Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1911)
MOUSING ENTERPRISE TUESDAY. JULY 4. 1911. tv 8 s :::r;i;:G BJTEn?aisE C2Z003 CITT, ORXGOIf E, C BROOIE, Edit and Puellee. "Blare- aa HMl-dw ltar Jaa mry IHL a tha " Orwa) Ckt, Oraco. wo U Art af Marc i. im - Om Tnr, by aaaJI . . .. ...... f Mratha. by asafl w Mmlha. by auUL. r wrh. by carrier attaTtUl. liTD " . IM . J firwt , ar IMI r. ear VaSarr! aoaitMai lWn boeitlaa 'bay aaili baarrtlarjs Km Mr" etber tba first ttntt baairtlnai In mmt stbr IhM frees I4M fr.Ttlnb be liecaJs Ibe par Mm; to raswlar 4rar- V. dm Wutt Far Bala. T ItoaL eta.. we Mrs addltlanai atee tor a4nrtto)m4 to fce Waektv rtuiftiM wta be- Um mm as as- the ajry. tor advert lei aata 4 aeparJaJy ar M w..k(y Wirs tha aavertlataa at la timaafarratf frwaa tbe wally t tba araak. I, without cuur. tha rata win ha to tr rwa as ma awsar. awe. iot mm Laal urnrtlatag at V-J agvsrtlalae CWeve aeverrtstnc; artd aaactel traaatoat MHwtMaa- it Kals Me as barb, anror mtm ta aaactal ccatdltkaza rwrarnr- taa Tire sJ a4 Bankrupt Bala- 4w- t la ZVe rack fb-at fnaartl ttm: m&Oi- Mn KaaM and vail 4f aMTlt. wrtk rataraat ta local I arm. an! aa aiadlr aaorpaM. Racfa4 aartota a 1 1 itiaa la by auaaoa to arepay , CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAFCR. Jy 4 In American History. X7TS Dec la ratios of tb todepradrvr rLZ'.LlT i and prootaliratvd at Philadelphia. KtH- Natbaalel Hawthorne. America a aatbor. bora: died IMM. tS Jooa A da ma. aeroad presideot of tba Calted KUtes. died: bora I7B. Tbomaa Jefferaoa. third preaideot of toe Doited State, died: bora 174X E31-Jaaea Monroe, flfta preaMeot of - tba Catted States, died: bora ITSK. 1310-Jark Jeaaaoa oerrrw defeated Jeffries twbltat for world's aeary. weight ebaeiproaaBia. CREATING A BUSINESS. I i ; , If it pay tha merchant ta adrertiae . aala occasionally. It pay him to ad- f yertiae a sale daily. Tbla has become . . . .n , . . recognised i the roercantile world and wa find tha ap-to-data merchant la tha j advertiser, tha one who arranges a ! tale of articles dally and leta the peo-! . . ... , . pie know about It, say. tba,. Albany Daily Herald. ! rauaDr at tba occasional aala. tha pric. of nearly aver, articiecarried i. j , materially reduced. . Instead of mak ing these reductiooa. la a lump, tha wise merchant makes them oo aa ar ticle or twb at a Unas dally, aad uses them aa tha leaders" to attract at tention. Then at tha season's end ha makes a big sale oa the surplus ar ticles left from tha daily sales. This Is tha secret of attractive trade and it Is responsible for taa growth of so many small stores iato big de partment stores. Tha successful city store cannot be operated successfully without advertising and tha same methods successful in tha big city create success la the small town. , ' Tha big Willamette Valley Chautao fua opens today at Gladstone Park. . Tba program is better than ever be fore and a larger attendance Is prom ised. . With each recurring year more persons take advantage of tha opxr-, tunlty offered by tha Chautauqua for a One outiog, made all the mora pleasant i by literary and musical treata and 1M tog bach tor acc4 aoaftlea. Oaafe about ccoeapaay areer srwere a ait la aakamri la baateaaa afftoa af tee Btarprtaa. athletic contests. There is nothing Two Are Baptized, lika the Chautauqua to build up a per-: .Al thu morning-f session of tbe . ..a vi- r . . , . v , ,ut convention of the Christian Wo on and fit him for returning to his meD; of MUl!lon,f , fealure work with- renewed strength and en- of the program waa the address of thusiaam. Tba management has en-' (ne president, Mrs. Ella Humbert, of gaged the best speaker, musicians j .Eun- ,he coure ner mA w ,.i .v tJk ne 1 that the prayers of the and other entertainers for the Assem-1 m4.mbers be directed to the prosperous -bly. There will not ba a dull day. j Chinese Mission being conducted in -aaa- If George Washington, Thomas