Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1911)
MOKNING ENTERPRISE, BUNPAY, JULY 9, 1911. OUR BIG Clean up Sale now on. Everything In the Store reduced from 25 to 50 per cent Don't fail to Attend this Great Sale It means MONEY SAVING to yoa J.LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. Whir Thsy Will Catah On. "Corkscrew gowns sr the Inie' fushlou conceit fur women." "They ought' to ls Miulnr with Kii lui-ky gM,,,:ir.M LOCAL BRI CPS lllchsrd Miller, of Mayflsld, u la i hit city on Saturday. John Wslsmandel wit In this city on Friday and Saturday. - v Joe filudeman. of Bhubel. wu la this city on Saturday. Try that Wlacouatn Swlaa cIimm, :tc per pound at Harris grocery. Xlra. M. Lundcen, of Clscksmaa, wu In this city on business Saturday, Kd llornshnh and aun, of Heaver Creek, were In thla city on Saturday. M. J. floheasy a real estate man of Portland, was In thla city on Sat urday. . Do not fall to raaa J. Ievltfs ad vertisement In thla issue. , Mra. Shirley Duck, of Mllwatlkle, was In thla city on business Hatur- day. ' Jnnra and wlfa, of Eldorado, were among the Oregon City visitors on Saturday. ' a . Mr. and Mra. John, A. Davlee, of Junction City, arc visiting with friend In thla city. a i THE PEOPLE'S STORE John Adams Masonic Temple Building. . ' Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. Special Bargains ', Colonial Rugs, 57x54. made of absolutely clean rags, guaranteed faat colors. Juat the thing for bath rooms, camping, etc ' Special pries Jardiniere Pedestal and Tabourettes Colden Oak and Dark Stained finished. Special pries . . 11.45 each Ladies' While Wash Suits Closing out several atylea of White Wash Suits, some with Jhcs trimming, others with em broidery, at less than ths cost of material. Special Price ' ' ', $1.35 Yws AskSng I - AS EL For and we will give you with a. v NEW 4 months subscription . . By Carrier ' at 45c the month TO THC . moining; enterprise A Beautiful China PLAQUE0'. d Handsomely, There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your select ion, ear jy. SabscribersMayiHave Them Too ' ! To any present subscriber who will bring us four new subscriptions we will present one "of these beautiful dishes. t : ALL SELECTIONS MUST ! MADE ' AT THE OFFICE OF THE (Q) r coh (ity Jgnterpr isc BANK OP OREGON CITY BUILDING ' f r, " i v ' ' " " Oregon City Mra. J. C. Zlnaer, formerly, of thla city, but who now live! near Salem, la In thla city, and la attending the Chautauqua. Mra. John II. Lew In, of Carua. mad business trip to thla city tin Hat urday. Mra. Frank Jggar, of S'arua, wu lu thla city on Saturday vlaltlng rola Uvea. Harriet I'arker left on Saturday for Rallwooil. where she will be the suaet of Itutb and Mary McKlttrlck, who! rornieriy resiaeq in mis city. If you want augar and fruit Jara at the right price, go to Harrla' groo- ery. Miss Verle Trimble, who baa been vlaltlng frlende and relatives In I'ort- laud, haa returned to bar noma In thla city. . F. Mayfleld, one of the prominent ulLknownfarmers of Highland. waa In thla city transacting business Saturday, f Mlaa Martina Parker, of Portland, haa arrived In tbla city to spend her vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mra. Charlei J. Parker. Chambers Howell and Mlaa Mary Howell and their mother paaaed tbnuigh Oregon City Saturday morn lug. bound fur Jefferson, and will vlalt few daya with K. K. Howell. They went by automobile. - It's too warm to bake. Why not get Royal Dread, fresh every day a Har rla' grocery. . Commencing on Monday, July 3, Mine Clara Mitchell, Mlaa Edith Jackson, Mlaa Ictha Jackson, Miss Nora Crlswell. Mlaa Stella CrlswelL Miss Myrtle Cross and Miss Mary Wasp formed a party that attended the Oaka on Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Fred Helfrlch, of Rend, have been the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. (I. F. Johnson, of Fourteenth street Mrs. Helfrlch, who la a slater of Mra. Johnson, will remain In this city for several weeks, but ber husband left on Friday for Stevenson, for the bene fit of hla bealth. . . Do not fall to read J. Levitt's ad vertisement In thla laaue. r . . .. 