Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY. JULY 8, 1911. 1 - EHT:iW' UP SftUE : m J. Levitt's Store, Oregon City. A Tremendous Bargain I vert That Will Onterest Everyone. : . Sale Begins Saturday, July 5, 5:30 K M, and tnds.-jmy,-,jl; 5 Every item in the store is marked to sell atalarge redaction. Every department teems with overflowing M- hiljewt tjjC. no one can afford to miss. All tail ends and all seasonable goods will Q at ridicolas sacrifice in price that we are sa e the greatest bargains ever offejed by thh or any other and therefore will leave nothing undone tintill greatly reduced. Keao tne Bargains, ima 1 uuiy . . j ': : : , ; TL .i-l iff U ' tn fat :.. nf evewDodv S wants. . - x UK aiuric win wit airautu w Men's Suits .Mens $12.50 SiiiU made of Good Reliable. Wearing Fabrics, Nice Desings, Gl Qf" now go at . J.wU All $18.00 Suits made of Pure Worsted and Casmere Fabrics, Very Latest' TC Models, take your choice at 0 I Za U Your Choice of our laree line of $25.00 all Wool Hand Tailored Suits, during this Greatest of all Sales . $17.45 ; Boy's Suits $4.00 Boys Suits. Ages 3 to 16 "July Clean Uprhce . , $6.50 and $7.00 High Grade AU Wool $2.69 Boy's Suits. Ages 3 to 17. go at ' N. ow $4.65 Men's and Boy's Trousers $130 Men's Working Trousers. , . 93c $5.00 High Grade Dress Trousers .3.33 $1.00 Boy's Kruckerbockers 63c y 'Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps All $100 Felt Hats, Clean Up Price . J. 40 AD $3.00 Felt Hats. Clean Up Price .2.19 Boy's $130 Felt Hats, Go at " . . 95c - 30 per cent off on Men's and Boy's Caps. Straw Hats including Cheap and the Best, they . all go at about 1-2 off. Underwear and Hosiery Men's 50, 65 and 75c Underwear in light Ribbed or French Balbriggan all Colors, Now go at your choice . $1.00 and $1.25 Union Suits, sac rificed at . . , . Boy's 25 and 35c Underwear . . 19c 15c Black, Tan and Fancy Socks . 8c 25c Lisle Socks at. . . ' . 17c 38c 75c Gloves and Ties 10c Canvas Gloves .00 Leather Glovey 35 and 25c Wash Ties 50c Pure Silk Ties . 4c -69c-15c 29c Shoes for AH the Family 2.50 Men's everyday Calf Skin Shoes . f .45 3.50 Men's Fine and Heavy Shoes . 2.59 4.00 Men's High Grade Dress Shoes . 2.90 5.00 Men's High Grade Oxfords, in Tans and ' Black. Button or Lace go during CO QC this Great Sale at . . PJaUU One Large Lot of 200 Pair of Women's Oxfords, odds and ends of this Season's styles. Sizes 2 1-2 to 4. Qualities 2.50 CI fin to 330. Take your choice at . j.UU One Large Lot of Chrildren's Shoes and Oxfords, 1.50. 1.75 and 2.00 Grades. QOp Take your choice at uUu Ladles High Grade Dress Shoes and Oxfords, our 4. IX) grades now tfO OT go at . . . JL.Vl 2.50 Boy's Shoes go at . . " 1.59 Men's SEirts 50e Work Shirts . . ' . . 3Sc LOO Dress Shirts . . .:.,. 69c Dry Goods Department We have a larve lot of Remnants left -a fwpw K Fmtre sraxorrs business: W V e 11 a w - They consist of all classes of Lawns, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, in fact every kind ot yard goods. , We are going to sell these Rem nants at cost in most instances for less in order to move them quickly. ,15c Lawns in a Large Variety of Qp Njce Designs . ," uu 10c Ginghams, Clean up price . 5c 12c Ginghams,' Clean up price . tOc 50 and 75c Dress Goods at . . 39c 1.00 Dress Goods at . . . ?fic 35 and 50c Fancy High Grade HOp Lawns, Clean up price .-tub 6 l-2c Best Quality Calicos at 4 2c Muslin! L L Quality 8c the World Op over, Now goes at Uu Large Reductions In Laces. Embroideries, Corsets, Gloves, Silk Gloves, Muslin ' Underwear, Etc. 1.25 Ladies' Wrapper, Clean up price &9c $1 25 to 1.50 Waists, clean us price 78c Ladies and Children's Underwear and Hosiery 15c Ladies' Black Hose . flc I 15c Children's Hose 25c Fine Ladies' Hose 1.00 Lades' Silk Hose 7c 1 9c 69c 1.00 and 1.25 House Dresses . 66c 1.50 and 2.00 Middy Blouses .1.19 Ladies' Suits and Skirts ' Here Is Your Best Opportunity to Buy a new up-to-date Tailored Suit at just Exactly Half. 15.00 Ladies' Suits at . 20.00 Ladies' Sui s at . . 25.00 Ladies' Suits t . . J 2.50 30.00 Ladies' Suits at . . 15.00 2.50 Wash Skirts now sacrificed at 1 .35 . 7.50 . 