Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 04, 1911, Image 3

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4th of July Specials
ivcry Department
o this Bis 4th of
15 to $18 Suits
men in the new
i m rv-i Af1 cltrlso rAr
Values on earth. s
Special $1 1.85
A Reminder Requested.
Ir. Monk-Kul how about uiy little
I'lrphanlOh. I'll lie mlng your
lice some time, Imt If I overlook It
ft drop nie cocoa nut.
local BRiers
Jack lleaty, of Heaver Creek, wu
Oregon City on Monday.
Mrs. II. Cummlngs, of Heaver Crook,
it In Oregon City on Monday.
Hud Thompson, of Hubbard, wu In
la city on Humlay and Monday.
Mr. and Mr. iMvId Jones of Heaver
lieek, were In thla city on Monday.'.
Hoy Young, of thla city will apend
Inlay at Camaa. Wash., with frlenda.
Mr. and Mra. Don Meldrum and two
hilldren are camping at Chautauqua.
Georgo and Hank Stevena, of Ilea-
T Creek, were In thla city on Mon-
Mark Trimble, of Cathlamet, la visit
s' hla brother, J. M. Trimble, of thla
Itodney and Virginia Keating, of
ortland, are In thla cliy vlsUIng rela-
Mra. Al Bcboonborn. of Carua, waa
ii thla city on Monday, visiting rela-
Try thHt Wisconsin Swiss cheeae,
c per pound at Harris' grocery.
.Plerext Seals and Frank Mlnter, of
arua, were In thla city on bualneaa
Mr. JUrat, of Union Hall, waa
mong the OreKon City vlaltora on
Mra. Herman Brhmldt and Miss Lela
loCarthy, of Carua, were In thla city
Mr. and Mra. J. II. llelvey, of Carua,
r-ere In thla city on business Monday
Mr. and Mra. Weldnar, of Beaver
Yottfs Asking
As k
For and we will give yoo with a
4 months subscription
By Carrier
at 45c the month
to me
Afcautiful China PLAQUE0"0' ' ;d Handsome,y
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early,
SabscrlbersJMaylHave Them Too
To any present subscriber who will bring us four
new . subscriptions we will present one of these
beautiful dishes.
contributes specials
July - Special Sale.
Beautiful 20 to 25c
lawns in all the new
patterns, 4th of July
special I 7c.
"$1.25 to $1.50
vvaists, special 88c
House Dresses at
big reduction.
Creek, were In this city on business
fnry flrhwork of Hhsnlko, Or., la
Uniting frlenda and relatlvea lu Or
Kn city.
C. E, Bpenre, one of the well known
residents of Heaver Creek waa In thla
rlty on Monday. ,
MUa Lily Long aud Ralph Eddy, of
t hi city, will spend today with frlenda
at Camaa, Waah. .'
Wirtioit atage will leave the Electric
Hotel each day at 2 o'clock p. in.
Norman Howard, of Carua, waa In
thla city on Sunday on bla way to
Oak (Jrove, where he went on bual
neaa. " '
Mr. and Mra. Howard llrownell, of
Aatorla, have arrived la Oregon City,
and will apend the Fourth with rela
tive. Mr. and Mra. John Lauren, of Scap
iiooim, were In Oregon City on Bun-
day, and reglatered at the Electric
W. E. Hotiney, of Cotton, a well
known reatdeot of that place, waa
among the Oregon City vlaltora on
Harry and Elale 8'hoenborn of El
dorado, were In thla city on Sunday
vlNltlng their parent, Mr. aud Mra.
Richard Schoeuborn.
MUa Nellie BwafTord and Miss Flor
ence Moore left on Monday evening
for The pnllea, where they will vlatt
relatlvea of Mlaa Moorel '
If you want augar and fruit Jura
at the right price, go to Harrla' groc
Mra. George Hoeye, who underwent
a aurglral oeratUm laat week at her
home on Thirteenth nd Waahlngton
t reels, la able to be up. ,
William B. Bhlvely an attorney of
I'ortland, waa In thla city on Sunday,
being the guest of hla mother, Mra.
