Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 11, 1911, Image 3

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Mlaa Clementine Bradford, of Port'
Wll VOTIhC com m
laud, who baa been visiting at tna
Lome of Mr. Elisabeth Warner, of
M-un( pieaaant, baa returned ti hor
Mr. and Mra, Richard Thomas, of
Portland, after being gueata of tha
former a parenta, Mr. and Mra. T. C
Thotnaa, of Mount Pieaaant, bav re
turned to their borne.
OUR BIG Clean ap Sale now
on. Every thing in the .
. Store reduced from .
25 to 50 per cent t .
D't fail to attend this Great Sale
It means MONEY, SAVING to you
Suspension Bridge Cor. - Oregon City
Fair, followed by variable, with prob
able )UalL -
r. A. Piper, practical painter and
decorator, tall Jone' drug ator..
Mr. Albert" Kteb. who baa beenp
visiting at Logan, has returned home.
"Mra." Elmer Illy, of Carua. waa lo
(Ma city on buslnesa Monday.
It'a'too warm to bak. Wby not cat
Royal Bread. Fresh vry day a Har
ris' grocery.
John Darnall, of Meadow brook, waa
In this city on business Monday. .
' Xlor.e Custer, of Portland, la vlilt
in Ye grandparen'a Mr. and Mra. O.
A. Itlckel. -
.'. Attorney Joseph II. Page, of Port'
I . " '
' ' Weather Forecast.
Moiiday, Jly ;;
L-vrgeit and Best Minstrel Show In the World
' A
for the;
..- A S IS. ..
' For and we will give yoo wtth a
'':' NEW . "
4 months subscription'
'By Carrter ..' y:
- at 45c the month -
A Beautiful Chjni' PLAQUE1'8' , : 'd Wome,y
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early.
Sabscriber saf-Iay l Have Then Too v
-'.' To any present subscriber who will bring us four
new subscriptions we will present one of Ihcse
beautiful dishes. . v . v' - '- . "
DAftn or OREGON-
laud, waa lo thla city on legal Dual
ness Monday.
What young lady would you Ilk to
aaa ret a vacation at Hoaalde at the
aipenaa of W. A. Holm, drycood
merchants! With avary purcbaae at
hla etore you cau get vote for your
Mr. and MY. Pulllan, of Portland
are visiting at the honta of Mr. juid
Nff. itlepell, of M H'Dt riet.i.K,
Mr. and Mra. Oeorga A. Harding left
Monday night fur Long lleacb.. Wash.,
to attend tba Oregva Pbarmaoau Ucal
convention. Tbey will be gueeia at the
Breaker's Hotel and will be gone about
(our day.
. Mrs. Agnea Silver returned on Mon
day morning from Astoria, wber aba
visited frleuda on Saturday and Bun
dsy. Or. K. A. Bommer, f6rmarly of Ore
gon Olty, baa moved bla office to 1017
Corbett building, Portland.' ...
Hr',' ad Mrs, Masslngor. of port-
land, passed through thla city on Sun
day for gbubel, where tbey will vlalt
relatives. .
Mra. M. Mulvay, after spending two
weeks with her daughter, Mra. rFank
Callahan, of The Da Ilea, rturne to
Oregon City on Sunday, ,
Monro Irla. on of tha well known
realdenta of Union Hall, waa among
the Oregon City bualneaa visitor on
Monday. -
Dr. and Mra. L. A. Morrla, who have
been occupying apartmenta on. Ninth
at reel and Railroad avenue are mov
ing to Eighth and Center atreeta, to
tha Ooodfellow borne.
Commencing on Monday, July S,
Merchanta Lunch will be served at
tba Falla, Confectionery and Lunch
Room, 703 Main street, from 11 to I
o'clock; 16 centa. -
6 months subscription
By Mall , (, V-'
at 25c the month '
Asking I
Martin Masalnger, a former rldent
lit Mlllltial Iillt fwW llf I'firf lmnf naa..f
Ihrouah tbla city Monday on bla way
to Hhubel, where ba will vlalt rela
tlvea. f.
Mra. 8. I). Pop and daughter, Mlaa
tternlce,. of Victoria & C, arrived
lu thla city on Sunday, and will ba
tba gueata for a month of Mra. W. E.
Pratt and Mlaa Katie Barclay.
W. A. Holmea will glv on young
lady of tbla city tranaportatton to and
from Seaalde, and while there allow
bar fl for board for alx daya. With
every 15 cent purchaae you will get a
vote. The mora your purchaaee amount
to the mora votea you can eecura.