10.00 7TH AND MAIN SUSPENSION DRIDGE CORNER OREGON CITY OREGON OFFICERS COMING TO AID COUNCIL KNIGHT8 AND LADIES OF SECUR ITY TO INCREASE MEMBER SHIP HERE TO 300. . ORDER HAS j09,P ON US ROUS National President and Secretary To Visit Leading Cities In , ', - Northwest to Aroiiso ' ' ;. ' Interest.' ' . W. B. Kirkpatrlck, national' presi dent, and John V. Abraham-4aUonal secretary of the Knights and Ladles of Securityare toTlstt .the Pacific Coast this summer and will reach Portland about September 1L- The Are councils of Portland, and Willa mette county, No. 873, of Oregon City, .- .... t serving his second term, and Is com paratively a yopng man. Reception Is Planned. The councils of Portland . are mak ings treat preparations for the enter tainment of the distinguished visitors and the local council Is entering Into the campaign with great enthusiasm. On Tuesday night, September 12, the new members and - those who- obtain their applications, will be banquetted and entertained In the East Side Woodmen of the World HaU. The district manager, W. E. Cummings, Is to furnish the banquet, and he says that no eipense or pains will be spared In making It an occasion long to be remembered. gon City councils are determined to make the class initiation at Portland one of the biggest of all of them. SCHAEFER A "COMEBACK."-. Veteran Player of Washington Putting' ' Up Brilliant Game a First 8ack. Talking about "comebacks." Herman Scbaefer, the Wasblngtons' veteran In fielder, furnishes an interesting Illus tration. He has been In the American league since 1905. during which perlixl be has played both the In and out fields. It does seem that his real posi tion was not found nntll he was placed at first base by McAleer. .There 1 no doubt that Scbaefer. when his bat ting, base running and knowledge of the game are taken Into consideration. J. V. ABRAHAM8. W. B. KIRKPATRICK. hare entered Into 'a campaign to In itiate a big class of 600 members on the night of September 11, In W. O. W. Hall East 8lxth and Al der streets, Portland. ' The members of Willamette council and their candidates are to go down In a special train on that occaalon. The local council baa 225 members and the memberg feel confident of ob taining during July and Anguat, at least seventy-five new members. Mr. Kirkpatrlck hae been president of the society for more than 17 years, and thia la his first visit to Oregon. . The national secretary, Mr. Abrahams, Is The national officers during the evening, and the national president will personally distribute souvenir prizes to the members who obtain the applications of new members. There also will be dancing and the best of music will be furnished for the oc casion. . The Woodmen of the World Hall Is the best equipped for sach a class Initiation, banquet and entertainment of any hall in the state, having one of the best dancing floors, and a ban quet hail that will seat 600 persona. A dispensation to admit members for the medical examiner's fee only, dur ing this campaign, has been granted. Order Has Big Membership. The Knights and Ladles of Security Is now operating in twenty-three states and has more than 100,000 mem bers. There were 11,000 members ad mitted to the order In' the first six months of this year, the greatest num. ber ever admitted In the same length of time In the history of the order. The national officers will visit all the- Pacific Coast and Northwest states, on this tour, and large classes are to be Initiated In San Bernardino, Los Angeles, gaa rranclsco, and Oak land. .... Seattle,' Tacoma, gpokane, Wash., Butte, J Helena, . Boise .Cltr. Portland and Eugene. ( The members of Portland and Ore- LET UO DRILL YOUR WELL CmCmtmottom mittmodm Lmmw oroWi mt iOm OITY SHOE SHOP - MeORKOORT PLANT. " MM V)'1 M J VANITY FAIR. Pin Tucks Are Usod to Embellish Lin- Bri Dresaas. The linen bathing ault Is much worn. The plain top sleeves In mannish Style or the kimono or peasant cut is still a dominant characteristic. - Pin tucks have again appeared in the lingerie blouse, with insertions of lace and One embroideries. Rhinestone bandeaux - have ostrich plumes, often uncurled, standing up at one aide. Now and then they are curl ed backward. 