Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 07, 1911, Image 3

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- Call Fe Crrvtl.
"Woodman. apar that tree.'
Hurry Klrbyaon, of Carus, was lu
hid cHy n Thursday.
Mia Mabl Mill, who baa beon
ImHIiik ( Ciirua returned to Oregon
liy un Thursday morning.
Norman and OH la Howard, or Carus,
ore In thla clly on Thursday.
U.' Kln-lmll. lif lliitlull waa In
ihe clly on business Thursday.
(leorge W. llrown, of New Bra, waa
la thla clly on business Thuraday.
John Kllue, of North Carus, waa In
thla clly n business Thuraday.
Hurat Miller, of fulon Mill, waa
In thla city on business Thuraday.
Dr. K. A. Hummer, formerly of Ore-J
1(011 City, haa moved hla office to 1017
Cornell building, ortland. I
Mr. Crook, of Mullno. made a busl-,
nra trip to Oregon City on Thurs-
day. i
Charlie Welsmsndel and William
Miller, of Cams, were In thla city on;
Hirnwrq iiiannNHii, r H'n
.11. of thla civ.
i A 1 1 1 ..
kell. of thla clly.
William Daniels. Roland Kdwarda
and the latter'a mother, of Heaver
Creek, were In thla city on Thuraday.
Mrs.. IMbert Howell, of Portland,
after vlslilng her cousin, Mra. Fred
Bielner, of Monroe afreet, haa return
ed home. .
II . U fP II IT It 1. . t PhM
tin. min m i m. f . i , r.'iivii ww v u . i
ter, and daughters, Mlaa Vada and
Ruth, will make an automobile trip '
Try that Wisconsin Hwlaa cheeae, '
jno per pound at Harris' grocery. j
Harry M. Hh.w, after vl.ltlng In thla
city for aeveral day., the guaat
frlenda. returned to hla home at Eu
gena Thuraday morning. !
in nirsiue nrit iiitmiu.
Mra. John Yoder, of Allmny, who
haa been visiting her alaler, Mra. John
Kent, of I'arkplace, haa returned to
her home.
Mlsa lena (ktldsmltb, of Ban rran
clwo, haa arrived In Oregon 'Clly to
visit her mother, Mra. A. Ooldamtth.
and alslera. Hhe will remain here for
two weeka.
Wllholt stsge will leave tha Electric
llntfl earh day at I o'clock p. m.
Mra. Frank Newton, who recently
arrived In thla city from Toledo, Or., I
to relatlvea. and who haa been I
vlslilng her mother, Mra. T. A. Mo-i Deer Island, returned to Ore-
gon City Thursday evening, and visit.
ed Mr. Newton, mother, Mr.. K. U
Newton, returning to her home today. I
ir v.... w-.m .....r nd fn.iL lur. I
" ' . . " . , .
at the right price, go to Harrla groc-
William Ondreaen and family will
IM. mi.rr.ln. ,.r M .w.r Or I
where they will spend the Bummer at i
their cottage. - Mr. Andresen, will re
main several weeka, getting hla family
aettled and will return to thla city,
but Intends accompaaylng them home
later. r
Jamea Dawson and family moved to
the home of Mra. Isaac Farr, and Mra.
Farr and daughter, Mra. Viola Adh-
baugh. have taken up their residence
on Center atreel. Mra. Farr, who la
one of th olil reslrlunls tt
thu ritv.
occunled the lifiiise she recent Iv vacat- I
ed for more than 30 ysrs.
It's tin) warm to bake. Why not get
Royal Bread. Fresh every day a Har
ris' grocery.
Mra. Bertha Bryant, of Bertram,
Texaa, baa arrived In thla city, and la
visiting her mother, Mra. Praeger, and
brother, Paul Praeger, of Park place.
Thla la the first time they have seen
Mra. Bryant for 21 year, and on Bun
day a family reunion waa held at the
home of -Mr. Antone Ware, which
the families of Mr. and Mr. Zlnber
Hng, the Warea and Pracgera attend
ed. It proved a moat enjoyable affair.
Mlsa Dorothy Straight and Paul
Tuirnir rrf Parkplace-who have-betiu.
ii'hih uiver, wnere tney spent ine
Fourth of July with th former, ale- Two Couple Get Llcenaea.'
tor, Mra. LaMar, have returned home. Tne following were granted mar
Mr. and Mra. McCord entertained j rlage licenses by County Clck Mulvey
frlenda from Portland on Tuesday. on Thuraday; Lucy M. Joy and W.
