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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1911)
MOItNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1911. CHAUTAUQUA SCENE AND STAR BALL PLAYERS Vc-13, Pc7 i?,C:. 1th of July Specials Retime eatsr taaae ' M f H I" '.. jKjf.Jr..;;. '''fi'Vf ,:';.WVV . wui a im tea aa mm iDMrUca. haJ a Mai Maae. tJate aaafe aaa IS feaea tvi I iaaaat l baa aa oaea aaooaa with tat naaaeiai r ponaioiaqr tar prtalad far aaaroa. Verv Dcoar tocnt contributes specials r anaaafiaS k-aT as a vara, s par saaaabi Haaf saaer. fce aeeaaa, wanwa 1 1 iMmm iiua aaajjpa L. WANTED. ihlBig 4th of 5 to $18 Suits men in the new imer styles, best ilues on earth. Special $H.85 F. EIBVIITT SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER r Tm the Coal laa Paaaelgb fo you think you Id gueaa my age, Mr. Goodly? ID Dot good at gueaalng. xl could coma wltJn forty years of l-" fry that Wlaconein Bwiae cheese, per pound at llarrle grocery. Uo.O N.ignbara. kre fhey k"1 tifiKtilioniT" e. indeed. Neither of tbetn baa children."-Detroit Free Preaa. Iltaolt alalia will leave tha Electrlfl I each day at 2 o'clock p. m. A UooS kiampia. common tahie el iui meo a kl example It uevr iiwmm Ii leg bllndelpbla Bulletin. you want augur and fruit Jars lie right price, go to Harris groo- Vaur war. et bapolnrM out of your work or II never kivuw what bapplneaa la. una'. br. E. A. 8ommer, formerly of Ore- City, baa moved bia office to 1017 bett building. Portland. Want Him One ndrew'a grandmother imd been tell bUn Hlbls alone. Ola tavorlta De tbnt of Dantet iu lb lluu' deu, tliw age of tour o waa taken to a ua for tbe Umt tluie. Wben tba hi tamer nut bla lieud inlo I be lloila Wtitb Audrew'e en iic m.-iit know uo kinda. Jumping up and dowu, tie' iefully acreaiued: 'Citm! Thai knock tbe enots off knle!!" Ladles Home Journal. t'a too warm to bake. "Why not get val Dread. Fresh every daya Har ' grocery. " Very Claae. '1 was aurprlaed to bear yoa speak- k agalnat Fljntakyu. Vou told me line time ago be wua your ueurvat end." Thafe ao. lie couldn't le a in neur titan be la. tbe etlucy old befKurP- Bi'lmuKe- Youvs 2Li!! Asking ASK For and we will give yo with a NEW 4 months subscription By Carrier at 45c the month TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful China " PLAQUE0"0'9 :d HMdme,y There are a variety of patterns to choose trom. Make your selection xarly, SobscribersJMayiHave Them Too To any present subscriber who will bring us four new subscriptions we will present one of these beautiful dishes. V t. ALL SELECTIONS MUST BE MADE AT THE OFFICE 0 THB DANK OP OREGON CITY BUILDING July Special Sale. Beautiful 20 to 25c lawns in all the new patterns, 4th of July special I 7c. $1.25 to $1.50 vvaists, special 88c House Dresses at big reduction. STRANGE ANSWERS Of 1 TEACHERS -AMUSE STAID BOARD OF EXAMINERS FORCED TO GIVE VENT TO MIRTH. BALKM. Or., July 1. (Special). Althougb well along In tbelr taak of reading and grading tbe examination papera of 120 appllcanta for atate teacbora' certlflcatea, the county au perlniendenta, conatltutlug tbe exam ining board, bave not become ao hard ened to cotnlraJ anaweri aa to fall to laugh wben tbey come arroaa a bud ding pedagogue who deflnea an ex poat facto law aa "a law to punlab a man e children or bla deacendanta for eome terrible 'crime be baa committed after be la dead." : Itlpplea of amuavmeut alao glided over tbe cowd at work In tbe Senate chamber wben one examiner came arroaa an anawer to the queatlon, "How fur weat one could travel from London or the meridian of Green wich," which read: "He can travel weat until be reacbea tbe coaat of England and then take a boat and go aouth. Oregon "Admitted In 1770." Aaked the date of the admlaalon of Oregon Into tbe Union, one appli cant anawered that thla atate waa ad mitted during the revolutionary war. Uueaaea at tbe area of Oregon ranged from 1,500 to 160,000,000 aquare mllea. "Money and pull" waa given by one aa the neceaaary quallflcatlona for aenatora and repreaentatlvea. "Rhetorical paueee,'' aald another, are paueee uaed by polltlclana.' . One anawer to a queatlon in gram mar In which inatruclon were given to uae "aerP In a aentence waa cleverly put, "I cannot uae aerf correctly," tbua uatng It