Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, 8ATUKDAY, JULY 8, 1911. , . ((Higgling Ytuftg Artist. A ' ki ., liV tat" LOCAL PRUTS - i . 4 t. Irs. V. MUieis, or rwii, to this city on rrldsy. Irs. W. 3C. lavls una son, or cams, r. in tru jii rriuaj. liohlcoiUr, of Heaver Creek, In this city on rrwey. itrob (jromtlUr and eon, of Sbu- wer In ihls city rrway. Irs. K0U jone. or varus, wu in city KrliUy visiting friend. fry tnai Wisconsin bwim cceeae, imund at Karris' arocerr. iordon I low, of I'orflitnd, hss been gui of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Stuart. Ltr. Ilrhtwl and ton, of uiaraea, iti lu this city on buitliin rrldsy. Mr. and Mr. Ira II. Wilson, of Motv r, vVsh., br In tbla city on Mav. Mrs. Fiuodvman, of Hbubel. acrom- iUkI by her son, waa in tola city on ulay. . , lisvld Jones, of North Carua, waa inng tha Oroicnn City buslnsss visi on irrlilsy r K. A. Soinmer, formnrly of Ore- City, baa moved bla office to 1017 rbett building, Portland. raM Wllrog, of Ragle Creak, la thl Hty the guest of tbe family . V. Krsucls. A. Mils went to Kstacada on a nnrM trip Friday. rnr Olde, of Tillamook, la in city for a few daya, and la regis- rd at tbe Kleotrlc Hotel. IMIaa Cenevleve Green, of Portland, been visiting ber parents, Mr. and . (iroen. of tb Went Bide. I Jark Murrlll, a aurveyor of 'thla city, i aiH-eoiea a pomiion wnn in tmnt Hood Hallway Company. - Morris and Alice llolman, who have rn .visiting rejstlves at MrMlnn- lil. have returned to Oregon City. It's too warm to hake. Why nut set I'yal Ilread. Fresh every day a liar- grocery. V. M. Hardin, one of the well-known Irmera of Alma,, Clackamaa county, lita In thla city on buiilneaa Krlday. Mini Amy Jackaon, of Portland, re In thla city on Prldsy visiting ie Misses Eiiin and iritis jackaon. Harold Swafford and John Mulkey 111 leu re next week for California, l)i or i hey will apend tbelr vacation. Miss Cornelia McCown, formerly of lis city, but now of gellwood, waa thla city on Friday visiting reis ers Vfi THE PEOPLE'S STORE John Adams Ma tonic Temple Building;. Green Trading Stamps with all purchases. Kv Special Bargains ' .Colonial Rugs, t'xH, mad of absolutely clean rags, guaranteed fast colors, price , JukI the thing for CoUIrn Oak and Dark Stained finished. Special price ,. $1.45 each Ladies' White Wash Men's Clothing SllltS V hav about 90 8ulta .which Cloning out several atyles of r going to do out at a White Waah Suits, some with apeclal price. All ar worth nice trimming, others with em- mUt, mor ln we " ,or T7oijry. arieinhtr iw f oar 1 1 " j , , . of material. ASpedgi PHce , Special Pric . . 1 $1.35 $12.50 per .ult. YotMs orthe Asking . : 'ASK , For and we will give yoo with a new .;; . 4 months subscription By CarrW; at 45c the month ' TO THC : MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful China , ' PLAQUEDe d Handsomely'1 There are a . variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection early. A , Subscrihert.Mayi Have Them Too : ; To any present subscriber who will bring us four new subscriptions we will present one of these beautiful dishes. ) ALL SKLCCTIONt MUST Bl MADE BANK OP OREGON i , ICddle Parr hss returned borne from a month's trip with tb Miller Carnival Company, where h had charge of tb concession. . . Mr. H. K. Uren, wbo ha been in tli hospital at Portland, baa been brought to ber horn In tbla city, aud la Improving. Mra. Nellie Ilurdlu will leave on Sunday morning ' for Dallas, wher ab will vlalt relative, returning ber the latter part of July. , Wllholt aiag will lav tha Klsctrlo Hotel each day at o'clock p. m. J. Weldner, of Heaver Creek, on of the well known farmer of that aeellon, waa In thl city on buslnsts Friday on hie way to Portland. 