39o ach Men's Clothing Ws have about 90 8utU which we ars going 10 cloas ou( at a apeclal price. All ars worth much mors than ws ask for them. ' ; . , Special price . . .. IU.50 per suit. " 6 months subscription By Mail at 25c the month . Mr. J. C. Robb, of Wichita. Kan., who la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ramsey, at Waverly Heights, Port land, has been spending a few days with Mrs. W. W. Alldredgs, of Seventh street, and attended the Chautauqua at (Jlsdstona on Saturday, being a member of ths picnic party given by Mra. Alldredgs. Mra. Kobb waa In this city about four, years ago, having coma West for ths benefit of her buaband'a health. She has been so Impressed with ths Oregon cli mate that she visits bers every year, this making ber fourth trip to Ore gon. Wllholt stage will leavs ths Electric Hotel each dayat S o'clock p. m. Dr. E. A- Bosimsr, formerly of Ore gon City, haa moved bis office to 1017 Corbett building, Portland. , - W. A. Holmes, one of tbs Oregon City merchants, who haa been at San Fraiiclaco, Cal., on a pleasure trip, returned to Oregon City Friday eve ning. Mr. Holmes waa gone about ten days, and had an experience "Kb the recent earthquake, which he does not care to again witness. The shock lasted several 1 minutes, and bs aald that bs felt aa though bs was going "Hoavenward," and decided be would come back to Oregon where they do not bsvs to experience auch tblnga. Merchants' Lunch will be served at the Kails Confectionery and Lunch' Room, 7)3 Main street, from 11 to 2 o'clock; 25 cents. Governor and Mra. Prank Hanley, and their daughter and ber husband, Mr. and Mra. Harry German, of Laf syette Ind., were 'dinner-guests of Mr. and Mra. Harry li. Cartlldge at their horns on Madison street, Saturday. Coventor Hanley Is one of tbs lectur ers at ths at Gladstone, end he and hla wife from this city will go to Albany, where bs Is on the Chautauqua program. Mr. and Mrs. (jarman will t proceed to California, where they will make a tour before returning to their Indiana home. Mr, and Mrs. Cartlldge are from Indiana, and are friends of the Hanleys and tlarmsns. AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNDAY CALENDAR. .... First Baptist Corner Main and Ninth streets. Rev. 8. A. Ilayworth, pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. The pulpit will bs supplied by visit ing ministers from tbs National Convention of Disciples. Rev. H. J. Hull, of Chicago, will preach at 11 a. m., and Rev. A. L. Orcutt, of Indianapolis, will preach at 7:45 p. m. These men ars among ths ablest In the Central slates. Catholic Cr. -rater ana Tenth Sta. Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, rea. til Water; Low Maaa I l nH with ser mon; High Maaa 10:30 a. m., wltb confirmation of class of 130 and sermon by Archbishop Christie; af ternoon service 4 ; mass every morn ing at 8. First Congregational Church. Morn ing ..r.lx. n'liilr ST v A. nlng aervics at 7: SO o'clock. Rev. William M. Proctor will preach at morning aervlce. No evening ser vice. Christ SV. Luuieran Cor. KlsMh and J. y Adams slreaia. r.eV. I'. Schmidt faalor. rae. fM J. Q Adams; S. B. i a. m : preaching atrnoons of first and third Hundnrs at 1:10 In Knsll.h. uther Similar services mornings at 1S):SSW wiin presetting m vjr man. First Church of Christ, Scientists Ninth and Center streets. Morning aervlce at 11 o"clock. Sub ject. "Sacrament." Sunday school al 12 o'clock. Wedneaday evening meeting at S o'clock. Reading room oen every afternoon except Sunday from 2 to 4 o'clock. Osrman Kvsngellcal Cor. Klghth and Madison streets. Kev. r. Wieveeica pas. lor. rea. Tit Madlaon: 8. 