. MORNING EXTERPIUSE, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911. ::::::i::s ejtelfuSE CZSGCZf OTT, ORECOJt E. E- SRODIE, Edit d MUer. a. in. i City Pnni 1. IfTB.- Bt ta pMl the Ac mt Cm Tm hf Mraith. - straw, or ITU TOSS UTO a ) I 1 ' V vU ? s iiiiLiiLJtJLt.i ry4rrr4 nil aa mmWK I" ftr saaartaaa. -is Hilmi unlaw S aa aae tIM hj iUim .......... -le In aa-ar aa Brat pa, tor njrat fcaal0. -. -AS . aaaer vrktr Om An pa, par tec eS4a4 Baaarilaam. (jua lt aar nswvr aar ian m Baa. Weata, Tmt a. Ta Baa. v Ml a mm 4 flrat ktaarOaa; . half aaM Kl aMtOMMO. Kalaa tar aawUat kt Wa9 tnwaai ana Ut a a im lu!r. far 4inanti i iair tar n waaktr- Wkara tb asvirtM, t la Uaifi-. rwB the WOy ta SB wah s, ana t iaaay.ta wmtm, wn 1m la LwTartrtWai at )ral tliarltai -wiea. . ; CVraa uttl eaaf irtl tnaaaaat llia llhfctit a ' Tw Bale- aa4 gi'i.iiit aaVar aMMaiiaJM tat fwe imiiiia: j Hawe ana aa am s'j rW Se trhkdty a. .. lUJaml 1 iaa ay ati aiaa ta ataaay iaa crnr official newspaper. "taa aoaitio of l"How Is manifestly correct. $ swt bar rderal aapwrttioa r tk lcOo of members of th Itowa, taea j aboaM v hw ta th ea-ctkm ta bt: of the Scla ? H would oly mm to compUcat our eiecrtoaa. The 0atnrt ar elected, or ar b elected, by th V f the grata, vkv taa ah said not th lectio b coodwcted by 1 State? AuhaJtarU co-0Matki to kar take mxigXr koai ID Gr- Mopla. Jaaaary t. tart U Oanaaay lO'a artcaXaraJ taoatndt asclethttv TVtt r 4 Metl lata M axtjtrmJ wt-tmttra at eMW. ISjCK raral credit kuta, LSCS ociatlc far ajurfcaa aa1 atmltv XXU lil aorataa far tM aaia of mOk a4 LUC otter cofrra Or todttlM. Drtc 191 ra vms M terra of S12 coMr-ttt e&MVa) U Gtraaasr. a eoapare4 with aa taca of Ltt U M iM UP ta Ht. Of Ik aw eo-oparmara ao- (Mat MraM4 ta tka st yr 1M wax TTmt4 tor tW apeTf UBsaotJoa f acki. K for vairr sappT atl J$ for taa aicartoa of bnar.. It win W wctto) tajit ay tar tba larfvat stcr of arrWIrmral ro-opratlT aorteti ta Gannaav U toipor of rorai crt baks. tWr kct( ow 1S,M of tftt. - tt Commercial Club Chat Tufy 8 In American Histcry. IT5v-,Wrl Atxii iwainWa attack a , rat IVoaorraca artta fSiKW Brtt- - ta Mf d trttk tana a iiWA I7TV-r-mK- rrtTl lHaarara ttay to aid tta ICetiuttoa. lTaB-Ouojli 'aa votrd n W fltV ' tart oo tDr arat of gwrattoC XBSJBen UailMar. pkiajrtr of th ta- v bow pony rtpraaa. dlad at Pert- ant. Or i Mr Wl- ' iS97 Seoator laaaai U. Barria. . Urd: bar IS IS. S Geerc DeBok. tka ( WUlaBMtt. kaa for ao ' keeping lae axkibHioa rooat tmpfOei rat taraipa of tie aomso o ouptaT et tarkip of tko Btoao dteptar rttdar. Soat f tka welgk tea BOB) BOB. ' J. a 8 taa is, of Xo. COS John Qaiacr AUma mtrtmt. Orrco City, kaa dit- i alar of rtrrHi at ttw PrnntotklB Of- ASTttONOMICAL. EVENTS. (Front boob today ta mom Baa area 72SL rktea 43: Btooa arta 229 a. Bl bmob at apopre. fartkeat froot rarta. SS2J00 Bltaa. at K) p. at. 't PROTECTION AND THE CONSUMER Tkera la at lemat o orgma of ataad pat protertoBtsm tkat ' ta arilllng to admit that klk protactlo roba tka eoasaater. Tkat orgaB ta tb Okk ' Sate Joaml of ColamboK. Ia a recast Uao It aaya . -Hrrrtofora tke accepted tbeorr kaa bera that rate of doty ao kick as practically tar prohibit tatporta ot oaly aerra to cot off all reroana, bat , expo tka conating pablic to the extortio of prirala protected Inter- ' rata.