W. a Bhlvely, and alater, Mlaa Llllle
Mra. Fred Martin, of Denver, Col.,
arrived In Oregon City on Sunday,
aud la visiting her aunts, Mra. Dan
O'Nell, MIhs Holmea, and her brother,
Churlea Holmea, at Koae Farm.
Among those camping at the Chau
tauua from thla city are Mr. and Mra.
John H. Humphrya and aon Edward,
Mr. and Mra. E.-T. Avtaon. Mr. and
Mra. Churlea Evana and family.
Horn, Monday morning, July 3, to
the wife of Edward E. Brodle, a daugh
ter. Mra. Hrodle waa formerly Mlaa
Imogene Harding, and la a daughter
of Mr. and Mra. O. A. Harding, of thla
city. ,
Ticket a for Fraternal Brotherhood
excursion to Camaa, Waah., on July
4th, on aale at Strebig'a meat market
Fred, the 13-tnontha' old daughter
of Mra. Glenn, wife of Dr. H. A.
Glenn, who recently arrived In thla
city from Oklahoma, to vlBlt her par
enta, Mr. and Mra. F. A. Mllea, la Im
proving from bla aerloua lllneaa.
Mra. L. Eddy, Dorothy and Gladys
Hyrom, of Tualatin, arrived In Oregon
City on Monday, and will be among
the campera at Chautauqua Park.
They spent Motsjuy n thla city with
the former's alater, Mra. Dunne Ely.
6 months subscription
By Mail
at 25c the month
Mr. and Mra. K. V. Orlae will
leave on Friday for Bout hern Oregon,
where they will visit the lattefe ala
ter at J'boenlx, Or., and before re
luming to thla city will vlalt In Call'
fornla, expecting to be gone one
The marriage of Mlaa Cthra Kear
tier, Of Rt. Johna, formerly of thla
city, aud Mr. Teat, of I'ortland, waa
solemnlred on June 22, at the Metho
dist parsonage at BL Johna. The af
fair wua quiet, only relative of the
contracting partlea attending.
Dr. E. A. Bommer, formerly of Ore
gon City, haa moved hla office to 1017
Corbett building, Portland
Mr. and Mra. Fred Humphreya, after
attending a ,week at the home of the
Itttler'a parents, Dr. and Mra. J. W
I'owell, of Molalla, baa returned home.
Mr. Humphreya haa been 111 for the
nast two weeka with Klin and hla
health waa "benefited by the trip to
Mra. Anna Johnaton, Mlaa Arllne
Wlnchell, Mlaa Krma Draper, Mlaa
Nancy Undgtilst, Mlaa Mary Und
quint. Ford Ward. Itohert Ward, Fred
Maker and Charlie Llndqulat formed
a launching party that went to Swan
Island on Sunday, where the day waa
apent In plcknlclng.
Among tli one from thla city belong
ing to the Order of Elk a who went
to I'ort lurid ou Monday evening to
see the Elka leave on the excursion
train were Harry Moody, T. I'. Han
dull, W. H. Howell, Henry I'uaey,
Henry llennlngsen, William II. Howell,
E. C. linker, member of the Oregon
City Idge, waa a delegate.
It'a too warm to bake. Why not get
Itoyal Ilread. Freah every day a Har
rla' grocery.
Mr. and Mra. M. Feteraon and
daughter, Mlaa Qoldle I'eteraon, the
latter having been one of the soloists
at the Chautauqua laat year, whoae
home la at Forest Grove, were In thla
city on Monday on their way home
from Bcott'a Mills. They were ac
companied ,y Gladya Kelsey and little
Foreat Grove. The Petersons made
the trip In their automobile.
Harry M. Shaw, formerly linotype
operator of the Oregon City Enterprise",
but now of Eugene, accompanied by
hla daughter, Gwendellyn, have ar
rived In thla city, and are guests of
Mr. and Mra. George Ely and other
frlenda. Mr. Shaw will return to hla
home within a few daya, but hla
daughter will remain here for a
month. Gwendellyn Shaw waa ser
loualy Injured aome time ago by be
ing run over by an automobile, but
abe haa recovered from her Injuries.
L. O. L. Notice.
All members of Dnrry Lodge No.