The visitors were Mr.. Amanda New-1 W. Bruce. Cora U Espy and George
by, Mra. Virginia Meed, Mr. and Mra. F. Spencer, both of Portland. -
Yots Asking
. For nd we will gtve yoa with a
4 months subscription
By Carrier
. at 45c the month
A Beautiful China PLAQUE0-' d Handsomely
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early. v , '
Subscrlbers.May. Have Them Too
To any present subscriber who will bring us four
new subscriptions we will present one of these
beautiful dishes. ' i
(Q)f egon (Qity
Howard Perrln, Mlaa May Nawby and
Koy Nawby,
II. H. Cue. on a of tha promlnant
atrawbarry growers of Canty, waa In
thla city on Thuraday, having brouaht
In hla laat load of tha season. Mr
t'oa'a atrawbarry- crop waa' much
aliorier than waa anticipated, and ha
gathered only about on ton, Ha waa
accompanied her by hla brother-la
law, Rea Deiiman, a retired farmer of
Huron, Houtb Dakota, who la at Can
by for a two niontba' visit.
Whan trading at Holme.' vota for
your youiK lady friend so aha may
take a neoded rent at Heaald at tb
expense of W. A. Holmes.
Mrs. ('. O. T. Williams, who has
been for several months visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Junius Iwreuce, of
(lend, Or., returned to Oreaon City
Wednesday. Hha waa accompanied by
Miss Marian Lawrence, who will visit
her aunt, Mra. C. (1. Miller, of thla
clly. Mra. Williams and Mlaa La wren re
have Just returned from a trip to Call
foriila. where they accompanied Mr
and Mra. Iwrence In their tnaclrln.
Hllver Ike and many other anctlons
were visited while on tha tour.
J. K. Hhoup,- tha elderly popcorn
dealer, who waa recently atrlckan
with paralysla at Ma place of busl-
liens, and whose condition waa criti
cal for aoma time, la Improving. Mr.
Kin uo waa taken to the Wild wood
Hospital, where ha haa been receiving
treatment. Mr. Hhoup a parrot, which
attracted tha attention of tha officers
who found tha man III, la at tha hoa
pltal aa well aa the pet canary. These
birds have won the hearts of tha
nurses at tha hospital, and have be
come pete of the Institution.
Come back and alt will b forgiven
If you bring with you one of those
handsome bsmmacka from Huntley
llroa. Co. They are Juat swell, pat-
terns and colore, and thla la such
lovely hammock weather.
- -
Rink Wall Patron lid.
The skating rink, of which Mr. Van
iuvk- aimnummr waa wll natron.
I.... "?
tha manager waa forced to turn per-
, ,w.y bocauae of a lack of akatea
The big tent waa filled with the
merry akatera, who enjoyed the'lateat
music furnished by the electric piano.
Mr. VanHlyke keeps the beat of order
which la the reason the place of
' amusement la ao well patronized.
K. L. of S. Notice.
All memltera of Wlllametle Council,
Knlkhta and ldles of Hecurlty. are
requested to meet at Woodmen of
. V',rJd, "M ,n Sf'.trl 1' '
'Vr'a V H Vo" de Ih.
of Mr"' . " ii.uikTfs i-realdent
- L """X'KH, 1 reeiaent.
Card of Thanke.
We wish to express our thanka to
the frlenda and neighbors who ao
kindly assisted ua at the time of elck
neaa and death of our little daughter,
and also for the many beautiful flow
ers which were sent.
. t m
pr P'9 Arran0ad for Fourth
, ,
Th C'vl lmpr0Y-
" hold an Ice cream to.
ln. ,h Pfk -t Mount Maaaant on
Bl""U night, at which time part
f 'he program, arranged for July 4
- .hi i..
Fireworks will be
"" "
I among the featurea of the entertain-
went. The celebration on the Fourth
WBB Called Off On BCCOIint Of the Inde-
. .
- j
u.itl a ) tM lliviint IlMataaei w rt tin
people went to Mount Pleasant on tl.c
Fourth, not knowing that the celebra
tion bad been postponed.
Unclaimed Letter.
