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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1911)
MORKIKQ KXTERPRISE. BUXDAY, JULY 1911. i:zz3 cm, coicct . tin.'. ; . ISO $f UJUJlMk ' o Tsar. r - ??! Moata. bp .. .... J JJ fMT Moatha, f af" MM aa a wrtpas nk tain taal wfll to ataO M by CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. My 2 In American History. tlORetoert T !. atstesatsa sod Confederate grwrrsi. bare ia Wilkes ratnty. ia : died lS-ISSl-lnnidVat i;araed bot is the . ralra4 auOoa al Wstilngtoa by ' i-hsrbai J liliML a dbaOPafatrd aDMlraat fur sfflre. 1308- Mnrat BiKnl nimi editor '. sad write. dd: -re HQS. f ASTRONOMICAL CVEKTS. ' (Proa bom today totwaMMRVJ Kaa arts ML ASK 11 0 a. m: at aima at Brat aartr. la HMtp Tlrx: Ua, aaatrra time aartk at farrkrr tmaa JapMrr aaoar- ay ee year today at TAFT AMD LA FOLLCTTC r ""ka HanW nmndu ama Urted aaaitkla, ta the na ture of , a eoatrowjray bctkcr Taft or La FoOeta akaH be clTea tka aaOoBal ouareaQoa. Tbia aepaada largely, apoa bow auay3ormc maa there are la Oreeoa. Tka golf play ing aenator la for La FoDettc a ad ctilta naturally kia follow era will alao gtva tba Wtacooaia maa taeir anp urL It vonld. Indeed, not he aannia- tng to aaa Oregon tkrow bar coa rentlon votea to tka far arlnd. for there la a dead certain tlr of Taft ob taining a reaominaUoB. La Follette kaa loat tome of bia popularity la bia opposition to tba reciprocity measure. It la assumed that be opposes tba bill because Taft wants It and be ia against Taft and I an a pians. tie enaenuy oeueTes that soma glory would attach to Taft through the passage of the bill, and that tbia supposed glory would belp the President ia tba nest campaign. ,H Is probably right, but La Follette will gala nothing by playing a dog la the manger policy, unless, posrt- re election. Senator La Follette cannot secure tba nomination next year. It will go to Taft. How much better for La t Our Fire Loss Is Greater Than That of Any Other Nation , By WALTER L. FISHER. Sccretdry of tha Interior tflUilUK BHD J -lnjt Psa. r asca IWt fa I rttia. . ..Me frWrrH "''' " Baa mmmtr taaa"iiit lM. 3ais---r.rr..!r. ImH 1t per Mm; So iwlw aSVar Msiis M Saa. WauTir Pale. Te one ra ft tint hMftrtafttta s-flWB ft-a-w Mil SlSIHlSlI Itatas for stnmas tm ate Weakly Ball aiaw via Ua luH to Uarsrrai fraat tk Sallr ta week ly, all a. at ra tka rmta w to Ss CM as as U lFllaHT arSar wfear Hil) ! ka al hM afnee Lags! atrnltaaag at lefcal all wttatsg sffiiTsiliaa r'''' MfcwV ' acnsrS j MM t, TW hW Ml B -if mW err hMttlMJhtk ft bitil- fetrwy MfVaMfl HMS WWW 1 - -- -- fHTaat fl I a aakaltaaC fram mOrm Jam. t: a- -a. -tat aatty acatiaaary. XMoV yaan atiddJa ac tka F the government should roddenly lay an annual tax of $2.81 on every man, woman and child in the United States on promise of spending the money for some useful uurre thai promise would not avail acainst the STORif OF PROTEST Which would be aroused. Nevertheless a tax which in the aggregate amonnto to that u being psid by 's TRY. It is the annual FTRF - . W - - ' sua weir contents alone. It is expended NOT in productive enter nriae. hnt In nEATTT n1 nrSTPPPTtfiV j i r ' Mm tm AtwM J.J auui ,m auuusujr uuueu uyvu ure protection aoa insurance pre J miuma. V' '"'' ii MOT ONLY IS THIS PROPERTY LOSS PAID BY OUR PEOPLE, BUT. IN ' ADDITION. ANNUAL t v rirrrrm ununon ' " ..r,vr,K.u rtnavni UIV1 UP THEIR LIVES AND NEARLY SIX THOUSAND ARE INJURED IN r:XS." v POSSIBLY IN NO OTHER DIRECTION IS THE NAT', AZIT OF WASTE' MORE. CLEARLY EXEMPLIFIED THAN IN ' THE ?ARATIVE INDIFFERENCE WITH WHICH' WE PERMIT SUCH A -ICS.