lajawertMrSfte for the Morning atatersvlee will be received for t enry a ItmHed time al a apeolal e rata. Send In your order today a ana t1 benefit af lew prlea. VOL. 2 No. 3. TflOUSANDS TO SEE CHAUTAUQUA OPEN ASSEMBLY TARTS TODAY WITH PROSPECT OP LARGEST CROWD IN ITS HISTORY. DEMANDJOR TENTS UNPRECEDENTED Ball Gama Batwaan "The Blackstonee" and "Tha Teachers' and Lac uraa by Yataa and Magulra Opanlng Features. (BY STAFF ('ORUEHPONDKNT.) CMAl'TAi gl'A GROUNDS, GlAI STONE, July 3, Aard of a record, breaking attendance by tha number of c-ampera already on the grounds Ilia annual asaomhly of tha Willamette Valley 'hatltatiqtla Association opens today. This, tl first day of (ha session lid Army of tho Republic Vet- rraiia wearing Ilia button will ba ad milted free. There will be a apm-tacti-lar gaina of baaoball at 10 o'clock In the morning lietween tha illarkatonea, (lawyers, doctors and preacheral and the Teachers Thla will bo a elartl Ing expose of what raal baseball can bo. Tha lino up la at folloaa: Blackstonee. Taachara. II. K. Crosa Jamea Park (Catcher) Thomai J. Fog Charles Hlevere (Ptcher.) C. Schuehel Harry HargreaveiH (Hbort atop.) Gilbert Hedges Raleigh Searl (Flrat baaa.) C. W. Robinson .... Rronton Vaddar (Second baaa.) 1 (I. lea T. J. Oary ' (Third baaa.) Mr. Jenkins F. J. Tooxe . (Center field.) Llvy Bllpp Hobart Glnther (lft field.) William Ht on J. Dean Hut lor (ItlKht field.) Tba substitutes wilt bo: Black atones; Colonel I)yo. O I). Kby, J. V. Campbell. Clyde, Mount. John Clark and George C. Hrownoll. Tearbera: A. A. Baldwin, N'. W. Ikialand, A. (). Freel and P. U Cola man. - A great deal of . Interest , renters about thla Rama and tha raault la bard to predict, but the Ulackatonea ough to bo abla to not tha boat of tha um pire on technicalities. Ei-Governor Yataa to Speak. There will be a band concert at 1 o'clock by the Naval Reserve Hand of Portland and tho Orany Army of the Republic Drum Corf. The after noon lecture at I o'clock will he by Klrhnrd Yatea,' ex-Governor of Illi nois. Mia (home will be "The Evolu tion of Patriotism." Ex-Governor Ya(oa la fatnoua aa a alory-tallor and hla anbjoct offera manifold opportuni ties of humor. The Price Hroa. and Aurora teama will play a game of baaoball at 3 o'clock. There will be track evonta for Clack ama county hoya at 5 o'clock, and a free-for-all relay race at 5:30. The evening; lecture will be pre reoded by the uaual band concert. The Naval Reserve Hand will become a favorite attraction with Chautauqua vlaltora. The band baa the class that counla. Dr. Gabriel II. MaRulre. tha first man up the Congo after Stanley camel down, will deliver hla famoua lecture, "With an Irishman Through Africa." Dr. Magnlre haa a wonderful per aonallty that carrloa hla audltora Into the roalma of which he apeaka In an astonishing manner. Hla Carnegie Hall oration delvered to more than 6,000 peraona, waa one of the greatest oratorical trlumpha of the century. OladHtone rark presented a moat animated appearance Monday. Here and there any everywhere men, wo men and children hurried and aourrled In the ruah of raaklnR camp, and look InR after the multltudloua details that must be wound up on the day before auch an event aa the Chautauqua As Mombly. Record Number of Campara. Not tha leaat busy of the peraona about tha ground waa Secretary Oary. There are . already more than two Fireworks! Flags! and Fun! Horrahl Horrahl Hurrah! this Is the 4th of July Attend The Grand and enjoy yourself. MILLIONS ll 11 hundred lonta on the grounda and more ara expected to arrlva every day for aeveral daya. The employoa of the association wore exceedingly buay, but nowhere waa there the leaat evi dence of exasperation over the da lays. , Several daya aKo the tenia the as sociation had on band to rent were exhausod and more had to be ordered, tho ordor having been doubled and duplicated every day since In an ef fort to supply the demand. There will be not leea than 600 campvra on the grounda by the time the season la In full swing, aa many are arriving on every train and nqulrla for camp supplies show no evidence of abat ing. Chautauqua