154. U O. L., and True Hlue Lodge
No. 1S7, are requested to meet at
A. O. C. W. Hall at 10 o'clock a. m.,
Sunday, July 9th, to attend divine
worship at the Methodlat church.
Treaaurer'a Notice.
I NOW have funda to call Road Wax
ranta endorsed prior to October 3,
,1910. Interest ceases on such war
ranta on date of this notice.
J. A. TI FT8,
County Treasurer.
July 7. 191.
tilk and Laoe Soarfa a Revival ef Vic
torian Styles.
Among other early Victorian fash
ion which are coming back to us la
the wenrlng of the abort shoulder wrap
which I known as the acarf. The one
In the plM)toirraih,reembles what was
known several years ago as the dol
man. It la mnde of silk and trimmed
with a nxrrow plnlttng. The rule In
wenrlng the, scarf la that It mut har
monize with the dresa and match the
color of the hat The scarf may be ef
M ...
jiw an.K aoiBF.
lace net or any dlaphanoua material
and la ofteu more for beanty than for
Among the attractive lingerie novel
ties of the year la a coat mnde of eye
let embroidery ,done lu aoft linen or
batiste and mounted over a colored lin
ing of surah or aatln, taffeta or pon
gee. All the well known brilliant col
ors of the day art used for the lining.
although aome of the smart onoe use
II white and put on a deep hood col
lar of colored silk, with a tassel to
match at Its end.
These coats are long, about to the
knee, and have wide aleevea which
come below the elbow and elope off to
a point They may have a collar and
cuffs of heavy lace If one desires, but
they are exceedingly pretty when left
without any spec Is I ornament
II Worn overa thin, aoft gown with a
flat garden hat they combine to make
a most nrtlstlc costume.
Ci tor Oil.
Castor oil becomes tasteless If beaten
and thoroughly mixed with the white
of aa egg.
I. . T . t . J!
J - i it J
: ' 1 'I 1
; :l rL I :
Resent Phetegreph ef the
Oevernee ef New Jereey,
W.I - .
& ISll, by American Press Asaoctstloe.
Lefsure and Laber.
Lives there the man wbo baa not
sighed for leisure? And Uvea there the
man wbo. In bla more sober momenta,
has not been honestly glad that be
must wprkT Human nature, which
aweetena under toll, sours In leisure.
And It la by no means sure that the
fall from Innocence which first brought
work Into the world "and all our woe
waa not bringing salvation disguised
aa labor. Faithfulness will dignify
and beautify even dmduery: no mat
ter what the work la. provided It la
honest lflf
our Instinctive respect. Besides. If we
did not all have to work so bard to
keep alive the Jails would nave stand
ing room only Boston Transcript
Mised rtelatienshtps.
T have always fancied." a corre-
epondenx write, tbat In the matter of
odd personal relationships there wsa
nobody In English history at all like
Robert Doyle, tbe eminent man of sci
ence, wbo waa described aa the father
of Engllnh chemistry and brother to
tbe Earl of Cork.' Bat thla worthy.
your readers may be Interested to
learn, baa a rival In tbe renowned De
vonian. Blr Humphrey Gilbert the fa
ther of electrical eclenc and half
brother of Blr Waller Raleigh.' This
delightful touch I fonnd In tbe Bor
ough Guide to Dartmouth, a twopenny
booklet 'Issued under the sum pices of the
Dartmouth town council and tbe Unit
ed Devon association. "London News.
Nothing and Nobody.
"You don't get along very well with
your mother In-law. 1 bear, said a
friend to a young husband.
'No. I dou't" answered tbe bride
groom, "Nobody cu". Even '.be food
she eats doesn't agre wlto ber Wben
ehv comes ,nio l be room ererytxly
shuts up The other duy sbe got imo
a folding In-U and tbe tied shut up '
Ladies' Uome Journal.
Wind Shots.
Two striking Instances of tbe effects
of "wind allots." or the currents of air
caused by tbe enemy's cannon baits,
are given In tbe "Autoblorraobr of
Sir Henry Bmlth." On ooe occasion
bis horse fell as If atone dead, but tie
waa not hurt at all. On another occa
sion an ofitcer wns koorked dnw by
the wind f and hl fans as
blnrk n If he hnC been two hour In a
puclll'tle ri r "
will be on sale at
Gladstone Park, or
you may have it de
livered to your tent
every morning by
the special
that will be maintained
A full report of daily
events will be pub
lished every day.