1r. and Mr, ti. K. Slusrt returned to Newburg on Wedneaday, having apent tti Fourth of July In tbla city with their eon, Dr. C. A. Btuart ,Wllllam Ackerman, a former real dent of Oregon City, l.ut'now of Port land, wa In tbl city on bualnea and vlMltlng among bla friend Friday. Mra, paulln flchwsrtx, after vlalt Ing hor daughter, Mra. Winnie Poylan at Calhlamet, Waah., returned Jo her horn In thla city on- Wedueaday eve ning. - Mra. A. A. Prle will leave today for Victoria, II. C wher b will vlalt hnr alater, Mr. Oldateln. ,Mr. Prtc will b gon for about on month. If you want augur and fruit jar at th right price go to Harrla' groc ery. ' - Mr. and Mr. J. M. War left on Tburaday evenln for Palouae, Waah., wher they win apend th aumnier with their daughter, Mr. U. A. Kanda and Mra. E. W. Wiley. Mr. F. A. Mile and daughter, Mr, (ilenn, and eon Fred, who recently ar rived her for a vlalt, left Friday for Portland, where they will ' vUh tb former's daughter, Mr. Roy Martin. O. A. Cheney, wbo ba been living at the Wllcng bom about two mile from thl city on th Abernethy road, returned to Oregon City Friday to make bla home at the F.lectrlc Hotel. Mra. J. M. Price and two children, of Han Franclaco. after a vlalt with Mr. and Mr. A. A Price, of thl city. price, of thlsytty. been for the past I where tbey have month, left for their bom on Thurs day evening. Mr. V. Cbarleatrin, of Los Angnlea, wbo waa formerly Mia Ethel Jack aon, of thl city, will arrive In Oregon City on Sunday, and will be the guet of Mlaa Harel Francla. Mr. Charla on, will h accompanied by her young eon. , Do not fall to read J. levltt' ad vertlaement In thla laaue. ' Harvey A. Ttlchardaon, a merchant of Roaevale,' Cal., who has been vlalt lug hi uncle, R. D. Wllaon.of thlacltl, has gon to Canada, wher he will vlalt relative, and will accompany bla wife to California, who haa been vlaltlng In Canada for aom time. If. L, Price, of California, ha ar rived In thl city to vtult hi brother, A. A. Price and during th latter ab sence at Wllbolt, wher be goea thl morning for bl vacation, Mr. Price will have charge of bl bnalneaa her. II will afterward go to Wood burn to hav char of the gents' furnlahlng bona of Price Proa.,- which opena on August 1, Mr. and Mr. Charles McLellan, of Portland, were guests of Mrt. M. Johns, of flreen point, th first of th week. Mr. and Mrs. MacDowell, of Portland, have been tb gueata of Mrs. Johns, having Just returned from sn automobile trip, -when fhey visited 1 bath rooms camping, etc. Special 39o ch KM I 6 months subscription , By Mail at 25c the month . AT TH0FriC0FTH6 ( CI TY BUILDING MrMlnnvlll, Yamhill and returned by way of th Kaat Bid, Waiting at Balem. Commencing on Monday, July I Merchanta' launch will b ervd at the Fall Coiifuctlonery and Luncb Itoont, lot Main street, from 11 to a o clock; 26 cent. 1 Do not fall to read J. Levitt ad vertlaement In thla laau. CROWDS GROW AT BIG CHAUTAUQUA (Continued from Pag 1.) . Ilaaeball Dlllworth Derbl v. C'ryatal Spring Park. 7: IS Hand Concrt Naval Rerv Hand. leading "An Abandoned . Elope ment," Mlaa Deatrlc Honey. i Concert Apollo Concert Com pany, . MILL OWNER FREED OF SAWDUST CHARGE FRANK DAVENPORT PROVES THAT - HC HAS NOT VIOLATED LAW. The charge of allowing aawduat to get Into Deer Creek agalnat Frank Davenport, a mill owner, of Ames, was d In ml lined by Justice pf th Peace Samson, on Friday. Davenport, who was represented by Georg C. Brow nelt, denied the charge and tb testi mony