John Welamandel, one of tha prom
inent rarmera of Carua, waa In tbla
city on Monday, Mr. Welamandel la
one 'of tba gratnmen of tha county,
and brounht In a load of oata, for tha
local aiarnei.
Mia Helen Chamberlain, who baa
been clerklug lo tba W. A. Hoi ma
atore, baa realgned her poaitlon. and
will leave eoon for Newport, where
ana win vlalt her coualn, and will
later go to California for a vlalt.
Try that Wiaconaln Rwlaa rhmm.
2o per pound at Harrla' grocery.
If Vou want aurar and fruit lin
at the right price, go to Harrla groo-
Mr. and Mra.' Vernon
and babv Claude, of I Anli rl
arrived In Oregon City on Sunday
morning, and war gueata of Mr. and
Mr. 8. V. Krancla and family nnUI
Monday afternoon when thav tuft tnr
Portland, where tbey will vlalt Mr.
and Mra Cbarleaon, the furmer'a par
vnrr. ,. . .
Mr. and Mra. E. P. Elliott- Mra.
Johnaon, of Portland, Delia Arm-
atrong and Mlaa Vada Elliott formed
a party that went to MolaJla on Sun
day. Tha car waa In charge of Mlaa
Vada Elliott, who la on of the en-
thualaatlc automoblllata of thla city,
and la Oregon City flrat young lady
wno naa learned to maater a car.
There ar many young ladlea In
thla city who arc anxloua to take a
trip to geaald wher ab can apend
her vacation and reat from ber labora
during the year. W. A. Holmea will
aaatat you In giving your friend a
much needed vacation. He will dit
the bill. If you will do the reat trade
at bla atore and get votea.
Mr. and Mra. J. L. Aahton. formerly
0f Caryetbe former being principal
for two yeara of th Carua echool.
wno nav been for the pa at alx weeka
at Taooma, Waah.. have arrived In
Oregon City, and are reglatered at the
Electric Hotel. Profeaaor Aahton la
on of Clackmaa county' moat auc
cvaaful "inatructora-and haa accepted
a poanion aa principal of the Clacka
maa public school thla fall. Mr. and
Mra. Aahton will make their borne at
Wllbolt at a CM will leave tha fflarlrtu
Hotel each day at I o'clock p. m.
Mra. Lao Murry. of San Franclaco.
arrived in Oregon City on Sunday,
where h" will vlalt Mr. A. Oold
rnltb and family of Fourteenth and
Main atreeta. Mra. Murry will ac
company Mlaa Lena Goldamith to
Ban Franclaco on Monday, tha latter
naving apent th paat week with ber
mother. They will atoo al Eurene
on their way to California, where tbey
win remain for a few daya aa gueata
of Mlaa noldamltb'a nlca. tba Mtsae
Ooldamltha. Mr. Murry haa been via-
King rrlatlve In Brltlah Columbia,
7 . .....
W. A. Holme I anxloua to glv on
of Oregon City' young ladle a vaca
tion at Beaalde, one of th leading
will be on sale at
Gladstone Park, or
you may have it de
livered to your, tent
every morning by
the special '
f :
that will be maintaineti
During v
A full report of daily
events will be pub
lished every day.
Order now and ar-'
range for delivery.
You will want extra
copies to send away.
Call, write or. phone
Morning Enterprise
Circulation Department
awarded to th two candidate (on In
each dlatrict) who flnlah with the
fifth bigheat number of votea. Tbe
gold watcbea are valued at 130 each
and can b an on dlaplay In tba
window of th Oregon City leading
Jeweler and watchmakera, Burmela
ter A Andreaen, Cl Main street.
Pollowlng la tha acbedula of vote
thlit will l allowed on Dald.lnd.
vane aubacriptiona: git month a' aub-
acnption to Tna uany icniarpria by
carrier) 12.00, (by mall) 11.50, 400
vttimm 1 Oni VarM nhanrlntfrin f 4 h
carrier), 13 (by mail), 1,000 votes. Two
yeare' euneenpuou i (cy carrier), go
(lir mntl). 1 KtXI votes. Three traara'
subscription, (by carrier) 1 12. (by
mall) $9), t,00 votes, rive years'
suhacrlptlon (by. carrier) $20, (by
mailt 19. B.OOO votes five veara-
aubscrlptlon Weekly Enterprise, $1.80.
duo votes, jnoney must aocompany ail
subscriptions before vote will be
Any lady (marrlod or single) be-
tween th age of and 45, wbo l
f I wish to Nominate M1s
: Addreas
Nominated by.r,....