Order now and ar
range for delivery.
You will want extra
copies to send away.
Call,' write or phone
Morning Enterprise
Circulation Department
For the Children
Three Crsndtens ef
the Otrman Kiiitr,
Photo by American Press Assorts Hon.
, The three handsome boys In tbe Il
lustration are sons of Crown 1'rlin
Wllllnu of Germany. eld-t sou of
tbe kaiser. Tbey do not differ In ap
pearance from youngster I but uuay le
seen every day In this country. Ituyal
birtb. according to American Mens.
adds nothing to a boy or girl. True
worth la what we appreciate In this
bind of tbe free. Tbe youngster ou
tbe (eft la Prince Wllhelm Frederick,
born July 4. 1!XS: on tbe rifht la
Prince Louis Ferdinand, born Nor. 9.
1907, and In tbe middle la little Prince
Hubert wbo will be two year old
next September.
About the Flicker.
The flicker, or yellow hammer, la one
as a c nisei, ne ouiius nia nouie by cut
ting a bole deep Into a tree trnuk or
telegraph pole. The abarp. atout bill
also cornea lu bandy for grub bunting
In tbe bark of trees Tbe flicker 1 a
musician, the drummer of the bird
orchestra, and be playa a great "rat-a-tat-tat"
on tin roofs and drainpipes.
Anta are favorite delicacy, and for
this reason be la often seen on Ue
Tbe flicker la handsomely colored.
His gray bead la set off by a crimson
band. Tbe brown back Is evenly bar
red with black and ahows a large wliile
patch when be flies. Tbe winpt are
black barred above and show a beau
tiful golden color underneath as be
flies overhead.
A family of young flickers Is most In
teresting to study. Tbe little fellows
are noisy In demanding their food
and wblne for It like a lot of young
puppies.-. Tbey gulp down worm after
worm until one should think their stoin
achs would bunt, bat still ihey cry
for more. Aa tbey prow older tbey
become aancy and scream loudly If
tbey see anything new or Interesting.
Tbey soon leuro good manners when
tbey get out in tbe world and act aa
respectably aa any other bird.
The Power ef the Breath.
Wben yon have breathed Into a
paper bag in order to Inflate It, for tbe
fun of (Kipping It afterward with your
Bat, have you ever asked yoeraelf .what
la the power of your lungs? Tou are
ware tbifi thla force la capable of
being meaNwrad by tbe Instrument call
ed tbe spirometer, which you will often
see at fairs. Tou may replace this
elaborate affair with a simple paper
Let your bag be long awl rather Mr
row, of a sufficiently strong fabric.
Lay It flat tbe edge ef tbe tabte. Ita
mouth toward you; ct large U with
gradually Increasing weights, sstctt aa
books; tfcen begin te blow, aud you
will be fairly aatonlnsjed at tbe weight
your breath la able to babuce. Aa
soon as you have become expert you
will 114 It quite easy to upnet a couple
of beary books, ewe above tbe other,
by Mowing underneath tbeoa. Magics
Don, a Jolly
tTen" la a (rood out t Oeors gsxie.
Each boy takes the name of a wild
beast and baa a tree te himself, wtilcb
represents hla len. Any player -who
leaves bis den la liable to tie tagged by
The next one oat. Tbe toeet runrw gen
erally starts ent first. -second persues
him. and so n until all may be out at
once. If a player can ag any one be
has a right so capture, be takes him
home to hla own 4en, and the latter
must help hhn to take the rest The
pursuer casnot be tagged wfaiio bring
ing borne rlBoner.
A Mow Btfftam Button.
The orientals play "buttou" with a
fruit stone. Inst0of snylmr"Btittow,
button, wfco'a get the burton T ta
leader etna: ,
SomethlBs; for tt, a pip for one;
Tour o'clock seoOs and pineapple bes;
Powtoe, silesao MrA powdor runt
Aa the leader cbeuta tbe last word
the child who has be atone starts for
the goal, which tie sometimes makes
without getting caught: then be haa
the atone a eecoad time.