Jef-1 ferson, benjamin Franklin and the oth- er great men of revolutionary days could visit Clackamas county today that they lived not In vain. There will sure be soma "orating" here- abouts on tbla gladsome Fourth. All tha mora power to you, our silver- tongued friends. It""""'"""""" To Treat Women Fairly Is to i Serve the Cause of Peace ! Bv Barnn n'rtTniinMri i r t., """'Aiti! rrencn Diplomat iiiiiiiitiumiMmMmwM.HiiHiHiMiMitmt TV TOT few people are becoming greatly alarmed at the progress I N feminiat moTemei,t that ia. people of a certain type. J : ' Tber apeak of it with the same acorn that their fathers , Bpoke forty year ago of social reform, of modern mimic and of dirigible balloons. , THE SCOFFERS WILL SOON CHANGE THEIR ATTITUDES TO DEFEND THE CAUSE OF WOMEN IS TO SERVE THE CAUSE OF PEACE. ' "Every tradition of tyranny is bound up in and falls back npon the DOMINATION of woman. In to far as man renounces these tradi tions of domination, woman breathea FREELY and the standard of txsktty ia RAISED. Tbe fact that woman la weak doea not in itadf explain why ahe ia trt properly treated Man fa not aa bad ai all that, apd, in any case, r-an has other weapona aa powerful in force with' which tfl oppose Ta dia bd4 oratory today bkould b laatlng rfottVo of tha Obrl OB ta (ood (( of Oroa cootl4 la Bry ant' -Tharitopal:" Tak tha winga of BroralBg Abd tfeo Barkaa wrvcrt plrc. Or ka thraelf la tb contlnuoMt wood Wber rolia tb Oroa, And brn bo aoai4 lt owa dashing." Tbla baarlaa allrfatloa will b KlT" a rhetorical ppercot. tab aad aolar plexas blow, by oar Browae!!, Dtra- Icka. IUy d otber amulatora of IfMora. DetaobthaoMO. Webster. CUT ad Henry today. Taea, loo. tboso Olnabla -daiblofs" r golnc to bay a ble lob competing aita tha ailghly roar of myriad fuaa aad flra- erarkera. ' , a 5000 ATTEND BIG CHURCH MEETING PORTLAND MECCA OF LARGEST GATHERING OF CHRISTIAN WORKERS THIS SEASON. COfiYLXnON OPOiS TUB KORNDiC Introductory Scrvica to ba at White Tampta. With tha Rev. Reajor PraaidiflO Governor Writ' to Speak. PORTLAND. Or. July (Special) with s-ooo dflegatei from aU pni of the loited States bound for taa International CoaTeatioa of CbrtsUaa Churcbea. to.baheld ber. tbia, -oek Portland la the Mecca for tba largest religions gathering to ba held la the country this aesaoa. Delegates are arririag oa all incoming traiaa. about ioO already having reached here. More taaa 2,000 will actively participate la tba coayention. which will bs la progreaa for eight, day, the greater number of aeaalona being held at White Temple. One of tba largest body of delegates to arrive waa that from Cincinnati. 227 persona coming on tha Rosa City Special. H. H. Waggeaer. of the Christlaa Standard, of Cincinnati, is in charge of tha train which waa met TV tuIlM kr tha Wo. J. P. nhorav , ' V :. Notable Workers Present. Another apodal car brought a larg tny from Memphis, la charge of the Rer. W. H. Sheffer. past or of tha First ChrUtUa chumh. other notable chorch workers who are taking part in tha convention are A- L Orcutt, Indianapolis, general sec reUry of the ministerial relief; Grant R Denl Amerlcan Christian Missionary Society; U P. Crigler. 8L Louis; tha Rev. Holu Sap LTX t Long, a Kansas Qty miUioaaira lum ber man. a prominent lay delegate, and Evangelist Meyers and singing Evangelist G. O- Gates. The convention will open tomorrow morning with the annual board meet ing of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions. The meeting will con vene at 10 a. m.. at the First Presby terian church. At 2 p. m. the annual meeting of tba board of managers of the Foreign Christian Missionary So ciety will be held la the same place. In tha evening tbe formal introductory service will be held at the White Tem ple, tbe Rev. W. F. Reagor, presid ing. Tbe program will ba aa fol lows: 7:30 Sacred concert. 800 Decotional aervice. led by C. F. Stevens, Spokane, Wash. 8:20 Remarks by the chairman, W. F. Reagor. 