8. 10 a. m., Herman Bohrmd.r. Monroe strret. supt.j morning service 11, yorng people at 1 p. m. and preaehlng at t p. m. Prarer meeting Wednesday at T:0 a. nm. Qlsdstong Christian Rev. A. H. Mul- key, paator, rea. Oladatone. Sun day achool 10 a. m.t N. C. Hendricks, auptertntendent. Morning service, 11 o'clock. Brotherhood services at 7:45. Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. S. 3 p. m., Mrs. J. II. Qulnn, supt; Bible Study svery Thursday after noon. E. C. Dye will preach at 7:30 o'clock In ths svenlng. , Methodlet Main street cor. Seventh, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman paator, res. cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. S. -9:48 s, mC- A. Wllllama, Glad stone, aupt.; morning service 10:45, i, Epworth League 6:30, evening ser ' vice 7.80. Prayer meeting , Thurs day 8 p. m. Ths Loyal Orange In atltutlon of Oregon City will be apeclal guests at morning aervlce. No evening service. Presbyterian Seventh street cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Lsndshorougn, pastor, Rea. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mrs. W. C. Oreen, supt.; morn ing aervlce 11 a. m. prayer meet ing Thursday 8 p. m. Rev. 8. M. Blddle, of West Virginia, who la In attendance at thf convention of the Disciples of ChrfM, In Portland, will preach. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. m., topic, "Lessons from Great Lives." leader, Miss Gertrude Hamilton. Evening worship at 7:43, tbe Rev. A. J. Mayer, of Tennessee, In at tendance at the Portland conven tion, will preach. Parkplac cengreoa-mnet flev. J. L. Jones pnator, rrs. Inokamsa; B. n. 10 a. m., Kmery KYenoh supt: preaching eervlres eaeh Hiindsy, allernsilng hs twetn 11 a. m. and 7:S p. m Chris tlnn Kndeavor Thursdsjr evening 7:30 p. m. . . St Paul's Rev. C W. Robinson, rec tor. Dally services: Morning pray er, 7 a. m. ; Holy Eucharist, 7:80 a. m., eveulhg prayer, 7:80 p. m. Sun day services: Holy Eucharist I a. m ; morning prayer, 10:80 a, m.; Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:80 p. m.; 8. 8., II m.; Thursday evenings, sermon at 7:30 p. m. United Brethren Cor. VCIghtn and Taylor, Rev. u. r. Liars paator. rea. Portland; w. K 10 a. m.. rrsnk P-.rker. Marie , T-ane, nipt ; morning service tl, Y. P. a. C K. p. m evening service 1 7. Wlllsmetts M. No regular preaching ervires. Hj . I P. m.. Mrs. ftssgia supt.. glon Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Blghlh streets, Rev. W. R. Kraxberger pas tnr, res. 7X0 Jefferson; 8. H. :I0 s. m , Tier Trsxnerger eupt.i morning service " lO SO. evening 7:41, t.uther league T p. n West Orogon City School Housed Services conducted by J, O. Stitats at 3 o'clock, followed by Sunday chool. ' . ' Spinsters In Ruaala, In Raaala an onmarried woman re mains under control of ber parents un til ber or their death. BATHING CLOAK. A Oressfwl Wri That is Useful en Ch.iF bars. ( SKACW CLOAK. Tbs French bather In ber abbrevi ated uktoiuer bathing dress comes down to tbs edge of tbe wsier covered by a long, graceful wrap, which sue throws to an attendant wbeu sbe stepa Into tbe water. When sbe emerges after ber bath the big wrap to ready to cover ber up again. - ' These bathing wrapa seem rather an affectation "on American beat-bee. where it la quits tbe custom to walk and alt about, clad In a bathing dress, but at tbe fashionable reaorta the bath ing wrap is much the thlug. and of course It matches In color and material tbs pretty bathing