Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 05, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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E:::ds Up His Team at Expense
of Other Clubs.
Nearly Every Deal Which He Ha
Pulled Off Haa Proved Banafioial to
. Tha Cba Hia Latest Ona With Boa
ton Waa Dandy.
Frank Chance, manager of tha Chi
cago Nationals, is tha David Uarutn
of baseball. The leu dor of tha Cub
baa pulled off more successful deal
' than any other bl( league pilot and
baa never made a bad one. Chance,
irtth Charley Murphy's assistance, be
gan to dicker for players to strengthen
the Cubs In 1905. HU first big deal
was when he hypnotised Si Louis Into
parting with Mordecal Brown and
Catcher O'Neill for Tltcher Jack Tay
lor, now pitching In the Central league.
Taylor was about at the end of his
big league string, but St. Louis did not
realise It no more than it did that It
had a great pitcher In Three Fingered
Catcher O'Neill along with Pitcher
' Ffeffer, aoon found his way to Boston.
Chicago getting Catcher Pat Moran.
Photo br American press Association.
. n OKAjroa o eras, ana or bass-
. who proTed to be of great eervlce In
: teaching young pitchers and helping
oat behind the bat occasionally
Then Chance and Murphy mesmeris
ed Garry Herrmann Into trading Third
' Baseman Stelnfeldt for Pitcher Wel
mer. The latter had been a star for
' the Cubs, but amounted to- but little
thereafter, while Stelnfeldt shone on
the Cub Infield for years
1 That same year Chance traded Pitch
er Bert Briggs. Third Baseman Casey
. and Outfielders McCarthy and Maloney
to Brooklyn for Bheckard. The latter
Is still a star member of the Cabs,
while the others passed below the big
league horlson several seasons ago.
Along In the middle of the 1900 sea
son Chance got Garry Herrmann In a
. trading mood again and unloaded Bob
Wicker on him and relieved Garry
of Orris Overall.
Chance then stood pat until 1&10,
when he cot loose again. Some of his
' veteran pitchers Brown. Overall and
Ttnth.i In.l.ii,, ,11,1 ,i .
going Just right, and the peerless lead
er figured that If Chicago was going
to win another pennant the pitching
- staff would have to be bolstered up.
He had on band a bonch of minor
, league recruits and unloaded Short
stop Tony Smith. Outfielder Davidson
and Hap Smith on Brooklyn, getting
In exchange Pitcher Mclntire. The
latter won thirteen and lost nine
games, while none of the men traded
has stuck to the big show.
A little later Ludevus, Chance's first
base understudy, was dispatched to
Philadelphia for Pitcher Foxen. This
was one deal which did not prove to
? be very beneficial from a Chicago
standpoint, as Loderua has been a win
ner for the Phillies. On the other
hand. Foxen has not been of much ac
count aa a Cub and was released re-
i cently.
- On the day when the Chicago team
was about to depart for the south to
: train last spring Inflelder Scotty lu
ge rton, who had reported to accom
pany the team on Its training trip.
; waa sent with Pitcher Pfeffer to Bos
ton for Inflelder 8bean, a star utility
man. Ingerton has batted well for
Boston, but Chance seems to be satis
fled with Shean, who Is a hlgb class
All of which leads up to the last
deal pulled off by Chance, a trade
', which baa shown that Chance has lost
noiie of hts cunning aa a dealer In
athletic chattels. No wonder that Bos
ton fans as well as Vice President
Paige are yelling murder. KUng, now
on the toboggan; Weaver, an ordinary
pitcher; Griffin, an untried pitcher,
and Kaiser, far from a wonder as an
outfielder. In exchange for Graham, a
' catcher who Is good now snd who la
Improving; Wilbur Goode, a hard hit
ting outfielder, who seems to have Im
proved aa a fielder since he was a
' Nap; Cliff Curtis, a fair pitcher, and
Collins, of whom bat little Is known.
In other Words, Chicago traded KUng
tor Graham and Curtis, aa they are the
only players in the deal worth consid
eration.'; y !
v. Kyi
$2.00 a year for a daily newspaper by mail
$3.00 a year for daily newspaper by carrier
CopyrtaM by Amwk-m Preaa Asae
clatlon. Ull.
My friend Mrs. 8outbwlk wrote me
to come down to ber country place.
