Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1911)
UOQNIuG ENTESntlSE 02EGOH CITT, OREGON E- E. BROOIE, Edit ad Publisher. "Bartered u Meal-dui atari ar Ju. urr 1. If 11. at lb post emca at Oraa-aa ctrr. Ortfoa, ln IM Act ef ,mn scKCBrnai. Uw Tr, by saaB . . ...... Mnath. by aaaO .. .... .. Four Mnatha. by atag ...ISM ... 1M ... Let ... Jd , T iirnranc uto f rtrM lwee. iw hn nret 1 PlrM Pa, tack added faaa rtiai rwn t4 aoaittaa aajr aa. pal flm aMerttaa... , ..lea ev evened nnaittaai say pad. AM tnmi rtlo r kv l ar taw ua papar atber fin kmlka. ... ....las Baa ar AM la Ids Mr Baa: I Uni aa Itaa. Wut Far Bala." Ta Raw, at. ea rat a wort raw toaarUaa: ar baa deal ark additional . ., Rata far ilratWM tte Weakly Enierprtaa will ha taw tiai aa ta th taltr. for adrartteeaaaata art aapaUally far (a weakly. Wiwi lb aararttaaawat ta traaaferrd frees tbe daily Co IB ! . wttaoat caurt, the rata arlU a a rack far raw af tha aapar. aa la aa aea for apart! aoatttowv Caasj akoaM aeaaaipaa erdar iim arty a) an k nova ta Ssilnns erne af . Lawal advartlain; at kal advarttatB; tin. Clreae advervMn- and apeetal traaataat a m Itidna at He to Me aa tech. aocerd- ta anecial coadlttoaa gaaiBJn tba "Fir Bale" aad Bankrupt Bala edrar- wmncata ate tack flrat aartna; iMt- anal aia.i I Ways aaaia asafter 2ao Nwi hrm and wwil wi Ifaa anluaas ax i IC with tataraat to local r a i a-a. 1U aa dladly afcepttfd. Rejected aaiat waver retoraad ualsas tad by actase ta prepay CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. Iiry 9 In American Histonr. Braddock defeat: Ceoeraf Brad dock mortally wouadt-d. Washington Atxttni. noted paint er, died; bora 1T7U. 1ST.O Zachary Tayhir. we!fh JTeai dent of the Coiled Kate, died la office; bom 17. ISOrwGeneral CUntaa K FVk. lawyer, who waa a candidate far preMMen! oa thd temperance ttrtet. died; bora 1S2S. lOOa DlptomatJc relations aerered be tween tb Cnited Stated acd Vo soela. .... 1910- Walter K. Brookina flew 8273 feet high at Atlantic City. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. ' (From noon fudsy to noon toaxM-row.i Sun sets 720. rise 434: moon arta . Larger crowd hare -attended the Chautauqua at Gladstone park this year than ver before. The weather has been perfect, and th attractions of tb highest class. The management haa gone to a great deal of expense to pieaae th people, and they should show their appreciation by liberally patronizing th Chautauqua. A few day spent at th assembly la aa edu cation In JUelf. and no on who pos sibly can attend should fail to do so. It is a rare opportunity to hear th . beat lecturers, : vocalists, musicians, and other Tamoua persona. Ia fact there la never a dull moment at the Chautauqua. Tb big entertainment and outing haa hardly started, so there is plenty opportunity for those who did not attend last week to do so. The programs for the remaining days ax Just aa good, and even better than those that have been given. Drive away old DULL CARE by spending ' aa many days as possible at thd chao tauqua In beautiful Gladstone Park. . With one saloonkeeper, who was willing to pay for a license, put oat of business, and a win man fined $30 for aelMng win without a license, Oregon City authorities cannot bd ac cused of encouragiiig th liquor traf fic . Biff, Biff, Bang! . What was that . went off? The Mayor haa adminis tered a solar plexus blow to a pro posed plan to hold boxing bouts In, the city.' Ante-eleetlon promises eer-, , tainly have beea kept PEOPOMlToN GLADSTONE CHARTER ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON N JULY 31 COWBELL . NOISE TO STOP. . The Gladstone City Counail at the meeting Tuesdsy night will consider dn ordinance to prevent cows with bf!s attached to them running la the street and to keep horse from graz ing m th street. It la