- IN NO OTHER CIVILIZED COUNTRY ARE CONDITIONS AS THEY 'Mm uxm-i ; ; . ' lriew-J4 be were beta stick by Us gna to oauaarioa toar yeera.aeaee. " . Traatoa. tka cairftal eliy C Naw Jta-y. m4 s tkuy u4 aMk-l Ta-ipaif Tr tka aa(i of k4oH laa tka coauaiaskM farm at cerara- mtmt, -a parvttod by kct af ka hut Lci&llara a4w Ik taaplratloa of Rowraor WlUoo, vftb M atoctloa hut Tae4y. Ua -lt' of wUcfc Ttetonr for tka eoamlarftw -axac nm wra 7J " for tba aialsstoa arwm u4 SM acmlaat tt. r 'cut of Uat talTi j tota keiac poO-d. or abwrt tW saaw aa tkat eC4 at tka rarrat Bajtwaa I axtioo. atora tka cMaatia-tea tar w rJctL ! Trvatoa tka Ua m twrally opoad by botk Q o44 party rlni tka brawery taraaia era nutc4 U oopoaittoa. A aomlaatiac primary ta b kl4 la aoa ajoatk aa4 pil aWoctiogIa two awatka to cbooaa tWa eomaUfciioa- ra at a a-Ury of t3ji a ytrr- poraraor' WUaoa. wb1 oa tka result, aakl it aioat aapictoa ad aaMMjrmctax, ao4 tka fickt woald nirlj go oa tovard Ik flna astab BakJBCot. of ! popular cocirol. Ha tkoaxkt tkat bo btr taMrniBMt bad aa yet bcea fooad tkaa tba coaroitffoa forai of city goTeraaat. ' Tba Soata Coainiittf oa PriTtlesa aa4 Etecttoaa kaa formally approTed tka moat drastic campaign pubbcity kill ever framed. It rqnira cuta- meata of all nooey "d la primary or rrffitar eWtioo for CoBxrtaa and la cooteata before lrgtelatmre. It rc garda promUe of offlcaa ia tba aarna litbt aa cask bribea. BEAVERS VCI AGAIN tE STEEN, IN GOOD FORM, KEEPS . SACRAMENTO'S HITS WELL '1 SCATTERED. SACRAMENTO. July 1. (Special.) The Portland hired men got busy again today with tbelr willows -and trounced Sacramento to tba tuna of 7 to 8. McCredle'a men btngled thir teen times, Thompson showing poor form. Steen was at bis best and bad tka boms boys at bis mercy when be felt Ilka tightening uP. Tba Bearers made fonr In the second and three in tba fourth. That ended the runget ting, but no mora vera needed. Sac ramento scored in the third, made three tallies in the fourth and garner ed oaa la the ninth. Tbey tried bard to. win, tout tbey Just weren't there with toe-stick goods. The results Saturday were as fol lows: Pacific Coast League Portland 1. Sacramento i: San Francisco 3. Los Angeles, z; Oakland 7. Vernon 0. Northwestern League Portland 6-4. Seattle M ; Vancouver I, Spokane 1 ; Tare ma S-6, Victoria M, (second game called by agreement.) National League New York , Bos ton 1; Philadelphia 8. Brooklyn 7 Chicago 3. Cincinnati 0; St- Louis 3. Pittsburg 2. American League New York I, Boston 2; Philadelphia 13, Washington S; Cleveland S, Chicago z; Detroit 8 8L Louts 0. STANDING. Pacific Coast. W. L. PC. Portland 48 38 .558 Oakland 51 43 .543 San Francisco 50 43 .543 San Francisco 50 43 .538 Vernon . 4 46 .5'K) Sacramento 41 48 .461 Los Angeles 17 55 .401 Northwestern. W. L, P.C. Vancouver 4C 29 .613 Tacoma 44 29 .603 'Spokane 43 32 .573 , Porlard 35 3 .492 Seattle 34 36 ' .486 Victoria 16 56 .222 8''-B0'tC"-iiif the PEOPLE OF THIS COUN. iriSR f - W va vuc no upiU t'UULlJI19 w iu.i, mua ,iu even uireer . . . ' I 1 3bsS! ' l i " : ' . The New Womtn Rides With All Man's Darintf In Similir Girb H i-i ) a - -: '? -r1 ' .iw Photos by American Press Association. WOMEN who like the exercise, tkat tkey get by korseback riding have learned that the traditional ralmeut of their sex has disadvantage. i m nnn In iha iniiro violent funna at rtdlns ,UU U , i tkey must adopt a garb that them ta ride "on Dow siaee at om-a. : m .i mAAm ui nrartii-allv pUIUf VI VUJCU liwi' " . --' la bur-dUn thr U a difed idvtDUre to thl. though Knells! wmn. mnT -iJ -1. a ..H.aalila m.mfm th. mt.tjMai A,1m TKa a w aafiAvi at paa ninnv niiaaai. aiiuuii uun .kaaraa Kaa fittaM Ustfhr ULL4rr ;ivit4ir hunters, while "the lower picture shows Miss Emily ltand:ph. .a New York belle, mounted on a favorite saddle horse snd ret!y to put him through his ... . i - . t - l. V i paras st tDe open sir oore www mi irw, . FORUM OF THE PEOPLE The publishers of Tna Momma Enter prlM dlaclslm responsibility for th arnt ment.exprrsard In It.e articles publlbr from time to time tn this column. Hjb U-Mty Is 1n In sn rffort to be fair, and with the vlw to the publlratlon of both sides to s question. Communications mint roma properly slcned to tnsurs pub- MOLALLA. Or., July 1 (Editor of a Fnll-pHa lflntlf .11 - space in your .valuable paper to cor rect an article which appeared some time ago, regarding soma trouble at a dance at Stone. The article stated that I crtated a. disturbance, and also insinuated that I started the trouble and drew a pistol oa J. G. Mumpower. Now the truth of the matter is, he came op behind me without any warn ing and attacked me. I drew a pistol after he had begun the attack. I had not spoken to him or made any hostile demonstrations whatever, so I plead not guilty to disturbing the meeting, as I acted purely In self defense. EUGENE OGLE. Subscribe for the Daily naterprtee. YOUR VACATION Will Be Incomplete -WITHOUT THE- MORNING ENTERPRISE a WE CAN MAIL IT ANYWHERE FOR 25 CENTS A MONTH It's worth the money. It's like a letter from home every day. It will keep you fully informed about the happenings of yotif city and county daring your absence. Yoo can place yotfr order by telephone. The Morning Enterprise is the only d!ly newsPP between.. Portland -"" and 5a!em. It Is steadily growing in popalarity. Yotf get all the news worth while in The Morning Enterprise " - - approxlmnte that of maa and permits inureu. mm iw iwt wiw, th nlltflt (if tta fft-nLlrman iorkfV. vi bms mi uiriri r -aw m tmklnif hUftl V ttbcD 11KUD!H! OD PRICE BROS. PLAV CAN BY. " Both Teams In Best Condition for Great Gams. Price Bros.' baseball team will play unbeaten Canb team at Canby to day. Both teams are In the best of condition and an exciting contest is exported. The following will flay on the price Bros, team: Heitsman, R Douglass, Rittenhotise. N. Long, Free man, p. Long. E. Douglass, Thompson A. Long; r Miller, and Stokes. II White Is manager and L Smith, score- keeper. ; For Sa'a or Exchange. Sound, centle. safe, familv or deli cry horse, II years, weight about l.OOu C, I. STAFFORD, 4o8 High sfreet Makes 250X00 Brick. Alex Gill, of Meld rum has finished burning a kiln of 250.0O0 brick. The brick will be cooled about next FrH day and will then be placed on the market. ' Fmgr Nsils. Rapid growth of the Onger nails is considered to Indicate that a person is la good health. WALSH TAUGHT LANGFORD 11017 Ecsta B::tn Csr:!:r:J MTw BfFrcaJ-sllcrloFlililer. SAU TOOK IUIT WHIPPir.SS. At tfce Start He Was an Easy Msrte Fee Wslsh. brt Impeevsd RS'"! and Is Nt One ef Warids Bsrt P- filistS. ' nark In I8H2 Sam lAcjrfrL the coi orvd besvywrtBht of lUlo. n.'W the irwi.1 fMml tattler In tlie wurWI nut side Jack Johnoo. ud lo get tl-Q up every dny by a little me of s w.m who welvbed lei thao IIS l-nn.i Samuel was Ibeas light rn;tt Vn t AM LASOruSD tsDTII KOT WBOTSroaT mj a ku to rioar. tsat an aulrloos tegiu&log for sot l ftgbter as tbe "Tar lUby" bas come to be! Jimmy Wal.b. es-bsotam cbamplon. related ttie tory ns-ently. Jimmy was tbe buy wbuued to dispense tbe wallopings to LaDiifufd. "I nsed to give blm a M of ttietu. U-lleve toe." be said.