8:30 Address of welcome on be half of the city of Portland. W. B. Hinaou, D. D., Portland; solo, Mrs. Maud Springer-Watkina, Portland. 8:40 Address of Welcome on behalf of the State of Oregon and the North west. Governor Oswald West. :00 Response by D. Y. Donaldson. 9:15 Convention sermon, B. A. An- j bott Portland. Two converts, she said, f were baptized last night, making eight since last September. The body, numlxrlne several hun dred memliera, rose to Its feet and , Mve the Chautauqua salute to demon- ! tr' ,u appreciation of tha faithful single Sunday at the mission. Tbe j president urged greater activity upon i ,n women. declaring that this, the , juonee mission year, had proved that women were becoming a strong factor in the evangelization of tbe world. a t4,444aat si.-.... . . . . Russian Dancers' Gracefulness Proves Surprise to New York 'if aO 7 Mr WfhM RrsSIA m aat aaaally thaagbt of wbea art la coaaidered. aad yet tha Raaaiaaa have seat a troupe af dancers to New York who have glvea tha Americaa med-cpotis new ideas about what the art of dancing la. These dancers are not ealy extremely graceful, but tbey tell rompleta ateriee, tales of love sad tragedy, by means of mimicry. Of courve one need aa Imagination la order to nailerstaad tbe Imaa-ery. bat oae need nut Mug except aa appreciation of tbe tmutlf nl aad tbe graceful to delight in tbe pox-a and gyrations of the dancer. Owe of tbe dances they are giving shows a chapter from tbe life of Cleopatra, aad another preaeut tbe prelude to the "Arabian Nights." The gorgeous oriental coloring and the languorous mulc. af course, add greaOy to tbe spectacle,' Tbe plrtures above bow various of tbe dancers and give aa Idea of Hard Lack. Hewitt If sad about old man Groet losing his leg In that railroad accident Jewett Tea. It must be a great dis appointment to him. He was always talking about -getricg there with both feet." Brooklyn Ufa. Ira That man la only twenty-ona years of age. bat ba baa Just woo tba ebeas championship by defeating his oppo nent in 100 eooseradve game "Go oa! No man could play a hun dred games of cbess la twenty -one years!" Toledo Rlsde. Seldec cf Foetuna. "What b a wiuller ! fnine. u' A soldier of fortune, on. ta a rat a bond who fights tor aurldy woo aks him and thea puts op an awful scream for help from hia own country when ha gets into trouble." Cleveland Plaia Dealer. YOUR VACATION Will Be Incomplete WITHOUT TH& MORNING ENTERPRISE WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR 25 CENTS A MONTH It's worth the money. It's like a letter from home everyday. It will keep you f ally informed about the happenings of your city and county during your absence. Yoti can place your order by telephone. The Morning Enterprise is the only daily -newspaper between Portland ' anJ Salem. It is steadily growing in popularity. Yotf get all the newt worth while in i - The Morning Enterprise 1 tbe grace and skill of tbe performers. Span) ah Law. Tba dilatortneaa of Spanish law is almost Incredible. A watch waa stol en; tbe owner Immediately Informed tbe pollc of the robbery Seven years afterward ba waa called upoa by tbe authorities to give evidence as to the robbery. lee antail a ataafc. - "IT! match you."-a id tbe hungry man la tbe boarding boose dining room, "to deride whether you take my share of beef or I take yours." "No. thank you." replied tba other hungry one "I never play for small stesks." Patronize our advertiser. Gsllsnt. - An Irishman says be always abuts his eyes when be looks at a lady faults. Patronize our advertisers. Milady's Mirror H e Ti. rw. n. aenuire sunburn In a slngla blUtering. bk b turns yi as r.-d a . L.vr.e ant! mskea TOO Si:!T-r fr'M smart for da-. That kind of turn roarsena the akin, often permanent j. The 't.