She said she had an especial reason for
asking me, but didn't tell me wbst It
was. So one midsummer morning
took a train to make the visit. On
reaching the statlon-l was not x
pected till an hour later not finding a
conveyance to meet me. I concluded to
leave my baggage at the statiou and
walk. Never baring been to Mrs
Soutbwlck'a place before, I waa ubibied
to Inquire the way and waa put on to a
abort route, at the end of wbleb I could
enter the grounda at the nr On
arrival 1 climbed a fence and walked
some three or four huudod vard to
a clump or trees, which wii so turn
ing that 1 concluded to penetrate It.
Bight in the middle there was swung
a hammock, and In the hammock lay a
young girl asleep.
Now, a young girl aaleep In a bam
mock la a pretty sight at any time, but
Of pretty and In a shaded nook she
Is tempting. This one wss very pretty.
There waa about her that relaxation
artists love to get in tbelr pictures and
statuary. There was a slow beavtni: of
her breast Her mouth was partly open
showing a narrow line of Ivory be
tween a pair of pink coral lips.
Well, though the natural conse
quence of a young man seeing a girl
thus defenseless before blm Is that be
cannot resist the temptation to kiss
her and get bis ears boxed not tor
his palna. but his pleasure I will en
deavor to describe what happened. I
advanced a step at a time, and with
every "p "TTtrl I ,nnk tln "ack.
ward In my resolution not to aisoon-
estly a tea! what did not belong to me
I reached a point bat a yard from the
alee per wit bout waking her. 8be was
slumbering so calmly that for some
time I dared not proceed farther for
fear of awakening her. Had ahe alept
more soundly I might have been
bolder. But while halting 1 waa grad
ually filling with bravery or reckless
ness. As aoon as I bad gathered
enough courage for the purpose 1 ad
vanced another atep or two. halted,
then bent down to see bow near 1
could bring my face to hers without
wakening her. then touched my It pa
lightly to hers.
Beyond a alight spssmodlc move
ment she remained the same. Within
a single moment I experienced dread
and reassurance. The girl alept on. and
L having achieved my purpose, be
came suddenly - conscious - of the
frightful risk I had ran and was
seised with a desire to escape the con
sequences of my offense. I withdrew
aa atealthlly aa possible and proceed
ed to the boose.
I waa received by Mrs. Southwlck
with a hearty welcome, and we sat
down together oa wicker chain on the
piazza. "And now that you are here,"
she said, "and while we are alone I
will give you my reason for inviting
you down. 1 have" a wife picked out
for you."
"A wlfer
"Tea, a very lovely girt modest, un
assuming, pretty Indeed, everything
that la maidenly."
"And all tela la for mer
"Tea. bat yoa must proceed with her
very slowly. 8 he Is sensitive, pare.
The least advance before an offer of
marriage would undeniably abock her."
"For beaven'a saker I exclaimed In
wardly. "Suppose she should be the
girl asleep in the hammock
I Ti f-TlTIriinTi1iiiiTi modeatv." con
tinned the go-between, "that is Edith's
chief charm. I am sure that alone Is
enough to make yoa love her."
"1 dare say." I replied, with proper
When 1 was presented to Miss Edith
Greer I felt the guilt of Judas Iscartot
welling op In me. I grew red and pale
by turns. 1 stammered out a few
words that didn't mean anything. I
sat down before she or Mrs. Sooth
wick bad seated herself and Jump
ed up as if I had encountered a tack
on the cushion. Mesnwhlle Miss Greer
stood with ber eyes bent on the floor
ss If 1 were the first young man ahe
bad ever met. Mrs. Sootbwick came
to the rescue by Inviting as Into the
dining room for luncheon.
The fact that the young lady dis
played no such embarrassment aa she
might have done bad she been sensi
ble of the kiss 1 bsd stolen, that she
neither appeared abocked nor indig
nant, brought a return of confidence.
I found ber rather too unsopblatlcated;
but. as Mrs. Southwlck bad said, ber
modesty was ber chief charm. Aa I
noticed this 1 shuddered at rhe enor
mity of my offense In pressing those
pure lips with mine and gave frequent
thanks that the piracy had not been
Je tec ted.
Mrs. Southwlck made the match sbe
intended. The only difficulty In the
way was that the young lady was sj
sweetly Innocent that It seemed a
sacrilege to me to propose to her. I
finally got out a proposition, and.
though at first ahe aald she was too
young and loo Inexperienced to trust
herself to any man. since sbe regard
ed me the soul of bonor she would
ccmmlt herself to my keeping.