. a
Addreas '.
Tbla nomination blank, when properly filled in and brought or
mailed to Contest Department of Th Enterprise will count for
1.600 vote. Only on of tbes blanka will b credited to each can-
dldat. .' '
v . v - - .
' " o
Tbla coupon when neatly clipped and properly filled In wtth tba
name of tbe candidate you wlaji to vote for, will be counted aa on
Nam Of candidate
- '-- . - ' , ... . .
, Address ,
" - - - . , ; y
a ' This coupon Is void after. July 17.
s Cut on line. Don't roll. Send in flat ( . "i
summer resorts. If you will call at
hla atore ba will give full particulars
bow you can have your friend win.
Mr. and Mr. 3.G. Hughes and two
children, Nellie and Manuel, of Em
poria, Kan., were In thla city on Mon
day on their way to Mount Pleasant,
wher they will visit Mr. and Mra.
T. C. Tbomaa for two weeka. Mra.
Hugbea and Mrs. Tbomaa are cousins.
Before Mr. and Mra. Hugbea left their
home In Kansaa the weather was ex
tremely hot, and tbey arc delighted
wtth tba .Oregon climate, thus escap
ing much of the bot weather prevail
ing In that atate. Tbey are making
a tour of the West, and have recently
arrived from California. Tbey will
visit at Seattle, Spokane, Waah., and
other cities in that state before leav
ing for their home. . .
Mra. S. D. Pop and daughter. Miss
Bernlc. of Victoria, B. C, are In Ore
gon City to spend a few weeka at tba
horn of Mr. and Mra. W. E. Pratt
Mrs.. Pope's husband,, the late Dr.
Pope, waa principal of the old Oregon
City Seminary. He left ber about 35
year ago.
Charll Riesling I working for Mr.
Mitt on the road. "
The Fonrth waa celebrated by all
some going to Liberal," Canby-and
some celebrated in neighborhood
Born, to Mra. William Roth, July 2,
a boy. - .
.The road at the Dryland school-
house Is open to travel again.
Electric Hotel Arrivals. .
Tbe following are registered at tbe
Electric Hotel: Verner Olds, Blanche
E. Miller, J. Graham, F. A. Miller,
Portland; U. w. Anne.. Meaiora; u.
D. Weston, Medford; C. O. Sinclair,
r A. will. Canby: 'Harry Benolkln,
Portland: H. Vandlrk. U Bary. Ed
ward Fernler.-Portland; Charles Pow
era. E. W. Zlrbel, Portland; C. F.
Noble. - '
Oust Karras Accused of Wounding
Man With Cup.
(lnM k'irriii of 'River Mills, was
rinari 12 hv Justice of the Peace Sam
son Monday, for assaulting Peter Tbeo
pa neons. The evidence snowed mat
tha man harame encased In a flaht
over a child, and Theopanua asserted
that he was out on th bead by a cup
thrown by Karras. The cup broke and
cut large vein In th man' head.
He almost bled to death berore tne
arrival of a physician.
Ml ll'im''t , wm ii vtrt ,
auy niiiuix. ul "h prld'-d itrwi mmui
ibf iifa'ti br '" r"',,,l,"l rni'
nre. and wifii ri a'rfil
hotel viraiMU iiif mmiiniH' Iv wtth a
ClIIHter f wliHo uy dnlm-a iJnn.-d
Birilllixt Hie t rtxp frrhHHw of Urt grveil
llueu froik gallaot old Colotifi Floyd
was moved to make ber a pretty
epeweb. ' ' .
"What rbarmlng posies r be remark
ad. with a CheatarfleidJan bow. "They
ult you xsctly. - lod look kke a Vlr
gin la hillside "
, U- wss oaystiaed 'at th frigidity
with which Mala Henrietta received
hla bit f booaagw. Vouth'e Couaa
ton. ' ; .
- " ' i.v. 'f " i f ('' '
-i ' '.; - ,j t
from pag 1.)
a resident of Clackamaa county, is
ellglbl to compete for th prize tbtt
will b awarded, anr1 u. word of (.
vice to thoa wbo cr ntxmplata citn
petlng at thla time Ii nr-rary.
DON'T watt until other competitor
have a good atart before you make up
your mind to enter your name. IHJ
IT NOW. Clip tbe nomination blank,
fill in your uma and bring or mall
It to tha contest department and you
will be supplied with' receipt book
and other stationery that Is necessary
when securing subscriptions.