thought that both measure will be adopted. Var ious ordinance., fixing grade of streets will b passed at thd meeting. Copied of th proposed new charter for the city will be distributed among tb voter in about two weeks. The law provided that th voter shall have the copiedN eleven dsya before the election wJUch will be held on July 21. The charter baa been ap roved by the members of th city council, and It la believed that tb voters will approve it. Keep ihe Babies at Home Br Dr. HENRY a CIIAPIN of New. York fsX. moment babr ia taken M velopment bow a gteadj LOSS. I don't leliere an infant a abonld go to an institntion nnder any rirrumstanee. , A FEW SURVIVE, BUT EVERY ONE LESS THAN HALF A YEAR OLD DIES. - ' I don't care how wtH th institution ia managed ; tb retraltd are C: asme. One Traaon for the great mortality rate in inatitntiona for .x tbe dpread of IXFEfTOCS co2RBfo;;det;ce MILWAUKIE. Tu IX Miltoa. of SL John, has pur chased tha butcher shop of W. F. Lehman and took poaaeaaion July 1. Mr. Ukau will do .Id collection sad rdt belor catering business again. Ben Haye and family, of Port land, apent thd Fourth with J. W. Mon roa dad family. A birthday party wad gtvea at lad Knickerbocker horn last Saturday evening: la honor of Midd Grace. Mis Clara 8chults. who speat Bear-; It ob and one-half yaara with Jlrd. H liber, had reiuraea io oar nat i Rockhdm. South Dakota. j, W. Monro aucceed Monro A Roberta In thd blackamith and hora (hoeing budiDea. Mr. Roberta, thd retiring member of the firm, go to Oawego a here he will work la on of. thd shop ther for a whU. Mr, a J. Caffall and daughter. MU Dixie., departed Friday for a abort visit at Cladakdnie, Or. Mr. Thorn and family entertained friend from Portland on tb Fourth. A picnic dinner waa serred on the law. Elura Lewis, a brotjer of Mrs. C. B. Handon. Id taking a plensur trip. Hd I In Yellowstone Park now. Bill TO HAVE RUN BY GOVERNMENT WASHINGTON". July 8. A bill ap propriating fS.00d.0oo for a. GoTem-meBC-oaned and controlled steamship Ha along tb Pacific Coast and through thd Panama, Canal was intro duced today by RepreaeataUr Steph en of California. Tha bill directs i that until the canal 1 completed the "Panama Railroad Company dhail op erate a freight and passenger tin on thd Pacific Coast la connection with an Atlantic line, and regular slops be made at Seattle, Tacoma. Portland, Saa Franciso, Loa Anr;ee, San Diego ard other porta, and that upon com pletion of the canal the company shall operate steamship through the. canal, making regular stop at the leading Pacific and Atlantic porta. Tk Oaring Little Hamming Bird. Courage baa little or no retattoa to bodily aixe. The humming bird ta the smallest of birds, bat aiau one of the moat fearless and pujrnaclou. He at tack kingbird nnd hawk, and tbuHe tyrannical creature, though of mon strous six In comparison, seem uot at all ashamed to fly from bis The fights of humming birds smong tnemaeirea ar often fleece and pro tracted. - Chemical Misnomers. "Copperas" Is a eonsplrnou example of chemical misnomers, being sulphate of IrooTnof "roprer.Anot her Is "salt of lemon." which baa nothing w hater er to do with the fruit of tbe lemon tree, but fat potassium binoxalate or potash treated with oxalic acid. A Fearful Dream. Bobba old Titewadd la about dead from Insomnia: any be la afraid i go to sleep. . Dobha Does be fear borglara: Bobba No. but tbe una time be slept he dreamed of giving away hid money. Exchange Than She Kiesed Him. "Ton have not klaxed me. eh poor ed. "for flfleen minute." "1 know iL" be said "I have a vet y sensitive tooth, which la liable to debe If I do "Wbdt do you mesn. slrT "Why. you're so sweet, you knowT His Cleverness. Tb Lady-Jack, why don't yon writ a book or paint a picture or do some thing clever? Tbe Gentleman