1 This child's dress is made with peas ant sleeves and a smart paneled effect that may be carried out In embroidery or la some contrasting material. The skirt and body are in one. the fullness Photo by American Press Association. antma Kiitm, waihtxotov's var an am INriKLDEB. has played a better first bsse then any man covering that place for the Na tionals in recent years. ' The fsct that be Is fast on Ms feet makes him a valuable wan fpr the team, and. what is more, be Is a quick, accurate thrower and has I teen la the game long enough to know what to do with the ball when be gets It ' if Scbaefer ran keep up the pace be baa set to date McAleer will, have no oc caalon to look about for a Drat base man, ror Scbaefer bas It on several pls;1ng In the major leagues today. child's nasLED vuam. at the waist being beld In by a belt. 8cnlloped edge are In vnjnie. and the frock might be made of plain material with tbe yoke and panel of fancy stuff, the plain material being walloped at tbe edges. JDDIC COOLLET, This May Mantoa patUm la eat In sIms for child of four, ill or lht yer of . Bern It centa to this omc. itrlnr aumber. 7071 and It will b promptly tot warded to you by mall, if ha.ta ion au additional two cant lUmp for latter post". whlh losurae m. prompt da Hvary. . Ramsdeil te Defend Sprinting TTtlee. Teiaa" Pam.M v. tt.i . --. uuirrraity ox Pennavlvanla anrti.l. .... . . ' , - miM, win Tory Ukely defnd bis 100 and 220 yard oash tit 1m at ti. .-- - '.. . - I CUIgUSII champlonshlpa. Mis Own Fault, - : ' Tbe Impaasloned orator at. the tramps' convention' paused and wiped bis perspiring brow. Protbers." be aald. "tbia Is bard work." Then they expelled faimv-CUveland Plain Dealer . , even Mere. , ' Ned Does yoor wife mean every thing an says 7 Ted-Tea, and iota of things she doesn't sir -Life. Corraeted. 8barp I owe everything to my wife. Frlead Your memory is faulty. Von owe a -over" to m. To Make the Shoes Waterproof. Warm tbe soles of oew be. While tbej are warm paint tbeni wl'b, copal varniab. When It drlen pnint them again. Three such coats will not only make the soles waterproof, but win make them laat twice aa long. Na tional Magatlne. A Cineh. "Harold never hn tld ne what be paid for tbe engiiK'tueui ring." "Welir "I'd like to know." "What do you want to bother blra for? it'a a cinch be ald all be. bad." Loulavllle Courier Joorunl. Dynamite. Tbe latent power of dynamite la fer rlflc, but its direction la simply a ques tion of ordinary intelligence. Aa a matter of fact, dynamite la safer to handle and use than ordinary gunpow der, with which all are familiar, No general rule ran be laid down for tbe use of dynamite, aa there are many kinds and each kind made for a par ticular purpose. However, an enor mous amount of data baa been com piled," 'and specific directions for tbe nse of each grade or the explosive are furnished by dynamite makers and dealers. national Magazine. Heart toHeart Talks. By EDWIN A. NY. . Tne Sea Wolf. Among the moat destructive Inhah ItanU of tbe ocean Is tbe sea wolf-a kind of dolphin, which attains when roil grown a length of fourteen feet When a mother walrus sees a sea wolf she endesvors to throw ber cub on an Iceberg, if one la near, falling Ibis. she gets It on to ber bead and swims with It above water. Hut often tin does not save it Diving far below. tne 0o of prey conies un with tra mendous force. strlkitiK the mother ant Jolting the bub off ber bead Into the When a cake ot ain la worn nearl thin enough to break stick it to the new cake by putting both in quit warm water, than nrautf flrtnlv tnumih. er. When cold it will be one solid cake. Tbla does away wltll amall pieces of soap and there Is do wat e. Derivation ef Gibraltar. In Til A. D. tbe Araba rmaai k. narrow strait of Gibraltar and eetab- laanen toepiaelves around tbe famous rock whose name Is derived from fhi. leader. Kleid Marshal Tarlk was one of tbe leaders of tbe Arsb lovaalou of Spain. Uehet ta an Arabic word meaning mountain. The great rock whkb is by far tbe m.i ...n.,i..' ous object along tbe shore- of tbe aymiu wss accordingly named after Tarlk. UebW el Tarlk. ne the of Tarlk. It ta easy to see bow thia uwm, oecsme cnanged into lu preaent form. Gibraltar. "JUST JIMMIE S WirE.M An srtlxt's sketch shows two chil dren, a Imv