- " J : .Tkat la certainly obo of tka loos ' - ago prove tkeoriea o whJck opaoai- tioa to tka protectiTB tariff la baaed. It la aa-ar thing to ar tta corract seaa ea , traakly adaHtted by ao ataoorh a atandpat adrocate. Per ha pa It did not real) as tke fnU algal. ' Seance of tta adaitaalo. ' Tk object of . protectire tariff Is . primarily to abnt off coatpetitioa trota 'abroad. Krea If It ta ot altogetker . prohibitive It . aevertkeieas "expoeea . ta coaaaaiiDg pobHc to the extortio of private protected tBtereaU" to tke ' exteBt that It la arrled. A te pjer rent tariff via xpoae ta consaming : public to te per ceat extortioa, a huaded per cent tariff to haadred per i cent extortloB and a prohibitite tariff . to vkatever extortion tka trafOc will -.. bear. " The ClaetaDatl Timee-Star, "Brotk- er Charley"- orgma, reproduced tke . - SUtoJaarnaTs admiaaioa witkoat any txpreaato of dlaaent. Ia it possible ' that tke oft -repeated deaial of the . obbcry of eoasataera tkroogb tke , tariff Is gettlag to be too beary a ' barde oa tke conactence of some ' ataadpatters? - ; . - Vaay Easter newspapers are pat- Uag tke United States Senate oa the - back for. Its stand oa tb Briirtow raateadtBeat to the change proposed " hi tke CoBstltatioa proriding for tbej jLltgLg'gSUgn nf fnlteil Slit taaa--. tors. This ajnendBMOt nroridea for So tkat la attracting mock attention. The eberrtea are ktayduke's and are oa a branck oa foot ta length. There ar 20 cherrtea la. oe cluster. Mr. Staau la First Deputy Sheriff of Clackaaua county and la a loyal sup porter of his bom county. a A. A. Hogy. Na PhUadelphia. Ohio, railed at tb PtobmOo Office. He to looking over tke county aad thinks this Is tka right place for the farmer. Ha arill bay a farm ta Clackamas cousty as aooa aa k finds on tkat via suit his recrements. He was mock nletsed with the exhibition la tb Promotlo OtV, noting tkat thia county viU grow ail kinds of crops from strawberries to clover hay. a a a Mrs. H- & Clyde, of Clackamas Heights, kaa a novel display of flow er at tke Promotion Office. There are Canter berry Belles, a new flower to the residents of thia state. In tke display. Oregoa climate aad soil are sBitabl for growing flowers of all kinds.- a a '-'-Mrs. A- H. Harvey, of.' Twilight, brought to the Promotion Office on Thursday a collection of twelve vaxie- tie of roses, representing all the shades and tints that' are found ia Clackamas count. - - Mrs. Harvey formerly" lived In Kan sas and says tkat the beautiful roeea of Oregoa were oae of tke attractions tkat brought her to Oregoa City. - F. E- MOler. of Mullno. has on dis play a box of his famous berries which vers originated by aim. They are a large round berry with a good color and flavor. He has not decided upon a name for the new berry, but viU probably rail It the ."Clackamas Coun ty favorite.' Federal niurrlilfH aImIah. fw Called States senators, and the House I 6 has refused to concur, throwing the matter la to conference, if tte House aad Senate ar unable to reach an agreemeat. shall again see tke dirm election of senators rndeflnately - ' ' Real Estate Tnnsfers.1 Mrs. C. E. Burley to Fred Hsr greaves, southwest usrter of north vest Barter of section g, township C south, range S east; J I: Ava a and 8. C. LeRoy to J. F. Lovelace, all of lots 11 and IX Zor brist Addition to Estacada; $700. . Kate Wolbert to Fannie Dill, lot C of block D. WUaoarille; $150. James F. 8a and era and Martha E. Saunders to Ralph Froman, land in Clackamas county; $1K. T. Hartt Haraner- aad Ethel fhl Gardner, 1 acre of th Sylvester Hath away D. L. C; $400. Annut and Grace Gebbardt to Rob ert Fletcher, land in section 6, town ship 3 south, range 1 east; 13.500. Robert Fletcher and Sarah Fletcher to William Starr, laad in section 31. township 2 sooth, nnge 1 east; 13.500. Helena B. M. Rinearson to Cornelia L. MeCovn, ks 7 and S In block 6, M5akrg rark: 3U Mary a -Moore to Cornelia U Mc Cown. tots 4. 