Because 1 elected millionaire for a father, aod I think that waa clever enough to but a life time. a Helping a Fallow Oirt. B (who stutters badly t I tul-lut love you mom-mum I, lul-love you mufs-mnm-more than tut-tut-toogue can tut-tut more than tut-tut-tongue can tut-tut She (eagertt-Doo't you know tbe deaf and dumb alpha bet? Thd "Bad Nawa" Ball at UeytTd. Tb bell of tb British frigate Lo tine, which aank off tbe Dutch t-oaxt in 1799 with a cargo of coin and specie valued at Kl.000.0l JO. ia thd "bad news" bell dt Lloyd . Whenever news is re eel ved that a ship Is overdue or when definite news comes of the torn of 4 ship the bell Is rung by th -caller At Its toUlQg all transactions are sun- ! pended until the news It heralds u ' read. , Modem Mutiny. . Thd man accused of inciting mutiny I on tbe airship waa heavily ironed and brought before tbe captain. "Was be caught In the art?" asked tbe captain when be bad glared menacingly at tbe culprit. I "Yea. sir." replied tb first mat. "1 caught him In tbe art of tacking np card hearing the mvtlnou exprea ston. 'Back to tha Land.' " Chicago New. A HAPPY LIFE. The secret of a happy life doe not Ee in the paeans and opportuv oirics of indulging our wrluM--s, but it ae in knowing how to be confer, with. what ia rasotuble, that brae and atreriath may remain tat for. the cukrrahoa of our aorJer iiature. from it borne its growth and dt- 1 i DISEASES. J MORNING ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY. JULY 9. 1911. Runaway Locomotive Follows Engineer Into a Restaurant 1 aa, - "vJ . I U WT W . sW I Td M b,l WBfra aw, y aa '!..-(. a. '-a?, rlkk Photo copyright by American Praaa T HIS happened m Philadelphia. the Philadelphia and Reading, brought his train to the city rrom Beth lebeni end then backed out of the terminal atatloa and to the round house. The huge camel bactenglne. known lo tbe railroad men as "Big Pete." waa run en to tbe turntable, which wa swung srouod until the engine could be run on to tbe track where It rents between trip. Tbe Rboadea left the engine while be went to a restaurant acroaa tbe street for hla breakfast. Whether the hostlers were too alow In attending to th wsiits of "Big l"ete" or whether tbe camel lack lecame suspicious thai hla master was getting more tbsn simply ham and epgs hss not been fully explained. "Big Pete" puffed and snorted uneasily in bis berth while waiting for his morning portion, but without warning, and to tbe cousterniitin of hi companions about him. started down the track and across the street f.w the little rvtBur-int where Master Charlie had Just drained his second cup of roffee. Luckily th turntable had not been moved since "Big Pete" lutd backed tiff It a few ml ti nted before or tbe big engine would have landed In tbe pit. and it would hive been a case of "to the bospltsl for repairs." The big ixmrd fence Just, beyond bad no terrors for th big monster, and H came down s does the paper over the cireua rider's hoop. Thd crash, however. mucd Clio rile, the master, to action, and he rushed to the door to see what waa the trmi'.tie with "Big Pete." Th latter, probably thinking Charlie waa goilig In next dir for his morning smokd, swerved from hid path ss though to Join him In the clear store it MH No one was hurt, and tha engine was but slightly dam nrrd. The climr stord and thd restaurant were badly damaged, and Greeo street was Mocked to traffic for some little time until tb wrecking crews got to work and baulrj "Big reta" back Into the yards. '. '. , , Real Estate Transfers. Roy Smith to Frank B. Smith, land in section 10, township 4 south, range 4 east; $16. . Lucius Roy and Myra Grace Seely to Emll Eliason, 80 acres of dection 12. township 5 south, range 1 east; ,7.000. Emil and Alma Eliason, to Chris tian Olson, land in section 12, town ?h p 5 south, range 1 east; S3.5O0. Anna Holden'to Fred and oJse rbine Erickson. lot 2 of block-157. also known aa block 26. County Addi tion to Oregon City; $1,250. George Zinserling to Carrie Zinserl ing. lot 16. block 4. Parkplare: fl. Paul Reimers and Grace Reimers to L L Gray, lots 5 and 6, block 14. Robertaon; $385. Anna Holden to Fred and Jose ton, to School District 121. 