The denouement of a love story
usually comes with a wedding. In
this case It comes at a tin wedding.
"What a modfast little thing yoa
were, my dear," 1 said, "when we
were married this day ten years sgo.'-
"Rats!" she exclaimed. "1 waa lay
ing In wait for yoa in that hammock
and waa wide awake wann you kissed
CeveHne His Tracks.
Mr. Gllbort Chesterton gave public
ity to au amusing reminiscence. "I
one remember." be wrote, "trying to
aoothe a ady upon whose drawing
room carpet I bad unlnivuikiuaiiy ten
large tracta of Loudon soil by telling
ber that perhaps If she watered them
something would grow there, some
thing fresh, fragrant and unexpected
that would abame the flat
less oowera of the carpet!"
Turner's Salad Suggestion.
At a duiuer a salad was oQervd lo
Turner, the great artist, wolcb vaucej
blm to call the attention or bis neigh
bor at the table-Jones Lloyd, a for
ward Lord Oversloue- to It "Mce omm
green lettuce. Isu t It?" he stiia "Aud
the beetroot, potty red. uot guile
strong enough, and the mixture, deli
cate tint of yellow tout. Add some
mustard and then you have oue of my
toe Was Master.
Bacon That sound like a matter
band at the piano
Egbert It Is It s my wife.
(Continued from Page 1.)
of them were enlisted In Ua cause
Continental Congress waa established,
the Declaration of Independence, the
most masterful piece of literature of
ita kind the world has.eer-een, was
drafted and signed. The formal de
claration of war waa made, the army
centralized and General George Wash
ington put In command. And when
the news of this came to the ears of
hia Majesty. King George, he said,
"What, have my subjects rebelled?"
His Informer replied- "Rehellli'"
Us hell, it's revolution."
This uneven contest waged for
seven long years, on the one hand
there was power, money, plenty of
soldiers fully equipped with arma and
supplies; on the other hand, there were
scarcity in numbers, lack of funds,
arma and even the bare necessities of
life. The British hired Hessian sol
diers, who fought for the money they
were getting and because they had to
do it. There waa no heart or aplrit
of loyalty In their actlona. The Am
ericans fought for a purpose, fought
for the love of country, and that tney
might be free. Their loyalty can only
be measured by the hardships they
endured: their' blood stained foot
prints at Valley Forge, their expedi
tions In the face of hunger against
Fort Quebec, . their midnight cap
ture of the Hessians at Trenton, their
turning of defeat Into victory at the
battle of Brandywlne, show us that
their courage waa undaunted and their
patriotism unbounded. They fought
for a purpose, and they won,-won be
cause they were right
From thirteen weakly colonies scat
tered along the Atlantic shore, a new
nation waa born. It waa baptized In
the blood of Its own native sons and
christened the United States of Am
erica. The seeds of freedom sown by
Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Samuel
Adams, General Washington and oth
ers, had taken root and grown into
full maturity, and the rule of kings
waa banished forever.
Ladles and gentlemen: Although
the Americans had won their Inde
pendence, and severed themselves for
ever from the tie of British rule, yet,
let us bear in mind that a great deal
remained to bo done. The Constltu
tion had to be drafted, a permanent
government established and the Union
formed. There were thirteen Indepen
dent colonies loosely connected to
gether, each colony wanted to be fore-
mo8tneUx..leaLtuiitir silntna littw'ew
them. Perhaps each colony wanted to
furnish the first president. A- Con
stltutlonal Convention waa held, and
In that convention, there were twd
factions: one leaned toward Demoo
racy, and the other more toward Ab
solutism. Their differences of opinion
were debated in every conceivable
manner, and for a time, an agreement
seemed Impossible. At last, by the
adoption of various amendments, to
the drafted form aa submitted to the
convention, the Constitution was
adopted, ratified and the government
permanently formed. Little did those
Constitution builders realize that they
were framing an instrument that
would permit the growth of our coun
try from thirteen weakly colonies to
its present dimensions and greatness.