and a girt. Tbejr are le Ing Interviewed by a womnn. This 4 part of tbe couverauilim: Ana. Slaud. when yun grow up what do you expert to be?" Maud-Juat Jliunile's wife, mn'ntn" 'Which was a cute rejoinder and more. To lie sure. 11 find when gmwn may change her mlud. Certainly when she la older she will be leas fmnk M any ahe Is going to be Jtmmle's wife, how ever she tnsy feel about It. llut- Wlse In i hlldlKh wlxdom. Maud lis chosen the better part. Berauite If Jlmmle proves tbe right sort mid K ne is to do bis best he muat hate good wife. His beat will iy upon the lest that Im In IiIm wir- tie win n.f, a good Msod to make u man or blm. And In making a man. uf Jln.tniu . . ... . 7 . - aua win nave Der bunds and her quite full. Mighty Important - "lut Ji lllltlle'tf wire. Now. It may be Mitud hint a tlilcnt for aometblng else, or Jlmmle may not suit tier or he him. Knrh will kno when tbp time roniea. Mrtaluly. if H.ih are agreed, when the time comes Maud can naplre to no nigner iiuie tDHii that of -Juat Jim Bile's wife." if she holds to her glrllxb choice and she and Jlmmle choose each other no greater crown f happiness can come to her. Made for wifehood and motherhood, she will find her hiaht eatUfHction In the fulfillment of ber manirear aeflny. Tbe ahundnnee 0f Maud's being as a woman will demand husband and cnimren upon whom ahe may lavlab the riches of her devotion. , 8he who misaes this misses the abun dant life. ' And if Maud marries Jlmmle, be- amee uiung tne measure of her own normal desires. ,be will, aa have sid, give Jlmmle his chance In life. The subtle but strong Influence of a woman working by and through the man she loves Is tbe dynamic that moves the world. More (bin that, It la the power that saves the world. Wherever you find a man worth while alwaya and everywhere yu will find a good woman behind that man Therefore Blesalngs on the Mania .h. content and greatest Joy In being -Inst Jlmmiee wife.' . . .. "ltfl-lLt. 'daeia Jnnl tn no pjteq I :einjaana T. wqvjui joo q,a mh jtanajp -sH x Movlna SHeturaa. Some yeara ago the moving plct companies conrined themselves making reproductions of short sli toe mnarai requiring one reel, a l.uoo feel of rilm to complete II the laat year or two thee hava I producing many which require t taree ana aa many as five reels. flrsnd. tnria hn nn - "Ten Nlghtf In a lUr Room." on America best temperance drag requiring J.OOO feet of fll. Tbe auic attained in this picture Is good. It ta worth vour whlla to thla silent drama even If you hit ( piayeq oeiore on the r aiage. Hotel Arrivale. The following are registered at II r.iecmc Hotel: Mr. and Mra. J. Ha ioy. Dayton: John E. Argo, J. Plnketl Lena Chamberlain Jonk riraham I H. Looney. If. u Sherwood, Willi Hardin. W. 11. Hmitiia w i in am, u. w. Rinenart, Corvallls; Cbarl Pollard. New Rra- ll - o Shanlko; Fred Powell, Molalla; Ot nwiiay, moiaiia; Klhel Oard,-V. Cheney, Verner Olda. Tillamook; I a. wnson and wire, Mondoor, Wanh. - CLARA KOER.NER IS MARRIED. Vouna Woman Wall Khaui. u. a eomea Bride ef Myron Meyers. Tbe marrlara nf Ul ni. VnJ nor. daughter Mr, and Mrs. Rudolf Koerner. formerly of this city, bt now of St. Johns, and Myron Meyer Of thla Cltr. waa haM a h. i Mr. and Mra. Koerner on WedneadV -iiarnwm at 1;30 o'clock, the IU Benjamin Youna- nrn.iin. t-v. J ding waa quiet, only relatives of tk contracting part lea attending. AM .. . ".""""'"J ne young couple left f Hrltlah Columhla . .1 - e V HS31 SB , IJII TJ J VTIl spend their honeymoon. , . I The bride is well known In thla ctti where ahe llviut r... the bridegroom la a prominent youn ...... c., man of Portland. J 'THg MflRNIlUA aai-r...'... la on aala w . . - J a - ' r Huntley Bros. Drugs Main street. . ' J. w. McAnulty Ogare Seventh and Main. 8ecrest Confectionery w M,,n r Sixth. M. E. Dunnconfeotionery Next door to P. o. City Drug Store Electrlo Hotel. , ' Walter Little Confectionery J14 Seventh Street. . M. Volkmar Drugs Beventh near Canter. schoenbornConfectlonery Seventh and X Q. Adams. a444.44k(fl 4 f aV a a. v)4Sdeddd ' SlA mm.A. . m. A t For the tnut . ..i i Of an w" wutiguun ' . wain or pnraons. wno ' Morning . Enterprise from 1 the T Premlsea of aubscrlbara .rtar J: - ""infUfl 7