1 1-2 acrea YOUR) VACATION Will Be Incomplete WITHOUT THE- MORNING ENTERPRISE WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR " 25 CENTS A MONTH It's worth the money.. It's like a letter from home every day. v It will keep you fully informed about the happenings of yotir city ano county during Yo can pUc yoor ordt by telephone. The Morning Enterprise is the only daily nwspa?zr between Portland and Satem. It Is steadily growing In p3pa!ariry. . r . Yoti get a 1 the news worth while faf The Morning L 2 Aaaoclatloa, 1I1L Charlie Rboadea. an englna StmrVW of sections 4 and 5, township 4 aouth. range I east; $1. Frank E. and Bessie Andrews to G, R. Miller, lots 1. 2. 3. H. block 19, South Oregon City; $400. J. F. Dix to G. R- Miller, lots 15, 1C. block 1. South Oregon City; $200, James I). Waring and Effie M. War ing to J. R. and A. D. James, lota 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10, U. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. block 8; also lota 17. 18, IS. 20, 21. 22. block 17; $10. Turtle. In tbe Galapagos Islands turtle were found by Darwin which were able to travel four mile a day a rate of progress not despicable la creatures provided with sorb legs: creature, too. ao heavy that six men were often required to lift one of them. - , ! your absence. Enterprise t l0CC FOLK SCC.--: AT CCAiJTirC (Continued from Pd 1.) did not acquit Lurtmdr, bat convicted liaelf. . " The picture la a dark on, h declared, "but tbe color dr tuned by Americana." Mr. Hanley handled hla aubject un der the toliowun beada: Fim LJoartv regulated by taw Id Ihd flrat expression of thd patriotism of ic, edtdbilahed lo thd Mvoiutku, tb War of 1811 and tb CII War. Second The nation berani established In wi.'. through groaiug luuuairted u such aa extent mat Pc baa baootao a passion aud patriotism la expreaaed tnrougn tb coiuiuerciai in, ioku. The lutiueui of our great meu, Webster and Lincoln being riled aa aielding lb greatest lutlueuce for eatdbliantng th country on a pedCd toot lug." ' Mr. tiaulry outlined thd duty of tbe cittieu to bid Ion-fathers aud by be sbouta snow his patrioiuiu. lu pakiug of the Jln.o stories threat eulug war with Japan Mr. Hanley said. "Japan with th aid of all tbe armies and navies of the world could not sin' through to ludiaua from either coast." Oreattat Enemy at Homd. "Tb greatest enemy of the Datiou ia uot lu Europe or Asia, but at home in our own country. Ha aim but at thd fortlflcatlona of thd land, but deeper, at tb national couacicuc. through graft and th smoothing over gnd painting In tb brtghil and most pleasing color of thd rotten ness In public placed." Mr. Hanley said that thia country wad the worlds last and best hope lu the matter of universal peace. Tbe Dilworth Derbled, of Purtldnd. defeated thd Crystdl Sprtuga rara nlnd in a one-aided gam. Th cor was 11 to Z. Thd pitcher for Crystal Springs Park. Scott. Aiken and An derson, were virtually hammered out of the box. Th feature of th gam waa tbe pitching of Moreland for the Derbies. He allowed only five hits. The Oregon Cliy the series with two won and oon lost. Gladstone, Aurora and Dilworth Derbies are second with one woo and one lost each and Crystal Spring park Is laat. having lost two and won none. Marathon I Started. Thd atart of tbe Marathon at 3:30 brought out a good crowd. The flrdt place In the first day's run went to representative of tha wasningtoo