Start today to communicate wl'h
your friends and relatives and let them
know that you have entered your
name and that you are In tba con
test to win and If you ar unable U
get the subscription todav-get thc.i
to promise If a a futu'e drt be'oneH
others see them. REMEMBER tbfr
early bird gets th "eats." . -
If you are Interested In this under
taking It will aerv you well to c.l
at Tbe Enterprise oflce aid get thor
oughly acquainted with al! th detal-
o the contest. ' REMEMBER this Is
NOT a beauty or a popularity conU-st,
and tbe prizes will bo awarded solely
on merit.
,)' ' '
PHILADELPHIA. July 10. Umpire
Flnneran, who waa behind the bat In
this afternoon's gam here with th
Cardinals, waa knocked cold by Sher
wood Magee In tbe last half of th
third Inning. Flnneran called Magee
out on strikes and after an argument
which reaulted In Magee being put
out of the game they came to blowa.
When Ftnnaran arose to his feet
tbe police escorted Magea from tbe
field. Flnneran' face waa covered
with blood and several teeth bad beer
knocked down hrs throat.
When the teams took their position
again Flnneran was In no shape to
continue and RlglerVrintshed tbe game
alond. ., - ... i .
It Is a Art That Takes Both Skill and
"If yoo greet a child with WelL my
little man. and bow ar you today T or
something grownup and condescending
Ilk that be shots up a Lone and with
draws Into bis shell.. u wonld never
be able to take a renl portrait of him
after such a beginning. It makes blm
shy with you ami self ronMclouM. When
you wnnt to get a guod photograph try
to be a child with the children; try to
Nt-t Into their minds and think as tbey
think." to get down to their, level abao
hiiety. '
' "In fact." -nld a swcexaful photog
rapher of chlklren. "I get down to
their level literally, for within a ftr
minute of their arrival I am often on
tbe floor wtth them, playing uineplna
or bunt the ller ? '. r'
' "Sometimes It Is a long time before
I ran actually tnke the phototrrtiph. for
I never deliberately oe rhlhlren. I
piny with them, . watching them all
tbe time, until I ratch them In grace
ful and characteristic ntflrudea; then
I sqneese the Indln rubber bsll that I
carry hidden In. mr (NK-ket. and that
controls, by means of a long, flexible
tab, the shutter of my enmera, und
the mrtinlt Is tskea . " ;
"To keep the child still long enough
for the exBiwure I invent a pause In
the gnnie. snld this. lnrenlou man.
8iiMe we sre playing at trains, and
my Hitter Is the enplne. In thn( rase I
m the slfrnslmnn. and at a word from
me the ena-lue has to stop detd still
nntll tbe slgnRl Is given for It to paff
on Its wsy again."
- J.
CUanlng a Whit CaaW I
To dry clean white coat lay tba
coat on a table and rover It with sr
mlztur of . powdered ; borax and
French chalk. Leave It for halt aa
hour oe so. then take a clean cloth and
rub It well all over. Let It Me twenty
four hour, then shake and brash It
well, when It will probably took qolt
Net In Hla Lin.
Clerk There's a man to yoa wttk
tw wooden legs . Busy Managwr TU
blm we don't wsntanv..
y " tiVw''
.To get the best out of the
human machine you must: have the best
groceriesfood that is not only pure, and
absolutely wholesome but 'which gives zest
to meals by its goodness. )
Groceries Uke we carry not only give your
body all the necessary energy for your daily ,
work but nuke eating aU that it should be s
. perfect enjoyment If, after your com
ing meal, you End anything wrong, make a
resolution to try us next time. One trial "
is all we ask. ,
; Here arc some special featores tbJs week
Rasnberries . . . 5c - Cherries . . 5c' lb.
, Logan Berries . . . , 5c
-: js. E. SEELEY -.
Opposite Court House ' Oregon City
Netlees andar Umm elaaatfled haaatna
wUl ba Insa'tc at m oaat a war, fhras
laaac-Uoa. baif a eaal adltioaai saw
Uooa. owe Imeh oar. I pmr aaoatk. hajf
tnch ear. uaaaj al par saowta.
Cash mnat aaiiaiiaaar arar enlnae an
la an epesi aooeant with the paper. Ma
flnaactaj raepooslbtUty for errors; whan
errors occur fraa earrreta aoUoa wtll s
prtnta4 for patron. , BUnsatum etoarae lSe
WANTED Mala Help.