dreaa worn under it If one pleaaes tbe wrap may be also need aa a rag during the suuulug on the aand. Spread oat brfvre out? nil down. It keeps tbe wet suit free froui saod"and prevents tbe messy, heavy condition that ta so unpleasant ' Tbe bathing wrap pictured la of soft rubberised blue silk. It la lined with scarlet taffeta and" makes a pretty bit of color on the beach. '"" Tbe allk cap sbown In tbe picture of this bathing wrap la one of tbe fa vorite models Just now. Tbe dotted allk la drawn In folda over tbe rubber swimming tap. and at either aide are enda of tbs silk. .... , TAILORED GOWNS. They Ars Smartly Made Up In Linen or Pique. A smart gown of dark blue linen la pictured bere. Its touch of special smartness la In tbe front panel On lahed with large round buttons. VTbe blouse. Is Cut low and U unlsbed with a little round collar of tbe linen. Just Inside of which to set a line of wblte. A lace frill la brought down the front of the blouse. A patch pocket adorns tbe front of the watat, No small accessory .of dress Is so Important as tbe belt, and yet few give . binari phrss It consldemtlon. At prwent the mml prlniews sod tither one ple-e d.xwex do away with the neveMslty for belt!: but after all. Its use on the skirt and shirt whM, when w-ell tailored aud trimly rlonned. nmy le very attrai-tlve The vraxiinlile belt should le neat and alwavM freb. aud m mnnj are needeil y ' He Wouldn't Ask Fwrthse. Contributor--Would you lake It kind ly If I were to aak yoa on what grounds yoa refused my latest poem T Editor- Yea. If you'll take kindly to my true statement of tbe case. Ooa trtbutor tafter alight bealtatioui flood day, air Baltimore Amerk-an. Rseelvad Tumultueusty. "tie ssya be created quite a furore with bla new play," remarked tbe first actor. "Flnbr' snorted the other, "fie men na be created qnlte a few ronr tilt off the stage: -thoot blrar etc." -Philadelphia l-edge)". ' - i 1 1 : i V i Jb - ' ' 4 if I - "" v 1 r - it t.. - - a v. 1 1 i f t f , . i i i -r , Coohcry points Preserving Hints. A veteran bourkn'rr uui:eta In facilitate the work on days hi fm t prewervlng Is to In- done to lime H.I Ingredients and titenll re l in nt vance. If the- fruit muei I i inl !, this early In the Oiorn.iitf or rnt uu the afternMo bvfore. druiM'lnu each piei-e. lu itiUI ..water s "iu u lb sklu m removed. If bttrrlea must In- hiireil. hu'l lli.-ui Ibe day before. A" to the YeilloM bnslnesa of "topping slid lulling goove berries, engage Ibe cblldrru lu ib r.iui 11 y to do Ibis s day abi-ad of time, far Ing them a few peuulra for the Cak. See to It 'that glnseeo and Jar sre scalded and rinsed tul In t-old wsier and ready to be Oiled. Ite nr ilwi the Jur lids Bt tnrhtly and ttmt the nr. bers arp new and unbrnkrii A l-fei-five mbber will rHiiM the feruu-uiainui of an eotlre Jar f jerfei t fruit. . pair of klb ben w-nlt-a b an lniMr;ai t article at preserving time. Use sxste or Min-elMln lined kertle for preserving and Jelly making lluve a spoon wlib stub a long handle thsi tbs steam from the contents of , the kettle will not scald your wriet and band aa you stir ibem. A wod)n or agate spoon la better Iban one ot metaL anon which tbe arid of the frnlt may muse a cbemh-al at-tloo which will affect the tame or color of tbs frnlt it touches. ult Pudding. . Every one likes fruit pudding. It Is made as follows: Into Ibe oper pan of your doublebolleruta)plnt"or sweet milk, and when It cornea to a boll stir In two tableapooofule of orn stsreb which has been dissolved In a little water. Let boll live minutes Add ons egg. well beaten, with half a cupful of sngsr and a pinch of aalt. Let , boll two minutes, attiring con stantly. Flavor with vsnLUs'aod atta in a cupful of raspberries crushed sod sweetened. Remove from Ore sod best well for a mlnnts. Pour Into mold, chill snd serve with sugar and cream. Other frulta. auch aa -blackberries. canned peacbea (chopped Onei or even stewed spplea. msy be need. . Green Pear Conserve. Pear conaervs Is tbna prepared: Rare resdy a quarter perk of green pears, three lemons, two oranges, four pounds of granulated sugar. . two ounces of green ginger root snd a gill of water.