High School In Portland, and second Place to Kellogg, of Gladstone. Thd competitive drill by boy of tbe Boys Brigade waa very interesting, the silk flag going to tbe Oak Grove company In command of Captain Fow ler. The Patton company, under the command of Surgeon, gave an exhibi tion of first aid practice and caring for the wounded on tbe field. Thia portion of the exhibition called forth the praise of those witnessing the per formance. The boys are well drilled and went at the work In a moat business-like manner.; Thd most popular-entertainers at ihe chauiauqua areXhe Apollo Concert Company, of Chicago. Such a triumph as their haa never before been known here, their bell-ringing num bers being probably th moat popular, though etery number receives tre mendous applause and encore call are responded to J)brally by lh com pany. Owing to sickness, DeWltt Miller. who ws to hav lectured at 2 o'clock Monday will not be able to apear. ii R. P. Shepherd will be substituted fc r DeWitt Miller. Today's Program. The program for tomorrow Id aa follows: MORNING. 9:00 Women's Missionary program. lu.oO Sunday school. 11:00 Scripture recital Rev. Edith Hill Booker. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert Naval Reserve Band. 2:oo Music Mr. W. H. Boyer, .. . . tenor. Sermon Rev. R. p. shepherd. 4j00 Concert Monday Musical Club Mrs. Rose Reed Hane- . . come, director. . PROGRAM. PART I. Vocal Selections Miss Zeta Hollister, soprano. (a I In The Garden of My Heart. Komi. , lb) Morning Hymn, Henscbel. (ci You, Dear and 1. Clark. Vocal Selection Miss Alice Justin. (a I Send My Heart L'p to Thee, uach, gproaa. (b) Norm and Night, Haw ley. (c) Will o'the Wisp, Spross. ocal Selections Mr, Henry G. Let- tow. a) Thin for Life. Mascheron. lb) Mother olline. Tours. (c Rolling Down to Rio, Gorman ocai Selections Miss Virginia Huicnison. (s Heart Spring Time, VonWlck eue. (b) Irish Folk Song, Foote. PART II. i no Romania 'Marschner rrank G. Klcbenlaub Violin uuncan Raft cello Harry E. Van Dike llano IJSOIO "O Divine Redeemer" rin..wi iirs. Kaymond Sullivan, aoprana. jiiss ( arrnel Sullivan, dccompdoisL Piano Solo Capric. .Stavenhagen lb) Erl King. Schubert Usxt art Ella Connel Jesse. Vocal Solo (a) "Thd pilgrim Song." Tachowakl lb) "Th Pipe of Pan reward Edgar. Hart ridge G. Whlpp, baaau jniss i-euuur r-sDer, accompanist. ooro ine workers- Gounod tiss Evelyn Hurley, contralto. 1. 1 wann concert. Naval Reaerv nana 8:00 Sacred Concert Apollo Concert vorupany, oi Chicago. OAK GROVE. isd Tda Spidell and Clarence Bushong were married Thursday. a. oj me rtev. jann at tbe nar. rnag. Only relatives were present. ' 'Jr .nil Um d..l. ... .. .. - ouanong will llv a ueir nom at Milwaukie Height. ur. dnd Mrs. uinki., , . . . . i.iuihti -od Angeiee rrlddy dfteraoon irene vdmeron it Karah. Waah I. jv.sjung Mr. Shery and family for a I "U9 aa a favorite when she lived here, so her. visit will bd "'."yen cy ner schoolmates. W. Prank, of Milwduki. ... Oak Grove visitor Friday afternoon. ' scnoot Doara held Thdrsdsy evening. Mr. I meeting oVhranrra wss elected clerk. Tb Oak Grove baseball lata fested the Third Baptist Church team Fridsy evening. The acor ws to J. The team will play th J. C Ra. t team of Portland Sunday at 2:20 p. m. Clayton Colemaa left on WednaaH. fr Bsker, Or, wber be eioeri. t abdwt yar money mattar wfi ar a ddPddlter hdr. vur .Ui ar all - Vdur h-k, wh returned, k am rwtpV N tribl ah Ml hat-. n dlotd abdvt t m.nta, M qu..tlon U whr jrour rtdy Mt fd" yi Mv reedlvdd. Yor mm " th til r. t always tall th story. . I ON THE SAFE SI0E AND OPfN AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IH THE COUNTY ' j U C LATOURrrTl rrWnl THE FIRST NATIONaAJL BAN . of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL. tr adadU d (t'tl tdnkiitf udlneas 3i ;.. LET US DRILL YOUR WELL Sm 1 1 t motion Qmmmtm4L Lmmvm ordmw ml , ORTOOM Olir SHOC SHOP scHoiNM'iir.1 atdOdf oot 4V plant. LATEST MARKETS Cjuotanwna far orago" ".'t. POTATOES Best. Iluvlng $2.00. FlXlUR, AND FEED--Flo t-r ta steady, selling from 11 to IS 10; vdry UtUe of cheaper grades. OATS (Buying) Gray, U to $15, white, from $: to $27. Bi:TTER iBuytng) Ordinary fancy dairy from 2 or ry 22c io i5c EGGS ttiuyingi At rangiLg from 2Hs to 21. according to grade. POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit tie good slock offered. Good hens ar brlnglug 12c. Old roodter ar In po demand, broiler bring from 2"c to 21c, with good demand. WOOL ( Hu v.ti r .Vooi prices arf ranging from 13c to 15c. FEED Short $ to $30; rolled barley. $31.50 to $J2.50; process bar ley, $33; whole corn. $31 to $32: cracked corn. $32 to $33; wheat $33 to $33; oil meal, $53; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1 25 per hundred pounds. HAY (Duylag.1 Timothy IK to $17; clover $9 to $10; oat hay. beat, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $12 to $14 HIDES (Buying Gaeen hldee. 6 to 6c; sailers, ftVc to 64c; dry hides. I2C to 14c. Sb.ep pelts, 25 to 71c ach. DRIED FRUITS Local priced re Arm at from ftc to 10c on apple and pruaeirpeacheg are lc SALT Selling 50c lo 90c tor Dn SO lb. sack, half ground 40c; 7$ for loO lb. sacka. Portland VtQdtabl Markets. SACK- VEGETABLES Carrota, $1. 250 11.50 pr sack; paranlpa. $1.25 011 SO; turnips. $125 fjll 80; bets. $l.5. .. 1 "EGETAllLs;! Asparaaus, 90c 0 11.7$ per 'rate; eabbaga, new, ft per hundredweight; cauliflower. ll.aOO $1.75 er doxen; celery, California, 75c ti9oe per doien; cucumber. $1,600 12 25 per doten; eggplant. 15c par lb.; garlic, loc 01 2c per pound; lettuce. 50c per dJten; hothouse lettuce, $1.50 per box; pass, Icfjllc per pri-nd: peppers. 30cff35c per pound; radishes, j&c per doxen; rhubarb, 2jc 0 3c per pound; aproutd, 9c; tomatoea, $?c$3:s. ONIONS Jobbing priced; Ortgou 12.75 per 100: Australian, $3.50 per 100; Texas. $2 25 pet crate: Ca'tfor nia, $2 per crat Oregon Cltv Stock Uuotitlon. . HOGS Hogs ar quoted He Kr From 125 Iba. to 130 Iba. 9Vic. frota 150 Iba. to 200 Iba. IHc. VEAL CALTM Veal cahea orlna from Re to toe according xn grade. BEEF STEERS leet afeer for th local markets ar fetching tVc t 6M,e llv areiKht. SHEEP - urui at sc ;o is live weight. BACON. LAKT ai:d HAM. ara Arm !$1.50. CATTLE MARKET STEADY. Sheep Supply Adequate But Quality Is Poor. Thd PortUnd Union Stock Ydrds Company reports a follows: Receipts for tbe week "have been: Csttle 1911; Cslves. 291; Hogs, 152G; Sheep. 4297. Tbe csttle market throughout was steady, with cowa and butcher stuff In strong demand. Calves sold Well and smooth steers, not too heavy In wrirht, "Hold at. 10.25. The hog market was 10 to 15 centi higher, with an Insistent demand for more at the higher prices. The sheep run was adequate to the uemanu in numoer out there waa a lark of quality that ch.racterUed th. offerlngi snd In consequence prices appesved wesk. As a matter of fact. good Sheep brought grod priced, dnd with snrtblng Ilk quality the market was stesdy to strong. . Iocsl livestock people are niilt ex ercised over the reported damage done to the corn crop In the Middle west. The naua! flurry of th vear. a applied to corn prices, seem to be backed ap by hot dry weather and tne western part of the corn belt doe not look for much mor th.n naif a crop. If this shortage la deftn neiy nxen by reason of a. lack of timely rains, a large number of feed- r will be thrown on (h market and t will be possible for farmers In Ida ho and Eastern Oregon to nnrrhasa cvme io consume their hay. Pssttir age nas been extremely poor In the Middle West, and aa a result lows snd Illinois which hsv excellent crop prospect nav piled their feed lots with lower priced rattle. Thia msv mdkd d mor available supply for s Western movement. Represents! It sale hsv keen aa foljows: ICI Steers ....110 ....1125 ....12C0 1102 .... 