- "ftam si Jut su swkwsrd felluw and didn't kt..w a tblng abwit fighting. DJ I in fairly clever tben "Kara was working a a Janltv.r around tbe grmoaiilum In Iloston. He got tbe Dot loo be wauled to be . a Debtee. IHo be wept to KdJIe Keevla and told blm about h. lUlJie ssaurrd him be rouM put tbe gle on with me. Tbe Orst aftrraoou I bwed h!u all tbe fireworks a pair of tn tteo can prodore. Rut Sam aa gsme sud wstc bed tbe i-rii w ttU fear n mien. After tbat be stopped everything for several month, but kept doggedly to bis taik. tiej to snow bim trlrks. bow to bit. bow to feint sod bow to get Inside of punrbe. o the end be was able to bsnd.e hlmelf pretty Weil "About Ibis time I bey had so stun teur toornstnent In ttetra. snd Kim entered It. lie won from Jark M Vlcker la thrre rounds. After thl be began bis professional career and best Joe Cans two years afterward, but re ceived no credit for It lie bee in to grow tbe next year and went to ogbf log welterweights. 'Now be Is wre than a middleweight and tbe bef man In tbe game outside of Johnson. EARL MOORE'S FIRST SALARY Phillies' Twirler st Ons Time Glsd ta Get W s Weak. This is tbe tory to!d of the entry Into basebsll of Karl Moore, the clever pitcher of the Philadelphia Nstlousls: Will Armour was then' part owner and manager of the Iaytn team In tbe old Interx'tate ientrue. One day a friend toid him1 of a boy who wss burning up things on the lot lurk of the rouiii!lioiie In Coinnihtt. Armour went to the otilo capital and took a peep. " lie IHcwl Moore and his style and promptly made him an offer to pitch for Isyton at the munificent salary of IS p-r week. i That looked big to Karl, and be sign ed. Two or three weeks luter be went to Armour anil xuid. "Mr. Armour, when I signed for fH a week I wss under the Impression that you would pay my board while tin team was at home." Armour smiled Inwardly and replied. -All right. Karl: I'll Increase your salary to $12 a week." This was hliflily satisfactory to the young man. Two yenrs later he was fllnalng them iver for Cleveland for f.1X)0 for the Season. Welnatt Resatt "Kneekeut Brown. Ad Wolgast is disparaging "Knock out" Brown. "Hrown doesn't know the rudiments of boxing." says Woigast. "lie Is awkward and green He Is a slugger with a hard wallop, but that lets him out I got nearly 112.0110 for my bouts with blm. and It wsa nrettv oil. i can assure you. - Datse Far Big Ante Rases. The grand prize automobile race will be held In Savannah. Ga.. Nor. 29 ana tne vaoaerbiir cup on Nor. 2 These dates were chosen recently by the Savannah Automobile club. MAKE THE BEST OF IT. Why not make (he bett of all the conditions thai confront os? There are many people who conhnuaOy contrrve lo calch hcM of the thorny pari of CTMtence, to run up gainst all the sharp cornets and disagree able thin gi. f atf the itrength rpent n grumbJing would often, ad trans nght. ' No one Ends the qurte he or the would Eke iL V - U - - aewt yew money matter wttan y ' re a depositee here. Year He H P4 by eMeiu Var shesk rbea returned, ; amee reselpV Ne travble abawt shs-oe, a dispute a beat Mr aieeta, a aweetlea ae to rHere year mensy baa na. ar hew ye have reeereed. Year paw Bee aatf tha etab af year sheen fcask .way. tall th.. ANQ . OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THE ' The Bant