They probably did not realize that
they were framing an Instrument des
tined to be pronounced by Interna
tional law writers, as one of the best
and freest ever written. Little did
they realize that that constitution
would bo elastic enough to extend fur-
ther than governing the people on a
narrow strip of territory on the At
lantic shore; Instead, It has extended
not only to the great lakes on the
north, to the Gulf of Mexico on the
south, and to the Pacific Ocean on
the west, but It has extended thousands
of miles into Alaska, Porto Rico, Ha
waii ana even to the Orient, to the
continent across the seas.
First to Bring Message.
We have been talking of the great
ness of the Constitution lot na nnw
turn to the Declaration of Indepen
dence and think of Its Immortal
truths. When 135 years ago, our fore
fathers brought the message to the
world that all men are created free
and ealial. and no cnnrnmml n
stand strong and powerful without
me approving voice or an undivided
people, they brought forth an Idea
which no nation on earth had uno.
tloned or even thought of.
But When came these Immortal
truths of the Declaration? Did they
find them In hlstorv? No niH th
find them In the classics? No. Long,
long years aao when tha nllorlm rath.
era first landed on our shores there
was Instilled within them this spirit
of freedom and Inrtnnenriano Th.
country was new, but as nature deals
with plant life, so with men and Ideas.
A change of soil and environment may
rmaru arowin tor a period, only to
take deeper root, tn finnH.i, nn
and spring forth with better and
brighter results. It took 150 years for
this principle of freedom anil nuoii
to develop, it germinated In the
hearts of our pilgrim fathers, It grew
up with them In this new world and
furnished the eanr tnr t.
- - .uv uw.iaiw
tlon of Independence. The doctrine of
government of the people, by the peo
pie and for the people was thoroughly
established, that today we do not de
bate It but announce It a truth self
evident. That darlaratlnn I- t, .1.1-
deed of the human race.
U nit
Jit US as Jl gtflg am
Oregon City Eimtei?jpi?5s
dependence, and tha building of our
national constitution this great coun
try of ours has sprung up and advanc
ed stride by stride, with a growth
synonymous for rapidity to the mush
room, and for durability, to the rocks
of adamantine, from thirteen little
weakly Jealous colonies, strung along
the Atlantic shore to almost 50 states,
compacted . and , unionized Into one
grand central government. Its growth
baa been so thrifty and Its progress
so rapid, that It la almost Impossible
for the statistician and historian to
keep pace with ita atep. Never before
in the history of nation, has auch
an Increase been visible, The powers
of . the old .world nave stood aghast
and watched the strides of advance
ment of their young contemporary
across the seas. Even our own moth
er, England, has folly realized that her
prodigy has outgrown the parent
Not only can we boast of our growth
and progress, but our power, wealth
and commercial supremacy must also
be considered. We hare advanced
from a weakly nation, whose money,
the greenbacks and notes of Continen
tal Congress, wore not worth five
cents on the dollar, were not worth
a continental, to a nation whose credit
Is unlimited, and whose money goes
at par the world over. Our power Is
a recognized factor In the continent
of the old world, It Is an exponent In
the shaping of the destinies of na
tions. 1
Education Open to All.
Think of the high plane of educa
tion and morality our country enjoys.
wnere can you go today within the
borders of our native land and not
aee the steeples of school houses and
churches, extending their pointed pin
nacles up into the pure atmosphere
of the heavens Wherever tha as
of the woodman has hewn a way into
the forest, these monuments of edu
ucatlon and good citizenship have fol
lowed, until today, the whole country
Is dotted with them. Any branch of
education that Is desired la available
to the youth of today. The time has
passed when a college education can
only be enjoyed by a few. You have
yoi'r.T t-t rlM here In Clackamas
TT . . im.
in any other manufacturing concern
are larger plants in Oregon bat none
equipped than the
No matter how- small y our order it
given personal attention.
invite your inspection
county who, to my knowledge, have
put themselves through school and
have paid every dollar of their way.
It used to be the fashion for people
seeking a higher education to go to
Europe, but now, we have them com
ing from Europe here. Our public
schools, our colleges, our unlversV
ties, our schools of technic and our
denominational Institutions, are scat
tered broadcast from one end of the
lana to the other.