of tb witnesses for tb state, th Just Ice of the Pesc decided, wss nt sufflcleut to allow the cane to go to tbe jury. It waa shown that Mr. Davenport, sine ba was tried one before on th earn charge, bad piled (he sawdust from his mill on an elevs tlon. which la abov tb high-water mark. Sawduat get Into tb gills of nnh and kills them. Heart to Heart Talks. ' By EDWIN A. WYE. THC CREAT SECRET. Do you Ilk tb world In which 700 Uver If you do, b therewith content Tint If you do not Ilk your world you ran cbuuee It to suit you. Impossible? No. Ton csncbsnge your world ' by changing your thoughts Where your thoughts are your world will be. .You live in yoor thoughts Tbey euconipiiM you. Tbey mnke o unmake your life. Lt begin by aaying: V f " You bsve body. ou bsv a mind But you ar a soul. Tost la to aay. your body always obeys your mind, bur your mind obeys yoor aouL ! Both body and mind ar ei-Tauta of your higher seiL Do you a7 U 1 easy for yoo to see, of 1 ours, tbst your body obeys your mind. Your body reMouds to your mind aa a big couiplvx luucblu obeys the lever. I)ut IMli'K tb same Ogur behind tbe lewrbfvttie machine Is tbe man. I lob I ml yourWnd Is s higher 'power that is In yoi How Is tbitt? VU. for lurtthtfre, if ynu are thlnklu wroug tlutt:bts. or bad llioughts. or ui'sMild thoughts, or motin oriflMU tbouchts. you can say to your uilud: r ' btop! Stop sud U-rlu to think right thoughts. And your mind will obey. . It In true, and th proof is tbe trial of It Bccsus you ar set above your mind aa its sorcn-lgn. You can mnke It loy. It Is your slav. Whatever you want U d or be. be lieve font it In hwII)I and. try. Keep on believing und trying, and. as sure ly as anything, you will tlx what -you want to do or be whnt you wnnt to be. It I. tl.a of tha ...rq . Modern ryhology has revealed It. The grent men of the pnt learned tbe secret nnd thentvy become great On one side, junt bow tbe power to do does hi yet a inyHtery, but on tbe practical lido It is as simple ax ABC. By it you can win euecees. , Tb di vinity tbnt is in you, if you will use It, will raise you above world of doubt or worry or meanness or self ishness gnd mak yon a world of con tent, of usefulness, of satisfaction, of peace. . , ' - . ' It is wonderful. It Is tree. He fall In Acten. ' t Tbey Wr (uiklnif ot wsr. and the young man mentioned turn oue ot nis ancestors wss killed during tbe Revo lution " He waa a brave man.'' 'ha aald. "and we ar nil very proud of hi record. ' Tb young wnmsn, looked Hnslve, : "I bsd so uui'ie'wbo was kliitHf in war, tbe vers rirat tisetie ne ever Vent to," she- aiitd. "He was only a Vri vat. so h hsdr" iimde any rein-d. ' "That whs h,srd. oaid tne tVuiing man. "to be nbot dowu In hi nrvt .en gagement." . H wuan't shot "'down.' said l' yonng woman. "He tell and ornke ms neck when be was running downiiii. I think war ts awful cniei. dou t your" YouLSS'a Companion. , GLAD HEARTS, , There are souls in the world who have the gift ol finding joy every where' . and ol leaving il behind , them when thev go. The influ ence is an inevitable glsddcmng o the heart. . Il seem as li a shadow ol GxTi own gift had psated upon them. They" give- Iwhl without meaning to thine. ; These bright hesrtt hsv a great work to do lor God Fabr , Vsnts, For Sale, Etc Helae un4r Uutea taaeiri4 ha4lns WIU be IOM'J si mi el a word, riret iBMrium, half a snl .Idiilocai Utmmr llona. oae l h em4. It pr muath fUt lii-h rrd. 44 nm j $1 ir axmib. Cash mum sceompaar mi Aw ankM n haa an op acaount with (ha paper. Hi tlaanolaJ rMpunatblllljr Utt errors; wKn arnwa oenur fraa cwrraolad not lea will k printa4 tor stron. Mimiaum ariaraa U WANTED. W A NTED Yoa to know test w boy all kinds of Curios, that w ar In 'tb market for second hand rnrnl tur and Tools. W also bsv good assortment of second band Furniture and Tool on hand for sal to tbos id need, Come an J see; perhaps w hav Just what you want. Indian Curios snd" trlnkt for ssl cbesp; aom that ar very unique and also very rare. OEORGH YOUtfQ, Mala near Kirth street. WANTED Ooo neat girl for general hdusework.