A Summer Song.
Kuttsrflr. flutter by. eklmmlnc the clover.
Bee, buaa ror drowsy sons over sod
Tell of tato rammer sun.
8lng that tbe winter's flon.
flutter br. buttertty; stum, aMen rover.
tep In the s flow the daisies atw
ewtnaina-. .
Out of the thlckot ehrush ems la Hn-
Mellow wmd. eesow Hrht.
All the world's warm end bright.
Kwii thing aummare 4ear prahno Is slng
Totith'e Oempanlua
Z1S! S! S! S! S! S! SI
-The largest stock of
in Oregon City Is now on sale at
Tel. e. Dimiro
Next Doer to Poetoffice
1 jm
is always the most expensive teas
than are the best to brew or drink.
The Most important point to consider about
tea is its suitably for brewing1 in the water
of a particular district. Tea that would be
good here, and brew into a splendid fragrant
beverage, might be a rank failure some
where else. -
We buy our teas to ault the water of this district Too are- there
fore sure of getting tea that la all that tea should be fragrant, re
freshing and thirst-quenching. A trial will make you a constant
user. j
Upton's Tea, special, pound 65c
Upton's Tea, special, half pound 35c.
Ridgways Famous 5 o'clock, pound 75c.
Ridgways H. M. B. Her Majesty Blend, pound $1.00.
fJm Em
Real Satate Transfers.
A. F. and Elma Chapman to W. A.
Chapman, 70 acres of section 28,
township 5 south, range 1 east; 110.
W. A. and Lydia Chapman to Al
fred C. Dow, 70 acres of section 28,
township 5 south, range 1 east; 9300.
Alfred C. and Mails Dow to W.A.
Chapman, 70 acrea of section 28,
township S south, range 1 east; $300.
George Rice to David Long, 70 acres
of section 28, township 5 south, range
1 east; $10.
V. a. and Lydia Chapman to George
Rive, 70 acrea of section 28. town
ship 5 south, range 1 east; $10.
Prank Urban and Callie Urban to
David Long 70 acrea of section 28,
township 5 south, range 1 east; $10.
V. A. and Lydia Chapman to Frank
Urban, 70 acre of section 28, town
ship S south, range 1 east; $10.
Leonard Ward Dow and Lillian P.
Dow to David Long. 70 acres of sec
tion 28, township 5 south, range 1
east; $16. ,1
W. A. Chapman And Lydia Chap
man to Leonard Ward Dow, 70 acrea
of section 28, township S south, range
1 east; tio.
W. A. and Lydia Chapman to Frank
Scaworm, 70 acres of section 28, town
ship 6 .south, range 1 east; $10.
Catherine O'Connor and Mamie
OTVinnor to David Long. 70 acres of
vectlon 28, township 5 south range) 1
e-ast; $10.
W. A, - Csapman and Lydia Chap
man to Catherine O'Connor, 70 acres
of section 28, township 5 south, range
1 east; $10.
. W. A. Chapman and Lydia Chap
man to David Long, 70 acre of sec
tion 78. township 6 south, range 1
east; $200.
E. E. Fulton and Emma J. Fulton
to Charley D. and Clara M. Mlnton,
land In section 31, township 3 south,
range 1 "Bust; $11,525.
R. -3. and Jane Moore to A. M. and
Mary R. MUler. 1 acres of William
Eagle D. L. C, township 6 south.
range 1 east; $1.
Lovema Mount and John Mount to
Albert A. Reck, land In Mrnthorn Ad-
tirttoii to Portland; $900.
L. "M. Shellaberger and Alice Bertha
SThellaberger to T. H. Smith, lots 42,
43, 44. 45, 46. 47, Pleasant Little
Homes No. 1; $L
L. A. Brandos to Ida Ray Brandes
30 acres of section 29, township 3
south, range 1 cant; $1.
Juhn W. Loder and Grace Loder
to "Ward N. Black, land n Washing
toa Wlllams D. L. C, txrwuBhlp 3
south, range 3 st; $1.
tA W. and lona Robbing to Harvey
N. Everhart, fcrta 37, 18. I. 26. 21, 22,
23, of L V. Robbuis Addition to Mo-
laflla; $10.