Notaa. Oary. secretary of the Aaaeni- T. J. bly, la holding down a prominent and popular corner of the grounda at the lleadqiiHrlora Ilooth and poatoffice. Andy Robertson la back at the old aland and more rushed than ever. Ilia aland la doing a rushing business K. T. Avlson and family, of Oregon City, are camping thla year. The Schuebol lent la holding forth at the former locution. Robert I teat tie, formerly of Oregon Cljy, but now at tha head of the I'resoyterlan Mis sion School at Sitka, Alaska, la aub atltutlng for the Schuoble family thla year. Other Oregon City persona here are Don Meldrum, J. E. Jack, E. S. Kollonsee, nd ilarley Stevena. There la a new building on the grounda thla year and all the old ones are In the uaual places. ' Mra. R. R. Alldredge la In charge of the Relief Corpa headquarters. SALEM CHERRY FAIR STARTS THURSDAY AUTOMOBILE, CIVIC AND BABY PARADES TO BE CARNIVAL ' FEATURES. SALEM. Or.. July 3. (Special.) The Salem Cherry Fair thla year will aurpaaa any three-day carnival ever put on In Oregon, and la billed for July fi, 7 and 8. The big clvlo and In diiHlrlal parade takea place Thuraday, the automobile parade Friday, , the comic parade Saturday evening." For each of thean hundreda of dollars In prlzee are offered, and the baby pa rade Saturday forenoon haa another hundred dollars In prtxea for tha beat babies and (he beat decorated go-carts, home-made baby trucka and high-toned city perambubttora. The Oriental fea ture will have a 9250 float. The tier man aoclety will have a $100 float drawn by alx white horaea. The lodg es and State Institutions and the In dian School from Chemawa will have afftclal fnatiirea. Fire department, Sa lem police, King Ding and Queen Anne' the clowns, the hoboea and the coun try fiddlers will be there. The Capital City la aendlng out Ave thousand cher ry postal card Invitations. It will be a home-coming day for all who have ever lived In the city. The Cherry Show proper will be at Marlon Square, aronnd which will be grouped the Arnold Carnival attractlona. Thura day noon will be the occasion of the Iowa basket picnic, when all Hawk eyea will assemble at their annual re union. Church to be Dedicated. The little church at Carus Cornera haa recently beeu purchased by the Methodist aoclety, and will be dedicat ed on July 9. There will be an all day meeting, consisting of a sermon at 10:30 o'clock, a basket plcnlo din ner at noon, and the dedicatory aer vlce proper at 1 o'clock. Dlatrlct Su perintendent Moore, Rev. A. J. Joaelyn and Rev, C. 1 Cheeay will conduct the meetlnga, to which tha public la cordially Invited. - WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED ISGG OREGON CITr, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY HONOR NATIONAL EMBLEM TODAY FIGHTERS READY FOR BIG BATTLE TODAY AO WOLGA8T AND OWEN MORAN MEET FOR CHAMPIONSHIP AT SAN FRANCISCO. "SAN FRANCISCO. July S. (Spec lal. Right at the notch where each admits hla condition could not be Im proved Champion IJghtwelght Ad Wolgast and the challenger for hla I title, Owen Moran, of England, to day are almply counting the houra until 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, when (hey will enter the ring here to battle for fame and coin. Prior to the big fight Joe Rellly and Roacoe Taylor will engage In a ten-round preliminary. They will en ter the ring at 1:45 If the plana of Promoter CofTroth hold good, and If nothing Intervenes the big event will be started promptly on time. SAN FRANCISCO. July 3. Loc Jaw, the result of an Injury In the ' hand from a toy platol caused the death here of Dominlco Uato, aged 14 yeara. Thla la the first Fourth of July accident In San Francisco. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Oregon City Fair Tueaday. Westerly wlnda. Oregon Fair Tueaday. Wester- ly wlnda. j Just One Trip. "What! Going out again tonUthtf began Mra. Nagg. "Oh, uo; Just thin 'om-e." replied her husband, with aKtsravailng cheerful Dens. "It will be too late when I get back to 4o out agalu." Pblludelpbla Ledger. ' A Wall Founded Fear Little Lola-1 think Ifa a aharoe for mamma to ' put ua ont of the room Jnat because company came. Little Bobby Well, perbape there wtll be some cake left Little Lola I'm ufrald not. Ton can't trust company with cake. Chicago News. STILL AT A . ORDER SEEKS NEW MEMBERS. Knights and Ladies of Security Start 60-day Campaign. At the regular meeting of Willa mette Council No. 873. Kntghta and LAdlee of Security, a resolution waa adopted to enter Into a alxty-day cam paign to obtain at leaat SO new mem bers, to Initiate In the big claaa In itiation at Portland In September, on the occasion of the official visit of the national uff!ci4 ul the aoclety. W. E. Cuminlnga, district manager for western Oregon waa present and made a talk for the "Good of the Or- I ur, auu umiuieu inw pmu ui me uig initiation. ATHLETES TO PLAY "JUMBO JIM." Proceeds to go Toward Wast Side Cluba Building Fund. "Jumbo Jim" will be presented by the West Side Athletic Club at the West Side school house on July 10. Those taking part are well known peraona of the West Side, and have many friends who will attend the play. Between the acta there will be specialties, and In fact there will j us Bomtuiiiiig uoiug an me lime rrom ; the riae of the curtain until It goes down on the last act. The proceeds ill go toward of the entertainment the erecting of building for the club. Among thone taking part will be Glenn Batdorf. Ray Griebel, Ray Par ker, Floyd Blackburn, Miss Ford. Fay Batdorf and Hilda Ford. ! i Seven Couples Get Ljcensea. The following have been granted licenses by County Clerk Mulvey: Laura Rarabo and petit Dye; Hattle Franka and Martin Stauber, of Che halls. Wash.; Ollie J. Duggle and Frank D. Cox, Oregon City; Elcye Blermann and Ray Galea; Verglnia Sylte and Nllea Searlea Spencer; Con atance M. Flchlner and Adolph B. Ad ama; Elvira Kerr and Jesse Harding, of Oak Grove. R. M, C. Brown la Injured. R. M. C. Brownn of thla city, while moving to hla new residence near Mo lalla avenue, fell from the wagon, which waa loaded with hla furniture, and received a dislocation of hla left hip. A physician waa aummoned Im mediately, and the Injured man waa taken by ambulance to Portland, where he will receive treatment at the hospital. THE WHEEL 4, 1911. ROADSTERS LOSE TO SEATTLE; SCORE 2 TO 1 FULLERTON ALLOWS WILLIAMS' MEN ONLY FOUR SAFETIES. SEATTLE, Wash., July 3. (Spec ial). Seattle had the "Jlnka" on Pert land today, winning 2 to 1. Fullerton allowed only four hits, and had the visitors at hia mercy In all except the fifth when they got one runner acroaa the plate. Each; team made two errors, and Portland got eight hita. Seattle got one In the first and another In the eighth. The resulta Monday were as fol lows: Northwestern League Seattle 2, Portland 1; Tacoma, Vancouver 0. National League Boston 3. Brook In 8; New York 3, Philadelphia 7. American Jeagne Philadelphia 8, New York 7; St. Louis 3, Cleveland 4; Washington 6, Boston 8. TAFT MAKES PLEA FOR SANE FOURTH PRESIDENT SAYS HEROES OF 78 WOULDN'T APPRECIATE "SILLY NOISE." CLEVELAND. Ohio, July 3. Presi dent Taft, who apeaka In Indlanapolla tomorrow addressed a crowd on a "safe and sane Fourth." Several requests along the line were answered by short apeechea from the train. President Taft aald: "Your committee haa asked me to say some thing In favor of a aane Fourth. I am delighted to do so. The men whose deeds we are celebrating, whom we uhould gratefully venerate, were men who would not appreciate auch a silly method of noise, accompanied by the explosion, the loss of fingers, eyes, and sometimes of life, due to the nec essity of doing something out of thb ordinary In order to celebrate an event which, while not exactly peaceful, was at least sensible. "I am reminded In thla connection of the mother of four or five children who, on the Fourth of July wrung her hands and said: " 'What will I do with my children? What with the plague of their llvirr and tho fear of their dying, we can t get on.' "We ought to relieve mothers of the plague of their living and the fear oi their dying' by Introducing an ordi nance In each city preventing the use of toy piBtola, of common crackers or of anything else that will injure