- Cut tbe pears Into quarters, peeling tbem. removing tbe cores sod dropping Inio cold water. Orate tbe rind from the three lemons: avrspe the rind from tbe ginger root. lut through tbe food rbopier Ibe drained peers snd the ginger runt: add to tbem tne angar. tbe grated lemon rind. Ibe Juice of tbe lemons and oranges and tbe gill of cold water. Boll all together two and a balf hours snd pour tnto Jelly glasses Geeseeerey Jam. Many persona are fond of goose berry Jam To make It take tbe ber ries, mash and remove tbe stems and weigh tbem. I For every pound of fruit allow three-quarters -of a pound of granulated sugar. Int them, with tbe water clinging to tbem. Into the preserving kettle and set tbem where tbey will beat slowly, stirring tbem np from ths bottom often. When enough Juice has eluded from ths fruit to pre vent scorching boll gently for sn hour, still stirring every Ore minutes. At ths eud of sn hour sdd tbe suar snd cook gently for sn hour or more, or until tbe Jam la thick. Marshmallow and Raspberry Cream. Marsbmallow and raapberry cream Is delicious. To make It take one dosen marebmallowa cut One. one cupful of cream whipped stiff and sweetened, one pint, of strawberries, two table apooufula of sherry wine snd fonr small round pieces of ancel cake. Place oue piece of cake In a sherbet glass snd pour one teaspoonful of sber ry over It, Mix tbe marabmallowa with the cream and till tbe glass. Decorate with tbe augared strawberries and serve at once. Conserved Frujt. Tbe following fruit ccuserve will be mnch appreciated: Scrape and cat amnll enough pieplant to make a quart: stem a pint of red currants; pick over carefully a pint Of red rasp berries; cur line a pound of walnuts and a pound of Heeded rnlsins: cut up two orange; grate the rind and aqueer.e the Juice from two lemons; weigh all; add sn equal weight of sugar and boll until thick: put Into Jars and seal. Peaeh and Orange Marmalade. For peach and ornnge marmalade peel enough pew-hea to make all pound after the. pita have lieen re moved, t'riti'k twentv peach pits and remove the kernels. Chop the kernels and add them to the eacbea: add the fulce and pulp qffour large . ranges and stir In four pounds of sngsr. Holl. stirring often, nntll thick and clear. Put Into glasses and when cold pour paraffin over the marmalade. Fruit Cams. For fruit gems form circles of boiled rice on little fruit plates, pile np straw berries In the center of each and pour over each n ladlefnl of pineapple Juice well sweetened. All tbe Ingredients should be Ice cold. ' , ""' '( CURRENT SPORT EVENTS Jim Jeffries Is going to Alaska in July to bunt bears, - . Tbe, University of Virginia la build ing an athletic clubbouae costing S3&- 00. .; "Soms ' women believe everything a man tells them. "Tea." replied Mr. Meekton. "Be fore I married Henrietta 1 told ber 1 would be ber slave for life, and ber trusting nature refuses to accept any compromise.'- U'sblugton Jttur, CJearaece . Sale In order to close out tKe broken lots and remnants of summer goods which we have left, we will have a two weelcs special sale Beginning Saturday, July 8 and ending Saturday, July 22nd During this sale we shall sell all summer goods at greatly reduced prices. We quote a few of 1 Ladies' White Waists Worth $1.0.0 ta..