193 .... 230 .... 341. ....1145 ....1020 .... 970 $125 10 6.00 215 760 725 5.00 660 5.25 S'io 7.25 6.25 40 6.00 41 Steers 30 Steer 63 Steers 94 Calves 59 Calves 19 Calves 19 rows 175 Cow 52 Cowa 0 Cow , 90 Hows , 1 Rtag ., 992 ...... .... 174 ....1020 ....1420 .... 76 10 Bulls No Guesswork r. J. WET BR. Ck eA0.0O0.Ou U.aa) frvm A M. I f s 121 Lamb ...... J no Wethers ... , 703 Wether .... 91 .a St9dll (I 110 91 ETA01N 07 APPLE CROP EAST TO St I larga . Yield Promised EvryV But Psclfld N art h west. I ". PORTLAND. Or . July S. (W Th Northwestern Fruit KxtkJ has Issued the following bulletla. I Tbe month of June. 1911. wltrW a variety of eitreme cllmaUc ti hm trie KdatetB that caused wldedpread speculaiW ID. fnrn u)h in aviw Ktm tb whole territory east of the Isslppl River. Including thd western stated. A protracted of unusually severe rhsracter i lowed by reports of abnormal oW nearly all sections, whtl thd satrJ rainfall, also of general nature, 4 proves to bar been CorTpoo4 J beneficial. Tb Edstern drop develope to hav been far 1 loua thsn sntlripdied. The Eastern situation, aa s I presents few changes la thd df xreri line-up. "based upon thd latest look aa reported by th moat read vatlve author! ilea to th Etchsd Yet wholesale variations In Bn 1 have been th rule la many nf recent newa letters and dlsps as well aa a tendency, la some (era. to Indicate an Kaatern croj almost unprecedented volume. In order to convey a comprehend Ide of the entire situation. produce herein, figured published the United State Iiepdrtment of rirulture, showing tbe Vlslbl r prospect on June 1. and ta com par therewith, estimates from vr other sources of Ister dates. United States analysis repreaenti percentage of visible cropa In different atates mentioned, using, mal crop aa a basis: V. 8 Gi Location. Eatltnsi Pirc Main Massachusetts Connecticut New York Pennsylvania . . . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Missouri Kansas . ....,. Arkansas Colorado Utah Idaho Washington . . Oregon California It la yet too early In th season definitely snalyte the probable aulta. That th outlook promise unusually hedvy yield, except In 1 I'dciric Northwest, dd compared "I recent years, however, la within oroer range of reasonable exiei tloo. Commercial - Club Chat Frederick Matthle. of Clackaa Helghta. haa on display several turnips. One of the turnip meat'" 21 Inches In circumference. Tk were planted April 5 snd hat m this large growth In three tnoH This shows tb opportunity for Ing vegetable la Clackamas cotrf a a A. Farrhlna. from Hamford. KW county,. Cal.. I in town, xpectlnf J nWJT 1 . Dtjy a small farm near rOeson da 8. M. Rdmsby. of Oreaon Cltr exceeded all other exhibits by hrli Ing a head of let luce to th hll head of let luce to th xhlt which measure two feet in n. . 1 1 s la a sample or what may I i In th productive doll of Cm room ameter This grown amas county with lb proper car it attention. . "- d , C. W. Swallow, of Maple Lane. on diaplay a plata of fin r' berries. These berries ar of eft' large six and ar fin for nlng. Mr. 8wallow makes a special of small fruju and berries, and on of the best arranged farms Iji U. roomy, THE MORNINQ ENTERPRISE Is on sal at th following store rry day: Huntley Bros Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAaulty Cigars Seventh and Main. Secreat Confectionery Mala near Sixth. M. IB. Dona Confectionery Nxt door to P. O. City Drtj Store Electric Hotel, Walter UtUe Confectionery 611 Seventh 8trL M. Volkmar Drvga Seventh Bsr Cent dr. ' J Schoenborn Confectionery Seventh, and .1. Q. Adams. remain for a few month a. 175 Lambs