The following are the unclaimed btf
tera at the Oregon City poatofflce for
the week ending July 2, 1911:
Woman'a list Baker , Helen; Mar-
,r"'. l"Bi r"r"; mla- ";i ",u,
i n. Mra.'Mary J.
Men a Hat Clarke. George;
anen. Kane; Imager, Henry; LJIIef,
Frank; Long, J. T. May, Tom; Ma-
laon, C. K.; Orlund, John; Preaton, C.
J.; Reynolds, A. D.; Reana, Fred; Wei
aon, C. D.; Welch, Oscar C.
Man Recently Hurt Appointed In
Gladstone District
The Connty Court Thursday appoint
ed Edward Harrington road aupervlaor
In the Gladstone district. Mr. Har
rington haa had long atrvlce In road
work and la regarded aa one of the
mot capable rond builders In the
county. He waa serloualy hurt re-
Lv6 months subscription
By Mali
at 25d the month
IIub" Ordue of the Ilostou
Nationals tells of a ball . layer
who achieved couslditrable hih i-
ulurlty with fnus In the aoutli,
but who wsa not xiular with
hla waltvr fur th almpie rt-uson
that no tips w-rtf forthcomltig 5
during five long aeasoua. One Z
dny Mr. Mall flay a and (ieorge t
had the following i-iuversutlon: .1,
"You going to tut bi-re rlk'bt . ''
along, (Jixirgef
T mn i..i fr. iii ....
u risui. luni ii i it- wil
ing you."
The waller srratclied hla kinky
locks and iheu had an Inoplrs
2. flou IhiiMly;
7 MAh Im-ii aeeltig you for five
X eura. but you all luisu'i wo
ma )(. Ab wish Uoslou duue
4 graft you. .
t kH4Mt 4-e-- 4 K 1 1
xWbat mnkea the great difference la
pitching college or minor league tttll
ami facing major lenguc bfifHincn l
the fiict that In this company the hot
tcrs Insist vn getting the ball over the
jilate. Thry do not bite at anything
that la dished up. s'U have a pitch
er In the bole, and when he la forced
to aim It over of course no difficulty
ta eirx-rli'tv rd In bitting blru. Thrr
are any number of no bit games pitch
ed la college basfbHll, and yet thene
earn pitchers would stnnd but a sllrht
chance to oiake ' gixxl In a major
' '
aa auTeTTrU au prdlnnry iiltchw of-
as a"TuTraTTiJ in unlli
ten looks like a atar In that company.
Tha fact rcmnlns that the college
pitchers who have made good In the
big leagues have come not from the
big eolli-cca. but from some of the
more remote Institutions.
Cuba' OutfSsldsr Makaa More Heme
Rune Than Any Othsr Player.
If the National league ever adopts
the "pinch hit" column In Ita acorlng.
ao that a record may be kept of the
number of run a batter una driven
over the plate, then Frank 8chulir,
right fielder of the Chicago Cutis, will
aet up bow new marka fur sludgers to
shoot at
Rcbtilte not ooty bit. hla homer with
alarming frequency for the opposition,
but be bit tbem when they count
multiplies thetn fourfold In the ran
column In oilier wurd. be makes that
baseball dream coato true, a home run
with the bases full. In 1010 Kchulte
and Fred IlecaVthcn with IViston. tied
for bom run bonur lu the National
league w ith ten each. There Is no rec
ord kept of bow many ruua tboae loug
Photo by Amertrmn Press Association.
hit. scored, but It la a safe wager that
Sthulte. with hla pcuchant f-T hitting
with men on, aent uiuuy ciore over
titan did hla rival for honors.
Thla season with a lively tin II Kchulte
la out to 'break his home run record,
and If be keeps up the p4rcentiice for
games played, be will bnve about dou
ble the nnmlier of homcra he n-glstered
Inst year. Aa veterans go nowaday,
on the Chisago Cuba, Hchulte la a "vet
ernn," though he Is a newcomer com
pared to some of tlie men that msl
that great team famous. Me Joined
the Chance machine In IliOt. He Is
eue of the Cuba who Miltlvcly refuses
fo "go tiHck," fur his work this sermon
fias Ihhd about the best of bis brilliant
They Nsvsr Coma Back, Says MoGraw.
"No bull player," John McUrat
dmiKlvelj. "who has been out of the
game for two or three years ever
comes back.
''Whisky drinking playera or fighters
never come bark. Whisky kllU the
brain." .