5. C. 11. 12. 1J on block AcnvnY CI FRUIT llARhTTDICOinAGES SlJSffMES OF SEVERAL VARIE TIES OF CHERRIES ARE MEAGER. There as a fairtv satisfactory t ia au itwm u - Caauloupt were more pieaunu, but the weather favored th movement of tkia fruit aad waters t lose as welt Aaricota aad eckes war ta Do- eral smOt aad retailers bougfct freely of botk at tka last price ouote. The soppir of fancy tone Uunbert . cherries was ratker meager, aad thee r at a rally were quoted at 12 1-1 to IS cents ponad. Royal Aaaea vera ! I evideac at " to t cents, and ; otker ckerrie were to be had at C to ; T cent. Berne of all sorts, with tke x- - eepckm of strawberries, ax coming la : good qualities. Reds, blacks aad k , gaas ail keld at prices around llVt) rrat. , Owatattana wr rxafoo Clt). POTATOES Best, Buying $104. i FLOCK AND FEED--Flow b ! steady. seUiag from 15 to SIM; very ;' tittle of cheaper grade. ' OATS (Buying) Gray, H to f:5, white, from f IC to 127. BCTTER (Bytar Ordinary ! cruatry brings from 15 to 20c,', fancy dairy from 1 0c to 22e. cream- ery 22c to xSc. i EGGS Maying ju ranglLg from 20c to lie. according to grade. I POCLTRT (Buying Firm vlth lit-) Ue good stock offered. Good kens ar , bringiag 12c Old roosters are In poor I demand, broilers bring from IOc to 21c, vlth good demand. J WOO! (Buy-Ag) .real srltoa are I 1 -., ' ' - ' . , ' . , I - r a : : . ' f t as in any other mantifactefing concern U (01 o n o ranging from 13c to 15c FEED Shorts 29 to 330; rolled barley. 331.50 to 32X50; process bar ley. 323; who! com, $31 to $32: cracked corn. $33 to 333: wheat $32 to $33: oil meal. $53: Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.25 per kuadred pounds. HAY -(Buying.,) Timothy SIC to $17; clover $ to $10; oat hay, best, $12; mixed. $10 to $12; alfalfa, $13 to 31. HIDES (Buying Green hides, 5c ! Cc; salters, $He to CHc; dry hides, 12c to 14c Shtp pelts, 5c to 75c each. DRIED FRCTTS Local prices are firm at from Sc to 10c oa apples and prunes. Feaches are 19c SALT Selling 50c to 0c tor So. 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacks. Portland Vegetable Markets. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1-2561-50 per sack; parsnips, $125 $1-50; turnips. $1.25tf$1.50; beets, $1.5, . VEGETABLES Asparsjrus, 90c 0 $L7S per rrate; eabbage, aew, ft per hundred weight: cauliflower. $1..0ft $1.75 per dosen; celery, California, 75c Otoe per dosen; cucumbers, S1.S0& $25 per dosvn; eggplant. 15c per lb.: garlic, loc lie per pound: lettuce. 50e aer duaen: hothouaa lettaca 11 M 6 $2 per box; peas, SvOUc pert pcrnd; peppers. 30c 035c per'poond; radtehes,l5c per dosen; rhubarb. 2Hr v per puaDu; sprouts. c; lomaioea. $e$3.25- ONIONS Jobbing prises: Oregon $X75 per 100: Australian. $3.50 per 100; Texas. $125 per rrste: 0'l?or j nia. $2 per crate j Oregon City Stock Quotations. i HOGS Hogs ar quoted He k.wer From 125 lbs. to 150 lbs. 'c, fmm ! 159 lbs. to 200 lbc gttc VEAL CALVES Veal car.es ortn i from 9e (o lw Recording, m mde. ! . BEEF STEERS Jeef .ieer for j the o-a markets ar fetching $t,c to j 6 He live relent. SHEEP At arm at e to 5s live ' weight. ; BACON, LAKfi ai-d HAM. are firm 11-50. Pointing A. -. Steel Die Emfcossing '.', B ' There are larger plants in Oregon but none better equipped than the Oregon City SHE HAS HIM JAILED FORMER WIFE OF WILLIAM LILLY SAYS HE THREATENED HER LIFE. No matter how small yotir order, it will be given personal attention MODERN TYPEFACES MODERN MACHINERY