- loqulr Mrs. Frsnk Bunch. Both phones. WANT i; aiuaii advsrtlsements for thla ool'iioa. prlcea very reason able. t rate at had of rolima. Rend tb Morning enterprise. WANTKD You to It now that tb En terprla lob printing department Is tb most com plot In to mats. outslO Portland. Trr It tor your next printing xsai FOR SALE. FOR SALE Space In this column - Hell that old plow or harrow; yon don't us It sine you purchased ' rent new on. .3 LOST. LOST Between Chautsuqu grounds and Seventh Street Hill a pillow for baby carriage, center of case hand embroidered wrcatA of leaves. Fin- der leave at thla office. FARM LOANS- FARM LOANS Dimlck a Dlmlck, Lawyer, Oregon City, Or. ATTORNEYS. O. D. . EBT. Attorn ey-at-Lsw. Mony loaned, abstracts furnlshd. land titles sxs mined, estates settled, gen eral Isw busloea. Over Bank et Oregon City. U'RKN A 8CHTJEDEL. Attorneyst Iw, Deutacber'Advokat. will prac tice in all courts, mak colJsetloas and ttlmnts. Office la Enter prise Bldg. Oregoa City. Oregon. 11 In mm 1 HEREBY notify all ousmese men and dealers that I will not be res ponsible for any debts or bills con tracted by my wife. Lw V. Mold enbauer, after Jon 10. 1911. fj. W. M01J3KNHAUER. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort race: IS0O and unwarda: on real ' or longef. Apply at oncu. Cross lA Hammond, Attornsya at Law, BeaI ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND CO ""raj ACTOR. HARKY JONES Builder and Gsneral Contractor. Estlmat chseitallj given on all classes of building work, concrete walks ana reinforced concrete. Kes. Pnoae Mala 111. . IC. H. COOPER. Fo' Fir Insuraner snd Rest Estate. Let ua handle your properties we buy, sell and eichsnge. Office la Ra'erprlse Rtdg., Oregon City, Oregon- - Morning will be on sale at Gladstone Park, or you may have it de livered to your tent every morning by the special Carrier Service that will be maintained During , ""'" mmm Chautauqua A full report of daily . ; eveuts will be pub- lished every day. . Order now and ar-. ' ; range for delivery. ' jYou will want extra ' , copies to send away , Call, write or phone Morning Enterprise : Circulation Department The I tnterpnse I I -BHaWaVJsMraHH I MISCELLANEOUS L. O. L. Netlc. ' AH member of Derry Lodge "Ho. 1S4. U O. U, and Tru BIu Lodg No. 1(7, ar requatd to me at A. O. U. W. Hall at 10 o'clock a. m , Sunday, July th, to attend divine worship at th Methodist church. Notice St" Guardian's Sal ef Rssl Eetsts. NOTICE U hereby given that the un dersigned will sell at prlvat sal for easb in hsnd a one-ninth (1-9) Interest In tb following described property, to-wit: . . Tbe east half of the - northeast quarter of section IS, T, I 8, R. 4 E . of the WUlamette Meridian la Clackamas County, Oregon; said l- Interem comprising all th Interest f Ernest MarsbslT, a mlnort there in. This sale Is made by virtue of an order of the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Clacka mas County, In tbe matter of the guardianship "of said Ernest Mar shall, a minor. Said sale will be held on and after the 17th day of July, 1911, ' and offers snd bids for said interest In said land will