In a aentence without know tug Itr meaning-." It would aeenf from aome of the papera that one of tbe appllcanta for a certificate had never beard of a controveray In Oregon Involving tbe aaaembly or tbc antl-aaaembly Idea aid wben be canfe to the queatlon re garding the conatltutlonal convention In United 8tatea hlatory anawered, "There waa a great deal of contro veray whether It la to be or not to be." Leglelatore Muat "Repent "A repreaentatlve," wrltea another teacher, "muat not be an unrepented rebel." Cork waa mentioned aa the principal product of Ireland. In Auatralla, aald another, the blrda carry their young In their pocketa. One of tbe moat nibllcal acholara capped he climax for the day wben aha wrote: "Tbe Dead Sea waa not very aalty until after Qod bad destroyed Bodom, but now It la probably the aalteat aea In the world." There are 12R0 appllcanta for certl- a 6 months subscription By Mat! at 25c the month ':f' ill', 1 .'' V. 7- hl J. K. CUAIIK. flratee and Lheae average about 15 aubjerta each, making a total of 19,200 papera to be corrected. The work will probably be completed by next Wed neaday. ATHLETES TO PLAY "JUMBO JIM." Procaeda to go Toward Weat Side Cluba Building Fund. "Juiubo Jim" will be preaeoted by the Weat Side Athletic Club at tbe West Bide arhool house on July 10. Those taking part are well known pereona of tbe Weat Bide, and bave many frlenda who will attend tbe play, between the acta there will be apeclaltlea, and In fact there will be aometblng doing all tbe time from the rlae of the curtain until It goes down on the laat act. The proceeds of the entertainment will go toward the erecUng of a building for tbe club. Among those taking part will be Glenn Ilatdorf. Kay Cirlebel, Ray Par ker, Floyd Itlackburn, Mlaa Ford, Fay Uatdorf and Hilda Ford. Church to be Dedicated. The little church at Carua Corners haa recently leen purchased by tbe Methodist eoclety. and will be dedicat ed on July 9. There will be an all day meeting, consisting of a aermon at 10:31 o'clock, a basket picnic din ner at r.oon, and the dedicatory aer vlce proper at 2 o'clock. District Su perintendent Moore, Rev. A. J. Joaelyn and Rev. C. L Cheeay will conduct tbe meetlnga, to which tbe public la cordially Invited. EUGENE PHYSICIAN IS DEAD. EUGENE. Or.. July 3. Dr. W. O. Proeeer, a promlnen physician of Ku- geuc..(ll.c.ln .Chicago Saturday nlgbt after an ''operation" performed'TPfew daya ago. Mra. Proeaer waa with htm, and will bring the body to Eugene for Interment. Iteatdea bla wife. Dr. Proa aer leavea two aona, Oacar and Robert and three daughters, Llla, Jeaaie and Edwlna. wuicxiy beiv.o "Ye, for a year and a naif she waa In doubt aa to w Dei her abe luted bim enougb to marry him or not." "And bow did ab eucceed In Ondlng ootr 'There waa another girl who got to acting aa If abe wanted oiru." 8AWDUST CASE IS POSTPONED. Frank Davenport to Have Hearing on July 7. The trial of the caae of the State against Frank Davenport, owner of a sawmill at Amea, on a charge of throwing sawdust In Bull Run, waa postponed In Justice of tbe Peace Samaon'a Court until July 7. Several residents of the neighborhood have complained hat the sawdust In tbe stream waa a nuisance and killed tbe fish. The case la being prosecuted bv Recorder Stlpp. II 7fs i r S i i. v Dlt. TMO.MA8 J. FOX. ON THE ANXIOUS SEAT. H. E. CROSS. ' w : , ' 3 lap I llaaaaal Vi ' 'iV'"V"' CHAUTAUQUA GROUNDS. BIG NURSERY TO BE STARTED IN COUNTY HERBERT BOBBINS WILL CROW TREES FOR HOMES AND LARGE ORCHARDS. Herbert Robblna, of thla county, who waa a caller at tbe Promotion Office of th Commercial Club, aald that he would at art a nursery In tbe near fu ture. He will grow Newtona, Spitx. Jonatbon, Crimea Golden, and In fact all atandard vartetlee of apple trees. He also expecta to grow cherry, pear and quince trees, and varloda varie ties of berrlea. Mr. Robblna aald that he eventually would bave for aale everything for a home or commercial orchard. He haa bad a thorough train ing for nursery work, and expecta to make a big auccess of the enterprise. He baa a brother at Hood River, who la In the nuraery business. Patronize our advertlaere. Treaeurer'e Notice. I NOW bave funds to call Road War rants endorsed prior to October 3, ,1910. Interest ceases on auch war ranta on date of thla notice. J. A. TUFTS. County Treasurer. July 1, 1911. Patronise our advertim-re. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la on aale at the following stores every day: Huntley Hroa. Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventh and Main. Secrest Confectionery Main near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug 8tore Electric Hotel. Walter Little Confectionery 614 Seventh Street. , M. Volkmar Drugs 8eventh near Center. Schoenborn Confectionery e Seventh and .1. Q. Adams. Bartholomew in Minneapolis Journal. i . m : . . .. ' n. v -; .. PHIL NADEAUS SKULL FRACTURED BY BALL FORMER PORTLAND PLAYER IS TAKEN FROM FIELD IN DYING CONDITION. CENTRAUA. Wash., July 4. (Spec ial). Before a crowd of 8.000 persona gathered at the fair grounds to wit ness a ball game between tbe Cen tralia and Chehalia teama thla after noon. Outfielder Phil Nadeau, of Cen tralia, waa at ruck on the bead by a pitched ball In tbe third Inning, sus taining a fractured skull. Physicians say be will die. Tbe game waa continued, Centralis winning by a score of 8 to 6. Nadeau waa, for several years, prominently connected with Pacific Coaat League ball, aa well aa the Northwestern League, being a member of the championship Portland team of 1902. Tbe Injured player haa played league ball ao long that he la well known ovct-qhgcountryJ particularly thla Western part. " T OUT FAST BRITON (Continued from page 1.) awing. They fight against tbe ropes and Owen sends Wolgast half way through ring at close. Moran a round. Round 11. Moran, after blocking several well intentioned rights, drove bla right to the face, Wolgast countered witS slashing body punches, but Moran did not give way an Inch. Moran swung right and left to the Jaw and cleverly thwarted the cbamplon'a vlcioua as saults. Round 12. They clinched, hammering away at each other's body and face. Wolgast aent two right uppercuta to the body. Moran then aent straight left to tbe face and another to tbe noae. Moran awung bla right to the Jaw at long range and quickly followed It with a left to athe same place. Round 13. Wolgast rushed desperately, and fidally forced the Briton Into a cor ner. They had not been fighting 30 aeconds wben tbe champion flung hla right with terrific force to the pit of the stomach. Quick at a flash, Wolgast flung two rUbte to the atomach again and aa Moran began to fall, a left hook found tbe Jaw and Moran went to tbe floor with hla mouth open and bla eyea glassy. Bread Enough. A large and stout woman called on a friend and while waiting for bee was stared at ao Intently by tbe frlend'a little children that she asked one of them: "What are yoo stating at, little girl T "Why. yoii ee. tnnmma aald yon were ao narrow In your vlewa. and I was wondering what Tlew ahe got" Philadelphia Ledtrer. The Kongo Rlv.r. Tbe Kongo river lu all Its winding la about H.tNNi mllea lona and at It month In fnll.v twetitv mile wide It la one of the great river of the world, being second only the Amnxon In tbe volume of wnter emptied Intn the ocean The Ktui hfln l greater t bit ii thrif of the Ml-wtl'l. covering an aryM more thnti 1.4'Xi mile In lnvnilt'i ii'nl i-ontiitiiiiii! ier l.wsvtasl o,nure n'U'-H JJ TOPER. CHAMPION BEAVERS VIN AND LOSE GAME ARRELLANES IS ENIGMA, BUT PORTLAND FINDS BYRAM EA8Y. PORTLAND, Or. July 4. (Special). Tbe Beavers and Sacramento teama broke even in two game today. Tbe Senators captured tbe morning en gagement by tbe score of 2 to 0, due principally to the fine pitching of Frank Arrellanea, who allowed Port land but two hits. In the afternoon contest. Bill Steen kept hla bits scat tered, and bla teammatea managed to bunch, enough of theirs on Byram In two Innings to score a quartet of runs agalnat a brace acquired by the visit ing club. Pacific Coaat League Portland 4-0. Sacramento 2-2; Vernon 5-5, San Fran cisco 0-2; Los Angelea 14-5, Oakland 0-3. Northwestern League Portland 5-4, Seattle 4-12; Victoria 6-0, Spokane 3-4; Vancouver 4-0, Tacoma 3-4. National League Philadelphia 11-7, New York 7-6; Boston 3-2. Brooklyn 3-4; St Loula, 3-1. Pittsburg. 