-otlug bealthrul tan r, acquir ed gradually by a (" life. l true, but without golne hi.tieas la tbe hot sun or bathing tbe lace in sait water. Tn. wtit And that the real country girl wboae yon admire never are ao fUh a to fjde their .ml arart-h tlietr fai-- la a July sua. Suuburrml hair U en wore un becoming than a glowing fn-. sua. beside, that sort of eijsjsura dries the hair too mo h Go hatlewi all yoo ran. but ot waea the sun la K-orrhing hot. I m not. how ever, wear a heavy hat. Kehvt a l-ght wt.t. brimmed affslr which will aduilt tbe air to the acalp. but temi-er the aun's rays. Geed Soap. Always carry your own soap, wheth er you summer In the Msiue woihI or at a fashionable wstertot: place, i ue soap wbkh one raou Ukea may be polaoo Uaoot ber skin. (-arry a fog with cold mam. sun bora and freckle lotloua. (wwder and absorbent cotton, tooth powder. aU-o- One raa oa this bag aa an emergen cy cheat and add a small raa of mctl Irlnea, dialntecUnta and baudagea. Ton will not nod tbe bag a burden. On the contrary, you will tbaok your self manv time for lis poaavaalon be fore the umner Is over. y Eememler that a be It by tan dor not mean s wellng. blistering burn whose diaflrurtug hue Is so dm-p to last until Thankxglvlfig. TK Athlat. GirL The athletic girl bas Dually discov ered that to snow her siortiiig spirit he need not ne-ewurlly aarrtOte ber good look and feminine i bartn. 8ba aootbes ber sunburn Khe nurse tha corn from ber bauds caused by rowing and tennis. Hue keep her bulr gtoaay and la good color by constant rubbing of tbe acalp and application of a good tonic. She remembers that a sea bath la In Ttgoratlng. but that for cleansing pur pose th tub must not be eutlrely omitted. Ia short, she lakes even tetter care of herself during tbe vac ation than she does In winter In order to make tbe best ue she can of tbe life glrlni: breezes aad untrammvlMi Ufa in the open. Weak End Outfit. It la most satisfactory to fit ont mall aatrbel which can be easily car ried when making a week end visit A mall bag I a convenient size. If It baa a long pocket, all the better, for this will bold the bottle. If not. fasten a piece of wide ribbon or Ue down one side of tbe bag to bold the bottles In place and wedge the to In with soft prter. Each bottle should bare a tlybt cork not a glass stoper. on account of leakage. In the bag carry a chamois with which to wipe tbe dust off the face. coople of wab cloth, two small fuc towels, nisnlcure outfit, brush ami comb, toothbrush and th aoap which suits your skin best for Freckl. Before going ,ln tbe sun always use a cleansing cream, and after tbe cream la all wiped off use a good face pow der. This will help to prevent freckles. At night before retiring bathe tbe freckles with freckle lotion ami alio It to remain on overnight. I not gel the lotion In tha eyes. The following I lotion may be used: Take rorroslve subllmste. two grains; lemon Juice, one I ounce; rosewatcr. four ounces; xw dered borax, one-half dram, t'se i few drop In water when the face Is bathed. Foe A good cleansing cream to remove the dust of travel Is plenty of fragrant lice or talcum powder to freshen one after tbe bntb and a generous bottle of eau de cologne to balhe one's wearied and aching bead. Tbese are some of tbe "must haves" of most women traveler. . Bmelllng alts may also prove nse fuL Cucumber cream will relieve qo burn, and peroxide may not come miss. , An Ugly Nose. Tbe redness of tbe nose after meal suggest Indigestion, to treat which avoid all rich or oily food, masticate and salivate thoroughly, eat slowly and do not drink sny liquids at meals, but tak half an hour before or one hour after. An Indigestion mixture would also help. Hale Letioi.. Mix these Ingredients to mak a good ber tonic: Fulphate of quinine, one dram; rosewater. two ounce; bay mm. four ounce. Mix and apply every night to tbe hair. Thla reelp will ar rest baldness and Induce a luxuriant growth of balr. Satisfied. Ambitions Author-Hurray! Fly dollars for my latest atory, -Tha Call of the Lnrer Fast Friend Who from Ambitious Author Th express com