D. and Sedonla Latonrette to
J.'E. McCoy. 46 acrea of Arien Mattotm
h U C No. 28. township 3 south,
range 3 east; $1,GHQ.
'V. and Theresa Schmld to Luther
Ware, 80 acres of sectloa 20, town
lp 3 south,, range 6 east; $L300.
The AMetent Sneubaboe.
IVw of tbuee wbo errestkf wUn tbe
Chicken IncutMitor psoblem aod often
fail to solve It realise how ekl an
art tbey are stragglioc to master.
Thousands of years ago Egyptians In
one part of tbe world and the Chinese
In another had tbe art of Incubating
eggs so highly developed that It was
an hereditary profession. ' the secret
of the successful proc wanes - being
guarded with religions sacredoeas and
handed down from father to son. The
odd stoves called "mammals" that tbe
Egyptians uaed aa Incubators dste
back te remote antiquity.' Even be
fore the French revolution the Parla
markets had lucubatorchlckenhrlbanks
to the Boonemaln apparatus, which ,
was Invented In 1777.
Where It Belonao.
"Why do tbey put the nation 'a flag
on top of tbe scbooihotiseT" asked the
teacher who wanted to instill a patri
otic Immoo,
' "Pleaae. ma'am." answered the need
boy. "It's because the pote Is there."
Cincinnati Commerrtat 'lYIbnndt
Wants, For Sale. Etc
MeUeea anotr tboao msslflsd baadaweo
wiU bo maoriod at ooe eaat word, fare
tbaertkM. batf a Mat Kddlttomai ssosr .
tlone. vase baeta card, tt eor moata.: bast
inch card. ( ) st sr saontk.
Cash must mwrmmpmmy order anises eae
haa mm opoa aeooosit with the paper- Ke
naaadaj raepoaalbMlty for errors; wheat
errors omir free oorreled aatloo wttt a
Dratted for aaaroa. Mkslmuss sasrss ISe.
WANTED Tou to know mat we buy
all kinds of Curloa, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We also have a
good assortment of second hand
Furniture and Tools on toaod for
sale to thoaa in need. Come anJ
aee; perhaps we nave Just what yow
want Indian Curios and trinkets
for sale cheap; some that are very
unique and also very rare. GBORGB
TOUNO, Main near Fifth street.
WANTED Some squirrels or chip
munks. Address Box 14, Jennings
Lodge, Or.
WANTED Good, neat girl for general
housework. Inquire Mrs. Frank
Busch. Both phones.
WANT eMail advertisements for
this column. PrtoM very reason
able. Bee rates at head of eolnmn.
Read tbe Morning Enterprise.
FOR SALE Space In this column.
Sell that old plow or harrow; you
don't use It since yon purchased
your new one.
FARM LOANS Dimick Dlmlck,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
I HEREBY notify all ouainesa men
and dealers that I will not be res
ponsible for any debts or bills con
tracted by my wife. Liasie V. Mold
enhauer, after June 10. 1911.
MONEY TO LOAN On first mort
gage; $500 and upwards: one year
or longer. Apply at once. Cross ft
Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Be'
ver Bldg., Oregon City. ,
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfaly
given on all classes of building
work, concrete warks and relnforcad
concrete. Rea. Pbinn Main 11L
0 D. KBT, Attorney-at-Law. Mondf
loaned, abstracts furnlahed. land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law bualnesej. Over Bank (
Oregon City. .
IT REN A 8CHUBBKL. AttoraeysHkt
Law, Dautseter Advokat. wiU ses
. tie la all courts, make cell isti mas
and aettletnaata OfAce la Kkster'
ptiae BMg, Oracon City. OredTSdL
. H. COOPlflR. Foe nrt tsMsornaer '
nd Real Estate. Lst us UaCff
your properties we boy. & trj
oicbange, Offle In aaltswrlkj .' y
flin., vregon city. orson. u
110 REWARD .
For the arrest ant conviction
of any person or persons, wt
unlawfullv removal Mint as m r-
Morning Enterprise from ti
w premises of subscriber tL '
PPr hag been placed ' V
J I'-
- f .-:.:'.;' '