WANTED Office boy for permanent
position; good prospects for right
person; not for vacation only; must
live close to or in Oregon City;
ahould be atxteefi to eighteen years
old. Answer In own handwriting,
atatlng salary expected. Addreas
Box 202, Oregon City.
WANTED Ton to know taat we bay
all klnda of Curios, that we ar In
th market for second hand Fnrnk
tur and Tools.. Wa also hav a
good assortment of second hand
. Furniture and Toole on band for
sale totho in need. Com snJ
see; perhapa we hav Just what yoa
want Indian Curio and trinkets
. for sale cheap; some that ar vary
unique and also very rare, GEORGB
TOUNQ. Main near Firth street
WANT11 oaus.ii ' advertleementa for
this column, prioea ry reaaon
able. Bee rata at head of col una
Read tbe Morning finterprts.
WANTED You to know that tba En
terprla Job printing; department is
th most com plat In tn State,
out aide Portland. Try It for your
next printing.
LOST Between 608 Fourth,' Seventh
aM Mala streets, gold watch charm
with Initials O. L. on bottom. Find
er leave at Gardner's Jewelry store.
FOR SALE Spac In thla column
Sell that old plow or barrow; yon
don't use It sine you purchased
your new on.
FARM LOANS DImIck, a Dlmlck,
, Lawyer, Oregon City, Or.
O. D. KBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abetracta furnlahed. land
title examined, eat a tea settled, gao-
' ersj law bualneaa. Over Bank 1 a)
Oregon City. ' I
U'RErf - 8CHUHBEL, Attorneys-at
. iaw, muwtin Auiun.l, will prav
Uoa In all coarta, make collatioa
and settlementa. Office la Enter
prise Bldg.. Oregoa City. Oregon.
f M rUl..i.a - A I. . 111
money to loan.
M0NBY TO LOAN On first mort
gage; 500 and upwards; one yeai
or longer. Apply at once. Croaa A
Hammond, Attorney at Law, Bea
ver Bldg Oregon City. ,
HARKT JONBS Builder and GensraJ
vjoatraetor, Batlmate caMarfaUy
given . oo ail elss . of . balMlag
work, eonarau walka ana rwlaforo'
Mai 111 '
m. h. ocorra. rt nr
UaJ assUt. , LaA aa
iupaJs a a r(
Notice of Application far Vacation of
Allay.' . ,
NbTICE la hereby given that th mav
derslgned petitioners hav petition
ed th City Council of Oregon City
to reduc the width of the Alley Is
. Block 66, of Oregon City, Oregon,
from 28 feet wide to 10 feet wide,
and that said matter will be board
and determined at a special meet
ing of said Council to be held at
th Council chamber, In Oregon City,
Oregon, on the 10th day of August,
1911, at th hour of 8 p. m.. of,
said day. - " '
Dated, July 11th, 1911.
SEALED bids will b received at th
office of tbe undersigned, Enterprise
Building. Oregon City, Or., until S
p. m.. July 17, 1911, for furnishing
200 opera chairs, (more or less),
for th auditorium of th High
School building at Oregon City.
Samplea of chair must be submit
ted with bids, and price must . In
clude delivery at Oregon City. Board .
of Directors reserve tba right .to
reject any and all bid.
Xlerk of School Dlatrict No. 62. Ore
gon City, Oregon.
July 11, 1911. ' '
Harrison Blackfac Artists Will Give
Performsno Next Monday.
Tbe Harrison Minstrels under th
management of J. M. Busby, wer
ber last Saturday night and their fin
Urge tent waa crowded with people
who enjoyed tbe entertainment They
have a good band, and give a clean
show. Mr. ' Busby la a gentlemanly
fellow and hla performers are colored!
people who behave well out of th
tent and their acting In the tent la
all that la claimed for It It la worth
the money If you enjoy laughing, and
wbo doea not? This minstrel company
will get a large attendance when tbey
return here for another engagement.
LaCrosse Republican, '
The Harrison minstrels will give a
performance In Oregon City on the
evening of July 17.. A big parade will ,
be given at noon. - t , , .. ,
mmics 6r.EATESTSEKK8 ftucr.::
. -a . r '
lfroa waat etffW Vrfl' -BhuUleoraioeteThn4
t- - i,
awlng MachloaV ' ;
lUtttZC lf
liny rfe wmcMmmw .
aoaliir, aat tha Ao-w aasa. m waa
t Osr SMaatr stvattSMOav '
3M Mrraw I
v .
A- ...
;.'v';. rti '"'.! !.'