J received at tbe Estacada State Bank, in Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, and sale will be made for cash In hand to the hlgbest bidder tberefor. jyUA CAUFF, Guardian for aforesaid. . NOTICE FOR BIDS. OTICE Is hereby given thai aealed proposals will be received .at tbe office of tbe City Recorder, for the furnishing all labor and material for building a concrete culvert be tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth atreets on John .Adsms afreet, until 4 o'clock p. m. on tbe 12th day of July. A. D. 1911. Each . bid must be accompanied by a certified check for a sum equsl to five per cent of tbe total amount of the bid, which sum will be eubject to forfeiture to Oregon City In -esse of tbe failure of the successful bidder to furnish tbe re- qulrrf honria and enter into a writ. ten contract for aald work. If called upon to do so. within tbe time speci fied for the same In the Ordinance providing for aald culvert. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. Tbe right to reject aby or all bids or to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City la here by reserved. Each proposal must state tbe time required for the completion of said culvert which Improvement work must be done according to tbe Or dinances ef Oregon City and the Charter thereof, and tbe plans and specifications governing said work. Each bidder Is requested to fur nish separate figures for tbe doing of all concrete work with Clacka mas River sand and gravel and for tbe covering of such concrete work with one-half inch wearing coaL Tbe notice ia published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at J a apecial meeting thereof held June 22. 1911. , , Date of first publication July L and . the last publication July ', 1911. U STIPP. Jt . ' Recorder. ORDINANCE NO- . kN Ord I nance to change tne grade Monroe street, Oregon City. Or., frtm the south side of. Third street to the south aide of Fourteenth street. Oregon City does ordain aa follows: Section 1. . Tbe grade or Monroe street, Oregon City, Oregon, is here by changed from the south aide of Third street to the south side of Fourteenth street from the present existing grade to tbe .following grade: Commencing on tbe south side of Third street within an elevation of 297.5 feet, thence across Third street to north side at an elevation of 297.5 feet, thence on a descend ing grade to south side of Fourth street st an elevation of 206.00 feet, thence on a descending grade to tbe north side of Fourth street to an elevation of 265.00 feei, thence on a descending grade 165 elevstlon of 258.00 feet thence on the south side of Fifth steret at an elevstlon of 258 0 feet, on the esst side of Monroe street and 257.0 feet on. the west side of Monroe A ar street. Thence level across Fifth street on a descending grade to the south side of Silth street at an elevation of 260.0 feet, thence level serosa Sixth street, thence on an ascending grade to the south aide of Seventh street at an elevation of ?M feet on the east side of Monroe F5eTang'aC3',lt'Ul tHI'TIlt? :i;l gill of Monroe street, thence level across Seventh street. Thence on a descending grade to the south sde or Eighth street at an elevation of 262.0 feet, tbence level across Eighth street at an eleva tion of 262 feet, thence on a descend ing grade to the south aide of Ninth street at an elevation ot 251.0 feet on the east side of Monroe street and 248 feet on the west side of Monroe street, thence on a descend ing grade across Ninth street to the north side at an elevation of 249 feet on the east aide of Monroe street and 246 