We invite your inspection Th Humbl Tsad. Whe the bumble toad doe lose his temper be teti. D-m-I aiaa -f'simy j occasions threatened ber ra ih1i.m William Lilly was arrested Friday in Parkplace by Constable Brown, on a complaint mad by his former wife. who charges that he has on several , Ii'tburg C. life. Mrs. National League New York 5, Chi cago 0; Boston STANDING. No Guesswork about your money matters whan yo are a depositor her. Your bill are all paid by check. Your check, when returned, be c rclpt. No trouble abut chang, no disputes about pay nta, no qvartlaa aa ta where jrovr money has gon. or how much you hav ruesnmd. Year aes book and th stubs of your check book nhauy ted th story. - . BE ON THE SAFE SIDE AND f .. . . OPEN A" ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank of Oregon Gty , OLDEST BASE W THE COUNTY Lilly formerly lived In this city. She ' obtained a divorce about three years 1 Pacific Coast. aif. Since tben, she says. Lilly hss w- caused her mnch worry and uneaal- Portland 52 nss. Justice of the Peace Samson '. vrnn 52 fiied the defendant's bond at $l.no S,n Francisco (2 and with Deputy Sheriffs Slants and!0ak,n, 52 Miles he was allowed to viait a broth-1 8CT,n,w,to er in the county, whe is expected to'os Angeles 42 become his bondsman. The bond prob- Northwestern, sbly will be arranged today. Lilly i w- denlea the charges made In the com-! Vancouver 4 plaint, .Tacoraa 47 Spokane 48 i Portland 39 Seattle 33 Victoria It L 41 47 48 4 52 57 John attendlne hi children U'uxliln. kla . if . - t . 5. Cincinnati 4: 8L little onea become ill on h. on. wbii. i . 1 .i. i ' Loul. 9. Pbiladelphl 4: Brooklyn 7. he alone did all the ho.i.rtr Mr xt ... v.-l J." "J! '? If? e. . . -.V r " ,,,rw neie in iiumi Bunrumoeo ana ten in. : iniermrnt took place, j Then tb oldest daughter took up' The 11 bearer a were A. Simmons. ,1b management of the house, and ; R. E. Woodward. Mortimer fir.n I .k.n ah. . M w . . , , . , ..... - ir . " w r 1KV. . . 1 " J- wnson, rrea Freeze and P.C. ; took charge. A little girl of 10 vas Berry. 553 ; bead of th bouse when the health i -523 ' authoritiea and the Elks took the can 1 .620 Is handj ..... . -515) It Is now Ukely that all the ehll-.' New Ceremony Is Used at Eserclsaa .458 dren-vin h saved, althouah on. f , ar.e.T-TV. " . W - W..,. ... - A .. . .'."I W' -" ' ""- oeaua ot tn household'' Th newly elected officers '' aer iove to in ymmger j Artisans cniiarea vtta ner lire. ARTISANS INSTALL OFFICERS. .424 P r XATOtmrTTX PrsaMaot ,F. J. MKTER Caaa THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. ... - of OREGON' Cm. OREGON : ii. svuxva. ' m iclS a l nl )awwf mii , OvV. $100 a year for a daily newspaper by mail $3.00 a year for daily newspaper by carrier '0, ;- . IT IS LITTLE , J YET, TlIAT IS THE TOTAL COST TO YOU V"J A7T"1 TO CE i'JniOUT .IT? PITCHER'S BATTLE VO'l BY POMDq BEAVERS MAKE ONLY SCORE IN NINTH ROADSTERS TAKE GAME. PORTLAKD. Or July 7. (SpedaLj L 23 33 14 49 40 0 P.C. .598 -588 -MS! .494 .487 .211 were USES IMPERIL HVESTOSAVEfAIIILy PORTLAND. Or, July 7. (Special!. , Tare gradual Burse kave bee week lighting for the itk Sae-irtavia. of 311 ulrwM at .nrkiB. k. ,0 i day against Odd aad a air hi aWlt.