$3j0p at 65c to $1.85 White Underskirts 48c to $1.48 Corset Covers J 5c to 75c Worth much more w. d eddy a son Wants. For Sale, Etc Notices amder these daaalfM kvaaatas WU1 b tnsart.4 at en. cat word, flrat huartlon. half a seat addltkmal Saaar tlona. one Inch ear, tl per moatfc. hag tech card. t naeaj st par moat a. Casta Biuat aecompaar order anteoe em haa aa opew aocount wtth the patpor. . N ftmanctaj rr possibility for errors; whon wrors occur fro. corrected aotlco will St printed tor palroau Minimum charge tie WANTED. WANTED Too to know tost we buy all kinds of Curios, that we ars In the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also hsvs s good assortment of second hand Furnlturs and Tools on band for . sale to those tn need. Come anJ see; perhaps we have Juat what you want Indian Curios and trinkets for aale cheap; aome that ars ver ' unique and also very rare. GEORGE YOUNG, Main near Fifth street. WANTED Good, neat girl for general bouse work. Inquire Mra. Frank Busch. Both phones. oausii advertisements for this oolimn. prices ry reason able, fees rates at bead of coltmn Read tbe MornTng Enterprise. WANTED Too. to anew that tbe En terprlse Job printing department Is tbe most complete In tne State, outside Portland. Try It for your neit printing- FOR SALE. FOR SALE Space In this col a ma Sell that old plow or harrow; yon Ooat use It since yon purchased your now one. a . FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dtmtck A Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City. Or. ATTORNEY. O. D. KBT, Attorney-st-Law. Monei loaned, abstracts furnished. land titles examined, estatea settled, gen eral law business. Over Bank at Oregon City. ) TTRXN A SCHUEBEL, ' Attorneys-at Law, Deutscbsr Advokat. will prac tice In all coorta. make collections and settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg Oregon City. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 and upwards: one yeat or longer. Apply at onuo. Cross A Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg Oregon City. BUILDER AND CO' ACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder snd General Contractor. Estimates cheat full given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Kes. Phone Main 111. K. H. COOPER. For Firs .Insurance and Real Eatate. Let ua handle your properties we buy, sell snd exchange. Office In Enterprise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. U O. L. Notice. All members of Derry Lodge No. 154, L. O. L., and True Blue Lodge No. 157. are requested to meet at A. O. U. W. Hall at 10 o'clock a. m., Sunday, July 9th, to attend divine worship at the Methodist church. WILDWOOD -HOSPITAL Oregon City . Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. Graduate Nurses Pac. 2243 x Horn tD-295 the many low prices: Cfiildf ens Dresses 1 9c, 49c, 69c r Children's Rompers 1 9c and 39c Straw Hats JOc, 1 5c, J 9c and tp Enterprise will be on sale at . Gladstone Park, or you may have it de livered to your tent every morning by the special Carrier Service that will be maintained During Chautauqua A fall report of daily events will bel'pub lished every day . Order now and ar range for delivery. You will want extra , copies to send away. - Call,1' write or phone Morning Enterprise Circulation Department Cartts Jersey Dairy 1 Dealers In Fresh Butter, Buttermilk Cream, Milk and Eggs. 709 Seventh St. Opposite City Park Phone 1262. - Deliveries Made in . all parts of city. Open on Sunday. i Bay a Home , While Paying Rent $100 down and $12 a month takes tbla comfortable, six-room ' bouse and lot. House la wired for electricity. Lot 2105 feet. Some fruit on place. Well lo cated on Madison 8L tf""' A anap at............ iiivJ E. P. Elliott end 7th and Main Sta., by, Easpo ,' stoa Bridge, v The BWBBBBBBBBBnBBBBl3 Morning SuaSH