feet on the west aide "of Monroe street.' ' Thence on a descending grade to the south side of Tenth street at an elevation of 230 feet on the east elde of Monroe street and 228 feel on the west aid of Monroe street. . Tbence level across Tenth street, thence on an ascending grade to the south side of Eleventh street at an elevation-of 232 feet on the east aide of Monroe street and 228 feet on the west side cj Monroe street Thence on a level grade 66 reet north of Eleventh street at an eleva tion of 232 feet on the east side of Monroe street and 228 feet on the went side of Monroe street. Thence on a descending grade to the south side, of Twelfth street at an elevation of 220.50 feet on the east side of Monroe street and 21R.B0 feet on tbe west side of Mon roe street. , , r Thence level to north aide of Twelfth. Thence on an ascending grade to tbe south aide of Thirteenth street at an elevation of, 235 feet on the east side of .Monroe street and 234 feet on the west side of Monro streeU thence - level aero as Thir teenth street, thence on a descend ing grade to the south side of Four teenth street at an elevation' of 211.0 feet..' ' , Read first time at a regular meet ing of the City Council held on the 5th day of July, 1911, ana to come 'up for second reading and final pas ssge at a special meeting of the City Council tj be held on the 19th day of Juf, 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m. . ' v r .1 STIPP, I ' V ' ' ' r '' ' Recorder. Gleraece 'Sate , . Jn order to'fclose but the broken lots and remnants of iummer goods which we have left, we will have a two weeks special sale Beginning Saturday, 'July 8 and ending Saturday July 22 nd During this sale we shall sell all summer 'goods at greatly , reduced prices. We quote a few of the many low prices: Ladies - White Waists Children Dresses Worth $t.oo to $3.00 J 9c, 49c. 69c at 65c to $ J. 85 - White Underskirts L1115 lpcri 48c to $1.48 l 9cand 39c , feei-a ra sTaTMvVHMSMMrMS Corset Covers Straw Hats ' i 5c to 75c 10c, J5c, 1 9c Worth much more and op "tsrsraMiMaHH W. D EDDY Cl SON WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. ' , ' Graduate Nurses Pac. 2243 HomeD-298 BUNGALOWS are the popular atyle in home architecture. I specialize on designing and building bung alowa that are convenient in arrangement, homelike in ap pearance. . At Moderate Coat If you are thinking ef build ing call and tee me, or phone for an engagement. , ' Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Ninth and Main Streets. ' Phone PacMaln 8292.. r YOUR Will Be -WITHOUT i THE- ".-.;'r-:.'. MORNING WE CAN MAIL IT 25 CENTS It's worth the It's like a letter from' home every day. ;J : '.y :''--- ):-' It will keep yoti fully informed about the happenings of your city and county daring yoor absence. Yotf,can place yoor order by telephone; The Morning Enterprise is the 'only ' : daily newspaper between Portland andjSalem. It ts steadily growing ' ''. , tn popofarity. " ' . ' -: . ' ; Yod get all the news worth while In ,' The Morning 'Enterprise BuyFirbmilo Coll to Uo We Pay Top Price We Sell Reasonably Dealers In Wool, Flour, Hay, Grain, Feed, Coal, Salt, Sugar, California Fruits and Produce. i. . . Oregon Commission Co- T 11TH AND MAIN 8TS Oregon City. BASE BALI. RECREATION PARK. ' " ' Cor. VsUghe and TwantToortK tie. . SACRAMEWTOff . PORTLAND' ,;.? I Jy '4,8, ,., VV-'4 ?" UH : Game Begin Weekday, at $ . .." . ... Sundays, tiiPUJ'S'tW'-, ' LADIES' DAY,fRIOAyi V Boye tT"dev 12 Fr VtUjftftir ' . , Wda.$fc rif -V" xi ',- VACATION Incomplete 'v " ' ENTERPRISE ANYWHERE FOR A MONTH money. "V V,-;' -t