1-11; Chi cago 8-2, Cincinnati 3-2 (second game called by agreement American League Philadelphia 7-11, New York 4-9; Chicago 7-10, Detroit 3-11; Washington 6 3. Boston 4-4; Cleveland 6-2, St. Loula 5-4. T AN DING- Pacific Coaat. W L P C Portland 50 40 .556 San Francisco 51 46 .526 Vernon 50 46 .521 Oakland 61 47 .520 Sacramento .... ,... 43 60 .462 Lea Angeles 40 56 .417 Northwestern. W. U P.C. Tacoma .' 46 31 .597 Vancouver 47 32 .595 Sookane 46 33 .682 Seattle 37 38 .493 Portland 37 39 .487 Victoria 18 58 . .237 t O. U Notice. All members of Derry Lodge No. 164, L. O. L., and True Blue Lodge No. 167, are requested to meet at A. O. U. W. Hall at 10 o'clock a. m., Sunday, July 9th. to attend divine worship at the Methodist church. In the Dwelling. 1 bave alwaya felt that the beet se curity for civilization in the dwelling and thai upon properly aptxdnteU and becoming dwelllnp depend more than anything elee ibe liuprorvuieut of mankiud. Kiit-U dwelliugs are Ibe nursery of all donienOe virtue, and without a becoming borne tbe esercW of tboae virtues la tmiolbie. Dla raelL NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. In the Matter of the Estate of Ellery Capen, Deceaaed. Tbe undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Clackamaa County, executor of the last will and testa ment of Ellery Capen, deceaaed, no tice in hereby given to the creditors of, and all persona having claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said executor, at Ladd A Tilton'a Bank, corner Third and Washington atreeta, Portland, Oregon. EDWIN W. CAPEN, Executor of the laat will and testa ment of Ellery Capen, Deceased. Dated, June 7th, 1911. Bw - $10 REWARD For the arrest an conviction of any person or persona, who a unlawfully remove copies of The Morning Enterprlae from the 4 premises of subscribers after paper has been placed there by 4 carrier. , WANTED You to know taat we boy all kinds of Curioa, that we ara la the market for aeeond hand FnraV' ture and Toole. We a lad bave a good aaaortment ot aeeond band Furniture and Tools on baad for aale to those in need. Corns aaJ aee; perhaps we have Just what yoa want Indian Curios and tiiaksts for aale cheap; some that. a re very unique and alao very rare. UEOROl TOUNO, Main near Fifth etreet. WANTED Some squirrels - or chip munks. Addresa Box 14, Jennings Lodge, Or. WANTED Good, neat girl for general housework. Inquire Mra. Frank Busch. Both phones. WANTIU; oiii advertisements for thla column. prices very reason able. See rates at bead of col-iaaa. Read tbe Morning Enterprlae. FOR SALE. a. FOR SALE Space In this column Sell that old plow or harrow; yoa don't use It elnce you purchased your new one. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Mmlck A Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. I HEREBY notify all nuaineea men and dealers that I will Hot be res ponsible for any debta or bills con tracted by my wife. Laws V. Mold enhauer, after June 10, 1911. -n-m rtP-MWATMTB MONEY. TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 and up war da; one year, or longer. Apply at ones. Cross It Hammond, Attomsys at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND cavra) ACTOR. HARRY JONaW Bunder and OsasraJ Coe tractor. Bsttanatss i baas fatly given oa all classes of hafldlag work, concrete wafts ana rat afo reed sts. Res. poaa) Mass 11L ATTORNEY. O. D. KBT, Attorasy-at-Law. Ma loaned, abstracts furnlaaad. titles oiaaatned. estates settled, a ' sral law aostnsss. Orer Bask sf City. UTtKN A 8CHUKBSU Attsrasysat- Law, Desassasr adsskat, i ties la all eourts, ass Irs and settlements. Office ta prise BMc-. Orssoa CMy. Oraajca. H. COOPER, For Firs Insurance and RasJ Escata. Lst as aaadls roor properties - ws bay, s Message. Office la ant Bldg-, Oregon CJty. Orscoa. Notico of Application for Liquor License. NOTICE la hereby given' that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to aell liquor at my place of business. The Gambrlnua Saloon, corner Sixth and Main atreeta, for a period of three months. C. O. HODES. i .i Morning Enterprise will be on sale at Gladstone Park, or you may have it de livered to your tent every morning by the special Carrier Service that will be maintained During Chautauqua A full report of daily events will be pub lished every day. Order now and ar range for delivery. You will want extra copies to send away. Call, write or phone Morning Er.trrprt:: ; CtrcBlation Dt?rtaSXt- The