of Orcccn City ' K OLDEST CT TTII COUlfTT . m ii ii iyj sf JBfflJg u'.JH'- '-' liF,1.!1 W.J8?" D. C LATOUlUrTTB Prasldaal THE FIRST NATIONAL BANi of OREGON iHTYi , (XREGON . CAPITAL. I trana-sss a -naral Banhlnf SWeia, Commercial Club Chat J. K- Mulr. of t'snyon fit r. called at the Ttii"tlo Office on Saturday, lie Is a hultiea man of t'onyon City and Is kioking oer t"lsrksms county. Mr Mulr visited the Htonr Oil well and was well pleaded that be ptir rhised nck and sas that be Is sure the oil well will be a pyin proposl Hon. Ir A I. Heatte-bas. plated on In the leomotion tmce m ois . - a i egs bnih t tbe cll by Mrs. Lcy Kai' ot iprmswier i -- are atMit tsice the sue oi an w dlnary rfi ' . L ik. of Ke.ll.nd. died sl lb. j Promotion Office on UturU list bus on ubibltlon some orchard grass j taken from one of his meadows ' Mr Funk Is oue of tbe most iv, farmers of the county ud - HI i k. an tmmirtaiit oari In the Hard-1 lug (Irsnge rsfilbtt at the CUrkamas County fair. - i s s j All-rt Kertslt, of JUllftllle. Tek . bas traveled all over the Northwest! and alxi California, and safs this county bas the finest farming lands of any he has visited. He la Interest ed in wheat lands In ulou county In Washington. s e Fred ItaiiKbertv. of Molalla, former superintendent of the Poultry Depart ment of tbe t'lackatuaa County fair, and a prominent breeder., of fancy llarred Plymouth Krk rhlrVens, ssys that the wheat and oats look fine In' his section; but the apple crop la al most 4 failure. , C. T. llosard. of Mulino. bas a greenhouse. In which he gross to raatos. cucutnlers and muskmellotis. lie Is one of the prominent rltUena of the county and Is well known from his alliance with the' Socialist party. ' s . A r Ve. maasaa.a caller at proniottuti otfue lie bos a nursery and supplies trees for tbe commercial orchards. Me hss confi dence In tbe fruit business, snd ssys those that take care of tbelr trees will be sell repaid UFE DEVOTED TO HUNT FOR HOTHI (Continued from Page 1.) maiden name to Unafe her or her people. e declared upon leaving Oregon City that he sou Id devote tbe remainder of his life to trying lo find t'e- ar If ahe Is dead, to learn ing wbo she was and ll .tie 4.t rela tives living. 1171 Received For Dog Licenses.- M. D. Mtourette, city treasurer, has received 1171 for dog licenses. .The fee for a male dog's license Is 1. and a female It Licenses- for 17 male dogs snd 15 female dons have m-en granted. BUNGALOWS are the popular style in home architecture. I specialize on designing and building bung, lows thaYare convenient in arrangement, homelike in ap pearance. At Moderate Cost If you are thinking of build ing call and aee me, or phone for an engagement. Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR A BUILDIR Ninth and Main treats. Phone Pac-Maln 1292. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor.- Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Bta. SEATTLE PORTLAND Jun 26, 27, 28, 29, 10, July 1, 2. Came' Begin Washdays at I . m. eundays, 2:30 P. M. LADIEt' DAY FRIDAY. Doys U'dei It Free to Bleachers .dneaday. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. (iroduote Nurses Pac 2243 Home D-298 No Guessworl; r. J. MSTCX, Ca. PRICE OF HEW My DROPS AU10ST KU MARKET QUOTATIONS 0KCUNI FROM FpUR TO TWO AND HALF CINTt. Tbr saa a big drop In (be ixnati market SatuNsy. The quotallous m 1 . ... . , . i UT V uuiib iiiFiii 1 rffnii UUUK v . . I i i i J wr, iinnw i n urn iiiriiii iiuri viia g4, which Is responsible Tir tW ,,l nrlce Mtrsaherrles .L "rd.r at II a crate.. j The wJ trade Is unseriled mi result .f the deelslon of Congresa It cut the tariff on wool ta hslf. Home of the best wool In the cutnv try is shown In the Willamette fills.1 and no account of the scarcity af tal ; quality, buyers are slltl rslher vtfer' operstors at former run prices Mills have been la the fiel4 re cently. In the Kaa! the Wind trade Is agali showing a fair oearee or streogtn. al though there are periods of denrss- sion. Quotartan. ve ejreflea City. lOTATOK8 Heat, :.0, oo4 i:S; cotrmon. J. During, carlosi select. I2l; ordinary, II new s taloes are. selling al I I SC. FLOUR AND FtCEO Flour b steady, selling from IS lo II JO; very little of cheaper grades. Feed I higher snd rising slowly. Bran brtogi O TH-1 iHiytng Gray, :t to U, hite. from m to 117.. MTTER ( Buying! Ordinary rcuntry brings from lie to roc, fancy dairy from 20c to Jlf. crsr ry flc to t5c. ECllrt ttiuymgi Are rsngltg front loo to sic. according to grade. 1'OL'LTUY llluylng "Firm I'h JH tie good slock offered. Good heaa ars. bringing I Sc. Old roostrs are ta pois dmaad, brtdlers bring from 20c to. tit with good demand. WOOL (nnr.i,gi "ool prices n ranging from 13c to lie. MOHAIR llluylng Prices oa mo hair bsve been way up, noma havlof brought as h'gh aa 3c locally. Quo tations are 37V,c and demand la atrom from 2l 60 to 127 60. shorts 2f to 134, rolled barley 31.60 to 133 33. process barley 133, whole corn fit to 3L cracked cut 3J to IJ3. -Wheat J1 to 33. HAT (Baying.) Timothy 111 to 117; clover to 110; oat hay, best, 112; tntied. f 10 to $13: alfalfa. 111 to 114 HIDK8 (Buying Oreen hides, 6c lo 6c; salters, me to He; dry hides, 13c to Ho. Sbtep pelts. J6c to 7S each. r niiTPti rsrtTaiM.i rf mrm firm tr .-rem M to lOo oa apples aai prunes, frscna- are 1M. SALT Belling tx. .ftOc for fine. 60 lb. sack, balf ground tte, r& for lOo lb. sacka Portland Vsgetabla Markets. BACK VEGETABLES Carrots, 1 1 J'. 01160 per sack; paranlpo, II 2J fill SO: turnips. 11.310 11.10: beets, II o VEflKTABUSs Asparaaua, trOctJ 11.76 per erste; esbbage, new, 3 per hundredweight: cauliflower, l.0'y 11.76 per dorsn; celery, California. Tic l0c per dinten; cucumbers, ILSOTJ 11.26 per doxen: eggplant. 16c per lb.; fsrllr. lucOlSe per pound: lettuce, Mic per doien; hoihouat lettuce, $160 fill per box; peas, kOUc pet pctind; peppers, 30eOSe per pound; radishes, 16c per dosen; rhubarb. 2Vfl ff3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes, 2IJ.26. , , POTATOtSS Oregon, Jobbing pries, 12 60 per hundred; niw potatoes. 7a C7VtC per pound. ONIONS Jobbing prioee; Oregon I2.7S per loo; Australian, 13.60 per I00i Tenaa, 3 25 per crate; f'l,'r' nla, $3 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotations. IIOOH lloga are quoted He lower. From 126 lbs. to ISO lbs. 914, from io ids. to z'mj ins. mo. VEAL CALVC3 Vsl calves orlni from e to toe according to grade BEEF 8TEER3 leel afeers for tha local markets art fetching I Vic to IHc live eeight. 8HEKP Ai urui s( c 10 Is Ut weight . BACON, LAK! and HAM. are firm WANTED Too to Tsaow that tha En terprise Job printing department U the moat complete la the State, outside Portland. Try It Tot your et printing ' Buy a Home While Paying Rent 100 down -and $12 a month takes this comfortable ali-room house and lot. House la wired for electricity. Lot 62ilo feet. Some fruit on place. Well lo cated on Madison 8L f fA A snap at yaavJ E. P. Elliott cr.d Sen 7th and Mala fits., by fiuspen loo Bridge, . ISO.fffrS fIV Open fraas A. M. t 1 1 ; I if i