Pitcher Jack Powtll'a Lena Carasr. .
This H Pitcher Jack Powell'a fifteenth
year In the blu leniruc's. Cp to 1011 be
plti hed In AM gumcs. w!nn!t ft C2fl and
losing 221.
The Mors Important.
Betty may uot Is verj worldly wise,
but she Is practical. She knows enough
to take a common Meiine view of thlnas
setitlnieutal as wei: h mniVrliil Ho
wlnn she llsietied hi ibe proKHiil of
the yoiniM i iiihii he Is fntul of she
coiiidn't livip sayiiiu "Inn she did.
.' "If oo reject me. Betty ileiir." be
urgiti. lu a tliiul niiiil. 'l Miiail never,
never love , siioiui-i. II will be the
end." , ,
"And u I accept you." she asked,
"does the same tbiti g bold good 7"
PhUadalphia Time.
fTr -fTf L3 i .
i -jaw
Ueiieral Bberldan, In hla famous
ride that resulted In saving the day
to hla forces, didn't accomplish a more
remarkable feat, ao far aa the ride
la concerned, than did Deputy Sheriff
Miles, of thla clly, Thuraday. It being
necessary that paper a be aervad on
several persons living at Itrlghtwood,
which la fourteen mllee east of Bandy
and thirty five miles from Oregon City,
at the earliest possible time, Mr.
Miles atarted out at t:30 o'clock
Thursday morning with his horae and
buggy. He served the paper and waa
back In Oregon City at 8:30 o'clock,
having made the trip of seventy mllt-s
In ti-n houra, or at rate of aeven
miles an hour. Hla borne did not ap
pear even tired after the long journey
At the requeat of M D. Latourette,
of this city, the Department of Conv
mert-e and Lbor, baa ordered that
3:.i"i) rainbow trout be placed In
Clackamas County streams. The fish
are distributed aa follows: Trout
Creek, 4,600; Milk Creek, 8,000; Mo-
lullu River, N. fork, tLouo; Clear Creek,
C.OttO; Abernetby Creek, 4,600.
Heveral other realdenta have bad
fish placed in various streams In the
county, and It la believed that the var
ious water courses will be well stock
ed with the beat fish In a few yeara.
The greatest precautions are taken to
ae that the young fish are well cared
for and they are only aent to persona
who will look after tbem In oeraon
upon arrlvaL
A Tree That Grows Diahae.
There la a tree In the West Indies
that the natives say "grows dlabee."
It look a like ao apple tree. Tbey call
It the calabash. It bear, very queer
leaves and large white hluasoma that
grow right from the trunk and forger
brancbea. After the (lower cornea the
fruit. Just a our sppieM or peucbes
do. ButtBb. fruit Ih lu the shiiie of a
gourd, on It atrmiger auil rerv iimm h
larger, aouietluit-a a font In dlamHer.
The shell 1m m bard I list all sorts of
big and little din lies and drinking i-upa
ran tie carved out of It heu pots
and kettlea arw'tuade and used orer
the lire, buf of ronrse ltn- i Hiinot last
as tons eis our luelin iimm l.ntiiwn
Telecriil-li (
Llabtning'a Affinity Fee Oak,
Electricity to tb cloud, like Ita com
panion lower down, lores to aeek the
earth, the greet reservoir of kit elec
tricity, and It Onda the mwl available
way to do ao. choosing always the best
conductor, conspicuous among which
are the much maligned lightning rods.
th high rreea or the elevated sleeplea.
It baa Its choice of trees as well aa
olber things and will leap over bnlf
an acre of tree to And an oak. foi
which It appeura to bava a sieclal at
tructlon. and It will pass a high point
to Bud a building that baa metal about
A Hslp to Patience.
A man who luid to leave hla office
and who was eipecrlug a caller to pay
blm aom money left tbla notice on
bis door: "I have gone out for half
au hour. Will be back aooa. Have
been gone twenty mlnutea already."
Boetuu Transcript.
will be on sale at
Gladstone Park, or
you may have it de
livered to your tent
every morning by
the special
that will be maintained
A full report of daily
events will be pub
lished every day.
Order now and ar
range'j for delivery.
You will want extra
copies to send away.