pany. They lost It Woman's Home Companion. A Changed Map. "1 haven't recently heard 70a ex pressing the hope that your rich old ancle might ahuffla off." "No. II married a young woman not long ago. and I'm buy hoping be may llva forever" Chicago Record Hrld. Ikbovt kr Yar bills aa all paid by ehee. Var sKeok, whaa ratarwaa, be. camea a racaipt Na trawbla abpwt thaaaa, aa diaputa aeaut aay meats, aa aoaatloa as rrra year wraoay has ar haw much yau have ratalvad. Vaar pssa toe a aad th stubs f year shack: bea slwsye tell taa atary. IE ON THE, SAFE SIDE AND OPEN 'AN ACCOUNT AT THE The Bank -)f Oregon City OLDEST BAR! IH TBI COUMTY a C laTOURaTTTl rrwaldeat THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON fclTY , OREGON CAFiTsL. trMia'el eali.a -afe- .. 1 -r - r .-n -e S -- " 'rt ' CATTtE MARKET IS FIRM, j Supply Jo Equla Din4 Wh pric miqi. t Th I'oritand I'nlon Stock TafU Company reports as follows: , Kxetpta for th past week ha been: Ctll ljio. cai fc. Mil. sheep 7 117 and hors aid mule IS. The upplr of rattle coming oa te market this week ha Just about f piled ihe demand of th trad, lb fore th market remalna firm aid price steady at lope quoted beta fore. A good many California stew oo tba market, well finished, median weights, around I.IMI pounus, eassr brought 5.:S, a remarkable price t grasa rattle, lluyers ara anieiua to secure good rattle of this type aid willing lo pay th price, tin lot it eitra choice helfera brought !17S.rr- alloc a sensation la the row aiatW.I. good row a brought from 11 to !- with very-few offering. In the face of good receipts sal fancy prlcea prevailing tba veal dt'l slon ' deserves a aearat paragraph this week. Although ralvrs are be ginning to come In. ia carload lot, price remain steady at formr to. $750 waa paid for vral cars of good, light well finished stuff while tk heavier classes rang from to W The bog market continue to ad auce with very few local swine In evidence, ilest light hogs brought $7 15 this week and heavy hog d vanced another notch, now being quoted at fronT$ to $ si. owing lo quality. For the pat six weeka w hat been elperlenclng a very heavy run of mutton, much of It of poor or med ium quality, being thin and half fat While the market ha declined some what during thla time local authori ties predict that the heavy end of tbe run la over and that price will ac cord In (f'y advance. Feeders will soon take their sheep to tbe mountains for the summer where they will not be available for market purposes, thus causing a lighter run. In fact lambs hsve already shown an upward (en dency, one extra choice lot bringing $5.5o thla week as compars4 with, a top of $5 25 last. Ke are quoted at $3 r,o to $3. Wethers $1 lo $3.50. Very little change Is aparent In the horse market, drafters and light drivers and delivery homes atlll In demand. One aale worthy of sierlal mention waa that of a team of draft ers for $t.!. Following sales are representative: 350 Sleera 1175 $6 25 C Steers 1270 05 158 Steer ..ll5 .W) 74 Steer I0C7 5-kO 227 Calvea . 14 7.50 10 Calve , - 3H3 6.50 1 Bull n)0 4.rsi 1 Stag 1400 5f.o 375 Lambs f.C 3.35 7fi2 lmb 2 5 25 59 Weather i2 3.50 47 Ewe C3 3 00 12 Heifer 1050 S.75 64 Cow :s j 25 28 Cow iiO 115 60 Cow !l15 l.oo 237 Hog 15K1 7.1S ! Hogs 108 7 10 159 Hogs 193 7.00 3 Hogs 27f 1 Team Draftera $trw I Drafter 2'i 1 Drafter ihO i BUNGALOWS are the popular atyle in bome architecture. I apecializ 00 designing and building bung alowa that are convenient in arrangement, homrlike in ap pearance. At Moderate Cost If you are thinking of build ing call and see me, or phone for an engagement. Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR ft BUILDER Ninth and Main Streate. Phone Pac-Maln $292. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth at. SEATTLE PORTLAND Jun 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, July 1, 2. Gam Begin Weekdays at S p. m. Sundays, 2:30 P. M, LADIES' DAY FRIOAY. Boys Uder 12 Fre to Bleachers ""vlnesday. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. Oroduote Nurses Psc. 2243 Home IV298 No Guesiswork yaar asaaajf rrialters whan aa a asaosJtaf' bar. r. J. MBTasfL CaahU. U1X Op feea A. M. f a. m MARKETS VIRTUALLY CLOSED NUB, POTATOES WEAK WITH INCfttAtl NG SUPPLY WEATHER MOLDS ACK LOGAN ERRtEt. Ijttl basin win a traasc(4 ber today. All stores wjl cloa at noon. I'ertsbable atuS mr will b moved, but t muck of anything ela ' I'otatiwa wer weak again Non day, with aa Increasing tp!y. tkioaeberrte will b out of th B1SN ket lu a few data. .Jl Irtm ware a tew' boxe klwbday and I bey bold at about 6c. Kaspberriea are worth about $1 7J top. Logaaberrlr will begla to com In larger quantltlea la a few daya, po albly by lb end of tha weak. Tb rool aeather haa held them back. Owotarrwn r oreeen City. IMTATOK8 Heat. $160. g4 13 26; corrmon, 2. During, carlo, aelect. $2 10; ordinary, $1 tH). new po tatoea are aelllng at t 12c. ' FLOUR A NO FEEI -Flour ll steady, aelllng from $6 to $5 50, very Hill of cheaper gradee. Fe4 Is higher and rising slowly. Ilrsn bring OATS-IMuyingl flray. $24 lo $25, while, from $: to 127. HOTTER (Uoying) Ordinary rvuntry brings from 15c lo 20c, fancy dairy from 20c to Kt, cream ery 2:c to 25c. ECUS untying i r rangUg from 1,x to 2lr. according lo grad IHH'LTUY I Buying Firm wlh lit tle gotMl stock offered. Good ben are bringing 11c. -old rooatrs ar la poor dmand, broiler bring from 20c lo 21c, with good demand. Wtxl (I!tir.tgl Vool pric ar ranging from lie to 16c. MOM Ant tnuylnc-Trtconmo. hair hv leen way up, son having brought b h'xh aa Sao locally. Quo tatlo:.a are 27Ve and demand I strong from 1:6 60 to $27.60, aborts $21 to $10, rollad barley $31.60 to $11 33. proc barley $33. wbol corn $11 to 131. cracked coT $3 to $33. Wheat 111 to $33 HAY (Buying.) Timothy IK to 117; rlover $ to $10: oat hsy, best, $12; ml zed. $io to $13; alfalfa, $12 lo $14 HIDES (Buying Grn hide. 5c to Cc; altr, 6 He to te; dry bide. 12c to 14c. 8hip pelts. 25c to 760 each Dill ED FRt'lTS Local prlcae are Arm at from So to 10c on apples and prune. I'eache ar lc. SALT Selling 60c to SOo for One. 60 lb. sack, half ground 40c; T6 for 100 lb. sacka Portland Vgtabl Markst. SACK VEGETABLES Carrot, 11 250 $1.60 per aack; pars trips, $125 ft 1160; turnips, $1 25$1.60; beet, 1160. VEGETABLES Aspsraaus, OcO $1.75 per crate; esbbaga, new, $3 per hundiwdwelght; cauliflower. $l.0tr $175 per dozen; celery, California, 75c 1i!oe per dozen; cucumbers, $1,609 $2 25 per dozen; eggplant. 16c per lb.; garlic. locCKc per pound; lettuce, 50c per den; hothouM lettitce, $1 50 l$2 per box: reaa. tcetle per rri'nd; peppnra, 30cO36e per pound; radishes, 15 per dozes; rhubarb, 240 ' ft 3c per pound; sprouts, c; tomatoes, 13.26. rOTATOES Oregon, Jobbing price, $2 60 per huadred; n"w potatoes, 7o ?l 7 He per pound. ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon $275 per 100; Australian, $3.50 per 100; Texas, $225 per crate: CaU'or nla, $2 per rrate. Oregon' City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hoga are quoted He lower. From 125 lbs. to 150 Iba. JVije, from 150 lbs. to 200 lbs. me. VEAL CALVE8 Veal calvea' orlng from Se to loo according to grade. BEEF! ieer for Ibe local markets are fetching IVioto CHe llva weight. SHEEP m nnu at to 5e live weight , BACON, LAKH and HAM, are firm. Are you a subscriber to the Morn ing Enterpriser If not you ahonld call and let tia put your name oa tha aatx scrlptlon list Immediately. , WANTED You to Vnow that tbe En terprlae Job printing department la tba most cornplvt In tn BUta, oulslda Portland. Try It for your next printing. . . titiy a Home While Paying Rent 100 down and $12 a month takes tbla comfortable alx-room house and lot. Hons 1 wired for electricity. Lot 62x106 feet. Some fruit on place. Well lo cated on Madison St. CIIAA A snap at sfllUU E. P. Elliott and Son 7th and Main Rt., by Suspen sion Brldg.