed
aatfl km death ,
in any other maoafactofing concern
No matter bow small your order it
given personal attention.
invite your inspection
Thoaga trirhrfnllr dhlrjml mmA m
cripple for life. Mr. Miller wa always
cneerroi ana a man whom It wae a
pleasure to know. .
Every day of bis W condition re
quired that his wound should be dreaa
ed. How be endured tb constant
draft apoa ba vitality for thlrty-eeves
years la a marvel.
With on side of his fare awatherf al.
Rays la line linen aad moat carefully
artsj o was an uauua!ly haad
aom man Miller was a striking Ag
ar. On day h wae eiked th ar m
hbj woodcrful aurrivsl and rerv'WI-
" oy. raenger aaved my brata. W
ao aot live cy oar bodies. W Ure In
ear minds."
Thia maa ran the tiu
Tbroagb tb dan dare of
ufferlng be was do lea hemic thaa la
th ghastly crbrt ef th wreck.
And be atood a Hvtne a.w..m
of the divine power ef kingfy mtad
ever sner matter.
BIU Klee. the .Xatlueal leagae
. amplre. haa a aausNh of targe di-
, wn. ana tbereby bancs a 1
lah? that b.'4e. in , Vt.r I
, Larry MrLeaa of the Uacanaatl f
dob If th. Nathaaal leaga 1
' "P" ever aeare It. Lmt J
aprlng McLean, wh alee aa t
aom moaih. pat la a coapt f
hoars watrbtaa m .
alligator at Hut Bprlaaa. whkh
"wwta opea aanat ef the
Urn. Asked why It was a te
' tereaelag: UrlMi repUed-
"It rameded ase a mora ef
a a hsny an
' ' ----
W. A. Sharer, of MotaTla. waa la tSia
city pa baataeae Moaday. .
IOT jack toyif
Th expertror of rmpir Jack
DoTle la rhilaoelnhle r.-ti- i
angry fan tried to Uy rloieat bands
ea him and would bar surcded bat
or u acnoa of th poUr Buy be
regarded as a warnlne ulii ..i .
Who BBS r tr sa . . .
' uivv meir
aUamoad careers ar at aa end.
When rinrU . sn .
' - SMaer a CX-
ewUed aa a kicker aad aa amptr baH
- CJoa eWisioaa against his team
see?1 A a. 1 M a,
.new si v oeeos or Tloleac. H
rea wewt am .
ampiree, mcladlBg Tbomaa I.yach.
aow presideut of th .National leaga.
H wa 6 oed aad apedd agala
and arslm e iu - - - .. .
- - - 'wom ibuii Dna-
rt he aerer changed bla tartlra.
Bat as aa hmpir himself iMrle haa
daxavajed that sni.k - . .
- reoqermg
aecision are - - . .w..
w iimii vea
correct rating do aot please part tea a
fait. aaeshu " ! a -
haagtag nrm d.k.i
ar aald
.. a . .
eb- .
, w-, mMS reet n the
' pat thee e (
r the net. I t..
--MtmawT- aTT -T
. .
- e rood lor , maa h de.
rV' Prepmaaoa
vwj, kaaMeasraaaateraem.
will be ,
Car. VaoflH ao. Tentyfowrth Sts.
J-'y 11. 12. ijJ 14. is. 1.
Oaeae Bealn Weekday at I . a.
"y. 2:10 p. M. .
LAOIEI' niv srsi.naw
Boys td.- llftH Bleachert
" pdneeday.
r th popnUr itylt ia bono
architect are T "
. , rvviauil
Int and baUdla
rftiife meat, banM-lika la -
m w arm
At Modcrat. C-4
M Tc art thlnkln ( bafld
lnr rail ...
for .-...l- ?"
"-a-eiacni. (
ill ""4ivnvi jiiii..:- i;
III NlMk .. ;. -
III ssasaj
II ' rlM"
!' - 'VVVf V
it re ,J19 Wwo .i
Pramlae t J Trom