or destroy." The Lightning-like Leon. The loon la the o,ul keal living crea ture. A loon that nan had exer1en-e can dodge the flash of a iron. Yuu see a loon on a lake, but long hefore you see him be aeea you sod nun taken a meutal Inventory of you and your be longings. It you have no gun yon may perbape approach within lou yards before be langha at you with that horrid abiiek wblcb gives blm bla name and disappears ondor the wa ter, but enow a gun and be does not stop A) laugh-be goea Inatanier. When In a sportive mood be aome tlmea watta until be aeea you about ready to Are. wben at the flash be dlvea. and you see the abot spatter the water where be baa Juat gone down. Noted Lecturers Speak At Chautauqua Today RICHARD YATES. VG. R. MAGUIRE. Richard Yatea, ex-tiovernor of III luoU, and Cabrtel R. Magulra wilt lec ture at the t'hautauqua today. Mr. Yatea apeaka at 2 o'clock thla after noon on "The Evolution of Patriot lam." Mr. Magulre lecturea at 8 o'clock thla evening an "With an Irlahmau Through The Junglea of Africa,." Mr. Yatea la famoua aa a atory teller and keepa hla audlencea In con tinuous good humor. Mr. Magulre waa the first man to go up the Congo after Stanley returned. PRICE BROSHUTOUT STAR CAIIBY TEAM REDS BEATEN FOR FIRST TIME THIS SEASON--E. DOUGLAS LEADS IN BATTING. The undefeated Canby "Reds" were defeated Sunday afternoon, at Canby. by the Price Bros, team of Oregon City. The acore waa 11 to 0. Thla makes five atralght gamea for the Oregon City boya. Batteriea were, Douglas and Helta man for Price Bros, and Knight and Haines for Canby. The battlns of ET. Douglas of the Oregon" Cit team waa brilliant. He made two three-baggers, and with three men on baaes hit a two-bagger. - The Price Bros, meet Aurora on the Chautauqua diamond at Gladstone Park today. During the Chautauqua aeaaon the Oregon City team will play a nnmber of games with an all-star team. The following will make up the Price Bros.' team: Heitaman, Do tig-, las, R., Ruttenhouse, Long, N Free man. Long, P., Douglaa E., Tom peon. Long. A , Smith, Van Nortwlck, Doug laa, C, Miller, Louie Smith, score keeper; Harry White, manager. The Aurora line-up la aa follows: Wilson, catcher; Welch pitcher; Wills, shortstop; Frost 1st base; Geiay, 2d base; Smith. 3d base; A. Miller, right field; R. Miller left field; Telford, center field. HOYELL BROTHERS BUY ELLIOTT FARM ONE HUNDRED-ACRE TRACT ON MOLALLA ROAD TO BE SUBDIVIDED. E. M- Howell and Chambers Howell, of this city, have purchased the J. N. Elliott farm, which ia about three miles from thla city on the Molalla road. There are about 100 acres of land In the tract, which la one of the finest, farms In the county. It Is the intention of the Howell Brothers to lay the farm off Into live-acre tracts immediately. The land la well locat ed, and lies on the proposed Molalla Clackamaa Southern Railroad and the Molalla road. Much of the farm Is all under cultivation. UTAH PASSES IN CAPES. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Del.. July 3. The battleship ttah, return ing from her successful trial of he New England coast, passed In from sea early today and proceeded to Cam den, N. J. JUMPS 15 STORIES TO DEATH FROM TEMPLE. CHICAGO. July 3. G. A. Wright, a clerk, committed suicide today oy Jumping from the fifteenth story of the Masonic Temple building to the court below. He was instantly killed. EUGENE PHYSICIAN IS DEAD. EUGENE. Or.. July 3. Dr. W. O. Proaser, a promlnen physician of Eu gene, died In Chicago Saturday night after an operation performed a few daya ago. Mra. Prosser waa with him, and will bring the body to Eugene for Interment. Besides his wife, Dr. Pros ser leaves two sons, Oscar and Robert and three daughters, Lila, Jessie and Edwlna. tOwocOwOwOwoeooowoeoeoao 1-4 Acre All in crop, close to school and Electric car line, 4 blocks from store. "We will sell this at your'owa terms. If you want a home W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. ' ' 612 Main tt, Oregon city. . , s Tha anly dally mmc -.'zj .; twaaa) Portland and tsZ 'l lataa In eveey as at I est a ' mae County, wMS) aa-- ' sosoa Ara yaw m edvar . . Pra Wi 10 Osra Bum izms EXERCISES TO BE HELD AT CA' BY, DAMASCUS AND OTHER j PLACES IN COUNTY. ' ESTACADA WE HAVE EE fZl Oregon City Stores to Close In Afli noon Poatoffice Open One) -i4 ' Hour Meade Poet Going to Chautauqua. -v With the coming of dawn la. thousands of Clackaniaa County rt ( denta will tumble out of bed and f pare for the celebration of tha Fool. There will be interesting exercises) 1 i . vartoua parta of the county, and, cT , course the amall boy, with tha of hla firecrackers, will not let as one forget that It la the anniverar- . ' of the birth of the great nation. As from the interesting program that V been arranged at the Chautauqua, i Gladatone there will be elaborate) at rtceaat Sandy, Eatacada, Wrtf' Sprlnga.ncolton "and Damascus. TU. vices were to have been held ft ' Mount Pleasant, but, owing to t!L threatening weather, the plan WM abandoned. ! Members of Meade Post, Oraar Army of the Republic,, and tha saax bera of the Relief Corps will meat I 9:30 o'clock this morning at Har ,, inga drug atore to board the 1 o'clock car for the chautauqna. Tt veterana will be admitted to C grounda, upon abowlng heir kc tona. free of charge. . Canby to Have Big Time. Firing of cannon, music by the) Car by band, fireworks, games, race tr athletic events of all kinds will auL. up part of the big celebration at Cc by. The oration of the day will I by the Hon. Henry 8. Weate-brOOaVt Portland. The morning program wL consist of aonga, recltatlona, epeecaW music, etc. The gamea and races) wV be held In the afternoon at the Ctaet amaa County Fair grounds. The not will include a farmers' free-fcaMC trot, half-mile heata; half-mile runadar race; foot racea; girls" race; ft men's race. 200 pounds and over; Sax race, potato race and relay race. Tt will be dancing In the big parti and Chemawa and Canby will -play f game of baseball. 4 Another big celebration will be h44 at Damascus, where W. A. Dimlck vUl make the oration. There will be) norsa) ; racea, foot races, climbing the gTeaaedl ' pole. etc. Dinner will be served o the grass in the large grove, and tie) young folk probably wUl indulge) is) ', dancing. ":' An "old-fashioned'' celebration will ; " be held at Estacada and It la expected ; that many persona from Portland will . attend. An Industrial parade will be) given In the morning In which there ' 1 will be floats representing Tartons) lines of trade. One float will repre sent the Goddess of Liberty. Two baseball gamea VIII be played and tha Mllwaukie band will furnish music Judge Dimlck to Speak. Grant B. Dimlck will be the orator of the day at Wright's Springs, where , an Interesting program has beea ar ranged. Howard Browne!! will be tha speaker at Sandy, Mayor Brownell, who waa first chosen, having bean forbidden by his physician to apeak. The mayor la suffering from a cold. It la expected that a large number of Oregon City residents will attend the Arlon Society's picnic at 8chnoer's Grove. There will be singing, danc ing and other features of entertain ment. Many of the Oregon City stories wilt be closed all day and others will close at noon. The general delivery window of the -poatoffice will be open from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock In the morning. SMITH BACK, ABSEIXE IS NOT EXPLAINED YOUNG MAN, WHO DISAPPEARED, DOESNT TELL WHERE HE WENT. Charlea Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smith, of Greenpotnt, who dis appeared mysteriously on Jnne 24, being last seen at Meldrum, baa re turned to hia home, lie gave no ex planation - of his strange disappear ance. ' Smith waa divorced from his wife about five yeara ago and haa been despondent Hia little child waa plac ed In an orphan go, and the father has lost all trace of tt. Thla haa wor ried him a great deal. Smith Is 30 years of age. and bears a good repu tation. His family were overjoyed when the young man returned. Hla father had offered a reward of 825 for Information concerning his where abouta. ooaoaaoeoaoeoeowOao4r)e04 Tract ; come and see us. FOR CElEBlTi oeeolocowoeoe0 t C t ' Maeauley In New York World. i.'.'-i-'V, . ; vN '.-': ;-(Mfc,w- "a-