Call, write or phone
Morning Enterprise
Circulation Department
Wants, For Sale, Etc
' Netleea under ItwM oMaalfl4 tutting
will M Iimw4 al onm rI s ward, firat
MiMrtum. " a ent additional aseer
liana. sJtw Inch CAl4. 12 par mmiU. nJ(
Inch rard. iin si per mum I a.
C'axh must asrompasr order unlaea en,
h an opn account rirh the iMper. N
flaanalai rsfxmallilllly for errors; wrer
rriirs ocrur ftM aurr(d BMlre will b
printed (or patsea. MlnirnSm ctiar Its
WANTED Ton to know mat we bay
all klnda of Curloa, that w are la
the market for aecobd hand rnrnr
lure and Toole We also have a
good assortment of second hand
Furniture and Toola on 'hand for
aale to tboae in need. Come anJ
eee; perhapa we have Juat what yo
wan. Indian Curloa and trinket
for aale cheap; soma that are very
unique and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth atreet.
WANTED Borne aqulrrels or chlp-
riunka. Addreaa Box 14, Jennings
liodge, Or,
WANTED Good, neat girl for general
housework. Inquire Mra. Frank
Hunch. Both phone.
WANT-0iuu advertisements fo-
thla col'jrnn. Picea eery reason
able, hev rates at bead of colnmn
Read the Morning Knfernria
WANTEtr You to linow that the En
terprlse Job prlnUng department la
the most complete lr toe State,
outalde Portland. Try It for your
next printing
FOR SALE! Space In thla column
Sell that old plow or barrow; yon
don't uae It alnce you purchased
. your new on. ,
LOST Between Chautauqua grounds
and Seventh Street Hill a pillow for
babyTarrtage. center of case h4
embroidered wreath of leaves. Kin
der leave at thla office.
FARM LOANS Dlmlck Dlmlck,
Lawyer., Oregon City, Or. '
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abatract. furnished. Una
title examined, eataies settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank "
Oregon City.
U'REN A SCHUBBBL, Attorneya-at
Law, Deutacfcer Advokat, will pi
tic In all court a, make collections
and aettlemeota. Office In Enter
prise Bide-. Orecoa City. Orefcoo.
I HEREBY notify all Business men
and dealer, that I will not be res
ponsible tor any debt, or bill, con-
traded by my wlf. Uws V. Mold
enhauer, after June 10. 1911. "
MONEY TO LOAN On first mort
gage: $500 and upwards; on yeat
or longer. Apply at once. Croaa a
Hammond, Attomeya at Law, Bea
ver Bldg Oregon City.
HARHY JONES Builder and Genera!
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheeifuU)
given on ail classes of building
work, concrete walka ana reinforced
concrete. Re. Pbon Main 11L
K. H. COOPER. Fo' Fir Insurance
and Real Eatate. Let ua handle
your propertlea w buy, sell and
exchange. Office In tat er prise
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
NOTICE to Court Robin Hood No.
9, F. of A. There will be a aum
moned meeting Thursday evening,
July 6, 1911. for electing a financial
aecretary and transacting euch other
business as may come before ua.
L. O. U Notice.
All member, of Derry Lodge No.
164, L. O- L., and True Blue Lodge
No. 157, are requeated to meet at
Ar-0U-W-HaILt-lQ o'clock a. m ,
Sundoy, July 9th, to attend divine
worship at the Methodist church.
la on .ale at the following .tore.
every day:
Huntley Bro Drug.
Main Street.
J. W. McAnulty Cigar.
Seventh and Main.
Secrest Confectionery
Main near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn Confectionery
Next door to P. O.
City Drug Store
Electric Hotel.
Walter Little Confectionery
614 8eventh 8treet.
M. Volkmar Drug
Seventh near Center.
Schocnborn Confectionery
Seventh and .t. Q. Adama.
For th arreat .ant conviction
of nv person or peraona, who
unlawfully remove copies of Th
Morning Enterprise from th
premise, of subscriber, after
paper ha. been placed there by
$ carrier.
Not Foe Hae. '
A fnmlly no'ed Tor Its Internal die
enslnn stood In surh itrrent need o
a msld thut extraordinary privileges
were offered fr th laxf girl Interview
ed, vet nofrrlthstsndlnc these mncea
sions she aked foi a day to think It
ever In the end she declined In come.
"But whyf walled the distressed
pilstreen. "I offered yon everything
I promised to treat you Ilk one of the
family, yet you won't com."