The Political anil International In.
fluenccs of our country are felt the
wona over, in tno shaping or the
destinies of nations, the United States
Is always called unon to I ska a nart
It fills the roll of a leader among the
runng powers or the eartn. Its poli
cies are respected, and when It laid
down the Monroe doctrine, that tin
European power should tread upon
me repuDiica or South American, it
demands were heeded. Its Influence
la the real protectorate of these small
republics. Our country engaged In a
war for the sake of humanity, It lib
erated Cuba and gave her Indepen
dence, and later wbeq disorder arose,
the strong arm of Uncle Bam quieted
the revolution and . compelled . obed
ience to law.
In the treat Rnaslan-Jananaa war
when the Orient waa quaking and
reeking from the roar of musketry and
rannonadlng, when every conceivable
European Influence had been tested
to atop this swful carnage and blood
shed, and had utterly failed, the Unit
ed States of America, through its
President and peacemaker, Theodore
Roosevelt, and his policy, commonly
called the "big stick,'' brought hostili
ties to sn end, bloodshed ceased, the
difference of tha two bellgarenta were
settled by diplomacy, tha war was
stopped and the dove of peace perched
Itself on the cannon's mouth. When
ever civilization has gone and that
grand old flag, the emblem of free
dom, has unfurled Ita folds to the
balmy breezes, law and order have
prevailed, and underneath Its in
fluence and protection, the dove of
peace has hovered.
Country In Ita Infancy.
. After we have reviewed the treat
ness of our country, and recalled Its
power and Influence, yet we must
realize that It Is only In Its Infancy.
Its prospects for the future are bet
ter and brighter than they ever have
been In the past. It la developing to
day at a more rapid pace than It ever
has before; there are more Inventions,
more railroads, more commerce, and
more money than In the past A
greater advancement Is Inevitable
and with this greater advancement
and enlarged growth, there Comes to
us an equal addition or duty. It rests
with you and me, with the young and
the old, with everyone to do hla part
There never wan a case where a man's
private Interest or his business in
creased that his responsibilities did
not do likewise!) perhaps twofold. Just
aa sure as It Is true In private life,
so la It true nationally, if wa waot
to see our great and glorious country
continue In Its adviinrement, and gain
even by greater strldea than ahe has
n the past, we must put our ahoulder
to the wheel, and do all that duty d"
mands, all that a within our power. ,
At present, our country Is not at
war. The times do not demand that
we go forth upon the field of battle
!nd-i5!r tne, rnor of our country,
as did the soldiers of the Revolution
ary and Civil wars. But If our coun
try should engage In war with some
foreign country, Japan, for Instance,
for the control of the Pacific Ocean,
and the call should come that yoa go
forth and defend the honor of your
country and native land, that same
patriotic spirit which boiled within the
veins of the veterans of '76 and '6J
would Impel you tn r,-.v
fer yourselves the same living sacrl.
i. l : r OI 'our country!
But we are living In an era of peace.
Our flaht la not wit i...n. .
- - m uuuev: or
deadly missies it I. with the ballot
u us rememoer mat when we to to
the polls to vote, asnaol.n. i. -
tlonai election for a President of these
fjueu oiaies, me man whom
you elect aa President win .,.,. .v.
pollcies of our government. He la to
m me guardian or your cherished
rlehts. On eispttnn id. .. .... ....
tlny of our nallon is In the hollow of
will be
our handa. A' vote wrongfully as
maliciously caat In time of peace, I
Juat as grave a mlatake as a aoldl
fighting on the wrong aide In the tlffl
of war. But If a man, whether be a
a democrat, republican, socialist
whether he belongs to any other part
or creed, goes to the polls and cH
his ballot according to the dlctata
of his own conscience, honestly am
alnoereiy, for the man he believes u
be the best man for the place, he h
done his full duty. Independent i
dlvlduallty In exercising the right q
suffrage reaches to the utmost depth'
of Amerlcanlam and the great priori
plea or this government. Don t ml
understand me and think that I an
trying to Inject politics In this talk
It ! not a question of politics. It Is
question of selecting the Drooer msq
for the proper place. A man who h
and who can keep the confidence o(
the common people and not of the
enrnnrata ln.a r t. l-
thing that any civilised country need)
In high places today It la honest men
men whom the money of corporation
cannot taint, and whom the spoils ol
office cannot buy, ' I
; J
Cay From Uo
Cell io Uo
We Pay Top Prlctt :
Dealers In Wool, riaur, Hay,
Drain, reed, Coal, la It, Sugar,
California fruits and Produce.
Coomlciica Co
- 11TH AND MAIN tTt .
Oregon city.