- o nuureaae la the garret of tke koose. Miss AdeUld RJrby, Visa Ethel Staley aad Miss M. J. Lara ar tke. are Li- I ,n. W ZlW: "-'l" of .th. eight chlldre. of J. rsmento. Th score vsa 1 tb game vas von la tb ninth. ton and Fltrgerald both worked velL eh allowlag only Ore kit. Tke Be .vers were aaabl to do say stick ! , 7! V BlB,fc 1 ' heroic vomTa who I "" nu; PCUI. IB DMllBg ( of both teams vas somewhat off color. I Bth had two error, j Following were th results Friday: i Pacific Coast League Portland I. ) Sacramento ; Los Angeles 4. Oak- nd 3; Vemoa 2. SS FranciacO t. . Norikveater Leas Portlaad 2, SeatU Tacom S, . Vaseouver t; Spokaa 5, Victoria 4. : V ' Aavericaa LeagveS-Phtladelpnla 3, Cleveland 1: Detroit t, Waahlngto 3; Bostoa , St. LoaU ; Chicago $ New Fork J. . FINAL TRIBUTE IS paidmrs.vo;;derahe FRIENOS CROWD HOME AT NERAL AND FLORAL 'TRI BUTES ARE MANY. The funeral of Mr. Elizabeth Voa derabe vlf of Henry Vonderabe. vas held Friday afteraoo at S o'clock from th family residence, tb Rer. Charles Robinson, rector, of 8L Pant's Episcopal chart k officiating. A quar tet from th Episcopal choir com posed of Mrs. Augusta Warner, Mrs. R. C, of tke Installed Thnrariav nighL the new ceremony, which la j very Impressive, being used. The ei- erclse ver In charg of F. A. Miller, I who acted as Installing officer- Mrs, 'Mvrtle nvainnnr a Mrs. Anna Johnston, senior conductor. , ana id eignt rsaet. w ho are Mrs l?""". Mr O. D. Eby, Mr. ; Schell Mr. James McFarland Mrs. fr.mma i nomas, Mr. Orphs Henning sen. Miss Ruth Fnge. Mrs. Minnie Don-,w,"u- After the Installation j, a rw-iTnf anrf lira w n r i , vuuper earreo j Ic eream. A social time followed. -, .h. to,Ww,n th officers I tv "'"i Mssier ArtlsaB. Ur rwK. auperintenaent. Stanley Winiams: Inspector, Mrs. Mary Har ey; secreisry. Mrs.-E. II Cooper; re. surer. J X. Tnft; aeotor conduct tor. Mrs. O. a Eby; naater of cere mony Cert rod Sigurd -en; junior ron- rnauo ugbtbody: Oscar Woodfln. . Mr. Arthur C Crenler. Id Me Mrs. Cors Miner, Emma Edmondi R'e Jostln. Irene llanty, Martini Flaolgan, Marion Ptckena, Loul Weber. cAaldlne Hastings. petn nella Msrkovlte, oilv Orenler, Llitl Kndres, Anton Stanlch. Matali Storlta. Cams Jersey Dairy; Dealers In Fresh Butter, Buttermilk Cream, Milk and Eggj. 709 Seventh St Oppotlu City 9tr Ph0B122. DeUTerktlladet , . kllpsrtsolcity. muairan. . battlin tn " r. -7. " - - dberV""17 vrrri. -Abd WIU Me." and ' i um ib i-nsroueoiar,- accompanied la age from Sihv at iaa r-Ura rtH. d. !., ATiUIBO? Tk child re rang t 14 yws. startia whea there vas a prospect of pay and eoiag all the vork of th bona a Veil a tk aur Ing of tb hlklreu stricken vttk diph theria, of th malignant type, tk tkre women have succeeded hi plao mg sfg of tk eight beyond da agar and amy save another of tk stricken family. Tb father yesterday roe from aa attack of diphtheria, brought ea by spok briefly. Tk house ss crowd ad 1 vlth friends of ih deceased and many ' ver unabl to gain eatrane , The I naights and Ladies of Security and ta degree stag of this order attended Georgia Edmonds. f " vvj, mtmiuf at ta wonamen H0 at 1 o'clock. Mrs. VoBderabe va an acUv member of tk order, and vss also member of tb degre etsff. 4 Tb floral tribal ea war beau tiful aad ver la sack profusion tkat TO COM CLASS (Continued from page l. lorsberg. Ann Neotec. Lauretta Ra. jber, Mary floffman. Loclle Ford fleorala SMmnna tt . i :, " w--i v . i line Meyer. Clar Rotter. Mrs. Berth, i. may. Mrs. M.ry Ast, Matklld For berg. Zens Moor. Frances Draper. Mary. Lehman. Ratio Clancy. Mary Rarnes, Mrs. Nellie Orenler. Anna !o Millan, Laur Kelly, Andrew KatmUn, Open on Sooday. i r Buy a Hoae WhUePayiosRcat 100 down and $12 month takes this eomfortabl sli-room bous, nd lot IIous It wired for electricity.. Lot S2105 feet. oi fruit on place, well lo cated on Madlaoo 8L C A snap at.. 2 J E. P. Eliictt cr.d !:n Ttk and Main sts., by slon Erl?-.