"No." aald the girl, "that la why I
looked you np and found onf bow the
I family are trenied " N'ew York Pre
T is always the
than are the best to brew or drink.
The Most Important point o consider a boot
tea is lis suitably for brewing in the water
of a particular district. Tea that would be
good here, and brew into a splendid fragrant
beverage, might be a rank Uiiltsre some
where else;
We buy our tea. to suit the water of this district. Tou are there
fore aure of getting tea that la all that tea should be fragrant, re
freshing and Utlrat-uencblng. A trial will make you a constant
Upton' l ea, special, pound 65c "
Lipton'i Tea, special, half pound 35c
Ridgways Famous 5 o'clock, pound 75c.
Ridgways R M. B. Her Majesty Blend, pound $1.00.
J. E.
John RUley and family are domi
ciled at Seaside for th summer.
Mia. Ada Starkweather left Wednes
day for a few day.' outing at Sea
side, the guest of her aunt, Mr.. John
Rleley. .
Madge and Edwin Ellis spent Thurs
day In Portland the guest of1 Mrs.
Mrr William Wella and children
spent . Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Wells' arent. at Nashville, Woodstock
W. B. Hanson, or Milwaukie, has
purchased the business of th Coa
grlff delicatessens and will move hla
Oak Grove drug .tore In the same
building on Railroad avenue.
The Boy.' Brigade ar drilling every
evening for the competitive drill that
will take place at the Chautauqua Sat
urday evening. ,
Edith Turner, of Lenta, spent Wed
csday with Heater Armstrong.
Railroada and Life Insurance.
Tie extent to which life Insurance
frnds bave barked up the transports
tloo Industry '.a snrely not a matter
for regret. American railroada are the
backbone of American Industrial prog
ress. Hud the stream of life lnaorance
In vest men Is been deflected in another
dlrectlou. bad the companlee Inveated
tucr largely In mortgage toana. which
It might bave been to their advantage
to do tf l bey bad been etna Her and less
centralized Institntlopa. our railroad
development would not have been what
It la today and tbe name of tbe "Great
American desert would have been
till on the map. Railroada might al
most be described aa tbe byproduct,
of old line life Insurance. Thorns a
Scanlon In Moody's Magazine.
Parasols were urn! by tbe ancient
Eg.vptluns. They im-auie fashionable
In tbe United Htaiee lit lx--t
j n yni M 'i
W HEN a man feels the necessity of
being in two places at the same time
he goes to the nearest telephone and sends
his voice.
It is not exactly the same thing, but when a man
talks hundreds of miles in opposite directions from
the same Bell Telephone, it is about as good. " v
In the daily use of the telephone a man travels all
over town by wire in a few minutes. It is just as,
easy to travel all over the state and other state by
means of the universal Long Distance Service of the
Bell System. ' " ;
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
, Every Bell Telephone it the Center of the gysUa
most expensive teas
line UAinrniur ta
rmo. iuhuuihiil iu
. Th funeral service, over th re
mains of Mra. Elizabeth Vonderah.
wife of Henry Vonderahe. who died at
her home at Sixteenth and Jackson
street, suddenly on Wednesday . eve
ning at 6:30 o'clock, will be held from
tbe family residence thla afternoon at
2 o'clock. The lntermetit will be In
the Mountain View Cemetery. Th
services will be conducted by the Rev.
Charles W. Robinson, rector of St.
Paul'. Episcopal Church. .
Mrs. Vonderahe waa a member of
the degree team of the Knight, and
Ladle of Security Lodge, and the
member, of tbe team dreeaed In their
white uniform, will attend in a body.
Lodge member, also will attend. The
member, will meet at the Woodmen
Hall at 1 o'clock and march In a body
to the residence.
Hay making Is In full blast.
Moat everybody took In the celebra
tion at Wright'. Springs, and aeveral
persona stayed for the dance in the
evening. All report a fine time.
Robert Dullard and Will Wallace
worked for C. Smith, Wednesday.
Mr. Porter, of Mullno, delivered
atrawberrie here Wednesday. He re
ports a fine crop of berrlea thla year.
Several person, are getting ready
to go to the Chautauqua.
Clyde Smith and family, of Cape
Horn., spent Monday evening with hla
Ernest Jones and family, Frank
Kinney . and family and Leon Jones
and wire went to the mountains Sat
urday and expect to return bom this
V.' -